April 21, 2013
April 21, 2013
The Parish Community of Our Lady of Refuge R.C. Church 2020 Foster Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11210 Phone: (718) 434-2090 Fax: (718) 859-7411 www.olrbrooklyn.org www.Facebook.com/olrbrooklyn Bienvenue ˜ Welcome ˜ Bienvenidos Parish Vision Statement TO GROW IN HOLINESS, TO WORSHIP GOD, AND TO SERVE THE WORLD. PARA CRECER EN SANTIDAD, PARA ALABAR A DIOS Y SERVIR AL MUNDO POU-N GRANDI NAN SENTETE, POU-N BAY BONDYE GLWA E SEVI TOUT MOUN Pastoral Staff MASSES ˜ MISAS ˜ MESSES Pastor: Rev. Michael A. Perry Parochial Vicars: Fr. Rony Mendes Bus. Administrator/Stewardship Coord.: Ms. Judy Agard Parish Musician: Glenn Balck Daily in the Chapel Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday - 9:00AM Wednesday, Friday - 7:00AM First Friday - 7:00AM & 9:00AM Office Hours ˜ Horas de Oficina Heure de Bureau Monday to Friday: 9:00AM - 12:00 Noon; 1:00PM - 9:00PM Saturday: 9:00AM - 7:00PM; Sunday: 9:00AM - 2:00PM Weekend in the Church Saturday: Sunday: Domingo: Dimanche: Religious Education Classes Coordinator: Jennifer Baptiste Children: Sundays - 2 Sessions (1) 8:45AM - 11:00AM or (2) 10:15AM - 12:30PM RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) For adults (18 years of age and older English – Saturday 3:30 – 4:50pm Spanish – Sunday after Spanish Mass Kreyol – as needed Eucharistic Adoration Tuesday to Saturday after morning Mass in the y Chapel until 12:00 Noon. First Fridays after Mass in the Chapel until 10:00PM with Benediction. Parish Membership Our Parish Family invites all of its members to participate fully in our spiritual and social life. Every family moving into the Parish is requested to register at the rectory. Letters of recommendation can be written for registered members. If you move to another parish, or change your address or phone number, please notify us. 5:00PM English 7:00AM & 11:30AM English 8:30AM Español 1:30PM Haïtienne Kreyol Mass is celebrated at the Ditmas Park Care Center (Nursing Home) on the first and third Fridays of each month at 10:30AM. Baptism Bautismo Bapteme Call the rectory..........Informacion en la casa parroquial. Information au presbytere Confessions Saturday, Samedi, Sabado 4:00PM or by appointment Marriage Matrimonio Marriage Call 6 months in advance...Llame 6 meses antes de la fecha. Appelez 6 mois a l’avance. Log on to www.pre-cana.org for marriage preparation details. Ministry to the Sick The Eucharist can be brought to the elderly and those temporarily or permanently homebound. Please call the rectory. This Parish is Clustered with the Following Churches Holy Cross ~ Holy Innocents ~ St. Vincent Ferrer ~ St. Therese of Lisieux ~ St. Catherine of Genoa ~ St. Jerome Notary Public On Staff OUR LADY OF REFUGE – FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER – APRIL 21ST, 2013 cÉÑx YÜtÇv|á [tuxÅâá ctÑtÅA St. Thérèse of Lisieux Academy A Catholic School Committed to Academic Excellence 4410 Avenue D Brooklyn, NY 11203 Phone: (718) 629-9330 Fax: (718) 629-6854 Website: www.scgstl.org FIRST READING Acts of the Apostles 13:14, 43-52 (51C) Paul and Barnabas traveled to Antioch where they entered the synagogue to teach. Some Jews became their followers while others expelled them from the town. “So they shook the dust from their feet” and went on to Iconium. SECOND READING Revelation 7:9, 14b-17 The author of Revelation had a vision of a large crowd of people from every nation and race, dressed in white robes and holding palm branches, standing before the Lamb. GOSPEL READING John 10:27-30 “My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life….No one can take them out of my hand. My father…is greater than all….The father and I are one.” * IMPORTANT INFO * Our Lady of Refuge Food Pantry distributes food packages to needy families on Wednesdays from 9:30AM to 1:00PM. Identification is required. Parishioners are encouraged to give donations of Cash, perishable and non perishable food items and clean plastic shopping bags to support the program. Please call or stop by the Rectory office if you would like to donate. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS meet in our rectory basement on Tuesdays (English) at 6:00PM and Saturdays (English) at 5:30PM. Mondays & Wednesdays (in Spanish) at 6:00PM. ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE-ESL in the school on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:00pm-9:00pm. During the regular school year. GED PREPARATION & Basic Skills are held Monday to Friday in the rectory basement (entrance on East 21st Street, door B) from 9:00AM during each school semester. Registration is necessary. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS meet in the Rectory basement every Sunday at 1:00PM in Spanish and 5:30PM in English. PARISH REGISTRATION All parishioners are encouraged to register and to use their offering envelopes as a sign of commitment. If you are not registered we cannot issue testimonial letters in connection with sponsorship for the sacraments of Baptism, and Confirmation. We can give character references for positions, schools etc. only to those who have been registered for at least three months. Please register at the rectory office if you are new to the parish. Please also inform us of any change of address. 1 - 404 OUR LADY OF REFUGE – FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER – APRIL 21ST, 2013 Rosette Box, Bernadette Jerome, Laconic Marceline, Beverly Banyan, Rose Donor, Elba Nunez, Rosanna Clermont, Grace Patricia, Dominick Viscardi, Rita Montes, Ernest Franklin, Evelyne Velez, Manuel Velez, Raymond Rodriguez, Marie Edmee Fenelon, Joseph Philippe, Tasha Sanon, Fritz Galette, Lena Cardinez, Fermine Reid, Jean Bernard Letang, Norma Allenyne, Rose Cesar, Carmelo Montes, Darilyne, M. Griffne, Karoline Picano, Daniel Lynch, Dennis George, Mariabelle Carla Gousse, Chloe Page, Sergio Padilla, Marie A. Emile, Ismay Brown, Altagrace Excellent, Stella Discardi, Rosa Waldron, Amanda J.. COMMUNAUTE HAITIENNE HEURES DE REUNION Le Groupe “la Ste Famille” se reunit chaque Dimanche après la messe Haitienne de 3 heure jusqu’a 5 h du soir. RECTORY BASEMENT Le Groupe Charismatique se reunit chaque Jeudi de 7 heure du soir jusqu’a 9:30pm. Nous vous invitons a venir louer et prier avec nous. La Legion de Marie se reunit chaque Samedi à la Chapelle de 4heure a 5:30pm. Nous avons besoin de nouveaux membres. Nous vous invitons à venir faire route avec Maman Marie. Le Groupe Cell se reunit chaque Mercredi à la Chapelle de 7:30 du soir jusqu’a 9:30pm. LEGION OF MARY PRAYER GROUP Do you want support in your spiritual life trusting Jesus through Mary? Come, pray and share with us every Thursday 7:00-8:00 pm in the chapel. Our Lady of Refuge now provides Online Giving, a convenient and safe way to take your Weekly Donations. Getting started is easy, just visit our website: www.olrbrooklyn.org , and click our Online Giving link. When you participate, your gift will be securely transferred directly into the Parish Bank Account. And you won’t have to remember to write a check or stop by the ATM on Sundays! TEA PARTY/CHINESE AUCTION & CRAZY HAT COMPETITION SAVE THE DATE!!!!!!!!!!!! We will be having our Second Tea Party /Chinese Auction & Crazy Hat Competition on Saturday, April 27 at 3:00PM in the school hall. You will be served delicious sandwiches, cakes and pastries while you bid for a wide variety of household and personal items in the Chinese auction. We ask that each one attending wear a crazy hat of their own design in order to participate in the competition. There will be two cash prizes and a "surprise" third prize. Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for children up to 10 years old. All monies raised will go toward the church's maintenance fund. Wednesday Night English Prayer Meeting Everyone is invited to join us on Wednesday evenings at 7:30PM in the School Hall. Join us for prayers, worship, bible readings, sharing and intercessory prayers. If you would like information regarding the Religious Education Program, please pick up a flyer in the back of the church or you can see Ms. Baptiste on the 4th floor of the school on Sundays during class hours. English Community Fellowship Will be meeting on April 28th, 2013 after the 11:30am English Mass in the School Hall. 2 - 404 OUR LADY OF REFUGE – FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER – APRIL 21ST, 2013 RINCON HISPANO Cursillistas: se reúnen todos los martes a las 7:30PM en la Capilla. Para más información comunicarse con Noemí Guerra (718)737-1041 Sight & Sound Theater Lancaster County, PA “NOAH” Círculo de Oración: se reúnen todos los viernes a las 7:30PM. Te invitamos que vengas a alabar y glorificar al Señor. Para más información comunicarse con Héctor Cruz. Sagrado Corazón: se reúnen cada primer domingo de mes después de la misa hispana. Favor comunicarse con Margoth Sánchez. Si eres mayor de edad 18 años, y no estas bautizados, comunión o confirmación llama a la oficina de la parroquia y se te dará la información necesaria para que puedas hacer tus sacramentos. Las clases son en español. Les pedimos a los feligreses que no están registrados en la Parroquia que por favor se registren en la oficina. Jóvenes de Valor: se reúnen todos los lunes a las Date: July 6th, 2013 Time: 7am 1087 Ocean Ave. (In front of the church) Tickets: Adults: $130 Youth(13-17): $90 Kids(3-12): $75 Everything included: bus ride, breakfast in the bus, stop at Vanity Fair Shopping Center, Show & Dinner. Easy payment plan 1ST: At the time of registration 2nd: April 29, 2013 and 3rd: May 15, 2013 For more information call: Claire Marie Sejour (646)427-3780 or Lucette Momplaisir (646)626-2721 Preasidium Notre Dame De Refuge 7:30PM en la campilla. Si usted necesita el estado de cuenta para llenar las planillas, por favor llame a la oficina de la rectoría y para los que lo han pedido deben buscarlos en la oficina de la rectoría. • El sábado 27 de abril tendremos una subasta de enseres electrodomésticos, objetos se estarán subastando a precios razonables. En esta subasta, la persona que diseñe el sombrero mas creativo “loco” puede ganar un premio. También habrá un menú de refrigerios, dulces y panes, escucharemos la música de “Steel Pan”. • El domingo 5 de mayo es el cuarto año de la Feria de Salud en nuestra parroquia. Desde las 10am a 5pm. Todos los servicios son gratuitos (Examen de mamografía se harán por citas solamente-para hacer una cita llame al 1-877-628-9090 o puede registrarse en la oficina de la rectoría). En la parte de atrás de la iglesia puede tomar un panfleto para más detalles. • Nuestra Parroquia esta en Facebook. Jóvenes y adultos que les gusta navegar en la red social, busquen en Factbook a nuestra parroquia www.facebook.com/olrbrooklyn y dale Like. • Los boletos para el viaje a el teatro Sight & Sound el sábado 8 de junio para ver la obra de teatro de NOE están a la venta: Adultos: $130. Jóvenes menores de 13 años: $90. Para más información hablar con Nidia Rivera en la parte del Coro. Le Charisme et l’esprit de la Légion de Marie Du Mercredi 1 Mai Au Vendredi 3 Mai 2013 à partir de 7pm À L’église Notre Dame Du Refuge 2020 Foster Ave Entre Foster Ave et Ocean Ave. Pour toutes informations appelez: (718)434-2090 Venez tous en foule!!! 3 - 404 OUR LADY OF REFUGE – FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER – APRIL 21ST, 2013 OUR LADY OF REFUGE CHURCH 4th ANNUAL Saturday – April 20th , 2013 5:00pm – Memorial Mass. Sunday – April 21st, 2013 7:00am – In thanksgiving to all saints as requested by Marnise. Sunday, May 5th, 2013 10am-5pm 8:30am – All Parishioners. – Colomba Ramirez (dec) as requested by Constantina Flores. – Julian Garcia (dec) as requested by Agustina & Aurelia. 11:30am – Marie Margareth Cherilus (dec) as requested by her daughter Yanick Sohan. 1:30pm – Fanel Derougemont (dec) as requested by his mother Carmelita. – Bernanie Jeanty (dec) as requested by Lucette Momplaisir. FREE SERVICES Blood Pressure, Diabetes & Cholesterol Screening, Cardiologist/EKG Screening, Mental Health Screening, Prostate & Colon Cancer Awareness, AIDS/HIV Counseling, Dental Screening, Eyes Exams, Podiatrist, Bone Density screening, Smoking Cessation/COPD/Asthma Information, Child/Adolescent Prevention, Home Care Information, Medicare & Medicaid Information… ********************************** – In thanksgiving to Our Lady of Refuge as requested by Yolene Joachin. Tuesday – April 23rd 9:00am – Special intentions for Shirley Paulson. Wednesday – April 24th 7:00am – In thanksgiving to God as requested by Genise Sulme. Thursday – April 25th 9:00am – In thanksgiving to God as requested by Clesterne Chery. Friday – April 26th 7:00am – In thanksgiving to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus as requested by Jeanne Brice. Saturday – April 27th 9:00am – John Russo (dec) as requested by Donna Russo & family. Mass Attendance 04-14-2013 Mass 5:00 PM 7:00 AM 8:30 AM 11:30 AM 1:30PM Adults 99 78 216 230 102 Children 7 9 61 24 49 TOTAL 106 82 277 254 251 THANK YOU FOR YOUR STEWARDSHIP OFFERING ON SUNDAY April 14th, 2013 $8,212.48 Early detection of breast cancer can save lives! NO-COST DIGITAL MAMMOGRAMS & CLINICAL BREAST EXAMS Look for the mobile CARE CLINIC at Our Lady of Refuge Church 1087 Ocean Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11210 Sunday, May 5th, 2013 10am to 4:30pm An appointment is necessary Call 1-877-628-9090 A Note from Bishop Caggiano “Many thanks for the opportunity to participate in the Easter Vigil at Our Lady of Refuge. What a Great Spiritual Experience! It was a great gift to be part of such a faith filled and inspired prayer. Best wishes for a blessed happy and joyful Easter season.” 4 - 404 ALMAC HARDWARE FRANK J. BARONE INC. FUNERAL HOME Low Cost We Ship Worldwide Your Neighborhood 718-629-2047 Funeral Director 4502 AVE. 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