universidad de costa rica facultad de ingeniería instituto de
universidad de costa rica facultad de ingeniería instituto de
UNIVERSIDAD DE COSTA RICA FACULTAD DE INGENIERÍA INSTITUTO DE INVESTIGACIONES EN INGENIERÍA ESCUELA INGENIERÍA ELÉCTRICA INFORME FINAL CIMIS. not SISTEMAS DE INFORMACIÓN DISTRIBUIDOS PARA MANUFACTURA INTEGRADA POR COMPUTADORA No. 731-93-583 Ing. Ismael Mazón González INII-116-96 UNIVERSIDAD DE COSTA RICA FACULTAD DE INGENIERÍA INSTITUTO DE INVESTIGACIONES EN INGENIERÍA ESCUELA INGENIERÍA ELÉCTRICA INFORME FINAL CIMIS. net SISTEMAS DE INFORMACIÓN DISTRIBUIDOS PARA MANUFACTURA INTEGRADA POR COMPUTADORA No. 731-93-583 Ing. Ismael Mazón González INII-116-96 Final technical report CIMIS.net project The following is a resume of the main results, for the costarrican group, of our participation in the project Computer Integrated Manufacturing System network. New University of Lisbon (UNL): 1.- The M.Sc. student Freddy Rojas was during two weeks at Lisbon working in dynamic persistence and actives images. Next in EC-IA 93 Workshop, done in Lisbon in November 1993, present a paper jointly with UNL: "Dynamic Persistence and Active Images for Manufacturing Systems". This paper was published too in the Journal of Studies in Informatics and Control. Yol. 3, Nos 2-3, pag. r O 173-183. 2.- The President of the Techological and Scientific National Counsel from Costa Rica, Ing. Alfredo Vargas, was in the EC-LA workshop 1993, discussing in the panel of industrial cooperation universities-enterprises. He proposed some ideas to increase the local capacity to make jointly research between universityindustry. 3.-With the cooperation work with UNL we obtain the following indirect benefits: a.- We have obtain a lot information of the differents activities made by the group of intelligent robotics: *System integration *Expert Systems and Discrete Control Systems. ^Laboratories organization. *Links with the industry trough UNINOVA. b.- The great experience of Dr. Camarinha in the organization and direction of this kind of projects was very successful for us, mainly: *The several ways to organize the groups. *The several activities necessary to organize the session work. *The effort and persistence in all the work. 4.- We are partner of a BVCO project; Beyond Supply Chain Management (SCM+), that begging April 1,1996. The first meeting was in Costa Rica. In this project our group particípate with the local enterprise Dos Pinos, a food industry in the milk field. 5.- We have won a great experience in the evaluation of papers to the Conferences BASYS'95 and BASYS'96. Pofithecnic University of Madrid (UPM): 1.- At the beginning of me project we interchange information in me following topics: a- ISO 10303, ISO 10303-11 and ISO 10303-31 standarda. b.- A lot information of me differents resulta and courses of me Intelligent Control Systems group. Mainly in fiízzy logic, neural networks, genetic algorithnia, control based in rules and intelligent supervisión. All mis topics are now included in our master of science programa. c.- We have receive the basic information to aend students of Costa Rica to UPM,tostudyPhd. 2.- Professors from UPM tough two summer courses in Costa Rica: a- Simulation Technics in Control Engineering Prof: Agustín Jiménez, Ismael Mazon. N° students: 16. Lectíve hours: 24 Dates: April 25 to April 29,1995. b.- Intelligent Control of Industrial Procesa. Prof: Ramón Galán, Ismael Mazon. N°students: 31 Lectíve hours: 20 Date: September 4 to September 8,1995. In mis courses we had me local support of: * Costarrican Engineers College * Costa Rican Electricity Institute * Cooperative of Milk Producers, Dos Pinos. * University of Costa Rica 3.- Prof Agustín Jiménez gaye a conference of two honra at me Costarrican Engüieer College, in April 27,1995. 4.- Prof Ismael Mazon visit UPM from June 24 to June 30, 1996. During mis week we discuss severa! topics related with Neural Networks and its applicatíon to intelligent control and supervisión. We discuss me main applications of UPM in this fíeld, the state of me art and possible cooperativo activities. We discusa me requirementa to atabliah a jointiy Phd program between our univeraitiea. Each partner will search aome budget to continué with mía idea Tne authoríties ofboih inatitutions are agree with me idea and have would put aome initial budget We will continué with mis effort. We had begin an interchange of information in the field of intelligent supervisión. Mainly on tíieir experíences in industrial applications. Universtty of Amsterdam: We made the following activitiea: 1.- Joint publications: SL- Inlhe proceedinga of BASYS'95: G.Loria)I.MazQnTF.Rojas, H.Afsarmanesh, M. Wiedijk¿,.O.Hertzberger Supportíng the information management of control actívtties in a CIM shop floor «rvironment. Balanced Automation Systems: Architectures and design methods. Chapman and Hall, pag.253-264 (1995). b.- In the proceedings of BASYS'96: M.Wiedijk,H.AfBarmanesh>LMazonJF.Roja8APw-«z- Information Management for Intettigent Supervisión of Hybrid Process Control Balanced Automation Systems u:frnplementationchallenger for anthropocentric manufacturing. Chapman and Hall. Pag. 115-125. (1996). c. - In me Journal Studies in informática and control: Control TnfomatJon Management in A Balanced Antomated System. Journal Studies in Informatics an Control, Vol.5, No.2. Informatics and Control Publications.Romania(1996), 2.- A costarrican student has been accepted to continué PhD atadles in the University of Amsterdam. Actually he ía searching the Residen! Visa and complementary budget Federal University of Santa Catarina: Luis Rapso fínished the Magister program in november 1994. Actually he works at Mechanical Eng. School in me robotic field. We have stabliah some experíences interchange in the área of molding, CAD/CAM and Internet Communications interchange. Individual publicatíons of costanican group: I write here only (he paper or position papers related wim ClMIS.net project: LMazon, F.Rojas, G.Loría, E. Navas. Sistema d« información distribuida para mannfactura integrada por computadora. Revista Ingeniería, Vol 3, No. 2. Editoria Universidad de Costa Rica San José, Costa Rica (1993). I.Mazo^G.Loria, F.Rojas.Informatíon Modeffing Requiranents for the Integration of Díscrete and Continuous Process in CIM:Alarms Systems. DI CIMIS.net Workshop. Distributed Information Systems for CIM. Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina (1994). I. Mazon. Inteüigent Supervisión Systems for Distributed Control in Shop Floor. Theoretical Problema on Manufacmring Systems Design and Control. Pre-Proceedings of the Workshop 1996. Lisbon, Portugal (posición paper). (i 996). F. Rojas. Multitasking, Real Time Library System based on PC to make engmeering appücations (SLMTR). First meeting CMIS.net project. San José, Costa Rica (1993). New research áreas in Costa Rica as conseqnence of tbis project: - Discrete and continuóos systems integration. - Intelligent supervisión systems. - Development of applications based in multiagent systems. - A better scope in me application of intelligent control algorimms (fuzzy control, neural networks, genetic algorimms, rules based control). - Extended/virtual enterprises. - Manufacturing systems modeling: Petri-networks. Persons from Costa Rica mvolved in dVDS.net project: All this objetive were reached in the C3MIS.net project Best regards. Prof Ismael Mazón O. Catedrático. Electrical Eng. School. UCR ce: Prof José J. Chacón, Decano, Facultad de Ingeniería Prof Flor Ma Mufioz, Directora, INH. Prof. José M. Páez, Director, Esc. de Ing. Eléctrica