México DF a 05 de Septiembre del 2016 TÍTLE: Historical
México DF a 05 de Septiembre del 2016 TÍTLE: Historical
México D.F. a 05 de Septiembre del 2016 TÍTLE: Historical development of metallurgical processing sites in Mineral de Pozos, Guanajuato, México. De Arq. Andrea Monroy Braham RESUMEN: Mining is an economic activity, reflecting in many ways the characteristics of a country, not only because of the proceeds from its deposits, also includes the interest of an era for staying ahead, and investment of foreign capital, that open the door to a technological and cultural syncretism that will be reflected in the nearest mining haciendas from the colonial era context 1. Mexico is a privileged country in mineral deposits, especially in the state of Guanajuato 2, where its mineral constitution generated a rich vein system 3, which generated human settlements that have interesting, worthy conformations to enhance and promote; example of this is the population of Mineral de Pozos 4, population with high burden of mining historical value, and the potential for recovery projects. The town has several mines along with farms producing minerals (Hacienda Cinco Señores, Hacienda Santa Brigida, among others) which form a path within extensions of the population. Benefit Hacienda of Santa Brigida, was an axis and important part of the evolution of mining within this community by reading many technologies and spaces that conform with unique architectural forms, which remain implicit in the ruins that give character to this site. [1] In México there are many things that depend directly on this economic activity, giving rise to these cities. [2] Canudas, Sandoval, Enrique. Las venas de plata en la historia de México: Síntesis de Historia Económica Siglo XIX. México: Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, Editorial Utopía, 2005. Pp 162-163. [3] Inside the high mexican mountain ranges "mineral veins", the minerals were infiltrated forming through some cracks in the earth´s crust. Ibídem pp146-147. [4] Mineral de Pozos es una localidad en el Estado de Guanajuato, con coordenadas: latitud 21°21´00”N, longitud 100°14´00”W.