HemophiliAction - Hemophilia Foundation of Southern California
HemophiliAction - Hemophilia Foundation of Southern California
HemophiliAction A publication of the Hemophilia Foundation of Southern California Volume 7 • Issue 2 • Summer 2012 What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. Smiles are but trifles, to be sure; but scattered along life’s pathway, the good they do is inconceivable. - Joseph Addison Hemophilia Foundation of Southern California 6720 Melrose Avenue Hollywood,CA 90038 Tel: 323-525-0440 Fax: 323-525-0445 [email protected] www.hemosocal.org HemophiliAction HemophiliAction Executively Speaking is published quarterly by: The Hemophilia Foundation of Southern California DISCLAIMERS The Hemophilia Foundation of Southern California (HFSC) does not endorse any particular pharmaceutical manufacturer or home care company. PLEASE NOTE: The companies whose advertisements are listed herein have purchased this space, and are NEVER provided with members’ names, addresses or any other personal details. Paid advertisements should not be interpreted as a recommendation from HFSC, nor do we accept responsibility for the accuracy of any claims made by paid advertisements. Since we do not engage in the practice of medicine, we always recommend that you consult a physician before pursuing any course of treatment.Information and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the HFSC, or of its editorial staff. Material printed in this publication may be reprinted with express prior written permission from the Executive Director. Board of Directors Greg Mermilliod, President Tamara Kato, V.P. Board Development Jorge Catedral, Advocacy Chair Michael Franzen, Members: Treasurer Richard Metz Doris Quon, MD, Giovanny Pernudi Medical Representative Judy Mangione, Secretary Staff Linda Corrente, Executive Director Charles J Cook, Social Worker Andressa Rogers, Office Assistant Helena Smith, Office Manager Grace Yi, Office Assistant Special Thanks Tamara Kato, Proofreader Angie Yanez, Spanish Translation Linda Corrente, Editor Mark Elias, Art Director Hemophilia Foundation of Southern California 6720 Melrose Ave. Hollywood, CA 90038 Summer Sizzles As We Cook Up Fun and Fabulous Events Summer break, remember when you could take a break from your schedule. A time to relax, go fishing, swimming, and reading a good book. For some this may only be a childhood memory and for us at the Foundation office we are cooking up a jammed packed schedule of events and programs for you to pick and choose what fits into your busy lives. Today many organizations and companies such as your pharmaceutical company, your home care company and your hospital and Hemophilia Treatment Center are providing educational programs and events for you to attend. Are you overwhelmed with programs and events to attend or would you like more? We would like to hear from you and what you may need. We may not be able to do everything for everyone, however we do need to hear from you and plan for programs that meet your needs. The Foundation flagship programing is summer camp, family information day, educational scholarships, emergency assistance, and support and connections to families in the bleeding disorder community. The two big events still to come are the family weekend retreat in September and the Hemophilia Walk on October 27. So plan to join us to meet and mingle with members of the bleeding disorder community. 2 HemophiliAction Linda welcomes Sokhet Yen and Soeang Leang to the Education Day at the Autry Musuem So as the summer sizzles, enjoy your time with family and friends. May you all have an endless summer. Sincerely, Tel: (323) 525-0440 Toll Free: (in CA only)(800) 371-4123 Fax: (323) 525-0445 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.hemosocal.org Linda Corrente welcomes Cowgirls and Cowboys at the Autry Musuem Linda Corrente Executive Director Hablando Ejécutivamente El Verano Quema mientras Cocinamos Diversión y Eventos Fabulosos Descanso de Verano, recuerda cuando podíamos descansar del horario. Un periodo de relajación, ir a pescar, nadar, leer y terminar un buen libro. Esto es solamente una memoria de niñez y para nosotros en la Oficina de la Fundación estamos cocinando un horario lleno de eventos y programas para que usted pueda escoger, que quepan en sus vidas ocupadas. Hoy muchas organizaciones y compañías tales como compañías farmacéuticas, su compañía de cuidado en casa y su hospital o Centro de Tratamiento de Hemofilia están proporcionando eventos educacionales para que usted participe. Se siente inundado de eventos o programas o ¿quiere más? Queremos escuchar lo que usted piensa y lo que necesita. No podremos hacer todo para todos, sin embargo, necesitamos escuchar de usted y planear programas que satisfacen sus necesidades. Las metas de programas de la Fundación es el campamento de verano, día de información familiar, becas educativas, asistencia de emergencia, y apoyo y conexiones a familias en la comunidad con enfermedades sanguíneas. Los dos eventos que todavía vienen será el retiro familiar en septiembre y la caminata de Hemofilia octubre 27. Así que haga planes en reunirse y convivir con nosotros y miembros de la comunidad con enfermedades sanguíneas. Así que mientras el verano quema, disfrute el tiempo con Keith Lehmann, Aida and Catherine Leone honored at the Mark and Philip Leone Memorial Golf and Tennis Classic familia y amigos. Esperamos que ustedes tengan un verano interminable. Sinceramente, Linda Corrente Executive Director Hemophilia Care at Home • Local Pharmacies • Nationwide Services • Hemophilia-Trained Nurses and Staff • Patient Support 24/7 For comprehensive services Call: 866-436-4376 or Fax: 888-688-3593 En Español: 800-456-1923 WalgreensHomeCare.com/bleedingdisorders HemophiliAction 3 Cowboys and Cowgirls Gathered for Educational Hoedown The elegant Autry National Center was the place to be as we hosted another triumphant Family Information Day on May 19, 2012. It was a gorgeous day to saddle up and take in the latest scoop on hemophilia related topics including insurance, advocacy and much more. Linda Corrente, Hemophilia Foundation Southern California’s (HFSC) Executive Director, started the hoedown welcoming the cowgirls and cowboys along with guest speakers and Rodeo Mega Title sponsors, Novo Nordisk and Baxter. While the kids gathered with The Painted Turtle volunteers for some fun, their parents attended informational panels lead by guest speakers. Dr. Doris Quon, from Orthopaedic Hospital, moderated the Doctor’s Panel with other hemophilia specialists including Dr. Nadia Ewing, City of Hope; Dr. Carol Kasper, USC; and Dr. Lance Sieger, Harbor/ UCLA Medical Center. Jonathan VanderBrug, Advocacy Consultant for Hemophilia Federation of America and HFSC Board Member, Jorge Catedral, guided the advocacy panel that followed the Doctor’s Panel. At lunch time participants delighted themselves with gourmet sandwiches and cookies and visited sponsors’ booths with interactive educational topics covering travel with hemophilia, exercise and nutrition and school. Booth sponsors included 340B Outpatient Factor Programs of Southern California, Baxter, Bayer Healthcare, Biogen Idec Hemophilia, BioRX, Brothers Healthcare, Caremark Therapeutic Services, Coram We’re You with Coram’s Hemophilia Services Pharmacy and nursing services Educational support for bleeding disorder patients Spanish language services 888.699.7440 | coramhemophilia.com 4 HemophiliAction Hemophilia Health Services, CSL Behring, Curascritp, Factor Support Network Pharmacy, Grifols Therapeutics, Guided Alliance Healthcare, HF Healthcare, Homecare for the Cure, Kedrion, Novo Nordisk, Octapharma, Orthopaedic Hospital, Premier Hemophilia Care, Quality Home Infusion, TnD Cornerstone, Crescent Healthcare – Walgreens and Pfizer. Baxter and Novo Nordisk also participated as Rodeo Mega Sponsors, CSL Behring as Wild Wild West Lunch Sponsor and Bayer Healthcare and Grifols as Bronco Sponsors. The HSFC Family Information Day Roundup concluded with a panel on insurance updates and more lead by HFSC Social Worker, CJ Cook. Judy Mangione, HFSC Board of Directors, and Karen Wyatt-Coleman, Helpline Youth Counseling Inc., participated in the panel sharing their experience as parents of hemophilia kids. While Cathy Buranahirun, CHLA; Silvia Vega, CHLA; and Lisa Pullens, City of Hope, brought in their expertise in the hemophilia field to the panel. Family Information Day provides families with a day of full training, medical updates, product seminars, workshops, and peer support groups specially geared towards meeting the current needs of the hemophilia community. The Hemophilia Foundation of Southern California is committed to aiding those we serve in educating themselves so they will be empowered to make informed decisions regarding their medical care. Mark your calendars for 2013 Family Information Day on February 9. Vaqueros y Vaqueras de Reúnen para Evento Educativo El elegante Centro Nacional Autry fue el lugar anfitrión de otro triunfo so Día de Información Familiar en mayo 19,2012. Fue un día hermoso para prepararse y adquirir la información más actual sobre hemofilia y temas relacionados incluyendo a seguranza, advocación, y mucho más. Linda Corrente, Directora Ejecutiva de la Fundación de Hemofilia del Sur de California, empezó con la bienvenida a los todos especialmente a os presentadores y patrocinadores de Rodeo Mega, Novo Nordisk y Baxter. Mientras los niños se reunían con voluntarios de Painted Turte para mucha diversión, sus padres participaban en el panel de invitados con presentadores que incluyeron: a la Dra. Doris Quon, del hospital Ortopédico. La moderadora de Panel de doctores con especialistas en Hemofilia incluyendo a la Dra. Nadia Ewing de City of Hope; La Dra. Carol Casper, USC; y al Dr. Lance Sieger, de Harbor/UCLA Medical Center. Jonathan Vanderburg, Consultante de Advocación para la Federación de Hemofilia de América y miembro de la Junta Directiva de HFSC Jorge Catedral, guio el panel de advocación el cual siguió al panel de doctores. Therapeutics, Guided Alliance Healthcare, HF Healthcare, Homecare for the Cure, Kedrion, Novo Nordisk, Octapharma, Orthopaedic Hospital, Premier Hemophilia Care, Quality Home Infusion, TnD Cornerstone, Crescent Healthcare – Walgreens and Pfizer. Baxter and Novo Nordisk, Octapharma, Orthopedic Hospital, Premier Hemophilia Care, Quality Home Infusion, TnD Cornerstone, Crescent Healthcare – Walgreens and Pfizer. Baxter y Novo Nordisk también participaron como Patrocinadores de Rodeo Mega, CSL Behring como el patrocinador de almuerzos y Bayer Healthcare y Grifols como patrocinadores Bronco. El Día de Información Familiar de HFSC termino con el panel de seguros y actualizaciones y fue moderado por trabajador social de HFSC CJ Cook. Judy Mangione, HFSC de la Junta Directiva, y Karen Wyatt-Coleman, de la Línea de Ayuda de Jóvenes Inc. Participaron en el panel compartiendo su experiencia como padres de hijos con hemofilia. Mientras Cathy Buranahirum, Silvia Vega de CHLA, y Lisa Pullens de City of Hope, trajeron su experiencia en hemofilia al panel de presentadores. El Día de Información Familiar en proveerle a familias un día de entrenamiento complot, actualizaciones medicas, seminarios de productos, talleres, y apoyo de uno al otro, guiado a entender las necesidades actuales de la comunidad con hemofilia. La Fundación de Hemofilia de Sur de California está comprometida en ayudar a aquellos que servimos y en educarlos para que puedan tener el conocimiento para hacer decisiones informadas sobre su cuidado médico. Durante el almuerzo, los participantes disfrutaron de sándwiches y galletas y visitaron las mesas de patrocinadores con temas educativos e interactivos cubriendo como viajar con hemofilia, ejercicio y nutrición, y escuela. Patrociandores de mesas incluyerón al programa 340B del Sur de California, Baxter, Bayer Healthcare, Biogen Idec Hemofilia, BioRX, Brothers Healthcare, Caremark Therapeutic Services, Coram Hemophilia Health Services, CSL Marque su calendario para el Día de Información Familiar de Behring, Curascritp, Factor Support Network Pharmacy, Grifols 2013 en febrero 9. Dads in action Any man can be a father, but it takes a special person to be a dad HemophiliAction 5 6 HemophiliAction Moms “A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take.” -- Cardinal Mermillod Kids learning is fun! HemophiliAction 7 8 HemophiliAction HemophiliAction 9 Philip and Mark Leone 29th Memorial Golf & Tennis Classic “When someone you love becomes a memory, that memory becomes a treasure.” ~Author Unknown In that spirit, the Philip and Mark Leone 29th Memorial Golf & Tennis Classic celebrated the memories of two beloved community members and special friends when we gathered at the beautiful Braemar Country Club to swing for smiles. The clouds slowly gave way to the sun that came out to light up the hearts of the golfers and tennis players playing for a cause. The day started with a delicious early lunch on the terrace, overlooking the golf course, followed by the golf tournament. The players were greeted by the LA Lakers Girls and while golfers were working their shots, tennis players got together to practice their serve with professional tennis player, Scott Burton. The Hooters Girls and the LA Temptation Girls added even more fun to the golf course assisting with contest holes. The cocktail reception started as the afternoon approached. The fun continued with participants bidding on exciting auction items that included an Elvis Presley guitar with signature decal from Graceland, tickets to movie theaters and sports events as well as restaurant gift certificates and gourmet wines. Dinner was accompanied by live music, setting the tune for another enjoyable evening with friends and family celebrating Mark and Philip Leone. Linda Corrente opened the dinner reception by recognizing the Leones’ incessantly effort to improve the lives of the children we serve. Catherine and Aida Leone and Keith Lehmann’s devotion to our community graciously reminds us only that great things happen when we put love in everything we do. The generous support of sponsors like Catherine Leone and Keith Lehmann, Baxter Bioscience, Novo Nordisk, Tal Inc., and many others made the success of our Golf & Tennis Classic possible. The Hemophilia Foundation Southern California Golf & Tennis Classic is a yearly fundraiser event with proceeds benefiting Camp Blood Brothers & Sisters and Mark Leone Camp Fund. HFSC Tennis Classic Players 10 HemophiliAction This year’s Golf & Tennis Classic took place on June 11 at the Braemar Country Club and it was made possible by the generous donations of our sponsors as well as the support of Golf and Tennis Committee and volunteers. Our sincere THANK YOU to all of our sponsors and supporters Because of you we continue improving children’s lives…..1 shot at a time! Title Sponsors: Baxter BioScience, Catherine Leone & Keith Lehmann Birdie Sponsor: Novo Nordisk Lunch Sponsor: Tal Inc. Player Package Sponsor: CSL Behring Margarita Hole Sponsor: Factor Support Network Tee Sponsors: Baxter BioScience, Novo Nordisk, Brothers Healthcare, Factor Support Network, Bayer Healthcare, Guided Alliance Healthcare Services, CSL Behring, Coram Hemophilia Services, JP Healthcare, Stephen Trentacoste – Trent Partners & Assoc., Biogen Idec, Octapharma, CF Marketing, The Center for Comprehensive Care & Diagnosis of Inherited Blood Disorders, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Orthopaedic Hospital, City of Hope National Medical Center, Miller Children’s Hospital, Long Beach. Foursome Sponsors: Baxter Bioscience, Bayer Healthcare, Brothers Healthcare, Caremark Therapeutic Services, Novo Nordisk, CSL Behring, Richard Metz, MD, Biogen Idec, Pfizer, Guided Alliance Healthcare Services, Quality Home Infusion Goody Bag & Auction Donors Golf & Tennis Committee: Robert Friedman, Golf Chair; Dan Goodwin, Golf Chair; Roland Neill, Auction Chair; Clem Adkins, Tennis Chair; Antonio Rosas, Bernard Glynn, Karen Arrieta, Jim Hinton, Brian Taylor, Lauren Klein. We also want to thank all of the volunteers and Factor Support Network for their donation in memory of John Marcum. Wagner Lemus, Gilbert Ursulo, Jim Brenes Philip y Mark Leone Torneo Clasico de Golf y Tenis 29 “Cuando alguien que tu amas se convierte en una memoria, esa memoria es un Tesoro.” ~Autor Desconocido Es ese espíritu a Philip y Mark Leone Torneo Clásico de Golf y Tenis 29, celebro los recuerdos de dos miembros apreciados de la comunidad cuando nos reunimos en el hermosos Braemar Country Club para darle a la pelota por más sonrisas. Las nubes despaciosamente presentaron el sol y iluminaros los corazones de jugadores de golf y de tenis jugando por una gran causa. El día empezó con un almuerzo delicioso en la terraza, viendo el campo de golf, seguido por el torneo de golf. Los jugadores fueron bienvenidos por las LA Lakers Girls y mientras los jugadores de golf practicaban, los jugadores de tenis jugaban juntos para practicar con jugador profesional, Scott Burton. La Hooter Girls y LA Temptation Girls añadieron aun mas diversión al campo de golf ayudando durante el evento. La recepción de cocteles empezó mientras la tarde llegaba. La diversión continuaba con participantes en la subasta la cual incluyo una guitarra de Elvis Presley con la firma de Graceland, tiquetes a cine, eventos deportivos y tarjetas de restaurantes vinos finos. La cena fue acompañada por música en vivo, con un sonido preparando una noche disfrutable con amigos, celebrando a Mark y Philip Leone. Linda Corrente empezó la recepción de cena al reconocer los esfuerzos imparables de la pareja Leones, en mejorar las vidas de los niños que sirven. La devoción de Catherine y Aida Leone y Keith Lehmann en nuestra comunidad, no recuerda que solo cosas buenas pueden pasar cuando hacemos todo con amor. El apoyo generoso de patrocinadores como Catherine Leone Y Keith Lehmann, Baxter Bioscience, Novo Nordisk, Tal Inc. y muchos más hizo el evento un éxito y el Torneo de Golf y Tenis posible. La Fundación de Hemofilia del Sur de California Clasico de Golf y Tenis es un evento anual para recolectar fondos con los Larry Mangione, Tim Streck, JT White, Cameron White resultados beneficiando al Campamento Blood Brothers and Sisters y Mark Leone Fondo del Campamento. El Torneo de Golf y tenis de este ano tomo lugar en junio 11 en el Braemar Country Club y fue hecho posible por las donaciones generosas de nuestros patrocinadores y también el apoyo del comité y los voluntarios de Comité de Golf y Tenis. Nuestro sinceros AGRADECIMIENTO a todos los patrocinadores y apoyantes. Por ustedes podemos continuar mejorando las vidas de los niños….1 piquete a la vez! Patrocinador de Titulo: Baxter BioScience, Catherine Leone & Keith Lehmann Patrocinador Birdie : Novo Nordisk Patrocinador de Almuerzo: Tal Inc. Patrocinador de Paquete de Jugador: CSL Behring Patrocinador de Hoyo de Margarita: Factor Support Network Patrocinador de Tee: Baxter BioScience, Novo Nordisk, Brothers Healthcare, Factor Support Network, Bayer Healthcare, Guided Alliance Healthcare Services, CSL Behring, Coram Hemophilia Services, JP Healthcare, Stephen Trentacoste – Trent Partners & Assoc., Biogen Idec, Octapharma, CF Marketing, The Center for Comprehensive Care & Diagnosis of Inherited Blood Disorders, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Orthopaedic Hospital, City of Hope National Medical Center, Miller Children’s Hospital, Long Beach. Patrocinador de Equipo: Baxter Bioscience, Bayer Healthcare, Brothers Healthcare, Caremark Therapeutic Services, Novo Nordisk, CSL Behring, Richard Metz, MD, Biogen Idec, Pfizer, Guided Alliance Healthcare Services, Quality Home Infusion Voluntarios Donantes de Artículos de Bolsas y Subasta: Comité de Golf & Tenis: Robert Friedman, Golf Chair; Dan Goodwin, Golf Chair; Roland Neill, Auction Chair; Clem Adkins, Tennis Chair; Bernard Glynn, Karen Arrieta, Jim Hinton, Brian Taylor, Lauren Klein. También queremos agradecerle a Factor Support Network por su donación en conmemoración de John Marcum. Tony Arrieta, Karen Arrieta, Ken Kokubun, Lee Worthy HemophiliAction 11 Golf (continued) Dr. Michael Chaikin, Dr. Richard Protzel, Dr. Richard Metz, Dr. Meldon Levy Larry Hammerness, M. Bailey, Robin Colle, Dave Colle, Raymond Lok John Lee, Jeremy Lawson, Garry Chan, Brian Taylor Marcus Evio, Corey Parker, Joe Pugliese, Mark Evio Scott Carthey, Kevin Shaughnessy, Joel Hesgard Pat Mckeown, George Martin, Edmund Merino, David Paup 12 HemophiliAction Golf (continued) Tim McFadden, Greg Ware, Tim McFadden Jr., Doug Rauh Hugo Estrada, Phil Montano, Donovan Wallace, Alex Estrada Robert Friedman, Jeff Griffin, Steve Michelson, Matthew Habermehl Graham Brearley, Matt LeClair, Jaime Morales, Kevin Westbrook Mark Tevis, Dan Goodwin, Aerick Brown, Matt Bogust Linda thanks the Lakers Girls HemophiliAction 13 Dealing with Stress in a Healthy Manner Stress is all around us everyday: traffic, work, new school, project due at work. Having a bleeding disorder or being the parent of a child with a bleeding disorder also can add additional stress to your everyday life as well. This very stress may be affecting your health even if you do not realize it. We are all different and unique and the way we react to stress is as unique as each of us. Some react to stress or a particular stressor through outbursts of anger, pain, smoking, overeating or negative conversations with others about the stress or stressors in your life. Some withdraw and ignore the stressor and move on without dealing with the issue at hand in a healthy manner. Some recommendations made by the Mayo Clinic are to exercise and eat healthier. Learn to balance stress with relaxation which requires you to come up with your own relaxation techniques, things that fit into your busy schedule and lifestyle. Face life head on with a positive outlook, laugh at yourself when the time is right or just laugh in general. Also ask for help from friends or support groups you have created over the years rather than doing it all yourself. Finally, learn how to say no to things that you simply do not have enough time to accomplish. In the past several years in working with adults with high pace and high stress jobs I have recommended what is referred to as a self recovery plan. The plan only requires a 3x5 card, a pen and what makes you happy and less stressed. On the 3x5 card write down what you feel is your get away, your stress releaser, the activity that you can use to bring yourself back to normal after a bad day at work, a tough infusion or a bleed that is causing you worry. An example of a self recovery plan after a difficult infusion would be to take a long walk with my child in the park, or after a tough day at work I will ride my bike alone before dinner. Some might like to work out at a local gym or read a book for 30 minutes. During this time you are not allowed to think of the stressors in your life, only happy thoughts and enjoying the moment. Keep that 3x5 card in your pocket as a reminder to take care of yourself when you feel that stress is getting the best of you. Commit to following your self recovery plan when you feel you need that break. According to the Mayo Clinic it is as equally important for the bleeding disorder patient and parents to learn how to reduce and cope with stress. Parents can model healthy nutrition, good sleep habits, exercise and most importantly model how to cope in a healthy manner with stress. If you as a parent react to stress in a negative manner, i.e. verbal anger outbursts, your child will learn that behavior and react in a similar manner. Another important piece to handling stress is seeking professional help to assist in dealing with stress before it leads to depression, headaches, upset stomach, sleep issues, fatigue and irritability. As always you can contact the Hemophilia Foundation’s office for support or referrals. CJ Cook MBA HFSC Social Worker Lidiar con el Estrés en una Forma Saludable Estrés esta alrededor todos los días: congestión, trabajo, nueva escuela, proyectos para entregar en el trabajo. Tener una enfermedad sanguínea o ser madre o padre de un hijo con una enfermedad sanguínea también puede añadir estrés adicional a la vida de todos los días. Este estrés puede afectar su salud aunque no se de cuenta. Todos somos diferentes y únicos en la forma que reaccionamos al estrés, el cual es único a cada persona. Algunos reaccionan al estrés o a una situación en particular, unos sienten rabia, dolor, unos fuman, comen de mas, o tienen conversaciones negativas con otros, y si es como enfrentan el estrés en sus vidas. Algunos se aíslan o ignoran las situaciones estresantes y siguen sin lidiar con la situación en una forma saludable. Algunas recomendaciones hechas por el Mayo Clinic son de hacer ejercicio y comer más saludable. Aprenda a balancear el estrés con relajación las cuales requieren que usted empiece sus propias técnicas de relajación, actividades que quepan en su horario ocupado y su estilo de vida. Enfréntese a la vida con una forma 14 HemophiliAction positiva, reírse a sí mismo cuando sea apropiado o reírse simplemente en general. También busque ayuda de amigos y grupos de apoyo que usted ha creado durante los años, en vez de hacerlo completamente solo(a). Finalmente, aprenda cómo decir no a cosas que simplemente no puede tiene suficiente tiempo para completar. En el pasado, varios años trabajando con adultos en trabajos de alto estrés, he recomendado a lo que se refiere a un plan de recuperación de autoestima. El plan solamente requiere una tarjeta de 3x5, una pluma, y lo que lo (a) hace feliz y menos estresado(a). La actividad que puede usar para normalizarse después de un día estresante en el trabajo, una infusión difícil o sangrado difícil, que está causando que se preocupe. Un ejemplo del plan de recuperación de autoestima después de una infusión difícil seria tomar una caminata larga con su hijo (a) en el parque, o después de un día difícil en el trabajo, yo monto en bicicleta solo después de cenar. A algunos les gusta ir al gimnasio o leer un libro por 30 minutos. Durante este tiempo usted no se le permite pensar en la situación que le da estrés, solo pensamientos felices y disfrutar el momento. Mantenga esta tarjeta de 3x5 en su bolsillo como un recordatorio para usted cuando se sienta estresado(a). Comprométase en seguir este plan de recuperación cuando piense que necesita un descanso. Acuerdo a Mayo Clinic es igualmente importante para el paciente con la enfermedad sanguínea y sus padres en aprender a como disminuir y lidiar con estrés. Padres pueden modelar nutrición saludable, hábitos de dormir bien, y más que todo como lidiarlo en una manera saludable. Si usted como mama o papa reaccionan al estrés en una forma negativa, por ejemplo; gritar, su hijo(a) aprende el mismo comportamiento y reacciona de la misma manera. Otro punto importante es de manejar el estrés y buscar ayuda profesional para ayudarle en lidiar con el estrés antes de que llegue a la depresión, dolores de cabeza, malestar estomacal, problemas durmiendo, fatiga e irritabilidad. Como siempre comuníquese con su Centro de Tratamiento de Hemofilia para verificar opciones de referencia. CJ Cook MBA HFSC Trabajador A NY TI ME, A NYW HERE: Keep your Factor on Track! The first FREE, customizable mobile app designed to help you track and record your hemophilia A Factor VIII infusions: If you’re on a prophylaxis regimen, the app reminds you when to infuse.* If you infuse on-demand, use the app to record your bleeds and infusions. LEARN MORE ABOUT DOWNLOADING FACTORTRACK AT LivingWithHemophilia.com/FactorTrack *Please note that an internet connection is required to receive infusion reminders. This app is not intended to offer or replace professional medical advice. Speak to your nurse or physician if you have any health concerns. You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit www.fda.gov/medwatch or call 1-800-FDA-1088. © 2012 Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals Inc. All rights reserved. BAYER, the Bayer Cross and Living with Hemophilia are registered trademarks of Bayer. Living Fit! A Joint Effort and FactorTrack are trademarks of Bayer. iPhone and iPod touch are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. KN10001211 HemophiliAction 15 Southern California Hemophilia Walk Southern California Hemophilia Walk Participate in the Parade of Walkers at the Rose Bowl Stadium Make a Difference for the Southern California Bleeding Disorders Community Register to Walk and Start Fundraising Now! Hemophilia Walk, Saturday, October 27, The Rose Bowl Stadium, 1001 Rose Bowl Drive Pasadena, CA 91103 The Hemophilia Foundation of Southern California has had amazingly successful walks in the past 3 years, thanks to our sponsors, teams, individual fundraisers and volunteers. We never could reach our goals without you! Join us this year for an even better walk!!! We already have 95 participants and 25 teams registered and 4 local sponsors secured. It is never too early to start fundraising! Every dollar you raise puts us a step closer to finding a cure. Make a difference for our Southern California community by registering today! Our Big Thanks to Our: Top Individual Fundraisers: 1. Matti Vann 2. Cindy Horvath 3. Sheri Schneider 4. Shauna Criner 5. Mickey Price Top Teams: 1. Kedrion Biopharma 2. Coram Hemophilia Services 3. GaGa for Greyson 4. Love for Lucas 5. Team Shimasaki Local Sponsors: Bronze Sponsors – Guided Alliance Healthcare Services, CSL Behring Supporter Sponsors – Coram Hemophilia Services, Kedrion Caminata Del Sur De California Caminata del Sur de California Participe en el Grupo de Caminantes en el Estadio del RoseBowl Haga una gran diferencia en la Comunidad con Enfermedades Sanguíneas del Sur de California. Regístrese para Caminar y empiece a recolectar fondos Ahora! Caminata de Hemofilia, sábado, octubre 27, el Estadio de RoseBowl, 1001 Rose Bowl Drive Pasadena CA 91103 La Fundación de Hemofilia del Sur de California ha tenido caminatas muy exitosas en los últimos 3 años, gracias a nuestros patrocinadores, equipos, individuos recolectando fondos y voluntarios. !No podríamos llegar a nuestra meta sin Usted! ! !Únase este año para una caminata aun mejor!!! Ya tenemos 95 participantes y 25 equipos registrados y cuatro patrocinadores locales asegurados. Nunca es muy tarde para empezar a recolectar fondos! Cada dólar recolectado nos pone más cerca al encontrar la cura. !Haga una gran diferencia para el Sur de California al registrarse hoy! Nuestros Agradecimientos A: Individuos Que Han Recolectado mas Fondos: 1. Matti Vann 2. Cindy Horvath 3. Sheri Schneider 4. Shauna Criner 5. Mickey Price Hemophilia Walk Finish Line Grupos que han Recolectado mas Fondos: 1. Kedrion Biopharma 2. Coram Hemophilia Services 3. GaGa for Greyson 4. Love for Lucas 5. Team Shimasaki Patrocinadores Locales: Patrocinadores de Bronze – Guided Alliance Healthcare Services, CSL Behring Apoyantes – Coram Hemophilia Services, Kedrion 16 HemophiliAction HemophiliAction 17 Community Members Participate at Staples Center Events June and July were busy months for some of our community members as they got up close and personal with X Games athletes, enjoyed an exciting soccer match and saw the Sparks players in action. We gathered an energetic group of kids to get a behind-thescenes look at the X Games LA, where the best action sport athletes in the world compete on the sport’s largest stage. Their day was filled with unique and exciting experiences that will sure leave a lasting impression. On July 5th some community members had the chance to see the Sparks beat the Lynx, an intense matchup between the top teams in the Western Conference. Still in July, four lucky soccer aficionados watched as Chivas USA played host to the Vancouver Whitecaps at the Home Depot Center. But even with our community members cheering the players the match ended in scoreless draw. Thanks to the STAPLES Center Foundation and Chivas USA for their generosity so our families can experience some summer fun. Nichole Haro, Fatima Alcantara, Kelly Cerrato, Ashley Fuentes, Alexis Ortega, Erick Fuentes, Fabian Alcantara, Anthony Ortega, Fernando Alcantara, Alexis Fuentes at the X Games Miembros de la Comunidad Participan en Evento del Staples Center Junio y Julio fueron meses muy ocupados para algunos de los miembros de nuestra comunidad ya que se acercaron a los atletas de los X Games, disfrutaron un juego de futbol y pudieron ver a equipo Sparks en acción. Reunimos un grupo energético de niños y una mirada cercana a los X Games de Los Angeles, donde los mejores atletas de acción compiten en una de las pistas más grandes. Su día estuvo lleno de experiencias únicas y divertidas que dejaran una gran impresión en los niños. 18 HemophiliAction En julio 5 algunos miembros de la comunidad tuvieron la oportunidad de ver al equipo Sparks ganarle a los Lynx, un juego intenso entre dos equipos de la Conferencia del Este. Todavía en julio, cuatro aficionados de futbol vieron a Chivas USA jugar contra Vancouver Whitecaps en el Home Depot Center. Pero aun con miembros apoyando a los jugadores el juego termino sin goles. Gracias ala Fundación del STAPLES Center y Chivas USA por su generosidad para que nuestras familias pudieran tener esta experiencia durante el verano. 2012 In Memory & In Honor of Donor Recognition Reconocimiento de Donanes 2012 Donations listed are from –January - June In Memory Nick, Bobbie & Phil Green Gerry Green Osvaldo Figueroa Bertha Portillo Richard Katz Judy & William Metscher Ruth J Wolf Philip Leone Matthew Cilderman Mary Chasse Steven Delpidio David & Diane Landrum Lauren Lehmann Patricia Lehmann Dia Rosselo Tal, Incorporated Todd W. Pittman Wilmer & Judith Pitman Mark & Philip Leone 29th Memorial Golf and Tennis Tournament Edward L. Allum Scott Caswell David Hoag Edward Kemp Patricia Lehmann Aida Leone Catherine Leone & Keith Lehmann Helen Lewis John A. Mancina C F Marketing Ed Meenan Tim Ottinger Pinnacle Sales Michael A. Sajecki Cardinal Sales Tal, Incorporated Alan Taylor Rosemary Thomas Stephen Trentacoste Laura Yocom Blaine R Scott Calvin R. Scott In Honor of Loren Redmond Patricia Carter For information about our factor products for hemophilia, von Willebrand disease, and other rare bleeding disorders, or to learn about our innovative patient programs, please call or email: 18 Years Servicing & Supporting The Bleeding Disorders Community “The Factor Support Network Approach” Pursuing positive health outcomes through professional, personalized and efficient medication management. Brian Taylor Manager Coagulation Products, Southern California [email protected] 858-525-3490 mobile 858-408-3566 fax Making a difference today ~ for your future! CONTACT Client Services Representatives in Your Area Randy DeSantis 805-402-5952 www.CSLBehring.com [email protected] * Edmund Merino 909-709-1083 [email protected] * English & Spanish Speaking Toll Free: 877-376-4968 www.FactorSupport.com HemophiliAction 19 Friends of the Foundation Fundraising in the Community We are very blessed to have great friends! Friends that believe in us and help us become what we are capable of being. Friends like Elva Tarin who spearheaded a fundraising campaign at the Resurrection Catholic School in Los Angeles, during the month of March. The students participated with such engagement, donating over $1,500. in pennies nickels, quarters and bills on behalf of our foundation. Michael Kachoeff is another true friend who wants to make a difference. Michael’s restaurant, a quaint little place in Whittier called The 6740, is celebrating its15th year anniversary and is donating 15% of their net sales for 15 days to 15 organizations, including ours. Our day will be July 20 and we’re hoping it will be one of the busiest days they have ever had! Andressa Rogers thanks Thabata Tarin, Samantha Tarin, Elva Tarin for their donation Amigos y Amigas de la Fundación Recolectando Fondos en la Comunidad. !Estamos bendecidos de tener a grandes amigos y amigas! Amigos y Amigas que creen en ayudarnos en ser lo que podemos ser. Amigas como Elva Tarin quien tuvo una campana para recolectar fondos en la Escuela Católica Resurrección de Los Ángeles, durante el mes de marzo. El estudiante participa en tal, donando $1,500 en pennies, nickles, quarters y efectivo directamente a la Fundación. Michael Kachoeff también es otro verdadero amigo quien quiere hacer una gran diferencia. El restaurante de Michael es un lugarcito en Whittier llamado The 6740, y el está celebrando su aniversario 15 con una donación de 15% de sus ventas por 15 días a 15 organizaciones, incluyendo la nuestra. !Nuestro día será el 20 de Julio y esperamos que sea uno de los días más ocupados que ellos han tenido! SAVE THE DATE!!! CSL Behring & Factor Support Network are hosting a Women’s Educational Weekend in BEAUTIFUL Santa Barbara California Oct. 5th - 6th, 2012 - Location to be announced soon! This program is for ladies 11 years of age and above, affected with von Willebrand Disease (vWD), hemophilia, carriers of hemophilia and mom’s and/or caregivers of those with vWD or hemophilia. JOIN US For an exciting weekend, make lifelong friendships, share your stories and ideas, RELAX and enjoy some good food. CONTACT RANDY DESANTIS - (805) 402-5952 For more information or to RSVP SPACE IS LIMITED!!!! 20 HemophiliAction 340B Outpatient Factor Programs proudly offer: Hematologists on-call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for your family’s peace of mind All brands of factor in a wide selection of assays An extensive list of ancillary products - plus, we never bill you or your insurance company for infusion supplies, specialty needles, port supplies, or wraps Attentive and knowledgeable Customer Service Representatives Pre-paid and mailable sharps containers at no cost to you Reimbursement Expertise with local and national payers Cost-effective payer contracts to keep factor expense as low as possible Shipments to your home or your choice of location Coordination of at-home nursing services Healthcare-specific interpreters available in over 180 different languages All proceeds go to specialized clinical care, training, and the essential services the HTCs provide to you and your family! at Home If you are interested in having a 340B Program provide your factor and supplies or if you would like additional information, please call 877-246-9520 Hablamos su idioma. Si desea mas información, por favor llame. HemophiliAction 21 Michigan Researchers Create Stem Cell Lines for Hemophilia B Investigators from the University of Michigan (U-M) in Ann Arbor have created six new embryonic stem cell lines for USbased research. Two of the new lines carry the genetic mutation linked to hemophilia B, the first of its kind. Stem cells are unspecialized cells that can renew themselves for prolonged periods. They can also develop into many different cell types, making them a potentially renewable source of replacement cells that could be used in the future to treat many conditions. The creation of such stem cell lines will open the door to an enhanced understanding of the origin and progression of congenital disorders, and hopefully to new therapies based on those findings. U-M, which has been creating stem cells for more than three years and is a leader in the field, now has eight lines available for federally funded researchers nationwide. Access to embryonic stem cells was first made possible in Michigan in November 2008 when voters approved a state constitutional amendment allowing researchers to generate new lines from unused embryos donated by fertility clinics. Instead of discarding the embryos, which in some instances carry the genes responsible for inherited disorders, scientists now have a new approach for advancing research. The amendment also led to a partnership between U-M’s Consortium for Stem Cell Therapies (CSCT) and Detroit-based Genesis Genetics, leading global provider of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) testing, which identifies days-old embryos carrying disease-causing genetic mutations. The partnership offers patients the option of donating embryos that test positive for a genetic disorder to the CSCT. In addition to hemophilia B, U-M now has lines available to study a number of conditions such as Huntington’s disease, a fatal brain disorder, and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a heart condition associated with sudden death in athletes and others. “Our last three years of work have really begun to pay off, paving the way for scientists worldwide to make novel discoveries that will benefit human health in the near future,” said Gary Smith, PhD, who derived the lines. He is co-director of CSCT. Source: The Detroit News, June 14, 2012 Investigadores en Michigan Crean una Línea de Células Madre para Hemofilia B Investigadores de la Universidad de Michigan (U-M) en Ann Arbor han creado seis líneas celulares de embrión para investigación basado en Los E. U. Dos de las nuevas líneas cargan la mutación genética relacionada con hemofilia B, el primero de su tipo. Estas células no son especializadas que se puedan renovar por periodos prolongados. También pueden desarrollarse en otros tipos de células haciéndose potencialmente un recurso renovable para el reemplazo de células que se pueden usar en el futro para tratar otras condiciones. La creación de tal línea madre abre las puertas a un entendimiento del origen y progreso de enfermedades congéniales, y puede que a otras terapias basadas en esa información. U-M,la cual ha creado células madre por más de tres anos en el líder en esta industria, y ahora tiene ocho líneas disponibles para recursos fundados federalmente nacionalmente. Acceso a células de embriones fue posible primero en Michigan en noviembre del 2008 cuando los votantes aprobaron una enmienda estatal constitucional permitiendo a investigadores a generar líneas de embriones no usados, y donados por clínicas de fertilidad. En vez de tirar los embriones, los cuales en unos casos cargaban los genes responsables por enfermedades heredadas, ahora los científicos tienen una nueva opción para avanzar la investigación. 22 HemophiliAction La enmienda también llevo a una unión entre U-M del Consorcio para Terapias de Células Madre (CSCT) y la compañía basada en Detroit-Genesis Genetics, como líder mundial en la proporción de diagnósticos de pre-implantación (PGD), el cual identifica embriones de días los cuales cargan mutaciones de enfermedades cuando mutaciones genéticas. El acuerdo les ofrece a pacientes una opción de donar los embriones que salen positivos con enfermedades genéticas a CSCT. Adicionalmente a la Hemofilia B. U-M ahora tiene líneas disponibles para estudiar una variedad de condiciones tales como Huntington’s Disease, una enfermedad fatal del cerebro, y miocardiopatía hipertrófico, una condición del corazón asociada con la muerte de repente de muchos deportistas y otros. “Nuestros tres años pasados de trabajo empezaron a dar resultados, formando una vía para científicos mundialmente para hacer descubrimientos los cuales beneficiaran a la salud humana en el futuro cercano,” dijo Gary Smith, PhD, quien derivo las líneas. El es co-director de CSCT. Recurso: The Detroit News, Junio 14, 2012 Jennifer and Donovan Guerrero, a mom and son meeting the challenges of an inhibitor Share what you know and change what is possible We learn from those who have been there before. That’s why Novo Nordisk created The Changing Possibilities Coalition. Whether you are dealing with a new diagnosis or have faced the challenges of hemophilia for years, you can share your experiences and insights to help others live a better life. Start by joining The Coalition today at JointheCPcoalition.com. Changing Possibilities in Hemophilia® Novo Nordisk Inc., 100 College Road West, Princeton, New Jersey 08540 U.S.A. Facebook® is a registered trademark of Facebook, Inc. Changing Possibilities in Hemophilia® is a registered trademark owned by Novo Nordisk Health Care AG. © 2011 Novo Nordisk Printed in the U.S.A. 0311-00001987-1 April 2011 ¿Qué usted puede recibir de nosotros? What can you expect from us? We are here 24 hours a day, 365 a year. Hemophilia doesn’t take a break and neither do we. We provide personalized services to match your family’s unique needs. We have reimbursement specialists that track, navigate, and handle all your insurances issues; one less thing for you to worry about. We coordinate nursing services that come to you, on your schedule. We offer all factor brands with supplies delivered on time to your doorstep. We are community advocates, educators, volunteers, and your child’s mentor. (877) 276-4248 | www.brothershealthcare.com Estamos aquí las 24 horas al día, 365 días al año. Hemofilia no toma descanso, nosotros tampoco. Nosotros proveemos un servicio personalizado y único para la necesidad especial de cada familia. Tenemos especialistas de rembolso que se encargan de navegar, lidiar, y aclarecer todos los problemas y compilación de la seguranza medica; otra área en donde no tiene que preocuparse. Nosotros coordinamos los servicios de enfermera(o), en la cual lo visitarán cuando usted este disponible. Ofrecemos todo tipos de factor con todas las herramientas medicinales que necesite, directamente entregado a usted, en sus manos, y en su casa. Somos abogados por nuestra comunidad, educadores, voluntarios, y hasta un consejero para su hijo(a). (877) 276-4248 | www.brothershealthcare.com HemophiliAction 23 Hemophilia Foundation of Southern California NONPROFIT US POSTAGE PAID OAKLAND CA PERMIT NO.3729 A Non-Profit Charity Dedicated to Serving the Needs of the Bleeding Disorders Community. Hemophilia Foundation of Southern California 6720 Melrose Avenue Hollywood, CA 90038 Tel: (323) 525-0440 Fax: (323) 525-0445 [email protected] www.hemosocal.org Hemophilia Foundation of Southern California 2012 Calendar of Events July 30 – August 4 August 13 September 21-23 October 27 November 8-10 TBD TBD Camp Blood Brothers & Sisters - Lake Hughes, CA LAUSD Nurse Outreach & Training Family Retreat - Malibu, CA *community only* Hemophilia Walk, The Rose Bowl Stadium NHF Annual Convention, Orlando Florida Christmas Party – Toy Giveaway Inland Empire, Los Angeles, Northern California & Orange County Regional Events 2013 Calendar of Events February 9 Family Information Day, Skirball Center February 27 – March 1 Washington Days – Washington DC, Crystal City Marriott May 13 - 15 Future Leaders Day – Sacramento, CA May 15 Legislative Day – Sacramento, CA October 3 – 5 NHF Annual Convention, Anaheim, CA July 29 – August 3 Camp Blood Brothers & Sisters, Camp Painted Turtle • Dates & locations are subject to change www.hemosocal.org Telephone: (323) 525-0440 Fax: (323) 525-0445 Calendario de la Fundación de Hemofilia del Sur de California Calendario de Eventos 2012 Julio 30 – Agosto 4 Agosto 13 Septiembre 21-23 Octubre 27 Noviembre 8-10 Sera Determinado Sera Determinado Campamento Blood Brothers & Sisters - Lake Hughes, CA LAUSD Entrenamiento para Enfermeras Retiro Familiar - Malibu, CA *comunidad solamente* Caminata de Hemofilia, Estadio The Rose Bowl Convención Anual de NHF, Orlando Florida Fiestas Navideñas – Entrega de Juguetes Inland Empire, Los Angeles, Northern California & Orange Eventos Regionales Calendario de Eventos 2013 24 HemophiliAction Febrero 9 Día de Información Familiar, Skirball Center Febrero 27 – Marzo 1 Días de Washington – Washington DC, Crystal City Marriott Mayo 13 - 15 Día de Lideres del Futuro – Sacramento, CA Mayo 15 Día Legislativo – Sacramento, CA Octubre 3 – 5 Convención Anual de NHF, Anaheim, CA Julio 29 – Agosto 3 Campamento Blood Brothers & Sisters, Camp Painted Turtle • *Fechas y lugares pueden cambiar- (SD- Sera Determinado) www.hemosocal.org Teléfono: (323) 525-0440 Fax: (323) 525-0445