EAST TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY MIGRANT STUDENT LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE STUDENT APPLICATION FORM The Migrant Student Leadership Conference is a one week residential campus program during the week of July 28th - August 2nd, 2014. Please type or print in black ink. Provide detailed responses in the spaces provided below. If additional space is needed, please limit it to one page. Please complete ALL sections entirely. If not applicable, enter N/A. Name: First Middle Last Migrant ID #: Preferred Name: Country of Origin: Date of Birth M( ) F( ) Month/Day/Year Permanent Address: County_ City Mobile Phone: Phone: State Zip Code Email:_ Name of High School: Grade entering in fall 2014: Graduation Date:_ ( ) 8th ( ) 10th ( ) 9th ( ) 11th T-Shirt Size (circle one) S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL ( ) 12th Do you prefer vegetarian meals? Yes or No Did you take a computer class in school? Yes Or No Please list ANY: Allergies Medications Health Conditions Special Needs ****************************************************************************************************** Parent/Guardian Permission and Contact Information By signing below I state that I understand the Migrant Student Leadership Conference and give my permission for my child, to participate in this program. Print Student’s Name Here I understand that Institute staff, which could include ETSU staff and students, may drive my child to and from activities conducted as part of this program. Parent/Guardian’s Name (print): Parent/Guardian’s Signature: Date:_ Parent/Guardian’s Phone Number: ( ) - Other Emergency Contact Work number: Revised 4-1-14 OR ( ) Relationship to student Cell number: Email address: Authorization Medical Waiver If any emergency occurs, I authorize staff members to take all proper action and use the emergency services available at the nearest hospital, if necessary. In the case of an extreme emergency; I authorize emergency personnel to take proper action. I understand that under no circumstances will East Tennessee State University, the Migrant Student Leadership Conference, or the agents or employees of either be in any way responsible for the costs of any such medical treatment. ’s participation in the Migrant In and for consideration of Student Leadership Conference, I hereby release and hold harmless East Tennessee State University, its affiliates, subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees and agents from any and all liability arising out of his/her participation in the Migrant Student Leadership Conference between July 28th to August 2nd, 2014 except for liability for personal injury or illness covered solely by the proven gross negligence or willful misconduct of East Tennessee State University, its employees or agents. This waiver of liability expressly includes transportation to and from, or in connection with, said event. I agree as shown by my signature below. Photo Release Waiver I attest that I am the parent or guardian of the minor named above and have the legal authority to execute this release, giving East Tennessee State University, its assigns, licensees, and legal representatives the irrevocable right to use my child’s name, picture or photograph in all forms of media and all manners, including composite representation, for advertising, trade, or any other lawful purposes, and I waive any right to inspect or approve the finished product, including written copy, that may be created in connection therewith. I agree as shown by my signature below. SIGNED WITNESS ADDRESS ADDRESS DATE Revised 4-1-14 Acknowledgement of Notice of Privacy Practices Reconocimiento del Aviso de las Practicas de la Privacidad I have been given the opportunity to review the ETSU Notice of Privacy Practices and understand that the Notice indicates how my protected health information may be used and disclosed and how I gain access to this information. I have also been given the opportunity to receive a copy of the ETSU Notice of Privacy .Practices for the further review. By signing below, I agree to the above-mentioned statement. Se me ha dado la oportunidad de repasar el Aviso de las Prácticas de la Privacidad de ETSU y entiendo que el aviso indica cómo se puede usar y revelar mi información médica protegida, y cómo yo puedo tener acceso a dicha información. También, se me ha dado la oportunidad de recibir una copia del Aviso de las Prácticas de la Privacidad de ETSU para mantener para el futuro. Al firmar abajo, jura que la declaración arriba es cierta. Patient or Guardian's Printed Name Nombre Escrito del Paciente o del Custodio Patient or Guardian's Signature Firma del Paciente o del Custodio (If Guardian, relationship to patient) (Si es el Custodio, cuál es la relación con el paciente?) Date Fecha Practice Representative's Printed Name Nombre Escrito del Representante de la Práctica Practice Representative's Signature Firma del Representante de la Práctica Patient's Printed Name Nombre Escrito del Paciente Patient's Signature Firma del Paciente Patient's Date of Birth Fecha de Nacimiento del Paciente Mountain City .extended Hours Johnson City Community Downtown Clinic Health Center Hancock County School-Based Health Clinic PATIENT DEMOGRAPHIC SHEET PATIENT INFORMATION Informacion del paciente Last Name ------------,First Name --------------,Middle Initial Apellido Paterno Address Nombre --------- ---- - _ Inicial del segundo nombre, si hay ----- ------------------------------ Dirección (Numero de casa, nombre de calle, numero de departamento o lote) City ------------------'State.---------------- Zip-----Ciudad Estado SSN Codigo postal Sex: [ ]Female Date of Birth _ _ _ / _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ Número de seguro social (si hay) Sexo Fecha de nacimiento (mes/día/año) Home Phone ------------Numero de teléfono de la casa Marital Status soltero/a casado/a [ ] Active [ ] Reserve [ ] Veteran [ ] Retired [ Estado de servicio militario: ] None Employment Status: reservas [ ]Male Masculino 0 Single 0 Married 0 Widowed 0 Divorced Estado civil Military Status: activo Femenino veterano jubilado viudo/a divorciado/a Race /Ethnicity _ raza/etnicidad ninguno [ ] Part-time [ ] Full-time [ ] Unemployed Language Spoken Condici6n actual de empleo: medio tiempo _ tiempo completo sin empleo Employer:. /___ Employer Empleador (Nombre de patrón/ empresa donde trabaja) Idioma que Ud. habla Phone:-:-----=------------ Número de teléfono de su empleador Who is responsible for this bill?___________________ Relationship to patient:. Quién es responsable de pagar esta cuenta? Cuál es la relación al paciente (esposo, padre, etc)? Highest Education level: [ ] Less than high school Highest grade completed: .---- Nivel de educación: Cuántos años de escuela completó Ud? no se graduó de preparatoria [ ] High school diploma [ ] Some college ] College graduate se graduó de preparatoria universidad se graduó de la Universidad unos años de Female Head of Household: _ [ ] Post graduate completó estudios post-graduados ] Yes [ ] No Es la persona responsable de su hogar una mujer? Sí No FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Solo para el personal de la oficina Homeless Status: [ ]Not homeless [ ]Street homeless [ ]Staying with friends/relatives [ ]Homeless shelter [ ]Transitional housing Farmworker Status: [ ] Not a farmworker [ ] Migrant Date Proof of Income Provided: [ ] Seasonal _ RESPONSIBLE PARTY INFORMATION (if different than patient information) Información de persona responsable de la cuenta (si es diferente de la información del paciente) Last Name --------------------First Name ----------------------Middle Initial ---------Apellido Paterno Nombre Inicial del segundo nombre, si hay Address ---- ------ --:--- ---:---- ---------:- -------------------------- Direcci6n (Numero de casa, nombre de calle, numero de departamento o tráiler) City -:----------------------State--------------------------- Zip---------- Ciudad Estado SSN Date of Birth Número de seguro social (si hay) Fecha de nacimiento (mes/día, ano) ---------------- Sex: [ ]Female Sexo Employer Home Phone --------------Numero de teléfono de la casa C6digo postal Femenino [ ]Male Masculino / _ Empleador (Nombre de patrón/ empresa donde trabaja) Total Family Income (per month) ------------Ingreso total de su hogar (por mes) Family Size------------------------------- Número de personas en su hogar que depende en este ingreso INSURANCE INFORMATION (please present all insurance information upon arrival to the clinic) Información de seguro médico (favor de presentar toda su información de seguro allegar a la clínica) [ ] No insurance [] Medicare No hay seguro médico Medicare [] Medicaid/Tenncare Medicaid/Tenncare [ ] Other (Employer/Private/Commercial) Otro (seguro del empleo/privado/comercial) Insured's Name: Nombre de persona con el seguro medico Insured's relationship to patient: [ ] Self [ ] Spouse [ ] Parent [ ] Other Relacion entre Ia persona con seguro y el paciente el mismo esposo/a Insured's Date of Birth: Insured's SS#: Fecha de nacimiento de la persona con seguro padre (specify) otro (describe) Employer: Número de seguro social Empleador AUTHORIZATION AND RELEASE I authorize the ETSU College of Nursing Health Center to examine and treat me, and/or my child, or ward I authorize the Health Center to release any and all clinical information necessary in order to submit my insurance claims to my insurance companies. I also request that my insurance companies pay benefits directly to the Health Center for services rendered. I understand that the Health Center will refund any overpayments on my account. For the purposes of health care education, I consent to observers to the examination rooms. My right to prepare advance directives (directives about what medical treatment I may want to receive if I became physicallyor mentally unable to communicate my wishes) has been explained to me. Autorizo al centro de salud del colegio de enfermería de ETSU que me examine y me trate, y/o a mi hijo o dependiente. Autorizo al centro de salud mandar toda información médica que sea necesario para procesar mi seguro médico. También pido que mi compañía de seguro médico pague los beneficios directamente al centro de salud para los servicios proveídos. Entiendo que cualquier sobrepago que existe en mi cuenta sería repagado. Para el propósito de educación, doy mi consentimiento a observadores en los cuartos de evaluación. Mi derecho de preparar directivos avanzados (directivos del tratamiento médico que quisiera recibir en caso de que se haga incapacitada de comunicar mis deseos) me ha sido explicado. Signature of patient or parent (if minor) ---------------------------------------------Firma de paciente o padre (si paciente es menor de edad) Date Fecha ------------------------------- Witness Testigo ------------------------------------------- Name: Chart#: ---------------------------------------- Allergies: -- ------ ---- _ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Que alergias tiene Ud. en general o a medicinas? Current Medications:_--:---:--------------------------------------------Que medicamentos está tomando ahora Past History/ Historia clínica Past Hospitalizations or surgeries (when and why?) Ud. ha estado en un hospital o ha tenido cirugía? Cuando y por qué? Chronic Illnesses Illnesses you have Enfermedmles Cronicas Check all that apply Comments Illnesses your family has. Comentarios Indiqué si algún pariente ha tenido la enfermedad Enfermedades que liene Ud. lndique todos que aplican a Ud. Alcoholism / alcoholismo Anemia / anemia Asthma / asma Blood Disorders / enfermedades de Ia sangre Bronchitis / bronquilis Cancer / cimcer Depression / depresi6n Diabetes (sugar) / diabetes Glaucoma, cataracts / cataratas HIV / VIH Headaches / Dolores de cabeza. jaqueca Heart Disease / Enfermedad del coraz6n Hepatitis / hepatitis High Blood Pressure / Alta presion Kidney Disease / Enfermedad de los riñones Lung disease, emphysema / enfermedad de los pulmones, enfisema Mental illness / enfermedad mental Serious Infections / infecciones severas Seizures / ataques, convulsiones, epilepsia Ulcers / ulceras Stroke / derrame cerebral Tuberculosis / tuberculosis Other / otra enfermedad Usual Weight: ..•· Usual Health and Self Care: Estado y cuidado de La Salud Tobacco Use (smoke, chew, dip? Usual amount and type) _ Fuma o usa otra forma de tabaco? Cantidad y tipo que usa? ' Peso normal ------------------ Alcohol use (usual amount and type) ----------------- Caffeine Use (usual amount and type): Toma cafeína? 'Que cantidad y tipo que toma (c-afi-::e:-. -c-oc_a_c_o-:1:-a-. -e,-c-:.)---- Toma alcohol? Que cantidad y tipo que toma. Year of last tetanus shot: _ Date of last TB test and result: Fecha de Ia última prueba de tuberculosis Ano de la última vacuna para el tétano Use on non-prescription or illegal drugs?_.,.-------------------------------------------- Usa medicamentos no recetadas o "drogas" ilegales? For men only: Do you do self-testicular exam?-------------------Last prostate exam?------------------------------Para hombres: Se examina regularmente los testículos? Fecha de último examen del próstata? For Women only: Date of last period?:-:-------- Date of last pap smear? -----,-------- Results?--,Para mujeres: Fecha de su última regla? Date of last mammogram? -Fecha de la última mamografía? Fecha de la última prueba de Papanicolaou Results?-=-----..,..:BSE? Resultado? _ resultado? Type(s) of birth control?------------------------------- Hace autoexámenes de los senos? Qué tipo de planiflcaci6nfamifiar usa Ud? Past pregnancies: Number:____________ Number of premature births_______________ Miscarriages/Abortions_________/___________ Embarazos pasados: Cuantos embarazos ha tenido? Number of living children: Cuantos hijos vivos tiene Ud?: Cuantos nacimientosprematuros? Cuantos Abortos_? _ HIPAA Authorization Form I acknowledge I have received the ETSU College of Nursing Notice of Privacy Practices. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• l authorize East Tennessee State University College of Nursing to discuss and/or release my medical information including labs and test results, diagnosis, and treatment discussed to the following persons: Name Relationship to Patient Phone Number Name Relationship to Patient Phone Number Name Relationship to Patient Phone Number ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Please circle the answer that applies below: Phone Number May we contact you at work? Yes No N/A May we leave messages at home? Yes No N/A May we leave messages with relatives at home? Yes No N/A May we call to remind you of your appointment? No N/A Yes ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Patient Name (Printed) Date Signature (Patient or Guardian - if under 18) Relationship Witness Signature Date 4/1/2014 Migrant Student Leadership Conference East Tennessee State University REGLAS Y REGLAMENTOS El presidente de la Universidad Estatal del Este de Tennessee, dirigido por el Consejo rector de la Universidad del Estado de Tennessee, ha establecido reglas para dirigir la conducta de los estudiantes en el campus. Como invitado de la universidad, se espera que Ud. cumpla a estas reglas. La lista completa está disponible a pedido. Las reglas que se imponen a todo estudiante en el campus, vienen de una lista mayor. Las siguientes acciones son prohibidas y pueden causar una acción disciplinaria, incluyendo que el estudiante sea despedido del programa: 1. Respetar al Consejero Residente y a todo el personal universitario. Cualquier conducta que ocasione un peligro serio a la salud, a la seguridad o al bien estar del personal, incluyendo cualquier abuso físico, o amenaza inmediata. 2. Cualquier conducta individual o corporal que sea abusiva, obscena, lasciva, indecente, violenta, excesivamente ruidosa, alborotada, o que desproporcionadamente disturbe a otros grupos o individuos. 3. El abuso, daño, destrucción, bandalaje, estropeo o abuso de la propiedad que pertenece al instituto incluyendo, pero no limitado a, alarma contra incendios, equipo contra incendios, elevadores, teléfonos, llaves de la institución, materiales de la biblioteca, y/o mecanismo de seguridad; y cualquier acto semejante contra un miembro o invitado de la institución. 4. Cualquier arma de fuego o arma peligrosa de todo tipo. 5. La posesión no autorizada, el incendio o la detonación de cualquier objeto, o artículo que pudiera causar daño por fuego, u otro modo, a personas o bienes raíces; o posesión de cualquier sustancia que se pudiera usar como fuegos artificiales. 6. El uso y/o la posesión de bebidas alcohólicas en la propiedad universitaria, o la propiedad controlada por la universidad. 7. La posesión ilegal o el uso de drogas o sustancias controladas (incluyendo cualquier estimulante, depresivo, narcótico, droga, sustancia alucinógena, o mariguana), venta o reparto de cualquier tipo de droga semejante o sustancia. 8. Juego (apuestas) en cualquier forma. 9. Cualquier incumplimiento de las leyes estatales o federales, o del reglamento que establece la conducta apropiada y el tipo de infracciones, cuyas leyes y reglamentos han sido incorporados en este documento. 10. Se prohíbe fumar, en todo momento, dentro de los edificios universitarios. Estoy de acuerdo y me comprometo a seguir las normas antes mencionadas Firma del estudiante ETSU MSLC 4-1-14 Migrant Student Leadership Conference East Tennessee State University RULES AND REGULATIONS The President of East Tennessee State University, as directed by the Tennessee Board of Regents, has established rules to govern the conduct of students on campus. As a guest of the University, you are expected to abide by these rules. A full list of these rules is available upon request. The rules, which apply to all students on campus, are drawn from this larger list. The following acts are forbidden and shall constitute cause for disciplinary action including dismissal from the program; 1. Respect your Resident Counselors and all Pre-University Staff. Any conduct which constitutes a serious danger to any person’s health, safety or personal well-being, including any physical abuse or immediate threat or abuse. 2. Any individual or group behavior which is abusive, obscene, lewd, indecent, violent, excessively noisy, disorderly or which unreasonably disturbs other groups or individuals. 3. Misuse of or damage or destruction, defacing, disfiguring or unauthorized use of property belonging to the institution including, but not limited to, fire alarms, fire equipment, elevators, telephones, institution keys, library materials and/or safety devices; and any such acts against a member of the institution community or a guest of the institution. 4. Any possession of or use of firearms or dangerous weapons of any kind. 5. The unauthorized possession, ignition or detonation of any object or article which would cause damage by fire or other means to persons or property or possession of any substance which could be considered to be and/or used as fireworks. 6. The use and/or possession of alcoholic beverages on university owned or controlled property. 7. The unlawful possession or use of any drug or controlled substance (including any stimulant, depressant, narcotic or hallucinogenic drug or substance, or marijuana), or sale or distribution of any such drug or controlled substance. 8. Gambling in any form. 9. Any violation of state or federal laws or regulations prescribing conduct or establishing offenses, which laws and regulations are incorporated herein by reference. 10. Smoking is prohibited at all times in university operated buildings. Smoking is permitted on university grounds and outdoor facilities. The proper disposal of all waste tobacco products is encouraged. On field trips there will be no smoking or use of other tobacco products on buses or other restricted areas. I agree to follow the above mentioned program rules Student Signature ETSU MSLC 4-1-14 ROPA PARA USAR Migrant Student Leadership Conference Aspecto Personal Se espera que los participantes de esta conferencia se vean limpios y bien arreglados, y que usen la ropa apropiada para la situación. Les ofrecemos las siguientes directivas para ayudarles a decidir qué es y no es apropiado usar mientras estén en la universidad. Camisas y blusas: Escotadas, sin espalda o camisas/blusas atrevidas no son permitidas. Los tirantes del brasier no deben verse. Camisetas rotas o sin mangas no son permitidas. Evite usar ropa, joyas, hebillas para cinturones, o atuendos que promuevan la drogadicción, el lenguaje profano, que haga referencia sexuales inadecuadas, membresía pandillera, violencia, o algo vulgar o símbolos insinuantes. Esta indumentaria no será admisible. Pantalones cortos o faldas: No se permiten pantalones súper cortos, ni minifaldas. Sombreros o gorras Los sombreros, las gorras o cualquier cubrecabezas no son permitidos de llevar en el interior del complejo durante el programa. Revised 4-1-14 Migrant Student Leadership Conference WHAT TO WEAR Personal Appearance Institute participants are expected to be neat and clean in appearance and the clothing worn is expected to be appropriate to the situation. The following guidelines are offered to you as an aid in determining what is or is not appropriate for college campus wear. Shirts and blouses: Low cut, backless, strapless or revealing shirts/blouses are NOT permitted. Bra straps should not show. No “muscle” shirts or tank tops allowed. NO clothes, jewelry, belt buckles, etc. that tend to promote the idea of illegal substance abuse, profane language, inappropriate reference to sexual behavior, gang membership, guns/violence or other vulgar or suggestive symbols are acceptable. Shorts and skirts; No “short shorts” or miniskirts are allowed. Hats or caps Hats or caps or other head coverings are NOT to be worn in any indoor facilities during this program. Revised 4-1-14 DO BRING CHECKLIST Migrant Student Leadership Conference □ Twin-sized bed linens: One blanket, one pillow and sheets will be provided if you should chose not to bring them. If you want more than one of each you must bring your own. □ Bath towels, hand towels, wash clothes, robe (to wear between room and bathroom), flip-flops for shower use and hangers. □ Personal toiletries (deodorant, soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo) and bag to transport these items to the showers. □ □ Feminine hygiene products (if necessary). □ □ □ Sweater/Jacket (evenings and some classrooms can be cool) □ □ □ □ □ □ Swim gear □ □ □ □ Pocket money (for snacks, drinks, souvenirs) Clothing for class and campus: Jeans, shorts (must withstand “Dollar Bill Test”), tops, shirts (clothing must not be suggestive or offensive) Rain gear (raincoat or umbrella) Athletic gear (workout clothes, light colors for Basler Course and sneakers are required) Sun protection (sun block lotions-at least +25, visor, hats) Alarm Clock Camera (for those special memories) Book bag, water bottles Small radio, CD Players, etc. (not permitted in classrooms. If you take your radio on field trips, you will be required to use earphones.) Phones – Cellular or Plug-in. Dress attire for attending Community Networking Event. Required medications (Bee sting kit if allergic to bee stings) DO NOT • • • • • BRING LIST Alcohol Weapons (knives, guns, fireworks) Illegal drugs and other illicit substances Animals/Pets Strongly recommend leaving valuable jewelry at home ***Please refer to ETSU’s Rules and Regulations to familiarize yourself with the University’s policies*** YOUR SON/DAUGHTER IS INVITED TO ATTEND THE Migrant Student LeaderShip conference July 28th - August 2nd, 2014 Program Information: The program is held at East Tennessee State University in Johnson City TN. Eligible entering 9th-12th graders are picked up from their homes Monday July 28th and return on the August 2nd. Transportation is provided to and from the conference at no cost to Participants. The conference is free to all participants. Students experience the college atmosphere as they stay in the university dorms and eat in the cafeteria and use university facilities. Interactive classes are held during the day where students learn computer skills, communication and study skills, work on building their confidence and leadership skills. Through group projects they learn computer programs such as Photoshop and PowerPoint. They also learn about healthy diets, career building skills, study skills, and have an opportunity to talk with many people regarding different career options. The process of what is required to enter college is explained as well as decision making and career building choices. The program is also a lot of fun for students as they get to interact with over 50 students from all over TN. Students work on group projects to present at the final banquet that is held on Friday night. Students are required to follow program rules and they are kept under close supervision to ensure that the best experience is had by all. The program is paid for through funds from the Department of Education. This is a unique opportunity for students to stay at a college, learn valuable skills to help them start planning for the future. If you have questions or need additional information regarding the program please call Jessica Castañeda at 931-668-4139. We would be glad to answer any questions you have. Please support us in this effort by encouraging your child to attend this conference. SUS HIJOS ESTAN INVITADOS A PARTICIPAR La COnFerenCia de LiderazgO de eStudianteS MigranteS QUE SE LLEVARA A CABO DEL 28 DE JULIO AL 2 DE AGOSTO DE 2014 INFORMACION DEL PROGRAMA: El programa se llevará a cabo en la Universidad Estatal del Este de Tennessee (ETSU) en Johnson City, TN. Los estudiantes elegibles son del NOVENO al DOCEAVO grado y serán recogidos en sus casas el 28 de Julio y regresarán el 2 de Agosto. La conferencia no tendrá ningún costo para los participantes, y el transporte será proveído de manera gratuita. Los estudiantes tienen la oportunidad de experimentar la vida Universitaria, en los dormitorios, la cafetería y las aulas de clase. Durante el día conviven con otros estudiantes y tienen la oportunidad de aprender en grupo, Computación y Comunicación. También aprenden cómo llevar una dieta balanceada, cómo estudiar, y tienen la oportunidad de hablar con diferentes personas sobre las opciones que tienen para escoger la carrera que le gusta y le conviene. El programa también sirve para que se diviertan y tengan oportunidad de actuar y conocer más de 50 estudiantes de todo el Estado. Los Estudiantes trabajan en grupo para llevar a cabo proyectos que presentarán en el banquete final que se realiza el viernes por la noche. Se requiere que los estudiantes sigan las reglas del programa y serán supervisados de forma estricta. El programa es financiado por el Departamento de Educación. Esta es una oportunidad única que sus hijos deben aprovechar para aprender cómo ir a la Universidad, y planificar su futuro. Si tiene alguna pregunta o desea información adicional sobre el programa, puede llamar a Jessica Castañeda al teléfono 931-668-4139. Con gusto contestaremos a sus preguntas. APOYE A SUS HIJOS PARA QUE APROVECHEN ESTA OPORTUNIDAD Y ASISTAN A LA CONFERENCIA.