Mass Intentions For This Week
Mass Intentions For This Week
Readings for This Sunday 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 28 Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario 1st Reading: 2 Kgs 5: 14-17 / 2 Reyes 2nd Reading: 2 Tm 2: 8-13 / 2 Timoteo Gospel: Lk 17: 11-19 / Lucas Daily Readings for the Week Monday, October 10th, 2016 1st Reading: Gal 4: 22-24, 26-27, 3 1-5: 1 / Gálatas Gospel: Lk 11: 29-32 / Lucas Tuesday, October 11th, 2016 1st Reading: Gal 5: 1-6 / Gálatas Gospel: Lk 11: 37-41 / Lucas Calendar of Events Calendario de Eventos Sunday, Oct. 9th Domingo, 2 de Octubre Coffee & Rolls Monday, Oct. 10th Church Cleaning SP Pastoral Family Gp Tuesday, Oct. 11th First Communion Classes Wednesday, Oct. 12th Meeting for Youths 7:00pm Lunes, 10 de Octubre Limpieza de la Iglesia Grupo Pastoral Familiar Martes, 11 de Octubre 6:30-8pm Clases de Primera Comuion Miércoles, 12 de Octubre 4:30-6:00pm Wednesday, October 12th, 2016 1st Reading: Gal 5: 18-25 / Gálatas Gospel: Lk 11: 42-46 / Lucas Thursday, Oct. 13th Adoration Confessions Sp Prayer Gp (Rubis) Thursday, October 13th, 2016 1st Reading: Eph 1: 1-10 / Efesios Gospel: Lk 11: 47-54 / Lucas Friday, Oct. 14th Sp. Prayer Gp. , Church 7:00 pm Friday, October 14th, 2016 1st Reading: Eph 1: 11-14 / Efesios Gospel: Lk 12: 1-7 / Lucas Saturday, Oct. 15th Baptisms Confessions 12:00pm 4:00pm Reunion de Joves Jueves, 13 de Octubre 5:00pm Adoracion 5:00pm-5:45pm Confesiones 7:00pm Gpo de Oracion (Rubis) 7:00pm Apostoles de la palabra (KC) Viernes, 14 de Octubre Gpo de Oración, Iglesia Sábado, 15 de Octubre Bautizos Confesiones Saturday, October 15th, 2016 1st Reading: Eph 1: 15-23/ Efesios Gospel: Lk 12: 8-12 / Lucas Next Sunday’s Readings 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time 29 Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario 1st Reading: Ex 17:8-13 Éxodo 2nd Reading: Tm 3: 1 4-4 :2 / Timoteo Gospel: Lk 18: 1-8 / Lucas Parish Staff Email Contacts Fr. James Coleman Fr. Scott Baier: Christine Vistica: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Mass Intentions For This Week Sat. Oct 8th 5:00 pm † Jesse J. Lopez Sun. Oct 9th 7:30 am † Dave Smith At St. Agnes 9:00am 9:30 am (St. Luke Parishioners) 11:30am † Agustine Valle Figeroa 1:30 pm † Manuel de la Paz Gutierrez Tues. Oct. 11th 9:00 am Wed. Oct. 12th 9:00 am † Thomas Tsuss Thurs. Oct. 13th 9:00 am 6:00pm Fri. Oct. 14th 9:00 am Sat. Oct. 15th 5:00pm † Bob Wellfell Sun. Oct. 16th 7:30 am † Lee Peters 9:30 am (St. Luke Parishioners) 11:30am † Juanito Gutierrez Mares 1:30pm Around the Parish / ALrededor de la Parroquia SAINT LUKE/ SAN LUCAS He wrote a two–volume work compromising the third Gospel and the Acts of the of the Apostles. In the two books he shows the parallel between the life of Christ and the life of the church. He was born in Antioch the third largest city in the Roman Empire as he was the only Gentile Christian among the Gospel writers. Paul calls him “our beloved physician”. He was of St. Paul. He approached his work as a historian, seeking information and interviewing persons who had known Jesus. His is called The Gospel of Mercury, he emphasizes Jesus Compassion and patience with the sinners and suffering. He has an openness to all Samaritans, lepers, publicans, public sinners, soldiers and shepherds. It is the Gospel of the Poor; the Gospel of Absolute Renunciation; the Gospel of Prayer and he Holy Spirit; The Gospel of Joy. How blessed are we to have St. Luke as our patron saint. Escribió una obra en dos volúmenes comprometiendo el tercer Evangelio y los Hechos de los Apóstoles. En los dos libros que muestra la vida entre Cristo y la vida de la iglesia. Nació en Antioquía la tercera ciudad más grande del Imperio Romano ya que fue el único gentil cristiano entre los escritores del Evangelio. Pablo lo llama "nuestro querido médico". Era de San Pablo. Se acercó a su trabajo como historiador, en la búsqueda de información y entrevistar a personas que habían conocido a Jesús. Esto se llama el Evangelio de Mercurio, destaca Jesús la compasión y la paciencia con los pecadores y el sufrimiento. Él tiene una apertura a todos los samaritanos, leprosos, publicanos, pecadores públicos, soldados y pastores. Es el Evangelio de los pobres; el Evangelio es Renuncia Absoluto; el Evangelio de la Oración y Espíritu Santo; El Evangelio de la alegría. Bendecidos somos nosotros por tener a San Lucas como patron. St. Luke Feast/ Fiesta de San Lucas We celebrate our Holy Patron, Saint Luke at all of the masses for Sunday, October 16th. In the afternoon we will have an all parish feast. We will begin with a rematch of last years entertaining soccer game at 3:00pm between St. Luke and Mt. Angel seminary, also Father Scott and Father Jim will be ready for action. This will be a BBQ/Potluck, we ask to bring a main entrée, salad, side dish or dessert to share with everyone. Food will be served at 4:00pm. Drinks, Hamburgers and Frankfurters will be provided. Pray for good weather. Last year St. Luke blessed us with a perfect fall day. We hope to see you all there! Celebramos nuestro Santo Patrón, San Lucas en las misas el domingo, 16 de octubre. Por la tarde tendremos una fiesta para toda la parroquia. Comenzaremos con una revancha de los últimos años con un partido de fútbol a las 3:00 entre San Lucas y el seminario de Mt. Ángel. El Padre Scott y el Padre Jim estarán listos para la acción. A las 4:00pm, habrá una comida de BBQ y de traje, venga con un platillo principal, plato adicional, ensalada, o postre para compartir con todos. Oren por un buen tiempo. El año pasado, San Lucas nos bendijo con un buen día. ¡Esperamos verlos ahi! RELIGIOUS EDUCATION/ EDUCACION RELIGIOSA Our classes have begun/ Nuestras clases comenzaron We continue to register for classes both English and Spanish for First Communion, Confirmation and for Adults. This includes for those who may not be Catholic but are interested in knowing more about our Catholic Faith. Seguimos con las registraciones de clases en Inglés y Español para la Primera Comunión, Confirmación y para los adultos. Esto incluye a aquellos que no son católicos, pero están interesados en saber más acerca de nuestra Fe Católica. SCHEDULE/ HORARIO GRADOS/GRADES Tuesday/ Martes Wednesday/ Miercoles Thursday/ Jueves Sunday/ Domingo First Communion 1-6 X X English 6:30- 7:45pm X Primera Comunion 1-6 (K) X Español 6:30- 7:45pm X X First Comunion 7-8 English 6:30– 8:00pm X X X Primera Comunion 7-8 Español 6:30– 8:00pm X X X Confirmation 9-12 English 6:30– 8:00pm X X English 2:45- 4:15pm Confirmacion 9-12 Español 6:30– 8:00pm X X X Around the Parish / Alrededor de la Parroquia World Mission Sunday TODAY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11th The theme this year is keeping with the Year of Mercy is “MERCY CHANGES THE WORLD.” A special envelop for this collection to support the Society of the Propagation of the Faith is attached to the bulletin today. From Father Coleman: For 16 years I worked in the missions of South America (Bolivia and Ecuador). Since the begging of the life of the Church the Spirit has been impelling us to extend ourselves and share the Gospel. This important collection is taken in October throughput the world. Please be generous as you can. Domingo Mundial de las Misiones HOY DOMINGO, 11 DE OCTUBRE El tema de este año es mantener el año con la Merced "MISERICORDIA Cambia El Mundo." Un sobre especial de esta colecta para apoyar a la Sociedad de la Propagación de la Fe esta en el boletín de hoy. Del Padre Coleman: Durante 16 años trabajé en las misiones de América del Sur (Bolivia y Ecuador). Desde el año del principio de la vida de la Iglesia el Espíritu nos ha impulsando para extender a nosotros mismos y a compartir el Evangelio. Esta colección importante es tomada en octubre alrededor del mundo. Por favor, sea generoso como pueda. ALL SOULS DAY All Souls Day is a holy day set aside for honoring the dead. The day is primarily celebrated in the Catholic Church, but it is also celebrated in the Eastern Orthodox Church and a few other denominations of Christianity. Envelops are available in the bulletin for All Souls Day collection on November 1st. Todo el Día de Almas es un día sagrado reservado para honrar a los muertos. El día se celebra principalmente en la Iglesia Católica, sino que también se celebra en la Iglesia ortodoxa oriental y algunas otras denominaciones cristianas. Sobres estan en el boletin para la colecta el 1 de Noviembre. RCIA Formation Formación Para Adultos Do you feel called to be Catholic? Are you interested in knowing more about the Catholic Faith? Need Adult Baptism, First Communion or Confirmation? Classes begin October 10th at Necesita ser bautizado, hacer su primera Comunión o Confirmación? Las clases de adultos en español empiezan el 6:30pm in the school library. 16 de octubre a las 5pm en el salón Rubis. Te sientes llamado a ser Católico? Estas interesado en conocer mas sobre la fe Católica? Parish Directory with Life Touch Sign up for our parish Directory! The following upcoming dates are November 2nd– 5th. You may sign up online at or you can register by calling or stopping by the parish office. Directorio de fotos con Life Touch Regístrese para nuestro directorio de fotos! Las siguientes fechas son en Noviembre del 2-5. Puede inscribirse en nuestra pagina de web o puede llamar o entrar a la oficina parroquial para inscribirse. Around the Parish/ Alrededor de la Parroquia YOUTH & YOUNG ADULTS: An Invitation To Explore Your Church and Her Mission Young Adults: Every Monday night at 6:30pm in the KC Hall. You and your friends are invited ages 18-35. We are here to serve your needs in Bible study, group discussions, Social Justice, and social gatherings. YOUNG ADULT BOWLING SOCIAL: Monday, October 24th, meet in St. Luke’s parking lot. RSVP (702) 354-5960 High School Youth Group: Begins Sunday Oct. 2 at 4:30-6pm in the KC Hall . All high school students are welcome to come enjoy a highly energized, life forming, and fun time with your high school peers. Middle School Youth Group: Begins Sunday, Oct. 2 at 2:45- 4:15pm in the KC Hall. This is great way to keep your children in the Catholic faith as they will learn Catholic doctrine in a fun way. Contact Mary Clare Daschbach at the parish office or Anthony J. Sperduti at his cell phone (702) 354-5960. Saint Luke Productions Presents / La Producción de San Lucas Presenta When / Cuando: Tuesday October 18th, 2016 Where / Donde: St Luke Catholic Church 417 Harrison St. Woodburn OR 97071 Time / Hora: 7:00pm Admission is a free-will offering / donaciones voluntarias *The play is in English / La obra es en Ingles* Maximilian: Saint of Auschwitz, performed by Leonardo Defilippis of St. Luke Productions, holds a powerfully relevant message for our culture at a time when religious freedom and values are under attack. The drama poignantly illustrates the life of Father Maximilian Kolbe, whose courage in the face of attacks against his Catholic faith led to his imprisonment in the Auschwitz concentration camp. He was forced into slave labor, tortured and finally came forward to take the place of a married man, who was condemned to death by starvation. Witness Fr. Maximilian as he boldly confronts the Nazi regime and asks, “What if they kill us? That would be free passage to Heaven….In short, we are invincible!” "Come, Follow Me" Men's Retreat WHEN: Friday Nov. 11 to Sunday Nov. 13 TIME: Friday 7pm to Sunday noon. WHERE: Fr. Bernard Youth Center, Mount Angel, OR. Become the man God has called you to be through a dynamic, life-changing weekend retreat. Rekindle and deepen your relationship with God. Come together in fellowship, brotherhood, and friendship.. For more information: Call 541-525-9310 or at e-mail [email protected] Around the Parish/ Alrededor de la Parroquia MARRIED COUPLES Jesus wants us to put others first and to treat them with kindness, respect, love and compassion. Allow Jesus to transform your marriage and show how to truly love your spouse. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is November 11-13th, at Mt. Angel Abbey. For more information call 503-853-2758 or apply online at PASTORAL COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, October 11th at 6:30pm School Zone / Escuela Support St.Luke School by purchasing scrip gift cards Gift cards are a great way to support St. Luke School while still doing your normal shopping at the same time. Scrip is a gift card program where you can purchase countless numbers of gift cards from St. Luke School for various retailers and a portion of the proceeds goes to the school. You get the full value of the gift card and the school receives a percentage back from the retailer. There are hundreds of retailers and restaurants to choose from including Safeway, Fred Meyer, GAP, Nike, Starbucks and many more, so chances are your favorite retailers and restaurants are included in the program. Stop by or call the school office at 503-981-7441 or see any St. Luke student who will be happy to help you! St. Agnes Corner / Santa Inez CRAFTERS WANTED!!! ST. AGNES YARD SALE Craft Bazaar Coming Soon St. Agnes will again host a Craft Bazaar on November 12, 2016 from 9:30am to 4:00pm. A wide variety of handcrafted items are needed. If you are a crafter and would like a table, please call Mary Bowman at 503-982-0367 or Anne Hilgers at 503-981-8791 The annual St. Agnes yard sale will be Friday and Saturday, September 30th and October 1st, 2016 at St. Agnes Mission in Hubbard from 9:00am-4:00pm. There will be furniture, tools, electronic, and household items. If you have something to donate for the sale and would like a pick up, please call Al and Anne Hilgers at 503-981-8791. Help or Assistance / Ayuda o Asistencia St. Vincent de Paul To contact St. Vincent de Paul for assistance please call (971) 338-1074. Your call will be returned within 48 hours. (Monday-Friday) St Vincent de Paul Food Bank Open: on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month. (Closed on Holidays) Hours: 5:00pm-7:00pm San Vicente de Paul Para contactar a San Vicente de Paul para ayuda favor de llamar al (971) 338-1074. Le regresaremos su llamada dentro de 48 horas. (Lunes–Viernes) Banco de Comida Abierto: cada 2º y 4º Jueves del mes. (excepto días festivos) Horario: 5:00pm a 7:00pm Pray for the Sick of our Parish Orad por los Enfermos de la Parroquia Vicki Spencer Margaret Krupicka Theresa (Terry) Seaton Martina Ybarra Evangelina Tapia Luz Gonzalez Bob & Cleo Miley Kevin Bernabe David De La Vega Bob Hartsook Hilda Vicente Gracie Garcia Juan Antonio Tarula Carmen Navarro Marilu Will Felipe Delgado Garcia Rita Henkes Irene Saucedo Mauricio Garcia Montes Online Giving To donate according to our online giving system, go to the parish website, and look for the link, DONATE. We pay some small fees when you make an online gift. The best method to pay, that charges us the least, is to enter your checking information for a bank account transfer. These can be one time or recurring. This can be helpful if you sometimes forget your donation or for when you might be sick or on vacation. The website also offers payment through debit and credit cards, but these charge more of a fee to the parish. The best way is to pay using your checking account. Please Remember St. Luke In Your Will Please use the following language when making your estate plans: “I give, devise, and bequeath _________ (Describe gift and purpose) to St. Luke Catholic Church, Woodburn, Oregon (Our official legal name). It is understood in making this gift that it can only be used by St. Luke Catholic Church, Woodburn, Oregon. Pray for those in Harms Way Chase Cowley, USMC Alexania Ramos Chavez, USMC Tanya Quiñones, USMC Ezequiel Cervantes, US Navy Kelly Berkey, USMC Joe Lonergan, US Army Thomas K. Demelo, USMC NOTE: Please help us keep our list current and let us know who needs to be added or removed. Thank you. NOTA: Ayúdenos a estar al corriente con nuestra lista y hacernos saber si alguien tiene que ser agregado o eliminado de la lista. Gracias. Advertiser of the Week SMILES DENTAL Please support our Advertisers! Their ad on the back supports the printing of this bulletin. Ministry to the Sick & Homebound Holy Communion Can be brought to the sick or anyone who’s unable to come to church. To arrange this service for yourself or for a loved one please contact the parish office at (503) 981-5011. Thank you . La comunión puede ser llevada a una persona enferma que no pueda venir a la iglesia. Para poder organizar este servicio para usted o para un ser querido favor de contactar la oficina parroquial al (503) 981-5011. WELCOME TO ST LUKE / BIENVENIDO A SAN LUCAS To have a St. Luke Parish registration form sent to you please fill out this temporary form and drop it in the Sunday collection basket Para obtener una forma de registro de San Lucas por favor rellene esta forma temporal y ponerla en la canasta de la colecta. Name/Nombre________________________________________________________________________________ Address/ Domicilio______________________________________________________________________________ City/Ciudad____________________________________ Zip Code/CodigoPostal________________________ Phone/Telefono_________________________________________________________________________________ □New Parishioner/ Nuevo a la Parroquia □Would like envelopes/ Desea Sobres □New Address/ Nuevo Domicilio
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Readings for This Sunday Mass Intentions For
□New Parishioner/ Nuevo a la Parroquia □Would like envelopes/ Desea Sobres □New Address/ Nuevo Domicilio
Mass Intentions For This Week
□New Parishioner/ Nuevo a la Parroquia □Would like envelopes/ Desea Sobres □New Address/ Nuevo Domicilio