Latest - St. Vincent de Paul Church
Latest - St. Vincent de Paul Church
Bulletin The St Vincent de Paul g Bayonne, NJ September 11, 2016 Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Pastoral Team Rev. Sergio NadresPastor Rev. Hermes Diaz Parochial Vicar Rev. Carl Arico In Residence Rev. David Buckles In Residence Michael P. MissaggiaDeacon Thomas Norton Director of Music Maryann Angrosina Office Manager Elaine Conway, John HughesTrustees Jaime de Leon Pastoral Council President Thomas D’Alessio Finance Council President Christine Smith Parish Catechetical Leader Mass Schedule Saturday Evening 5pm & 6.30pm (Spanish Mass) Sunday Morning 8am, 10am, & Noon Weekday 8am Saturday 8am Holyday 7am, 8:30am, Noon & 7pm Federal Holiday 9am Directory Rectory: 201.436.2222 Fax: 201.437.5235 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: Religious Ed. Email: [email protected] All Saints Catholic Academy: 201.443.8384 Parish Office Hours Monday-Friday Saturday, Sunday and Holidays Closed R.C.I.A. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process by which adults who have not been baptized enter the church and receive the sacraments of baptism, confirmation and 1st Holy Communion. Please call the rectory if you are interested. Baptism The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on a scheduled Sunday each month at 1:30pm in the Church. Parents must attend our required Baptismal Preparation class prior to the Baptism of their children. Classes are held according to the published schedule at 1:30pm in the basement of the rectory, entrance ground level on 46th Street. Please call the rectory to set up the Baptism. Marriage The Sacrament of Matrimony requires an extensive period of preparation. Contact should be made with a priest at the Rectory one year in advance. Stewardship & Collection Total Collection for September 4, 2016 $10,356.00 First Collection $5,349.00 Assessment $1,331.00 Higher Expenses $60.00 Air Conditioning $40.00 Religious Education $200.00 Fund Raiser $800.00 Candles $480.00 Roof Repair $1,225.00 The Light Shines in the Darkness $871.00 register and give online at: Upcoming Second Collections September 11 Higher Expenses of the Parish September 18 Stewardship Collection September 25 Air Conditioning Collection October 2 Assessment Collection Our cover this week Holy Hour The body of Fr. Mychal Judge, the first officially declared casualty of the attacks on the WTC, victim 00001, being taken away from the North Tower. Lord, take me where you want me to go; Let me meet who you want me to meet; Tell me what you want me to say; And keep me out of your way. Our prayers today join those of the families of all the victims of September 11, 2001. Mondays 7-8 PM Saturdays 4 – 4:45 PM Offering for September 11—17, 2016 Gifts Altar Bread Altar Wine Susan & Harold Butler Susan & Harold Butler Candles Blessed Mother Bridget Sharkey St. Joseph Nina & Paul Surdi St. Vincent Harold & Susan Butler St. Patrick Maureen Schmittler St. Jude Chester Wolenski Divine Mercy Henry Wolenski St. Elizabeth Anne Seton Mary Malecky Sanctuary Lamp Deceased Students & Graduates of St. Vincent de Paul Please pray for the recovery of: Janet Maceli , Germaine White, Theresa Kurtiak, Michael Butler, Mary Peeples, John Foster, Madeleine Foster, Jack Conway, Liam Morley, Arthur Sonny Kopacz, Harry Steiner, Gail Schaefer, Ema Palfi and Joseph Kurtiak, Christopher Joseph Murphy, Diane Radwanski, Betty Serafino, Marisol Paul, Christina Jakubik and Craig Recca Eternal Rest Grant Unto Thee O Lord †Elizabeth Hutter Sacrament of Reconciliation Save The Date Sunday, October 9 — Rev. Delmonte Lodge No. 2560 Sons of Italy will present a Salute to the Stars of Opera on Sunday, October 9 at 4:00PM in our church. Ticket price is $12.00 ahead of time and $15.00 at the door. Please contact Grace 201-8230293 or Marie 201-341-1546 for Tickets and/or Sponsorship. Saturday December 3 — St. Vincent will have a Tricky Tray Fundraiser. More details will follow. Sunday Readings / Lecturas del Domingo First Reading / Primera lectura EX 32:7-11, 13-14 Psalm / Salmo PS 51:3-4, 12-13, 17, 19 Second Reading / Segunda lectura 1 TM 1:12-17 Gospel / Evangelio LK 15:1-32 Weekday Readings / Lecturas del Día Mon 1 COR 11:17-26, 33 / PS 40:7-8A, 8B-9, 10, 17 / LK 7:1-10 Tue Memorial of Saint John Chrysostom, Bishop and Doctor of the Church 1COR12:12-14,27-31A/PS100:1B-2,3,4,5/LK7:11-17 Wed Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross NM 21:4B-9 / PS 78:1BC-2, 34-35, 36-37, 38 / PHIL 2:6-11 / JN 3:13-17 Thu Memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows 1 COR 15:1-11 / PS 118:1B2, 16AB-17, 28 / JN 19:25-27 LK 2:33-35 Fri Memorial of Saints Cornelius, Pope, and Cyprian, Bishop, Martyrs 1 COR 15:12-20 / PS 17:1BCD, 6-7, 8B AND 15 / LK 8:1-3 Sat 1 COR 15:35-37, 42-49 / PS 56:10C-12, 13-14 / LK 8:4-15 September Prayer Intentions of the Holy Father Anointing of the Sick Universal: Centrality of the Human Person — That each may contribute to the common good and to the building of a society that places the human person at the center. Mass Intentions Evangelization: Mission to Evangelize — That by participating in the Sacraments and meditating on Scripture, Christians may become more aware of their mission to evangelize.. Visitation of the sick at home or in the hospital any time. Call Parish Office. Saturday, September 10 8AM James V. Camera, Jr. 5PM Nina & Paul Surdi & Donna Golden 6:30PM Misa en Espanol Maribel y Carlos Sunday, September 11 8AM Doria Family & Regina Dolan 10AM People of the Parish & Rosemary Parlavecchio 12PM McGrath Family & Olympia C. Favia Monday, September 12 8AM Chester Wolenski & Bridget Sharkey Tuesday, September 13 8AM Edward Jesolosky Wednesday, September 14 8AM Frank DiDonato Thursday, September 15 8AM Harold & Susan Butler Friday, September 16 8AM Mary D. Malecky & Edward Conway Saturday, September 17 8AM Corrine Richvalsky 5PM Ruth Heffernan & Colin Patrick Walsh 6:30PM Misa en Espanol Maribel y Carlos Sunday, September 18 8AM Robert Luce & Olympia C. Favia 10AM Maureen Schmittler & Ecilda DaCruz 12PM People of the Parish & Erica Christin Santos - Happy Birthday Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors for September 17/18 5PM Christine Valencia Christine Valencia g John Malecky Elaine Conway Catherine Metzendorf Mary Wolf Patricia Levan 8AM Barbara Sherry Mark Urban g Dolores Trasande Marion Wolenski Medy Alvarez Lynn Drexler Claire Konopka 10AM CCD CCD g Deacon Michael Kim Spiniello Ralph Spiniello Marietta Valbuena Nathaniel Valbuena 12 PM Theresa DeLeon Theresa DeLeon g Ray Holowienka Jerry Pimentel Angelina Pimentel Irma Brown Recurring Events Line Dancing: September 15, 22 and 29 Praise & Worship takes place the second and fourth Wednesday of every month. The Centering Prayer Group meets Every Wednesday At 7 PM at the Rectory Basement. For More Information, please Call Barbara Sherry at 201.443.2115. Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help takes place every Saturday after 8 AM mass. Nurse’s ministry blood pressures are checked after all masses every first weekend of the month. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Exposition of Blessed Sacrament every first Friday from 8:30 to 9:30 AM Music ministry: The Children's Choir sings at all Family Masses, Christmas Concert, Christmas Eve & Palm Sunday Mass. Practices are held every Saturday for an hour in Robinson Hall. Running Group: Weekly meets on Saturday mornings in the fall and spring, which take place on the blue track in Hudson County Park, Bayonne. Tel: 201.437. 6798 for details En Español Santo Rosario: Sábados 6:00 PM Misa en español: Sábados 6:30 PM Hora Santa: Lunes 7:00 PM Ensayo del coro de los niños: S ábados Robinson Hall 10:30 AM Exposición del Santísimo cada primer viernes 08:30-09:30 AM Servir en la Santa Misa Si está interesado en servir y ayudar en la Santa Misa por favor de avisarle al padre directamente. Necesitamos Lectores, Ministros de Eucaristía, Monaguillos y Niños para el coro que formamos de niños. Donations for the roof This past weekend generous parishioners donated in total $1,225.00 toward our roof repair bill. This brings our balance to $74,265.00. If you have not made a donation yet to the roof repair can you please consider doing so. Any amount small or large will help. May God continue to Bless our Parishioners If you would like to make a contribution to help it is important that you restrict your donation for this specific project. If paying by check, please put the words “roof repair” in the memo line. Cash donations can be placed in an envelope also clearly marked the same way. Thank you for your continued generous support to our parish. Donaciones para el techo Este fin de semana se donó un total de $ 1,225.00 hacia nuestro proyecto de reparación de techo. La cuenta es ahora de $ 74,265.00. Si usted no ha hecho una donación a la reparación del techo puede usted por favor considerar hacerlo . Cualquier cantidad ayudará. Que Dios siga bendiciendo a nuestros feligreses. Si desea hacer una contribución para ayudar es importante que se restringe la donación para este proyecto específico. Si paga con cheque, por favor, poner las palabras "reparación de techo” en la línea de memo. Las donaciones en efectivo pueden ser colocados en un sobre marcado claramente también de la misma manera. Gracias por su apoyo continuo y generoso a nuestra parroquia. DISCOVER Bethlehem Handicrafts From Bethlehem, the birthplace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Christian community is seeking your love and support through obtaining their handmade olive wood religious articles. These items will be on sale after all masses this weekend. Your help can and will make a difference in the lives of your Brothers and Sisters in Christ in Bethlehem. HS Entrance Exam Attention families of 8th grade students wanting to attend Catholic High School in fall 2017. The Catholic High School entrance exam (COOP) will be given on November 11, 2016. Students need to register for this exam by going to, calling 1-888-921-2667, or [email protected]. In addition, the Catholic High Schools are holding their annual admissions fair called HS EXPO. At HS EXPO, parents and students can see many schools at once -- college fair style -- from 7:00 pm - 8:30pm on the following dates and places: Sept 26 Archdiocesan Center in Newark Sept 28 - Visitation Academy in Paramus Sept 29 Primary Prep/St Aeden in Jersey City. For directions and more information visit: or call 973-497-4258. Upcoming Events Sept 10/11 Sept 13 Sept 14 Sept 15 After all Masses Bethlehem Handy Crafts will Have their Wood Carvings for purchase. 1:30PM Baptism Class in Rectory Basement 7 PM Tricky Tray Committee Meeting on in Robinson Hall. 7:30PM Praise and Worship in Church 7 PM St Vincent de Paul's Men's Group meeting ain the Rectory basement. Bethlehem Handicrafts is a Christian organization which supports the families in Bethlehem, Holy Land who carve unique crafts from olive wood. Olive wood handicrafts such as crosses, nativity sets, angels, crucifixes, ornaments, figures of Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ, rosaries, bible and more. These olive wood products make great idea for holiday gifts as well as memorable souvenirs. Tourism is an only outside source of income to the town of Bethlehem which has dramatically dropped from the current situation that Bethlehem area faced after the year of 2000. We humbly thank you for all your support. Also, Bethlehem Handicrafts is the trade name for the Bannoura family olive wood business. The inter- national retail center for Bethlehem Handicrafts is based in the United States, with our factory in Bethlehem in the Holy Land. We do not have a factory in the United States. All olive wood products are guaranteed to be produced in Bethlehem the Holy Land with genuine Holy Land olive wood. Olive wood is by nature a grainy, multi-colored wood. Part of the attraction of olive wood is the unique texture and visual appearance of the wood itself. Furthermore, all items are handcrafted. Therefore, no two items are exactly alike, and therefore, absolute copies and duplicates of catalog images are impossible. Bethlehem items will be on sale after all Masses this weekend. Sept 17 Sept 18 Sept 28 Social Dance resumes 8:45 AM Religious Education Classes resume for Grades 1 - 6 10AM Family Mass followed by Hospitality by the Men's Group 1:30PM Baptism Sept 20 6:45 PM Religious Education Classes resume for Grades 7 & 8 Sept 22 3—5 PM Food Pantry in Rectory Basement Sept 24 Live Christ Share Christ Adult Retreat 2-4 in Robinson Hall Sept 30 7:30PM Praise and Worship in Church 7PM Paint Night Protecting God’s Children “Live” Training Session R.C.I.A. A Protecting God's Children training session will be held at Marist High School – 1242 Kennedy Blvd. Bayonne on Tuesday, September 20, 2016 at 5pm in Room: 204. The session will last approximately 3 hours. You must Pre-register for this class on 1st Time Attendees- Please follow instructions beginning with Begin the registration process If you have attended a class in the past, you MUST sign in with your original username and password. If you do not remember it, please e-mail me and I will have it sent to you. Please do not create “another” account. Once you’re logged in, click “live training” on the left of screen and you will see a list of all the upcoming classes. Scroll down till you see the session listed above and choose it. Please contact Rose Finnegan, if you have any questions at rosefccd@ or call ( 201) 437-3912 Sesión de formación de Proteger a los Niños de Dios "en vivo” Marist High School - 1242 Kennedy Blvd. Bayonne Martes 20 de septiembre del año 2016 @ 5:00pm Sala : 204 Duración estimada: 3 hrs Es necesario pre-registrarse para esta clase de 1ª vez Asistiendo - Por favor, siga las instrucciones que comienzan con " Comenzar el proceso de registro” Si usted ha asistido a una clase en el pasado, usted debe iniciar sesión con el nombre de usuario original y contraseña. Si no lo recuerda, por favor envíeme un correo electrónico y se lo enviare. Por favor, no crear " otra " cuenta. Una vez que está conectado, haga clic en formación en directo a la izquierda de la pantalla y verá una lista de todas las próximas clases. Desplazarse hacia abajo hasta que vea la sesión indicada más arriba y elegirlo. Por favor, póngase en contacto con Rose Finnegan, si tiene alguna pregunta: rosefccd @ o llame al 201-437-3912 Religious Education Registration Our registration period is coming to an end. If you have not yet sent your forms back, you need to do it today. Please contact Christine Smith at [email protected] to register your child(ren) for Religious classes. She will email the registration forms to you. Grades 1-6 begin on Sunday, September 18th. Grades 7 & 8 begin on Tuesday, September 20th. Confirmation classes begin on Monday, October 3rd. (A calendar will be emailed to the families who registered as soon as our new pastor, Fr. Sergio approves it.) Program fees 1 child $100, 2 or more $150 Sacramental fees Penance/First Communion is an additional $75 Confirmation is $100 (no program fee) Penance/Holy Communion and Confirmation preparation is a 2 year program. Most Rev David Arias Pérez, OAR, DD, retired Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Newark, administering the Sacrament of Confirmation on an adult during the Easter Vigil. Also visible in the photo is Rev David Buckles, resident priest at St Vincent de Paul. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process by which adults who have not been baptized enter the church and receive the sacraments of baptism, confirmation and 1st Holy Communion. It is also the process that baptized Catholics who have not received the sacraments of First Penance, First Holy Communion and Confirmation will receive these sacraments. It also incorporates those adults who wish to convert to Catholicism from other religions. Please call the rectory if you are interested. Registró De Educación Religiosa Nuestro plazo de inscripción está llegando a su fin. Si usted todavía no ha enviado sus formularios de nuevo, le recomendamos que lo haga hoy. Por favor, póngase en contacto con Christine Smith en [email protected] para registrar a su hijo (s) para las clases religiosas. Ella le enviará por correo electrónico los formularios de inscripción para usted. Grados 1-6 comienzan el domingo, 18 de septiembre. Grados 7 y 8 comienzan el martes 20 de septiembre. Clases de confirmación comienzan el lunes, 3 de octubre. (Un calendario será enviado a las familias que se inscribieron en cuanto nuestro nuevo pastor, el P. Sergio lo apruebe.) Las tarifas del programa 1 niño $ 100, 2 o más $ 150 Honorarios sacramentales Penitencia / Primera Comunión es $ 75 adicionales La confirmación es de $ 100 (sin costo del programa) Penitencia / Santa Comunión y la preparación para la Confirmación es un programa de 2 años. We are in need of catechists for Grade 7 (Tuesdays 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m.) and possibly for our Catch-up program for Grade 1 (Sundays 8:45 a.m. to 10 a.m.). Please contact Christine Smith if you are interested. Estamos en la necesidad de catequistas para Grado 7 (martes 6:45pm - 8:00pm) y, posiblemente, para nuestro programa de alcance para el Grado 1 en adelante (domingos 8:45 a.m. a 10:00am) Please follow us on Facebook - Saint Vincent de Paul Church "Official Page" and check out our website : Por favor, siga con nosotros en Facebook - Saint Vincent de Paul Iglesia "Página Oficial" y echa un vistazo a nuestro sitio web : Twenty-Fourth Annual Liturgy of the BLUE MASS HONORING AND IN MEMORY OF LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL Trooper Eli McCarson NEW JERSEY STATE POLICE Trooper Sean Cullen NEW JERSEY STATE POLICE Sr Corrections Officer Nikeelan (Nick) Semmon NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Actividades de Live Christ Share Christ: Live Christ Share Christ activities: September 24, Saturday 2:00pm to 4:30pm: Theme: The Holy Eucharist, Adults retreat/ with Rev. Fr. Carl Arico October 29, Saturday 8:30am to 4:30pm: Youth retreat, 12 years old to 16 years old –––––– Remembering Fallen Officers –––––– 24 Septiembre, Sabado -2:00pm-4:30pm: Tema: La Eucaristía —Adultos / con el RP Carl Arico 29 Octubre Sabado 8:30 am a 4:30pm: Retiro de Jóvenes — 12 años de edad a 16 años de edad Men's Group Dallas and Dallas Rapid Transit Police Depts, Baton Rouge and East Baton Rouge Police Depts and East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office The next meeting of the St. Vincent de Paul Men's group will be Thursday September 15th at 7:00pm in the rectory basement. We will begin with evening prayer. Lieutenant (Ret.) Joseph Franklin ROXBURY POLICE DEPARTMENT – POLICE UNITY TOUR 15th Anniversary of 9/11 Grupo de Hombres Port Authority Police Department La próxima reunión del grupo de hombres de San Vicente de Paul será el jueves 15 de septiembre a las 7:00 pm en el sótano de la rectoría . Comenzaremos con oración. THURSDAY, NOV 10, 2016 10 AM • Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart RIDGE STREET, NEWARK, NEW JERSEY Most Reverend John J. Myers, J.C.D., D.D. ARCHBISHOP OF NEWARK – PRINCIPAL CELEBRANT AND HOMILIST LUNCHEON TO FOLLOW BRANCH BROOK PARK ROLLER RINK BRANCH BROOK PARK, NEWARK, NEW JERSEY $20 PER TICKET FOR TICKET INFORMATION CONTACT DETECTIVE (RET) VINCENT NARDONE OR UNDERSHERIFF WILLIAM SCHIEVELLA: 1-800-427-7651 OR [email protected] TICKETS WILL BE SOLD AT THE DOOR Ways to offer during Mass The parish currently has openings for Altar Bread, Wine, Sanctuary Lamp and votive candles. We also have weekday Mass and Saturday 6.30 PM Masses without specific intentions yet which can be offered this year. Finally, our 2017 Mass Book is open. Formas de ofrecer durante la misa La parroquia actualmente tiene disponibilidad para donaciones del Pan, Vino, la lámpara del santuario y velas votivas. También tenemos misa de día de la semana sin intenciones específicas todavía que pueden ser ofrecidos este año. Por último, nuestra libro de misa del 2017 está abierto. The Food Pantry Needs Your Help La despensa de alimentos necesita tu ayuda Our next distribution will be September 22 from 3-5. The number of our clients continues to grow. We are in desperate need of non perishable items such as macaroni, pasta sauce, tuna fish, beans, mac & cheese, crackers, soup, vegetables, cookies, fruit, rice, can potatoes, fruit, peanut butter & jelly Monitary donations are welcome as well. Please make checks out to St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry. We are also collecting gently used clothes for, children, men and women. God Bless you for your generous support of this ministry. Nuestra siguiente distribución será el 22 de septiembre a partir de 3-5. El número de clientes sigue creciendo . Estamos en necesidad desesperada de artículos, tales como macarrones, salsa de pasta, atún, frijoles, galletas , sopa, verduras, fruta, arroz, papas enlatadas, fruta, mantequilla de maní. Donaciones monetarias son bienvenidos. Por favor haga los cheques a San Vicente de Paul despensa de alimentos. También estamos colectando ropa usada para, niños, hombres y mujeres . Dios los bendiga por su apoyo generoso a este ministerio. CALLING ALL GIRLS — KINDERGARTEN THROUGH 12TH GRADE Join Bayonne Girl Scouts! Friday, September 23rd, 2016 from 6:30pm until 8:30pm at St. John Paul II Parish Center, 39 East 22nd Street. Learn more about Troops meeting in Bayonne / Fun Activities / Service To Others / Trips and Outdoor Fun / Make New Friends. For more information contact Christine Peters 201-401-6547 LLAMANDO A TODAS LAS NIÑAS — KINDERGARTEN A 12º GRADO Unase a el Girl Scouts de Bayonne Viernes, Septiembre 23, 2016 6:30pm – 8:30pm a 39 East 22nd Street, aprenda más sobre la reunión de tropas en Bayonne : Actividades Divertidas / Servicio a los Demás / Viajes y Diversión al aire libre / Hacer nuevos amistades / Para más información contacte a Christine Peters 201-401-6547 Morning of Mercy The Archdiocese of Newark Evangelization Commission invite you to Morning of Mercy on Saturday, September 24, 2016 from 9.30 AM until 12.30 PM at the Divine Mercy Parish, 232 Central Ave, Rahway. Join us and receive the graces of the Jubilee Year of Mercy! The Jubilee Year of Mercy invites everyone to receive the grace of a plenary indulgence (that's a full pardon from sin and all its effects) through The Holy Door (which represents the Door of Mercy through which anyone who enters will experience the love of God who consoles, pardons, and instills hope), Mass, Confession, Adoration and various prayers help to make this happen. HUDACKO’S PHARMACY BAYONNE SMILE CENTER DAVID G. PESTKOWSKI 861 BROADWAY BAYONNE, NEW JERSEY PHONE 201-436-4488 Certified Public Accountant 236 Broadway, Bayonne Dr. Rocco DiAntonio, D.M.D. 942 Avenue C, Bayonne, NJ (201) 858-3535 Dr. August Pellegrini, D.D.S. 201-339-1742 E-Mail: [email protected] Dr. David Serratelli, D.M.D. “The Sign of Excellence” MANAGER Kevin Stapleton NJ Lic. #5009 DIRECTORS Carol Ann Migliaccio NJ Lic. #3293 Peter J. Stapleton NJ Lic. #4412 Michael A. Bruzzio, Jr. NJ Lic. #4697 Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 CST 2117990-70 an Official Travel Agency of Apostleship of the Sea-USA 22ND STREET MEAT MARKET 483 AVE. C (BET. 22ND - 21ST) 437-0188 WE DELIVER QUALITY MEAT AT AFFORDABLE PRICES “Try Our Famous Gourmet” Italian Sausage! Italian Style Chicken Cutlets • Veal Cutlets, Low Fat Chicken and Turkey Sausage 851 Kennedy Boulevard (at 33rd Street) Bayonne, NJ 07002 (201) 436-5500 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 * Buying * Selling * Estate * Appraisals James A. Sucato Broker/Owner 943 BROADWAY, BAYONNE Call For a FREE no Obligation Evaluation (201) 339-7555 Personalized Real Estate Service Serving NJ, PA & DE 877.401.4777 CHECK OUT OUR REVIEWS ON: G. Keenen O’Brien Funeral Home, Inc. Philip A. O’Brien 984 Avenue C. Bayonne, NJ 07002 • (201) 339-0220 Family Owned & Operated Since 1891 Nancy O’Brien Anderson Manager Ginny Sanzo President N.J. Lic. No. 3800 N.J. Lic. No. 4234 N.J. Lic. No. 4553 Director The Sponsors Who Appear On This Bulletin. It Is Through Their Support That This Bulletin Is Made Possible. Business Owners Interested In Advertising Please Call J.S. Paluch at 1-800-524-0263 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP The Most Complete Online National Directory of Catholic Parishes CHECK IT OUT TODAY! ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee Saint Margaret Sunday Missal ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers al nion Persoyner Compa r u o through 2030 Y Pra Designed to be Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! Readings • Reflections • Prayers ➢ American Made In Stock & Ready to Order Today. 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