Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Shrine Twenty
Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Shrine Twenty
Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Shrine 135 North White Horse Pike, Lindenwold, New Jersey 08021 Telephone: (856) 627-2222 Fax: (856) 627- 8210 Website: www.guadalupeparishshrine.org/ www.facebook.com/OurLadyofGuadalupeNJ Email: [email protected] Saint John Paul II Regional School Telephone: (856) 783-3088 www.jp2rs.org Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 16, 2016 Rev. Vincent G. Guest, Pastor Rev. John Yu Seo, Parochial Vicar Rev. James Bartoloma, Chancellor, Diocese of Camden Rev. Wilson Paulose, Chaplain, Kennedy Hospital Mr. Thomas Fargnoli, Deacon Mrs. Helen Persing, St. John Paul II School Principal Ms. Maria Nieva, Director of Liturgy & Music Mrs. Gelen Hernandez, Director of Hispanic Ministries Mrs. Michele Salvino, Director of Faith Formation Mrs. Stephanie Greco, Director of Shrine Services Mr. Francisco Torres, Sacristan XXIX Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 16 de Octubre del 2016 Mass Times / Horarios de las Misas: St. Luke: Monday to Saturday 8:00 a.m. Saturday 4:00 p.m. Sunday 11:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. Reconciliation: Saturday 3:30 p.m. St. Lawrence: Monday to Friday 7:00 p.m. Saturday 5:30 p.m. Sunday 7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Spanish Mass Reconciliation: Mon. to Fri. 6:30 p.m., Sat. 5:00 p.m. Parish Office Hours / Horarios de Oficina: Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. “The word of God is living and effective, discerning reflections and thoughts of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12 “La palabra de Dios es viva y eficaz, discerniendo reflexiones y pensamientos del corazón.” Hebreos 4:12 From the Pastor’s Desk Del Escritorio del Pastor Dear parishioners and friends: A PARISH CENSUS Parishes throughout our diocese completed their merger process approximately six (6) years ago. As you know, here at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Shrine we came together and formed one parish from the communities of Our Lady of Grace in Somerdale, St. Luke in Stratford, and St. Lawrence in Lindenwold. When the merger took place the registered parishioners on the roles from those parishes were merged together, thus creating one of the largest parishes in the diocese. According to the diocese we have 5,230 registered parishioners in the parish. As the years unfolded at our parish, and at most parishes, changes took place. I know that not every registered parishioner from those three (3) former parishes attend Our Lady of Guadalupe. Some families may have moved and other families may have joined nearby parishes. Every parish throughout the diocese has experienced similar movements. For this reason, I believe a new parish census is needed. As the new pastor I first want to have an idea of who we are before we think together about how we can reach out to the many who do not attend church on a regular basis. Together, we will strive to welcome all and will reach out to the broken and lost to share the Joy of the Gospel in our community. For these reasons we will begin a census within the next few weeks. The census will take place one church at a time, beginning with St. Luke’s. Volunteers will be at the church doors with current census data, organized alphabetically by family name. I ask you to take the time to pick up and review the current data we have for your family, make necessary changes (if any) and return the census form to our volunteers. After a month or so we will move the process to St. Lawrence Church. If you are attending and are not registered, we ask that you complete a registration form. When the process at the churches is complete we will mail the remaining census forms to parishioners and asked them to return the corrected census form in an envelope we will provide. At the end of the process (which will take a good 4 months) we should have a better idea of who we are as parish family. Stay tuned for more details and thank you for your wonderful cooperation. If you want to volunteer and help with the process please call us at the parish office. God Bless you and your Family, Father Vince Queridos feligreses y amigos: CENSO PARROQUIAL Aproximadamente hace seis (6) años, las parroquias de nuestra diócesis completaron el proceso de fusión, Como saben aquí en El Santuario Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe nos unimos y formamos una sola parroquia de las comunidades de la Virgen de Gracia en Somerdale, San. Lucas en Stratford, y San Lorenzo en Lindenwold. Cuando la fusión se llevó a cabo los roles de los feligreses registrados de esas parroquias se combinaron, así formando la parroquia más grande de la diócesis. De acuerdo con la diócesis tenemos 5,230 feligreses registrados en la parroquia. Con el paso de los años en nuestra parroquia y en la mayoría de las otras parroquias, los cambios se han llevado a cabo. Sé que no todos los feligreses registrados de las tres (3) antiguas parroquias asisten a la Parroquia de la Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. Algunas familias pueden haberse movido y otras familias pueden haberse unido a sus parroquias cercanas. Todas las parroquias en la diócesis han experimentado cambios similares. Por tal razón, creo que un censo parroquial es necesario. Como nuevo párroco, lo primero que quiero tener es una idea de cuantos somos antes de decidir cómo podemos trabajar juntos para contactar a los muchos feligreses que no asisten a la iglesia regularmente. Juntos, vamos a luchar para darle la bienvenida a todos aquellos que se sienten alejados y separados, y compartiremos la alegría del Evangelio con nuestra comunidad. Por estas razones vamos a comenzar un censo en las próximas semanas. El censo se realizará una iglesia a la vez, comenzando por San Lucas. Los voluntarios estarán en las puertas de la iglesia con los datos del censo actual, organizados alfabéticamente por el apellido. Les pido que se toman el tiempo para recogerlos y revisar los datos actuales que tenemos de su familia para hacer los cambios necesarios (si hay alguna necesidad) y devolver el formulario del censo a los voluntarios. Después de un mes más o menos vamos a empezar este proceso en la iglesia de San Lorenzo. Si tú estás asistiendo a una de nuestras iglesias, le pedimos que complete un formulario de registración. Cuando este proceso se haya completado en las iglesias, vamos a enviar por correo los formularios del censo restantes a los feligreses y les pido devolver el formulario del censo corregido en un sobre que le proporcionaremos. Al final del proceso (que se llevara unos 4 meses) debemos tener una mejor idea de quienes somos como familia parroquial. Estén atentos para más detalles y gracias por su maravillosa cooperación. Si quieres ser voluntario y ayudar con este proceso, por favor llámenos a la oficina parroquial. Que Dios te bendiga ti y a tu familia. Padre Vicente Mass Schedule & Intentions S- St. Luke L- St. Lawrence Monday, October 17, 2016 S 8:00 a.m. Hugh Carberry r/b Anita L 7:00 p.m. No Mass Presbyteral Convocation Tuesday, October 18, 2016 S 8:00 a.m No Mass Presbyteral Convocation S 7:00 p.m. Nina Capella-3rd anniversary r/b Fr. Joe Wednesday, October 19, 2016 S 8:00 a.m. No Mass Presbyteral Convocation L 7:00 p.m. Bernie Borell r/b Worthington family Thursday, October 20, 2016 S 8:00 a.m. Mary & Dominic DeLorenzo r/b loving family L 7:00 p.m. Theresa M. DeBouno r/b Frank Kneble Friday, October 21, 2016 S 9:00 a.m. Raymond Murtaugh, Sr. r/b Donald & Anna Fanelle L 7:00 p.m. Patrick McGowan r/b loving mom & family In Loving Memory: St. Luke Sanctuary Lamp: Lotus Petronzio r/b Barbara & Nick Lanni St. Luke Blessed Mother Candle: Walter Szalanski r/b Kathy & Bob Schaffer St. Luke St. Joseph Candle: Bill Megonegal r/b loving sister, Madeline St. Lawrence Sanctuary Lamp: In honor of Luke Thomas-to Bless his family r/b loving mom Faithful Stewardship “…be persistent whether it is convenient or inconvenient...” 2 TIMOTHY 4:2 It is not always convenient to be a good Steward, especially when all the temptations of our busy and materialistic world get in the way. Now add our own pride and ego into the equation and living a Stewardship lifestyle may be downright uncomfortable! Remember, God didn’t call us to be comfortable. He called us to be faithful. Saturday, October 22, 2016 S 8:00 a.m. Joan Coleman r/b Annamarie McLaughlin S 4:00 p.m. Michael & Mark Legander r/b Mr. & Mrs. W.A. Fanelle Susan Litty-Sanders r/b loving family Raymond Murtaugh, Sr. r/b Erica & Carmine Fanelle L 5:30 p.m. Al Wagner r/b Ann Allen & family Sunday, October 23, 2016 L 7:30 a.m. Helen “Becky” Somers r/b loving husband, John L 9:30 a.m. Diego Correa r/b OLG Staff Mary & Frank Venuto r/b Mary Campbell Rita Joyce r/b loving family L 11:00 a.m. Spanish Mass S 11:30 a.m. Pauline Errichetti r/b Howard A. Messick, Jr. S 5:00 p.m. Anthony Figga, Jr. r/b Diane Koch & children Please pray for those in the military: Brian Axelrod, Thomas Backenson, M.D., Michael Barikian, Mark Bergman, Kevin Bradley, Dylan Brodie, Brandon Carney, Jessica Carney, Off. John Causey, Ryan Dougherty, Trevor Dunkelberger, James Early, Jr., John Early, Sr., Thomas Early, Jr., Drew Hance, Jarrod Haschert, Jonathan Haubrich, T. J. Homan, Justin Jackson, III, PV2 James E. Keen III, Rev. Christopher Kopec, Emily Ann Krowicki, Matthew Krug, Benjamin Kyler, Thomas J. Mackin, Joseph Morett, Michael Mortka, Jr., Taylor Naphys, David Osisek, Jaime Brinn Redmond, Chris A. Roesch, Eric Shook, Jr., Robert, Terry & Michael Turner “Kindly update us when our officers have come home!” Readings of the Week Monday: Eph 2:1-10; Lk 12:13-21 Tuesday: 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Lk 10:1-9 Wednesday: Eph 3:2-12; Lk 12:39-48 Thursday: Eph 3:14-21; Lk 12:49-53 Friday: Eph 4:1-6: Lk 12:54-59 Saturday: Eph 4:7-16; Lk 13:1-9 Sunday: Sir 35:12-14, 16-18; 2 Tm 4:6-8, 16-18; Lk 18:9-14 We Pray For The sick of our parish: Georgette Abadie, Victoria Affrunti, Veronica Ahern, Joseph Allen, Rosanne Agyll Amatorio, Eileen Anderson, Carmela Baccari, Helen & Robert Bacisin, Frank Bada, Chris Bakey, Jean Barber, Daniel Barrett, Aidan Barth, Joyce Baus, Adam, Charley & Karynlee Berstecher, Samuel J. & Veronica Black, Helen Bowman, Peggy Brooks, Eileen & Maureen Brown, Jeffrey Brown, William & Elizabeth Buehler, Juanita Byrd, Fran Cann, Fr. Joe & Mr. Anthony Capella, Joseph & Dolores Caporelli, Mary Carroll, Marie Case, Nick Catania, Nevio Celestino, Anthony Cerminaro, Dawn Cherry, Robert Cimino, Valerie Cohen, Maryann Coleman, Domenic Cosenza, Jose Cortes, Christiana Cooper, Joann Curialo, Angie Dabbenigno, Joseph D’Agostino, Marie D’Amico, Hank & Rosalia Davis, Kathleen Dawson, Emily Degen, Carol DelMastro, Joe & Liz DeNardo, Daniel DiBartolomeo, Mary Ann DiMarcantonio, Anginita DeRanus, Thelma Donnally, Maximiano Dosado, William Dougherty, Dorothy Duffy, James Dugan, Blanche & Leonard Fanelli, Annette Favieri, Brian & Kurt Gahm, Manny & Maryann Galone, Mary Gavin, Steve & Jayne Gismonde, Charles Gold, Anna Gloria Gonzalez, Maria Hagge, Veanna Hall, Kathryn Harte, Jodi Harvey, Richard Hepp, Yolanda Hernandez, Gertrude Hoff, Joanne Hoffman, Shirley Holt, Raymond Horner, Mary Houndslow, Margaret Infanti, Leon Johnson, Billy Jones, Lorraine Kaminski, Carole & Mary Katz, Anne Marie Kelly, Theresa Kelly, Roseanne Kimball, Amanda Kingett, Maryann Kirchner, Joseph Kneble, Nancy Knowles & family, Jessica Laidley, Carlo Lala, Joseph Michael Lala, Rose Lanciano, Alicia LaScala, Joanne Lazzaro, Caroline Lewis, Boyce & Cecilia Longo, Angeline Lopez, Thomas Lopez, Tanya Lugo, Virginia Mailahn, Carmela Mangano, Pat Manko & family, Philomena Marquis, Mary Marrone, William Martin, Dan & Maureen Mastrobuono, Connie Mazzola, Carol Massimiano, Donald McMullin, Sr., Chuck McAinley, Msgr. Patrick McCabe, Dot McCall, Robert McCarthy, Dominic McDowell, Mary McGroarty, Jack McGuigan, Ed McKemey, Savannah Lynn McSorley, Tom & Betty Miller, Rose Monaco, Frank Monaghan, Sue Moreno, Charles Morgan, Marty Moritz, Kenny & Kristina Moroni, Dan & Erin Murphy, Stephen James Murphy, Ro Murray, Fred Naphys III, Bob O’Dowd, Eileen O’Malley, Constance Onorato, Kay O’Keefe, Vince Pagano, Matthew Petrongolo, Walter Perilli, Johnny Pflugfelder, Justin Phillips, Joe Pilla, Rosemarie Piotti, Judy Polidano, Thomas & Collin Powell, Mary Quigley, Joseph Ranieri, Jeanne Renshaw, Dorothy Rein, Millie Reinert, Jack Revaitis, William & Natalia Reyes, John Ribechi, Robert Riedel, Jerry Roderick, Steve Robbins, Rick, Monica, Herman & Faith Rodriguez, Jayden Rosendale, John Sachs, Frank Sabatini, Jr., Barbara Santoro, Bob Schaffer, Tori Schmitzes, Joan Schules, Mark Scott, Richie Seibert, Stanley Sellers, Carol Shander, Krista Sheehan, Thomas Simon, James Solly, Vicente Sontillano, Anna Sperandio, Monica St. Maur, Sophie Staab, Geoff Steiert, Lillian Stiles, Christina Sturigis, Cathy Sweeney, Christopher Tama, Robert A. Taormina, Eleanor Tartamosa, Jesse & Sarah Thomas, Lenny Thomas, Betty Tobin, Carolyn Trioli, Lorraine & Victor Trocine, Diane Trofino, Trudy Tucker, Frank Turchi, Maria Veith, Natalie Vitarelli, Joan Vivian, Mary & Bob Volsony, Bill Waples, Kathy Watkins, John Welsh, Debra Winder, Margaret Wolick, Barry M. Wright, Victoria Rose Yates, Lawrence Yoka, Rudi Alberto Yuarez, Tom Zadjeika, Elwood Zievis, Baby Garrett Nickles & family, Baby Mia Noelle, Baby Trini Cruz-Stillmak & Baby Lucas Watkins. Please pray for those in the nursing home: Gail Capriotti, Ann James, Theresa McCann, & Theresa Taylor. Please pray for those who have died: Ann Marie Kirvan Parish News & Notes / Noticias y Notas Parroquiales Take a mini-retreat for only $3! Check out the new titles in our Lighthouse Media CD boxes! Next Distribution: 4th Sat., October 22, 2016 2nd Tues., November 8, 2016 Distribution will be from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Location: Our Lady of Grace, Somerdale 856-627-8824 We accept monetary donations, canned goods, tuna & cereals. Mark Hart uses Scripture and his experience of surviving an earthquake to share how we can master our fears. He also reveals how our fears will pursue us if we don't meet them head on. Mark encourages us to not only face the proverbial giants in our lives but to slay them as David did Goliath, thereby finding freedom in Christ. Thank you for your generosity!!! Upcoming Collections: Today: World Mission Sunday November 6: Archdiocese for the Military Services Register now for Pre-Cana Classes October 28 & 29, 2016 Facilitators: Frank & Carla Hanley For more information email: [email protected] Spiritual Life Formation / Formación Vida Espiritual th To learn more about our Preschool - 8 Grade program, please contact Christine Willard, Advancement Director at 856-783-3088 or [email protected]. A personal tour is the best way to get to know us, and all that we have to offer your child academically, spiritually and socially. Call today! St. John Paul II is looking for substitute teachers. Interested candidates must have at least 60 college credits and will need to be fingerprinted through the NJDOE. Please contact Mrs. Persing at 856-783-3088. KA and KB went outside for science class to OBSERVE. They used magnifying glasses from our science center to observe various things in nature. These young students are most curious about the world and enjoyed getting a very close look today! Science Explorers Club had its first session today after school. Today's lab experiment demonstrated the magic of air. Students learned about the properties of air with fun, hands-on learning. Monday classes resume on October 17 as usual. Please remember to bring your books and completed assignment back to class. Updated Intergenerational Event information is emailed to all families at the beginning of each month. Please contact the parish office if you do not receive the updates. It is not too late to register your child in the Faith Formation Program for this year. In order to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion in 2nd grade, all children must begin attending the program in 1st grade. Please call Michele at the parish office for assistance at 856-627-2222. Sacramental Completion Classes: RCIT - Ages 13 to 17 - Tues. evenings from 6 - 7 p.m. RCIA - Ages 18 & over - Tues. evenings from 7:30 - 9 p.m. St. Lawrence Conference Room Contact Barbara Buehler: 856-784-8940 Worship Parishand News Liturgy / Noticias / El Culto Parroquiales y la Liturgia Infant Baptism 2nd Sunday of each month at 1:30 p.m., St. Lawrence , or during 11:30 a.m. Mass, St. Luke. Baptismal classes, 1st Tuesday of the month, 7:30 p.m., St. Lawrence Church. Please email Dan Farr, [email protected] or call (856) 783-1586 Prayer for Life Rosary prayed in reparation for abortion every Thursday @ 11:30 a.m., St. Lawrence Church, in front of the Blessed Sacrament, led by the Beloved Daughters Women’s Faith Sharing Group. Bautismos: Cada cuarto domingo durante la Santa Misa, 11:00 a.m. (padres y padrinos) Charlas pre-bautismales cada segundo míercoles del mes a las 7:00 p.m. en la capilla. Para mas informacion por favor llamar a Francisco y Lucy Cruz al. [email protected] (856) 858-9345 Holy Hour After 7:00 p.m. Mass every Monday Marriage Arrangements for marriage should be made one year in advance. Because of the preparation needed, six months notification is mandatory. Please call parish office for details. Horario Misas en español: Todos los jueves, 7:00 p.m., y todos los domingos, 11:00 a.m. Confeciones antes y despues de las Misas jueves y domingos. Movimiento Juan XXIII Todos los martes, reunión en la capilla en Lindenwold 7 p.m. a 9 p.m. Matrimonio: Por favor, hablar a la oficina para mas información sobre las Charlas pre-matrimoniales y cuales son los requisitos para la boda religiosa. Grupo de la Divina Misericordia de la Parroguia y santuario de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Todos los viernes a las 7 p.m. en la capilla. Eucharistic Adoration Every Thursday from 9 a.m. to 6:45 p.m., St. Lawrence Church Sabado Reunión Carismatica, en la iglesia de San Lucas, los martes, hueves y sabado, de 7 p.m. a 9 p.m. October 23, 2016 Priest Schedule / Horios de los Sacerdotes October 22, 2016 4:00 p.m., St. Luke: Fr. Vince 5:30 p.m., St. Lawrence: Fr. John 7:30 a.m., St. Lawrence: Fr. Jim 9:30 a.m., St. Lawrence: Fr. Vince 11:00 a.m., St. Lawrence (Sp.): Fr. John 11:30 a.m., St. Luke: Fr. Vince 5:00 p.m., St. Luke: Fr. Vince Parish News & Notes / Noticias y Notas Parroquiales Today, October 16: Mass for Expectant Mothers - St. Lawrence @ 2:00 p.m. October 18: St. Luke’s Feast Day - Mass at St. Luke @ 7:00 p.m. November 2: All Souls Mass - Mass at St. Lawrence @ 7:00 p.m. November 6: Café Guadalupe 1st Sunday of every month after all morning Masses Welcome! Gianna Michele Kurrs Eloise Meyers Eva Catherine Miller Ruby Constana Nop Gabriel Michael Rebecca Carson Robert Stinson Men's Ministry Every first Wednesday of the month! Join us for Bible reading and a movie from 7-9 p.m. @ the Chapel. Contact: Neil Ortiz @ 856.834.8626 Parish News & Notes / Noticias y Notas Parroquiales Respect Life News Thought for the Week Physician-Assisted Suicide is in the news again as our state legislators re-introduce a bill to legalize it in New Jersey: Assembly bill 2451/Senate bill 2474. Please call your local legislators and ask them to vote “NO” on these bills. PLEASE JOIN US AT GOOD COUNSEL’S BANQUET THURSDAY, October 27, 6:00-9:00 p.m. THE MERION, 1901 US ROUTE 130, CINNAMINSON YOU are invited at attend Good Counsel’s Tenth Annual Fund Research has shown that often when a patient says: Raising Banquet to benefit the homeless, pregnant mothers of “I want to die” it may mean “I feel useless” or our Riverside home. Our key note speaker is Vicar General of “I don’t want to be a burden” they may be asking “Am I a burden?” the Camden Diocese, Father Robert Hughes. or “I might as well be dead” he may be saying “No one cares about me.” Reservations are required. Please contact Mary Ann Lorimer for information: 215-989-0021 or [email protected]. Ask Many studies have shown that requests for assisted suicide are almost always cries for better pain relief and more support. In the 10 friends to join you and we will reserve a table just for you! A free will offering will be taken during the dinner. Netherlands, where assisted suicide is legal, the request for “hastened death” was withdrawn by 85% of patients when their Celebrate the miracles of our Riverside home with us. I look symptoms were better controlled with medications for depression forward to seeing you! and pain. (from the brochure “Every Suicide is Tragic”- USCCB Respect Life materials, 2016) JoAnn DiNoia [email protected] On this 90th World Mission Sunday which will be From the Office of the Bishop… celebrated in our Diocese this weekend, our diocesan It has come to the attention of the Bishop’s Office that Father family joins our brothers and sisters around the world Gustavo Agudelo, a priest of the Diocese of Barcelona in who will gather at the Lord’s Table to celebrate, with Venezuela, is presenting himself for ministry here in the great joy, our common vocation as missionaries. Our Diocese of Camden. The faithful should know that Father prayers and financial help, through the Society for the Agudelo does not have to the faculties (the right) to celebrate Propagation of the Faith, support the work of the Mission Mass or the Sacraments in the parishes of the diocese and is Church, its witness to Christ and service to the poor. not permitted to do so in private homes without the expressed written permission of the bishop. Any questions regarding “Let us not close our hearts within our own particular this matter are to be addressed to the Chancellor’s Office of concerns, but let us open them to all of humanity.” the Diocese of Camden. Message for World Mission Sunday, 2016 WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Looking for a new way to let your spouse know you love them in the midst of your jobs, carpooling the kids, and trying to keep up with your house and yard? Tell him or her they're still #1 in your life... share a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend with each other. The next weekend date is Dec 5-7. Call 609-741-8012 for information or email [email protected]. Visit our website: wwme-southjersey.org. God never intended for us to go through difficulties alone. That is why God has brought us together as a congregation and why we have Stephen Ministry. To learn how you, or a friend, neighbor, coworker or relative can receive care, please contact: Carla Hanley [email protected] or 856.287.4620 Parish News & Notes / Noticias y Notas Parroquiales Resorts Casino Trip The Knights of Columbus Council #2976 will be sponsoring a trip to the Resorts Casino in Atlantic City on Sunday, November 13, 2016. The bus will leave the Council House, 101 Stone Road, Clementon, NJ at approximately 10:30 a.m. and return around 7:00 p.m. The cost is $50 per person. This includes transportation, ticket to see impressionist Karen Grainger, plus $10.00 in Slot Dollars from Resorts. You must be 21 years of age and have a Resorts club player card or a valid driver’s license. For info or to reserve a seat, call Bill Corriveau 784-9713. ************************************************** The Knights of Columbus Holy Family Council #7800 Dream Raffle Tickets are available . The prize is the choice of one of following trips: 7 day Hawaiian trip (2 adults ) 7 day trip to Disney World (2 adults - 2 children ) 7 day cruise to Bermuda (2 adults ) Diaper Drive Our parish Respect Life Ministry, along with Nativity Council Knights of Columbus, will be having a Diaper Drive on the last two weekends of October. Look for our signs and the laundry baskets at the doors of the churches for collecting the diapers and wipes. This is one concrete way to perform a corporal work of mercy by helping those in need. Bishop Eustace Preparatory School Open House and Scholarship/Entrance Exam Information Bishop Eustace Preparatory School invites students and parents to our Open House on Sunday, October 23, 2016 from 7 day trip to either the Eastern or Western Caribbean 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Experience firsthand our commitment (2 adults), 7 day trip to either Jamaica or Nassau (2 adults). to academic excellence, spiritual development, and personal All trips include transportation and Hotel. Drawing date is Sunday growth, while touring our college style, 32-acre campus. Skip the lines and pre-register on our website! December 4 after the 11:30 a.m. Mass at St Luke Church. We also encourage interested 8th grade students to sit for our Scholarship/Entrance Exam on Saturday, October 29, 2016 at For tickets contact Chuck 856-784-1873 and Joe 856-812-8730. 8:00 a.m. The fee for the exam is $25. The eight highest scorers will be offered an academic scholarship. The cost is $ 20.00 a ticket. Only 300 tickets will be sold. Attention: Nurses and Social Workers You are invited to discover how VITALity is serving Southern New Jersey and explore the opportunities to become part of our Healthcare Team. For more information, please call the Admissions Office at (856) 662-2160, ext. 240, or visit our website at www.eustace.org Tuesday: October 18, 2016, 5-8p.m. The Pavilion at St. Maximillian Kolbe Parish 200 Tuckahoe Road Marmora, New Jersey, 08223 Wednesday: October 19, 2016, 5-8p.m. St Peter Senior Ministry 55 West Maple Avenue Merchantville, NJ 08109 For more information contact Mimi Schaible (856) 583-6149 email - [email protected] For more information or to Become a Ram for the Day, contact Admissions Director Tom Flynn at [email protected] or call 856-456-4400. To learn more about the proud Ram Tradition, visit www.gchsrams.org and check the Gloucester Catholic Junior Senior High Facebook Page!