Informe en INGLES Aceite Oliovalle
Informe en INGLES Aceite Oliovalle
UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE Facultad Ciencias Agronómicas Depto. Agroindustria y Enología LABORATORIO ACEITE DE OLIVA REPORT Sample 457 RECEIVED SAMPLE: 1 sample of extra virgin olive oil Premium Arbequina REQUESTED FOR: Agrícola Olivícola Oliovalle Ltda. REQUESTED SERVICE: Determination of free acidity, peroxides value, K270, K232, ∆K values, total phenols and principal fatty acids ATTENTION TO: Srta. Bernardita Echeverría ADDRESS: Av. Providencia 1760 piso 8º, Santiago. RECEPTION SAMPLE DATE: May 28, 2009 REPORT DATE: June 4, 2009 RESULTS: OIL SAMPLE Free acidity (% oleic acid) Peroxide value (meq O2/Kg) K270 K232 ∆K Total phenols (ppm cafeic ac.) Extra virgin olive oil Premium Arbequina (457) 0,19 5,0 0,14 1,55 -0,003 560,2 The analyzed sample is inside the values accepted by the IOOC (International Olive Oil Council) to be classified as "extra virgin "olive oil. The maximum values allowed for this category correspond to 0,8 % for free acidity, minor of 20 meq/kg O2 for peroxides value, minor to 2,50 for K232, minor to 0,22 for K270, and the delta K must not be superior to 0,01. For total phenols in olive oil, there do not exist minimal or maximums values established by regulation, but it is possible to indicate that to major content of these compounds, major antioxidant capacity of the oil and therefore major stability. Santa Rosa 11315 La Pintana, Santiago, Chile. Fono:9785731 – Fax 9785796 1 FATTY ACIDS: (%) Principal Fatty Acids Sample Second trade Palmitic acid 12,86 Palmitoleic acid 0,93 Margaric acid 0,12 Margaroleic acid 1,23 Estearic acid 1,99 Oleic acid 74,76 Linoleic acid 8,38 Linolenic acid 0,07 Arachidic acid 0,20 Gadoleic acid 0,43 In relation to fatty acids, it is important to emphasize that the oleic acid content, main fatty acid of the olive oil, is within the level allowed by normative IOOC (International Olive Oil Council) that fluctuates between 55% and 83%. The analyzed sample presents an oleic acid content that allows to be classified as virgin extra olive oil. The rest of fatty acids also are within the levels demanded in the international norm. Attentively ---------------------------------María Luz Hurtado Ing. Agr. Mg. Sc. Laboratory head -------------------------------Elena Sepúlveda E. Ing. Agr. Santiago, June 4, 2009 Santa Rosa 11315 La Pintana, Santiago, Chile. Fono:9785731 – Fax 9785796 2