16 martes / tuesday2016
16 martes / tuesday2016
2 3 * e u r o p e a n r e g g a e f e s t i va l 16 martes / tuesday 2016 12:00 Sunbeach Heliópolis Curso / African dance Class hermanos thioune 13:00 Sunbeach Heliópolis Dj set Rambla DJ Pachamama Mesa intercambio de semillas / Seed exchange counter. llavors d’ací y repesei 13:30 Pachamama Mindfullness. orlando rodrigo. 14:00 Sunbeach Heliópolis Dj set Bassajam ft Tomawok RototomCircus Prácticas libres / Free practice Pachamama Taller de alimentación natural / Natural food workshops. repesei 14:30 Solé Reggae Beach Dj set MICHELE POLETTO 15:00 RototomCircus Escuela Rototom Circus Simposio Artístico Arte en las áreas Foro Social dase Magicomundo irene bofill 15:30 Foro Social El proceso de paz en Colombia The peace process in Colombia Javier Fonseca - Pablo Araoz (Alerta Kamarada). African Village Historia y usos de las telas wax/ History and use of wax fabrics youssouf farafina - thais (united minds) Pachamama Taller La medicina del sonido Workshop The medicine of sound. sanavibra 16:00 MagicoMundo Taller Desencaja el género 1/ Uncuffing gender 1 Territorio Reconecta. eider elizegi Solé Reggae Beach Dj set papastuff Roots Yard JAHSOLDIAH Juanita Club es Cabina abierta & open mic Solé Reggae Beach 1er Torneo voley playa / 1st Beach volley ball tournement opening Simposio Artístico Con los artistas Mores - K196 - Latrini - Cesart - Sara Xauen - Rates - Dibo - Nico - Ninjha - Bronik 16:30 Reggae University FILM FESTIVAL Jah Rastafari! The Roots of Reggae Documentary by Tim Gorbauch 2014,DE, 35mins. English-german, Camp subtitles: english. premiere of the english version 16:30 Simposio Artístico 17:00 Foro Social Mercado ArteSano Arteterapia El gesto impregnado taller con arcilla. collectivo llambi Arte urbano, una apuesta de vida / Urban art, a stake for life ARTISTS Dase - El Xupet Negre - Vinz Feel Free modera Eric Gras Taller de atrapa sueños/ Dream catcher workshop (adultos/adults) Taller de cuero / Leather workshop (niños/children) 17:15 PachamamaCharla Autosostenibilidad y Renovables. Tecnologías apropiadas / Selfsustainability and renewables – Appropriate Technologies josé vicente kaicron African Village Taller de percusión - African drumming workshop Ritmo Djole hermanos thioune 17:30 Sunbeach Heliópolis Curso / Dancehall class“Everybody Wacho! ”. irie queen MagicoMundo Taller de barro y paja / Straw and mud workshop coop. okambuba 18:00 Vibra / Estragon leon selector Roots Yard MAP PUMU FT JOLOF WARRIOR Solé Reggae Beach Dj set BIGMAFIA Reggae University FREEDOM SOUNDS - Reggae as a Space of Camp Rebellion and Resistance con Kabaka Pyramid, Runkus, Koro Fyah, I-Nation, and Dr. Dennis Howard Mercado ArteSano Creación de joyería / Jewelry making (adultos/adults) Trabajar la madera del desierto / Work with wood form the desert (niños/children) 18:15 RototomCircus Olimpiadas Rototom Circus. 441malabares 18:30 Simposio Artístico Arte en las áreas Foro Social dase Sunbeach Heliópolis Dj set IRATION STEPPAS 19:00 Foro Social Cambio climático, entre vacas y petróleo / Climate change, between cows and oil Marianne Thieme, Javier Andaluz Prieto, Sara Pizzinato modera Nacho Martín Reggae University TBA Pachamama Danzando Emociones noemi martínez African Village Danza africana / African dance Baile Djole hermanos thioune Juanita Club es Dj xino EXHIBIT / exposiciones Todos los días / every day 19:15 RototomCircus Rototom Circus Show. pass & co REGGAE UNIVERSITY Tent / CarpA Illustrations by Abba Yahudah (Jamaica/USA) house of rastafari “I-NCIENT FUTURE”, foundation and evolution of the Rastafari Movement. pablo moses ziggi recado main stage 20:45 22:15 jah9 damian marley pablo moses 23:30 jah9 ziggi recado 01:00 damian “jr gong” & handcart JAMAICA & the force hollanda & the dub treatment JAMAICA marleyJAMAICA 20:00 Roots Yard WAWEEKENDS SOUND Cross Club czSELECTA DAVID Black Dynamite fr DJ SAKADO 20:10 RototomCircus Pasacalles / Parade - Borumbaia Percusión 20:30 Juanita Club es MANDIEVUS 20:40 Showcase Stage REBEL ROOTS SPAIN Pachamama Terapias a donación libre / Free donation therapies 22:00 African Village Concierto Hermanos Thioune Un paseo por África blackboard jungle Dub Academy Dancehall Dance Masterclass Alevanille italy Roots Yard ECHO CHAMBER ROOTS HIFI Juanita Club es GENERAL SOUND SYSTEM FT TOMAWOK Cross Club czJAYAH Black Dynamite fr Dj RAOOL Showcase Stage INNA CANTINA SOUND ITALY 22:45 Showcase Stage VIRTUS ITALY 23: 00Dancehall LaMPAdread ft michelle & fyah ed northern lights 23:15 Showcase Stage Rufino & Bonifax ITALY Dub Academy ackboo france ft yeyo pérez madrid / spain 23:30 Dancehall CHRONIC SOUND ft LASAI & NOVATO spain actualizado Al 10 de agosto. el programa puede estar sujeto a varIaciones / UPDATES TO 10 august. program MAY VARY. 2 3 * e u r o p e a n r e g g a e f e s t i va l 23:50 Showcase Stage ska DJ TONI FACE Madrid SPAIN 00:00 Roots Yard VIBRASOUND DASHA FYAH Cross Club cz Black Dynamite fr BONGO BEN & DAVE LOUIS Juanita Club esMARC FAITH 00:15 Showcase Stage SKA THE BARTENDERS POLAND 00:45 Dub Academy blackboard jungle france 02:00 African Village African Disco Dj Baba Sy Radio Africa Magazine Roots Yard BASSAJAM FT TOMAWOK Cross Club cz ILLBILLY HITEC Black Dynamite fr DJ SAKADO Juanita Club es Juanita Skank: COCO GIRL 02:30 Dub Academy manudigital france ft george palmer spain 02:35 Showcase Stage ALMAMEGRETTA ITALY 03:00 Black Dynamite fr DJ RAOOL Dancehall SILLY WALKS DISCOTEQUE 25th anniversary germany 03:45 Showcase Stage DJ LeÓn selector BRAZIL/ARGENTINA Dub Academy greenlight SPAIN ft PROFESSA NATTY uk, IRIE SOULJAH jam & SAXOPHONE ROOTSMAN NL 04:00 Cross Club cz DREAD K Black Dynamite frall Djs togheter Juanita Club es ROCKSTEADY BEATZ Roots Yard mas jahma sound 04:15 Showcase Stage SISTAH AWA & the eazy skankers ITALY 05:00 Showcase Stage ATTILA & the eazy skankers ITALY 05:30 Showcase Stage NICO ROYALE & the eazy skankers ITALY 06:00 Showcase Stage CECIL REUBEN present HOOTANANNY SHOWCASE *1 Radio ROTOTOM 24H 107.8 FM www.radiorototom.com www.rototom.com 16 martes / tuesday 2016
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