ST. RAPHAEL’S PARISH 35-20 Greenpoint Avenue, L.I.C., NY 11101 Telephone: 718-729-8957 Fax: 729-5238 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: MISSION STATEMENT: St. Raphael’s is a parish rooted in tradition yet responding to an evolving community by evangelization in action. We seek to inspire the larger Catholic community to a more committed faith life and to heed Christ’s call of sharing time, talent and treasure for the needs of others. DECLARACION DE MISION: San Rafael es una parroquia enraizada en la tradición y a la vez responde a una comunidad que evoluciona con una acción evangelizadora. Buscamos inspirar a la comunidad católica global a que vivan una fe más comprometida y a prestar atención a la llamada de Cristo a compartir tiempo, talento y bienes con los necesitados. EUCHARIST SCHEDULE Saturday/Sábado Sunday/Domingo 5:00pm - English 8:00am - English 9:45am - Korean 11:00 am—English 12:30 pm—Spanish/Español WEEKDAY SCHEDULE Monday - Friday 9:00am Lunes - Viernes 9:00am OFFICE HOURS/HORARIO Monday - Friday/Lunes - Viernes 9:00-1:00pm & 2:00-4:00pm Saturday/Sábado By appointment / Mediante cita BAPTISM/BAUTISMO Please contact the rectory to make arrangements. You will need the child’s birth certificate. favor de llamar la rectoria. niño. Necesitará el certificado de nacimiento del MARRIAGE/MATRIMONIO Any couple wishing to marry should contact the rectory at least six (6) months before the wedding. Una pareja que está pensando en el matrimonio debe de llamar la rectoría seis (6) meses antes de la boda. RECONCILIATION/RECONCILIACION Saturday/Sábado 4:00-4:45pm and by appointment/y por cita. MINISTRY TO THE SICK/ CUIDADO DE LOS ENFERMOS Please call the rectory at 729-8957 to make arrangements for the sick person to receive Holy Communion or the Anointing of the sick at home. favor de llamar la rectoría al 729-8957 para que la persona enferma reciba la Comunión o Unción de los Enfermos en la casa. September 6th: Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time FROM THE PASTOR… Dear Parishioners, On August 27th, we treated our Altar Servers to a thank-you outing. A posse of twenty participated, including chaperones Angelina and Ines. They are pictured below on the India Street pier in Greenpoint, waiting for the ferry to shuttle them to E. 34th Street. Thanks to our Korean community for the loan of their van and to Richard O’Connor for the chauffeuring to the boat. Thanks to Jim Buckley for giving each server a fluorescent orange baseball cap that made counting them a breeze throughout the day. Across the river, the group enjoyed a tasty lunch at the Garlic Pizzeria, and then took the M15 bus down to East 1st Street, where I had arranged for them to visit the Catholic Worker House of Hospitality. CW volunteers Bud and Carmine gave the group an excellent overview of the soup kitchen and boarding house, as well as a profile of the inspiration behind it all: Dorothy Day (declared a “Servant of God” by the Catholic Church in 2000 and on her way to canonization as a saint). The servers also heard solid Catholic teaching on non-violence and on the demands of justice towards the poor and homeless. We then headed over to Jacques Torres’ shop on Lafayette Street for ice cream cones, which was followed by our seeing a delightful piece of performance art called “The Submarine Show” at the Lynn Redgrave Theatre on Bleecker Street. Through masterful physical comedy, two actors/dancers from San Francisco created the illusion of crashing a submarine and encountering all sorts of challenges in the sea, on the land and in the sky. The entire audience found it insanely funny and sometimes startling as the performers broke the fourth wall and engaged audience members personally in their antics. The show has left New York, but you can sample it on You Tube or the group’s website: It’s no surprise the show has captured “best of” or “hot pick” in various theatre festivals in recent years. Three vans brought our servers back to St. Raphael’s, fed, enlightened, entertained and PHOTO BY INES thanked ! -Father Jerry Jecewiz ! SECOND COLLECTION TODAY: in support of the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. This is the national university of the Catholic Church in our country. It educates 7,000 students each year—more than 4,000 receive aid from this collection. PARISH STAFF/EQUIPO PARROQUIAL Rev. Jerry Jecewiz, Pastor Rev. Luke Kim, Korean Ministry Sister Christine Scherer, D.W., Religious Educ. Mr. Jan Wnek, Music Minister PARISH STEWARDSHIP Last week’s church offering Average weekly expenses $7,113.00 $6,185.00 September 6th –Twenty-Third Sunday In Ordinary Time Mass Intentions for the Week of September 6th Sunday, September 6th: 8:00— John Sobieski (Joan Mary and Bill Jackowski) 9:45—KOREAN MASS 11:00—Brandie Spinner (Mr. and Mrs. Jim Buckley) 12:30—People of St. Raphael’s Parish Monday, September 7th: 9:00— Walter Jackowski (Joan Mary and Bill Jackowski) Tuesday, September 8th: 9:00— Mary Karoski (Birthday Anniversary) (Janice Marrone) Wednesday, September 9th: 9:00— Patrick McNamee Thursday, September 10th: 9:00— Ozzie Stevens (9th Anniversary) (Teresa Stevens and Family) Friday, September 11th: 9:00— Lt. Michael Brennan and 9/11 Victims (Kitty McGee) Saturday, September 12th: 5:00 pm— Jerry Ingenito (Birthdaty Remembrance) (Ingenito Family) AND Brandie Spinner (Mr. and Mrs. Gavin Nichols) AND Stephanie Sosa Bravo(15yr Birthday Remembrance) (Papas) Sunday, September 13th: 8:00— Raquel Torres (Dec’d) Departure of a good friend) (Eloise, Ruben, and Jackie DeJesus 9:45—KOREAN MASS 11:00— Parish Purgatorial Society 12:30— Margarita D’Martino (Enith Parra) THIS WEEK’S EVENTS Sun., Sept. 6th: 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Generations of Faith Mon., Sept. 7th: Labor Day (rectory office closed) 5 pm—Wedding rehearsal Tues., Sept. 8th: Feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary Wed., Sept. 9th: Feast of St. Peter Claver 7 pm—Spanish Rosary + Praise Thurs., Sept. 10th: 10:30 am to 12 noon—Food Pantry 7 pm—Wedding rehearsal Fri., Sept. 11th: Patriots Day The Bread and Wine this week are offered for the victims of 9-11. 3 pm—Wedding Sat., Sept. 12th: Feast of the Most Holy Name of Mary 1:30 to 3 pm—Food Pantry UPCOMING BAPTISM DATES: 2 pm—Wedding In English: Sat., Oct. 10, 2:00 pm. Prep class is Sat., Oct. 3, 11:00 am. Sat., Nov. 14, 2:00 pm. Prep class is Sat., Nov. 7, 11:00 am. FOOD PANTRY (Fumio Tanai photo) In Spanish: Sat., Sept. 19, 2:00 pm. Prep class is Mon., Sept. 14, 7:30 pm. Sat., Oct. 3, 2:00 pm. Prep class is Mon., Sept. 28, 7:30 pm. Sat., Nov. 28, 2:00 pm. Prep class is Mon., Sept. 23, 7:30 pm. is usually open Thursdays from 10:30 am to 12:00 noon, and Saturdays from 1:30 to 3:00 pm. New volunteers are always welcome, as are donations of canned, packaged foods (non-perishable). We do not accept clothing, books or furniture. St. Raphael Exceeds 133% of Minimum Diocesan Goal!!!! CHALLENGE GOAL: $630,000 OR 150% OF GOAL Total secured pledges to date: $558,780 Thanks to the generosity of our families to date, we have secured pledges for 133% of our parish’s minimum goal for GENERATIONS OF FAITH!!!! Going forward, ALL additional campaign contributions will return to the parish to address: Replacing the church boiler, which is more than 40 years old. Repainting the entire interior of the church in preparations for the 150th Anniversary of the parish. Undertaking structural and cosmetic improvements to the Pastoral Center. WHAT’S NEXT FOR GENERATIONS OF FAITH AT ST. RAPHAEL AND HOW CAN YOU HELP? Our parish committee has been reaching out to parishioners to explain details about the campaign; if you are contacted, please respond warmly and accept their call as you would a call from the parish. If you have received campaign materials, and are currently praying on your decision, please return your pledge card to the parish office or in the collection basket. Please continue to pray for the success of this important initiative. For questions, please contact the Parish Office (718) 729-8957 APPROACHING OUR 150TH ANNIVERSARY St. Raphael supera el 133% del Diocesano mínimo Meta!!!! RETO META: $630,000 o 150% de la meta Total de compromisos garantizados hasta la fecha: $ 558.780 Gracias a la generosidad de nuestras familias hasta la fecha , hemos conseguido promesas de 133% de la meta mínima de nuestra parroquia para GENERACIONES DE FE!!!! En el futuro, TODAS las contribuciones de campaña adicionales volverán a la parroquia para hacer frente a: Sustitución de la caldera de la iglesia , que es más de 40 años de edad. Repintado todo el interior de la iglesia en los preparativos para el 150 aniversario de la parroquia. La realización de mejoras estructurales y cosméticos al Centro Pastoral. ¿QUÉ SIGUE PARA GENERACIONES DE FE EN ST. RAPHAEL Y COMO PUEDE AYUDAR? Nuestro comité parroquial ha sido llegar a los feligreses para explicar detalles sobre la campaña; si usted se pone en contacto, por favor responda con gusto y aceptar su llamada como lo haría una llamada de la parroquia. Si usted ha recibido materiales de la campaña, y en la actualidad está orando en su decisión, por favor devuelva su tarjeta de promesa a la oficina de la parroquia o en la canasta de la colecta. Por favor, continúen orando por el éxito de esta importante iniciativa. Si tiene preguntas, póngase en contacto con la Oficina Parroquial: (718) 729-8957 Recuerde esta campaña es casi igual sacrificio, dones no iguales ! CHRISTMAS SHOW TRIP Join us Tuesday, December 15 on a bus trip to the Westchester Broadway Theatre for A Classic Irish Christmas show starring Andy Cooney. ST. RAPHAEL’S ATLANTIC CITY BUS TRIP Saturday September 19 $40.00 per person (25.00 slot play at Taj Mahal Casino) Breakfast served starting at 8:00 am in the rectory basement Bus departs promptly at 9am and we will return by 9pm The bus will be leaving St. Raphael’s at 9:30am and will return at approximately 4:30pm. A pre-show lunch will be served that includes a salad, entrée, and dessert with coffee or tea. Soft & alcoholic beverages are available for purchase. Total per person is 90.00 and seats are limited. Please call Elizabeth Buckley to reserve your spot: 917.589.6629 Raffles & 50/50 chances Light Snacks on the bus To reserve your spot: Call Elizabeth Buckley at 917.589.6629 & send cash or a check to the rectory. No seats will be held without payment. This is a parish fundraiser with 100% of the proceeds going to St. Raphael’s Parish ¿Quieres bailar con nosotros? Somos un grupo de danza mexicana folklórica y estamos buscando nuevos miembros. Nuestra meta es involucrar a la gente de nuestra parroquia y enseñarles nuestra cultura mexicana. Aprenderán pasos básicos de bailes regionales y después los pondremos en práctica en una coreografía. Nos presentaremos en la festividad anual de la parroquia en honor a nuestra Virgen de Guadalupe. ¡Esperamos verlos pronto! Requisitos: >10años en adelante *Niños menores de 10 años deben ser acompañados de un adulto. >Tener voluntad >Seguir reglas básicas Ensayamos los sábados de 5-8pm en el salón de Michael Brennan 917-804-5202 Felix O. Perez 646-226-9042 Rosalba Carvente IN MEMORIAM: FIREFIGHTER MICHAEL E. BRENNAN September 11, 2001 Lord, we pray for the continued healing of all those suffering emotional and physical scars. May your spirit breathe new breath into clouded lungs, new life into troubled minds, and new warmth into broken hearts, so that all may feel wrapped in your loving embrace. May we move from suffering to hope, from brokenness to wholeness, from anxiety to courage, from death to life, from fear to love, and from despair to hope. Amen. St. Raphael’s Church : AY D N Y SU DA ! D IS R TH ABO KEN L EE W Sept. 6—Oct. 4 Vendors Wanted! Price is $35 per 10-foot spot ($45 if you need to borrow an 8-ft. table from us) PREPARED FOODS AVAILABLE THIS ‘N THAT 1. Our GOLDEN AGE BINGO group resumes this Wednesday at noon in the rectory basement. New members are always welcome to join. 2. Our Korean parishioners will be having their annual BAZAAR in the rear parking lot next Sunday. Stop by for tasty treats and unusual merchandise. Also, support their cause by taking a raffle ti9cket ($5) outside the church today. 3. The ANNOUNCED MASS BOOK FOR 2016 will open in the rectory office on Wednesday, Sept. 16th, at 10 am. 4. In observance of Labor Day, the rectory office will be closed this Monday, September 7th. 5. Please keep an eye on your personal belongings in church, especially at Communion time. 6. One of our pastoral ministers, Paul Casiano, is looking for a 3-room apartment in the neighborhood. Please call 646-509-1109 if you have one or know of one. 7. TARDE DE ALABANZA: domingo 18 de octubre de 6:00 pm a 9:00 pm. Con el cantante Enrique Feliz. Donación $10. Se servirá café y pan. Our RELIGIOUS EDUCATION program children have been given reregistration forms to sign up for the next pastoral year, beginning in in September. Also: spread the word to potential newcomers to the program as well. Call 718-729-8957 for more info.
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