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Distributed by Zeus Química, S.A. Santaló, 152-154, bajos – 08021 Barcelona - Spain Tel.: +34 93 240 22 22 – Fax: +34 93 240 22 23 zeus@ze usqu imica.com – www.zeusqu imica.com a product from COLORC LAY, S.L. www.colorclay.com Natural col our clay INC I n ame : ILL ITE BSI 3770 Product description: All C OLOR CL AY ® products have some commo n characteristics , l ike high si lica te content, a sui tab le partic le size tha t gives sp readabil ity w ith p leasan t and easy applica tio n on the sk in. Aspect: Colour: Odour: homogeneous powder linden be ige odourless Chemical ana lys is: Microb io logy: SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO M gO Na 2 O K2O TAMC <100 u fc/g (tota l aerob ic microbi al count) 64. 48% ± 5% 18. 44% ± 5% 6. 37% ± 5% 1. 44% ± 5% 0. 56% ± 5% 0. 27% ± 5% 2. 93% ± 5% TYMC <100 u fc/g (tota l yeas t and mould coun t) Pathogens : Absence Particle size 95% partic les < 44 microns Physica l-chemica l c haracteristics: pH (Sol . 20% i n wat er) Light s tabi li ty: Nat ural l i ght: Vi t al ux l i ght : Humid i ty: 9.06± 1 st abl e st abl e < 7% Cosmetic app lications - Pro perties: Applications: The most ou tstand ing properties for the app lica ti on on to the sk in, pure o mixed wi th o ther ingredien ts in cosmetic formul ations, are the fol low ing on es: • Facial or Body muds , in po wder form at 100% , for m ixtures w ith liqu id (water or solu tions w ith active ingredien ts) or in combina tion wi th o ther po wders in a formula tion. Reco mmende d dosage 30-50%. • Facial or body masks, incorporated in em uls ions or suspens ions. Dosage 5- 30%. • Facial or body cleansers as foa ming products: Liquid soaps , (dosage 2- 10%) Peelin g l iquid soa ps (dosage 1020%). Soap bars for d eep c leansin g. • Gel-Mask • Hair mask or specia l sha mpoos • Anti-s tress-balancing-drain ing : Thanks to sodiu m, po tassiu m and magnesiu m conten t, C OLO R CLAY ® TILIA ba lances e lectro lytes in the cel l and prevent from conges tion and muscular tens ion. • Absorbent ac tion: The smal l partic le size gives a h igh specific surface , thus a h igh absorption capaci ty , a very useful property for oi ly and impure skin . • Occlusive ac tion : Directly applied on the skin , i t increases body temperature al lowin g a better pene tration of active ingredien ts. Specia l c onsiderations: Generally speaki ng all for mula tions need a suspending agent to ensure stab le and homogeneous products Important! Due to the na tural orig in o f the product, colour may sl ightly change from ba tch to batch. Cedrus – Cocoa – Corylys – Cydonia – O lea – Quercus – Rosa – Tilia – Vulcanus This data is based on our present knowledge, our experience and reliable sources. However, it shall not constitute a guarantee for any specific product features and shall not establish a legal valid contractual relationship Version: 11 /13 Hoja de especificaciones / Product specifications PRODU CTO / P ROD UCT : COLO R C LAY ® TIL IA Producto Nº / Product No .: 23-C Fecha de revisión / Date Issued: 11 .11.1 3 PROP IED ADES PROPE RTIES Color / Colour : Humedad / Hu mid ity : Granulome tría / P artic le s ize : RANG O RANGE METO DO METH OD Beige grisáceo Linden grey Visual Visual < 7% Residuo seco Dry ma tter % a través de un tam iz de 44 micras %Through a 44 m icrons s ieve 95% < 44 µm Microbio log ía / Microbio logy: TAMC (conta je to tal de microorganis mos aerób icos) / T AMC (to ta l aerob ic microbia l count) <100 u fc/g TYMC (conta je to tal de hongos y levaduras) / TA MC (to tal yeast and mou ld count) <100 u fc/g Patogenos / Pathogens Certi ficado de irradiac ión Irradiation Certificate Ausencia Absence CO LO R CLAY ® es un product o nat ural . La i nt ensi dad y t onal i dad del col or pueden cam bi ar l i ger am ent e de un l ot e a ot ro. CO LO R CLAY ® i s a nat ural product . The i nt ensi t y and shade of t he col our m ay sl i ght l y change f rom one l ot t o t he ot her. COPIA NO CONTROLADA UNCONTROLLED COPY COLOR CLAY® es una marca comerc ial registrada de COLORC LAY, S.L. COLOR CLAY® is a registered Tradem ark of COLORCLAY, S.L. Cedrus – Cocoa – Corylys – Cydonia – O lea – Quercus – Rosa – Tilia – Vulcanus Distribut ed by Zeus Quím ica, S.A. Santaló, 152-154, bajos – 08021 B arcelona - Spain T e l. : + 3 4 9 3 2 4 0 2 2 2 2 – F a x : + 3 4 9 3 2 4 0 2 2 2 3 zeus @zeusquim ica.c om – w ww.z eusquimic a.com a product from COLORCLAY, S.L. www. c o lor c la y. c om