Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist Catedral de San Juan
Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist Catedral de San Juan
Office/Oficina 707 N. 8th Boise, ID 83702 208-342-3511 208-342-1564 Fax Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist Catedral de San Juan Evangelista Building on a Foundation of Faith Edificando Sobre una Base de Sunday, February 14, 2016 First Sunday of Lent Est. 1906 Diocese of Boise Diócesis de Boise Bishop/Obispo: Peter F. Christensen Rector: Fr./ P. Gerald J. Funke Parochial Vicar/ Vicario Parroquial: Fr./P. Antonio Eguiguren Deacons/Diaconos: Tom Dominick Mac Chester Bill Pastoral Associate/ Asociada Pastoral: Oralia Lorenzana Director of Youth Ministry/ Directora de Ministerio de Jovenes: Lorissa St. Joseph’s School/Escuela de San Jose Principal Dr. Sarah Quilici, 342-4909 Director of Music: Dr. Raphael Director of Children and Family Faith Formation/ Directora de Educación Religiosa: Teresa Wittry Coordinator of RCIA/RCIC (Becoming Catholic): Deborah Chester Sacramentos: Reconciliacíón- En la capilla, Sabados, 3:00pm; Martes, 12:45pm Bautismos-Platica el 2° viernes de cada mes a las 7:00pm. Matrimonios-Por favor hablar con la oficina con seis meses de anticipación Sacraments: Weekend Mass Schedule/Horarios de Misas en el fin de Semana: Saturday/Sábado: 5:00pm Sunday/Domingo: 8:00am, 10:00am, 11:30am (Spanish/Español) 1:00pm, LifeTeen 5:00pm Weekday Mass Times: Misa Diaría: Monday-Friday: Lunes -Viernes: 8:30am T, W, F: Martes, Miercoles, Viernes: 12:15pm Miercoles (Español): 6:30pm First Saturday/Sabado Primero: 8:30am of Penance- In Chapel, 3:00pm, Tuesday, Sacrament of Baptismrequired appointment preparation. contact the parish Sacrament of Please call the office at least six months advance of the marriage Living Our Faith Sharing Time and Talent Food Bank St. John’s Food Bank Sunday, February 21, is next weekend...always the 3rd Sunday of each month. Please consider dona ng canned food items including fruit and chili or boxed cereal. Place them in the wooden bin in the ves bule in the back of the church. Thank you for helping to feed the hungry. Page 2 Cathedral Bulletin 2/14/16 A Morning with Dr. Sco Hahn In a rare visit to Idaho, come listen to renowned author, Bible scholar, interna onal speaker, and Catholic convert Dr. Sco Hahn. The event will be at St. Mark's Church in Boise on Saturday, Feb. 20, 2016. The morning begins with Mass at 7:45 a.m. followed by presenta ons from 8:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. on his conversion story, the Holy Eucharist, and the New Evangeliza on. No ckets are necessary. A free-will offering will be taken. For more informa on contact Chris Kreslins at 208-350-7547 or email [email protected]. Liturgical Ministers LECTORS: February 20-21, 2016— 5pm(Saturday): Kathy Brady, Keri Gies 8am-Maggie Hunter, Rick Metzger 10am: Kerry Ellen Elliot, Karen Zatkulak 11:30: Jeri Kent, Colle e Cowman 5pm: Sam Ryan Extraordinary Ministers: February 20-21 2016: 5pm (Saturday)- Team 4 8am– Team DD 10am-Team D 11:30am-Team IV Lenten Retreat YEAR OF MERCY St. John’s Cathedral will offer RECONCILIATION Every Wednesday during Lent 5:00pm-7:30pm Please join us on February 27th for Journey With Christ, a Lenten retreat and reflection upon our faith journey. We will meet from 9:30 until 4:30, and lunch will be provided. Please contact [email protected] to register and for more information. Ladies! Save the Date! April 23! Yes, there will be a contest! What? CWC/Fr iend/Fund-raising Style Show and lunch Anticipated Groups/ Themes: BK, Choir , St. J oe’s, Basque, Hispanic, Athletes, Young Moms, RCIA, New Comers, Old Timers, Bible Study, etc. Where? When? How Much? Par ish Hall, 11:30-1:00pm, $15.00 per person Why? Have fun and suppor t causes: St. Vincent de Paul/ Corpus Christi/Food Bank How? 10 table captains needed to pr ovide place setting for 8, centerpieces/table cloths (paper, plastic,or china, your choice) CWC will provide: salads/wine/br ead/desser ts Fashions “to be determined” To host a table: e-mail [email protected] TICKETS WILL BE AVAILABLE IN MARCH VOCATIONS : Our seminarians would enjoy hearing from you this Lent. Cards and letters are always appreciated. Here are our seminarians' names and addresses: Nelson Cintra, Mundelein Seminary, 1000 East Maple Avenue, Mundelein, IL 60060 Joseph Lustig, St. Therese Little Flower Catholic Church, 1601 Oakley Avenue, Burley, ID 83318 Rev. Mr. Mark Uhlenkott, John Mosier, Peter Murphy, Nathan Dail, Joshua Falce, John Kucera; Mt. Angel Seminary, One Abbey Drive, St. Benedict, OR 97373 Mark your calendar: Ordination of Rev. Mr. Mark Uhlenkott to the Priesthood, Thursday, June 9! Page 3 Cathedral Bulletin 2/14/16 Bilingual Announcements / Avisos Bilingue Intenciones del Santo Padre Francisco para el mes de febrero del 2016: The Pope’s Intentions for the month of February 2016: Universal Universal El respeto a la Creación. Care for Creation Que cuidemos de la creación, recibida como un don que That we may take good care of creation–a gift freely given hay que cultivar y proteger para las generaciones futuras. –cultivating and protecting it for future generations. Evangelization Por la Evangelización Asia Pueblos de Asia y fe cristiana. That opportunities may increase for dialogue and encounter between the Christian faith and the peoples of Asia. Para que aumente la oportunidad de diálogo y deencuentro entre la fe cristiana y los pueblos de Asia. I D M A —D J I B En este Año Jubilar de la Misericordia, el Papa Francisco ha declarado su deseo por una Indulgencia Jubilar que llegue a cada uno de los fieles como una experiencia genuina de la misericordia de Dios. Por lo tanto, el Año de la Misericordia incluye la concesión de indulgencias para que todos sientan una experiencia viva de la cercanía de Dios quien recibe y perdona, olvidando completamente los pecados come dos. T E N Estas oportunidades están abiertas a todos: niños y ancianos, familias, grupos de jóvenes, pequeños grupos de fe, individuos, e incluso los que están confinados o encarcelados. ¿Q ? Una indulgencia es "…la expresión de la plena confianza de la Iglesia de ser escuchada por el Padre cuando…ella le pide que mi gue o anule el aspecto doloroso del cas go fomentando su aspecto medicinal a través de otros canales de gracia." P ,¿ ? La iglesia enseña que una indulgencia es un acto de misericordia de parte de Dios, cuando Él concede de Su abundante amor la reparación por nuestros actos de maldad que nosotros, por nosotros mismos, no podemos ofrecer, librándonos del cas go por algunos o todos nuestros pecados. Una persona que recibe una indulgencia plenaria ob ene la remisión completa del cas go por los pecados come dos. Una persona que ob ene una indulgencia parcial ob ene una remisión parcial. En consecuencia, a través de "otros canales de gracia"—la oración y actos de misericordia realizados por la persona—el cas go por nuestros pecados es anulado (indulgencia plenaria) o reducido (indulgencia parcial.) Page 4 Y M —D B In this Jubilee Year of Mercy, Pope Francis has stated his wish for a Jubilee Indulgence to reach each of the faithful as a genuine experience of God’s mercy. Therefore, the Year of Mercy will entail the gran ng of indulgences in order for all to feel a living experience of the closeness of God who welcomes and forgives. W ’ A N These opportuni es are open to all: children and the elderly, families, youth groups and small faith groups, individuals, and even those who are homebound or incarcerated. W ? An indulgence is “…the expression of the Church’s full confidence of being heard by the Father when…she asks him to mi gate or cancel the painful aspect of punishment by fostering its medicinal aspect through other channels of grace.” B ? The church teaches that an indulgence is an act of mercy on the part of God. He grants from His abundant love the repara on for our acts of sinfulness that we, by ourselves, cannot provide, sparing us the punishment for some or all our sins. This repara on becomes available to us through “other channels of grace” when we perform certain acts with a penitent heart. A person who receives a plenary indulgence obtains full remission of punishment for sins commi ed. A person who receives a par al indulgence obtains par al remission. Cathedral Bulletin 2/14/16 St. Jerome’s Church, Riggins, ID is led by Fr. Steven P. Rukavina. Find out more about the needs and hopes of this parish community here: h p:// Each week, the Cathedral parish will be praying for the needs and inten ons of one of the parishes, chapels or sta ons in the Diocese of Boise. This week, please pray for : Mensaje de nuestro Párroco Padre Jerry CAMAPAÑA DE ORACION POR LAS PARROQUIAS DE LA DIÓCESIS. Durante esta semana rezaremos por la Iglesia San Jeronimo en el pueblo de Riggins, Idaho. Dicha Parroquia esta cargo de Padre Steven P. Rukavina. Oramos para que nuestras parroquias en sus diferentes ministerios, y los esfuerzos de evangelización sean sostenidas por los dones de Dios.” Esperamos que nuestra oración servirá para ayudar a las comunidades eclesiales de la Diócesis de Boise a que seamos juntos un organismo de caridad. Únete a nosotros en oración y en cada boletín del fin de semana encontraras el nombre de la Parroquia o Iglesia por la cual oraremos durante esa semana. Los invito a todos a que tomemos esta iniciativa con alegría y gozo de saber que somos una Diócesis que está en constante oración y comunión pueblo de Dios con nuestros Pastores y en comunión con la Virgen María Madre de Dios y de la Iglesia. Page 5 Cathedral Bulletin 2/14/16 Avisos para Nuestra Communidad Hispana AVISOS PARROQUIALES CARTAS SOBRE IMIGRACION Es muy común recibir llamadas a la parroquia solicitando una carta para asuntos legales. Nuestro Padre Rector Pbro. Jerry quiere que todos aquellos que solicitan estas cartas a la parroquia sean miembros ac vos de la misma y esto requiere que estén registrados. Por favor se le pide que nos llame con una semana de an cipación. Esto garan za que su carta estará a empo para la fecha que ustedes la necesitan. BAUTIZOS Preparación para el Bau smo, La próxima plá ca para los padres y padrinos se ofrece el viernes, a las 6:45 pm, 8 de enero 2015. Favor, traer a la plá ca el cer ficado de nacimiento del niño y registrarse en la oficina antes de la plá ca. Las pla ca se ofrecen en el Salón Parroquial que se ubica en 775 N 8th St. Boise. BAUTISMOS: 2 de abril 10am, 17 abril 1pm, 7 de mayo 10am, 15 de mayo 1pm ElSr.Pá rrocodecidió queennuestraparroquianosecelebreningú n bautismoduranteAdvientoyCuaresma. QUINCE AÑOS Les pedimos por favor llamen a la oficina parroquial seis meses antes de la fecha que ustedes están considerando planear la celebración de quince años. Celebrar su Quinceañera Comunitaria: Nuestro párroco ha decidido ofrecer celebraciones comunitarias a las 10:00 am. Las fechas reservadas son: sábado 9 de julio, y sábado 8 de octubre 2016 El cuarto domingo de cada mes, durante la Misa, todos los jóvenes que cumplan 15 años están invitados a recibir una bendición especial. Favor de registrarse en la oficina. AVISOS SEMANALES Los Martes 8:00 pm– 10:00 pm ALCOHOLICOS ANONIMOS, en la Cas Parroquial, Miguel Tel. 724-8239, LOS MIERCOLES 6:30 p.m. SANTA MISA (en la capilla) 7:00 p.m. GRUPO DE ORACION—(en la capilla) 7:15 pm Tutoría disponible para todos, en la cafetería. Page 6 Cathedral Bulletin 2/14/16 Fiestas Religiosas y Celebraciones Patrió cas en La no América 10 febrero: miércoles de ceniza 27 febrero: Día de Independencia (Republica Dominicana) 20 marzo– 26 marzo: Semana Santa 24 marzo: jueves santo 25 marzo: viernes santo 26 marzo: sábado de gloria 24 marzo: Oscar Romero 27 marzo: domingo de pascua Se les hace una cordial invitación, que se unan con nuestra comunidad a rezar la divina misericordia, cada segundo domingo de cada mes, al terminar la santa Misa especialmente intercediendo por nuestros difuntos y necesidades y también por lo que usted quiera pedir, no pierda esta oportunidad de hacer algo por nuestros parientes que ya están en la casa del Padre. Especialmente en este año de la misericordia, no falten los esperamos con alegría. Bendiciones. Page 7 Cathedral Bulletin 2/14/16 St. John’s Parishioner Receives Bishop Michael P. Driscoll Charity Award This past Saturday, February 6, at the annual Loaves and Fishes Gala, longtime St. John’s Parishioner, Anita Bokan, received the Catholic Charities of Idaho, Michael P. Driscoll award for her selfless 16 years of service to the St. John’s Cathedral Food Bank. As this ministry’s leader, Bokan has played a vital role in the expansion, growth, and success of this important community outreach service. Anita Bokan has also actively led the facilitators of St. John’s afternoon Bible Study for several years, and serves on the pastoral council. In this Jubilee Year of Mercy her shining example of living out the corporal works of mercy through her dedicated service to these parish ministries is one we can all gain inspiration from as we strive to figure out how we can give back to our parish. Congratulations, Anita Bokan! ADULT CONFIRMATION PREPARATION: All bap zed Catholic adults—post high school, 18 years or older—who have not been confirmed are invited to par cipate in a four-part prepara on for Sacrament of Confirma on. Classes will begin on Monday, February 22nd, at 7:00 p.m. in the Riffle Center, and will con nue the following three Mondays, February 29th, March 7 and 14th. Par cipa on in all 4 classes is required. Please contact the Cathedral Office to register—342-3511. The date for Confirma on has not been set yet, but will be celebrated some me in the spring of 2016. Join our Facebook page and keep up on all the news, along with spiritual resources! Search Fan’s of St. John’s Cathedral. From St. John’s Parishioner and author John O’Hagan: Does anyone know anything about the origin of this banner? It was found in the basement of the rectory many years ago. It may or may not be something we want to include in the History of the Cathedral which is now being finished. If you know anything about this banner please contact John O'Hagan at 562-9212 or [email protected]. Thank you. IDAHO STATE PRAYER BREAKFAST: All are invited to the Idaho State Prayer Breakfast on Saturday, March 5th, at 8:00 a.m. in the Boise Centre, (850 W. Front St.). Speakers will include Ravi Zacharias, scholar, author, broadcaster and founder and President of Ravi Zacharias Interna onal Ministries, he has given addresses at the White House, the Pentagon, the CIA and many other venues; and the Honorable C.L. "Butch" O er, Governor of Idaho Tickets are $30.00 and available at or 208-994-3456. Page 8 Cathedral Bulletin 2/14/16 “LIVING THE EXTRAORDINARY JUBILEE OF MERCY RETREAT” Pope Francis has designated this coming church year to be an “Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy”. Women are invited to join together to hear his message and how this would look if we really lived this out in our lives. Breakfast will be served, followed by presentations and small group discussions. March 12th, 8am-12:30 pm. RSVP at St John’s Cathedral Parish Hall, 342-3511 or parish office. $15.00 PAINT WITH FR. BRUNO! A painting class and workshop with Fr. Bruno Segatta will be held Thurs., Feb. 18 from 10-3pm, at Sacred Heart Faith Hall, 811 S. Latah.While you learn, enjoy your talents. Canvas and paints will be supplied and a light lunch will be served. Cost is a free-will offering to be given to Fr. Bruno’s favorite charity, Global Emergency Care Collaborative (GECC). Limited space is available. Make your reservation by Feb.12 by calling Mildred, 343-3303 or Roxanne at the parish office, 344-2597. Jesuit Speaker Series: On Monday, February 22 at 7:00pm, Fr. George Williams S.J. will present on the challenges of Catholic prison ministry today. Fr. Williams is the Catholic Chaplain at San Quen n State Prison in California, ministering to the 750 men on California’s Death Row along with the other 4000 prisoners there. The presenta on will be held at St. Paul's Catholic Student Center. This event is free and all are welcome. A wine and cheese recep on will follow. Call(208)343-2128 or email [email protected] for more informa on. Page 9 Cathedral Bulletin 2/14/16 Please take a moment to wish these parishioners a Happy Birthday February 14-Brian Basener-Jeffrey Cagle-Sharon Cook-Terri Garabedian-Hal Hammaker-Laura Hicks-Jacqueline Jablonski-Jennifer Little-Gregory Marchant-Jennifer Palagi-Elise Talboy-Tristan Wittry-James Wonacott-February 15Merrie Asher- Brady Beutler-Tina Bronner-Nancy Duke-Gavin Gamboa-Blake Hardy-Lucero Hernandez-Christine Holley -Olivia Overstreet-Alondia Rios-Jason Schauer-Christina Tierney-Cathleen Wonacott- February 16-Michael AlexanderMary Bohlscheid-Myrtle Byrne-Jonathan Cardella-Aidon Curtin-Dave DeNinno-Gigi Ferreira-John Fery-Sara GamboaMary H. Hughes-Kaitlyn Lincks-Ian Madrigal-Justin Meek-Yoon-Su Ra-Dusty Schmidt-February17- Brandon AldecoaAndrew Barda-Kellina Breakfield-Theodore (Teddy) Clements-Theresa Cripe-Susan Curtis-Refujio Flores-Tammy Franklin-Bennett Hale-Janet Hurd-John Lam-Alistair MacMillan-Timothy Sullivan- February 18- Jeffri BohlscheidStephanie Castro-Katherine Fitzgerald-Debbie Flandro-Jolie Gamboa-Mina Lim-Ruth Navarro-Marcia NelsonChristopher Novak-Jennifer Oster-Isaac Page-Shauna Waller-Rosemarie Wamelen-Wes Worrell-February 19- Ann Bixby-Carlos De Leon-Fracesca Falduti-William Morrell-Albert Rivera-Anna Rose-James Thompson-Francois TrottaFebruary 20-Cynthia Copple-Byron Erstad-Matteo Faraoni-Justine Goeb-Patricia Lachiondo-Kurt Liebich-Sandy Murphey-Kate Murphey-Rory O'connor-Anna Otting-Gloria Shirley-William Slattery- February 21-Caroline Carpenter-Olivia Edson-John Evans-Sarah Gerrish-Damaris Hernandez-Julie Jones-Jenna King-Stephen O'Meara-Peter Steckler-David Wargo-Judy Wargo Religious Educa on News: Sacramental Prep students con nue to prepare for their First Reconcilia ons scheduled for Saturday, February 27. Yesterday, February 13, they par cipated in a Reconcilia on retreat in which the themes of the day were: Repentance and Divine Mercy. The special Patron Saints of this retreat were St. Faus na Kowalska, St. John Paul II, and St. John the Bap st. Please con nue to pray for our parish children and their families as they con nue preparing to receive their First Holy Communion in May. Mr. and Mrs. Beall’s combined 5th/6th grade morning class has been learning and discussing various Va can II documents on Catholic Social Teaching on Poverty, an Op on for the Poor, and the Common Good. As a result of these lessons and discussions, this class decided to perform another service project that includes gathering clothing, and other household items that will be delivered to the Boise St. Vincent De Paul Society in an a empt to provide material goods to assist our local bothers and sisters who are in need of these items. Thank you to all the St. John’s Religious Educa on catechists for the guidance and dedica on you impart to some of the youngest members of our parish! Your selflessness is truly a wonderful witness of our Faith! Page 10 Cathedral Bulletin 2/14/16 Five Minutes with the Lord Daily Readings for the Week of February 15-February 20, 2016 First Week of Lent Spending Time With the Word of God Each Day Monday: Levi cus 19:1-2,11-18;Ma hew 25: 31-46 Tuesday: Isaiah 55:10-11; Ma hew 6: 7-15 Wednesday: Jonah 3: 1-10; Luke 11:29-32 Thursday: Esther C:12, 14-16, 23-25; Ma hew 7: 7-12 Friday: Ezekiel 18:21-28; Ma hew 5: 20-26 Saturday: Deuteronomy 26: 16-19; Ma hew 5:43-48 __________________________________________ The Readings for Sunday, February 21, 2016 Second Sunday in Lent Reading the Scripture for next Sunday before Mass will help enrich your experience with the Liturgy of the Word Genesis15:5-12,17-18;Philippians3:17-4:1 Luke9:28b-36 OUR ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK: A-1 Plumbing The Dental Center at Harris Ranch Dentistry for the Whole Family 208.392.9900 Shane D. Vania D.D.S. See ad the bulle THOMAS B. in DOMINICK n Attorney at Law • Cathedral Deacon AV Highest Rating Criminal & Civil Law • Personal Injury & Wills Family Law • Business 500 W. Bannock * Boise Parishioner and Proud Parent of St. Joe’s Student 366-2844 David P. Claiborne Attorneys & Estate Planning (208) 629-7447 James K. Poulsen, DDS, MS 2 locations to serve you 1453 West Hays • Boise • 345-6287 450 W. State Street • Eagle • 939-7100 [email protected] BEEF UP 23rd & Fairview Near Downtown Boise 342-3664 Since 1946 your business sales! 1-800-616-4138 Advertise on this bulletin to put your business in the spotlight. For more info call Sheila ch224 Page 11 Cathedral Bulletin 2/14/16 Please suppor t these adver tisers who make this bulletin possible PERFECT A1R Furniture, Appliances & Mattress Sets that look right at home... (208) 343-7769 104 S. Orchard • Boise ID. 83705 The Valley’s Only Cremation and Burial Experts HEATING A/C 376.7473 375-2212 24/7 Red Carpet Service 100% Satisfaction Guarantee Family Vacations,Tours, Cruises & Business Travel Boise 208.377.0113 GOOD SAMARITAN SOCIETY-BOISE VILLAGE 208-853-0891 Post-acute rehab & long-term care “There are not words to express the kindness, compassion & Christian love shown to me by all your staff.” Boise 208.377.0113 Eagle 208.938.5825 3115 Sycamore Dr. • 208-343-7726 George Tway SLATTERY ORTHODONTICS Patrick C. Kershisnik 24/7 Red Carpet Service Dr. John Slattery invites you and your family to come in for an exam. Attorney & Counselor at Law 433-1122 Meridian Office too! SARAH BROWN REALTOR® A1 Complimentary Consultations Heffner Insurance Agency, Inc. 208-345-8311 PLUMBING ph: 208.731.8338 [email protected] 3601 Overland Road Boise, ID [email protected] 376.7473 St. John’s Parishioner © 2015 Allstate Insurance Co. Dentistry Have you heard? Dr. George Lewis Salt & Light Radio (1140am) for the Entire Family Sally Guaspari, LPC, NCC Licensed Professional Counselor In Hyde Park Sunday: Kids 12 & under eat for $1.95 ______________ TRY THE BEST MEXICAN FOOD OF IDAHO _____________ 1605 N. 13th St. Hyde Park 333-8330 BRING IN THIS COUPON FOR 20% OFF! (208) 472-2383 [email protected] 688 N 9th, Boise ~ (208) 805-2034 345-0390 Idaho’s Catholic Radio Parkway Professional Center (Near State St. & adjacent to Veterans Memorial Park) Supports Vocations Medicaid & Private Insurance Accepted Grief, Anxiety, Stress, Trauma, Relationships, Self-Esteem BRADY LAW, CHARTERED St. Mary’s Crossing 2537 W State Suite 200 2600 No. Milwaukee Boise, ID 83704 345-8400 Michael G. Brady Assisted Living • Memory Care • Independent Living Call us for an initial consultation Se habla Español Catholic owned 208-373-1234 family harmony is our priority NORTH END DENTAL ALICE M. ZEIGLER, D.M.D Parishioner James P. Kaufman 1211 W Myrtle St STE 300 | 342.4591 | (208) 344-0134 704 N. 17th St. Boise Idaho 83702 Gail Hartnett - Realtor® 208.472.5309 3530 E. Franklin Road, Meridian ( 1 Block East of Eagle Rd) Mon-Sat: 10am-9pm Sunday: Noon - 6 • 855-2700 Experienced | Hardworking | Enthusiastic [email protected] P.O. Box 81026 Seattle, WA 98108-1026 1-800-616-4138 Call Sheila Miller 620 W Hays Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Drain & Sewer | Repairs & Service Water Heaters & Softeners Gas Piping | Excavation 600 E. Riverpark Lane, Suite 100 (just off Parkcenter Blvd) Eagle 208.938.5825 Plumbing service and remodels: leaks, waterheaters, fixtures, drain stoppages, etc. Emergency Service Flood, 24/7 Fires, Smoke, Mold Restoration: Parishioner and Proud Heart Students Boise 208.377.0113 parent of Sacred Eagle 208.938.5825 136866 Emergency Service Deacon Brian Flowers Emergency Service24/7 24/7Catholic Owned and Operated ©CPI - 224 - Land, Sea, & Air Travel Specialist