Saint Mary`s School Auction Evening was a success! Thank you for
Saint Mary`s School Auction Evening was a success! Thank you for
Saint Mary’s School Auction Evening was a success! Thank you for your support. Subasta de la escuela de Santa Maria fue todo un suceso, gracias por su apoyo! Halloween at Saint Mary’s School Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Mary’s Church, Sterling, Illinois Office Hours Monday-Friday 9:00 am-3:00 pm Phone: 815-625-0640 Pastor, Fr. Donald M. Ahles ext. 11 St. Mary School/Phone/ (815) 625-2253 Principal/Becky Schmitt Weekend Mass Schedule/ English: Saturday 5:00 pm • Sunday 7:00, 8:30 & 10:00 am Spanish: Sunday 11:30 am St. Mary’s Website Our Parish Thanksgiving Dinner for the Elderly and Shut-ins Sunday, November 22, 2009 The wonderful volunteers from our parish extend an invitation to the elderly and shut-ins from our parish to enjoy a delicious Thanksgiving dinner, at 1:00 p.m., in Bales Hall. Carry-Out Dinners: 12:00-1:00 p.m., dinners can be picked up from the Parish Center kitchen back door. Those receiving dinners are responsible to have someone pick up the dinners for them. Special Note: The committee for this wonderful dinner are in need of pies. If you would like to donate a pie or two, would like more information, please call the parish center at 625-0640. Religious Education November Schedule Mass Intentions Monday, November 9 8:30 am Terry Dietz & Family Tuesday, November 10 8:30 am Mrs. Bill Wike Wednesday, November 11 8:30 am Peggy Propheter, Maddie Bentley Thursday, November 12 8:30 am Terry Kelly & Family Friday, November 13 8:30 am Ed & Lorraine Hmura Saturday, November 14 8:30 am Rufina Juarez 5:00 pm John Manzano, Sr. Sunday, November 15 7:00 am St. Mary Parishioners 8:30 am August & Louise Filippi 10:00 am Rufina Diaz 11:30 am Jesus Velasquez & Manuel Carrizales Classes meet on Wednesdays 6:15-7:30 p.m. November 11: no classes/ Veterans Day November 18: all classes meet November 25: no classes/Thanksgiving Break Marriage Encounter Weekends In today’s First Readings it says, “The jar of flour shall not go empty, nor the jug of oil run dry.” Your love for your spouse can last forever, too. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are Nov. 2022, in Rockford, January 29-31 in Milwaukee, February 12-14 in Rockford and March 12-14 in Madison. Early registration is highly recommended. For more information visit our web site at: or call 888-574-5653. For Marriage Encounter in Spanish, the dates are March 5-7 or June 4-6. Please call Hugo & Gaby at 630-690-2094, for more information. Sunday, November 8, 2009 The LORD protect the stranger, sustains the orphan and the widow, but thwarts the way of the wicked. Psalm 146:9 Three kinds of people were continuously promised protection and preservation in the Old Testament: strangers, orphans, and widows. We still hold a soft spot for the women and children, but strangers are currently off the list of social concern. Ancient Israel was committed to hospitality toward the aliens in their land, precisely because they knew what it was like to be vulnerable and without rights. Today many are convinced that undocumented people deserve no welcome, assistance, or kindness. God’s protection is all they have. Keep Us Informed! Have you changed your name, address, or phone number? Are you or someone you know in the hospital or homebound? If you answer yes to any one of these questions, then please call our parish office at 625-0640. Confirmation Please mark your calendars, our parish Confirmation date is December 12. The mass will be celebrated 5:00 p.m., in the Church. Parish Information Sacrament of Reconciliation *Saturday 4:00pm. (or anytime by appointment). Communal celebrations are scheduled several times during the seasons of Advent and Lent. Sacrament of Baptism *Sunday afternoon at 1:00pm every first Sunday of the month in English and every third Sunday of the month in Spanish. Baptisms are also held during Mass, upon request. We require you to attend the Baptismal Preparation Program. Sacrament of Marriage *A six month minimum notice before the date of marriage. To schedule a wedding contact Jane Olson. Communion for the Sick *We are happy to take Holy Communion to those confined to their homes. Notify one of the parish priests if someone in your house wishes to receive Communion at home. We have Eucharistic Ministers who make daily or weekly visits. or Homebound Call Deacon John Kellen, at the Parish Center 815-625-0640, to set up a visit. Anointing of the Sick *If someone needs to be anointed, please call one of the priests, to come to your home or to the hospital. Communal celebrations of Anointing of the Sick are scheduled once a year at a Sunday liturgy. Collection Report-Fiscal Year There will be no report this week. There will be a report in the bulletin on November 15. This week’s 7.5% tithe will be given to St. Vincent DePaul Society. Next week’s tithe will be given to Blind Program. Parishioners offering their Time and Talent next weekend. Lectors Saturday, November 14 5:00 pm Joan Kreps, Jean McCue Sunday, November 15 7:00 am Maureen Gainey 8:30 am Roberta Dillon, Terry McGinn 10:00 am Sue Marruffo, Mike Marruffo Eucharistic Ministers Saturday, November 14 5:00 pm Flora Whitman, Jaime Balderas, Sierra Battles, Julie D. Gowers, Joe Kreps Sunday, November 15 7:00 am Paul Hess, Joel Downie, Lori Downie 8:30 am Deacon, Steve Randall, Katie Guthrie, Zac Furr, Doug Furr 10:00 am Deacon, Ann Stroup, Dorothy Miller, Jennifer Williams, Liz Moreno Altar Servers Saturday, November 14 5:00 pm Kate Ryan, Amy Ryan, Cara Alexander Sunday, November 15 7:00 am Dennis DeLanghe 8:30 am Allie, Luke Furr, Michael Eberhardt 10:00 am Emily Thayer, Victoria Pineda, Katie Williams Thanksgiving Day Mass Gianna’s House Pregnancy Resourse Center There is Always Enough for Everyone A fall fundraising banquet will be held on Thursday, November 12, for Gianna’s Hosue Pregnancy Resourse Center, at the Deer Valley Country Club, in Deer Grove. The featured speaker will be Thomas A. Glessner, J.D. He is the Founder and President of the National Institute of Family and Life Advocates. The evening will begin at 6:00 p.m., with cocktails followed by a complimentary dinner and program at 6:30 p.m. An opportunity to make a financial gift will be extended at the conclusion of the evening. There is a 91 year old woman in Spain who has spent her entire life sharing everything she owns. Every morning anonymous hands drop off bags of clothing on her doorsteps, which she washes and gets ready to send out to needy people all over the world. She says, in a very nice manner, that she has always earned enough for two but only used one for herself. The remainder she has given away. When asked if she has ever been taken advantage of, lent money to others that was never repaid or someone has taken more than their fair share, she says, “yes, of course, but God always provides in some other way.” To make your reservation, please call Doris Cox at 815-625-0787. Liturgy at a Glance November is filled with important and significant feast days. On the 9th day of the month we celebrate the Feast of the Basilica of St. John Lateran, which takes precedence over the Sunday in Ordinary Time and is a good time to reflect on God’s dwelling among us and the appropriate use of the body. There is only one more Sunday remaining in Ordinary Time and on the Sunday the 23rd we celebrate the Fest of Christ the King. The last Sunday of November marks the beginning of the liturgical year with the beginning of Advent. Thanksgiving Day is observed by families of all faiths. We also celebrate the feast days of several saints that are very important to countries in America, such as St. Martin of Porres, Blessed Roque González, and Blessed Miguel Pro. In thanksgiving for the blessings we have received over the past year, we ask that when you come to Mass on Thanksgiving Day, please bring the bread and wine that you are going to eat during your dinner to be blessed by our priests. Maybe we do not have to give up all the material things we own, but sometimes we cling on to the non-material things: our time, energy, joy, caring for others. What would happen if we gave everything we have, all our time, joys, and talents for the good of others? Well surely the same thing that happened to the widows in the readings: we sill see all our energy, time and joy multiplied for the good of everyone. For Reflection What talents or gifts can I offer? Have you ever given something and seen that in reality you did not lose it but it was returned in another manner, such as a benefit or blessing from God? For Your Information... Dishes in the Kitchen Date: Thursday, November 26, 2009 Time/Place: 8:30 a.m. - in Church Her faith makes this elderly woman continue to help others despise her advanced age. She reminds us of the widows who appear in today’s readings. They trusted God completely and gave everything away even if it seemed that they would end up with nothing. There are still dishes in the kitchen from funeral dinners. If you are missing a dish and can’t find it, maybe we have it in our kitchen. You are welcome to stop and look for it during our office hours. 15th Annual Ladies Luncheon The 15th Annual Ladies Luncheon to benefit Newman Catholic High School will be held November 19, 2009. Please check Newman’s website, For updates and more details. Mass Intentions What is a Mass Intention? A Mass Intention is when a Mass is said for some-one who has passed away or for something that is very important for example: birthday or a wedding anniversary. Remember, prayers are very important in our faith. Please call or stop by the Parish Office to have a Mass said. At this time, weekday Masses are available for the remainder of the year. ¿Que esta pasando en la Parroquia estos días? Día de Acción de Gracias La cena anual para el Día de Acción de Gracias para las personas mayores de edad y enfermos será el Domingo 22 de Noviembre en el Bales Hall. Por favor de llamar a Janie al 815-626-5735 para mas información. Donantes Necesitamos donantes de pasteles para la cena del Día de Acción de Gracias para las personas mayores de edad y enfermos. Por favor de llamar a Janie al 815-6265735 para mas información. Misa de Día de Acción de Gracias Jueves, 26 de Noviembre, 8:30 a.m., en ingles, en la Iglesia. Les invitamos a que traiga el pan o vino que van a cenar esa noche para darle la bendición durante la Santa Misa. Las Oficinas Estarán Cerradas Las oficinas parroquiales estarán cerradas el 26 y 27 de Noviembre por el Día de Acción de Gracias. Clases De Ingles y G.E.D Se ofrecen clases de ingles, conversación, aprender a leer y escribir, tambien Estudios de Secundaria G.E.D. Para más información llame al 626-5735 con Janie. Cementerio La limpieza anual del otoño será el 1 de Nov. La decoraciones se pueden reemplazar después del 15 de Noviembre. Hay un limite de solo una decoración por tumba. Rosario de la Virgen de Guadalupe: El rosario del día 12 de Noviembre sera a las 6:00pm en la casa de Sr. y Sra. Reginaldo Gomez, en la direccion 710 W. 9th Street, Sterling. Catequesis…. x x x No habrá clases el 11 de Noviembre, día de los Veteranos. Habrá clases el 18 de Noviembre, a las 6:15 p.m., en la escuela. No habrá clases el 25 de Noviembre, día de Acción de Gracias. Trigesimo Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Rev. Jesus Dominguez, Janie Atilano, Coordinadora/Secretaria Teléfonos 626- 5735 / 625- 0640 Página de Internet: Ministros ofreciendo su Tiempo y Talento la Próxima semana Ministros para el fin de semana del 15 de Noviembre Lectores: Victor Renteria, Gloria Gomez. Ministro de Eucaristia: Ruben Cisneros, Mariana Rosas, Jorge y Josefina Camacho, Longinos Ambriz. Monaguillos: Adrian y David Villa, Alex Gallardo, Antonio y Deisy Diaz. Acomodadores: Javier Quiroz, Leopoldo Velasquez, Carlos Garcia, Juan Trujillo. ¿Sabias que este es el año del Sacerdote? El Santo Padre, Benedicto XVI ha dedicado este año a los sacerdotes. Creo que es muy necesario describir la importancia y la identidad de este pues el tiempo y la sociedad nos hacen perder la noción de lo que esta persona es y lo que representa. El Orden Sacerdotal es un sacramento que, por la imposición de las manos del Obispo, y sus palabras, hace sacerdotes a los hombres bautizados, y les da poder para perdonar los pecados y convertir el pan y el vino en el Cuerpo y en la Sangre de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo. El sacramento del orden lo reciben aquellos que se sienten llamados por Dios a ser sacerdotes para dedicarse a la salvación eterna de sus hermanos los hombres. Esta ocupación es la más grande de la Tierra, pues los frutos de sus trabajos no acaban en este mundo, sino que son eternos. El sacerdote debe estar libre para dedicarse, cien por cien, al cuidado de las almas. Es decir, el sacerdote sin familia está más libre para el apostolado; y la Iglesia, en dos mil años de experiencia, así lo ha advertido, y por eso exige el celibato a sus sacerdotes. La vocación no consiste en recibir una llamada telefónica de Dios. No se trata de preguntar me gustaría ser sacerdote? sino, me querrá Dios sacerdote? La semana pasada estuve en Morelia, Michoacán compartiendo un poco de mi experiencia Sacerdotal aquí en los Estados Unidos con un grupo de Seminaristas. El Padre Otoniel quienes ustedes tuvieron la oportunidad de conocer el verano pasado me invito a compartir mi experiencia con sus seminaristas. Gracias a Dios surgió la inquietud en 3 jóvenes para que en un futuro corto pudiesen venir a estudiar para nuestra Diócesis de Rockford, Illinois. Les pido que en sus oraciones pidan por las vocaciones, pero en una forma muy especial por estos 3 jovencitos que sintieron el llamado de poder un día venir a servir a la iglesia de Dios en esta parte del mundo. Todos debemos pedir a Dios que sean muchos los jóvenes que sigan la voz de Dios, pues hacen falta muchos y buenos sacerdotes en todo el mundo. Pidamos para que podamos formar a los futuros pastores en nuestra Diócesis de Rockford. Funeral Homes, Inc. With Facilities In Rock Falls • Sterling Prophetstown Milledgeville STERLING - EMERSON MINI STORAGE KELLY’S Lunch & Dinner Open Daily 625-7969 218 Locust You’ve Got Stuff ~ We’ve Got Solutions 815-626-1552 Mitchell A. McNinch Owner HEAT-CO MECHANICAL, INC. Ricos Tacos, Burritos, y Tortas al estilo Chicago Best in Town Chicago Style Tacos, Burritos & Tortas Tacos De Asada, Pastor, Carne Molida Sergio Arredondo, Owner (815) 622-9350 1102 W. 4th Street • Sterling, IL 61081 Heating / Cooling / Sheet Metal Commercial & Residential 815-625-0111 Tel. 815-625-0116 Fax 815-213-0044 Cell [email protected] 1705 Westwood Drive, Sterling, IL 61081 United Electric FIVE STAR ROOFING & SIDING Licensed • Bonded • Insured Roofing • Siding • Windows Industrial-Residential-Commercial Farm Wiring - Fire Alarms Free Estimates THAD STROUP, Owner 815-625-0576 1412 W. Rt. 30, Rock Falls 626-2211 VALLEY EYE CARE Complete Family Vision Care Dr. Thomas R. Hogge 815-625-8006 4006 E. Lincolnway, Sterling Caring For People ... Not Just Eyes SHELL JOHNSON OIL Shell Stations In Sterling - Rock Falls FOLSOM’S BAKERY 319 1st Avenue, Rock Falls, IL 61071 (815) 622-7870 CROWN EXTERMINATORS INC. “A FAMILY TRADITION SINCE 1942” Graduation Cakes & Wedding Cakes All Your Bakery Needs PROFESSIONAL PEST CONTROL 1514 W. 4TH ST., STERLING, IL 61081 (815) 625-8604 29020 Mechling Lane, Rock Falls, IL ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS - 24 HR. SERVICE James S. Ferris, D.D.S. OCTOPUS BRUSHLESS CAR WASH Dental Care For The Entire Family 2000 N. Locust, Sterling Phone: 625-6842 815/625-5949 4 W. Third St. • Sterling, IL 61081 (815) 622-5000 Many Hands to Serve You Mon.-Sat. 8-5:30 Sun. 8am-1pm 407 E. 3rd St. The Pharmacy That’s All About Your Health SM FURR EXCAVATING, INC. Complete Line of Excavating Residential • Commercial FURR’S SEPTIC MAINTENANCE Pumping • Repair • Installation 815-626-0864 625-5318 1408 First Avenue, Rock Falls 1219 WEST 4TH STERLING, IL 61081 TEL: (815) 626-9011 FAX: (815) 626-9109 José, Manager/Owner Carnes Frescas Cortadas Al Gusto Productos Mexicanos, Música, Películas. Notario, Income Tax Y JOEL M. DOWNIE, P.C. Certified Public Accountant & Consultant Joel M. Downie, CPA Parishioner 907 West Route 30 Rock Falls, IL 61071 (815) 625-8800 LITE CONSTRUCTION Support Our Advertisers Check the ads on this page before you check the yellow pages. WHOLESALERS OF ANHEUSER-BUSCH BEERS ¡SU NEGOCIO DEBERÍA APARECER AQUÍ! Para obtener información sobre JERRY WARREN anunciarse, por favor llame al nuestro PONTIAC BUICK representante de parroquias 630-896-7220 2502 Locust Street 625-2290 JORGE SANCHEZ al FRANK’S SMALL ENGINE REPAIR 1-800-950-9952 Ext. 2487 Correo electrónico: [email protected] Service & Parts on Lawn & Garden Equipment Overnight Chain Saw Sharpening Toro & Echo Equipment Frank Thayer - Owner 30 Years Experience 4-Cycle Engine Certified Mechanic 405 Ash Ave., Sterling, IL 61081Mon-Fri 8-5-Sat 7-12 (corner of Ash Ave. & IL Rt. 2) 815-622-9999 Pray for Vocations McCue Tax & Accounting Everything for the Office & Gifts! 501 Locust St. 625-4375 ©2009 Teresa M. McCue E.A. Owner 302 1st Ave., Suite 510, Sterling, IL 61081 Bus: 622-0308 Res: 626-0755 Parish Member FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-950-9952 BRECK LOOS, Parishioner STERLING NAPA 218 W. 3rd St. Sterling, IL 61081 (815) 625-3300 FAX (815) 625-3479 DIXON NAPA 713 N. Galena Dixon, IL 61021 (815) 284-3301 FAX (815) 288-7754 AL J. DIETERLE DECORATING Phone 1-815-625-5279 WWW.4LPi.COM ST. MARY CHURCH STERLING, IL A 4C 01-0240 10-28-2009 16:22:52 SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS Deje que Community State Bank le abra las puertas a la casa de sus sueños Para mas información comunicate con una de nuestras representantes bilingües Cuenta de cheques • Cuenta de ahorros • Certificados de depósito • IRA’s • Prestamos para automóviles • Prestamos para la compra de casa • Y mucho más Locally owned and managed Dentro de County Market 815-622-3939 en contacto contigo Empowering People With Disabilities. (815) 625-7860 Voice (815) 625-7863 TTY BOB WOESSNER 626-0000 Se Habla Español Se Habla Español Sterling Pavilion, Ltd. YOUR BUSINESS SHOULD BE HERE! Serving Our Community With Caring Hearts & Skillful Hands Since 1974 OFFERING ♥ Skilled Nursing ♥ Licensed Physical Occupational And Speech Therapy ♥ Specializing in Wound Care 626-4264 For information on advertising, please call our church representative 105 East 23rd (Adjacent To Rec Center) MOORE TIRES, INC. COMPLIMENTS OF 2411 East Route 30 Rock Falls • 625-1800 Goodyear • Sigma • Uniroyal CORP. Bandag • Firestone • Titan 625-0379 Michelin ... and many more STEWART BEVERAGE 1307 W. 4th GEORGE SANCHEZ at 1-800-950-9952 Ext. 2487 Email: [email protected] Support Our Advertisers Check the ads on this page before you check the yellow pages. ©2009 FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-950-9952 WWW.4LPi.COM ST. MARY CHURCH STERLING, IL B 4C 01-0240 10-28-2009 16:22:52