natural radiation and environment
natural radiation and environment
First Announcement Vth INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP “NATURAL RADIATION AND ENVIRONMENT” University of Valladolid, Spain. July 3–7, 2006 Since 2002, a series of workshops on Natural Radiation organized by the Radon Group of University of Cantabria have taken place in different cities of Spain. In 2006, the fifth meeting of the series will be organized by researchers at the “Low Level Radioactivity Laboratory” (LIBRA) and the “Anatomy and Radiology Department” from University of Valladolid. The Organizing Committee is very interested in having a good number of experts coming from all around the world. Indeed, the aim of this Workshop is to join active researchers in the field of measurement techniques in Low Level Radioactivity, together with well recognized experts, in order to have the opportunity to discuss the most recent progress, the new lines of research, and to review the most important successes in the area. This meeting will include researchers and scholars from national and international institutions, as well as people working in private companies, Ph. D. students and any person interested in low level radioactivity measurements. The main areas which will be covered in this meeting are the following: Radon measurements. Environmental radioactivity in soils, water and air. Clinical radioactive waste. Methodology and measurement techniques on environmental radioactivity. National and international legislation and regulation on radioactivity. The Workshop will take place in the Faculty of Sciences, University of Valladolid. The participants will be lodged in some of the many hotels of the city. The University has also the residence for students “Alfonso VIII”, at a very reasonable price and very close to the Faculty of Sciences. More information can be found in the web-site of the workshop: A peer reviewed selection of the contributions presented during the Workshop will be published in a high impact factor journal. Honorary President: Prof. José C. Nalda (U. Valladolid, Spain) International Advisory Committee: Dr. A. Colgan (Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland) Dr. T. Streil (SARAD, Germany) Dr. H. Surbeck (U. Neuchâtel, Switzerland) Dr. L. S. Quindós (U. Cantabria, Spain) Dr. L. M. Nieto (U. Valladolid, Spain) Local Organizing Committee Dr. R. Barquero (Anatomy and Radiology Department, U. Valladolid) Dr. E. Charro (Agroforestry Science Department, U. Valladolid) Dr. A. Moyano (Vegetable Production Department, U. Valladolid) Mr. I. Fuente (Radon Group, U. Cantabria) Mr. J. L. Gutiérrez (LIBRA, U. Valladolid) Mr. F. Jiménez (LIBRA, U. Valladolid) Mr. A. Martı́n (LIBRA, U. Valladolid) Mr. V. Peña (LIBRA, U. Valladolid) February 13, 2006.