Products. Netshow. Contributing collaboratively to enrich awareness. Netshow is a corporate visualizer that serves to create, compose, store, share, process and distribute selected contents of an organization in a virtuous process that transforms them and adds new value to them, helping enrich the company’s awareness. Netshow/ Media Centre Modulo to develop, store, share, edit and distribute selected contents in a corporate environment. It allows classifying contents according to usages and needs and helps establish a documents record, making resources management easy. The contents may be used, in a dynamic way and instantly, by the different professionals in a public or private diffusion by the company. Products. Netshow. Netshow/ Composer Through a web interface, the user may select videos and images available in the Netshow database. Such content can be grouped by the user in the way he wishes, which will be displayed on screen like independent galleries and with a multitouch interface that allows handling and directing the presentation in a dynamic and contributory way. The contents management is the instance where the user can personalize a determined presentation through photographs, videos and infographies selection that can be easily composed for their display on the multitouch screen. The users have a quick, agile and instant device that allows them to make their presentation, according to the tone and rhythm they choose. Netshow/ Visualizer It allows navigating through contents according to the different media categories (videos images, galleries, etc.). Through an easy and quick access, it helps sort contents by category and search for them by their names. Thanks to their visualization it is possible to see and edit images and reproduce videos. Potential application: Corporate communication area (internal and external), Exhibition and user experience platform, Mobile presentations, Board and meeting room, Showrooms, Visitor Centre. Products. Netshow. Products. Netshow. Mediade center Centro medios Composer Compositor Display Visualizador Mobile App m—vil Includes • Licence. • Selected contents online upgrading. • Proprietary configuration for each client. • Customized desktop. • Monitoring system for system administrator. • User profiles. • Contents initial set up. © En esta propuesta hemos incorporado ideas propias que consideramos de gran valor, e integración de conocimientos de partners tecnológicos con los cuales RIOLAB tiene estrictos acuerdos de exclusividad y propiedad intelectual, en ese contexto el presente proyecto tiene todos los derechos registrados en los territorios en que los asociados participan.
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Education and Training.
multitouch stations with specific topics and live interaction with the surroundings.
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