HFCC - Holy Family Catholic Church


HFCC - Holy Family Catholic Church
Archdiocese of Galveston Houston
Rev. Sunny Joseph, OSH, Pastor
R e v . J o y J a m e s , O S H , P a r o c h i a l Vi c a r
O b l a t es o f t h e S a c r e d H e a r t
Growing Together in Christ
Creciendo Unidos en Cristo
S u n d a y M a ss e s
Daily Masses
Saturday Vigil.……5:30 pm
M o n d a y … …… . . …. . 8 : 4 5 a m , 1 2 : 1 0 p m
Sunday…7:30 am, 9:00 am,
T u e s d a y … … … … … 8:45 am, 7:00 pm
1 0 : 4 5 a m , 1 2: 3 0 p m (Español),
Wednesday………..6:30 am, 8:45 am
5:30 pm.
T h u r s d a y … . . . … …. . 8 : 4 5 a m ,
7 : 0 0 p m (Español)
S a t u r d a y 4 : 0 0 p m - 5 : 0 0 p m . F r i d ay … … . . . . . . . . . . . . 6: 3 0 am , 8 : 4 5 a m
O r a ny t i m e b y a p p o i n t m e n t - S a t u r d a y … . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 : 4 5 am
Rosary after 8:45 am Daily Mass
C a l l t h e C CE O f f i c e w e e k days, 9:00 am-4:00 pm.
Anointing of the Sick
(281) 499-4612
Call (281) 499-9688
Contact the Parish Office at least
H e a l i n g M a ss 4 t h T u e s d a y of
six (6) months prior to the wedding each month - 7:00 pm
date. (281-499-9688). Please attend the information session every Adoration
1st Sunday of the month at 3:00
F i r s t F r i d ay , 8 : 4 5 a m M a s s u n p m i n t h e P ar i s h O f f i c e .
til 8:00 pm Benediction, Chapel
Other Services
Welcome New Parishioners
& Visitors
Fr. Michael Biondi Library &
Gift Shop open Wednesdays,
5:00-7:30 pm & Sundays
after all Masses
Quinceaños contact the CCE
Office, (281) 499-4612
Non-Catholics who wish to join
our faith community RCIA
(Rite of Christian Initiation of
Adults) is a process to welcome
you into our faith, contact the
CCE Office, (281) 499-4612
Religious Education contact the
CCE Office, (281) 499-4612
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
(281) 499-6246
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Our Parish Vision Statement: O u r p a r ish vision is t o
b u i l d u p o n , t o n u r t u r e a n d t o e x h i b i t t h e v i r t u es o f f a i t h ,
hope and charity to all in the spirit of unity through one
fai th , o n e f a mily .
D e c l a r a c i ó n d e la M is i ó n P a r r o q u i a l : L a m i s i ó n d e n u e s t r a p a r r o q u i a e s c o n s t r u ir e n n u e s t r a t r a d i t i o n , a li m e n t a r y
l a s v i rt u d e s d e f e , e sp e ra n za y c a ri d a d c o n e l
espíritu de unidad basado en una fe, una familia.
[email protected]
July 31, 2016
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
It seems to be commonly accepted nowadays that everyone wants to win the lottery, hit the slots big at the casino, or
be a millionaire. This attitude is akin to what the first hearers of the parable of the successful farmer would have thought:
Why, of course he’d want to find a way to preserve his good fortune for the future, to secure for himself a life of leisure,
eating, drinking, and merriment. It’s exactly the kind of life that the right ticket, hand of cards, or quiz show answer
might bring us today. Being surrounded by this “common wisdom” makes the words of Qoheleth, the psalmist, Paul, and
Jesus all that much harder to hear today. Perhaps good fortune will be ours, perhaps it will not be. But if we make that
fortune or the quest for it the heart, the very center, of our lives, then we will live to regret it. We will not achieve the
future security we pursue, and we will lose the present moment in the chase.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
First Reading — Do not spend your life toiling for material gain (Ecclesiastes 1:2; 2:21-23).
Psalm — If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts (Psalm 90).
Second Reading — Christ has raised you to new life, so seek now what is above (Colossians 3:1-5, 9-11).
Gospel — Be on guard against all greed, for your life does not consist of earthly possessions, but of the riches of the
reign of God (Luke 12:13-21).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Alphonsus Liguori
St. Eusebius of Vercelli;
St. Peter Julian Eymard
Thursday: St. John Vianney
Dedication of the Basilica of St. Mary Major;
First Friday
Saturday: The Transfiguration of the Lord;
First Saturday
Domingo: Decimoctavo Domingo del Tiempo
San Alfonso María de Ligorio
San Eusebio de Vercelli;
San Pedro Juliano Eymard
San Juan María Vianney
Dedicación de la Basílica de Santa María
la Mayor en Roma; Primer viernes
La Transfiguración del Señor;
Primer sábado
31 de Julio, 2016 Decimoctavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Parece cosa comúnmente aceptada hoy día que todo el mundo quiere ganarse la lotería, ganar en el casino o ser
millonario. Esta actitud es similar a la de los primeros oyentes de la parábola del agricultor próspero que pensarían:
Por supuesto. Él tenía que buscar la manera de preservar su buena fortuna para el futuro, para asegurarse una vida
muelle, comiendo, bebiendo y gozando. Es exactamente la clase de vida que nos brindaría hoy el billete premiado, una
buena mano de cartas o la respuesta correcta en el programa de TV. Estar rodeados por este “sentido común” hace
mucho más difícil escuchar hoy las palabras de Cohélet, del salmista, de Pedro y de Jesús. Quizás nos sonría la buena
fortuna, quizás no. Pero si hacemos que esa fortuna o su búsqueda sea el corazón, el centro mismo de nuestra vida, viviremos para lamentarlo. No adquiriremos la seguridad futura que perseguimos y perderemos el momento presente por
estar persiguiéndola. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Primera lectura — No pases la vida luchando por las ventajas materiales (Eclesiastés 1:2; 2:21-23).
Salmo — Señor, ten compasión de nosotros (Salmo 90 [89]).
Segunda lectura — Cristo te ha resucitado a una nueva vida (Colosenses 3:1-5, 9-11).
Evangelio — Esté alerta en contra de toda ambición, porque tu vida no consiste en las posesiones materiales, sino en
las riquezas del Reino de Dios (Lucas 12:13-21).
Salmo responsorial: Leccionario II © 1976, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano. Usado con permiso. Todos los derechos reservados.
News From Our Vocations Committee…
On June 4th at the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred
Heart, 5 men were ordained to the priesthood.
We would like to use these Sundays in July to
introduce you to them. Today we will meet
Fr. Clark Sample, 33.
Born and raised in Houston, Fr Sample attended Archdiocesan Catholic schools, graduating from St. Thomas Catholic High School.
He said the one thing he looks forward to most as a priest is
simply to be a servant to the people of God.
“When I was about 24, I was at Mass and when I looked at the
priest on the altar, for the first time in my life, I thought, ‘I can
do that.’ “
This article was taken from the Texas Catholic Herald, May 24,
2016, “The Road Less Traveled’ by Rebecca Torrellas.
The 2016 Wedding Anniversary Jubilee Mass honor ing couples celebrating their Silver (25th) Anniversary of
marriage in the Catholic Church will be held on Sunday,
August 14 at the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart at
3:00 pm. Whether or not a couple attends the ceremony,
they are eligible to receive a special recognition. Reserved seating will be limited. For information, contact
Regina Vasquez, 713-741-8720. Register at
Guadalupe Society will be selling breakfast tacos and
menudo with all the fixings in the Par ish Hall on August 14th. Proceeds to benefit the building fund. Please
come and support this effort.
La Sociedad Guadalupana estara vendiendo tacos y
menudo con todos los condimentos el domingo, 14 de
Agosto. El desayuno es para beneficio del fondo del edificio. Favor de apoyar este esfuerzo.
Eucharistic Adoration will be Fr iday, August 5, 2016
after the 8:45 am Mass. Benediction will be at 7:45 pm.
All are invited to spend some time in His presence.
Missouri City, Access Health & Fort Bend County
Partner To Host 2016 “Back-to-School” Health Fair…
Continuing a long-standing partnership, City Staff will
join Fort Bend County and Access Health again this year
to host the free annual health fair and backpack giveaway
benefitting area families.
Participants will receive school immunizations, haircuts
and backpacks filled with classroom supplies. The event
will also feature a DJ, bounce houses, snacks, face painters, mascots and cool-off zones with mist fans.
Saturday, August 13 from 9:00 am to noon at the
Fort Bend County Annex Complex, 307 Texas Pkwy.
Mass Intentions
August 1 - 7, 2016
August 1st, Monday, St. Alphonsus, bishop & doctor of the
Church; Mt 14:13-21
8:45 am Jonas Uketui Family (+) by Dr. Iguh
Rosie Lopez (-) by Elicia Arriaga
12:10 pm William J. Hooper (+) by Wife, Sonia M. Hooper
Rose Arriaga (-) by Elicia Arriaga
August 2nd, Tuesday, Weekday; St. Eusebius of Verceli,
bishop; St. Peter Julian Eymard, priest; Mt 14:22-36
8:45 am Thanksgiving by Tuyet Tran
All Caregivers by Elicia Arriaga
7:00 pm Emerita Arriaga (-) by Elicia Arriaga
Kathy Renfro (-) by Elicia Arriaga
August 3rd, Wednesday, Weekday; Mt 15:21-28
6:30 am Holy Family Parishioners by Elicia Arriaga
Sacred Heart Parishioners by Elicia Arriaga
8:45 am Rudy Ramirez, Sr (+)
by Wife, Children, Brothers & Sisters
Carl Cuesta (-) by Cuesta Family
August 4th, Thursday, St. John Vianney, priest;
Mt 16:13-23
8:45 am Rev. Sr. Uju Nwosu (+) by Ijeoma Akuechiama
Aloysius Ikwuezunma (+) by Angela Ezenwa
7:00 pm Marco Tulio Enterano (+) byFriends
August 5th, Friday, Weekday; The Dedication of the
Basilica of St. Mary Major; Mt 6:24-28
6:30 am All Souls in Purgatory by Rosa Gonzales & Family
Jasmin Mini (+) by Anthony Rani
8:45 am Butch Ruffino (+) by Robert & Carolyn Moeckel
Altar Society Members, Living & Deceased
August 6th, Saturday, The Transfiguration of the Lord;
Lk 9:28b-36
Vigil: Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:45 am David A. Nappo (+) by Wife, Betty Nappo
Emeka Peter Ume-Ezeoke (-) by Family
5:30 pm Lula & Joe M. Triolo (+) by Family
Francisca Vasquez Tello (+) by Arturo Canales
August 7th, Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:30 am Viola Medina (+) by Medina Family
Tom Colley (+) by Wife, Terry Colley
9:00 am Maria Nsonwu (-) by Bon & Judy Ikwuagwu
Michael R. Hooper (+) by Mother, Sonia M. Hooper
10:45 am Rudy Ramirez, Sr (+)
by Wife, Children, Brothers & Sisters
David & Hope Perez (-) by Paul & Rita Czervinske
12:30 pm Rosalinda Marquez (+) by Familia Marquez
Miembros de Adoracion Nocturna, Vivos y Difuntos
5:30 pm For All Our Parishioners, Living & Deceased
The Knights of Columbus Council 7728 is sponsoring
the 5th Sunday Rosary program, TODAY, Sunday,
July 31st, at 2:30 pm in the Chapel. This Rosary is
dedicated to Pro -life and the values of life in our Catholic
faith. This rosary is dedicated to all life and the right to
live. We hope to see all parishioners and their families
including the Knights.
Thank you for supporting this worthy cause.
The Body,
though one,
has many parts
Announcing the 2016 Mister & Miss Holy
Family Royal Court. Competing for the title
Miss Holy Family: Jacqueline Escobar, daughter
of Milton & Roxana Escobar; Grace Ezinne Igbo,
daughter of Linus & Olivia Igbo; Tyla Mose,
daughter of Vanessa Coleman; Ellis Anna Neveaux
Santana, daughter of J or ge Santana & Danielle
Competing for the title Mister Holy Family: Kobe Castro, son of J essica Her nandez; Ebeny
Nwanguma son of Ebeny & J uliet Nwanguma.
The 5th Annual Mister & Miss Holy Family Pagenat will take place on Saturday, September 17,
2016 in our Parish Hall. The contestants that
raise the most money for the Holy Family Building
Fund will be crowned Mister & Miss Holy Family!
Good Luck to all the contestants.
Custodial / Light Maintenance person needed at Holy
Family. This is a full time position, 40 hour s per
week, Thursday through Monday. Duties to include light
maintenance, setting up of rooms, cleaning, etc. Job description will be available to applicants. Please call the
Parish Office, Bruce Peterson or Olivia Pena, 281-4999688, Monday - Friday.
EMHCs Needed: Holy Family needs additional Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to distribute
the Most Precious Body and Blood at all Masses. Pope
Saint John Paul II states in his encyclical letter ECCLESIA DE EUCHARISTIA, "The Church draws her life
from the Eucharist." and "The Second Vatican Council
rightly proclaimed that the Eucharistic sacrifice is 'the
source and summit of the Christian life...the most holy
Eucharist contains the Church's entire spiritual wealth:
Christ himself, our passover and living bread. Through
his own flesh, now made living and life-giving by the Holy Spirit, he offers life to men." and "from this 'living
bread' she [the Church] draws her nourishment." If you
are a parishioner in full communion with the church,
please prayerfully consider this ministry. Call the parish
office for an interview with one of the clergy.
If you wish to make an announcement, such as birthdays, anniversaries,
sick, etc., submit a written note no later than Monday pm to the office.
Please, no advertisements.
Please pray for our U.S. Troops and civilian personnel overseas and here in the US:
Major Blanca Reyes, US Army; Senior Master Sargent Carlos R. Villarreal, US Air Force; Senior Master Sargent
Walisa Villarreal, US Air Force; Airman First Class Lisa Villarreal, US Air Force; Commander Greg Blyden, US Navy;
Staff Sargent Guillermina Darino, US Army; Sargent Steve Garcia, US Army; Staff Sargent David A. Perez, US Army,
Staff Sargent Leonardo Andrade, US Marine; Tech Sgt. Devon Simmons, US Air Force; Master Sgt. Erica Williams
Simmons, US Air Force.
Please pray for the sick of our Parish especially: Fr . Phi; Deacon Alfr ed Abr ams; J ohnnie Baiamonte; Sheila
McCabe; Bertha Silva; Liana Mikulenka; Michael Oparaji, Sr.; Robert Miller; Ron Carter; Mary Lou Reumont; Eddie
Borrego; Ruben Velasquez; Veronica Lyon; Pete Guajardo; John Delome; Frances Castillo; Alice Boroski; Carl
Anthony Cangelosi; Pat Trail; Enrico Fos; Israel R. Carranza; Charles Ferro; Deacon Jim Wright; Vince Mulle; Idalia
Tenoria; Eva Guevara; Mary Nieto; Joseph LaCour; Sam Campbell; Julius Dumapit; Joey Salinas; Lois Guillory; Isabelita Bernardo; Marie Don LeVu; Inez Graham; Christine Klatt; Mary Carmen dela Cruz; Movita Cavalier; Esperanza
Melendez; Mary Buri; Mike Boutte; Gus Longoria, Jr; Fr Roy Oggero, CSB; Maciela Solis; Jose Bustos; Pedro Jalomo;
Elpidio Jalomo; Vicky Peralta; Greg Johnson; Alex Herrera; Jeanne Witt; Alicia Barron; Joe Larry Morales; Mattie
Ford; Robert Wise; Shirley Gardiner; Jerry Ricci Ott; Anita Morales; Darcy Richardson; Marsha Lee; Jovita Ogwuru;
Paul Pustejovsky; Felix Gois; Al Janda; Randy Thibodeaux; Normie Auzenne; Sharon Koster; Anna Petrites; Mary
Lemos; Homous Nabulsi; Loretta Wehmeir; Teresa Betancourt; Mamie Mercatante; Dr Mitchell Mercatante; Wallace
James; Ivan Butterfield; Laura Mills; Lisa Morales; Josepha Gutierrez Tellez; Miles Ramsey; Hope Perez; Matthew
Rochard; Rose Mary Perez; Evelyn Yeker; Lambert Wischerath; Patricia Wise; Karisue Nelson; Christy Suire; Tina
Bonner; Joe Rychlik; Lee Rychliik; Velma Packard; Enedelia Linares.
Kevin Walsh; Elwell Brashear; Sunny Joseph Kalapurackal
May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace.
Do you wish you knew more about your faith? Ar e
you intimidated when Christians from other denominations ask you questions or challenge you about Catholicism? The Archdiocesan program Formation Toward
Christian Ministry (FTCM) offers a comprehensive and
systematic introduction to Catholic theology for adults.
Areas discussed include Scripture, Doctrine, Church History, Liturgical Theology, Moral Theology and Prayer.
Feel free to sign up for an entire semester or a single topic. Right now the program is being offered at Holy Family in the Assembly beginning Thursday, August 18th.
For more information call the CCE Office, 281-499-4612
or the Archdiocesan Office of Evangelization and Catechesis at 713-741-8730 or visit www.archgh.org/oec/
New Parish App Coming Soon! In the coming weeks Holy Family Church will launch our
own app for iPhone and Android smart
phones. This will allow us to better communicate with you throughout the week and keep
you updated with relevant parish news or updates. The app is very well designed and very
intuitive. It will be a great resource for parishioners by providing daily Mass readings, Catholic news
and prayers, convenient prayer and Confession reminders, our bulletins and more.
We hope for our new app to be a tool for fostering stronger parish life at Holy Family Church and better engaging
the New Evangelization. Please watch in the coming
weeks for our official launch announcement
Welcome to the Newly Baptized: JACOB ELIAS
CONEJO: Par ent, Racheal Conejo; Godpar ents,
Freddy Franco & Nancy Mosqueda. ALLISON BELLE
CABRERA: Par ents, J ose M. Cabr er a & J einy J . Rodriguez; Godparents, Carlos Cabrera & Laura Rodriguez.
JULIAN SHILOH CABRERA: Par ents, Nicholas E.
Cabrera & Ashley E. Comier; Godparents, Edilberto
Cabrera & Tersa Cabrera. VIVIAN JACQUELINE
DELEON: Par ents, Ray A. DeLeon, J r . & Catalina
Chentea; Godparents, Frankie & Sara Garza. ARIANA
RAE DELEON: Par ents, Ray A. DeLeon, Jr. & Catalina Chentea; Godparents, Anthony DeLeon & Sabrina
Ramirez. PAX CARLOS GUTIERREZ: Par ents,
Carlos E. & Monica L. Gutierrez; Godparents, Carter K.
Parents, Carter K. & Sara N. Matschek; Godparents,
Carlos E.& Monica L.Gutierrez. ADANNA FAITH
ONONENYI: Par ents, Chimezie Uchenna Ononenyi
& Chichi Nimwindaeli Senkora; Godparent, Mary
Sometimes the treasures of art can provide us with
clues about traditions. Take, for example, the miter, the
conical hat with lappets, or back-flaps that fall to the
shoulders. This cap is worn by bishops in the Catholic
West. Eastern Catholics favor a crown, but we have this
curious headpiece. In Greek, the word means “turban.”
Old paintings and mosaics provide clues about headgear
for bishops, and there is very little artistic evidence for
the miter before the year 1000. Before then, some kind of
head covering might have been worn to offset the damp
and chill of unheated churches. The pope, as far back as
the seventh century, often wore a cap called a camelaucum. Around that time, artists painting St. Peter began to
portray their subject wearing this hat. By the year 1000 or
so, the pope began to grant similar helmet-shaped headgear as gifts to visiting abbots and bishops. They returned
home with these new chapeaus, and before long everybody wanted one!
Today, miters are granted not only to bishops, but to
certain favored abbots and occasionally abbesses. Pope
Benedict XVI set aside the tradition of the papal tiara in
favor of the miter, even on his coat of arms. Pope Paul VI
was the last pope to have a coronation. As recently as the
1960s, miters were towering skyscrapers of jewels and
rich silks, but now a simplicity of style is favored by bishops. Miters are here to stay, and experienced altar servers
know how to await the bishop’s removing of the miter,
since he does not wear it when he is saying the presidential prayers or the Eucharistic Prayer.
—Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Del 1o al 5 de agosto los capitalinos en El Salvador
celebran la fiesta del Salvador del Mundo, cuando recuerdan la Transfiguración de Jesús en el Monte Tabor.
Como muchas fiestas patronales en Latinoamérica esta
semana está llena de carnavales y desfiles. La celebración principal es una procesión religiosa con la imagen
de Jesús, el Divino Salvador del mundo. La estatua de
Jesús con sus brazos extendidos en bendición es llevada
desde la Basílica del Sagrado Corazón hasta la Catedral
Metropolitana. Vestida de un rojo que recuerda su pasión, la imagen es cargada sobre los hombros de una
veintena de fieles. Al llegar a la catedral la imagen patronal es puesta en una torre de más de 20 metros de alto.
Eventualmente la estatua revestida de blanco aparece de
una esfera encima de la torre en medio de gritos, aplausos y cantos. Esta esfera azul representa el mundo entero,
mundo salvado por Cristo. La transfiguración de esta
imagen en San Salvador recuerda la pasión y resurrección de Jesús, eventos claves que han hecho de él, el Salvador del Mundo entero.
—Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, © Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
New on “FORMED”...HAPPINESS...Happiness is both a philosophical itinerary and a practical program for life’s
most important journey—from the mundane and the meaningless to transcendent fulfillment. Hosted by Fr. Robert J.
Spitzer, this program features interviews with well-known psychiatrists, celebrities, New Testament scholars, physicists,
and priests as they uncover the deeper answers to life's most profound questions.
Find Happiness on FORMED. To find out more about “FORMED” contact the CCE Office! Many thanks to our
Gift Shop for maintaining the “FORMED” subscription for Holy Family!
Teach me Wisdom,
Knowledge and
281 499-4612
CCE Activities…
Sunday, July 31st
2:00 pm
Youth return from AYC
Monday - Thursday, August 1 - 4
9:00 am - 5:00 pm CCE Registrations taken in the CCE
Tuesday, August 2nd
7:30 pm
English Baptism Preparation Class Meeting Room A/B
Sunday, August 7th
2:00 pm
Spanish Group Baptisms - Church
2016-17 CCE Registrations for All Grade Levels...will
be taken in the CCE Office during the week, 9:00 am until 5:00 pm, Monday through Thursday. For more information please call 281-499-4612.
Important Notice for all Parents of CCE students........
New requirements for those students needing preparation
for First Communion (grades 2 and up) and those in High
School Confirmation ( grades 10 & 11): Starting in July,
we will need a copy of the child’s baptismal certificate to
be turned in upon registration. If your child is in need
of baptism, we will need a copy of the county birth certificate. This is “Registration Weekend “, Saturday & Sunday, after all the Masses in the Assembly Room.
Catechists for 2016/17 CCE Classes... Adults, par ents
or young adults wishing to help with 2016/17 CCE classes (all age groups) are asked to call the CCE Office (281
-499-4612) for details and requirements. The VIRTUS
class is required for all catechists and aides. Please consider this very important ministry in our parish for our
youth. Classes are weekly on Wednesday evenings, 6:7:15 pm or Sundays, twice a month, from 10:00 am until
2015-16 CCE Classes have ended - Parents - are your
CCE fees for this past year paid? Payments can be
made during the week in the CCE Office. Cash, check
and credit card are accepted. No time to get by during the
week? No problem - call the CCE Office, 281-499-4612,
and we can take your payment with your debit or credit
card. If you need information on your CCE account, call
Barbara in the CCE Office, 281-499-4612.
Jr. High End of Summer Bash: Calling all J r . High
Youth to join us for one last summer event on Friday, August 19th from 6:00 - 9:00 pm. We will have water activities, competition games, food and lots of fun! Make sure
to sign up in the CCE office. For more information, please
call Jeanette Velasquez at 281-499-4612 ext. 317.
1st Communion Certificates… for 2nd graders or students
in Group II Sacramental Prep classes who did not receive
their sacramental certificates, please pick up in the CCE
Office during the week or call to make arrangements for
High School Confirmation Certificates ...if you did not
receive your certificate from Friday night, May 27, please
pick it up from the CCE Office during the week or call to
make arrangements for pick-up.
Upcoming Adult RCIA Classes...for adults wishing to
receive their First Communion and/or Confirmation or
become fully initiated into the Catholic Faith may join
our classes starting in September. Copies of your baptismal certificate will be needed upon registration. A copy
of your “birth certificate” will be needed for those wishing to be fully initiated into the faith. Classes will be
held on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 -9:00 pm weekly in
Room #1, beginning September 13, 2016. Please call the
CCE Office (281-499-4612) if interested.
RCIA Sponsors Needed...par ishioner s who would like
to join our team of sponsors for the participants in the
upcoming RCIA Program are invited to call the CCE Office (281-499-4612) for details and to sign up. This is a
wonderful way to share your faith and help someone become fully welcomed into our parish community.
Vacation Bible School… is scheduled for August 9 - 12,
Tuesday - Friday, 5:30 pm until 7:30 pm. VBS is open to
students entering Kindergarten through students that have
completed the 5th grade.
Pre-registration is required. Cost is $15 per student,
maximum of $45 for 3 or more students in the same family. Registration forms are available in the CCE and Rectory offices. Deadline to register is August 1st.
Youth, Young Adults and Adults are invited to volunteer
for 2016 VBS, call 281-499-4612, to sign up!
Don’t tell me that worry doesn’t do any good. I know
better. The things I worry about never happen.
... and Treasure
5:30 pm Sat
Extraordinary Ministers Of Holy Communion
7:30 am Sun
9:00 am
10:45 am
12:30 pm
5:30 pm
Altar Servers
Mandy Blanco
Alberto Gobencion
Marilyn O’Laughlin
June Anderson
Inger Louis
Ledie Amon Leavings
Barbara Janda
Beverly Svoboda
Lina Abazie
Pat Duplechain
Gracy Joy
Mary Paul
Carmen Zamora
Laura Cantu
Rosie Rodriguez
Mario Ponce
Tomasa Lazo
Guadalupe Betancourt
Alba Martinez
Claudia Adame
Edna Kemavor
Philomina Waturoucha
5:30 pm Sat
7:30 am Sun
9:00 am Sun
10:45 am Sun
12:30 pm Sun
5:30 pm Sun
Zen Badavi
Judi Bourque
Barbara Hupe
Anju Oommen
Leticia Vasquez
Kevin Riley
Elva Moore
Jeanette Dansereau
Nicky Watson
Cassie Levy
Martina Torres
Frances Jalomo
5:30 pm Sat
Michael Stuckert
Ann Marie Manakkil
Chismidi Okpara
Homero Flores
Devon Sanchez
Jenna Llamas
Julieta Nwanguma
Myrka Calzada
Omar Aguirre
Alessandro Cubillan
Isla McCann
7:30 am Sun
Brenda Carlyon
Dave Gallagher
Elizabeth Gobencion
Lucretia Pyle
Jessie Gibson
Jacqueline Harleaux
Regina Salas
Rafaela Laran
Lisa Glaze Bickems
Sandy Laran
James Thurmond
George Thomas
Walburga Bullock
Thresiamma George
Chinwe Osondu
Adelaida Reyes
Arnulfo Zamora
Jesus Cantu
Edgar Gonzales
Jeanette Velasquez
Santiago Romero
Florissa Castillo
Ana Cortez
Martha Riley
Mary Gobencion
Ugo Nweke
9:00 am Sun
10:45 am Sun
12:30 pm Sun
5:30 pm
Sat 5:30 pm
Sun 7:30 am
Sun 9:00 am
Sun 10:45 am
Sun 12:30 pm
Sun 5:30 pm
Henry Machala (Lead)
Michael Barone
John Ferro (Lead)
Gilbert Colunga (Lead)
Jose Ramirez
Wen Guerra
Thresa Manakkil
Darius Sanchez
Excel Nwanguma
Rolando Dimas
Yuliana Ramos
Brisa McCann
Carl Mouton
Bob Mejia
Joe Macias
George Thomas
Jimmy Williams
Bulletin Advertisements: Patr onize the sponsor s who adver tise in our bulletin, thank them for their support. To advertise on the back of the bulletin please
contact J. S. Paluch Co. Inc. 1-800-833-5941.
Financial Support For
Church Operations
Total For June 2016
Need Monthly/Operations
Faith Direct (EFT)
Other Donations
Monthly Total
Over/(Shortage) (this month) ($20,589)
Year to Date as of 06/16
2nd Collections for:
Building Fund
St Vincent DePaul
Peter’s Pence
Last month’s Building Fund Pledge
Payments/Donations $18,556
Current Parish Mortgage Balance
Approved Construction Loan
Have you signed up with Faith Direct
yet? With Faith Direct, you can make your
offertory contributions, as well as your
Building Fund contributions, to Holy Family Parish using your credit/debit card or
bank account. Please enroll in this program
by picking up an enrollment form from the
church office, or by visiting
www.faithdirect.net to enr oll secur ely on
line. Our parish code is TX364.
El Grupo - Al-Anon fe y esperanza se reune en el Salon #8 los Jueves de 6:00 a 8:00
pm y Sabados de 5:00 a 7:00 pm para compartir exxperiencias con los familares y
amigos de personas afectadas por el alcoholismo y drogadiccion, Los intereados
llamen a Alicia al 281-437-8539, en las
sesiones se protégé plenamente el anonimato.