June 12, 2016 WHAT`S IN YOUR HEART? A
June 12, 2016 WHAT`S IN YOUR HEART? A
June 12, 2016 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 1883-2016 . . . . Father, I have knowledge, so . . . will You show me now, how . . to use it wisely and find a . way somehow. To make the .. world I live in a better place .. . and make life with its . problems a little bit easier to .. . face. Grant me faith and . courage and put purpose in .. . my days, and show me how . . to serve Thee in effective . ways. So my education, my .. . knowledge and my skill . may find their true fulfillment .. . as I learn to do Thy will. . And may I ever be aware in .. . everything I do, that . . knowledge comes from . learning, and wisdom comes .. from You. Amen A Graduation Prayer Pastor: Reverend G. Scott Shaffer x2203 Parochial Vicars: Reverend Carlos Aguirre x2221 Reverend Jerome Guld x2219 Deacon Romeo D. Aquino x2210 Deacon Francis J. Babuschak x2253 Deacon Robert M. Barnes x2228 Deacon Thomas A. Genovese x2255 Deacon Gerard Luongo x2251 Deacon Frank J. McKenna x2212 Deacon Patrick J. Stesner, Sr. x2250 Deacon Michael A. Taylor x2254 Parish Office Hours: 9:00am - 4:30pm M-F 685 Hooper Avenue Toms River, NJ 08753 Tel: 732-349-0018 ext. 2204 Fax: 732-286-7064 Email: [email protected] www.stjosephtomsriver.org Reconciliation/Confessions: Saturday: 4:00-4:45pm & 6:00-6:30pm Mass Schedule Weekdays: 7:00am & 9:00am Saturday: 8:00am Saturday: 5:00pm Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am, 12:00noon, 5:00pm 6:30pm (Mass in Spanish) Misa en Espanol Devotions: Miraculous Medal & St. Jude Novenas: Tuesday 9:00am Holy Hour 3:00pm Sunday in the Adoration Chapel: Intentions: 1st Sunday for Families; 2nd Sunday for Life; 3rd Sunday for Our Nation/ Country; 4th Sunday Priests/Vocations Prayer in the Presence: 2nd Tuesday 7:30pm Holy Days: Mass times to be announced St. Gertrude, Island Heights (Summer Months) Saturday 5:30pm, Sunday 9:00am Parish Schools: St. Joseph Grade School (SJGS) Michele Williams, Principal, 732-349-2355 Donovan Catholic Dr. Edward Gere, Principal, 732-349-8801 WHAT’S IN YOUR HEART? The sin and guilt in the readings this week have to do with guile: David’s cunning to get Uriah out of the way in order to have Bathsheba and Simon the Pharisee’s in-the-end-less-than-hospitable dinner invitation; but the forgiven person, the psalm says, has a spirit in which “there is no guile”—no dishonesty and hypocrisy and manipulation. The best responses to this overflowing forgiveness are abundant praise—like the psalmist’s “glad cries of freedom”—and like the gratitude and abundant love the “sinful woman” showed. WHERE WE LIVE, SERVE, & WALK TOGETHER IN FAITH. ST. JOSEPH’S PAGE TWO FROM THE PASTOR My Dear Parish Family, I start today with hearty congratulations to all our graduates of the Class of 2016 and their families. Monday and Friday’s celebrations of Baccalaureate Mass and Graduation ceremonies were wonderful as we were able to gather everyone in under one roof to thank God in our parish home. And for all our students, I pray that this summer break is a time of blessing for each and every one. We welcome Deacon Tom Barry, one of our diocese’s newest Deacons! Deacon Tom will be with us for most of the summer and then on weekends throughout the coming school year as he finishes his priestly formation studies at Immaculate Conception Seminary at Seton Hall. Please make sure to introduce yourself to Deacon Tom and make him feel welcome. A few months ago, you will remember that I had the opportunity to go on pilgrimage to the Holy Land in Israel with a group of over 100 folks from around the US, as their spiritual director. It was such a wonderful and holy experience, that I have made arrangements to take another group next spring. We will be leaving on Easter Monday (April 17) and returning the 26th. I will have brochures ready in another week or so, but in the meantime, if you are interested please go to www.206tours.com/tour111 to see a sample itinerary. God bless you all. Fr. Scott FATHER’S DAY GIFT With Father’s Day fast approaching, why not give your husband the special gift of a Marriage Encounter Weekend? A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend gives you the time and tools to revitalize romance, deepen communication, and nourish the spirituality in your marriage. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend will be held July 22 - 24. Early registration is advisable as space is limited. Phone 1-732-904-9636 for registration and information. Visit us at: www.aweekendforyourmarriage.org for more information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MASS INTENTIONS Monday, June 13 7:00 Louis Gallo req. by his Wife, Rosemarie Gallo 9:00 Joseph Critelli req. by Margaret McGannon Tuesday, June 14 7:00 Francis & Bernadette Hearne req. by Family 9:00 Carol E. Willson req. by her Husband, Charlie Wednesday, June 15 7:00 Leilani Tsang req. by Sylvia Krisanda 9:00 John & Helen Coppolino req. by their Daughter, Nancy Thursday, June 16 7:00 Victor Atienza req. by Julie Cabalar 9:00 Peter, Bill, Bob Mockus req. by Mary Mockus Friday, June 17 7:00 Anna Filachek req. by the Rice Family 9:00 Joyce Harris Ernst req. by loving Friends Saturday, June 18 8:00 Dolores Pipoli req. by Kristin & Kaylee 5:00 James Lange req. by his Wife, Carol & Family St. Gertrude, Island Heights 5:30 Eigner Family req. by Richard Sunday, June 19 7:30 William Hemberger req. by the Nugent Family 9:00 Frank Hrabal req. by the Coleman Family 10:30 Elizabeth & Patrick Cassidy req. by their Daughter, Kathleen 12:00 Robert T. Wiorek req. by Cynthia Tilley & Robert J. Wiorek 5:00 Jared Marchiano req. by Rebecca Schweighardt 6:30 Parishioners St. Gertrude, Island Heights 9:00 James M. & Jeanne Punderson req. by Family PRIEST/CELEBRANT SCHEDULE Subject to Change June 18/19 5:00 PM Visiting Priest Fr. Tom 5:30 PM St. Gertrude 7:30 AM Fr. Scott Fr. Jerome 9:00 AM Fr. Scott 9:00 AM St. Gertrude 10:30 AM Fr. Jerome Fr. Carlos 12:00 Noon 5:00 PM Fr. Scott Fr. Carlos 6:30 PM June 25/26 Fr. Scott Fr. Tom Fr. Jerome Fr. Scott Fr. Jerome Fr. Carlos Fr. Scott Fr. Scott Fr. Carlos PAGE THREE MARRIAGES Are you engaged and planning to marry in the Church? Don’t put off making your arrangements. Call the parish office as soon as possible: 732-349-0018 ext. 2202. And, if you are thinking of having a “destination wedding,” please call us first. We can offer some helpful information. We congratulate those who were recently married here at St. Joseph’s Church: Mr. & Mrs. Keith Buell Mr. & Mrs. Travis Gleinig BANNS OF MARRIAGE III Patrick Hernon & Katie Sanchez BAPTISMS The Sacrament of Baptism is regularly celebrated on the 1st, 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month at 1:30 PM. For more information or to schedule a Baptism and Baptism Prep Class, please call 732-349-0018 x2202. BAPTISM PREPARATION CLASS for Parents is required and held on the First Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM in the Church. We welcome the newest members of our parish family who were baptized here at St. Joseph’s Church: Maya Shea Bitow Charlie Frank Dishon Ashton Joseph LaRocca Charlotte Grace Reilly Emilia Rose Szezypta Abigail Louise Wallace A FATHER’S DAY REMEMBRANCE ENVELOPE was part of your MAY/JUNE church mailing. If you would like to have a special man, living or deceased, remembered in prayer, please include their name on the back of the envelope and place it into the collection basket. The envelopes will be on the altar for the month of June. Additional envelopes can be found in the narthex. READINGS FOR MASSES THIS WEEK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ST. JOSEPH’S IN MEMORIAM Please remember in your prayers those who have died. Frank Belizzi Ann Cutrone Irene Gralewicz David Grazio Anthony Marrazzo Keni-Marie Oleksky Mary Ellen Kelly William Tomaszewski And for all the deceased members of our parish, the souls in purgatory and those who died in service of our country, may God grant them eternal rest. Amen. MEMORIAL OPPORTUNITIES Flowers and/or Sanctuary Candles The week of June 13– June 19, 2016 The Tabernacle Lamp will burn in memory of Major Charles J. Koch USMC req. by his Parents and Siblings. The Blessed Mother Votive Candle will burn in memory of Dick Hernon req. by his Family. The St. Joseph Votive Candle will burn in memory of Dick Hernon req. by his Family. If you would like the Tabernacle Lamp or votive candle of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph statues to burn in honor/memory of a loved one for one week, please contact the parish office at x2202 to reserve. Intentions will be listed in the bulletin. If you would like flowers placed in front of the altar in honor/memory of a loved one for one week, please contact the parish office at x2202. SUNDAY 2 Sm 12:7-10, 13; Gal 2:16, 19-21; Lk 7:36 - 8:3 MONDAY 1 Kgs 21:1-16; Mt 5:38-42 TUESDAY 1 Kgs 21:17-29; Mt 5:43-48 WEDNESDAY 2 Kgs 2:1, 6-14; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 THURSDAY Sir 48:1-14; Mt 6:7-15 FRIDAY 2 Kgs 11:1-4, 9-18, 20; Mt 6:19-23 SATURDAY 2 Chr 24:17-25; Mt 6:24-34 ST. JOSEPH’S PAGE FOUR PARISH NEWS Stand Up for Religious Freedom Light of Life Prayer Group We come together to praise, worship and give thanks to the Lord for His goodness through scripture, songs and prayer using the gifts the Holy Spirit has bestowed on us to build up the Body of Christ. Come join us every Wednesday at 7:30 pm in Room G. For questions contact Janice at 732-929-3877. Flame of Love Prayer Group The Flame of Love Prayer Group meets every Monday at 7:30pm downstairs in Room G of the Church. We come together to address ourselves to the Lord, to ask His help and to give Him praise and thanks. Call Doris & Richard at 732-349-6860 for more info. St. Catherine of Siena Chapter: The Dominican Laity St. Catherine of Siena Chapter: The Dominican Laity gather at 16 Lafayette Ave. on the Second Tuesday of the month, June 14 from 6:30 pm to 8 pm. All are welcome to inquire about how we are striving to grow deeper in our Faith. Come by and learn about the Dominicans in your parish. All are invited to call Mrs. Kellyanne Murphy O.P. @ 732-914-0041 with any questions. Veritas: Men’s Faith Sharing Group The Veritas Men's Faith Sharing Group welcomes all men ages 18 and over to their meetings. The next meeting is Monday, June 20 from 7:00 to 9:00 pm at 16 Lafayette Ave. This month’s topic is “A Spiritual Journey Through Conversion” presented by Lusk Robinson. Please join us for an evening of prayer and fellowship. New members are always welcome! Join us for a Rosary Procession on the Seaside Heights Boardwalk for the “FORTNIGHT FOR FREEDOM” on Saturday, June 25 beginning at 10am. We will meet at Grant Ave. and the Boardwalk. The procession will last one hour. Bring a friend and bring your Rosary. Signs and literature will be provided. For information contact Frank Streibig, 732-255-4104 or [email protected]. Do You Like To Read? Join our book discussion! Come and share your thoughts on June 14, Rules of Civility by Armor Towles, 7:00pm, 16 Lafayette Ave. SHOP WITH SCRIP Consider helping SJGS with your weekly grocery order. ShopRite and Stop & Shop gift cards are available for purchase in the Carpenter Shop. 5% of each card purchased goes back to SJGS. Don’t forget to save those BOXTOP LABELS too! Every label helps SJGS! WANT TO BECOME A U.S. CITIZEN? Citizen Classes at Donovan High School Free citizenship preparation classes to qualified immigrants who have: a Green Card 5 Year U.S. Residency able to Speak, Read & Write English Tutorial help filling out the N400 form Preparation to pass the USCIS exam Classes: June 21—July 28 Tuesday & Thursday Evenings, 6-9pm Registration/Testing June 13 @ 6pm Donovan Catholic High School Call Sr. Margaret Nulty NOW to pre-register at 732-998-3153 P A G E F IV E ST. JOSEPH’S DONOVAN CATHOLIC NEWS Dearest Teacher, Counselor, Mentor You are the one Who gave me knowledge. You are the one Who prepared me for college. You are the one Who made me surge ahead. The spirit of excellence In my soul, you have bred. I salute everything That you have done for me. With Deepest Respect and Gratitude Congratulations on Your Retirement! Antonia Bartlett Joan Fraclose Paul Schill Beth Behler 32 years 15 years 14 years 8 years STUDENT SPOTLIGHT Senior, Joanne Holler was named the Gateway Toyota Student of the Week on WOBM receiving the “Caring Service Award.” Joanne is a member of the school’s choir, band, and campus ministry, serving as a retreat leader. She has accumulated over 250 Christian service hours volunteering most of her time at Children’s Specialized Hospital. Joanne will be attending Catholic University in the fall. www.donovancatholic.org . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ST. JOSEPH GRADE SCHOOL NEWS TODAY! Thanks for all your support! KINDERGARTEN MOVE UP CEREMONY Monday, June 13 10AM in Gym GRADES 1-7 END OF THE YEAR AWARD CEREMONY Thursday, June 16, 10:30 in Church Final Day of School Early Dismissal Have a Safe and Happy Summer! PreK 2 DAY PROGRAM STILL AVAILABLE! SJGS KINDERGARTEN FOR SEPTEMBER IS FILLING UP! Come see all we have to offer! SJGS is presently enrolling for the 2016-2017 school year. If you are interested or know of someone who is interested in registering please contact: Ms. Juliann James 732-349-2355 Ext. 2012 or email [email protected] www.stjoeschooltr.org ST. JOSEPH’S PAGE SIX RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Summer Intensive Religious Education The response to our Summer Program was overwhelming and we are anxiously awaiting it to begin. Thank you to all who have registered. Letters were mailed home to all families of students who were registered. If you did not receive a letter, please call Nancy at extension 2225. Registration for Religious Education We have limited space available for the Summer Intensive Program. Registration for Summer and Fall will be suspended on Wednesday, June 15, 2016. Registration for the Fall Session (day and time to be announced) will re-open on Monday, August 1, 2016 and conclude on Wednesday, August 10, 2016. Please monitor this column for the announcements regarding the day and time of our Fall Program. SENIOR SPIRITUALITY & EDUCATION DAY July 14, 2016 St. Dominic Parish, Brick 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM Registration - 9:15 AM The Diocese of Trenton Department of Pastoral Care invites all maturing adults 55+ to join us for a day filled of inspiration, entertainment, Food & friends. Presenter Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R., Rector & Director of San Alfonso Retreat House in Long Branch Entertainment Moreno Fruzzetti: Italian Tenor with a Golden Voice The day will also include a prayer exercise of gentle movement for general health benefits and stress reduction. The day will conclude with Mass. Registration Fee: $12.00 includes: Lunch & Beverages Register Online at: www.dioceseoftrenton.org/pastoralcare PAGE SEVEN ST. JOSEPH’S EXCERPT FROM “MERCY AND TRUTH SHALL MEET” BISHOP DAVID M. O’CONNELL, C.M. We refuse to practice cunning or to tamper with God’s word, but by open statement of the truth we would commend ourselves to everyone’s conscience in the sight of God (2 Corinthians 4: 2). He (the Lord Jesus) chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of first fruits of all he created (James 1: 18). Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved …rightly handling the word of truth (2 Timothy: 2: 15). I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth (3 John 14). (God our savior) wants all people to be saved and to come to acknowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2: 4). In the Lord Jesus, we walk in truth. That has been and is the long journey of the Church, unparalleled anywhere else in human history. As Catholic Christians, we believe that not only the Holy Scriptures but also the Church’s teaching and tradition are fonts of God’s revealed truth. Knowing truth, trusting truth should make a genuine difference in our lives. HELP SUPPORT HARBOR HOUSE A SAFE HAVEN FOR YOUTH Harbor House, an agency that helps homeless and runaway youth is supported largely by the “Ride for New Beginnings,” a 5-day, 400-mile bike ride, June 2126. Representatives of this ride will be at St. Joseph’s Church on June 18 & 19 to accept your donations in support of Harbor House. For more information, visit: www.oceansharborhouse.org/bike-tour/ IS JESUS CALLING YOU? We are in need of Adorers for the following hours: Sunday Wednesday Friday Saturday 2:00-3:00am, 1:00-2:00pm, 2:00-3:00pm & 11:00pm-12:00am 12:00-1:00am, 1:00-2:00am, 3:00-4:00am & 1:00-2:00pm 2:00-3:00am 6:00-7:00am, 12:00-1:00am & 11:00am-12:00noon Additional Adorers are needed for the following hours: Monday Thursday 1:00-2:00am 7:00-8:00am & 2:00-3:00pm Call John & Peggy 732-581-9463 or Ann 732-473-9727 ST. JOSEPH’S PAGINA OCHO MENSAJE DEL PARROCO Estimada Familia, Comienzo hoy con sinceras felicitaciones a todos los graduados de la Clase de 2016 y a sus familias. Las celebraciones del lunes y viernes de la misa de Bachillerato y las ceremonias de graduación fueron una maravilla, ya que pudimos reunirnos todos para dar gracias a Dios. Yo siguiere orando por todos estos estudiantes, y les deseo que estas vacaciones de veranos sean llenas de bendiciones. También quiero darle la bienvenida al Diacono Tom Barry, uno de los nuevos diáconos de nuestra diócesis. Tom estará con nosotros durante la mayor parte del verano y luego durante el año escolar, en los fines de semanas. El Diacono Tom, estudia en el Seminario de la Inmaculada Concepción en Seton Hall. Les pido le den la bienvenida al Diacono Tom. Hace unos meses, yo tuve la oportunidad de iré n un peregrinaje a la Tierra Santa en Israel, con un grupo de más de 100 personas en los Estados Unidos, como su director spiritual. Esta fue una maravillosa y santifica experiencia, por lo cual, he comenzado los trámites de planificación para un peregrinaje en la primavera del 2017. Salimos el lunes, 17 de abril y regresamos el 26 de abril. En algunas semanas los folletos de información estarán disponibles. Si está interesado, puede entrar a la página de web: www.206tours.com/tour111 para ver un ejemplo de uno de los itinerarios. Que Dios los bendiga a todos. Fr. Scott Excerpta de la carta del Obispo David O’Connell “La Misericordia y la Verdad se Reunirá” Antes bien renunciamos a lo oculto y vergonzoso, no andando con astucia, ni adulterando la palabra de Dios, sino por la manifestación de la verdad recomendándonos a toda conciencia humana delante de Dios. (2 Corintios 4: 2). Él (Señor Jesús), nos hizo nacer por la palabra de la verdad, para que seamos primicias de sus criaturas (Santiago 1: 18). Procura con diligencia presentarte a Dios, como obrero que no tiene de qué avergonzarse, y que usa bien la palabra de la verdad. (2 Timoteo: 2: 15). Y si me fuere y os preparare lugar, vendré otra vez, y os tomaré a mí mismo, para que donde yo estoy, vosotros también estéis. (3Juan 14). (Dios nuestro salvador) quiere que todos los sombres sean salvos y vengan al conocimiento de la verdad. (1 Timoteo 2: 4). Con nuestro Señor Jesús caminamos en la verdad. Este ha sido y es el largo camino de la Iglesia, incomparable en la historia humana. Como Católicos Cristianos, nosotros creemos que no solamente la Sagradas Escrituras, al igual que las enseñanzas de la Iglesia y las tradiciones, son las fuentes de la verdadera revelación de la verdad de Dios. Conociendo la verdad y creyendo la verdad, esto debe hacer una autentica diferencia en nuestras vidas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HORARIO DE MISAS En la Semana: 7:00am & 9:00am. Todos los días de la semana (inglés). Sábado: 8:00am, 5:00 Domingo: 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am, 12:00pm, 5:00pm (ingles) Domingo: 6:30pm español OFICINA HISPANA HORARIO Martes, Miércoles y Jueves de 11am a 3pm 732-349-0018 X2213 SACRAMENTOS Bautizos (en español): El Sacramento del Bautismo se celebra en la Misa de los domingos a las 6:30 pm. Para más información, llamar a la oficina Hispana. Unción de los Enfermos Y Reconciliación/ Confesión - Comuníquese con la oficina hispana para hacer una cita. Matrimonios: Las parejas que desean contraer matrimonio deben solicitar una cita con el Padre Carlos. Comuníquese con la oficina hispana para hacer una cita. SITUACIONES CRITICAS; si tiene problemas de alcoholismo, violencia domestica, jóvenes en crisis, etc. Llamar a la oficina hispana para pedir ayuda…. SI NECESITA AYUDA con: comida, pago de renta, utilidades, etc. Comunicase con la Oficina Hispana. ADORADORES PARA EL SANTISIMO Comuníquese con Caridad L. Barillas 732-349-0018 x2213. Lecturas: Undécimo Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario Domingo 2 Sm 12:7-10, 13; Gal 2:16, 19-21; LC 7:36—8:3 Lunes 1 Re 21:1-16; Mt 5:38-42 Martes 1 Re 21:17-29; Mt 5:43-48 Miércoles 2 Re 2:1, 6-14; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Jueves Sir 48:1-14; Mt 6:7-15 Viernes 2 Re 11:1-4, 9-18, 20; Mt 6:19-23 Sabado 2 Cró 24:17-25; Mt 6:24-34 PAGINA NUEVE ST. JOSEPH’S ANUNCIOS DE VIDA COMUNITARIA MISA DE HOY DOMINGO, 12 de junio es Ofrecida por el difunto—Rodolfo Gomez Mision de Familias “FAMILIAS DESAFIANDO EL MUNDO DE HOY” Predicador Excelencia Monseñor Roberto Lopez Londoño Obispo Emérito, de la Diócesis de Jericó, Colombia Días de Misión En la Iglesia Domingo, 12 de junio - Misa a las 6:30pm Celebrantes - Monseñor Roberto Lopez Londoño, Rev. Carlos Lunes, 13 de junio: Para familias de 7pm-9pm Martes, 14 de junio: Hora Santa para familias De 7pm -9pm Miércoles, 15 de junio: Para parejas y jóvenes adultos de 18 años en adelante de 7pm - 9pm Jueves, 16 de junio: Noche de Adolecentes Jóvenes 12-17 de 7pm - 9pm Sábado, 18 de junio - 10am - 3pm (Retiro Donovan Catholic) Donación $8.00 incluye almuerzo. Habrán talleres para niños mayores de 5 años y Jóvenes edades 12-17 años. Domingo, 19 de junio: Misa de Conclusion a las 6:30pm Inscríbase después de Misa o llame a la oficina hispana. 732-349-0018 ext. 2213 MISAS PARA EL 2017 EL LIBRO DE LAS MISAS ESTA DISPONIBLE, POR FAVOR INSCRIBIRSE LLAMANDO A LA OFICINA HISPANA Felicidades a los nuevos Católicos en su bautizo. Luana y Briana Pezo Anthony Bonilla SANTO DOMINGO SAVIO - Junio 12 Domingo Savio, tuvo una vida muy sencilla, pero en poco tiempo recorrió un largo camino de santidad, obra maestra del Espíritu Santo y fruto de la pedagogía de San Juan Bosco. Nacido en San Giovanni di Riva, en una familia pobre de bienes materiales, pero rica de fe. Su niñez quedó marcada por la primera comunión, hecha con fervor a los siete años, y se distingue por el cumplimiento del deber. A sus doce años tuvo lugar un a contecimiento decisivo: el encuentro con San Juan Bosco, que lo acoge, como padre y guía, para cursar los estudios secundarios. Al descubrir entonces los altos horizontes de su vida como hijo de Dios, apoyándose en su amistad con Jesús y María se lanza a la aventura de la santidad, entendida como entrega total a Dios por amor. Reza, pone empeño en los estudios, sensibilizado en el ideal del “Da mihi ánimas” de San Juan Bosco, quiere salvar el alma de todos y funda la compañía de la Inmaculada, de la que salieron los mejores colaboradores del fundador de los Salesianos. Habiendo enfermado de gravedad a los 15 años, regresa al hogar paterno, donde muere s erenamente el 9 de marzo de 1857 con la alegría de ir al encuentro del Señor. El Papa Pío XII lo