The Parish of the Holy Cross La Parroquia De La Santa Cruz
The Parish of the Holy Cross La Parroquia De La Santa Cruz
©2007 Bon Venture Services, LLC © The Parish of the Holy Cross La Parroquia De La Santa Cruz Bridgeton, New Jersey January 3rd, 2016 The Epiphany of the Lord Page 2 From the Pastor’s Desk THE GIFTS OF THE MAGI…. THE WEEK AT GLANCE ‘king’ or a ‘magi,’ and I certainly didn’t bring gold, Monday, January 2 -Legion of Mary, 7:00 pm, ICC Basement Tuesday, January 3 -Choir “Luz y Vida” ICC B, 7:00 pm Wednesday, January 6 -R.C.I.A. Sacraments, Baptism & Confirmation -Adoration at St. Mary’s C., 8:30 am – 3:00 pm - P.R.E.P. Olivet School, classes will resume. Thursday, January 7 -Adoration, ICC, 8:30 am – 6:00 pm, ICC -Scripture Classes, 10 AM, ICC Rec. B. -Scripture Classes, 7 PM, ICC Rectory Dining Rm. -R.I.C.A. Adults in Spanish ICC Rec. B. 7pm-9pm. Saturday, January 9 -Eucharist Adoration, Miraculous Medal Novena & Rosary, ICC after 8:00 am Mass -Men of Malvern Retreat Grp, ICC, 8 am Mass frankincense or myrrh to the manger.” But you did. A FAMILY PERSPECTIVE Really, you did! You brought gifts to the Christ Epiphany The Magi in today’s gospel were led to Jesus by a star. Who are the stars your children follow? Don’t let it be the tabloid stars. Resolve in this New Year to be the guiding star in the life of your children. We continue the celebration of the Christmas Season this week with the great Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord. Today we proclaim once again from the Gospel of Matthew and hear how magi from the east followed the star seeking the “newborn king of the Jews.” (Matt 2:1). The magi carried gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Allow me to thank you for the gifts you offered our newborn Savior this year. You may think: “Wait a second Father, you must be mistaken.” I’m not a child, disguised in the faces of the children in our parish. I was privileged to witness the joy on the faces of the children and parents, knowing they are loved. Our Pope Francis Food Pantry distributed over 300 bags of groceries to families in December and every day the Good Shepherd Dining Room feeds over 100 hungry men, women and children. Once again, these are gifts for Jesus, present in those who are hungry. (Matthew 25). You see, Our Lord is not seeking gold, frankincense or myrrh from you. In this Year of Mercy Christ wants your heart. He wants you to know how much the Father loves you and extends to you His mercy and compassion. Our Lord is asking you to be Ministers of Mercy here in our community. Thank you for sharing you gifts with those in need. Happy New Year, Fr. Vince EPIPHANY OF THE LORD "... the Gentiles are fellow heirs, of the same body, and partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus through the Gospel" (Eph 3: 6) Today we celebrate that Christ came for all of us, not only for Jews. He made us one body with Him. We have received various gifts. All have different roles to play in the Body of Christ, but all equally valuable. Ask God wants you to use your gifts so that "we are one" with Him in this year of mercy. Page 3 January 3rd, 2016 The Epiphany of the Lord PARISH NEWS… P.R.E.P. CHRISTMAS VACATION Classes will resume on January 10th, for St. Teresa and Immaculate Conception. Olivet School, classes will resume on Wednesday, January 6, 2016. TEENS FOR CHRIST Youth Group Youth Group (ages 13-17) meets every 2nd & 4th Fridays of the month from 7-9 pm at St. Teresa of Avila Church. Contact: Deacon Don Rogozenski – [email protected] POPE FRANCIS FOOD PANTRY Open on the 3rd Saturday of each month, 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM in the Convent basement. 300 bags of food were distributed in December. In need of everything, please help fill our shelves! Thank you Free bus from Cumberland County to the March for Life in Washington, D.C. On Friday, January 22, 2016 GOOD SHEPHERD DINING ROOM At 7:30 am a 56-passenger, restroom-equipped bus will leave Sacred Heart Church, 1010 East Landis Avenue, Vineland and also pick up passengers at 7:50 am in the Walmart parking lot, 1130 Route 77, Bridgeton. The bus will start the trip back from Washington, D. C. at about 4:00 pm and will arrive back in Vineland at about 7:30 pm. Contact the bus captain -- Albert Karwowski at (856)794-3892 or [email protected] -- to reserve your seat or if you have any questions. The Rev. Francis P. Araneo Chapter of the Knights of Columbus paid for the bus. EPIPHANY BLESSING… IMMIGRATION LEGAL ASSISTANCE The Camden Center for Law and Social Justice provides immigration legal assistance every other Tuesday at Immaculate Conception Rectory, from 1:00 P.M. until 6:00 P.M. For an appointment please call (856) 583-2950. CATHOLIC CHARITIES For an appointment please call Madelyn Frazier at (856) 453-4291 or (609) 200-0654 at their Bridgeton Office. Lunch served Monday-Friday, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM in St. Teresa of Avila Church Basement. On the feast of the epiphany, or Little Christmas, it is a tradition to ask God to bless our homes. This tradition includes using chalk to trace four crosses, the initials of the three kings (Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar) and the numerals of the current year over the doorway. It will look like this [20+C+M+B+16]. A similar tradition is to take the first Christmas card with the three kings that you receive and put it over the doorway to your house. Some say that if you do that you will never run out of money in the New Year. No guarantees! Save the Date Saturday, January 23, 2016 “Soup for the Soul” 12 Noon – 4:30 P.M. St. Teresa of Avila Church Basement Page 4 January 3rd, 2016 The Epiphany of the Lord Del Escritorio del Pastor LOS REGALOS DE LOS REYES MAGOS... Continuamos la celebración de la temporada de Navidad esta semana con la gran fiesta de la Epifanía del Señor. Hoy proclamamos una vez más en el Evangelio de Mateo y escuchamos cómo Reyes Magos de Oriente siguieron la estrella buscando al "recién nacido rey de los Judíos." (Mateo 2: 1). Los magos llevaron regalos de oro, incienso y mirra. Permítame que les dé las gracias por los dones que tu ofreces a nuestro nuevo salvador nacido este año. Usted puede pensar: "Espera un segundo padre, debe estar equivocado." Yo no soy un 'rey' o un 'mago', y yo ciertamente no traje oro, incienso o mirra al pesebre" Pero lo hiciste! Realmente, lo hiciste! Trajiste regalos al niño Jesús, disfrazado con los rostros de los niños de nuestra parroquia. Tuve el privilegio de ser testigo de la alegría en los rostros de los niños y los padres, a sabiendas de que son amados. Nuestra dispensa de comida Papa Francisco distribuido más de 300 bolsas de alimentos a las familias en diciembre y todos los días el Comedor del Buen Pastor alimenta más de 100 hambrientos hombres, mujeres y niños. Una vez más, estos son regalos para Jesús, presente en aquellos que tienen hambre. (Mateo 25). Usted ve, Nuestro Señor no está buscando oro, incienso o mirra de usted. En este Año de la Misericordia Cristo quiere tu corazón. Él quiere que sepas lo mucho que el Padre te ama y se extiende hasta que su misericordia y compasión. Nuestro Señor os está pidiendo ser ministros de la Misericordia aquí en nuestra comunidad. Gracias a usted por compartir los regalos con los necesitados. Feliz Año Nuevo, Padre Vince UNA PERSPECTIVA DE FAMILIA Epifanía Los Mago en el evangelio de hoy fueron guiados a Jesús por la estrella. ¿Quiénes son las estrellas que hoy tus niños siguen? No dejes que sean las celebridades sus estrellas. Resuelve en este Año Nuevo ser tú la Estrella que guía en la vida de tus niños. EPIFANIA DE NUESTRO SEÑOR "...los Gentiles son coherederos, miembros del mismo cuerpo, y coparticipes en la promesa de Cristo Jesús a través del Evangelio" (Efesios 3:6) Hoy celebramos que Cristo vino para todos nosotros, no solo para los hebreos. Él nos hizo un solo cuerpo con El. Nosotros hemos recibido diferentes dones; todos tenemos diferentes funciones que desempeñar en el Cuerpo de Cristo, pero todas igualmente valiosas. Pregúntale a Dios como quiere que uses tus dones de forma tal que "seamos uno" con Él en este Año de Misericordia. PRAY FOR OUR SICK Ora por nuestros Enfermos Sharon Biondi, Ann Brago, Anthony DiGregorio, Rose Earnest, Mildred Fleming, Patricia Gutierrez, Bob Griffith, Mary Randazzo, Doug Riggins, June Riggins, Dot Sackie, Wilson Saul, Deanna SperanzaMurphy, Jan Waddell, Maria Ines López, Karen Weis, Brian Filipone, Nelva Ancona, Edith Myers, Joann Chiari-Cervini & Lyndal Kellogg, Kim Wagner, Veronica Vickers, Patrick Mullin, Kristi, Carlos Diaz, Jacob Riley-Wasserman, Trevor Ward, Trudy Contino, Kathleen Charlton, Rosemarie Gaburo, Frank Gergenti, Louis Bush, Jill Lloyd Pino, Esther Spagnola, Maryann Bramante, Patricia Lee, Karen Wuzzardo, Francis Grzybowski, Lucy Gharp, Tyler Vit, Fred Pangburn, Fred Baker, Dotti Hilt, Betsey Miletta, Jillian Sayre, Elisie Smith & John Randazo Sr. Page 5 January 3rd, 2016 The Epiphany of the Lord SAINT MARY’S CHURCH Sarturday, January 2, 2016 (Celebrant: Fr. David) 4:30 pm, Gasper & Jennie Sparacio: LoBiondo Family Angelo Pio: The Pio Family Carmella Barlam: Mike & Dianne Cocove Sunday, January 3, 2016 (Celebrant: Fr. David) 9:30 am, Frank Courtney: The Pio Family For the Health of Jillian Sayre: Grandparents, Ed & Mary Sayre & Family Claire Peterson: Children Connie Barlam: John & Paula Montana & Family Monday, January 4, 2016 8:00 am, Connie Barlam: Peter, Ronnie & Terri Montana Tuesday, January 5, 2016 8:00 am, Connie Barlam: Cosmo & Linda & Family Wednesday, January 6, 2016 8:00 am, Giorgio, Anna, Frank, Lena & Marian LoBiondo: LoBiondo Family Saturday, January 9, 2016 4:30 pm, Salvatore DeFrancisco: June Wydra John & Frances Visconti: Nieces & Nephews Sunday, January 10, 2016 9:30 am, Les Turner: The Pio Family Carmella Barlam: Diana Everly Edith M. Neuner: The Caltabiano Family Pauline Genova: Daughters Nate Bisconte: Angel & Cosmo Paladino SAINT ANTHONY CHURCH Sunday, January 10, 2016 11:30 am, James Paul Daniels: Kathryn Daniels 11:30 am, For the People of the Parish, Living & Deceased SAINT MICHAEL CHURCH Sunday, January 3, 2016 (Celebrant: Fr. David) 11:30 am, Michael & Mary Sullivan: The Sullivan Family Connie Barlam: Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Miletta Joseph Nardelli: Julia & Anthony Marsella Living & Deceased Members of the Kutney & Coleman Family: Ray & Rosemary Sunday, January 17, 2016 11:30 am, Michael Miletta: Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Miletta Connie Barlam: Julia Willis IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CHURCH Sunday, January 3, 2016 8:00 am, Florence Pagano: Sister, Lena Bucci & Family Anna May Hitchner: John Burns Don Everly: Delly, Bruce & Zach Harris John West: Charlie & Phyllis Gentile & Family Calogero D’Franco & Nunzia Castro: Giuseppa Arcara 7:00 pm, Por los Feligreses, Vivos y Difuntos Tuesday, January 5, 2016 6:30 pm, Misa en Español Wednesday, January 6, 2016 6:30 pm , Misa en Español Thursday, January 7, 2016 8:00 am, Virginia Sorantino: Paul & Jean Ritter Anthony “Tony” Trio: Daughter, Loretta 6:30 pm, Misa en Español Friday, January 8, 2016 8:00 am, William Vain: Terry Catalana Saturday, January 9, 2016 8:00 am, Anthony Copare: Mr. & Mrs. Sam Gubbine & Theresa Condo Sunday, January 10, 2016 8:00 am, Joseph L. & Janie L. DeLuca: Joseph & Dorothy DeLuca Anna May Hitchner: Mario & Holly D’Agostino Tony DiBuono: Don & Olga Polo Paschal Venditti: Ed & Mary Cesta Libario Dionisi & Rosalia Dionisi: Giuseppa Arcara 7:00 pm, Misa en Español SAINT TERESA CHURCH Saturday, January 2, 2016 (Celebrant: Fr. Vince) 5:00 pm, Dorothy Ahern: Floyd & Carol Jester Lucille Sharkey: Maryanne & Bob Fralinger Domenick Terrigno: Anna Sorrentino Anthony Copare: Bill & Sharon Riggins Rose Thomas: Mary Ann Yates Sunday, January 3, 2016 (Celebrant: Fr. Dan) 10:30 am, Lucille Sharkey: Herman Girock & Family Rita Forand: The Cossaboon Family Charles Gibotosi: Maryanne & Arthur Knudsen Dominick Terrigno: Ed & Mary Cesta Anthony Copare: Charles & Phyllis Gentile 12:30 pm, (Celebrant: Fr. Vince) +Edward Rodriguez: Luz Rodriguez Saturday, January 9, 2016 5:00 pm, Salbvatore DeFrancisco: June Wydra Roseann Scelza: Her Family Matthew Falcone: Anna & Family Edward J. Sr. & Gertrude M. Quinn: Family Paul L. Hoffman: The Hoffman Family Sunday, January 10, 2016 10:30 am, Charles VanSant: Chet & Gloria Nakai Lucille Sharkey: Paul & Sharon Morita Domineck Terrigno: Anthony, Rachel & Denise Diorio Anthony Copare: Grace, Jeff, Brett & Kyle Bush Bill Vain: Maryanne & Arthur Knudsen Page 6 January 3rd, 2016 The Epiphany of the Lord NOTICIAS PARROQUIALES… VACACIONES P.R.E.P. Catecismo resume el 10 de enero, para Santa Teresa y Inmaculada Concepción. Escuela Olivet, clases resumen el miércoles, 6 de enero, 2016. ADOLECENTES DE LA PARROQUIA Santa Cruz- jóvenes para Cristo Grupo de Jóvenes (edades 13-17) se reúne los viernes segundo y cuarto de cada mes de 7-9 pm en Iglesia Santa Teresa de Ávila. Diacono Don Rogozenski [email protected] MARCHA POR LA VIDA Transportación gratis del Condado Cumberland para la Marcha por la Vida en Washington, D.C. El Viernes, 22 de enero, 2016 A las 7:30 am un camión de 56-pasageros, equipado con baño saldrá de la Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón, 1010 East Landis Avenue, Vineland y también levantara pasajeros a las 7:50 am en el estacionamiento de Walmart, 1130 Route 77, Bridgeton. El camión comenzará su viaje de regreso de Washington, D. C. como a las 4:00 pm y llegara de regreso a Vineland aproximadamente a las 7:30 pm. Contacta a Albert Karwowski a (856)794-3892 o [email protected] -- para reservar tus asientos o si tienes alguna pregunta. El Rev. Francis P. Araneo Capitulo de Caballeros de Colon pagaron por el camión. BENDICIÓN DE EPIFANIA... En la fiesta de la epifanía, o pequeña Navidad, es una tradición de pedir a Dios que bendiga nuestros hogares. Esta tradición incluye el uso de tiza para trazar cuatro cruces, las iniciales de los tres reyes (Gaspar, Melchor y Baltasar) y los números del año en curso a través de la puerta. Se verá como este [20 + C + M + B + 16]. Una tradición similar es tomar la primera tarjeta de Navidad con los tres reyes que recibe y lo pone sobre la puerta de su casa. Algunos dicen que si haces eso que nunca se quedará sin dinero en el Año Nuevo. No hay garantías! COMEDOR BUEN PASTOR El almuerzo se sirve de lunes a viernes, 12:00-1:00 PM en Sótano de la Iglesia de Santa Teresa de Ávila. INMIGRACIÓN ASISTENCIA LEGAL El Centro de Camden de Derecho y Justicia Social ofrece asistencia legal de inmigración cada dos martes en Rectoría de la Inmaculada Concepción, de 1:00 PM hasta 6:00 PM. Para una cita por favor llame al (856) 583-2950. DESPENSA PAPA FRANCISCO Necesita: De todas las comidas. Con tu ayuda servimos a 300 familias mes de diciembre. en el SIGUE A EL PADRE VINCE Busca sus mensajes diarios en: Parish of the Holy Cross @FrVinceGuest Guarda La Fecha Sábado, 23 de enero 2016 "Sopa para el alma" 12 Mediodía - 4:30 P.M. Sótano Iglesia de Santa Teresa de Ávila NOW OPEN 761 Landis Ave., Rosenhayn 856-391-5198 Luciano J. Bispo, MD, FACOG · Carolyn E. Rivera, RN, APN, C Announcing To Our Practice ~ Raechel A. Fockler, DO Phone: 856-205-0606 · Fax: 856-205-0044 Accepting New Patients 2950 College Drive · Suite 2F · Vineland, NJ 08360 Upper Deerfield ShopRite 1000 North Pearl Street • Bridgeton, NJ 856-453-1782 Pharmacy 856-453-5993 Owned and Operated by the Bottino Family In this memoir, set as deeply in his mind as in the Southeast Asian jungle, a young American soldier embarks on a journey to a war that, for him, will never be over. The world was a playground for Mickey, a naive Irish American kid bored with his life. His father served in World War II, his brother was a Marine in Vietnam; now it was his turn. His 365 days in Vietnam builds in torment until an attack on a bunker complex in Cambodia. Wounded, his friend captured, he becomes a tormented survivor knowing he is always just a heartbeat from death. C40281 (JA) - Holy Cross, Bridgeton AVAILABLE NOW! 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Obtenga su prueba de Papanicolaou Gratis para mujeres sin seguro 856-641-8484 (ENGLISH) • 856-641-8686 (SPANISH) Se Habla Español Ask About Delivery 856-451-6755 30 N. LAUREL STREET, BRIDGETON 12 Park Dr. Bridgeton, NJ THE “NICEST” PRICES PAID FOR GOLD & SILVER SI LV ER W AR E 856-455-7400 PRE 196 COINS 4 M. Pizzo, LLC t/a J.A. Mariano Agency Personal INSURANCE Business For Personalized & Professional Service Call 451-9531 Landis Avenue, Rosenhayn CUMBERLAND INSURANCE GROUP SHILOH MEDICAL GROUP Robert W Dickson III MD John H Gould MD 856-455-1464 · 856-455-6381 PO BOX 110 · 851 MAIN STREET · SHILOH, NJ 08353 Denise Lorenzo 633 Shiloh Pike · PO Box 556 Bridgeton, NJ 08302 HUGHES-RIGGS REALTY, INC (856) 451-4050 1255 Highway 77 Bridgeton, NJ 08302 609-501-1865 Cell 856-451-9200 x1346 Office 856-451-3944 Fax [email protected] Each office is independently owned and operated McGlynn Family Dental Care John P. 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