Geometry and colour
Geometry and colour
Geometry and colour Floored by geometric forms Circles, squares, diamonds and rectangles guide us through the passages. Blue, green, yellow, red … Colour-code sections. Geometric forms flying high A love / hate relationship. Signage Tradition Passions We have abandoned traditional symbols. We drew inspired from two very different types of calendar common to workshops around Spain, one featuring religious icons and the other their nemesis; titillating images. Our Latin character flips easily from love to hate and back again. Love Hate mobiles I julio Iglesias me gustan las mujeres y el vino ODIO Abajo EL patinaje Artístico el aerobic I Las motos I Arriba muerte arriba el jamón a las dietas las tachuelas me Me Gustan gusta Los pájaros I la pelusilla EL VERDE ARRIBA la laca