children`s books from mexico 2015


children`s books from mexico 2015
exico’s publishing industry
has experienced continuous
growth over the past few years,
as evidenced by the number of
New Horizons Awards received by several Mexican
publishers at the Bologna Book Fair.
In 2008, the National Chamber for the Mexican
Publishing Industry (caniem) set up the Children
and Young Adults’ Book Committee, comprising 19
publishing houses, both private and public, working
jointly in the promotion of authors and illustrators.
This catalogue includes a brief selection of
these publishing houses’ backlists. It provides an
introduction to some of the works we consider most
suitable for the sale of foreign rights.
Artes de México
Constantine Editores
Ediciones Castillo
Ediciones El Naranjo
Ediciones Tecolote
Editorial 3 Abejas
Fondo de Cultura Económica
Libros para Imaginar
Méndez Cortés Editores
Nostra Ediciones
Océano Travesía
Petra Ediciones
ounded in 1982 in the city of Amecameca in the State of Mexico,
our books can be found in classrooms throughout the USA, Chile,
Guatemala and Venezuela, and in Mexico’s National Reading Program
and Reading Room collections. They are also included among the best
books in the Book Bank of Venezuela. Our authors include Beatrice Rodriguez,
Ricardo Chávez Castañeda, Gilberto Rendón Ortiz, Margarita Robleda, Elena
Dreser, Juana Inés Dehesa, Vicente Quirarte and Miguel León-Portilla. Some of our
books have been translated into Russian, Flemish and English.
[email protected]
Words can simply die if nobody devotes
time, passion, and intelligence to them.
Books cease to exist if there is nobody
to revive them with their reading and
care. Through agile and elegant prose,
filled with references to authors and
their works, and a narrative fabric built
on patient, careful readings, the author
takes the reader on a journey through
the history of the book, its main characters and allies.
Vicente Quirarte
◆ Distinguished professor at the National Autonomous University of
Mexico (unam)
◆ Full member of the Mexican Academy of Language
◆ National University Award in 2012
◆ Member of the National Researchers
System (sni)
Federico &
Elena Dreser
Generational differences reflected in
the everyday relationship between a
grandchild and his grandfather are
treated delicately and amusingly in this
book. Federico the grandfather can put
the record player on, but if an email
has to be sent, who takes care of it?
Federico the grandson, of course! The
parents wonder who takes care of
whom—if Federico grandson looks
after Federico grandfather, or if it’s the
other way around.
Elena Dreser
◆ “A la Orilla del Viento” International
◆ Has been published in Russia, Colombia and the United States
◆ Selected for Mexico’s
National Reading
◆ Pre-selected for the
Lee Chile Lee program
◆ Rights sold in Russian
◆ Included in the 80
recommended books
for children by the
Cuatrogatos Foundation
in 2015
Anthology of
Nezahualcóyotl poesía.
Antología de poemas de
Preliminary study, version and
notes by Miguel León-Portilla
A selection of Nezahualcóyotl’s poems,
a taste of flowers and song, an exploration of poetic expression that has
transcended time in a Nahuatl-Spanish
bilingual edition. The author provides
new data on the life and works of the
“Poet King”. An excellent version by the
author of The Vision of the Vanquished
Miguel León-Portilla
◆ Distinguished researcher and professor at that National Autonomous University of Mexico (unam)
◆ Member of The National College
◆ Honorary degrees from more than 16
universities around the world
◆ Living Legend Award by the USA Library of Congress
◆ Selected for Mexico’s
National Reading
◆ Reprinted over ten
◆ Included in the Mexico
Lee program
Tuíiiiii, the Bat
Tuíiiiii, el murciélago
Gilberto Rendón Ortiz
Coco Cabogh lives in the village of a
Chane tribe. One evening, he finds a
small bat. He names him Tuíiiiii and
keeps him as a pet. A sacred flower
grows in the middle of the village; it
has never given fruit, however, which
would be considered a sign from the
gods that they should settle there. One
day, attracted by the sweet smell of
nectar, Tuíiiii approaches the flower…
and the unexpected happens.
Gilberto Rendón Ortiz
◆ Casa de las Américas Award
◆ “Juan de la Cabada” National Award
for Children’s Literature
◆ Gran Angular Award
◆ Miscaltia Award
◆ Selected for Mexico’s
National Reading
◆ In its fourth edition
Foreign Rights
Merecer un libro
Vicente Quirarte
1st ed., Amaquemecan, Mexico, 2014
58 pp.
17 × 21 cm (6.7 × 8.26 in)
ISBN: 9786079591779
1st ed., Amaquemecan, Mexico, 2014
32 pp.
22 × 22 cm (8.7 × 8.7 in)
Picture book
ISBN: 9786079591748
2nd ed., Amaquemecan, México, 2012
98 pp.
12 × 21 cm (4.7 × 8.26 in)
ISBN: 9786078196074
1st ed., Amaquemecan-conaculta, Mexico, 2013
32 pp.
21 × 28 cm (8.26 × 11 in)
Picture book
ISBN: 9786079591786
Age 18+
Age 4+
Age 18+
Age 8+
To Deserve a Book
rtes de Mexico began publishing over twenty-five years ago. During
this period we have created a series of books and magazines that
permit readers to reflect on Mexican culture from very diverse perspectives. Thus, for example, we have issued a series on our national
symbols, which gives us a better understanding of who we are, how others perceive
Mexico, and how this notion has influenced our fantasy. Our series on national
fiestas is equally important: each issue reveals Mexico’s celebratory side, the clearest
portrait of our country. These were all created with a single purpose in mind—to find
pleasure in the contemplation of our culture, and to find even greater pleasure in
understanding it.
[email protected]
[email protected]
Honorio Robledo
All was peaceful in the village of Tlacotalpan until Bemberecua the iguana
decided that what he liked most in the
world was to dance the son.
Honorio Robledo
◆ He studied literature at the National
Autonomous University of Mexico
(unam) and then traveled around the
world, learning languages and trades
◆ Illustrator, writer and painter, he plays
the jarana or Mexican guitar
◆ In 2008-2009 he was awarded a fellowship for established artists from
the Veracruz Institute of Culture
The Dream of the
Gods and Other
Huichol Tales
El sueño de los dioses y otros
cuentos huicholes
Gabriela Olmos &
José Benítez Sánchez
All these tales took place when the
world was new, so new that memories
did not exist yet and things were still
unnamed, when stars wandered freely
across the heavens and flowers first
heard of spring. Huichol shaman José
Benítez Sánchez tells us these stories
in his yarn paintings, and Gabriela Olmos translates them into words so we
can all partake in these adventures.
Gabriela Olmos
◆ A Mexican writer and editor, she
draws on oral tradition to write children’s stories
◆ Her books include Billetes al viento,
Pintores mexicanos de la A a la Z, El
juego de las miradas, ¡a descubrir el
arte! and El zopilote y la chirimía
José Benítez Sánchez
◆ Was a Huichol shaman celebrated internationally for his yarn paintings
representing the Huichol worldview
◆ He received the National Arts and Science Award for his artwork in the category of Folk Art and Traditions in
The Buzzard and
the Flute
El zopilote y la chirimía
Gabriela Olmos & Valeria Gallo
Where do people go when they die?
Huicholes say they go to a world where
everything happens the other way
around. Now that Concha’s grandfather
has died he surely went there, but he
forgot to take his traditional flute, the
chirimía. Concha decides to take it to
him, and discovers that the dead don’t
have it so bad after all.
Gabriela Olmos
◆ A Mexican writer and editor, she
draws on oral tradition to write children’s stories
◆ Her books include Billetes al viento,
Pintores mexicanos de la A a la Z, El
juego de las miradas, ¡a descubrir el
arte! and El zopilote y la chirimía
Valeria Gallo
◆ Studied design at the National Institute of Fine Arts (inba). She has designed children's books ever since
◆ She won first place in the international PromaxBDA television image
◆ One of her most celebrated books is
Nunca es demasiado circo
How the Piñata
Was Born
De cómo nació la piñata
Stefan Czernecki
& Timothy Rhodes
The first piñata ever broken looked a
lot like the Star of Bethlehem. Why was
it shaped like that? Whose idea was
it to make a star full of gifts? In these
pages you will discover the legendary
origin of an important Mexican tradition.
Stefan Czernecki
◆ Canadian. He likes to draw and write
children’s books
◆ In his books, he recounts and illustrates many legends from around the
Timothy Rhodes
◆ Studied architecture and has collaborated with Stefan Czernecki on several children’s projects
1st ed., Artes de México, 2005
32 pp.
27.5 × 23 cm (10 × 9 in.)
Picture book
ISBN: Softcover: 9706831428x
ISBN: Hardcover: 970683138x
1st ed., Artes de México, 2012.
32 pp.
27.5 × 23 cm (10 × 9 in)
Picture book
ISBN: 9786074611151
1st ed. Artes de México, 2005
32 pp.
27.5 × 23 cm (10 × 9 in)
ISBN: Softcover: 970683141x
ISBN: Hardcover: 9706830405
1st ed. Artes de México, 2007
40 pp.
20.5 × 25.5 cm (8 × 10 in)
ISBN: Softcover: 9789706830357
ISBN: Hardcover: 9789706832832
Age 6+
Age 9+
Age 7+
Age 7+
Artes de México Foreign Rights
ince 1980, stemming from a literary as well as visual perspective, cidcli
has published numerous books aimed at stimulating the pleasure of
reading. Offering texts written by some of Latin America’s most prestigious writers and illustrated by fine artists from around the world,
cidcli’s work presents a wide vision of contemporary literature as well as classic,
aiming to preserve a fine balance between the two.
For 35 years, cidcli has worked on developing a diverse collection intended to
disseminate a higher quality of children’s literature, promote Mexican culture, and
present topics of scientific content.
[email protected]
Alexander von Humboldt,
un explorador científico
en América
Tom Janota & Marion Janin
This book recounts some of the many
trips taken during the life of this young
European man whose untiring interest
in science led him to discover places
that very few travellers have been to
until this day. The complications and
dangers entailed by this certainly didn’t
stop Humboldt: to discover, measure,
classify, and study nature was his sole
purpose in life. He is considered the
father of Modern Geography.
Tom Janota
◆ Writer and teacher born in Chicago
in 1948
◆ Dedicated researcher with a keen interest in science, biology, and history
◆ After a yearlong investigation of the life
of Alexander von Humboldt, Janota
published his findings with cidcli
Marion Janin
◆ Artist and illustrator born in Lyon,
France in 1972
◆ Her work has been distinguished with
awards such as the 2011 “Plasticiens
du Puy-de-Dôme” Jury Award
◆ This is Janin’s fourth published book
after illustrating and writing Noir
ébène for Pastel
There’s a
Laboratory in
My House and
My Parents Have
No Clue
En mi casa hay un laboratorio
y mis papás no lo saben
Ernesto Colavita
& Sara Palacios
Most people consider their homes to
be ordinary, uneventful places, but this
book shows that there is much more
to them than meets the eye. It takes us
on a tour of everyday events and analyses them from a physical and chemical perspective. Who knew that our
homes were filled with such amazing
occurrences waiting to be discovered?
Ernesto Colavita
◆ Writer, teacher, and physicist born in
Mexico City in 1976
◆ His research on quantum optics has
been published in various international magazines
◆ Due to his countless years of teaching experience, Colavita has developed and implemented new teaching
methods and published physics and
chemistry textbooks
Sara Palacios
◆ Studied graphic design at Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana
◆ bfa Illustration Second Degree, Academy of Art University, San Francisco,
◆ Pura Belpré Illustration Honour Award
All for a Quail
Todo por una codorniz
Silvia Molina & Quetzal León
A fox’s constant effort to get food is
interrupted when other animals trick
him by taking advantage of his everlasting craving for a quail. This is a fable-like story filled with catchy rhymes
and word games ideal for first-time
readers and beginners.
Silvia Molina
◆ Renowned author born in 1946 in
Mexico City
◆ Wide range of publications, from children’s books to novels
◆ Awarded the Xavier Villaurrutia Prize
in 1977
Quetzal León
◆ Illustrator, designer, and photographer born in 1976 in Mexico City
◆ Included in various editions of conaculta’s Catalogue of Illustrators for
Children and Young Readers
◆ His work has been showcased in several exhibitions in countries such as:
China, France, Italy, Portugal, Mexico
and The United States
Doll soup
Sopa de muñecas
Pilar Armida & Diego Álvarez
With her suitcase packed and a helicopter already waiting for her, a girl
plans on leaving home after being scolded for something she didn’t do. Through
a dialogue between a mother and her
daughter, the author invites us to reflect about the way we handle and face
conflict. The illustrations play a key role
in this story, which were intended to
display how children sometimes view
their parents.
Pilar Armida
◆ Writer and editor born in 1977 in
Mexico City
◆ Degree in Education from the Universidad Iberoamericana and a Masters
in Children and Young Adult’s Literature from the University of Winchester, UK
◆ She currently works as an editor and
has two published books
Diego Álvarez
◆ Illustrator born in Buenos Aires, Argentina
◆ Studied graphic design at unam
◆ He currently works independently as
an illustrator and designer for many
businesses, institutions, and festivals
1st ed., cidcli, 2014
64 pp.
21.5 × 27.5 cm (8.4 × 10.8 in)
Picture book
ISBN: 9786075168685
1st ed., cidcli, 2014
36 pp.
23 × 25.5 cm (9 × 10 in)
Picture book
ISBN: 9786075168685
1st ed., cidcli, 2014
22 pp.
17 × 17 cm (6.7 × 6.7 in)
Picture book
ISBN: 9786078351091
1st ed., cidcli, 2014
32 pp.
18 × 21 cm (7 × 8.2 in)
Picture book
ISBN: 9786075168630
Age +10
Age +6
Age 3-6
Age +6
CIDCLI Foreign Rights
Alexander von
Humboldt, A
Scientific Explorer
in America
onaculta’s Directorate-General for Publications (dgp) undertakes the
necessary actions for fostering and creating high standards in publishing and the culture of reading by means of editorial production, the
promotion of literacy, and the support of the present-day book market,
in order to produce an ever-increasing audience with deep-seated reading habits,
which is an unparalleled method for learning, searching for information, and for the
personal and social growth of the Mexican public.
[email protected]
Los Gachos y El Evenflo
Gonzalo Rocha, José Agustín
& Armando Vega-Gil
A compilation of works by cartoonist
Gonzalo Rocha including witty references to the eighties counterculture specific to Mexico City of the time. Themes
are represented from the point of view
of young gang members. Their difficulties are explored through unheard of
adventures that resort to their language
in order to connect with readers.
Gonzalo Rocha
◆ Mexican cartoonist. Studied painting,
watercolour and drawing at the Studio School of Drawing, Painting and
Sculpture in New York
◆ One of the founders of La Jornada
◆ Contributor to magazines such as Voices of Mexico, Proceso and Cambio 16
◆ Finalist in the 19th International Biennial of Humour in Art in Tolentino,
Italy, in 1997
José Agustín
◆ Mexican writer. Studied classical literature, film direction and dramatic
◆ He has been a professor at the University of Denver, presenter and producer of cultural programs for radio
and television, and has coordinated
several literary workshops
◆ One of the founders of Reforma newspaper, columnist for La Mosca rock
magazine and contributor to the cultural supplement Confabulario
Armando Vega-Gil
◆ Musician and Mexican writer, bass
player and composer for Mexican
rock band Botellita de Jerez
◆ Writer of television scripts
◆ Winner of three national literature
awards and two film screen awards
in Mexico
Little Red Riding
Caperucita Roja
Karen Chacek & Santiago Solís
An adaptation of the original story by
Charles Perrault, where the reader interacts with characters through a narrative game in which they consult the
reader on situations unknown to them,
for they are part of the scenario. Reader co-participation is present in this
narrative game that invites shared
reading and reading out loud.
Karen Chacek
◆ Mexican writer. Studied communications and specialized in film
◆ She has published the collection of
short stories Días paralelos (2006)
and books for children such as Una
mascota inesperada (2007), Nina
Complot (2009) and La cosa horrible
(2011), among others
◆ She is a contributor to several journals specialized in music, film, arts,
technology and science
Santiago Solís
◆ Mexican designer and illustrator who
directs the Mano de Papel design studio and his publishing imprint Libros
de Mano
◆ Winner of the First Ibero-American
Catalogue of Illustration created by
Fundación sm, the Guadalajara Book
Fair and El Ilustradero; winner of the
cj Book Catalogue of Illustration, Korea, in the category of illustrator
◆ His work has been shown in Finland,
Cuba, Korea, Belgium, Spain, Ukraine,
Panama, Venezuela, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Russia, Germany and
The Stargazing Boy
El niño estrellero
Elena Poniatowska
& Fernando Robles
This book tells the story of Mexican
astronomer and researcher Guillermo
Haro, beginning from a single premise:
a child’s unflagging interest is an open
possibility for a future professional
vocation, since adults’ questions also
come from those they asked themselves
as children.
Elena Poniatowska
◆ Mexican storyteller and essayist that
has been distinguished with honorary degrees by institutions such as
unam, Columbia University and Manhattanville College in New York
◆ 2002 National Science and Arts
Award in Linguistics and Literature.
Among her distinctions are the Alfaguara Prize for Novel (Spain), the 2007
Rómulo Gallegos award, the 2011 Biblioteca Breve granted by Seix Barral
publishers, and the 2013 Cervantes
Fernando Robles
◆ Painter, illustrator and set designer
that has exhibited in different venues
in London, Lyon, Paris, Antibes, Bordeaux, Luxembourg, Chicago and Sao
◆ Winner of the Golden Palette in the
International Painting Festival in
France and the José Clemente Orozco
medal given by the government of the
state of Jalisco
The Clubhouse/
Classic Tales
El camerino/Cuentos
clásicos reinventados
Verónica Murguía
& Richard Zela
Anthology of eight stories written by
Mexican writers such as Alberto Chimal, Gabriela Damián and Verónica
Murguía, using classic tales as a starting point—such as Snow White or The
Emperor’s New Clothes—and transforming them into new stories. Richard Zela
creates a graphic adaptation of Hans
Christian Andersen’s The Red Dancing
Shoes and the Japanese legend Urashima Taro.
Verónica Murguía
◆ Her most recent novel Loba won the
2013 Gran Angular prize in Spain,
the most prestigious award for literature for young adults in Spanish,
and was selected for ibby’s Honour
List in 2014
◆ Her novel El fuego verde was nominated for the Rattenfänger Award in
Hamelin and was considered Book
of the Year by Venezuela’s Book Bank
in 2005
Richard Zela
◆ Mexican illustrator who has exhibited
his work in Germany, France, Mexico,
Colombia, Italy, Argentina, Bratislava,
Japan and the United States
◆ His first illustrated book Zezolla has
been selected to represent Mexico in
the Bratislava Biennial and is in ibby’s
Honour List in the best illustration
1st ed.
Dirección General de Publicaciones /
Editorial Resistencia, 2014
96 pp.
19 × 25 cm (7.4 × 9.8 in)
ISBN: 9786075168241, conaculta
ISBN: 9786077682608, Editorial
1st ed., Dirección General
de Publicaciones, 2014
40 pp.
24 × 30 cm (9.4 × 11.8 in)
Picture book
ISBN: 9786075166674
1st ed., Dirección General de Publicaciones-Alas y Raíces, 2014
40 pp.
30 × 24 cm (11.8 × 9.4 in)
Picture book
ISBN: 9786075169187
1st ed., Dirección General de Publicaciones-Alas y Raíces, 2014
196 pp.
16.5 × 22.5 cm (6.4 × 8.8 in)
Picture book
ISBN: 9786075169583
Age 13-15
Age 6+
Age 8+
Age 12+
CONACULTA DGP Foreign Rights
“Los Gachos” and
onstantine Editores has devoted nearly 26 years to the creation, edition and publication of its own collection, concentrating primarily on
the distribution of educational and reference works directed mainly to
children and young readers.
We have a series of publishing projects aimed at children, young people and
families, conceived as collections or independent books and subject to changes or
suggestions established by clients according to their preferences and objectives.
We are currently focusing on the development of books in braille, for we are
aware that conditions do not exist for many visually challenged children and young
readers to read or enjoy everyday books, or to find adequate books among the many
titles in the market.
[email protected]
La Pandilla del Conocimiento.
Sistema Braille
Laura Patricia Caballero Leal
& Hilda M. Caballero Leal
The aim of La Pandilla del Conocimiento. Sistema Braille encyclopaedia for
blind and non-blind children in braille
and embossed illustrations with ink is
to seek inclusion, as visually impaired
children will be able to share the pleasure of reading with their families and
Laura Patricia Caballero Leal
◆ Was born in Mexico City
◆ Author of several children’s stories
◆ She was managing editor of Amigo
Maestro magazine and has written
several articles for different magazines in the Mexicans United for the
Prevention of Addictions nonprofit
Hilda M. Caballero Leal
◆ Originally from Mexico City
◆ Graphic designer. Studied a Masters
in New Technologies at the European
University in Madrid
◆ Her work includes everything from
designing characters to illustrating
children’s books
◆ This work is written
in simple language
to stimulate general
30-volume encyclopaedia
1stt ed., Constantine
Editores, 2015
1 268 pages
21 × 27 cm (8.2 × 10.5 in)
Fully illustrated
30 embosse
embossed pages
ISBN: 9786077509349
Age 8-12
Constantine Foreign Rights
The Crew of
Knowledge: Braille
diciones Castillo has received several publishing awards for its highquality publications, including the 11th International Children’s Book
Prize in 2006 awarded by Mexico’s National Arts Council (conaculta)
and Book Design Prizes in 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2014 from
Mexico’s publishing association, caniem (Mexican National Chamber of Books), for
its textbooks and educational publications.
Ediciones Castillo has been publishing world-class children’s books since 2006,
choosing a wide variety of themes that reflect and expand the reader’s world. We
also introduce up-and-coming authors and illustrators. Our catalogue consists of
more than 220 fiction and non-fiction titles by leading Mexican and international
authors and illustrators.
[email protected]
Los aeropuertos
Jairo Buitrago & Juan Mayorga
A traveller arrives in a city at dawn and
must wait there before his next flight.
While he wanders the streets alone he
comes across an animal shelter where
he finds Lost, a little dog who is lonely
too. The traveller manages to borrow
her for a few hours, where they walk
through the city and play together. A
picture book about loneliness and the
deep, long-lasting mark that even the
briefest friendship can leave.
Jairo Buitrago
◆ Has received international awards for
his work, including the acli Prize,
White Raven, and the ibby Honour
◆ His books have been translated into
English, Korean, Japanese, Catalan
and Portuguese
◆ Born in Bogotá, Colombia
Juan Mayorga
◆ One of the most important young illustrators of children’s books in Latin America
◆ His work has appeared in books, magazines and posters, with exhibitions
held in Colombia and Poland
◆ By one of Latin
America’s foremost
authors of children’s
One Day the Birds
May Return
Tal vez vuelvan los pájaros
Mariana Osorio Gumá
Mar is an 8-year-old girl who lives in
Chile. After the 1973 coup d’état, her
father, a journalist, must separate from
his family. Along with her mother and
brothers, Mar travels to Mexico as a
refugee. The girl makes a vow of silence
that can only be broken when she recovers hope. A novel about the hard
social realities that marked Latin America during the twentieth century, told
in sharp and creative prose.
Mariana Osorio Gumá
◆ Writer and psychoanalyst. Born in
Cuba, immigrated to Chile and forced
by political circumstances to move
to Mexico in 1973
◆ Publications: short stories and essays;
books in her field of specialty and also children’s books
◆ This book was the
winner of LIPP La
Brasserie Award for
Emerging Novel, 2013
María the Monarch
María la Monarca
Homero Aridjis
& Juan Palomino
Every autumn, the people of Contepec
witness the migration of millions of
monarch butterflies fluttering south to
seek warmth in Mexico’s forests. Eréndira and Corina wish to find a legendary butterfly threatened by a gang that
preys on the animals and plants. They
set out on a mission to save her, supported by María the Monarch, a butterfly that can communicate with them
through their dreams.
Homero Aridjis
◆ Poet, journalist, diplomat and activist, born in Contepec. Has written
over 40 books
◆ He founded an environmental organization, “Grupo de los Cien”, that
persuaded the Mexican government
to turn the Monarch butterfly forests
into a protected reserve
Juan Palomino
◆ Winner of 2013 Fourth Ibero-American Catalogue of Illustration
◆ He has worked with Mexico’s leading
children’s book publishers
◆ Includes accurate
information on the
monarch butterfly
Juan Arturo Brennan
& Ericka Martínez
Ballet or classical dance is more than
a set of moves or a chorus of dancers
dressed in tights, ballet shoes and a
tutu; it goes beyond the various schools
and the talented performers who have
graced this art form over the years.
Also, it essentially remains the most
beautiful way of telling a story through
the movement of the body.
1st ed., Castillo, Mexico, 2013
144 pp.
50 × 20 cm (19.7 × 7.9 in)
Picture book
ISBN: 9786075162614
Age 14+ and YA
1st ed., Castillo, Mexico, 2014
42 pp.
23 × 15 cm (9 × 5.9 in)
Picture book
ISBN: 9786075167084
1st ed., Castillo, Mexico, 2014
248 pp.
15 × 23 cm (5.3 × 8.2 in)
ISBN: 9786076210284
1st ed., Castillo, Mexico, 2014
64 pp.
26.5 × 21.5 cm (10.4 × 8.4 in)
Illustrated short story
ISBN: 9786075168647
Age 6+
Age YA / Crossover
Age 8+
Juan Arturo Brennan
◆ Musician, photographer, producer, presenter and scriptwriter for film and
◆ Has contributed to various publications and is a distinguished music
critic and educator
Ericka Martínez
◆ Graduated from La Esmeralda School
of Art
◆ Has participated in collective and solo
exhibitions in Mexico and abroad
◆ Has collaborated with different media
as an illustrator (television, poster design, magazines and newspapers)
◆ Mexican National
Chamber of Books
(CANIEM) Award for
Editorial Art 2014
Ediciones Castillo Foreign Rights
diciones El Naranjo is an independent publishing house that has been
publishing books for children and young adults for more than ten
years, and has distinguished itself for the quality of its catalogue. Our
project summons up readers’ sensibilities and imagination by offering
books with the themes that concern them the most. Its slogan, Sácale Jugo a la Lectura—Squeeze the Most out of Reading—is an invitation to enjoy books while developing a taste for diverse literary and artistic expressions, expand knowledge on the
culture of Mexico and other countries, and foster the habit of reading by means of
carefully made editions. Prestigious writers and illustrators work with us; space is
also provided to the creativity of new talents. Ediciones El Naranjo has received several international awards, such as a Mention in the Bologna-Ragazzi Award’s New
Horizons Category, White Ravens, the Book Bank of Venezuela, among others.
[email protected]
El libro de la negación
Ricardo Chávez Castañeda
& Alejandro Magallanes
Some stories are so terrible that we
wish they were never told. Moreover,
we wish these stories had never happened, and weren’t even stories at all.
This is one of those stories. Here, we
tell it so that it doesn’t happen again,
to ward off past events that continue
to happen to many people today, to
keep children safe from this violent
world created by grown-ups.
Ricardo Chávez Castañeda
◆ Mexican writer. Teaches creative writing at Middlebury College, Vermont
◆ His work was distinguished with a
Mention in Venezuela’s Book Bank and
the White Ravens in 2013
◆ Won first place in the Julio Cortázar
Ibero-American Short Story Award
(Cuba, 2012)
Alejandro Magallanes
◆ Mexican designer and illustrator, winner of many awards in Mexico and
◆ His work has been published in magazines and books that specialize in
graphic design in countries such as
France, Iran and Spain. He has been
nominated on several occasions to
receive the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award
◆ Member of Alianza Gráfica since 2004
◆ CANIEM Award for
Editorial Art, Mexico,
Diente de león
María Baranda
& Isidro R. Esquivel
Laina knows that she’s eleven, that her
best friends are Maki and Felu, and that
she must keep the sun, the wind, and
the “black holes of smallpox” at bay.
She knows that sometimes she’s very
hungry, until she thinks of the skies,
and that her father went away. But she
also knows that whenever she blows
on a dandelion, her dreams can reach
any place she wants. And then, all those
wishes that she keeps within, so deep
inside herself, come true.
María Baranda
◆ Mexican poet and narrator that has
been translated into English, French,
Portuguese, Lithuanian and German
◆ Her books for children and young
adults have been distinguished with
a Bologna Ragazzi Award Mention of
Honour, White Ravens, and the Barco de Vapor Award in Mexico
◆ Is in ibby’s Honour List
Isidro R. Esquivel
◆ Mexican designer and illustrator
◆ Selected for conaculta’s 18th and 20th
Catalogue of Illustrators of Publications for Children and Young Readers
◆ In 2011, his work was included in the
Second Ibero-American Catalogue of
Martha Riva Palacio
& Iratxe López Munáin
There are all sorts of kisses of all kinds
of shapes and colors. Some help ease
our sorrows, others celebrate new encounters, but the best and most powerful ones are goodnight kisses. They
let you trap nightmares and tame
monsters. Even nine-foot-tall giants
can’t resist. These are the kisses that
those you love best give you before you
go to sleep.
Martha Riva Palacio
◆ Mexican poet and narrator
◆ Winner in 2011 of the 16th Barco de
Vapor Children’s Literature Award
◆ Winner of the Spanish-American
Award for Children’s Poetry 2014
Iratxe López Munáin
◆ Spanish illustrator. Currently works
in advertising, publishing and design
◆ Finalist in the Nami Island International Picture book Contest (Korea,
◆ Winner of the Lazarillo Award (Spain,
Kitsu and The Baku
Kitsu y el baku
Elizabeth Cruz Madrid
& Silvana Ávila
People are supposed to sleep at night,
but the citizens of the Eastern City have
forgotten this. The city’s governor is
building a gigantic dollhouse for his
daughter, and everyone will have to
tirelessly work day and night until it’s
finished. Mountain boy Kitsu will overcome several tests and face the forest
demons to solve his community’s problems with the help of a baku, an eater
of nightmares. In this coming of age
journey, Kitsu will also understand how
to deal with his own problems.
Elizabeth Cruz Madrid
◆ Mexican journalist and children’s
book writer
◆ She won first place in conafe’s “Cuenta Conmigo” contest in 2011
◆ Granted honourable mention in 2013
in the Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz International Literature Contest
Silvana Ávila
◆ Mexican designer and illustrator
◆ Since 2005, she has worked for different publishers and advertising agencies
◆ Her work was selected for conaculta’s 18th and 20th Catalogue of Illustrators of Publications for Children
and Young Readers
◆ Selected for Mexico’s
National Reading
Program in its fourth
◆ Book recommended by
IBBY México, 2014
◆ 2nd place, International
Latino Book Awards,
Best Youth Chapter
Fiction Book category,
USA, 2014
◆ CANIEM Award for
Editorial Art, Mexico,
1st ed., Ediciones El Naranjo – conaculta, 2014
152 pp.
18 × 24 cm (7 × 9.4 in)
Fiction book
ISBN: 9786077661726
1st ed., Ediciones El Naranjo, 2012
80 pp.
18 × 25 cm (7 × 9.8 in)
Fiction book
ISBN: 9786077661436
1st ed., Ediciones El Naranjo, 2014
34 pp.
14 × 20 cm (5.5 × 7.9 in)
ISBN: 9786077661795
1st ed., Ediciones El Naranjo, 2014
80 pp.
18 × 25 cm (7 × 9.8 in)
Fiction book
ISBN: 9786077661917
Age 12+
Age 10+
Age 1+
Age 8+
El Naranjo Foreign Rights
The Book of Denial
diciones Tecolote was created to reveal Mexico’s artistic and cultural
heritage, and to introduce certain aspects of knowledge to a non-specialist audience, particularly children and young people. This publishing house seeks to renovate the book, transforming it into an interactive medium of learning by means of a novel concept that brings together text and
image through original design. This way, history, art and different aspects of human
creation become objects of interest for the greater public.
Ediciones Tecolote has a catalogue of 150 titles broaching history, folk art and
Mexican art. However, in the past few years it has been enriched with other subjects that are of interest in our country and beyond.
[email protected]
José Manuel Mateo
& Javier Martínez Pedro
This little book tells the story of a
mother, her son and her daughter. It
talks about the day they had to leave
their home and travel north until they
reached another country. They crossed
the border thinking they could find
work—and, more than anything else,
the children wanted to find their father.
1 ed., Ediciones Tecolote, Mexico, 2011
1st reprint, Ediciones Tecolote, 2012
10 pp. 32 × 16 cm
(81.28 × 40.64 in)
Picture book
ISBN: 9786077656555
José Manuel Mateo
◆ Poet, essayist, editor and professor of
literary theory
◆ Has won the International filij Prize
Javier Martínez Pedro
◆ Mexican artisan who illustrates with
amate bark paper
◆ Has won several fonart awards for
his art work
What Animals!
◆ Composer and interpreter of music
from the Huasteca region, where
catchy rhymes are improvised
◆ Has written diverse children’s books
Lucho Rodríguez
◆ Born in Bogota, Colombia
◆ Studied advertising and graphic design
◆ Has illustrated many Latin American
books for children
◆ Has received many awards as an illustrator and as an advertising creative
◆ His work has been exhibited on several occasions
¡Qué animales!
Eduardo Bustos
& Lucho Rodríguez
Children can make exotic animal masks
with this book’s stylized, colourful illustrations. After cutting them out, a
small book remains that illustrates the
animal full-body, followed by a catchy
Eduardo Bustos
◆ Born in Veracruz, Mexico
◆ Elementary school teacher and biology
professor at the Normal School for
No, Not You!
¡No, tú no!
Fanuel Díaz & Luis Lestón
Roberta watches the forest from her
window. Her mother’s words echo
through her head: “Wash your hands!
Don’t wear those shoes”… Two kids yell
at her from the forest: “You look like a
doll in a shop window!” Pleasing everybody is so hard! She wants to go play
with the kids, but she’s not sure that
she wants to be like them. Roberta will
have to confront herself in order to find
her identity during her walk through
the forest.
Fanuel Díaz
◆ Researcher in children’s literature
◆ Jury of children’s fiction and illustration in international contests such
as the Bratislava Biennial
◆ Winner of the National Children’s Literature Award in Venezuela
◆ Author of several children’s books,
and others on theory of children’s literature
Luis Lestón
◆ Young designer born in Venezuela
◆ Has illustrated seven children’s books
Jaguar: Heart of
the Mountain
Jaguar, “Corazón de la
Ana Paula Ojeda
& Juan Palomino
Before there was Time and when light
did not yet exist, the jaguar—the mystery of the night—was the lord of all
creatures. And then order arose from
chaos, and humans from the jaguar…
This succinct and lucid retelling of a
pre-Hispanic myth preserves the symbolic implications that lie beyond the
story. The images suggest and stimulate
readings of these complex interpretations of the world.
Ana Paula Ojeda
◆ Studied Intercultural Management
and Development
◆ Her first book, Ladrón del fuego, also
illustrated by Juan Palomino, won the
García Cubas Award from the National Institute of Anthropology and History
◆ This is her second book
Juan Palomino
◆ Studied Philosophy
◆ He is now a renowned children’s book
◆ In 2008, he won second place in
conaculta’s 18th catalogue
◆ In 2013, he won the 4th Ibero-American Catalogue of Illustration
◆ 2012 New Horizons
Bologna Ragazzi Award
◆ Rights sold to Brazil,
France, Italy, Poland,
Spain, USA
Foreign Rights
Age 7+
¡Qué animales!
Eduardo Bustos • Lucho Rodríguez
1st ed., Ediciones Tecolote, Mexico, 2015
24 pp.
26 × 35 cm (10.2 × 13.7 in)
Illustrated activity book
ISBN: Pending
1st ed., Ediciones Tecolote, Mexico, 2015
28 pp.
26 × 22 cm (10.2 × 8.6 in)
Illustrated book
ISBN: Pending
1st ed., Ediciones Tecolote, Mexico, 2014
36 pp.
26 × 23.5 cm (10.5 × 9 in)
Illustrated book
ISBN: 9786079365264
Age 4+
Age 6+
Age 10+
res Abejas is a publishing company that began in 2012 with financial
support from public cultural institutions and private resources.
We specialize in children’s literature. Our editorial and design
team has extensive experience in evaluating literary, artistic and
graphic projects, as well as design and publishing.
Our first collection, Cuéntamelo otra vez—Tell me again—is addressed to
preschoolers, where we try to recover elements of Mexican and Latin American
culture through the literary work of experienced authors and graphic artists with
new concepts and techniques in drawing and illustration.
[email protected]
The Music of the
La música del mundo
Elman Trevizo Higuera
& Evelyn Alarcón Sile
This text introduces children to materials that gave rise to traditional instruments, such as the indigenous Tarahumara peoples’ “tenabari”. Implicit in
this text is the passion to create. The
most important revelation is the appreciation of sounds per se, and the
extraordinary ability to listen beyond
sounds and provide them with a sense.
Elman Trevizo Higuera
◆ Degree in journalism studies
◆ Graduated from Mexico’s School of
Writers and the National Graduate
Playwriting Studies at the National
Institute of Fine Arts
◆ Some of his writings have been translated into English and German
Evelyn Alarcón Siles
◆ Graphic designer and illustrator
◆ Specialist in digital strategy, illustration and photography
◆ Currently works as an independent
artist and is focusing extensively on
her personal work
Ahora ¡Abracadabra!
Luz María del Consuelo
Chapela Mendoza & Rodrigo
Antonio Vargas Chapela
Here, children will discover the adventures of a lovely little monkey fleeing
from a hunter. Based on a story from
the oral tradition of the Mixtec-Zapotec peoples in Mexico, this is a touching story about the rainforest, its dangers, and its magic. A story that will
help children understand the value of
wildlife and Mother Nature.
Luz María del Consuelo
Chapela Mendoza
◆ Has published over one hundred
books for children
◆ One of her most popular books is Bichos, in collaboration with Roberto
Rojo, Nostra, 2005
Rodrigo Antonio
Vargas Chapela
◆ Illustrator
◆ Studied Bachelor of Graphic Communication Design
◆ Studied an ma in Visual Arts at the
Academy of San Carlos, National
Autonomous University of Mexico
◆ He has worked with agencies and international institutions such as unicef, unesco and ecpat
I found a...
Encontré un...
Alicia Maria Dolores
baranda & Cecilia Varela
Encontré un... is a beautiful poem about
the adventures of a boy and a stone
that grows wings. As he holds on to it,
it flies so high and so far that he begins
to worry that his family will suffer with
his absence. This is a song of freedom,
but also of hearth and home. A lion’s
roar emerges from the centre of the
Earth in this mysterious book.
Maria Baranda
◆ Poet, writer and translator
◆ Her work has been translated into
English, French, Polish and German
◆ A multiple award-winning writer
Cecilia Varela
◆ Studied Fine Arts at the Prilidiano
Pueyrredrón National School of Fine
◆ Her work has been published in several major houses in Mexico and Spain
◆ Chosen for IBBY
Mexico’s Guide for
Children and Young
Readers 2015
Andrea Dresses
in Red
Andrea se viste de rojo
Norma Muñoz Ledo
Carrasco & Víctor Manuel
García Bernal
The texts plays with the sonorous Spanish synonyms for the color red, such as
colorado, and with the multiple red
objects that a girl encounters: a rooster’s comb or a rabbit’s eyes. Through the
story, children identify objects, flowers
and fruits that contrast red with others
colors, and especially identify their own
predilections and tastes.
Norma Muñoz Ledo Carrasco
◆ Studied a degree in education. Masters in Children’s Literature from the
University of Warwick, UK
◆ She has written widely on literature
for children and young people
Víctor Manuel García Bernal
◆ He has illustrated many books for different publishing houses
◆ His illustrations earned a Special Mention for the International Youth Library’s White Ravens Catalogue
◆ Mention in the FCE
Catalogue 2014
1st ed. 3 Abejas S.A. 2013
24 pp.
19 × 21 cm (7.5 × 9 in)
Picture book
ISBN: 9786078306145
1st ed. 3 Abejas S.A. 2013
24 pp.
19 × 21 cm (7.5 × 9 in)
Picture book
ISBN: 9786078306053
1st ed. 3 Abejas S.A. 2013
24 pp.
19 × 21 cm (7.5 × 9 in)
Picture book
ISBN: 9786078306114
1st ed. 3 Abejas S.A. 2013
24 pp.
19 × 21 cm (7.5 × 9 in)
Picture book
ISBN: 9786078306107
Age 4+
Age 4+
Age 4+
Age 4+
3 Abejas
Foreign Rights
◆ Chosen by the
Secretariat of Public
Education for school
libraries in 2015
Now ¡Abracadabra!
he Editorial Board of the State Pubic Administration (ceape) produces, distributes and protects publications by the State of Mexico’s
departments and auxiliary institutions. Among other things, ceape
has undertaken the systematic organization of collections and series
in the Fondo Editorial del Estado de México (foem), the imprint that has distinguished publications by the State of Mexico’s government since 2012. It is also
concerned with fostering the love of reading through incentives for creating and
recovering literary works; stimulating the creation of new readers; and projecting
the State of Mexico’s natural, cultural, historic and social wealth. One of its collections is Lectores, Niños y Jóvenes, formed by the Literatura Infantil and Literatura
Juvenil series, aimed at children from 5 to 12 years of age and young people from 13
to 18 years of age, respectively.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Do you believe in ghosts? Some can
scare us and others make us giggle.
Sometimes, if we hold our breath and
listen really well, we can sense what
lies beyond the visible. An unknown
world appears before us, and we realize that there are always small mysteries to discover within large secrets.
Andrés Acosta
◆ Born in Guerrero in 1964, he has published 16 novels and two plays for children, young readers and adults
◆ He is the author of El complejo de
Faetón (sm, 2006), Olfato (sm, 2009),
Subterráneos (sm, 2012), Lavadora de
culpas (conaculta, 2006) and Agua
en polvo (Norma, 2010)
◆ Member of the National System of Art
Irma Bastida Herrera
◆ Received the Golden Apple distinction
in the Biennial Illustration Bratislava
◆ Some of her work can be seen in www.
Ricardo García Trejo
◆ Studied graphic design at Universidad
del Valle de Toluca
◆ Studied at the Norman Rockwell
School of Illustration
Rocío Solís Cuevas
◆ Studied a Masters in Editorial Design
at the Center for Gestalt Studies
◆ Diploma in illustration from the Academy of San Carlos
◆ Her work was selected for the 4th Ibero-American Illustration Catalogue in
◆ Some of her work can be seen at:
◆ Won the children’s
literature award (poetry)
in the Sor Juana Inés
de la Cruz International
Literature Contest in
The Book of
Children who Wear
El libro de l@s niñ@s
que usan gafas
Alexis Díaz-Pimienta
& Irma Bastida Herrera
Is there any reason why children with
glasses should have a bad time or be
unhappy? Of course there isn’t. Do you
wear glasses? Can you imagine what
it means to have a book that was written just for you—not simply with a
dedication, but with poems inspired by
you and other children like you? What
does it feel like to be a book’s main
character? Experience it and discover
it here.
Alexis Díaz Pimienta (La
Habana, Cuba, 1966)
◆ Writer and improvisation poet
◆ Author of 35 books (novels, essays,
poetry and stories)
◆ He has won the La Rosa Blanca National Award in Cuba three times for
his writings featuring his character
Irma Bastida Herrera
◆ Enjoys interpreting texts with images
◆ She illustrates books for different publishers
◆ In 2013 she was honored with the
Golden Apple at the Biennial Illustration Bratislava
◆ Some of her work can be seen at www.
◆ Honourable mention in
the children’s literature
category (poetry),
International Sor
Juana Inés de la Cruz
Literature Award 2013
Among Monsters
Entre monstruos
Elizabeth Cruz Madrid
& Rocío Solís Cuevas
Human beings are far from perfect. In
this story, six children discover their
parents’ dark side, and even their own.
That side of us—the unpleasant one
we like to hide from everyone else—can
sometimes have the same features as
classical monsters: La Llorona, the
Werewolf, the Witch, the Invisible Man,
and even War—a monstrous social
Elizabeth Cruz Madrid
◆ Studied Communications at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (unam)
◆ Worked as a journalist in Mexican media such as Radio unam and El Universal and El Financiero newspapers
◆ Since 2007, she has written and edited
various educational books for publishers such as Santillana, Sistema uno,
Castillo, Esfinge
◆ She has won several awards for her
children’s stories
Rocío Solís Cuevas
◆ Graduated from the Masters in Editorial Design at the Center for Gestalt
Studies and the diploma course in illustration at the San Carlos Academy
◆ Her work has been selected for the
Fourth Ibero-American Catalogue of
Illustration 2013
◆ Some of her work can be found at:
◆ Honourable mention in
the Children’s Literature
category (stories), Sor
Juana Inés de la Cruz
International Literature
Contest 2013
Sharash and
Federico’s Gift
Sharash y el regalo de
Lizbeth Padilla
& Ricardo García Trejo
An exploration of Bosco—an animated
being that narrates the adventures of
its inhabitants in this book’s colourful
pages—becomes an exciting journey
through the world of fantasy, where
Sharash Menglow and Federico reconcile their differences in the company of
young women made from lava, girls
with hair made of honey, witches, beautiful water nymphs and angels called
ofanim. Journeys and meetings among
these peculiar characters offer a lesson
in kindness, hope and happiness.
Lizbeth Padilla
◆ Born in Tlalnepantla, State of México, in 1961
◆ Has won several recognitions from
the Center for Writers of Toluca (cte)
and the State of Mexico Institute of
Culture (imc)
◆ Has published poetry books such as:
La piel de los ausentes, Tragaluz del
insomnio, Alquimista de lágrimas, El
juego de las transformaciones and Enlobar epifanías: antología personal
Ricardo García Trejo
◆ Studied graphic design at Universidad del Valle in Toluca
◆ He studied at the Norman Rockwell
School of Illustration
◆ Has worked for different private and
public institutions
◆ Won the Children’s
Literature Award 2013
(stories), Sor Juana Inés
de la Cruz International
Literature Contest 2013
Foreign Rights
El libro de los fantasmas
Andrés Acosta, Irma Bastida
Herrera, Ricardo García Trejo
& Rocío Solís Cuevas
1st edition. foem. 2015
72 pp.
22.5 × 23 cm (8.8 × 9 in)
Picture book
ISBN: 9786074953633
1st edition. foem. 2014
68 pp.
22.5 × 23 cm (8.8 × 9 in)
Picture book
ISBN: 9786074953473
1st edition. foem. 2014
60 pp.
22.5 × 23 cm (8.8 × 9 in)
Picture book
ISBN: 9786074953626
1st edition. foem. 2014
192 pp.
22.5 × 23 cm (8.8 × 9 in)
Picture book
ISBN: 9786074953664
Age: 4+
Age 6+
Age 4+
Age 4+
The Book of Ghosts
ondo de Cultura Económica is one of the leading publishing houses in Latin
America and has been publishing books on a wide array of subjects for
eighty years. Our books are distributed throughout the continent through
our branches in Argentina, Brazil, Central America, Chile, Colombia, Spain,
the United States, Peru and Venezuela. Over the course of the last 25 years, our fourteen
series of books for children and young readers published by our children’s books division
have included titles of the highest literary and visual quality aiming at a critical and
demanding readership. Our most innovative books have received important distinctions
such as the New Horizons Award, and some of our titles have been listed in the White
Ravens Catalogue and in aiga’s 50 Books/50 Covers competition. Several of our books for
children and young adults have been translated into sixteen languages.
[email protected]
A child experiences a life-changing
event, and an otherwise regular day
suddenly takes an unexpected turn.
Nothing seems quite as it should—neither the boy’s daily cup of hot chocolate nor the park bench. Time goes by,
and he must complete a personal mission before he can leave this difficult
moment behind because “strange days
get bored and leave soon enough.”
María Fernanda Heredia
◆ María Fernanda Heredia is an Ecuadorian illustrator, graphic designer
and author of over 25 books for children and young readers
◆ She is the five-time winner of Ecuador’s National Prize for Literature for
Children and Young Readers
Roger Ycaza
◆ Roger Ycaza is an Ecuadorian illustrator and musician. He has illustrated over 60 short stories and novels
for children and young adults
◆ In 2014 he received Ecuador’s National Prize for Illustration
With Eyes Wide
Con los ojos abiertos
Francisco Hinojosa
The protagonist of this novel is a 15year-old girl who runs away from home
and survives by doing odd jobs. Soon
she gets involved with a student who
suffers from chronic insomnia which
begins to drive him mad. This novel
opens readers’ eyes to things that often
lead young people to take extreme decisions at a time in their lives when they
start to build a life-project based on
their experiences, plans, objectives,
goals and feelings.
Francisco Hinojosa
◆ One of Mexico’s leading authors of
children’s literature
◆ This year he was selected by conaculta as the ambassador for the Children and Young Adults’ International Book Fair (filij) to represent and
promote children and young adults’
literature in Mexico and around the
◆ Shortlisted for the First sm Iberian-American Children’s and Young
Adult Literature Award, 2005
◆ Honorary member of the National
Sistem of Art Creators, Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, 19932000, 2003-2005, 2007-2010 and 20102013
◆ Fellowship of the Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, Mexico, 19911992
◆ National Short Story Award, San Luis Potosí, 1993
◆ Winner of the XVIII
A la Orilla del Viento
Picture book Award
Life without Santi
La vida sin Santi
Andrea Maturana
& Francisco Javier Olea
Santi and Maia are separated because
one of them is going to live far away,
and they won’t be able to see each other for a while. Days are sad and complicated at first. Eventually, the distance will lessen and the void will be
filled. Will there still be a place available for Santi when he comes back?
Andrea Maturana
◆ An established Latin American author born in Santiago de Chile
◆ In 1997 she published her first novel, El daño, which was very well received by the public and critics
Francisco Javier Olea
◆ He has been an illustrator and painter since 1999, and works at El Mercurio newspaper
The Man
Who Was a Map
El hombre que fue un mapa
Ignacio Padilla
& Rafael Barajas, El Fisgón
Hipotálamo, an ageing warrior discharged from the army, becomes a
sage famous for finding out the point
of support that will move the world.
Quimera, the city where he was born
in, becomes famous after the local
people built an enormous labyrinth
to protect Hipotálamo’s creation. The
story takes us on an adventure to
discover the fate of the labyrinth and
the secret left by the wise man before
he died.
Ignacio Padilla
◆ Multi-awarded author whose books
have been translated into more than
20 languages
◆ Has worked as an editor and diplomat
◆ Has held a fellowship from the John
Simon Guggenheim Foundation
Rafael Barajas
◆ He is a curator, muralist, painter, researcher, writer and interviewer, and
one of Mexico’s most famous political cartoonists
◆ XVII A la Orilla del
Viento Picture book
Award Mention of
Honor 2013
◆ Rights sold to
1st ed., fce Mexico, 2015
40 pp.
28 × 21 cm (11.02 × 8.26 in)
Picture book
ISBN: Pending
1st ed., fce-Mexico, 2015
72 pp.
19 × 15 cm (7.48 × 5.90 in)
ISBN: 9786071625779
1st ed., fce Mexico, 2014
48 pp.
23 × 20 cm (9.05 × 7.87 in)
Picture book
ISBN: 9786071619716
1st ed., fce Mexico, 2014
88 pp.
19 × 15 cm (7.48 × 5.90 in)
Children’s fiction
ISBN: 9786071623614
Age 6+
Age 13+
Age 6+
Age 9+
Foreign Rights
Los días raros
María Fernanda Heredia
& Roger Ycaza
Strange Days
e embrace diversity. Imagining is all about playing with words
and images. Children’s books that feature contents and images
from a variety of places.
Embark on a journey with us across an ocean of possibilities.
Imagining is all about playing with words and images. Characters, stories, tales, and
narratives are created by inventing and dreaming.
At Libros para Imaginar we embrace diversity in children’s books, featuring
illustrations and contents from a variety of places. Here you will find our character
Xook, which means “to read” in Mayan. He represents a cacomixtle, a mammal native to Mexico. Let Xook guide you down the multiple trails of the imagination.
[email protected]
Las teteras niñas
Becky Rubinstein, Rocío
Solís & Irma Bastida
The Child Teapots announces teatime,
pleasure in words and delight in images. This book of poems is the product
of visual experience, of observing teapots galore, made of pottery, porcelain,
and white clay. The Child Teapots was
born to cheer up children and grownups alike, made possible by the inventiveness of Becky, who creates images
through words, and Irma and Rocío,
creators of images through color.
Becky Rubinstein
◆ Writer, poet, translator; holds a doctorate in modern literature
◆ Received honourable mention in the
José Martí Worldwide Award for Literature Costa Rica, 1997
◆ Has published over thirty books on
her own and as joint publications
Rocío Solís
◆ Mexican designer and illustrator
◆ Her work was chosen for the 4th Ibero-American Catalogue of Illustration, 2013
◆ Has participated in different group
Irma Bastida
◆ Mexican designer and illustrator
◆ Won the Golden Apple at the Biennial of Illustration Bratislava, 2013
◆ Currently does illustration projects
for different publishers
◆ First Mexican
illustrator to receive
the Bratislava Golden
Apple, 2013
Animals from my
Animales de mi tierra
Dydya López & Abril Castillo
Enjoy animals from the Costa Chica in
the state of Guerrero. They’re part of
this short story where children will
learn abstract mathematical concepts.
Dydya López
◆ She studied biology at the National
Autonomous University of Mexico
◆ Member of the Amuzga people from
Xochistlahuaca, Guerrero
◆ She is the author of the first bilingual
indigenous language/Spanish thesis
in Mexico
Abril Castillo
◆ Illustrator, writer and editor
◆ Has participated since 2007 in the organizing committee for El Ilustradero, Fundación sm and the Guadalajara Book Fair, who are in charge of
the Ibero-American Catalogue of Illustration
◆ Her work has been shown in France,
United States, Venezuela, Colombia,
United Arab Emirates, Costa Rica and
In the Village of
En la aldea de viceversa
Becky Rubinstein
& Irma Bastida
Come with me to the village of Vice-Versa, where there are verses galore that
will make you laugh and smile out loud.
You will soon fall in love with real characters, like you and your friends from
school, and fantasy ones: cherubs,
elves, magicians and witches.
Becky Rubinstein
◆ Was born in Mexico
◆ She loves writing for children
◆ She received the Juan de la Cabada
Award granted by the National Institute of Fine Arts (inba) in Campeche
for Un árbol gatológico, which has
become a modern classic
Irma Bastida
◆ Mexican illustrator
◆ She enjoys translating words into pictures
◆ Her work includes developing publishing projects and independent illustration
◆ Selected for the
Catalogue of Illustrators
at the Sharjah
International Book Fair,
United Arab Emirates,
Where Do Dreams
Come From?
¿De dónde vienen los sueños?
Maria de Jesús Nieto,
Zoraida Vásquez Beveraggi
& Esmeralda Ríos
Don’t we all wonder where dreams come
from? A girl and her mother fly off with
a few words of magic to find the answer.
On their way, they witness unimaginable
events. Amidst the coloured lights, stellar
winds, stars, and clouds, they discover
the Moon and it’s Lady; the Ancestral
Mother and the Huntresses of Crazy (really crazy) Dreams… but will they find
the answer?
Maria de Jesús Nieto
◆ A dancer, María received formal training at the Mexican National Ballet’s
School of Contemporary Dance
◆ She received the prize for Best Female
Performer at the inba-uam National
Contemporary Dance Awards and a
performance scholarship from the Na-
tional Fund for Culture and the Arts
Zoraida Vásquez Beveraggi
◆ Zoraida is a writer. Her works include:
501 maravillas del viejo Nuevo Mundo and Cara de aire, for which she
received an award at the International Book Fair for Children and Young
Readers (filij) in 2004
◆ She holds a master’s degree in LatinAmerican Literature from the University of Paris III- Sorbonne, in France
Esmeralda Ríos
◆ Studied design and visual communication at the National Autonomous
University of Mexico’s National School
of Fine Arts (unam)
◆ Her work has been featured in conaculta’s Catalogue of Illustrators of
Publications for Children and Young
Readers and in Oltre Lo Specchio, Associazione Culturale Teatrio, Italy
◆ She has illustrated stories and creates
film animations
◆ These illustrations
represented Mexico
in the 24th Biennal of
Illustration Bratislava,
1st ed., Libros para Imaginar, 2015
52 pp.
20.5 × 21 cm (8.07 × 8.26 in)
Picture book
ISBN: 9786079306106
1st ed., Libros para Imaginar, 2014
94.5 × 13 cm (37.20 × 5.11 in)
Folding book
ISBN: 9786079306083, Libros para Imaginar
ISBN: 9786075167398, conaculta
1st ed., Libros para Imaginar, 2013
32 pp.
15 × 22.5 cm (5.90 × 8.85 in)
Picture book
ISBN: 9786079306021, Libros para Imaginar
ISBN: 9786075162881, conaculta
Age 3-6
Age 3-6
Age 4-6
ed., Libros para Imaginar, 2011
33 pp.
26 × 19 cm (10.23 × 7.48 in)
Picture book
ISBN: 9786079537050
Age 8-10
Libros para Imaginar Foreign Rights
The Child Teapots
ur project is guided by a constant commitment to education in order
to improve the quality of teaching support books used in Mexico’s
classrooms. We are also involved in technological evolution, and we’re
innovating on better teaching options with the aim of fostering and
strengthening learning through digital tools.
Our new children’s literature series, Letras Mágicas, aims to enable linguistic
development from the early stages of infancy.
This project invites children to read and let their imagination fly, with the intention of awakening and promoting curiosity and taste for literature by means of
different, fascinating stories, beautifully illustrated by outstanding Mexican and
international artists from the publishing milieu.
[email protected]
[email protected]
Pablo Menalc
& Herenia González
Stray Dog
Un perro callejero
Fernanda Tolmen
& Claudia Navarro
With the help of his grandmother and
a dictionary, Raul tries to convince his
mom to let him keep a stray dog as a
pet. The key, however, is to use highfalutin words.
Fernanda Tolmen
◆ Writes children’s literature and textbooks for preschool. Born in Mexico
◆ Lecturer, teacher and storyteller
◆ Has also published El ballenato Berengario and Entre la hiedra in this
Claudia Navarro
◆ Graphic designer from the National
School of Fine Arts (enap)
◆ Her work has been selected for several editions of conaculta's Catalogue of Illustrators of Publications
for Children and Young Readers
◆ She has worked for different publishers in Mexico and the United States
◆ In 2012 she curated and designed the
“Memorias Trazadas” exhibition in
Buenos Aires, Argentina
◆ She recently created an animated story for conaculta’s Alas y Raíces program
The Whale Calf
El ballenato Berengario
Fernanda Tolmen & Tania Recio
One day, Berengario decided to change
his name and put an end to his problems. He fixed one of them—but was
never able to get rid of the other.
Fernanda Tolmen
◆ Lecturer, teacher and storyteller
◆ Writes children’s literature and textbooks for preschool. Born in Mexico
◆ Has also published Un perro callejero and Entre la hiedra in this series
Tania Recio
◆ Studied graphic design at the National School of Fine Arts (enap)
◆ Has worked for publishers such as
Editorial Progreso, Editorial Porrúa,
Ediciones El Naranjo and Editores
Unidos Mexicanos
◆ Has participated in collective exhibitions in casul, Centro Cultural
“Estación Indianillas”, Casa Kuii and
Museo Taborda in Buenos Aires, Argentina
◆ Her work was selected for conaculta's 21st Catalogue of Illustrators of
Publications for Children and Young
The Pirate with the
Upside-Down Smile
El pirata de la sonrisa al revés
Carmen Coralt & Alex Herrerías
“He must be a sourpuss and he also
smells,” or so says everyone about the
pirate with the upside-down smile. One
day, he tries to straighten his smile and
can’t do it… until something incredible
Carmen Coralt
◆ Primary school teacher. Born in Mexico City
◆ Editor and technical reviewer of textbooks for preschool, primary and secondary school, and writer of children’s
◆ In this series, she has also published
El pegaso de mamá and Dinosaurios
y cucarachas
Alex Herrerías
◆ Studied design and visual communication with a specialty in illustration
at the National School of Fine Arts
◆ Has worked for different publishers
in Mexico City and abroad
◆ Has received different awards such
as the Gabino Barreda Silver Medal
(2007, unam), Silver Mention in the
Design for Illustration Awards (2011),
Honourable Mention in the 26th Catalogue of Illustrators of Publications
for Children and Young Readers in
the conaculta's medal for the best
illustration portfolio in the Behance
Portafolios Reviews Mexico (2013),
Award for Design in the category of
illustration (2014)
1st ed., mc-editores- México, 2015
20 pp.
15 × 22 cm (5.9 × 8.6 in)
Picture book
ISBN: 9786077732709
1st ed., mc-editores- México, 2014
20 pp.
22 × 22 cm (8.6 × 8.6 in)
Picture book
ISBN: 9786077732679
1st ed., mc-editores- México, 2015
28 pp.
22 × 22 cm (8.6 × 8.6 in)
Picture book
ISBN: 9786077732686
1st ed., mc-editores- México, 2015
28 pp.
22 × 30 cm (8.6 × 11.8 in)
Picture book
ISBN: 9786077732655
Age 3+
Age 3+
Age 3+
Age 3+
MC Editores
Foreign Rights
Have you ever seen a small, white dog
that looks like a rabbit? Or a white rabbit that looks like a dog? Orejas was
confused, and had no idea whether he
was a dog or a bunny. How did he solve
this dilemma?
Pablo Menalc
◆ Professor with a degree in education.
Born in Dolores Hidalgo, Guanajuato
◆ Author of children’s literature, pedagogical advisor and reading promoter in different states in Mexico
◆ He has also published Enrique, el
constructor and Las donas de Daniel in this series
Herenia González
◆ Mexican illustrator. Has collaborated
with different publishers in Mexico
◆ Primarily does digital and traditional children’s illustration
◆ Has participated in group shows such
as the 6th International Artistic Contest for Children and Youth in Czestochowa, Poland; “La muerte ilustrada”
in the Seattle Center, Washington,
D.C., and “Ecoscopios” in Paseo de la
Reforma, Mexico City
◆ Is currently developing personal projects. She has recently begun to work
in non-utilitarian pottery
ditorial Norma was founded in Cali, Colombia in 1960. With almost
55 years of experience editing textbooks and books for children and
young readers, it is one of the most important publishing houses in
Latin America. Norma works in Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador,
Guatemala, Mexico, Peru and Puerto Rico. The Children and Young Reader’s Catalogue has more than 600 books that are highly appreciated in schools, libraries and
bookshops. More than a hundred of our books are part of the classroom and school
libraries in Mexico’s public school system. Our authors and books have been awarded the most distinguished literary prizes: Hans Christian Andersen, Astrid Lindgren
Memorial Award, Newberry Medal and the Norma International Prize.
[email protected]
Of Rascals,
Guzzlers and Biters
De astutos, tragones y
Judy Goldman
& Juan Gedovius
With fabulous illustrations by Juan
Gedovius, you will feel like a rascal, a
guzzler and a biter. And with Judy Goldman’s stories you will get to know more
about the ancient Mayan and Aztec
stories that explain why there are rabbits in this world and how come they’ve
always been so smart. You will also
learn about Mayan beliefs about the
origin of the world and all its creatures.
Judy Goldman
◆ An outstanding Mexican author that
specializes in folk stories and legends
from the Aztec and Mayan cultures
◆ Her books have been translated into
◆ Awarded with ibby’s Antoniorrobles
Award in 1984
Juan Gedovius
◆ Work by this talented Mexican illustrator and author can be found in
books, textbooks, magazines, posters,
museums and set designs
◆ White Ravens Special Mention in
1998 for Trucas and in 2002 with
Morado al cubo; ibby Honour List
2004; ibby Silent Book in Lampedusa Italy 2014
Mi papá es un tlacuilo
Sandra Siemens
& Tania Juárez
In pre-Hispanic Mexico, tlacuilos were
the painters and illustrators of the codices and temple walls. In this beautiful and poetic story, a small boy talks
about his daily life with his father, the
town’s tlacuilo, so he may learn the
occupation he will inherit in the future.
Along with his spirit guides and other
lovely animals, the readers will understand the importance and beauty of
this ancestral occupation.
Sandra Siemens
◆ Argentinian author for children and
young readers
◆ Has published 14 books
◆ Awarded with Norma Fundalectura’s
Prize in 2008 with El último heliogábalo and a special nomination in
White Ravens in 2011 with El hombre
de los pies murciélago
Tania Juárez
◆ Mexican designer and communicator
◆ Has illustrated literature, poetry and
◆ Awarded with the Belle Epoque Prize
◆ RIGHTS: Worldwide
rights in Spanish printed
book and ebook. License
granted for 5 years.
Royalties 6% for author
and 4% for illustrator.
Contract signed in 2012
for a 5 years period
The Book that Dies
El libro que se muere
Ricardo Chávez Castañeda
& Carlos Vélez Aguilera
Death is never the end of any story—it’s
almost always the beginning of all those
stories we call life. This book has thirty-two stories that try to answer most
of the questions children have around
death. What happens when someone
dies? What is the meaning of dying?
Readers may identify with some of the
characters that have asked the same
questions and lived through the same
Ricardo Chávez Castañeda
◆ Psychologist and writer born in Mexico
◆ More than 30 books published
◆ The Book that Dies was awarded the
White Ravens in 2013 and chosen as
one of the 5 best and most original
books for children by Venezuela’s
Book Bank in 2013
Carlos Vélez Aguilera
◆ Mexican illustrator
◆ Fulltime illustrator for different publishing houses
◆ In 2011, he won third prize in conaculta’s 21st Catalogue of Illustrators
of Publications for Children and
Young Readers
◆ RIGHTS: Worldwide
rights in Spanish printed
book and e-book.
License granted for 5
years. Royalties 10%
for the author. Contract
signed in 2011 for 5
years period
Soldiers in the Rain
Soldados en la lluvia
Toño Malpica
& María Teresa Hevia
During the Mexican Revolution, a 9and a 5-year-old orphan brother and
sister have to face their grandfather’s
illness and the hunger caused by the
war. A man comes to their house, and
believing that he’s the devil, they negotiate the old man’s life. The story reveals
each character’s past, their faults, fantasies and dreams.
Toño Malpica
◆ One of the most distinguished Mexican authors for children and young
◆ Has published 28 books
◆ Soldiers in the Rain was awarded the
Fundación Cuatrogatos Award for
Best Books for Children and Young
Readers by Ibero-American Creators
in 2014
María Teresa Hevia
◆ Colombian plastic artist and illustrator
◆ Studied in Bogota, Barcelona and
◆ RIGHTS: Worldwide
rights in Spanish printed
book and e-book.
License granted for 5
years. Royalties 10%
for the author. Contract
signed in 2011 for 5
years period
1st ed. Grupo Editorial Norma México, 2012
80 pp.
14 × 18.7 cms (5.6 × 7.4 in)
Illustrated book
ISBN: 9786079107093
1st ed. Grupo Editorial Norma México, 2012
88 pp.
11.7 × 20 cms (4.5 × 8 in)
Illustrated book
ISBN: 9786077220657
1st ed. Norma-Bienes de Consumo Internacional,
México, 2013
256 pp.
11.7 × 20 cms (4.5 × 8 in)
ISBN: 9786079107482
1st. ed. Norma-Carvajal Educación, Bogotá, 2013
168 pp.
11.7 × 20 cms (4.5 × 8 in)
ISBN: 9789584541314
Age 7+
Age 9+
Age 11+
Age 11+
Foreign Rights
◆ RIGHTS: Worldwide
in Spanish printed book
and e-book. License
granted for 5 years.
Royalties 6% for author
and 4% for illustrator.
Contract signed in 2011
for 5 years period
My Dad is a
lfaguara Infantil y Juvenil is a line of fiction books aimed at readers
from the age of three to adolescence. In over 40 years, our line has
been recognised for its literary quality, its wide variety of local and
international authors, the careful balance of classic and award-winning
writers with up-and-coming authors and illustrators, its vast diversity of genres, design,
and contents where length and complexity is tailored to students’ reading level.
Generations of readers have discovered the pleasure of reading thanks to this list,
one of the richest and most important in the history of Spanish-language literature
for children and young readers.
[email protected]
Sheltered by the earth, the bean sleeps,
waiting for the drop of water that will
make its dream come true—to dazzle
with leaves and flowers. This book approaches the life cycle of plants through
poetry and gorgeous watercolours that
invite readers to dream.
Eduardo Carrera
◆ Aside from writing, he leads poetry
workshops for children
The Good, the Bad,
and the Worst
Buenos, malos y peores
Francisco Hinojosa
& Luis San Vicente
Don Tarantulón, Josefina the rat and
the small Mosquito meet frequently to
tell each other the mean things they do
to humans, and take delight in the vileness of their actions. One day, they hear
that it’s pretty easy to be bad. It’s being
good that’s tough—so they decide to
find how true this is.
Francisco Hinojosa
◆ Undoubtedly one of the most important contemporary children’s books’
authors, he’s also a teacher and has
written poetry, theatre, fiction and
essays for adults
◆ He’s published over 20 books for children. The scope of his work makes
him the most-widely read author in
this genre in Mexico
◆ In 2014, he became the first Children’s
Literature Ambassador for Mexico, a
well-deserved distinction awarded to
him by conaculta and other institutions
Luis San Vicente
◆ A talented graphic designer and illustrator, his work has appeared in
several types of publications, both in
Mexico and overseas
◆ He received the Encouragement Prize
in the celebrated Noma competition
in Japan
◆ He’s currently the Art Director of Reforma, one of Mexico’s major newspapers
The Story of a
Broken Heart... and
Perhaps a Couple
of Fangs
Historia sobre un corazón
roto… y tal vez un par de
Mónica B. Brozon & O’Kif
Sebastián can’t sleep because his neighbours’ new dog makes too much noise.
And that’s his best excuse for meeting
his neighbour, with whom he’s completely in love. Nadia is strange and
mysterious, but Sebastián doesn’t care.
He’s decided he will confess his love,
even if his friend Pedro is convinced that
she’s a vampire girl. Could this be true?
Mónica B. Brozon
◆ She studied media and communications and has a diploma in film direction, but she admits her true calling was always writing
◆ Her career in the world of books for
children was launched in 1996 when
she received the Mexican edition of
the Barco de Vapor award for ¡Casi
medio año!
◆ She’s now one of Mexico’s most important authors of books for children
and young adults
O’Kif (Alejandro O’Keeffe)
◆ O’Kif is a well-known Argentinian illustrator, cartoonist and engraver
who’s collaborated with many publishing houses
◆ He continually teaches art workshops
for professionals and amateurs
◆ In 1997, he was the recipient of the
White Ravens Award
The Machine
La máquina
Antonio Malpica
Chano is in a predicament—he wasn’t
accepted to the school he applied to,
and will have to figure out what to do
with his time. His grandfather is insufferable and plays the oboe in the attic,
isolated from the world. Chano and his
grandfather do not get along very well
at all, but events will lead them shoulder to shoulder through the world as
they chase after a mysterious clue to a
place where there is no time, no rules
and no conflicts.
Antonio Malpica
◆ Although he started out his adult
working life as an engineer, he’s now
one of the most beloved Mexican authors of books for children and teenagers, as well as one of the most prolific
◆ Aside from his light prose, laugh-outloud bits, and endearing characters,
his use of social media has earned him
a wide following of readers from all
backgrounds, nationalities and ages
◆ Malpica’s first-voice
narrator envelops
readers from the first
page and carries
them through a
moving adventure
that delicately paints
a portrait of the
relationship between
an old man and his
grandchild, and of the
journey that will change
both of their lives
◆ Poetry and almostimpressionist
illustrations gather
round in this beautiful
book to tell a wellknown tale from a fresh
perspective. Bound to
be celebrated by poets,
artists and nature
enthusiasts alike
◆ Written by our
own international
ambassador for Mexican
Children’s Literature,
this is a hilarious tale of
three critters who can’t
quite decide whether
to be good, bad, or
just their very own
unpleasant and critterlike selves
1st ed., Editorial Santillana S.A. de C.V., México, 2013
48 pp.
21 × 27 cm (8.2 × 10.6 in)
Picture Book
ISBN: 9786070120022
1st ed., Santillana Ediciones Generales, S.A. de C.V.,
México, 2009
2st ed., Editorial Santillana S.A. de C.V., México, 2015
44 pp.
15.5 × 19 cm (6.1 × 7.4 in)
Chapter Book
ISBN: 9786070125089
1st ed., Santillana Ediciones Generales S.A. de C.V., México, 2004
1st ed., Editorial Santillana S.A. de C.V., México, 2013
232 pp.
12 x 20 cm (4.7 × 7.8 in)
Middle Grade
ISBN: 9786070115172
1st ed., Editorial Santillana S.A. de C.V., México, 2013
192 pp.
14 × 23 cm (5.5 × 9 in)
Young Adult
ISBN: 9786070120664
Age 4+
Age 6+
Age 12+
Age 14+
◆ With a quirky premise,
fantastic rhythm, and
a delightful cast of characters,
it’s no wonder this is, by far,
Mónica B. Brozon’s most
popular middle-grade novel
published by Alfaguara
Foreign Rights
El sueño de una alubia
Eduardo Carrera
& Amanda Mijangos
◆ He’s written several books for children
for different publishing houses
◆ Universo de Palabras was selected
by Venezuela’s Book Bank as one of
the best children’s books in 2009
Amanda Mijangos
◆ She prefers to illustrate with watercolours, and her burbles and blobs
add a dreamlike quality that make her
images instantly recognizable
◆ She’s participated in several art shows
in Mexico, and collaborates regularly with various institutions
◆ El sueño de una alubia is her first
book for children
The Dream
of a Bean
ostra Ediciones is an independent Mexican publishing house founded in the year 2000. Its main editorial line is directed to children and
young readers. Its books reflect a concern for the distribution of
knowledge, literary contents and quality visual proposals. This effort
has resulted in Nostra’s yearly success in having its books selected to form a part
of Reading Rooms Program created by the Secretariat of Public Education and of
favourite books by A Leer/ibby Mexico. Nostra has been organizing the Invenciones
International Contest for Childen’s and Young Fiction and Picture books since 2009,
sponsored by Fundación Telmex with the collaboration of A Leer/ibby Mexico and
the Guadalajara International Book Fair.
[email protected]
Animals of the New
Animales del nuevo mundo
Miguel León-Portilla
& Miguel Castro Leñero
Art book aimed at children and young
people, that offers descriptions and
stories in a Spanish-Nahuatl bilingual
edition of seven animals native to the
American continent. These oral stories
were originally dictated to friar Bernardino de Sahagún by fifteenth-century indigenous Mexican sages and
selected ones from the General History of the Things of the New Spain or
the Florentine Codex.
Miguel León-Portilla
◆ Mexican anthropologist and historian
◆ Distinguished researcher and professor at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (unam)
◆ Specialist in preHispanic cultures of
central Mexico
Miguel Castro Leñero
◆ Mexican painter with more than thirty years of artistic production
◆ His work forms part of art collections
in Austria, New York and Mexico
◆ Member of the National System for
Art Creators
La pequeña niña que
siempre tenía hambre
Yasbil Mendoza Huerta
& Mauricio Gómez Morin
In the beautiful state of Oaxaca, some
traditions are essential for the heart.
This Zapotec story, translated into Spanish, is filled with humour, and tells us
how a very hungry girl managed to
cheerfully and zestfully quench her
Yasbil Mendoza Huerta
◆ Anthropologist, linguist and musician born in Mexico City
◆ Has worked as an instrumentalist in
various symphonic orchestras and
interprets traditional Mexican music
◆ Artistic director of Zarahuato musical group
Mauricio Gómez Morin
◆ Mexican artist, he unflaggingly cultivates minor arts such as street muralism and illustration
◆ Illustrator for magazines and newspapers such as La Jornada, Reforma
and Letras Libres
◆ Founder of the Taller de Gráfica Monumental
◆ Selected by the
Secretariat of Public
Education for its “Libros
del Rincón” program,
and classroom and
school libraries
Mayas and
their Roots
Los mayas y sus raíces
Carlos Montemayor
& Boris Viskin
An art edition with text in Spanish and
Maya, this book pays homage to one
of our Meso-American cultures. Compiled by Carlos Montemayor, one of the
greatest eminences in the subject, it
has three stories of cenotes—natural
wells—written originally in Mayan by
contemporary authors and illustrated
by Boris Viskin.
Carlos Montemayor
◆ Mexican writer with profuse works
in narrative, poetry and essays
◆ Active promoter of indigenous languages and cultural diversity in Mexico
◆ Winner of international distinctions
such as the Juan Rulfo award given
by Radio Francia Internacional in
Boris Viskin
◆ Renowned artist born in Mexico City
in 1960
◆ His work has been displayed in many
solo and collective exhibitions in different countries
◆ Selected by the
Secretariat of Public
Education for the Libros
del Rincón program,
school and classroom
Miss Taqui
Catalina González Vilar
& Isidro E. Esquivel
Miss Taqui, heiress to the only dust-recycling factory in the village of Ovlop,
is nevertheless allergic to dust. That is
the reason why she decides to travel to
a space station in search of the cure to
her sickness. Full of revolutionary ideas,
she will have to face Ovlop’s inhabitants
upon her return—and they might not
be that ready for her new ideas.
Catalina González Vilar
◆ Writer from Alicante, in Spain, on the
shores of the Mediterranean sea
◆ Grew up surrounded by books and
disorderly readings, and got to know
new worlds
◆ Winner of international awards such
as Invenciones 2011 and Barco de Vapor 2012
Isidro E. Esquivel
◆ Born in Mexico City
◆ As a teenager he discovered there
were impossible worlds and he began
to draw them
◆ With only an idea, a toothbrush and
a suitcase full of paper, he began his
voyage to share them
◆ Winner of the 2011
“Invenciones” award in
the category of narrative
1st ed., Nostra Ediciones México, 2007
96 pp.
23.5 × 33 cm (9.25 × 13 in)
Picture book
ISBN: 9789685447799
1st ed., Nostra Ediciones México, 2009
32 pp.
21 × 27.5 cm (8.27 × 10.83 in)
Picture book
ISBN: 9786077603184
1st ed., Nostra Ediciones México, 2013
108 pp.
28 × 28 cm (11 × 11 in)
Picture book
ISBN: 9786078237173
1st ed., Nostra Ediciones México, 2014
88 pp.
12 × 20 cm (4.72 × 7.87 in)
Picture book
ISBN: 9786078237289
Age 8+
Age 4+
Age 8+
Age 9+
Foreign Rights
◆ Selected by the
Secretariat of Public
Education for its “Libros
del Rincón” program,
and classroom and
school libraries
◆ Selected in 2009 as a
favourite book by A Leer
The Little Girl
who was Always
céano Travesía is Editorial Océano’s imprint for children and young
adults. Created eight years ago, Océano Travesía owns a catalogue of
more than 200 titles, fiction and non-fiction, meant for readers of all
ages—from toddlers to teenagers, and from parents to teachers and
specialists in reading promotion. Created by Mexican and Latin American authors
and illustrators, our books have been translated into Danish, Korean, Chinese,
French, Hebrew, English, Italian, Japanese and German, among other languages.
[email protected]
Since ancient times, goblins, fairies,
witches, dwarves, elves and other
fantastical creatures have stirred the
admiration, fear and sympathy of children and adults alike. They have also
inspired great musicians of all traditions. This illustrated book includes a
cd with an audio guide and a fragment
of every classical piece of music referred to in its pages.
◆ Rights sold: English
(USA and Canada),
French, Chinese
◆ 2014 Parent's Choice
Gold Award (English
The Secret of the
Flower that Could
El secreto de la flor que
Demián Bucay
& Mauricio Gómez Morin
Emperor Ho Liang is obsessed with
butterflies. He orders the construction
of a glass cage to shelter one butterfly
from every region of his kingdom. Once
he has them all, he notices that the
confined butterflies keep losing their
colour as he absorbedly observes them.
Soon, the monarch will learn something more important than the reason
why butterflies lose their colour in
Demián Bucay:
◆ Is a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist
◆ He collaborates in the Mente Sana
◆ He teaches seminars and workshops
in Argentina and Mexico
Mauricio Gómez Morin:
◆ Was born in Mexico City
◆ He studied printmaking and painting
in the La Esmeralda National School
of Painting, Sculpture and Print
◆ He taught drawing, serigraphy, illustration and printmaking at the Metropolitan Autonomous University, in
Mexico City
◆ He is one of the most respected Mexican illustrators
◆ A timeless tale about
freedom and identity
Disgusting and
Repugnante y nutritiva
Adriana Chalela
& Alejandro Magallanes
Who said that healthy food must be
dull and boring, all boiled carrots and
broccoli? This book induces children
to a nutritious, healthy lifestyle through
delightfully disgusting and tasty recipes. It might all seem just a tad unconventional, but adults will be grateful
for this book and all children will enjoy
it—plus, it might encourage them to
eat healthier!
Adriana Chalela:
◆ Was born in Mexico City
◆ She was a teacher for eleven years
and realized the importance of books
during childhood
◆ Her fondness for children and young
people led her to write several articles, comics and stories
Alejandro Magallanes:
◆ Was born in Mexico City
◆ He studied philosophy and arts
◆ He is a painter, designer, illustrator
and poet
◆ His works have been exhibited in several countries of the Americas, Europe
and Asia
◆ He has published more than 20 books
There, There…
Sana que sana
María Cristina Ramos
& Ixchel Estrada
Little Toadie gets hurt while playing
with butterflies. His mother sings to
comfort him, “There, there, Little Toadie.” She understands that there is nothing better to ease the pain than a few
tender words of love.
María Cristina Ramos:
◆ Has been writing from a very young
◆ She lives in Neuquén, Argentina
◆ She has published dozens of novels,
poetry books and short stories
◆ She also writes wonderful letters in
Ixchel Estrada:
◆ Has a degree in graphic design and
postgraduate studies in illustration
from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (unam)
◆ Her work as an illustrator is widely
recognized and has been distinguished with numerous honours
◆ Rights sold: Chinese
(Complex), Korean
◆ A first cookery book
for children… and
grown-ups, too!
Foreign Rights
Seres fantásticos.
Introducción a la
música de concierto
Ana Gerhard
& Claudia Legnazzi
Ana Gerhard:
◆ Was born in Mexico
◆ She graduated as a concert pianist
in Mexico’s National Conservatory
of Music
◆ She is interested in helping children
approach classical music playfully
and through literature
Claudia Legnazzi:
◆ Was born in Argentina
◆ She studied painting at the Prilidiano Pueyrredón National School of
Fine Arts
◆ She lived in Mexico for more than
ten years and returned to her homeland in 2004
1st ed., Editorial Océano de México, 2013
60 pp.
23 × 31.9 cm (9.06 × 12.56 in)
Picture book with audio cd, non-fiction
ISBN: 9786074007558
1st ed., Editorial Océano de México, 2014
52 pp.
22.5 × 34 cm (8.85 × 13.39 in)
Picture book, fiction
ISBN: 9786074003154
1st ed., Editorial Océano de México, 2010
96 pp.
22.9 × 30.9 cm (9.01 × 12.17 in)
Picture book, non-fiction
ISBN: 9786074000160
1st ed., Editorial Océano de México, 2008
26 pp.
18.9 × 19 cm (7.43 × 7.48 in)
Board book, fiction
ISBN: 9789707774278
Age 6+
Age 6+
Age 6+
Age 2+
Océano Travesía
Characters: An
Introduction to
Classical Music
etra Ediciones publishes beautiful photography, art, fiction and
non-fiction books for children and young adults created by innovating
authors and artists. It brings forth images charged with meaning that
incite the reader to observe, value, interpret, understand and recreate
the world.
Petra Ediciones has won several international and national awards, including
the Bologna Prize for Best Children’s Publisher of the Year (bop) in Central and
South America 2014: the New Horizon Award; The Ten Best Art Books for Children
from 1995-2000; ibby International Honour List; The Best Children’s Books in Spanish by Venezuela’s Book Bank; and the caniem Award to Editorial Merit.
Petra’s books are based on the belief that the value of perceiving, deciphering
and understanding the world relies greatly on significant childhood experiences.
We have sold rights to Canada, India, Switzerland and France.
[email protected]
Manuel practices the shapes of turtles
here, traveling over space, folding paper. Eight turtles that describe basic
convex and concave shapes, as the can
be assembled from within or the other
way around.
◆ “Readers are invited
to embark on a
fascinating expedition,
at whose conclusion
they, too, can become
turtle creators with the
help of eight enclosed
folding papers” —White
Ravens. Selection of
International Children’s
and Youth Literature
Ooh! Ouch!
pica, no pica
Jill Hartley
With the charm of images and the daily surprise of a world of contrasts and
similarities yet to be discovered, ooh!
ouch! reveals the primary impressions
among things that sting, burn, irritate
or scratch—the opposite of what embraces, caresses, sweetens or softens us.
Jill Hartley
◆ Has been distiguished with several
awards and mentions, including a
mention in the New Horizons Bologna Ragazzi Award 2000
◆ Studied fine arts and ethnographic
cinematography in New York before
becoming a professional photographer
◆ Jill has been living in Mexico for over
20 years
◆ All of the six books of this series, the
rights had been sold to differents countries, such as Canada, India and France
◆ A beautiful little book
that evokes different
sensations through
The Abduction
of Eloisa
El rapto de Eloísa
Jorge Esquinca & Chiara Carrer
Retold and written in prose sixteen
times over, this magnificent book is
written on two levels and recreates the
myth of Persephone and Demeter. “Eloise opened her eyes. The sound of her
own voice awoke her: ‘A diamond for
lunch?’ She was in the palace she had
dreamt of, and the sound of her own
question bounced off the columns of
the empty hall like an echo.
Jorge Esquinca
◆ National Prize for Poetry Translation
◆ Jaime Sabines Ibero-American Poetry Award for Published Work, 2009,
for Descripción de un brillo azul cobalto (Pretextos, Era, 2010)
◆ Has received various fellowships from
France’s Ministry of Culture, Civitella
Ranieri Foundation in Italy and Mexico’s Program for Fostering Literary
Translation (fonca)
Chiara Carrer
◆ Winner of the Bologna Ragazzi Prima
Infanzia at the Bologna Children's
Book Fair
◆ Mention New Horizons Bologna Ragazzi Award 2011 for Un día…
◆ She has received various awards,
among the most important are the
Apel Les Mestres, unicef, Andersen
Prize, Golden Appel Bratislava
◆ The story and
narrative of this book
are magnificently
created and developed
through her graphic art
To Each Their
Own House
A cada quien su casa
Chiara Carrer
This lovely book is filled with images
and voices and builds “the house / of
always never maybe / of time.” It is
partly a poetic definition of a home,
where a narration filled with evocations and mysteries is introduced. “I
have forgotten / the place, when / and
where,” says a pink-haired lady, and
continues the unequalled adventure
proposed by this book.
Chiara Carrer
◆ Sensitive illustrator and writer that
has devoted herself to the world of
children’s literature for over 20 years
◆ Has received various awards, among
which the most important are the
Apel Les Mestres, unicef Prize, El
Barco de Vapor prize, Andersen prize,
Osterreichischen Kinder und Jugendbuchlllustrationspreis
◆ Winner of the Bologna Ragazzi Prima
Infanzia at the Bologna Children’s
Book Fair
◆ Ilustrarte Biennale Internazionale
d’illustrazione per l’infanzia Award
◆ Golden Apple of Bratislava
◆ New Horizons at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair for Un día
◆ Award to Editorial
Merit, CANIEM 2014,
children’s books
1st ed., Petra Ediciones, conaculta, Mexico, 2013
40 pp.
28 × 22 cm (11 × 8.6 in)
Art initiation
ISBN: 9786077646068
1st ed., Petra Ediciones, Mexico, 2013
24 pp.
12.5 × 12.5 cm (5 × 5 in)
Board book
ISBN: 9786077646372
1st ed., Petra Ediciones, conaculta, Mexico, 2014
56 pp.
23.5 × 25 cm (9.25 × 9.8 in)
Picture book
isbn: 9786077646525
1st ed., Petra Ediciones, Mexico, 2013
120 pp.
20.5 × 15.5 cm (8.07 × 6.1 in)
Picture book
ISBN: 9786077646402
Age 8+
Age 2+
Age 8+
Age 8+
Foreign Rights
Tortugas en el espacio
de papel
Manuel Marín
Manuel Marín
◆ Animales en el agua de papel was selected by a jury for The Ten Best Art
Books for Children from 1995-2000.
The book was exhibited in all the pavillions of Bologna Children’s Book
Fair, 2000
◆ Primavera was selected by ibby International for the 2008 Honour List
◆ Selected by Bonn's Deutsche Welle as
the most representative artist of Latin America for his Crossed Communication sculpture in 2004
Turtles in the
Space of Paper
diciones sm is a pioneer in children’s literature in Mexico. An imprint
of the Spanish publishing company Grupo sm, it has independently
managed offices in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Dominican
Republic, Peru, and Puerto Rico. Its flagship collections of fiction, El
Barco de Vapor (children) and Gran Angular (young adults), include established authors and new talents alike. Ediciones sm also has a wide range of illustrated books
on all subjects and for all ages. Its non-fiction books show that science, history, and
other disciplines can be as amazing as the best novel or short story.
[email protected]
Octavio Paz:
The Fig Tree
Tells and Sings
Octavio Paz: Cuenta
y canta la higuera
Alberto Ruy Sánchez
& Ángel Campos
A brief illustrated biography of Mexican
poet Octavio Paz, winner of the Nobel
Prize for Literature in 1990. With poetic, child-friendly prose, the author
gives a voice to the fig tree—one of the
most important and recurring trees in
Octavio Paz’s poetry—to tell the most
important moments in the life and
works of the poet. The book has a timeline and a section with photographs of
the writer.
Alberto Ruy Sánchez
◆ Born in Mexico in 1951. Narrator, poet and essayist
◆ Over 20 published books
◆ Has received numerous awards and
distinctions such as the one of Official of the Order of the Arts and Letters granted by the French government
Ángel Campos
◆ Graphic designer and illustrator specialized in children’s books
◆ His work is well-known by publishers
and institutions that produce children’s and YA literature and textbooks
José Emilio
Pacheco: A Sea of
Rain on the Sea
José Emilio Pacheco: A mares
llueve sobre el mar
Laura Emilia Pacheco
& Mario Rosales
A brief illustrated biography of writer
José Emilio Pacheco. Through a feline
friend of Jose Emilio’s, the narrator of
this biography tells us how the generous author of Las batallas en el desierto always lived by and for the word.
Beginning readers will learn meaningful fragments of his life and works. The
book is in narrative style and provides
a timeline and a section with photographs of the author.
Laura Emilia Pacheco
◆ Writer, translator and editor
◆ Has translated authors such as Raymond Carver, Frank Goldman and
Isak Dinesen
◆ Author of the book of stories and
chronicles El último mundo
◆ Contributor to Letras Libres magazine
Mario Rosales
◆ Publicist, creative executive, animator, and illustrator
◆ Has been an advisor to unicef for ten
years and is a member of the un’s
Consortium of Animators
◆ Won second place in conaculta’s
15th Catalogue of Illustrators of Publications for Children and Young Readers. Founder of El Ilustradero
The Strange Case
of Santi and Ago
El extraño caso de Santi y
Paulina del Collado
& Patricio Betteo
Camila is a very bright and very curious. She lives with her parents, her
sister Susana and her brother Santiago,
whom she loves very much. When
Santiago gets angry, however, he changes into a monster that hurts others
without the least consideration. With
a little bit of help from the Beatles, R.
L. Stevenson and her best friend Berni,
Camila will begin to understand what
is happening to her brother.
Paulina del Collado
◆ Young Mexican writer. Studies Hispanic Language and Literature in
the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature at the National Autonomous
University of Mexico (unam)
◆ This is her first published book
Patricio Betteo
◆ Illustrator and graphic creator. He has
shown his work in Madrid, Paris,
Zacatecas, Bucarest, New York
◆ His images have appeared in hundreds of magazines, dozens of children’s books and a few animated projects and video games
◆ His comic book Mundo Invisible won
the National Graphic Novel Award in
The Dragon’s Lair
and Other Horror
La casa del dragón y otros
poemas de horror
María Baranda & Carlos Vélez
This book comprises 19 poems, each
devoted to a different character: animals, mythological beings, ghosts, animated objects—it’s a book that is chockfull of imagination and rhetoric that will
bring children closer to the world of
María Baranda
◆ Poet, narrator and translator
◆ Her work has been translated to English, French, Lithuanian, and German
◆ She has received numerous awards,
among them: the Villa de Madrid Ibero-American Poetry Prize, the 2003
Aguascalientes National Poetry Award
and the 2003 El Barco de Vapor
Award. She is on the 2008 ibby Honour List for her book Marte y las
princesas voladoras, and 2008 White
Ravens Honour List for Hago de voz
un cuerpo
Carlos Vélez
◆ Professional book illustrator, in particular children’s
◆ Studied at the National School of Fine
Arts and has studied under Javier Sáez,
Kveta Pacovska, Adellci Galloni, Santiago Caruso, and André Neves
◆ He won third place in conaculta’s
21st Catalogue of Illustrators of Publications for Children and Young
Readers in 2011
1st ed., Ediciones sm, 2014
48 pp.
20 × 20 cm (7.87 × 7.87 in)
ISBN: 9786072413245
1st ed., Ediciones sm, 2014
160 pp.
12 × 19 cm (4.72 × 7.48 in)
Colección Barco de Vapor, Serie Naranja.
ISBN: 9786072412613
1st ed., Ediciones sm, 2014
64 pp.
15 × 22.5 cm (5.90 × 8.86 in)
ISBN: 9786072412958
Age 9+
Age 9+
Age 9+
Age 9+
1st ed., Ediciones sm, 2014
48 pp.
20 × 20 cm (7.87 × 7.87 in)
ISBN: 9786072413214
Foreign Rights
◆ El Barco de Vapor
Prize 2014