N Perspective
N Perspective
LNP LYNWOOD N’ PERSPECTIVE MONTHLY CITY NEWSLETTER OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD MARCH - VOL.10 - ISSUE 3- 2016 Edwin Hernandez Mayor Aide Castro Mayor Pro Tem Maria T. Santillan-Beas Council Member José Luis Solache Council Member Salvador Alatorre Council Member Maria Quiñonez City Clerk Gabriela Camacho City Treasurer J. Arnoldo Beltrán City Manager “Where there is no struggle, there is no strength.” - Oprah Winfrey feature “Anything’s possible if you’ve got enough nerve.” - J.K. Rowling “Doubt is a killer. You just have to know who you are and what you stand for.” - Jennifer Lopez | A Woman’s Worth El valor de la mujer W INSIDE THIS ISSUE PG. 2 COOL CALIFORNIA INCENTIVE PG. 2 COUNCIL HIGHLIGHTS PG. 3 C.E.R.T. TRAINING CLASSES PG. 5 EASTER EGG HUNT PG. 5 ART WALK PG. 6 CESAR CHAVEZ DAY 24 7 City SERVICE HOTLINES The City of Lynwood’s emergency weekend and after-hour hotlines: Graffiti Removal (877) 444-6044 Street Services (310) 466-4611 Water Services (310) 466-9381 Animal Control (424) 373-1790 Bulky Item (888) 467-7600 Pickup Services líneas directas de servicio CITY CALENDAR PREVIEW MARCH 29 LYNWOOD UNION ART GALLERY FEATURING ARTIST FELIX F. QUINTANA LYNWOOD LIBRARY 5:30 P.M. MARCH 31 CESAR CHAVEZ DAY CITY HALL CLOSED SANTA FE, SPRINGS omen have moved history and changed the world. From ancient times to contemporary society — in ways large and small, boisterously and quietly — women have shown an unrivaled ability to shape events. The source of that extraordinary power extends well beyond women’s tremendous intellectual prowess; it’s also a result of their limitless capacity for duality. It is impossible to limit people who can be lovers and fighters — and who are at once uncompromising yet forgiving, traditional yet rebellious, vulnerable yet invincible. While textbooks tell the empowering stories of trailblazers who made their mark in ages past, who is writing women into the history our children will study tomorrow? And where do the achievements of local women — whose accomplishments, because of their proximity to our own lives, have the greatest power to influence and inspire — fit in? They should be at the center, because the legacy and spirit of the past lives on in people all around us today. In the City of Lynwood, there are countless women who are making history every single day — leading our institutions, fighting for equality and justice, acting as a voice for the voiceless, educating our young people, and healing the sick. It’s one thing for our children to know household names like Oprah Winfrey, Ellen Degeneres, J.K. Rowling, Jennifer Lopez and Abby Wambach. But it’s quite another to ensure that they have an equally deep awareness of women who are leading the way in politics, medicine, education, business, and technology. And it is that much more empowering to realize that many of them are living right next door. Because for every Nancy Pelosi, there’s a local politician fighting to better the quality of life in her community. Where there’s a Sojourner Truth, a grassroots community activist isn’t too far behind. And if you know what Sonia Sotomayor has done, you should also know why local businesswomen are just as important. These women are role models — quite frequently standing right next to us, and playing a direct role in our lives and the future of our children. They are advocates, elected officials, educators, and thought leaders. Their history deserves to be told. It should be documented and shared, because it exemplifies how anyone can change history one moment at a time. Women have been and are many things: diverse, driven, strong and just all around amazing. As we celebrate the indelible impact that women have made on our world this Women’s History Month, let us resolve to recognize those who surround us every day. We go through life wishing Martin Luther King Jr. and Cesar Chavez were still alive so they could be our voices, but if we took just a moment to look around and open our minds, we will see that there are women – and men – around us who are the voices we’ve been looking for all along. feature | A L as mujeres han avanzado la historia y transformado el mundo. Desde la antigüedad hasta la sociedad contemporánea — en gran escala o en pequeña escala, de manera bulliciosa o sigilosa — las mujeres han demostrado una capacidad incomparable de transformar acontecimientos. La fuente de ese extraordinario poder se extiende más allá de la gran habilidad intelectual de las mujeres; también es el resultado de su capacidad ilimitada de dualidad. Es imposible limitar a las personas que pueden ser amantes y luchadoras — y que son intransigentes y a la vez saben perdonar. Si bien los libros de texto cuentan historias motivadoras de pioneras que han marcado la diferencia desde la antigüedad, ¿quién escribe hoy la historia que nuestros hijos estudiarán mañana? ¿Y dónde se ubican los logros de las mujeres locales, cuyos logros, debido a la cercanía con nuestras vidas, tienen mayor influencia e inspiración? Deberían estar en el centro, ya que su legado y espíritu del pasado vive en las personas en todos nosotros hoy en día. En la Ciudad de Lynwood, tenemos innumerables mujeres que marcan la historia cada día — mujeres que lideran nuestras instituciones, pelean por la igualdad y justicia, actúan como voz para los que no la tienen, educan a nuestros jóvenes y cuidan de los enfermos. Una cosa es que nuestros niños conozcan nombres conocidos como Oprah Winfrey, Ellen Degeneres, J.K. Rowling, Jennifer Lopez y Abby Wambach. Pero es muy distinto asegurarse de que tengan un conocimiento profundo de las mujeres que lideran en política, medicina, educación, negocios y tecnología. Y resulta mucho más inspirador que muchas de ellas viven al lado nuestro. Porque por cada Nancy Pelosi, hay una mujer política que lucha para una mejor calidad de vida en su comunidad. Donde hay una Sojourner Truth, hay una activista de raíces comunitarias cerca. Y si sabemos lo que Sonia Sotomayor ha hecho, también debemos saber por qué son tan importantes las mujeres de negocios locales. Estas mujeres son ejemplos a seguir — muy frecuentemente justo al lado nuestro, con un rol directo en nuestras vidas y en el futuro de nuestros hijos. Son defensoras, funcionarias electas, educadoras y líderes de pensamiento. Sus historias merecen ser contadas. Se deben documentar y compartir, porque sirven de ejemplo de cómo alguien puede transformar la historia en un momento. Las mujeres han sido y son muchas cosas: diversas, impulsadoras, fuertes y realmente maravillosas. A medida que celebramos el impacto intachable que las mujeres han tenido en nuestro mundo en el Mes de la Historia de la Mujer, hagamos el esfuerzo de reconocer a las mujeres que nos rodean todos los días. Transcurre nuestras vidas y deseamos que Martin Luther King Jr. y Cesar Chavez estuvieran vivos para que actúen como nuestras voces, pero si nos tomamos solo un momento para mirar a nuestro alrededor y abrir la mente, veremos que hay mujeres – y hombres – a nuestro alrededor que son las voces que estábamos buscando. It’s your business s one of his first agenda items of the year, the City of Lynwood’s 2015-16 Mayor has initiated a new program that recognizes one business or business owner in the City every month. As a longtime advocate of local businesses, the Mayor said that it’s important to him to shed a brighter light on the City’s abundance of small business owners. “Small businesses hold our community together,” said the Mayor. “Not only is it important for our residents to shop local for economic purposes, but it’s also important for residents to know what our small business community has to offer.” The year’s February Business of the Month is Fiesta Taxi Company. The recognition was received by Marcos Soto, Vice President of Fiesta Taxi. Fiesta Taxi has provided its services to Lynwood residents since 2001. Based in Gardena, Fiesta Taxi also serves the cities of South Gate, Huntington Park and Compton. There will be 12 businesses or business owners recognized as Business of the Month throughout the year. Business owners selected have committed to donate an amount between $250 and www.lynwood.ca.us | www.facebook.com/mylynwood.ca “Be kind to one another” - Ellen DeGeneres “A surplus of effort could overcome a deficit of confidence.” - Sonia Sotomayor $500 to the City of Lynwood for a Scholarship Fund created specifically for this program. The Mayor and the Businesses of the Month will contribute to the scholarship fund, so that at the end of the year, 12 scholarships can be awarded to 12 seniors from the school district’s 3 high schools. BUSINESS OF THE MONTH: FEBRUARY WHO: Marcos Soto, Vice President of Fiesta Taxi Company WHY: Fiesta Taxi has been serving our community for many, many years and they have done so with excellent customer services, said the Mayor. The community is very happy with Fiesta Taxi, who not only provides a service here, but they make sure that residents are happy with their service. They are big believers in community engagement and they give back to this community – a City that many of their drivers call home. I believe that is why Fiesta Taxi is very community oriented – because this is their home, too. CITY OF LYNWOOD | NEWSLETTER | MARCH 2016 | ISSUE 3 | VOL. 10 | PAGE 1 LYNWOOD AGENDA COUNCIL BRIEFS Incentivo CoolCA: “GANE” un paquete familiar a Disneylandia L CoolCA Incentive: “WIN” a “FREE” Family Pack to Disneyland notice | R esidents in the City of Lynwood have one month left to sign up to participate in the CoolCalifornia Challenge, a friendly competition that engages thousands of households in cities across California to save energy, reduce their carbon footprints and help build more vibrant and sustainable communities. As an incentive to encourage Lynwood residents to sign up and earn as many points as possible, Energy Upgrade California, part of the Center for Sustainable Energy of the State of California, has purchased a Family Pack (two adults, two children) to Disneyland for the household who signs up and earns the most points between March 7, 2016 and March 18, 2016. This mini-challenge will run for two weeks only. The household who earns the most points, which will be monitored by Energy Upgrade California, will win the Family Pack to Disneyland. The CoolCalifornia City Challenge is a fun, innovative competition between California Cities who pledge to reduce their energy use. Each household can earn 100 points just for signing up and tons of additional points for simple tasks like filling out an online survey, uploading a photo and inviting friends to register. The City that can motivate the most people to do the most verifiable low carbon behaviors will win. The City of Lynwood is competing against the cities of Claremont, Long Beach, Burlingame, Indio, Martinez, San Mateo, Elk Grove, South Pasadena, Huntington Beach, El Cerrito, Benicia, Fairfax, Buellton, Larkspur and a few others. The City of Claremont is in first place with 402 registrants, and 530,000 points. Long Beach is in second place with 138 registrants and 260,000 points. Lynwood has 8 registrants and close to 6,000 points. With over 70,000 residents in our community, we could do better than this - we could at least be in the Top 10. We can do it. The CoolCalifornia City Challenge ends on March 30, 2016. Residents can sign up to participate at www. energyupgradeca.org and begin tracking their household energy – natural gas, electricity, and motor vehicle emissions. Prize money is awarded to all participating cities based on the number of new registered households at the end of March 2016. On April 22, 2016, the City with the most points will be crowned the “Coolest California City.” Residents may register anytime within the month of March. The winner of the Disney pack will be determined by what people do within the two weeks of the mini-challenge – March 7-18, 2016. Residents can register to participate in the Challenge by logging onto www.energyupgradeca.org under the City Challenge/ Lynwood. In addition to providing an incentive for Lynwood residents to register, every City in the Challenge earns cash for every resident who signs up, takes a survey and enters a few details about what he or she is doing at home to save energy. It takes five minutes to register and in the end, you will have helped save energy. Registering is easy, but what you do within our very own CoolCalifornia Mini-Challenge, can make you a winner of a Disney Family Pack for four. feature | I os residentes de la Ciudad de Lynwood tienen un mes más para inscribirse para participar del Desafío CoolCalifornia, una competencia amistosa que involucra a miles de viviendas en ciudades en toda California para ahorrar energía, reducir el impacto ambiental y ayudar a desarrollar comunidades más vibrantes y sustentables. Como incentivo para alentar a los residentes de Lynwood a que se inscriban y obtengan la mayor cantidad de puntos posible, Energy Upgrade California, parte del Centro para la Energía Sustentable del Estado de California, ha comprado un paquete familiar (dos adultos, dos niños) a Disneylandia para la vivienda que se inscriba y obtenga la mayor cantidad de puntos entre el 7 de marzo de 2016 y el 18 de marzo de 2016. Este mini desafío durará únicamente dos semanas. La vivienda que obtenga la mayor cantidad de puntos, que será monitoreado por Energy Upgrade California, ganará el Paquete Familiar a Disneylandia. El Desafío CoolCalifornia de la Ciudad es una competencia divertida e innovadora entre las Ciudades de California para generar un compromiso para reducir el uso de energía. Cada vivienda obtendrá 100 puntos solo por inscribirse y muchos puntos adicionales por simples tareas como completar una encuesta en línea, subir una foto e invitar a amigos para que se registren. Ganará la Ciudad que pueda motivar a la mayor cantidad de personas a conductas verificables de bajo consumo de carbono. La Ciudad de Lynwood competirá nuevamente con las ciudades de Claremont, Long Beach, Burlingame, Indio, Martinez, San Mateo, Elk Grove, El Cerrito, Benicia, Fairfax, Buellton, Larkspur y algunas más. Claremont se encuentra en primer lugar con 245 inscriptos y 530,000 puntos. Long Beach se encuentra en segundo lugar con 138 inscriptos y 260,000 puntos. Lynwood tiene 7 inscriptos y cerca de 6,000 puntos. Con más de 70,000 residentes en nuestra comunidad, podemos superarnos podríamos al menos estar entre los 10 Mejores. Podemos hacerlo. El Desafío CoolCalifornia comenzó en octubre de 2015, pero finaliza el 30 de marzo de 2016. Los residentes se pueden inscribir en www.energyupgradeca.org para participar y comenzar a controlar la energía en su vivienda – gas natural, electricidad y emisiones de los vehículos a motores. Se otorgará premio en dinero a todas las ciudades participantes según la cantidad de nuevas viviendas registradas al finalizar marzo de 2016. El 22 de abril de 2016, la Ciudad con la mayor cantidad de puntos será coronada la “Ciudad de California más Genial”. Los residentes se pueden registrar en cualquier momento en el mes de marzo. Se determinará el ganador del paquete de Disney según lo que hace la gente durante las dos semanas del mini desafío – del 7 a 18 de marzo de 2016. Los residentes se pueden registrar para participar en el Desafío en www.energyupgradeca.org en el Desafío de la Ciudad/Lynwood. Además de proporcionar un incentivo para los residentes de Lynwood que se inscriban, cada Ciudad que participa en el Desafío obtiene dinero en efectivo por cada residente que se inscribe, completa una encuesta e ingresa algunos detalles sobre lo que hace en su vivienda para ahorrar energía. Toma solo cinco minutos registrarse y, al final, habrá ayudado a ahorrar energía. La inscripción es fácil, pero lo que hace en su propio MINI Desafío CoolCalifornia puede hacerlo el ganador del Paquete Familiar a Disney para cuatro. Moving Classroom nstead of sending over boxes of learning materials, coloring books or crayons to hundreds of early education students currently learning about public transportation, the City of Lynwood’s Public Works Department sent over the big kahuna, or in this case the Big Red Trolley. The City’s Public Works Department received a request from the Lynwood Unified School District’s Early Education Program asking if the City could provide a few of their classes with learning materials about public transportation. While the City could have responded with the typical boxes of coloring books and crayons for the kids, the City’s director instead directed staff to contact the City’s transportation provider, MV Transportation, to see if they would be willing to provide elementary school children with tours of the big red trolleys and with rides around the City. “What better way to teach kids about public transportation than to let them learn about it hands on while riding a trolley throughout their hometown,” said Raul Godinez, director the City’s Public Works Department. “Our staff were joined by the driver and by a specialist from MV Transportation in guiding the students on this very unique field trip around their own City and learning about public transportation in the process. This tour will let kids see the trolley from the inside, and how it feels to ride the big red trolley they see around their community, ask questions and instill in them the desire to use public transportation in their future, helping to ensure a more sustainable world for all of us.” More than 500 early childhood education school children participated in these mini-field trips. “This was a great experience for the children,” said Elisse Davis-Young, an office assistant at the Lindbergh Elementary School’s Child Development Department. “We asked the kids if they have ever taken a trolley ride in the City, and they all said that they had not, so they were super excited. We can’t thank the City enough for bringing this experience to the children.” PAGE 2 | CITY OF LYNWOOD | NEWSLETTER | MARCH 2016 | ISSUE 3 | VOL. 10 City Council Meetings 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month 6:00 p.m. - City Hall Council Chambers Open to the Public December 22, 2015 Special Meeting: • Authorized the Approval of the Disposition and Development Agreement for the Senior Citizen Housing Project on City Property Located on Atlantic Avenue between Agnes and Lavinia Avenues • Received and Filed Mayoral Appointments for Various Organizations and Committees • Received and Filed Annual Local Appointment List for Boards and Commissions • Received and Filed Appointments for Commissioners to Serve on the City’s Board and Commissions • Approved Amendment No. 2 between the City and APA Engineering Inc. for Bifurcating the Project into Two Separate Phases and Complete the Design for the Long Beach Boulevard Improvement Design Project • Approved the Awarding of an Agreement to Stetson Engineers Inc to Prepare the 2015 Urban Water Management Plan January 5, 2016 Meeting: • Approved a One-Year Extension to the Agreement with Legislative Advocacy Group Inc. to Provide Professional Lobbying and Advocacy Services to the City • Authorized Amendment of the Contract with Urban Associates Inc. for Planning, Building and Safety, Enforcement, Housing and Grant Related Activities • Authorized the Extension of the Agreement for the Professional Services from Dapeer, Rosenblit and Litvak to Provide Code Enforcement Attorney/City Prosecutor Services • Tabled a Resolution to Amend the Classification Plan, for the Position of Chief Deputy City Clerk At-Will • Approved a Resolution to Amend the Classification and Compensation Plan for the Position of Planning Manager of the Department of Development Compliance and Enforcement Services • Tabled a Resolution to Authorize an Agreement with MuniTemps for Temporary Staffing Services for a Temporary Planning Manager for the Department of Development Compliance and Enforcement Services Asamblea Extraordinaria del 22 de diciembre de 2015: • Se autorizó la aprobación del Acuerdo de Disposición y Desarrollo para el Proyecto de Viviendas para Ciudadanos de la Tercera Edad en la Propiedad de la Ciudad ubicada en Atlantic Avenue entre Agnes Avenue y Lavinia Avenue • Se recibieron y registraron nombramientos del Alcalde para varias organizaciones y comités • Se recibió y archivó la lista anual de nombramientos locales para Juntas y Comisiones • Se recibieron y archivaron nombramientos para Miembros para servir en la Junta y Comisiones de la Ciudad • Se aprobó la Enmienda No. 2 entre la Ciudad y APA Engineering Inc. para dividir el Proyecto en dos fases separadas y completar el diseño para el diseño de proyecto de mejora de Long Beach Boulevard • Se aprobó la adjudicación de un Acuerdo a Stetson Engineers Inc. para preparar el Plan 2015 de Manejo de Agua Urbana Asamblea del 5 de enero de 2016: • Se aprobó una extensión de un año para el Acuerdo celebrado con Legislative Advocacy Group Inc. para brindar servicios profesionales de cabildeo y defensa a la Ciudad • Se autorizó la enmienda del Contrato con Urban Associates Inc. para las actividades relacionadas con la planificación, construcción y seguridad, cumplimiento, viviendas y subsidios • Se autorizó la extensión del Acuerdo de los servicios profesionales de Dapeer, Rosenblit and Litvak para proporcionar servicios de abogado de cumplimiento de Código/Fiscal de la Ciudad • Se aprobó una Resolución para modificar el plan de clasificación y remuneración, para el puesto de Administrador de Seguridad Pública del Departamento de Servicios de Cumplimiento de Desarrollo • Se pospuso una Resolución para modificar el plan de clasificación para el puesto de Secretario Adjunto de la Ciudad a Cargo contratado a voluntad • Se aprobó una Resolución para modificar el plan de clasificación y remuneración, para el puesto de Administrador de Planificación del Departamento de Servicios de Cumplimiento de Desarrollo • Se pospuso una Resolución que autoriza un Acuerdo con MuniTemps para prestar servicios de dotación de personal temporario para el puesto de Administrador de Planificación Temporal para el Departamento de Servicios www.lynwood.ca.us | www.facebook.com/mylynwood.ca LYNWOOD NOTICE | Community Emergency Response Team Classes Offered notice T he Los Angeles County Fire Department’s popular and proactive approach to preparing and training Community Emergency Response Teams prior to disasters is being brought to the Lynwood Community Center throughout the month of March to provide basic training in safety and life-saving skills for the general public starting on Saturday, March 12, 2016. Open and free to the public, the class takes place on three consecutive Saturdays, March 12, 19 and 26 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Individuals who wish to enroll in these classes will be required to wear closed toed shoes and wear long pants. In order to receive their CERT Certification, participants must attend all three sessions. Following a major disaster, police, fire and medical professionals may not be able to fully meet the demand of emergencies that could follow. People will have to rely on each other to meet the immediate life saving and life sustaining needs of their neighborhood, particularly in isolated neighborhoods that may be cut off from the main roads for a period of time. CERT training meets that purpose and teaches people about disaster preparedness, fire safety, emergency medical operations, light search and rescue operations, disaster psychology, terrorism, fire extinguisher training, and about CERT organization during an emergency. To enroll, please call Ramon Galindo at (310) 603-0220 Ext. 200. Students must be at least 18 years of age and attend all three sessions in order to receive a certificate of completion. Durante todo el mes de marzo, el Departamento de Bomberos del Condado de Los Ángeles dictará su curso popular y proactivo para preparar y capacitar a Equipos de Respuesta a Emergencias de la Comunidad antes de que ocurran desastres, a fin de proporcionar capacitación básica en seguridad y habilidades necesarias para salvar vidas para el público en general a partir del sábado 12 de marzo de 2016. El curso gratuito y abierto al público se dictará durante tres días consecutivos los sábados 12, 19 y 26 de marzo, de 9 a.m. a 4 p.m. Las personas que desean inscribirse en estas clases deberán usar zapatos cerrados y pantalones largos. Para recibir su Certificado CERT, los participantes deberán asistir a las tres sesiones. Luego de un desastre importante, es posible que la policía, los bomberos y médicos no puedan satisfacer por completo la demanda de emergencias que pueden surgir. Las personas dependerán unas de otras para satisfacer las necesidades urgentes de salvar vidas y supervivencia del barrio, especialmente en los barrios aislados que puedan ser inaccesibles por rutas principales por un período de tiempo. La capacitación CERT cumple ese fin y capacita a las personas con respecto a preparación ante desastres, seguridad contra incendios, operaciones médicas de emergencia, operaciones básicas de búsqueda y rescate, psicología de desastre, terrorismo, capacitación para manipular extintores de incendio, y la organización CERT ante una emergencia. Para inscribirse, llame a Ramon Galindo al (310) 603-0220 Ext. 200. Los participantes deben tener al menos 18 años y deben asistir a las tres sesiones para recibir el certificado de finalización del curso. www.lynwood.ca.us | www.facebook.com/mylynwood.ca drought | Do Not Count on El Niño to End Drought: Keep Conserving Water E ven though forecasters predicted heavy storms and heavy snow in the early months of the year, especially during the month of January, El Niño was pretty much a no-show during the month of February. Now meteorologists are promising that the wet weather will return in March with more rain, storms, and snow - oh my! So much talk about heavy rains coming our way possibly enough to put a dent in the state’s worst drought in history, but we all know the drought is far from over. While the El Niño rains have been above normal for the rainy season in northern California, they remain below normal in southern California. Unless it rains for 40 days straight, the drought is here to stay and it is why California has ordered cities across the state to conserve water every which way possible. Like every city in the state, the City of Lynwood was ordered to meet water conservation targets every month. Every city’s target is different – Lynwood needs to reduce its water usage by 16 percent every month. Right now, residents have reduced water usage by 12 percent. “We’re doing good, but we can do better,” said a City official. “Our goal is to save water by 16 percent so we’re short. People save more water during the summer months because they tend to use more water in the summer, but in winter it’s different. People don’t think they use a lot of water, but they’re still not doing enough to save. Across the board, we all need to start thinking of out of the box ways to save water.” Experts have said that Californians cannot depend on El Niño to save us from the drought – it’s something that’s going to take effort. Four cities in California last October were fined $61,000 apiece because they missed their mandates by wide margins, according to the State Water Resources Control Board. “They weren’t making a strong enough effort, and the customers in their districts were not responding to the effort that they were making,” said Cris Carrigan, the state’s board’s enforcement director, during a conference call with reporters. This is a scenario that we don’t want Lynwood to go through – ever. Key in the City of Lynwood’s water conservation efforts is a campaign called “Save Water, Save Us.” The campaign currently consists of median signs, street banner signs, mailers, fliers and billboards. A grant was awarded to the City of Lynwood by the Metropolitan Water District to purchase 40 pole banners that will be going up within the next couple of months. The campaign has been designed to encourage residents to help save water. Along with new water conservation rules and regulations such as watering your lawns on certain days between certain hours, the City of Lynwood’s “Save Water, Save Us” campaign serves as an encouragement tool to remind and educate every water user in the City to use water as wisely as possible. Let’s look at it this way: some cities were asked to reduce their water usage by 36 percent a month, or 26 percent a month – Lynwood’s mandate is 16 percent a month. Three words: Piece of Cake! Just remember that every drop counts. event | Hazardous Household Waste Collection, March 19 L ynwood residents looking for a way to safely dispose of old cans of paint, batteries, pesticides, used oil and oil filters, car batteries, old computers, and television sets that cannot be disposed of in the regular trash are invited to bring these items and other household hazardous waste materials to a City, County of Los Angeles and Los Angeles County Sanitation District sponsored collection event on Saturday, March 19, 2016. Taking place from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., this “Too Toxic to Trash Hazardous Household Waste Collection Event” takes place at the corner of Butler Avenue and Bellinger Street in the City of Lynwood. There is no cost to residents to take advantage of this program and drop off any unwanted household hazardous waste that should not go in regular trash cans. The City of Lynwood wants to remind residents not to dispose of used oil, pesticides or other hazardous waste in the streets, in the trash or in storm drains. When it rains, storm water washes down our streets and flows into the storm drains and then flows to the rivers and oceans. When storm water becomes polluted with chemicals, pesticides, oil and other litter, it impacts our ocean and rivers directly. For more information, please call (800) 238-0172. CITY OF LYNWOOD | NEWSLETTER | MARCH 2016 | ISSUE 3 | VOL. 10 | PAGE 3 LYNWOOD PHOTOS PUBLIC SAFETY DINNER T he Los Angeles County Sheriff ’s Department’s Century Station recently held its annual Public Safety Awards Dinner to honor individuals from its patrol areas. Invited were representatives from Block Watch Organizations, community leaders, local churches and elected officials from both the City and the Lynwood Unified School District. Guests also included representatives from the County Board of Supervisors Office. The annual dinner is held in honor of all o the individuals who work in conjunction with the Sheriff ’s Department’s Century Station. “This event is for all of the people who do a lot of the behind the scenes work in community policing, for their efforts in making and keeping our communities safe,” said Lt. Todd Deeds. “This is our way of thanking them for everything that they do.” 5TH ANNUAL GOSPEL BRUNCH RESTORATION PLANS FOR THE L.A. RIVER H undreds of people came out for Senator Ricardo Lara’s 5th Annual Gospel Brunch on Feb. 6, 2016. Themed “Hallowed Grounds: Sites of African American Memories,” the event at Bateman Hall brought together hundreds of dignitaries, community leaders, activists, church leaders and residents from throughout the Senator’s 33rd Senate District for an afternoon of gospel, networking, musical performances, special guest speakers and an impressive luncheon. Held during Black History Month in collaboration with the City of Lynwood, the Greater Lynwood Chamber of Commerce, the Lynwood Unified School District and the Lynwood Bingo Club, with this celebration Sen. Lara aims to commemorate the extensive contributions African-Americans have made to the United States of America. More than 500 attendees were treated to performances by the Lula Washington Dance Theatre, the Greater Emmanuel Temple Choir, Vocies of the Ghetto, and a Keynote Address by Sen. Lara. PAGE 4 A ssembly Speaker-Elect Anthony Rendon held an L.A. River Revitalization Informational Meeting at Bateman Hall last month before 200 people. With elected officials and representatives from nearby cities such as South Gate and Commerce, Assemblyman Rendon and a panel of guest speakers from a County working group tasked with updating the L.A. River Master Plan, shared with the audience the process being looked at to develop a Los Angeles River Revitalization Plan specific to Southeast L.A. County, | CITY OF LYNWOOD | NEWSLETTER | MARCH 2016 | ISSUE 3 | VOL. 10 authorized by Assembly Bill 530. Legislation from Assemblyman Rendon looks to create a comprehensive restoration plan for the Lower L.A. River – one that will find a way to restore it in much the same way as the Upper L.A. River has been restored. “The Lower River runs through communities desperately in need of open space and recreational opportunities,” Rendon said. “AB 530 kick starts the process for improving the quality of life of millions of residents along the Lower River.” www.lynwood.ca.us | www.facebook.com/mylynwood.ca LYNWOOD RECREATION event | event A | Some Bunny Loves You C ity’s Annual Easter Egg Hunt Set for March 26 Thousands of plastic Easter eggs filled with candy will be scattered across the south side of Lynwood City Park in the morning hours of Saturday, March 26, 2016 to be picked up by hundreds of excited children participating in the City’s annual Easter Egg Hunt. Despite a few cloudy days here and there, it is very clear that spring is around the corner and so is the Easter Bunny, who is making time in his busy schedule during Easter weekend to stop by the City of Lynwood, visit with children, help them find Easter eggs and take pictures. Hundreds of children and their families are scheduled to participate in the annual event that’s filled with loads of family fun, candy galore, free giveaways, an eggcoloring booth and an array of colorful inflatable bouncers. This year’s annual Easter Program takes place at Lynwood City Park on Baseball Diamond No. 3 at 11 a.m. The highlight of the event is the program’s Easter Egg Hunt. Children who find a golden egg may trade it in for a basket full of small toys and sweet treats! Families are encouraged to bring a picnic lunch, or purchase snacks from a variety of food vendors that will be available, so that they can enjoy a fun-filled day at Lynwood City Park during Easter weekend. rt is in the air this year, and it’s being launched by the community-based organization The Lynwood Union who is working in conjunction with the City of Lynwood and the Ricardo Lara Linear Park Committee in lining up artists to participate in the City’s first ever Art Walk, taking place on Saturday, March 5, 2016 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Taking place at the Ricardo Lara Linear Park, on the corner of Fernwood Avenue and Gertrude Drive, the City’s first Art Walk expects to bring in approximately 30 artists who specialize in paint, sculpture, photography, chalk, music and even poetry for an afternoon of conversationworthy art and live music at the park. Open-air Art Walks all over the country have a magical way of making art far less intimidating than when it’s exhibited inside of a museum and they give local artists a place to showcase their work and not to mention that they give local communities something fun to do outdoors. This spring event will be a prelude to the City’s and the Lynwood Unified School District’s highly anticipated Festival of the Arts, which will be taking place sometime in April at Lynwood High School. “We encourage the community, and art lovers everywhere, to come out and enjoy a day at the park viewing art, artists at work, listening to music, and even buying some art,” said Rowland Becerra, director of The Lynwood Union. “This event will be a small event that will feature different art displays throughout the walking trail of the park to give attendees a chance to see the park through colored, artful lenses.” events | feature he City of Lynwood’s Recreation and Community Services Department is seeking instructors to teach its special interest classes to the community. If you have an artistic, creative or skilled talent and you would like to share it with the community, then the City needs your services. The Recreation and Community Services Department is actively looking for qualified instructors who are willing to teach creative learning programs throughout the City’s recreation facilities. Individuals who are hired as instructors to teach special interests classes are compensated a percentage of the total registration fees for their classes. Special interest classes include: music, youth ballet, ballroom and hip-hop dancing. Other special interest classes include: photography, self-defense, technology, dog training, CPR and first aid, or various art mediums. “Special interest classes provide great benefits to our community,” said Mark Flores, director of the City’s Recreation and Community Services Department. “Physical and mental activities provide low-cost fun and entertainment. These classes can teach adults or children new and exciting skills, such as learning a new dance, or learning how to take photography, or how to administer CPR.” Instructors also benefit from teaching these classes, Flores said. “Our instructors get to really know our community, and they get to socialize outside of school or work in a family-friendly environment.” Individuals interested in teaching a special interest class in the City and have a few hours to spare daily or weekly, may call Diana Romero, Facility & Program Supervisor for the Henning Youth Center at (310) 603-0220 Ext. 391. • Lynwood Community Center, 11301 Bullis Road, Monday through Thursday, 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Call (310) 603-0220, Ext. 319 for any questions. Cash & Credit Cards are accepted. • Lynwood Senior Center, 11329 Ernestine Ave., Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Fridays 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Call (310) 886-0425 for information. Cash only. www.lynwood.ca.us | www.facebook.com/mylynwood.ca The Lynwood Regal Red Hatters are excited to announce their annual Mardi Gras Celebration! This year’s party will be held on Friday, March 11, 2016 from 4 p.m. until 7 p.m. at the Lynwood Senior Center, 11329 Ernestine Ave. Tickets are only $10 and just know that whenever our Senior Citizens gather together, lots of tasty food and tons of fun will follow! A delicious and traditional dinner of jerk chicken and jambalaya will be served at 4:30 p.m. All the while, attendees will enjoy the fusion of sounds stemming from French tunes and Cajun music mixed with elements from the Caribbean and the Blues that create colorful Zydeco music. Senior Center Calendar - March 2016 • • • • • • Registration Information for Recreation Department Activities: @LYNWOODPARKS Senior Center activities Mardi Gras 2016 – March 11, 2016 | City Seeks Instructors for Special Interest Classes T Art Outdoors • • 1 - Coffee with the Mayor sponsored by Fiesta Taxi 9 a.m.–10 a.m. 3 - Massage Therapy presented by Care More 10 a.m.11:30 a.m. 10 - Health Presentation by Apple Care 10:30 a.m.11:30 a.m. 15 - Medicare 101 by California Exchange Insurance 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. 17 - St. Patrick’s Day Party by Care More 11 a.m.-1 p.m. 21 - Reverse Mortgage Info by American Advisors Group 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. 24 - Seniors Easter Program – 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Every Mon., Wed., & Fri. – Senior Aqua Aerobics, 10:30 a.m.-11:15 a.m., Lynwood Natatorium – 50 yrs. & older & Special Needs - $1 per session CITY OF LYNWOOD | NEWSLETTER | MARCH 2016 | ISSUE 3 | VOL. 10 | PAGE 5 LYNWOOD FEATURES The Lynwood Rotary Club Weekly Meeting Every Thursday Noon - Bateman Hall Room 1 “Service Above Self.” Block Watch Captains Monthly Meeting 4th Tuesday of every month 6:00 p.m. - Bateman Hall Block Watch is Always Looking for New Block Watch Captains! The Greater Lynwood Chamber of Commerce 3780 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd (310) 713-1428 CALL NOW! Members and Non Members Welcome! Important Numbers • Bateman Hall (310) 886-0413 • City Hall (310) 603-0220 • Code Enforcement (310) 886-0456 • Compton Court (310) 762-9100 • Waste Resources Inc. (888) 467-7600 • Dial-A-Taxi (855) 545-9595 • Fire Inspection (310) 603-5258 • Fire Station #147 (310) 603-5255 • Fire Station #148 (310) 603-5270 • Hall of Records (562) 462-2137 • Health Department, Environmental (213) 351-5085 • L.A. County, Sheriff ’s Department (323) 568-4800 • Lynwood Library (310) 635-7121 • Lynwood Natatorium (310) 886-0414 • Lynwood Post Office (Atlantic Ave.) (310) 632-3707 • Lynwood Post Office (Long Beach Blvd.) (310) 638-9074 • Lynwood Unified School District (310) 886-1600 • Lynwood Senior Center (310) 886-0425 • Lynwood Sports Office (310) 886-0426 • Lynwood Youth Center (310) 886-0453 • Senior Meals (310) 886-0416 • Street Sweeping (562) 860-0604 • Service Request (310) 603-0220 x. 207 • Trolley, MV Transit (562) 259-9911 • Used Oil Recycling (800) 449-7587 • Bulky Item Pick-up (888) 467-7600 • Animal Control Request (310) 603-0220 x. 207, 312 celebration M | Taking Time to Remember arch 31 is a day to celebrate the life of the late labor and civil rights leader Cesar E. Chavez, to remember what he fought for, and to honor the legacy he left behind for others to follow. His birthday, March 31, is now a state holiday in California, Colorado and in Texas. In these three states, schools are closed, businesses give their employees the day off, and local municipalities close their doors for the day to pay respects to all that Chavez stood for. Chavez was an American farm worker, labor leader and civil rights activist, who with Dolores Huerta, co-founded the National Farm Workers Association, later known as the United Farm Workers Union (UFW) – the famous organization dedicated to improving the treatment, pay and working conditions for farm workers. His publicrelations approach to unionism and aggressive nonviolent tactics made the farm workers’ struggle a moral cause that garnered national support. Community Calendar After his death, Cesar E. Chavez became a major historical icon for the Latino community, symbolizing support for workers based on grass roots organizing and his slogan, “Si Se Puede,” (Yes, We Can.) Along with Huerta, the two also fought against the Bracero Program, which ensured a constant supply of cheap immigrant labor for growers, immigrants who could not protest any infringement on their rights lest they be fired. Chavez’ and Huerta’s efforts contributed greatly to Congress ending the Bracero Program in 1964. Pieces of his legacy are closer than you can imagine. There are 10 parks in California, six streets , along with the City of Lynwood naming the street that borders the northern part of Lynwood City Park, Cesar E. Chavez Lane. Also, according to Wikipedia, 29 schools in California are named after Chavez, along with the Lynwood Unified School District’s Board of Education’s recent vote to name its newest middle school after the late, great leader. MARCH 1 COFFEE WITH THE MAYOR SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER 9 A.M. MARCH 12 FREE COMMUNITY EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM (CERT) TRAINING – 1ST CLASS COMMUNITY CENTER 9 A.M. TO 4:30 P.M. MARCH 1 CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY HALL 6 P.M. MARCH 15 CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY HALL 6 P.M. MARCH 2 RELAY FOR LIFE FUNDRAISER PERCENTAGE OF PROCEEDS AFTER 6 P.M. GO TOWARDS RELAY FOR LIFE PANDA EXPRESS ON ATLANTIC AVENUE IN LYNWOOD 6 P.M. MARCH 19 HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE ROUNDUP BUTLER AND BELLINGER STREETS IN LYNWOOD 9 A.M. TO 3 P.M. MARCH 5 LYNWOOD ART WALK RICARDO LARA LINEAR WALKING PARK @ GERTRUDE AND FERNWOOD STREETS 11 A.M. TO 2 P.M. MARCH 19 FREE COMMUNITY EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM (CERT) TRAINING – 2ND CLASS COMMUNITY CENTER 9 A.M. TO 4:30 P.M. MARCH 26 EASTER EGG HUNT LYNWOOD CITY PARK/BASEBALL DIAMONDS PROGRAM STARTS AT 11 A.M. MARCH 26 FREE COMMUNITY EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM (CERT) TRAINING – 3RD CLASS COMMUNITY CENTER 9 A.M. TO 4:30 P.M. MARCH 29 LYNWOOD UNION ART GALLERY FEATURING ARTIST FELIX F. QUINTANA LYNWOOD LIBRARY 5:30 P.M. MARCH 31 CESAR CHAVEZ DAY CITY HALL CLOSED Flier Calendar Winter Beginning February 1, 2016 Date: Monday - Sunday 5:00 p.m. Pick-Up Pick-up Location: City of Lynwood Long Beach Blvd. (North East Corner) In front of Green Line Station Park & Ride (Near the Eastbound I-105 Fwy.) Shelter: Need r Shelte Please Help! Testimonial Community Love Center 5701 S. Western Ave., Los Angeles Phone: (323) 291-6753 Dinner will be served to all participants. All participants are allowed to bring one (1) bag. A warm environment, hot shower, food & comfort for homeless individuals during the cold and wet weather season. Homeless Shelter Pick-ups The City of Lynwood is partnering with several homeless service providers this year to offer homeless individuals in our community a warm environment, hot showers and food. Working in conjunction with HOPICS, Our Place Housing Solutions and PATH, the City of Lynwood is also working with the Testimonial Community Love Center in Los Angeles who will be offering homeless shelter pick-ups in the city throughout the month. Testimonial Community Love Center has voluntarily agreed to bring their bus to several locations in the City of Lynwood to pick up homeless individuals who need shelter or food or a hot shower. Working in conjunction with the City’s Public Relations Department, the Testimonial Community Love Center selects a location in the City amid its major thoroughfares to await homeless individuals in need. Fliers will be distributed throughout the community in hopes that people see that this service is available for them. The service will be available 7 days a week and will be ongoing. For more information about this new program, interested persons may call (310) 502-0220 Ext. 501. PAGE 6 | CITY OF LYNWOOD | NEWSLETTER | MARCH 2016 | ISSUE 3 | VOL. 10 Mayor’s Business Roundtable The City of Lynwood’s Mayor is spearheading the return of early morning meetings for business owners called the Mayor’s Business Roundtables, starting on Tuesday, March 1, 2016 from 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. at Bateman Hall, 11331 Ernestine Ave., Lynwood, CA 90262. The Mayor’s Business Roundtable, which will encompass the City’s Greater Lynwood Chamber of Commerce’s efforts to promote businesses, will feature a light breakfast and guest speakers that will focus on a different business topic every month. The Mayor’s Business Roundtables will be held on the first Tuesday of every month. This Roundtable is open and free to the public to attend, network and meet members of the business community. Keep Lynwood Clean; Spring Clean-up Event The City of Lynwood’s solid waste provider, Waste Resources Inc., will be hosting its first CityWide Spring Clean-Up Event for Unwanted Waste & Bulky Items where residents will have a chance to dispose of oversized, bulky items free of charge. Taking place on Saturday, April 16, 2016 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., Waste Resources Inc. will be on hand to receive any type of oversized, bulky items and excess trash, such as old furniture, appliances, yard waste, e-waste, televisions, computers, wood waste and fluorescent light tubes and bulbs. Waste Resources Inc. will be at the corner of Butler Avenue and Bellinger Street in Lynwood with several large-sized trash containers to haul away the public’s unwanted bulky items – a lot of which are left curbside or dumped in alleys illegally. For more information, call (888) 467-7600. www.lynwood.ca.us | www.facebook.com/mylynwood.ca PAID ADVERTISEMENT TO ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS C A LL : (310 ) 60 3 -0 2 2 0 , ex t. 6 1 3 LYNWOOD BUSINESS Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. ® CALL A STATE FARM AGENT FOR A QUOTE 24/7 NO BROKER FEES AND NO COMMISSIONS! Delores Stubbs “SPECIAL PRICE!” $3.99 +tax on all white display boards (310)894-4579 3601 E. Imperial Highway Lynwood, CA 90262 www.deloresstubbs.com LIFE • HEALTH • AUTO • HOME • BUSINESS State Farm Mutual Automible Insurance Company. ® State Farm Indeminty Company, Bloomington, IL | statefarm.com PAID ADVERTISEMENT Silva’s Family Day Care Loving & Caring environment for your children. Licensed by State of California #19-8008750 Ages 0-13 Before/After School Care *Transportation • Flexible Hours • Fun & Educational • Large Playground Healthy Meals Provided Child Care Assistance Programs are Welcome Bilingual For more information contact: Erica Silva (310) 637-1929 5413 Pelleur St., Lynwood, Ca 90262 *Transportation to/from local schools LYNWOOD BUSINESS Gloria P. Medina Founder/CEO B: (323) 229-7191 E: [email protected] 8630 Zamora Avenue, Los Angeles, Ca 90002 www.lynwood.ca.us | www.facebook.com/mylynwood.ca CITY OF LYNWOOD | NEWSLETTER | MARCH 2016 | ISSUE 3 | VOL. 10 | PAGE 7 LYNWOOD BUSINESS Youmaybeeligibletoapply foraŽǀĞƌĞĚĂůŝĨŽƌŶŝĂ ŚĞĂůƚŚƉůĂŶduring specialenrollment! Qualifyinglifeeventsinclude: Gettingmarriedordivorced,havingoradoptingachild, achangeinincomeorcitizenship,lossofhealth coverageandmore! OurfriendlyandbilingualĞƌƚŝĨŝĞĚŶƌŽůůŵĞŶƚŽƵŶƐĞůŽƌƐare happytoassistyouwiththeenrollmentprocessstepbystep. Youandyourfamilycouldqualifyforfinancialassistance. CalltheHealthBenefitsResourceCentertodayformoreinformation. TollFree800Ͳ603ͲWELL(9355)or310Ͳ900Ͳ7380 3628EastImperialHighway 1stFloor,Suite104 Lynwood,CA90262 >ŽĐĂƚĞĚŝŶƚŚĞ^ƚ͘&ƌĂŶĐŝƐDĞĚŝĐĂůWůĂnjĂ PAGE 8 | CITY OF LYNWOOD | NEWSLETTER | MARCH 2016 | ISSUE 3 | VOL. 10 www.lynwood.ca.us | www.facebook.com/mylynwood.ca