Fourth Sunday of Lent - Welcome to St. Christopher


Fourth Sunday of Lent - Welcome to St. Christopher
Fourth Sunday of Lent
April 3, 2011
Parish Mission Statement
We, the faithful of Saint Christopher Parish, animated
by the GOOD NEWS of Christ and inspired by the Diocesan Vision, are called to grow as a
Nosotros los fieles de la Parroquia, St. Christopher,
animados por la BUENA NUEVA de Cristo e
inspirados por la Visión Diocesana,
estamos llamados a crecer como una
Mass and Reconciliation Schedule
Daily Mass - Monday-Saturday:
7:45 AM Praise Mass: 8 AM & 6:30 PM*
*(No 6:30 PM Mass on Legal Holidays)
Wednesdays 12 PM (Español)
Saturday Vigil Mass: 5 PM (English); 7 PM (Español)
Sunday Masses: 6:30 AM, 8:15 AM, 10 AM
& 5:30 PM (English) 12 PM & 2 PM (Español)
Filipino Mass First Sunday of the Month 4 PM
Gospel Mass Third Sunday of the Month 5:30 PM
Holy Day Vigil Mass: 6:30 PM,
Holy Day Mass: 8 AM, 12 PM & 6:30 PM
Reconciliation: Every 2nd & 4th Saturday 3:30 PM-5 PM
and 1st Friday after the 6:30 PM Mass until 8 PM.
1st Friday Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
8:45 AM to 10 PM
Jesus Heals the Blind Man
Welcome to St. Christopher Roman Catholic Church
25075 Cottonwood Ave. , Moreno Valley, CA 92553
Phone (951) 924-1968 ● Fax (951) 247-6477 ● Email: [email protected]
2. APRIL 3, 2011
Pastoral Council Co-chairs - Max Arzu 242-1002 and Julio Renteria 924-9651
Fr. Joven Junio, M.S., Pastor
Priest Moderator of Service
& Temporalities Commissions, x102
Fr. Frederick Costales, M.S. Parochial Vicar, x122
Priest Moderator of Faith Formation, RCIA
& Evangelization Commission, x113
Fr. Arnel Macabio, M.S. Parochial Vicar,
Priest Moderator for Worship, Liturgy,
& Young Adults & Youth Ministries, x123
Fr. Miguel Ceja, Parochial Vicar
& Priest Moderator for Hispanic Affairs, x104
Deacon Carlos Morales, Moderator for Pre-Cana
& Convalidation, 951-571-8350
Dr. Isabel M. Dion, D.Min.
Ongoing Adult Formation Coordinator, 951-571-8351
Marietta Caparas, Bookkeeper, 951-571-8344
Veronica Alcala, Priests’ Secretary,
Baptism, Wedding, Funeral & Anointing of
the Sick Information, Mass Intentions, x100
Kathy Vasquez, Correspondence, Bulletin Editor,
Parish Records, 951-571-8352
Dorothy Holland, Office Aide & Food Bank, x118
Teresa Quirino,
Director of Hispanic Ministries, 951-571-8345
Grace Lacsamana,
Director of Music Ministry, 951-571-8353
Raymond D. Deang,
Youth & Young Adults Minister, 951-571-8349
Faith Formation
Jessica Mejia Lara,
Coordinator of English Faith Formation, x119
Teresita Felix, Coordinator of Hispanic Faith Formation,
Baptismal Preparation & Quinceañera, x112
Cathy Small, Coordinator of Youth Faith Formation
& Confirmation, x116
Rosa Ramos, Faith Formation Secretary, 951-571-8346
Rebecca Reynoso, Preschool Director, 951-571-8347
Parish Care
Harry Perez, Maintenance
Linus Santiago, Maintenance
Juan Lopez, Maintenance
Worship Commission
Eucharistic Ministers English - Emma Motte
Spanish - Santana Villalpando
Lectors English - Ronette Carpio
Spanish - Ramona Lopez
Music Ministry English - Grace Lacsamana
Spanish - Andres Herrera
Altar Servers - Raymond D. Deang
Hospitality Ministry Ushers - Mary Kay Lewis
Ujieres - Raul Valdez
Fed. Fil. Rosary Group - Florencio & Luz Santos
Filipino Ministry -Jessie Cristobal
La Salette Sto. Niño - Minda ChanLugay
World Apostolate of Fátima
El Shaddai - Lina de Mesa
Alliance of Two Hearts - Lita Bravo
Lord of Pardon - Cesar & Liberty Sánchez
Fel. Of Catholic Christian Women - Veronica Hernandez
Dramatización - Juan C. Núñez
Evangelization Commission
RCIA - Luz Mocete
Marriage Preparation - Manual & Mariana Rivas
Ext. 100
Baptismal Preparation, English - Veronica Alcala
Ext. 112
Baptismal Preparation, Spanish - Teresita Felix
Grupo Resurreccion - Gloria Merlan
English Cursillo - Vic Eslava
Spanish Cursillo - Natalie Orozco
African American Ministry - Mary Kay Lewis
Jóvenes Para Cristo - Manuel R. Saucedo
Min. Prevención y Rescate - Clara Pasillas
Encuentro Matrimonial Jesus & Irene Saavedra
Consagración a Maria - Reyna Cabrera
Legión de María - Margarita Saldaña
Unidos en Cristo - Manuel Varela
Service Commission
Knights of Columbus - Martin Marcial
Pro-LIFE - Izzy & Jesse Arreola
Ext. 118
Food Bank - Dorothy Holland
Natural Family Planning - Delia Reyes
Health Ministry - Jessie Cristobal
Christian Service - Jose Acierto
Comedores Compulsivos - Hortensia Martinez
Our Lady of the Rosary– Priscilla Grosso
Ext. 118
Rosary Makers- Dorothy Holland
Ministry to the Sick - Pat Box
Security/Seguridad - Martin Marcial
Ballet Folklorico - Yolanda Lares
Comité de Solidaridad Social - Jesús & Patricia Holguin
Temporalities Commission
Finance Council Chairperson - Josefino Buccat
Diocesan Development Chairman - Max Arzu
Property Custodian - Darrell Hemme
Ext. 100
Parish Fund Raising and Special Projects - Joseph Santos
Young Adults & Youth Ministries
Young Adults Ministry (Y.A.M.) / Ministerio de Jóvenes Adultos
Coordinator/Coordinadora: Yvette Mocete
Middle School Ministry (M.S.M.) - Mikie Harvin
Lambs of Christ Youth Group (L.O.C.) - Neil Bravo
Jóvenes Caminando en Cristo (J.C.C.) - Heidi Sanchez
Prevención y Rescate Juvenil - Jose Flores
Hurt by an Abortion? You are not alone.
For Hope & Healing contact:
English: 1-800-794-7863
Spanish: 909-238-4037
Thursday, April 7
Sunday, April 3
April 2, 2011
5:00 p.m. Nate Young (Birthday)
Al & Eleanor Hisker †
Francisco Iso (76th Birthday)
7:00 p.m. Maria Guadalupe Nava †
Refugio Segura Guzman †
April 3, 2010 Sunday
6:30 a.m. Arianna Perez (Birthday)
8:15 a.m. Rayitos Purcella †
Ann Tainatongo †
10:00 a.m. Jimmy Bui & Family (Sp. Int)
Thanksgiving Mass Cotin Fam.
12 Noon Marco Antonio Rodriguez †
Ramon Chavez Veir †
Elvira Sanchez †
2:00 p.m. Guadalupe Gonzalez †
5:30 p.m. Arianna Perez (Birthday)
8:00 a.m. People of St. Christopher
6:30 p.m. All Souls
8:00 a.m. Bernadette Martinez †
6:30 p.m. Victims' of Earthquakes
8:00 a.m. Edward Conway †
12 Noon Alberto Gonzalez †
Fidel & Ma. Guadalupe
Jimenez †
6:30 p.m. Victims of Earthquakes
8:00 a.m. Victims of Earthquakes
6:30 p.m. People of St. Christopher
8:00 a.m. All Souls
12 Noon Victorio & Belen Martinez †
Marcelina Silvia †
6:30 p.m. Victims of Earthquakes
8:00 a.m. Edith Perez (Birthday)
On Friday, April 15 the evening Mass
will be at 6 pm. This is a special celebration Mass for Fr. Joven’s 25th Anniversary. Everyone is invited to attend this
Mass. We will not have Stations of the
Cross in the evening on this day.
Free Blood Pressure Checks
after Morning Masses (East Hall)
10 am RCIA Children/Youth (Rooms 1-4)
11:15 am RCIA Adults English (McGivney Hall)
1:15 RCIA Adult Spanish (McGivney Hall)
3:30 pm Ministerio de Dramatización (West Hall)
6 pm Dramatización Ministry (Room 1)
6:30 pm YOUth Talk, We Listen (Room 14)
Monday, April 4
9 am Legion of Mary (Room 3)
10 am Al-Anon (Room 1)
10 am Missionaries of the Word (S. McGivney)
4 pm Ballet Folklorico (East Hall)
5 pm Missionaries of the Word (S. McGivney)
6 pm Unidos en Cristo (West Hall)
6:30 pm Jovenes Para Cristo (Rooms 1-4)
7 pm bible Study 101/SFC (Rooms 14/15)
7 pm Caminando en Cristo (East Hall)
7 pm Middle School Ministry (Rooms 14/15)
7 pm Prevencion y Rescate (Conf. Room)
7 pm Service Commission Meeting (Room 13)
Tuesday, April 5
9:30 am Bible Sharing English (Room 6)
10 am Missionaries of the Word (S. McGivney)
4:30 pm Faith Formation Sessions (All Rooms)
5 pm Missionaries of the Word (S. McGivney
6:30 pm Unidos en Cristo (Conference Room)
7 pm Estudio de Biblia, P. Miguel Ceja (East Hall)
7 pm Faith Formation Sessions (All Rooms)
7 pm Small Faith Community (North McGivney)
Wednesday, April 6
9 am Grupo Resurrección (West Hall)
9 am Small Faith Community, Spanish (Room 3)
10 am Missionaries of the Word (S. McGivney)
4:30 pm Faith Formation Sessions (All Rooms)
5 pm Missionaries of the Word (S. McGivney)
7 pm Catholic Christian Women (Conf. Room)
7 pm Adult Confirmation (Eng. Rm.12, Span. Rm.13)
7 pm Bible Study 101/SFC (North McGivney)
7 pm Faith Formation Sessions (All Rooms)
7 pm Prevención y Rescate (Hall)
Parish Offices Closed until 2 pm
9 am Consagración a Maria (Room 14)
9 am OLOR / Rosary Makers (Conference Room)
10 am Missionaries of the Word (S. McGivney)
4:30 pm Faith Formation Sessions (All Rooms)
5 pm Missionaries of the Word (S. McGivney)
7 pm Bible Sharing Spanish (Room 1)
7 pm Faith Formation Sessions (All Rooms)
Friday, April 8
8:30 Stations of the Cross
9 am Fe y Ejercicio Faith & Fitness (East Hall)
10 am Missionaries of the Word (S. McGivney)
10 am Small Faith Community, Spanish (Room 2)
11:30 am Small Faith Community, Spanish (Room 3)
12 pm Spanish Mass / Stations of the Cross.
4:30 pm Faith Formation Sessions (All Rooms)
5 pm Jóvenes Para Cristo Retreat (Domas Hall)
5 pm Missionaries of the Word (S. McGivney )
6 pm Stations of the Cross before 6:30 pm Mass
6:30 pm Lambs of Christ (Room 3)
6:30 pm Spanish Catechist Meeting (N. McGivney)
7 pm Encuentro Matrimonial (Room 15)
7 pm Missionaries of the Word (Conference Room)
7 pm P & R Youth (Room 1)
7 pm Spanish Cursillo (Room 4)
7 pm Spanish Eucharistic Ministers (Rooms 12/13)
Saturday, April 9
8 am Jóvenes Para Cristo Retreat (Hall)
8:30 am Faith Formation Sessions (All Rooms)
11 am Faith Formation Sessions (All Rooms)
1 pm El Shaddai (Room 6)
6 pm Dramatización Ministry (Room 1)
6 pm Liturgia Palabra para Niños (Room 4)
Sunday, April 10
Altar Servers Coffee and Donuts
after Morning Masses (Patio)
8 am Jóvenes Para Cristo Retreat (Hall)
10 am RCIA Children/Youth (Rooms 1-4)
11:15 am RCIA Adults English (McGivney Hall)
1:15 RCIA Adult Spanish (McGivney Hall)
6 pm Dramatización Ministry (Room 1)
6:30 pm YOUth Talk, We Listen (Room 14)
Lent / Cuaresma 2011
Lenten Schedule
Daily Masses Monday ~ Friday
8 am & 6:30 pm
Wednesdays & Fridays
12 noon in Spanish
Way of the Cross:
All Fridays of Lent
at 8:30 am,
1 pm and 6pm
NO FLOWERS in Church during Lent.
Programa de La Cuaresma
Misas Diarias de lunes a viernes
a las 8 am & 6:30 pm
Miércoles y viernes
a las 12 pm en Español.
Vía Crucis:
Todos los viernes de cuaresma
a las 8:30 am, 1 pm y 6 pm
Seguido por la Misa. (regular)
la Iglesia durante La Cuaresma.
Fourth Sunday
of Lent
April 3, 2011
The LORD is my
shepherd; I shall not
Psalm 23:1
“Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and
Christ will give you light” (Ephesians 5:14). We are at the
midpoint of our Lenten journey of conversion. As always,
God never gives up on us, especially those who have
“fallen asleep” along the road to conversion. The most
powerful stories of conversion are proclaimed during
these final weeks of Lent. They have the power to shake
us out of our sleep. Today’s Gospel story of the healing of
the man born blind exposes the real blindness in the time
of Christ—the blindness of the self-righteous religious
leaders. In a few weeks, at the Easter Vigil, the Church
will proclaim “Christ our Light” as the paschal candle is
carried into darkened churches throughout the world. May
the darkness of sin that still pervades our lives, communities, and world, be dispelled by the Christ who comes to
bring sight to the blind and light to the world.
© Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co.
Cuarto Domingo de
3 de abril de 2011
El Señor es mi pastor,
nada me falta.
Salmo 23(22):1
“Despierta, tú que duermes; levántate de entre los muertos y Cristo será tu luz” (Efesios 5:14). Estamos a medio
camino en la jornada de Cuaresma para la conversión. Como
siempre, Dios no se da por vencido con nosotros, especialmente con aquellos que “duermen” en el camino a la conversión. Los más grandes relatos de conversión se proclaman en
estas semanas finales de la Cuaresma. Estos tienen el poder
de sacudirnos de nuestro sueño. El relato del Evangelio de
hoy sobre la curación del ciego de nacimiento expone la verdadera ceguera en tiempos de Cristo –la ceguera de los líderes religiosos que se creían muy buenos y justos. Dentro de
pocas semanas, en la Vigilia Pascual, la Iglesia proclamará a
“Cristo nuestra Luz” cuando el Cirio Pascual es llevado dentro de las iglesias oscuras de todo el mundo. Que la oscuridad del pecado que impregna nuestra vida, comunidades y
nuestro mundo sea disipada por Cristo quien viene trayendo
vista al ciego y luz al mundo.
© Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co.
First Reading — As the prophet Samuel anointed David with
oil, the spirit of the LORD rushed upon David and remained
with him from that day forward
(1 Samuel 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a).
Psalm — The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall
want (Psalm 23).
Second Reading — You who were once darkness are now light
in the Lord. Live as children of light (Ephesians 5:8-14).
Gospel — The one called Jesus made clay with his saliva,
anointed my eyes with it, and told me to wash. When I washed,
I was able to see! (John 9:1-41 [1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38])
Primera lectura — Samuel ungió a David para ser rey (1
Samuel 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a).
Salmo — El Señor es mi pastor; nada me falta
(Salmo 23 [22]).
Segunda lectura — Levántense de entre los muertos,
hijos de la luz (Efesios 5:8-14).
Evangelio — De esto estoy seguro: Yo era ciego pero
ahora puedo ver (Juan 9:1-41 [1, 6-9, 13-17, 34- 38]).
4-3-2011 - 4-10-2011
1 Sm 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a; Ps 23;
Eph 5:8-14; Jn 9:1-41 [1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38]
Is 65:17-21; Jn 4:43-54
Ez 47:1-9, 12; Jn 5:1-16
Is 49:8-15; Jn 5:17-30
Ex 32:7-14; Jn 5:31-47
Wis 2:1a, 12-22; Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30
Jer 11:18-20; Jn 7:40-53
Ez 37:12-14; Ps 130; Rom 8:8-11;
Jn 11:1-45 [3-7, 17, 20-27, 33b-45]
4-3-2011 - 4-10-2011
Domingo: 1 Sm 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a; Sal 23 (22);
Ef 5:8-14; Jn 9:1-41 [1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38]
Is 65:17-21; Jn 4:43-54
Ez 47:1-9, 12; Jn 5:1-16
Miércoles: Is 49:8-15; Jn 5:17-30
Ex 32:7-14; Jn 5:31-47
Sab 2:1a, 12-22; Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30
Jer 11:18-20; Jn 7:40-53
Domingo: Ez 37:12-14; Sal 130 (129); Rom 8:8-11;
Jn 11:1-45 [3-7, 17, 20-27, 33b-45]
We are excited to announce that Middle School Ministry
will continue in our Parish BUT……
Our middle school youth need YOUNG men and women
to journey with them in their discovery of faith.
Share your time, talents and your love for GOD
and Church with our young people.
Recruitment will begin in April.
Training will begin in June.
Call Raymond Deang at 571-8349 for more information.
Estamos emocionados para anunciarles que el Ministerio de la Escuela Secundaria seguirá en nuestra parroquia PERO…
Nuestros jóvenes de escuelas secundarias necesitan JÓVENES Y
JÓVENCITAS que recorran con ellos en su descubrimiento de fe.
Compartan su tiempo, talentos y amor a DIOS
e Iglesia con nuestros Jóvenes.
El reclutamiento dará comienzo en abril.
El entrenamiento comenzará en junio.
Para más información, llamen a Raymond Deang al 571-8349.
Isabel Marinay– Dion
WELCOME HOME !!! An Invitation for Non-Practicing Catholics and for those Seeking to Refresh their Faith
1) Were you raised Catholic but do
not come or seldom come to
Church anymore?
2) Are you a Catholic who now
feels separated from the Church?
3) Would you like to know more
about the Catholic
Church as it is today?
4) Would you like to
feel at home in the
Catholic Church again?
Our parish has a six-week process
of welcoming home returning
Catholics. Please invite your
friends and relatives to participate
in this process. For more information please call Isabel M. Dion at
924- 1968, ext. 110.
A SU CASA. Una Invitación para
Católicos No-Practicantes y para
los que Desean Renovar su Fe.
1) ¿Fuiste criado Católico pero no
asistes o raramente asistes a la Iglesia?
2) ¿Eres Católico y te sientes seperado de la Iglesia Católica?
3) ¿Deseas saber más de la Iglesia
Católica como es ahora?
4) ¿Te gustaría volverte a sentir en
casa en la Iglesia Católica?
Nuestra parroquia tiene un proceso
de seis semana para darle la bienvenida a Católicos que vuelven.
Por favor inviten a sus amistades y
familiares a participar en este proceso. Para más información, por
favor llame a Isabel M. Dion al 924
-1968, ext. 110.
Thanks to the very generous parishioners of St. Christopher and St. Patrick’s, our food bank was able to feed
141 families this week.
Our needs during Lent are listed on the Lenten Tree in
the vestibule of the Church. Please take an “egg” each
week and return the next week with an item.
We especially need hams and chickens for Easter.
Special thanks to WinCo Foods, Starbucks, Ralph’s &
Val Verde Unified School District.
The food bank hours are 1-3 on Mondays
A todos los parroquianos de St. Christopher y St. Patrick a nuestro Banco de Comida tuvo la oportunidad
de proveer alimentos a 141 familias la semana pasada.
Nuestras necesidades durante Cuaresma están listadas en
el Árbol Cuaresmal en el vestíbulo de la Iglesia. Tome
por favor un "huevo" cada semana y regrese la siguiente
semana con un artículo.
Thanks to everyone!
¡Gracias a todos!
For the safety of us all, whenever there is
no more seating available in the Church,
please allow us to assist you at Domas
Hall. We can avoid a fine from the City of
Moreno Valley by leaving the hallways
and corridors unobstructed, and we will be
able to exit in case of an emergency.
Starting Ash Wednesday, March 9 at all
the Masses, during Spanish Masses on
Sundays at 12 noon and 2 PM, and all
Liturgical Celebrations that warrant more
than the capacity of the main church, Mass
will be transmitted at Domas Hall through
our video and sound equipment. The parishioners will be assisted by our team of
liturgical ministers. Bilingual speakers are
highly encouraged to attend English
Masses. Thank you for your collaboration
in this important matter.
Muchas gracias a WinCo Foods, Starbucks, Ralph’s
& Val Verde Unified School District.
Por su seguridad y la de todos, sean tan
amables de usar el Domas Hall cuando ya
no haya lugar donde sentarse en la iglesia.
Ayúdenos a evitar una multa de la Ciudad
de Moreno Valley a la iglesia manteniendo
despejados todos los pasillos y poder salir
en caso de emergencia
A partir del miércoles de ceniza, 9 de
marzo, las misas del domingo en español,
12 y 2pm, incluyendo las celebraciones
litúrgicas que son mayores que la capacidad
de la iglesia, se estarán transmitiendo en el
Domas Hall, por medio de un buen equipo
de video y sonido y nuestro gran equipo de
ministros litúrgicos. Se recomienda también
que las personas bilingües asistan a misas
en inglés y se ayuden con el uso del misal.
Muchas gracias por su colaboración en este
asunto tan importante.
Lent offers the opportunity for spiritual growth. A special opportunity for
such growth is being offered in the
Coachella Valley through ten “Deep in
the Sacred Heart” spirituality sessions
taking place on the First Saturdays of
the month from 10 AM to 2 PM at the
hall of Our Lady of Guadalupe parish
starting on April 2. More information
will be in the bulletin next week. For
more information or to preregister
please call Teresa Quirino at the
church number ext. 108.
St. Francis de Sales
Catholic School...
is now enrolling for the 2011-2012
school year in grades preschool through
eight. Please contact the office at 951683-5083 for information or to arrange a
tour of our campus. We look forward to
hearing from you!
Ms. Kathy Kothlow, principal
Are you looking
for a way to enrich and share
your faith?
The Fellowship
of Catholic Christian Women
(FCCW) invites all women of the
parish to attend. We meet 1st and
3rd Wednesdays from 7 pm - 8:30
pm, in the Conference Room, Domas Hall. Our next meeting is on
Wednesday, April 6. For more information call Veronica Hernandez at 951 243-2814.
Luke 2:52
Isabel Marinay-Dion, D. Min.
The US Bishops’ Plan for On going Adult
Faith Formation; Our Hearts were Burning
within Us
The meaning of the individual parts of the
Mass and the prayers that are going to be
Last week we explored the very beginning of the Mass that
takes place in the narthex. This is called the Gathering Rite, a part of the Introductory Rites. The gathered assembly engage themselves in the liturgical
action of being Church. It is here that the Church
first gathers around Christ, our Head, to prepare to
celebrate his passion, death and resurrection. The
Gathering Rite includes the Procession and the
Opening Song. Processions in the liturgy symbolize the journey of the people of God toward heaven. They call to mind
the journey of the Israelites toward the promised land after
being freed from their slavery in Egypt. Processions at Mass
are reminders that we are constantly on a journey towards the Kingdom. The entrance procession symbolizes our journey to the Eucharistic table which is a
symbol of the heavenly banquet. It opens the celebration of the Mass; b) We stand to indicate that we are
now ready to start the Eucharistic celebration. The
opening song accompanies the entrance procession. It
intensifies the unity of the gathered assembly and introduces them to the mystery of the liturgical festivity.
PROJECT 40: During these 40 days of Lent, the
diocesan office of Small Faith Communities invites us
all to participate in putting aside everyday hygiene
products: toothpaste, soaps etc. and baby needs: diapers, bottles & nipples, etc. for the needy. On April 3
and April 10, please bring these items and deposit
them in the bins located in the narthex (vestibule). These
items will be given to the Catholic Charities who will
then bring them to the distribution centers.
Wanted!!! Participants in a Small Faith Community on Saturday morning after mass at 9:00
P.M. to be led by Jose Acierto. Please call 951571-8351.
ONGOING ADULT FAITH FORMATION -A five week presentation on Salvation,
Grace, Heaven, Hell, Sin, Purgatory and Limbo.
Please calendar May 9, 16, 23, June 13, & 20. Let us not
miss this opportunity to deepen our knowledge of the
Catholic Faith!
Lucas 2:52
Isabel Marinay-Dion, D.Min.
El Plan de los Obispos de los EU para el La
Formación de Fe Adulta Continua; Nuestros
Corazones Ardían entre Nosotros.
El significado de las partes individuales de la
Misa y las oraciones que se cambiarán.
La semana pasada exploramos el comienzo de la Misa que
se lleva a cabo en el vestíbulo. Esto se llama el Rito de Entrada, parte de los Ritos Iniciales. La asamblea reunida se captan en la acción litúrgica de ser la Iglesia. Aquí es cuando la Iglesia se reúne alrededor de
Cristo, nuestra Cabeza, para prepararnos a celebrar
su pasión, muerte y resurrección. El Rito de Entrada incluye la Procesión y el Canto de Entrada. Las
procesiones en las liturgia simbolizan la jornada del
pueblo de Dios hacia el cielo. Nos recuerda de la jornada de
los Israelitas hacia la Tierra Prometida después de ser liberados de la esclavitud en Egipto. Las procesiones nos recuerdan que estamos constantemente en camino hacia el Reino.
La procesión de la entrada simboliza nuestra jornada hacia la mesa Eucarística el cual es un símbolo del
banquete celestial. a) Este Rito Inicial inicia la celebración de la Misa; b) Nos ponemos de pie para indicar que estamos listos para iniciar la celebración
Eucarística. El canto de entrada acompaña la procesión de entrada. El Canto de Entrada intensifica la
unidad de la asamblea reunidad y los introduce al
misterio de la festividad litúrgica.
PROYECTO 40: Durante estos 40 días de Cuaresma, la
oficina diocesana de las Pequeñas Comunidades de Fe nos
invitan a participar a reservar productos higiénicos personales cotidianos: pasta dental, jabones, etc. y productos de
bebé: pañales, biberones, chupones, etc. para los necesitados. Para el 3 y 10 de abril, por favor traigan sus artículos y deposítenlos en los recipientes disponibles en el vestíbulo. Estos productos se entregarán a las Caridades Católicas que entonces se le darán a los centros de distribución.
Busca!!! Participantes para una Pequeña Comunidad de Fe el sábado por la mañana después de
Misa a 9:00 AM guiado por José Acierto. Por
favor llamen al 951-571-8351.
FORMACIÓN DE FE ADULTA: Una presentación de cinco semanas sobre la Salvación, Gracia,
Cielo, Infierno, Pecado, Purgatorio, y Limbo. Por
favor marquen sus calendarios 9, 16, 23 de mayo; 13 y 20
de junio. ¡No nos perdamos esta oportunidad para profundizar nuestro conocimiento de nuestra Fe Católica!
Samuel Sanchez,
Pat Brennan,
Luka Vidovie,
Alicia Fernandez, Craig Goodrich, Butch De
La Vina, Josefa Taroc, Christian Acarraga, Natividad Ranjel, Richard
Gouin, Willie Heath, Dolores Reynolds,
David Stiles, Dominic Cusumano, Donna
Murillo, Anthony Young, Sara Mercurio,
Joseph Allor, Virginia & Arnest Manalo,
Daniel Porche, Stephanie George, Arsendio
Mercado, Katie Morrow, Lolita Palaganas,
Irma Barberri, Michael Adams, Diana Blake,
Mary Smith, Luis Carlos Flores, Kim Krutchfield, Elenor Chavez, Connie Hafer, Michael
Beggins, Valerie DeLaroso, Sheryl Smart,
Debbie Carpenter, Cesario Lozano, Karen
Mustain & Marsha Haas.
Thank you for your
generous donation of
for the victims of the earthquakes and tsunami. May
God bless you
If you know of someone who needs prayers please
call Dorothy at 924-1968 ext. 118. Please be sure
to leave a message with the name of the person
and the spelling of their name if you get her voice
mail. Thank you.
Ellie Medal, Miguel Ysidro
Morales, Antonio Yepez,
Demetrio D. Mora, Joe
Villa, Luz Barrozo, Josefina
Soto Jurado, Rigoberto
Negrete & Delfin Lucino
Nicholas Muniz, Carl Apilado, Paul Duenas, Roy
Garcia, Andre, Jr. & William Duplessis, Vanessa
Nicole Torres, Emily Solorio,
Angel Meza, Eric W.
Burkemper, Carlos Santana, Timothy, Edward
& Carolyn Erb, Miguel Roger Gertz, Jose
Ramon Jr., Revey Roberts, Steven Solorio, Jr.,
Lynn J. Hemme, John Duenas, Liliana
Miranda, Keith Lopez, Ernesto Cuellar, Kyle
Smit, Elbert Rosario, Gerard & Michael Stiles,
Ricardo Gutierrez, Peter Rocette, Christopher
B. Lopez, Christian Lopez, Renato Angeles,
Keith Rivera, Priscilla B. Sanchez, Juan Carlos
Arvizu, Antonio Perez, Zaccary Place, Rosa
Acosta, Dominic & Marcus Fontenot, Cristina
Strick, Johnathan LaCour, Steven Durant,
Lorenzo Fleming, Brendan Boyle, Brian &
Brandy Fields, Richard Trujillo, Mario Tenajero, Peter and Edna Torres, Kalikiano
Cruztburg, Dalton J. Fritz, Randy Garcia,
Louis Flores, Raymond Garcia, Eric Darden,
Mark & Mike Ito, Carlos Amador, Andrew
Arzu, Tom Jack, Robby & Christina Preston.
Please call the office and ask for Dorothy at ext. 118
to give the name of your loved one who is serving in
the military. Please let us know when their service is
finished so we can remove their name from the list.
Please continue to pray for lasting peace in the
world; and for the military priest chaplains
who bring the presence of
Christ to the lives of our loved ones.
Mount St. Mary’s College in Los
Angeles is hosting the only Southern
California exhibit of Women &
Spirit: Catholic Sisters in America, a
look at 300 years of history of
women religious throughout the nation. The free exhibit takes place this
summer—from June 19 thru August
For more information, visit
Thank you for your
continued support!
Don’t forget to use your envelopes!
You must use your envelopes in order to receive a statement for your
taxes at the end of each year. If you
have a change of address, please notify the parish office!
Thank you!
People in Jesus’ time thought blindness was caused by sinfulness. In today’s
Gospel, the Pharisees—the supreme rulekeepers—were far less concerned about
the blind man than that Jesus broke the
rule of the Sabbath. The rules governing
what could and could not be done on the
Sabbath seemed more important than rest
from labor. When Jesus healed the blind
man, the Pharisees labeled them both as
sinners. We can be equally judgmental,
ranging from annoyance if our grown children do not live their lives exactly as we
do, all the way to condemnation of all
those of a different religion or political
persuasion. The angrier we are, the more
blind we are to our lack of charity. Saint
Paul says we live in the light of Christ and
should try to produce “every kind of goodness and righteousness and
truth” (Ephesians 5:9). Rules have their
place, but things go amiss when we place
the rules above everything else. That’s a
blindness we cannot afford.
Copyright © 2010, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.
En la época de Jesús la gente pensaba
que la ceguera era causada por el pecado.
En el Evangelio de hoy los fariseos—el
grupo más aferrado a la ley—estaban más
preocupados porque Jesús había quebrantado la ley del sábado que por el ciego. Las
leyes acerca de lo que se permitía o no se
permitía el sábado parecían más importantes que el descanso del trabajo. Cuando
Jesús curó al ciego los fariseos catalogaron
a ambos como pecadores. Nosotros podemos erigirnos igualmente jueces cuando
nuestros hijos no viven del mismo modo
que nosotros o hasta podemos llegar a
condenar a otras personas de diferente
religión o partido político. Cuanto más nos
enojamos, más ciegos nos volvemos y más
faltos de caridad. San Pablo dice que vivimos en la luz de Cristo y que nuestros
frutos deben ser “la bondad, la santidad y
la verdad”. (Efesios 5:9). Las reglas tienen
su lugar, pero algo falla cuando ponemos
las reglas por encima de todo lo demás.
Ésa es una ceguera que no podemos permitirnos.
Copyright © 2010, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.
Thank you to the 178 families who
have contributed to the Diocesan Development Fund. So far we have received $64,831 in pledges and
$21,646 in cash. As a community,
with over 8,000 registered families,
we can do better! Please continue
sending in payments and if you have
not made a pledge yet this year, please
consider doing so. The investment you
make today in your faith community is
an example of your personal commitment to the unshakable kingdom we
call the Catholic Church.
Gracias a las 178 familias que han
contribuido al Fondo de Desarrollo
Diocesano. Hasta ahora hemos recibido $64,831 en promesas y
$21,646 en efectivo. Como comunidad, ¡podemos mejorar! Por favor
continúen enviando sus pagos y si
aún no han hecho una promesa este
año, por favor consideren la posibilidad de hacerla. La inversión que
hacen hoy en su comunidad de fe
es un ejemplo de su compromiso
personal con el reino inconmovible
que llamamos la Iglesia Católica.
We would like to welcome the following families to the parish.
These families have registered with the parish in the past week:
Queremos dar la bienvenida a las siguientes familias en la parroquia.
Estas familias se han registrado en la parroquia en las pasadas semanas:
Paul Bellinger, Daniel Martinez, Alberto Ceja & Emmanuel Cordero.
If you are new in our Parish, we extend to you a heartfelt WELCOME! If you have not as yet registered in our parish please fill out
one of the registration forms located in the information center in the back of the church. Completed registration forms may be
turned in to one of the offices or they may be dropped in the collection basket during Mass.
Si usted es nuevo en nuestra parroquia, nosotros les extendemos una BIENVENIDA de todo corazón. Si usted todavía no se ha registrado
en nuestra parroquia favor de llenar una forma de registración localizadas en el centro de información a la entrada de nuestra iglesia.
Después de llenarla puede devolverla a una de las oficinas o echarla en la canasta de la colecta después de la Misa.
Parish Registration Registro Parroquial
Welcome to St. Christopher Catholic Church! Please take a moment to complete the following form, and return by mail or drop it in
the Sunday collection basket.
Bienvenidos a la Parroquia St. Christopher! Para inscribirse como miembro de esta Iglesia llene esta forma y devuélvala por correo o deposítela en la canasta de la colecta dominical.
You will be registered only after a completed registration is returned to the parish.
Usted será inscrito en esta parroquia una vez que hayamos recibido esta forma.
___ I am new to the Parish
___ Soy Nuevo en la parroquia
Name/Nombre ______________________________________________
___ I am interested in becoming a Catholic
Address/Dirección ___________________________________________
___ Estoy interesado en hacerme Católico
___ I have moved; here is my new address
Zip/Código Postal ____________________________________________
___ Me he mudado; esta es mi nueva dirección
Telephone/Teléfono __________________________________________
You are cordially invited
to join in a
Parish Luau Celebration for
Usted está cordialmente invitado
A acompañarnos a una
Celebración del Luau Parroquial para
celebrating his
25th Ordination Anniversary
Sunday, April 10
beginning with Mass at 5:30 pm.
The celebration is hosted by
the Staff, Ministries and
Prayer Groups of the Parish.
Celebrando su
25º Aniversario de Ordenación
Domingo, 10 de Abril
empezando con la Misa de 5:30 pm.
La Celebración es ofrecida por el
Personal, Ministerios, y Grupos
de Oración de la Parroquia.
Fr. Joven Junio, MS
Padre Joven Junio, MS
Monetary donations to help with the cost
of food would be greatly appreciated.
Se agredece profundamente las donaciones monetarias
para ayudar con el costo de alimentos.
If you would like to help, please call
any of the parish offices 924-1968.
Si le gustaría ayudar,
llame a la oficina de la parroquia 924-1968.
Lenten Penance
Servicios Penitencial
de Cuaresma
St. Vincent Ferrer, Sun City
Monday, April 4, 3 & 7 pm
St. Martha, Murrieta
Tuesday, April 5, 7 pm
St. Patrick, Moreno Valley
Wednesday, April 6, 7 pm
Holy Spirit, Hemet
Wednesday, April 13, 3:30 & 7 pm
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For more information call
Cynthia K. Duran at 951-515-3884
Or email: [email protected]