Bus Services Guide - inside


Bus Services Guide - inside
Roseville Transit
Commuter Service
Bus Services Guide
Roseville Transit
401 Vernon Street
Phone: (916) 745-7560
TDD: (888) 745-7885
April 1, 2013
¡En Inglés
y Español!
On behalf of Roseville Transit, thank you for your
patronage. Welcome aboard and we look forward to
serving you!
Operating Hours
Bus Basics.......................................................................................... 1
Fares.................................................................................................... 2
Discounted Fares............................................................................ 2
Bus Tracker........................................................................................ 3
How to Ride the Bus...................................................................... 4
Customer Services......................................................................... 4
Connecting Services..................................................................... 5
Fare Alternatives............................................................................. 5
Passenger Conduct & Rights...................................................... 6
Park & Ride........................................................................................ 7
Bike Racks & Lockers...................................................................... 7
Commuter Maps............................................................................. 8
Morning Routes............................................................................10
Afternoon Routes.........................................................................12
Cómo Cabalgar el Autobús...................................................14
Contact Us
Roseville Transit
Transit Local and Commuter Service trip planning
and Dial-A-Ride reservations
Phone: 745-7560 • TDD: (888) 745-7885
7 days a week, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
Web: www.roseville.ca.us/transit
Alternative Transportation
Alternative Transportation administration
(Roseville Transit, Bikeways and Commute
Alternatives), transit pass sales, and discount
photo ID cards
Address: 401 Vernon Street, Roseville, CA 95678
Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
Phone: 774-5293 • TDD: 774-5220 • Fax: 746-1333
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.roseville.ca.us/transportation
View the Local Service & Dial-A-Ride Bus Services Guide for
information on additional public transit services.
Roseville Transit offers express commuter routes between
Roseville and downtown Sacramento, Monday through
Friday, during the peak commute hours of 5 – 9 a.m. and
3:30 – 6:30 p.m.
Trip Planning
To receive assistance planning your trip, call 745-7560
to speak to a transit representative. You may also visit
www.roseville.ca.us/transit to plan your trip online.
All buses are equipped with wheelchair lifts and
securement areas. Roseville Transit can transport
passengers with wheelchairs and mobility devices
that do not exceed 30 inches in width and 48 inches in
length (measured two inches above the ground) and
less than 600 pounds when occupied. All devices must
be secured to be transported. Passengers with devices
that exceed guidelines or cannot be secured satisfactorily may be refused transportation. Call 745-7560 for a
mobility consultation, or for more information.
Carry-On Baggage
Shopping bags, luggage and other carry-ons are limited to
only those items passengers can safely carry on the bus in
one boarding and without blocking the aisle. Passengers
must have control of carry-on items at all times.
Please Note: Holiday schedules are subject to change.
Visit www.roseville.ca.us/transit for up-to-date schedule
information. Subscribe to the Roseville Transit E-Notify
and receive holiday service alerts, or follow us on Twitter.
No Commuter Service:
• New Year’s Day
• Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
• Presidents’ Day
• Memorial Day
• Independence Day
Limited Commuter Service:
• New Year’s Eve • Cesar Chavez Day • Labor Day
• Veterans Day
• Thanksgiving Day
• Christmas Day
• Day after Thanksgiving
• Christmas Eve
Commuter Fares
Single Fare
$4.50 Non-Roseville Resident
$3.25 Roseville Resident* & Reverse
> Purchase on bus with cash only
(Exact amount necessary, change
cannot be given)
10-Ride Pass
$45 Non-Roseville Resident
$32.50 Roseville Resident* & Reverse
> Good for 10 single rides anytime
> Purchase at pass retail locations or
over the phone
30-Day Pass
$155 Non-Roseville Resident
$110 Roseville Resident* & Reverse
> 30 consecutive days of unlimited
rides from first use
> Purchase at pass retail locations or
over the phone
All fares are non-refundable, subject to change, and cannot be
used to purchase other fare. Fares are governed by Roseville
Municipal Code §14.30. Failure to pay the proper fare is
violation of California Penal Code Section 640.
Discount Fares & IDs
Roseville Resident Commuters
Roseville residents are eligible for discounted fare.
Residents must reside within the city limits of Roseville
or own property within the city limits. If you do not
pay your utility bill to the City of Roseville, you are not
a Roseville resident. To show verification of residency,
bring a picture ID and a City of Roseville utility bill to the
Alternative Transportation office to obtain a Resident
Discount ID. Without the Discount ID, passengers must
pay the Non-Roseville Resident fare.
Reverse Commuters
No discount photo ID card is necessary for discount fare
eligibility. In the morning, Reverse Commuters are picked
up in Sacramento. In the evening, Reverse Commuters
return to Sacramento.
Apply at the Alternative Transportation office
1. Complete an application: Fill one out at the
Alternative Transportation office, or download it from
Roseville Transit’s website and bring it to our office.
* Requires valid discount identification when boarding.
2. Bring a photo ID
Pass Retail Locations
3. Bring your City of Roseville utility statement
Pass sales in person, by phone, or mail
Alternative Transportation
Roseville Transit pass sales, discount IDs, and trip planning
401 Vernon Street, Roseville
Monday–Friday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Phone: 774-5293 (with Discover, MasterCard & Visa)
TDD: (916) 774-5220
Pass sales in person only
These are pass retail sites only. Staff at these locations
cannot answer bus route, fare, or ID questions.
Maidu Community Center
1550 Maidu Drive, Roseville
Mon.–Thu. 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. • Fri. 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Roseville Sports Center
1545 Pleasant Grove Boulevard, Roseville
Weekdays 5:30 a.m. – 8:30 p.m. • Weekends 8 a.m. – 3 p.m.
4. Pay the $3 processing fee
Stay Informed
View complete Roseville Transit information and news.
Sign up for Roseville Transit’s E-Notify service and
receive important news and service advisories. E-mail
messages are sent only when they matter, and your
address is never shared or sold.
Follow us and receive short, timely messages about
Alternative Transportation including Roseville Transit,
bikeways and carpooling.
Your source for real-time arrival information
Roseville Transit's Bus Tracker uses satellite technology to track the location of buses, providing estimated bus arrival
times online. See up-to-the minute maps and arrival information for your bus stop.
To access the Bus Tracker tool, visit www.roseville.ca.us/transit and click on the Bus Tracker icon. You can choose the
desktop or mobile version.
View the desktop website from your computer
Click on any bus stop
for estimated arrival times
See where your bus is in
View the mobile website from your portable device
Select a bus stop by route
View upcoming estimated
arrival times
Reading the Schedule & Maps
Accessible Service
To begin, look at the schedules and find the routes that
serve your travel needs. Morning and afternoon routes
are listed in numerical order.
The seats closest to the front of the bus and near the
door are reserved for the elderly and passengers with
Take a few moments to look over the map in the
center of this guide, the route pages, and the legend
information below.
Assistance with passenger lifts, wheelchair securement,
and fare payment is available when necessary or upon
request. For easier and faster securement, straps are
available by calling 745-7560.
Bus Stop − The bus stops only if there is a passenger
boarding or exiting the bus at this stop.
Timed Stop − The bus leaves at a scheduled time
as shown on the route schedule.
For assistance and information call 745-7560, or visit our
office at 401 Vernon Street in Roseville.
Boarding the Bus
As the bus approaches, make sure the driver can see you.
Check the display board on the front of the bus to verify
you’re catching the correct route.
Be prepared to board by standing away from the
curb until the bus has made a complete stop. Before
boarding, allow passengers to exit and permit the
driver to assist wheelchair passengers.
Pay your fare. You can pay with cash (drivers cannot
give change) or with a pre-purchased pass. If you
plan on riding the bus frequently, it may be more
convenient and cost-effective for you to purchase
10-Ride or 30-Day Passes. When paying a discounted
fare, the acceptable form of identification must be
shown to the driver (see page 2).
When the bus is moving, stay behind the standing line
and out of the stairwells. If the bus is crowded, please
move to the rear when you board. If standing, please
hold onto the stanchions or overhead straps while the
bus is moving.
Exiting the Bus
When the bus is about one block from your stop, use
the stop cord located by the windows to signal the
driver that your stop is approaching. After the bus has
come to a complete stop, gather your belongings and
exit the bus.
All buses are equipped with lifts or ramps, and the ability
to “kneel” by lowering the front steps, making boarding
easier. Please let the driver know if you need assistance.
All buses are also equipped with securement areas.
Roseville Transit can transport passengers with wheelchairs and mobility devices that do not exceed 30
inches in width and 48 inches in length (measured two
inches above the ground) and less than 600 pounds
when occupied. All devices must be secured to be
transported. Passengers with devices that exceed these
measurements or cannot be secured satisfactorily may
be refused transportation. Call 745-7560 for a mobility
consultation, or for more information.
Lost and Found
Roseville Transit is not responsible for items left on a bus
or at a bus stop. To check on your item call 745-7560.
Comments and Suggestions
Let us know how we are doing. If you have a comment
or suggestion about Roseville Transit, please contact the
Alternative Transportation office.
Address: 401 Vernon Street, Roseville, CA 95678
Phone: 774-5293 • TDD: 774-5220
E-mail: [email protected]
Transportation Commission
The City of Roseville Transportation Commission deals
with issues related to: public transit, traffic circulation,
bikeways and pedestrian facilities, and transportation
systems management.
Commission meetings are public and held on the third
Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. in the City Council
Chambers at 311 Vernon Street. View agendas on our
website. To book a free trip on Dial-A-Ride to the next
meeting, call 745-7560.
There's one phone number for area buses
South Placer
Transit Information
Covering the following service areas:
Roseville Transit
Placer County Transit
Auburn Transit
Lincoln Transit
Health Express
[email protected]
TDD: (888) 745-7885
Connecting Transit Services
Placer County Transit
Placer County Transit (PCT) provides bus service in
south Placer County outside of Roseville.
Sacramento Regional Transit
(916) 726-2877 • TDD (916) 483-4327
Sacramento Regional Transit (Sac RT) operates local
bus service and light rail throughout the greater
Sacramento County area.
Amtrak Capitol Corridor
Capitol Corridor train or bus service accepts the Capitol
Corridor/Roseville Transit Commuter Monthly Pass
without charging additional fare at the:
• Roseville Intermodal Station
• Rocklin Multi-Modal Station
• Sacramento Amtrak Station
Roseville Transit Commuter accepts the Capitol Corridor
Monthly Pass at all stops, no additional fare is necessary.
Placer Commuter Express
Placer Commuter Express accepts the Roseville Transit
Commuter 10-Ride and 30-Day Pass at the:
• Rocklin Multi-Modal Station
• Taylor/I-80 Park & Ride lot
• All downtown Sacramento stops
Additional fare of $0.50 will be charged to Resident
Commuter 10-Ride and 30-Day passholders.
Roseville Transit Commuter accepts the Placer Commuter
Express 20-Ride and Monthly Passes at the:
• Taylor/I-80 Park & Ride lot
• All downtown Sacramento stops
Additional fare of $0.50 will be charged to Roseville/
Rocklin Zone passholders.
Commuter Checks
The Commuter Check program gives employees a
convenient way to take advantage of pre-tax deductions
or subsidies from employers for commuting expenses.
Commuter Check vouchers are accepted by Roseville
Transit as payment toward 10-Ride and 30-Day Passes,
as well as Capitol Corridor/Roseville Transit Commuter
Monthly Passes.
Code of Conduct – Basic Guidelines
Taking public transportation means sharing space, so
courtesy and respect are important. Roseville Transit is
committed to providing a safe, secure and comfortable
transit environment for all passengers. By riding Roseville
Transit you agree to follow this general Code of
Conduct, which applies to our entire bus system.
The complete Code of Conduct is available to view on
our website and at the Alternative Transportation
office. Violations may result in immediate suspension
from Roseville Transit.
• Passengers are expected to exhibit appropriate social
behavior while on board the bus and at bus stops.
• Yield priority seats (designated by signs) to riders
with disabilities and seniors.
• It is recommended that children 11 and under be
accompanied by an adult or a responsible youth
(at least 12 years old).
• Carry-ons are limited to only those items passengers
can safely carry on the bus in one boarding without
driver assistance. Carry-on items must be controlled
at all times without blocking seats or aisles.
• Eating is prohibited on all transit vehicles. Drinks
are permitted if they are in a spill-proof container
secured with a screw-top lid.
• Keep cell phone ringers and conversations at a
volume level that does not disturb others.
• Headphones must be used with sound emitting
electronic devices, or the sound turned off.
• Smoking is prohibited on all transit vehicles and
inside bus shelters.
• Soliciting money or distributing literature on buses
or at bus stops is not permitted at any time.
• Loitering or congregating at a bus shelter or bus
stop in a way that causes an inconvenience to
others is prohibited.
Your cooperation in making Roseville Transit a pleasant
and safe environment is appreciated.
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Roseville Transit complies with Title VI of the Civil RIghts Act of
1964 which states, “No person in the United States shall, on
the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from
participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to
discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal
financial assistance.” (42 U.S.C. Section 2000d)
What is a Title VI complaint?
Any person who believes that they have been subjected
to discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national
origin may file a Title VI complaint. Federal law requires Title
VI complaints be filed within 180 calendar days of the last
alleged incident.
How do I file a complaint?
1. File a complaint with the Federal Transit Administration
(FTA). Visit www.fta.dot.gov for more information. Submit
a signed written statement to the FTA that contains the
following information:
a. Complainant’s name, address, and telephone number.
b. If you are filing on behalf of another person, include their
name, address, telephone number, your relationship to
the person, and if you have their permission to file the
c. Name of the public transit provider the complaint is against.
d. Describe the complaint. Include specific details such as
names, dates, times, route numbers/letters, witnesses,
and any other information that would assist in the investigation of your allegation.
2. Obtain, complete, and return the Title VI form to the City
of Roseville Alternative Transportation office.
Where do I submit a complaint?
Federal Transit Administration
Office of Civil Rights
Title VI Program Coordinator
East Building, 5th Floor –TCR
1200 New Jersey Ave., SE
Washington, D.C. 20590
Phone: 1-866-377-8642
TTY: 1-800-877-8339
VCO: 1-877-877-6280
Visit www.fta.dot.gov for
additional information
regarding Title VI obligations
of public transit providers.
Federal Transit Administration
Region IX
Civil Rights Officer
201 Mission Street, Ste. 1650
San Francisco, CA 94105-1839
Phone: (415) 744-3133
Fax: (415) 744-2726
City of Roseville
Alternative Transportation
Civil Rights Officer
Phone: (916) 774-5293
Fax: (916) 746-1333
TDD: (916) 774-5220
Park & Ride Locations
Park & Ride lots provide a place for drivers to park and rendezvous with transit, carpools and vanpools for work and
other trips. Most are near major interchanges and many have bike lockers. Parking is free. Roseville municipal code
allows for vehicles to park in City-owned lots for up to 72 hours before they must be moved. City-owned lots are
designated below by the ◊ symbol.
Church Street and North Grant Street – Amtrak Station ◊
• 78 parking spaces and 4 bike lockers
• Served by Roseville Transit Commuter Service
• Served by Amtrak, Capitol Corridor, and Greyhound
Orlando Avenue and Cirby Way –
Light of the Gospel Missionary Church
• Served by Roseville Transit Commuter Service
Foothills Boulevard and Junction Boulevard –
California Family Fitness
• 25 parking spaces
• Served by Roseville Transit Local and Commuter Services
1000 Pleasant Grove Boulevard – Highland Crossing
Shopping Center
• 25 parking spaces
• Served by Roseville Transit Local Service
Pleasant Grove Boulevard and Michener Drive –
Mahany Park ◊
• 42 parking spaces
• Served by Roseville Transit Commuter Service
Maidu Drive and Rocky Ridge Drive – Maidu Park ◊
• 50 parking spaces and 4 bike lockers
• Served by Roseville Transit Local and Commuter Services
Galleria Circle and West Drive – Galleria Transfer Point
• 50 parking spaces available
• Served by Roseville Transit Local and Commuter Services
• Served by Placer County Transit
Douglas Boulevard and Buljan Drive – Saugstad Park ◊
• 91 parking spaces
• Served by Roseville Transit Local and Commuter Services
Taylor Road and Eureka Road – Taylor & I-80
• 150 parking spaces and 4 bike lockers
• Served by Roseville Transit Commuter Service
• Served by Placer Commuter Express
Parking Lot Safety
Always lock your vehicle and do not leave valuables
such as purses, wallets, electronic equipment, or garage
door openers inside. If you ever see suspicious activity,
call 9-1-1 for emergencies, and (916) 774-5000 for nonemergencies.
Bike Racks
All buses are equipped with two front-mounted bike
racks, available on a first-come, first-served basis.
When the bicycle rack is occupied, a folding bicycle may
be brought on board provided: it is already folded and
stored in a carrier bag when boarding, and it remains in
your control and does not block the aisle at any time. When
capacity is an issue, folding bicycles must be stored under
an aisle-facing seat (maximum 12” height when folded.)
Bike Lockers
The City of Roseville offers free use of commuter bike
lockers at Amtrak, Maidu Park, and Taylor & I-80 Park
& Ride lots. To reserve a bike locker, call 774-5293 or
e-mail [email protected].
Timed Stop
Train Station
Point of Interest
Shopping Area
E St
D St
F St
G St
H St
I St
J St
K St
L St
Capitol Mall
N St
O St
P St
Q St
R St
Light Rail Station
Bus Stop
Afternoon Route
Direction of Route
Morning Route
Downtown Sacramento Stops
California State
Legislative Office
1020 N Street
California Department of
1120 N Street
Sacramento County Courthouse
720 9th Street
Sacramento County
Administration Building
700 H Street
Sacramento City Hall
915 I Street
1001 I Street
Department of Justice
1300 I Street
Memorial Auditorium
1030 15th Street
Downtown Plaza
547 L Street
Sacramento Convention Center
1030 15th Street
Sacramento Community Center
1400 J Street
Meridian Plaza
1415 L Street
California State Capitol
10th Street and Capitol Mall
Capitol Park
Capitol Ave and 15th Street
Board of Equalization
450 N Street
Cesar Chavez Park
901 J Street
Maidu Community Center
1550 Maidu Drive
Maidu Regional Park
1550 Maidu Drive
Mahany Park & Ride Lot
Pleasant Grove at Michener
Mahany Park (Riley
Library, Exploration
Center & Roseville Sports
1501 and 1545 Pleasant Grove
Taylor Rd. and I-80 Park
& Ride Lot
1893 Taylor Rd.
Galleria Transfer Point
Park & Ride Lot
Galleria Circle and
West Drive
Westfield Galleria
at Roseville
1151 Galleria Blvd.
Rocky Ridge Dr.
Taylor & I-80
a Rd
Galleria Transfer Point
Maidu Community Center
Pleasant Grove
19. CalPERS
400 P Street
Mahany Park
Amtrak Station, serving
Capitol Corridor
401 I Street
Blue Anchor Building
1400 10th Street
Woodcreek Oaks Blvd.
Sacramento Valley
Light Rail Station
401 I Street
Michener Dr.
Maidu Dr.
Routes and schedules are subject to change.
AM Route 1
AM Route 2
AM Route 3
AM Route 4
Roseville Departures
5:10 Maidu Community
Center ‡ 5:17 Taylor & I-80 ‡ Roseville Departures
5:35 Foothills at Junction
5:41 Mahany Park
5:50 Galleria Transfer
Point 5:55 Taylor & I-80 ‡ Sacramento Stops
& Arrivals 
- : - 12th past G - : - I & 12th 6:229th past I - : - 9th & K - : - 9th & Capitol - : - 9th & N - : - 9th & O - : - P & 9th 6:32 P & 7th - : - 5th & P - : - N & 7th - : - N & 10th 6:39 N before 14th - : - 16th & Capitol
- : - 16th & K Roseville Departures
6:00 Foothills at
Junction 6:07 Mahany Park
6:17 Roseville Intermodal
Station (Amtrak) ‡
6:21 Saugstad Park Sacramento Stops
& Arrivals 
- : - 12th past G - : - I & 12th 6:509th past I - : - 9th & K - : - 9th & Capitol - : - 9th & N - : - 9th & O - : - P & 9th 6:58 P & 7th - : - 5th & P - : - N & 7th - : - N & 10th 7:07 N before 14th - : - 16th & Capitol
- : - 16th & K Roseville Departures
6:00 Orlando at Louis*
6:02 Orlando before
Cirby 6:04 Cirby at Sunrise*
6:09 Maidu Community
Center ‡
6:18 Taylor & I-80 ‡ Sacramento Stops
& Arrivals 
- : - 12th past G - : - I & 12th 6:469th past I - : - 9th & K - : - 9th & Capitol - : - 9th & N - : - 9th & O - : - P & 9th 6:54 P & 7th - : - 5th & P - : - N & 7th - : - N & 10th 7:01 N before 14th - : - 16th & Capitol
- : - 16th & K Sacramento Stops &
Arrivals 
- : - 12th past G - : - I & 12th 5:51 9th past I - : - 9th & K - : - 9th & Capitol - : - 9th & N - : - 9th & O - : - P & 9th 6:01 P & 7th
- : - 5th & P - : - N & 7th - : - N & 10th 6:08 N before 14th - : - 16th & Capitol
- : - 16th & K Roseville Arrivals
No Reverse Commute
available on this route
Roseville Arrivals
No Reverse Commute
available on this route
Roseville Arrivals 
7:44 Galleria Transfer
Point Roseville Arrivals 
Transfer Point* BusTracker
* No Park & Ride lot at this location
‡ Bike lockers
 Arrival times are approximate
-:- Stop made by request
Your source for real-time arrival information
Use Bus Tracker to view estimated arrival times for your bus
stop online. Access the tool at www.roseville.ca.us/transit
and click on the Bus Tracker icon. Choose the desktop or
mobile version.
Routes and schedules are subject to change.
AM Route 5
AM Route 6
AM Route 7
AM Route 8
Roseville Departures
6:40 Taylor & I-80 Roseville Departures
6:50 Saugstad Park
Roseville Departures
6:55 Taylor & I-80 ‡
Sacramento Stops
& Arrivals 
- : - 12th past G - : - I & 12th 7:109th past I - : - 9th & K - : - 9th & Capitol - : - 9th & N - : - 9th & O - : - P & 9th 7:16 P & 7th - : - 5th & P - : - N & 7th - : - N & 10th 7:23 N before 14th - : - 16th & Capitol
- : - 16th & K Sacramento Stops
& Arrivals 
- : - 12th past G - : - I & 12th 7:189th past I - : - 9th & K - : - 9th & Capitol - : - 9th & N - : - 9th & O - : - P & 9th 7:24 P & 7th - : - 5th & P - : - N & 7th - : - N & 10th 7:31 N before 14th - : - 16th & Capitol
- : - 16th & K
Roseville Arrivals 
7:51 Sierra Gardens
Transfer Point* Roseville Arrivals
No Reverse Commute
available on this route
Sacramento Stops
& Arrivals 
- : -
12th past G
- : -
I & 12th
7:309th past I
- : -
9th & K
- : -
9th & Capitol
- : -
9th & N
- : -
9th & O
- : -
P & 9th
7:40 P & 7th
- : -
5th & P
- : -
N & 7th
- : -
N & 10th
7:47 N before 14th
- : -
16th & Capitol
- : -
16th & K
Roseville Arrivals
No Reverse Commute
available on this route
Roseville Departures
7:10 Mahany Park 7:23 Taylor & I-80 ‡
7:31 Saugstad Park
AM Route 9
Roseville Departures
7:18 Taylor & I-80 ‡
7:27 Saugstad Park Sacramento Stops
& Arrivals 
- : - 12th past G - : - I & 12th 8:059th past I - : - 9th & K - : - 9th & Capitol - : - 9th & N - : - 9th & O - : - P & 9th 8:14
- : -
- : -
- : -
- : -
- : -
P & 7th 5th & P N & 7th N & 10th N before 14th 16th & Capitol
16th & K Sacramento Stops
& Arrivals 
- : - 12th past G
- : - I & 12th 8:089th past I - : - 9th & K - : - 9th & Capitol - : - 9th & N - : - 9th & O - : - P & 9th 8:18 P & 7th - : - 5th & P - : - N & 7th - : - N & 10th 8:25 N before 14th - : - 16th & Capitol
- : - 16th & K Roseville Arrivals 
9:00 Civic Center
Transfer Point* Roseville Arrivals
No Reverse Commute
available on this route
PM Route 1
PM Route 2
PM Route 3
PM Route 4
Roseville Departures
No Reverse Commute
available on this route
Roseville Departures
No Reverse Commute
available on this route
Roseville Departures
No Reverse Commute
available on this route
Roseville Departures
No Reverse Commute
available on this route
Sacramento Stops
& Departures §
- : - 15th & K 3:2515th before N
- : - P & 13th - : - P before 11th - : - P & 9th 3:31 P & 7th - : - 5th & P - : - N & 7th - : - 8th & Capitol - : - 8th & K - : - 8th & I - : - H & 11th - : - H after 14th - : - 16th & H Sacramento Stops
& Departures §
- : - 15th & K 3:3515th before N
- : - P & 13th - : - P before 11th - : - P & 9th
3:41 P & 7th
- : - 5th & P
- : - N & 7th
- : - 8th & Capitol
- : - 8th & K
- : - 8th & I
- : - H & 11th
- : - H after 14th
- : - 16th & H
Sacramento Stops
& Departures §
- : - 15th & K
3:5015th before N
- : - P & 13th - : - P before 11th - : - P & 9th
3:57 P & 7th
- : - 5th & P
- : - N & 7th - : - 8th & Capitol - : - 8th & K - : - 8th & I - : - H & 11th - : - H after 14th
- : - 16th & H Sacramento Stops
& Departures §
- : - 15th & K 3:5515th before N
- : - P & 13th - : - P before 11th
- : - P & 9th
4:02 P & 7th
- : - 5th & P - : - N & 7th - : - 8th & Capitol - : - 8th & K - : - 8th & I - : - H & 11th - : - H after 14th - : - 16th & H Roseville Arrivals 
4:05 Orlando at Louis*
4:07 Orlando before
4:11 Cirby at Sunrise*
4:15 Maidu Community
Center ‡
4:29 Saugstad Park
Roseville Arrivals 
4:22 Taylor & I-80 ‡
Roseville Arrivals 
4:38 Taylor & I-80 ‡
Roseville Arrivals 
4:43 Taylor & I-80 ‡
4:52 Galleria Transfer
5:02 Mahany Park
* No Park & Ride lot at this location
‡ Bike lockers
 Arrival times are approximate
§ Time points are scheduled departures. Drivers will wait at
these locations until the scheduled departure time.
-:- Stop made by request
Routes and schedules are subject to change.
Your source for real-time arrival information
Use Bus Tracker to view estimated arrival times for your bus
stop online. Access the tool at www.roseville.ca.us/transit
and click on the Bus Tracker icon. Choose the desktop or
mobile version.
PM Route 5
PM Route 6
PM Route 7
PM Route 8
Roseville Departures
No Reverse Commute
available on this route
Roseville Departures
3:50 Sierra Gardens
Transfer Point*
Roseville Departures
No Reverse Commute
available on this route
Roseville Departures
4:15 Taylor & I-80 ‡
Sacramento Stops
& Departures §
- : - 15th & K 4:0515th before N
- : - P & 13th - : - P before 11th
- : - P & 9th 4:11 P & 7th - : - 5th & P - : - N & 7th - : - 8th & Capitol - : - 8th & K - : - 8th & I - : - H & 11th - : - H after 14th - : - 16th & H Sacramento Stops
& Departures §
- : - 15th & K 4:2015th before N
- : - P & 13th - : - P before 11th
- : - P & 9th 4:26 P & 7th - : - 5th & P - : - N & 7th - : - 8th & Capitol - : - 8th & K - : - 8th & I - : - H & 11th - : - H after 14th - : - 16th & H Sacramento Stops &
Departures §
- : -
15th & K
4:3515th before N
- : -
P & 13th
- : -
P before 11th
- : -
P & 9th
4:41 P & 7th
- : -
5th & P
- : -
N & 7th
- : -
8th & Capitol
- : -
8th & K
- : -
8th & I
- : -
H & 11th
- : -
H after 14th
- : -
16th & H
Roseville Arrivals 
4:55 Taylor & I-80 ‡
5:07 Saugstad Park
5:16 Roseville Intermodal
Station (Amtrak) ‡
5:25 Foothills at
Junction 5:33 Mahany Park Roseville Arrivals 
5:10 Taylor & I-80 ‡
5:17 Maidu Community
Center ‡
5:32 Saugstad Park
Roseville Arrivals 
5:25 Taylor & I-80 ‡
PM Route 9
Sacramento Stops
& Departures §
- : - 15th & K 5:2015th before N
- : - P & 13th - : - P before 11th
- : - P & 9th 5:26 P & 7th - : - 5th & P - : - N & 7th Sacramento Stops
& Departures §
- : - 15th & K 4:5015th before N
- : - P & 13th - : - P before 11th - : - P & 9th 4:56 P & 7th - : - 5th & P - : - N & 7th - : - 8th & Capitol - : - 8th & K - : - 8th & I - : - H & 11th - : - H after 14th - : - 16th & H Roseville Arrivals 
5:40 Taylor & I-80 ‡
5:52 Saugstad Park
6:10 Foothills at
6:18 Mahany Park Roseville Departures
4:37 Galleria Transfer
Point 4:47 Civic Center
Transfer Point* - : -
- : -
- : -
- : -
- : -
- : -
8th & Capitol
8th & K 8th & I H & 11th H after 14th
16th & H Roseville Arrivals 
6:02 Saugstad Park 6:17 Taylor & I-80 ‡ 14
Comuníquese con Nosotros
Tránsito de Roseville
Planificación de viaje de Tránsito Local y Servicio
Conmutor y reservaciones de Dial-A-Ride
Teléfono: 745-7560 • TDD: (888) 745-7885
7 días a la semana, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
Sitio de Internét: www.roseville.ca.us/transit
Horas de Operación
El Tránsito de Roseville ofrece rutas de conmutor exprés a
y de Sacramento, Lunes a Viernes, durante horas pico de
Mañanas: 5–9 a.m.
Tardes: 3:30–6:30 p.m.
Planificación de Viaje
Para recibir asistencia planeando su viaje en el Tránsito
de Roseville, llame al 745-7560 para hablar con un
representante de tránsito. También puede visitor
www.roseville.ca.us/transit para planear su viaje por
medio de la Internét usando la guia de Tránsito de
Google en la mano derecha de la página.
Días Festivos
Favor tome nota: Programas de días festivos son sujets
a cambiar. Visite www.roseville.ca.us/transit para
información de programas al corriente. Subscríbase al
E-Notificar del Tránsito de Roseville y reciba avisos de
servicio de días festivos.
No Servicio de Conmutor:
• Día de Año Nuevo
• Día del Trabajador
• Día de Martin Luther King, Jr. • Día de Veteranos
• Día de Presidentes
• Día de Gracias
• Día Memorial
• Día de Navidad
• Día de Independencia
Servicio de Conmutor Limitado:
• Noche de Año Nuevo • Día de Cesar Chavez • Día después del día de Gracias
• Noche Buena
Tarifas de Conmutor
$4.50 No-Residente de Roseville
$3.25 Residente de Roseville* & Reversa
> Compre en el autobús solamente
en efectivo
Pase de
$45 No-Residente de Roseville
$32.50 Residente de Roseville * & Reversa
> Válido para 10 viajes sencillos a
cualquire tiempo
> Compre en sitios de venta de pases
30-Day Pass
$155 No-Residente de Roseville
$110 Residente de Roseville * & Reversa
> 30 días consecutivos de viajes
ilimitado desde el primer uso
> Compre en sitios de venta de pases
Todas las tarifas son no-reembolsables, sujetas a cambiar,
y no se pueden usar para comprar otras tarifas. Las tarifas
son governadas por le Código Municipal de Roseville §14.30.
* Requiere identificación de descuento válida al abordar.
Ubicaciones de Pases Retail
En persona, por teléfono, o correo
Transportación Alternativa
Ventas de pases del Tránsito de Roseville, IDs de
descuento y asistencia de planificación de viaje
401 Vernon Street, Roseville
Lunes–Viernes: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Teléfono: 774-5293 (con Discover, MasterCard y Visa)
TDD: (916) 774-5220
Ventas de pases solamente en persona
Solamente estos sitios de venta de pases. Personal en estas
ubicaciones no pueden contestar preguntas de tránsito.
Centro Comunitario Maidu
1550 Maidu Drive, Roseville
Lunes–Jueves: 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. Viernes: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Centro Deportivo de Roseville
1545 Pleasant Grove Boulevard, Roseville
Lunes−Viernes: 5:30 a.m. – 8:30 p.m. Sábado–Domingo: 8 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Categorias de Tarifas de Descuento
Los siguientes pasjeros Conmutores son elegibles de
pagar la tarifa descontada:
• Residentes Conmutores de Roseville
Pasajeros viviendo dentro de los límites de la ciudad
de Roseville pueden traer un cobro de utilidades de
la Ciudad de Roseville a la oficina de Transportación
Alternativa para obtener una ID de Descuento de
Residente. Tiene que presentar esta ID al chofer del
autobús cada vez que aborde.
• Conmutores Reversos
Una tarjeta de ID de descuento no es necesaria. En
la mañana, Conmutores Reversos son recogidos
en Sacramento. En la noche, Conmutores Reversos
regresan a Sacramento.
Aplique en la oficina de Transportación Alternativa
401 Vernon Street, Roseville
(916) 774-5293 • TDD: (916) 774-5220
Abierto Lunes–Viernes: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
1. Complete una solicitud: Llene una en la oficina de
Transportación Alternativa, o bájela del sitio de
internét del Tránsito de Roseville y regrésela a
nuestra oficina.
2. Traiga una ID con foto
3. Traiga una copia del cobro de utilidades de Roseville
4. Pague el cobro de procesar de $3
Todos los autobuses estan equipados con elevación
de sillas de ruedas y áreas de seguramiento. El Tránsito
de Roseville puede transportar pasajeros con sillas de
ruedas y aparatos de mobilidad que no exceden las normas de ADA de 30 pulgadas de ancho y 48 pulgadas de
largo (medido dos pulgadas arriba del suelo) y menos
de 600 libras cuando está ocupada. Todos los aparatos
tienen que estar asegurados para ser transportados. Se
le puede negar transportación a pasajeros con aparatos
que exceden las normas de ADA o que no se pueden
asegurar satisfechamente. Llame al 745-7560 para consultación de mobilidad, o para más información.
Corredor de Capitol
El servicio del Corredor Capitol de tren acepta el
Pase Mensual de Conmutor del Tránsito de Roseville
Corredor de Captitol/ Roseville sin cobrarle tarifas
adicionales en la:
• Estación Intermodal de Roseville
• Estación Multi-Modal de Rocklin
• Estación de Amtrak en Sacramento
El Tránsito de Conmutor de Roseville acepta Pases
Mensuales de Tren del Corredor Capitol en todas las
paradas, sin cobrarle tarifas adicionales.
Conmutor Exprés de Placer
El Conmutor Exprés de Placer acepta Pases de 10-Viajes y 30-Día del Conmutor del Tránsito de Roseville
en la:
• Estación Multi-Modal de Rocklin
• Lote de Estacionamiento & Viaje en Taylor/I-80
• Todas las paradas en el centro de Sacramento.
Una tarifa adicional de $0.50 se le cobrará a Conmutores Residentes de 10-Viajes y los que tienen pases
de 30-Días.
El Conmutor del Tránsito de Roseville acepta 20-Viajes del Conmutor Exprés de Placer y Pases Mensuales en la:
• Lote de Estacionamiento & Viaje en Taylor/I-80
• Todas las paradas en el centro de Sacramento Tarifa adicional de $0.50 se le cobrará a los que
tienen pases e la Zona de Roseville/Rocklin.