Saint Joseph Catholic Church
Saint Joseph Catholic Church
Saint Joseph Catholic Church Iglesia Católica San José Sixth Sunday of Easter May 29, 2011 434 Church Avenue Bowling Green, Kentucky 42101 Phone (270) 842-2525 Fax (270) 843-9624 Web Page: Weekend Schedule Horario de fin de semana Mass/ Misa Saturday (English) 5:00 pm Sábado (Español) 7:00 pm Sunday (English) 8:00 am & 10:30 am Domingo (Español) 12:30 pm Reconciliation / Confesiones Saturday / Sábado 3:00-4:30 pm PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 8am-3pm HORARIO DE LA OFICINA Lunes a Viernes, 8 de la mañana a 3 de la tarde Parish Staff/Personnel Parroquial Pastor / Párroco .................................................... Rev. D. Andrew Garner ............. [email protected] Parochial Vicar/Vicario…………………………Rev. Joshua A. McCarty………[email protected] Deacon / Diácono................................................. Deacon Bob Imel ..................... [email protected] Director of Faith Formation ................................. Mr. John McAllister........................... [email protected] Parish Life Coordinator........................................ Mrs. Kathleen Baumgarten .......... [email protected] Bookkeeper .......................................................... Mrs. Jane Brooks……………………[email protected] Stewardship & Development ............................... Mrs. Sandy McAllister................. …[email protected] Maintenance ......................................................... Mr. Tim Garrity…………………[email protected] Saint Joseph Catholic School/Escuela San José Mrs. Jan Lange, Principal ............................................... 842-1235 ................ [email protected] School Development Office ............................................ 842-7462 [email protected] St. Joseph Church………………………… ............. Sixth Sunday of Easter ...................................................... May 29, 2011 MASS SCHEDULE & INTENTIONS HORARIO DE MISAS May 28-June 5, 2011 SATURDAY 5:00 pm…………………………………Dulcie Emily De Souza 7:00 pm (Spanish)…………….... Parishioners of St. Joseph SUNDAY ` 8:00 am……………………………………….....John Woodlief† 10:30 am………………………..............Mark & Patty Williams 12:30 pm (Spanish) ……………………...……Leonor Barños† MONDAY *No Daily Mass in Marian Shrine chapel TUESDAY 7:15 am………………………………… Rev. Joshua McCarty WEDNESDAY 7:15 am……………………………………….….….Patti Millea THURSDAY 7:15 am……...…………………………….………Brent Jennings 6:30 pm (Spanish) …………….……..Dan & Jennifer Murphy FRIDAY 7:15 am……………………………………...…….Wanda Webb† 12:00 Noon………………………….Deacon Bob & Barb Imel SATURDAY 5:00 pm……………………………….…………George Krause† 7:00 pm (Spanish)………………………….... Madge Simon† SUNDAY 8:00 am……………………………………Amanda Kay Hayes† 10:30 am………………………..................................Paul Budde† 12:30 pm (Spanish) ………….……Parishioners of St. Joseph *No 7:15 am daily Mass will be offered this Monday, May 30th in the chapel. A Memorial Day Mass will be held at the St. Joseph cemetery at 11 am. If you or a loved one need Holy Communion brought to your home, please contact the Parish office @ 842-2525. Financial Stewardship of the Parish Administración Financiera de la Parroquia Income thru May 22, 2011 Expenses thru May 22, 2011 Variance Offerings for 5/22/2011 Restoration Offering 5/22/2011 Balance on Loan for Restoration Profit from St. Patrick’s Dinner/Raffle $556,966 $551,241 $ 5,725 $8,206 $2,299 $685,451 $19,255 Please use separate checks & envelopes for Restoration. 2 MINISTRIES-MINISTROS Sixth Sunday of Easter May 28-29 5:00 pm (Saturday) E.M..............................................P. Day, D. Parker, S.Cardwell Lector..........................................................................A. Dieball Usher……….........................................D. Basham, J. Crabtree Servers................................................................... Baumgarten 7:00 pm Misa ME……………………………………………………Gabino Mendez Lectores…………Oscar Recinos, Enrique Pena y Marvin Rosales Acolitos………….….Marvin Torres, Anthony Itzol, Ellie Roshan 8:00 am (Sunday) E.M.....................................P. Huggins, A. Arbogast, S. Crabbe Lector.......................................................................T. Hermann Usher………................................................K. Reynolds, Korba Servers……………….…….S. Muñoz, S. Martter, Himmelbrand 10:30 am E.M………….……...K. Hoover, N. Huston, J. Hall, M. Simpson, B. Gibson, E. Mills, D. Mobley Lector...........................................................................K. Green Usher…………...........................D. Beard, C. Bryce, B. Colburn Servers........................................T. Lakes, A. Wood, R. Purcell Child. Liturgy……….……..No Children’s Liturgy of the Word 12:30 pm Misa ME………………………………………………………................... Lectores……………………………………………………………... Acolitos/Monaguillo……………………………...………M. Torres MINISTRIES-MINISTROS Seventh Sunday of Easter Feast of the Ascension June 4-5 5:00 pm (Saturday) E.M...........................................M. Dieball, A. Dieball, T. Durbin Lector........................................................................C. Heltsley Usher………...................................................A. Dodd, B. Clark Servers..........................................................................Heltsley 7:00 pm Misa ME……………………………………………………Gabino Mendez Lectores…………Oscar Recinos, Enrique Pena y Marvin Rosales Acolitos………….….Marvin Torres, Anthony Itzol, Ellie Roshan 8:00 am (Sunday) E.M..................................P. Huggins, J. Desmarais, S. Crabbe Lector.......................................................................J. Villareal Usher………......................................M. Reynolds, J. Reynolds Servers……………….…….S. Muñoz, S. Martter, Himmelbrand 10:30 am E.M………….……………,...L. Blair, M. Feldkamp, W. Leonard, J. Webb, B. Bowers, D. Fortier Lector........................................................................D. Colburn Usher…………………………………………..........R. Wilt,C. Wilt Servers....................................................Spader, Adam Cherry Child. Liturgy……….…..…..Genia Hines w/ Samantha & Adam 12:30 pm Misa ME………………………………………………………................... Lectores……………………………………………………………... Acolitos/Monaguillo……………………………...………M. Torres St. Joseph Church……………..…………………Sixth Sunday of Easter ……………..……..……………….…May 29, 2011 This week @ Saint Joseph Sunday- May 29 Sixth Sunday of Easter Monday- May 30 Memorial Day Tuesday- May 31 Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Wednesday- June 1 St. Justin Thursday- June 2 Ascension – (Holy Day abrogates to Sunday) Friday – June 3 St. Charles Lwanga and his companions (church offices closed) 12 Noon First Friday Mass & Wisdom Group Gathering (No Exposition of Blessed Sacrament) Saturday- June 4 Sunday- June 5 Seventh Sunday of Easter Vacation Bible School Coffee and Donuts SVdP Share Sunday HOLIDAY WORLD TRIP The annual trip to celebrate the Feast of St. John the Baptist at Holiday World will be Thursday June 23rd. We will meet at 8:45 am in the back church parking lot and return by 9:30 pm. If permission slips are turned in by Sunday, June 19th the cost is $35 which includes transportation by bus AND admission to the park (bring money for food.) The cost increases to $45 if permission slips and money are turned in after June 19th. The trip is open, on a first come first serve basis, to all high school age youth including all 8th grade graduates. Holiday World has free soda and suntan lotion and don't forget all the water attractions at Splashin' Safari. Pick up your permission slip after Mass on the glass display case inside the side entrance to the church (the atrium). Hospital and Homebound Ministry will meet Saturday, June 11th at 10 am in the parish library. First Communion Pictures VBS will be held from June 13th to the 17th from 9 am to 12 Noon in the Parish Hall. The cost will be $10 per child and $25 for 3 or more children. Registration is open to children who have COMPLETED one year of preschool through kids ENTERING the 6th grade. We invite any adults and youth volunteers who would like to participate to contact the church office. We will need teachers and assistants, as well as individuals to run individual stations including music, crafts, snacks, and recreation. Registration forms will be available on the glass case in the atrium. Fill it out and mail it in or drop it by the office. Our theme this year is the virtues of faith, hope, and love. VBS teacher and adult volunteer meeting Tuesday, June 7 at 1 pm. Wisdom Group will meet this Friday after the First Friday Noon Mass. For info call Rita @ 782-2541. Please note: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction prayers will not be offered this First Friday. Sophia Award The deadline for the Sophia Awards nominations for outstanding senior citizen is July 15, 2011. The Sophia Award is presented to an outstanding senior citizen -must be age 65 or over, in your parish. The person must be a good Catholic role model and can be physically active, homebound or in a nursing home. The person can be nominated on past good works or could be nominated posthumously. (The celebrations will be held on Sunday September 18, 2011, at Holy Name of Jesus Parish in Henderson, Ky. Any one can nominate a person for the Sophia Award, but only one nomination per person. Send nominations and reason why the person is being nominated to: Ginny Knight-Simon, 600 Locust St., Owensboro, KY 42301 or email: [email protected]. Call photographer, Dana Adams, 791-7702, about pictures placed on discs which will sell for $15. Be prepared to give her the Mass time of your child’s First Communion. 3 RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Anyone interested in learning more about the Catholic faith should contact John McAllister (842-2525). RCIA classes will begin again in August. St. Joseph Church……………..………….…................... Sixth Sunday of Easter..……………………..………..…May 29, 2011 St. Joseph Cemetery Memorial Day Mass St. Joseph Cemetery Memorial Day Mass at the cemetery will be Monday morning, 5/30/11, at 11 am with Fr. Robert Drury, priest from St. Mary’s in Franklin, KY. In case of rain, Mass will be at St. Joseph Church at 11 am. Blessing of the roof over the cemetery outdoor altar will immediately follow the Mass. Also, please note: Saturday, May 28 at 9 am at the St. Joseph cemetery, there will be a blessing of the flagpole and flags by Fr. Drury. Thanks to the Knights of Columbus for donating the flag pole and flags to the cemetery. The papal flag is donated by the fourth degree. The Knights will provide for the electricity and will continue to provide payment for a light to shine on the flags in the evening. Catholic Charismatic Conference June 10, 11, 12, 2011 at Franciscan University of Steubenville, OH. Come and be renewed in the Holy Spirit by making this AWESOME weekend retreat. Rate $130.00. Contact Jeanie Spears @ (270) 842-7363. Life Awareness Weekend Discernment Retreat The Evansville, Indianapolis, Owensboro, Louisville and Bellville Dioceses will host a “Life Awareness Weekend” discernment retreat for single men and women ages 18-35. Join us the weekend of June 10-12, 2011 at Sarto Retreat Center in Evansville, Indiana. Please contact Sr. Theresa Sullivan, D.C. 812-963-7556 or Fr. Alex Zenthoefer 812-424-5536 for more details. NFP Information Night There will be a Natural Family Planning (NFP) Information night at Holy Spirit on June 6 at 6:00 PM in the meeting room, Knowledge. Martha Winn will conduct the informational meeting and has invited some witness couples to share their experiences. Please realize that this is not an NFP instructional class but simply an informative meeting. Should you have any questions, you can call Mrs. Winn at 796-2972. Pilgrims of Hope Trip to Jamaica Sept. 18-24, 2011 If you are interested in going to Jamaica to serve the poor with the Pilgrims of Hope, please contact Jim Scott at [email protected] “...hear the echo of God's words to Isaiah. “See I am doing something you not perceive it?” Pilgrims of Hope meet the 2nd Sunday of each month at Christ the King Catholic Church in Madisonville. Join us for prayer and reflection. 4 The Profession of Faith The Words we say to profess our faith are changing, but our faith is staying the same. When the revised translation is implemented on November 27, 2011, we will be using a revised text for the Creed we recite each Sunday. You will probably notice more changes in this text than in any other words you say at Mass. The guiding principle for the revised translation has been to make the English closer to the Latin original. Translators have learned a lot in the past forty years, and they have given us a text that expresses our common faith with more precision. Catholics profess the Creed each Sunday in various languages all around the world. Especially for this part of Mass, it is important that we all say the same words; there is one faith (see Ephesians 4:5). The Nicene Creed is the Creed Americans usually proclaim although on some occasions it may be replaced with the Apostles’ Creed. “I believe.” You will notice right away that the Creed will begin with “I” instead of “We.” The Creed is still the faith of the entire Church, but each of us proclaims it to assert our personal faith together with other believers. “I believe” is a literal translation of the Latin word Credo, and it is consistent with the translation that has been used in many other countries around the world since the Second Vatican Council. At first it will sound a little unusual to English speakers, but not to Spanish speakers, for example, who have been saying the Spanish equivalent of “I believe” all along. “Of all things visible and invisible.” The choice of these words over “seen and unseen” makes this line a little more precise. Some things that are visible by nature are actually unseen at certain times and places. Your relatives who live across the country are visible, but unseen to you. Your great-great grandfather was visible once upon a time, but he is now unseen. We believe that God is the maker not only of things we cannot see for whatever reason, but also of things that are in fact invisible—for example, the saints and angels who occupy a place in our belief and worship. “Only Begotten.” These words also appear in the Gloria. They replace the word “only,” and they translate the Latin more fully. They reaffirm our faith that Jesus did not merely materialize as the Son of God, but that he was intentionally begotten; his presence has always been part of the divine plan. “Born of the Father before all ages.” This replaces the words “eternally begotten of the Father,” and makes them more precise. Jesus dwelled with the Father before time began. See, for example, the first two verses of John’s account of the Gospel. St. Joseph Church……………..…………………Sixth Sunday of Easter ……………..……..……………….…May 29, 2011 From the Pastor’s Desk… Desde el escritorio de nuestro Párroco… As I write this on the 10th anniversary of my ordination to the priesthood, I am deeply aware of the joy and gratitude in my heart. Two sayings echo in my thoughts – both from Saint John Vianney, the Curé of Ars. The first: “The priesthood is the love of the heart of Jesus.” This really says what the identity of the priest is. The second saying defines the priest’s vocation and comes from the story about the arrival of Father Vianney in his new parish assignment in the village of Ars, France. Unable to find his find his way to Ars because of the fog, Curé of Ars asked a boy who was watching his sheep for directions. The youngster showed him the road. The future saint replied: “My young friend, you have shown me the way to Ars; I shall show you the way to heaven.” These two simply sayings are rich in meaning. Because the priest is the love of the heart of Jesus, he is entirely at the service of what the love of Jesus desires for us: heaven, blessings, eternal happiness, the beatitude of the living God. God desires our happiness and he intended that the priest should be the servant of his blessings: “I will show you the way to heaven,” the way to happiness! With joyful gratitude, I can readily say that I am blessed to be a servant of the Lord’s blessings here at Saint Joseph Parish. Pray that I may serve Him (and you) well! Many thanks to those who were able to join us last Tuesday to celebrate anniversaries of priesthood ordination, and thank you to all who helped make the evening so special. Please warmly welcome our two visiting priests this weekend: Father Phil Riney and Father Ryan Harpole. Thank them for saying “yes” to the Lord and being servants of the Lord’s blessings. This Monday will be another day to remember and say “Thank You!” On May 30 our nation celebrates Memorial Day and will honor those who died while defending our country. Memorial Day was originally called Decoration Day and was first observed May 30, 1868, with flowers placed on graves of Union and Confederate soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery. In 1871 Congress declared Memorial Day a national holiday to be celebrated the last Monday in May. People pay tribute to those who have sacrificed their lives for us in many different ways. As a people of faith, let us remember them most especially in our prayers. A memorial Mass will be celebrated at the historic Saint Joseph Cemetery on Monday, May 30 at 11:00 AM. Everyone is invited to join us. Al escribir estas palabras en el 10º aniversario de mi ordenación al sacerdocio, soy profundamente consciente del regocijo y la gratitud que llenan mi corazón. En mis pensamientos resuena el eco de dos dichos, ambos de San Juan María Vianney, el Cura de Ars. El primero dice: “El sacerdocio es el amor del corazón de Jesús”. Esto realmente afirma cuál es la identidad del sacerdote. El segundo dicho define la vocación del sacerdote y surge de la historia de la llegada del Padre Vianney a la nueva parroquia asignada a él en la villa de Ars, Francia. Al no poder encontrar el camino hacia Ars a causa de la niebla, el Cura de Ars le preguntó cuál era el camino a un niño que cuidaba ovejas. El joven le señaló el camino. El futuro santo respondió: “Mi joven amigo, tú me has mostrado el camino hacia Ars; yo te enseñaré el camino al cielo”. Estos dos dichos tan sencillos tienen un rico significado. El sacerdocio es el amor del corazón de Jesús, y como tal el sacerdote está enteramente al servicio de lo que el amor de Jesús desea para nosotros: el cielo, bendiciones, la felicidad eterna, la bienaventuranza de Dios vivo. Dios desea nuestra felicidad y para ello el sacerdote está destinado a ser el servidor de sus bendiciones: “Yo te enseñaré el camino al cielo”: el camino a la felicidad. Con gozosa gratitud puedo afirmar que tengo la bendición de ser un servidor de las bendiciones del Señor aquí en la Parroquia San José. Oren para que sea un buen servidor para Él (y para ustedes). Muchas gracias a todos aquellos que pudieron venir el martes pasado a la celebración de nuestra ordenación al sacerdocio, y gracias a todos los que ayudaron a que esa noche fuera tan especial. Les pido que le demos una cálida bienvenida a los dos sacerdotes que nos visitan este fin de semana: el Padre Phil Riney y el Padre Ryan Harpole. Agradézcanles por haber dicho “sí” al Señor y por ser servidores de Sus bendiciones. Este lunes será otro día para conmemorar y decir “Gracias”. El 30 de mayo nuestro país celebra el “Día de Conmemoración de los Caídos” y rinde homenaje a todos los que murieron defendiendo a nuestra patria. El Día de Conmemoración de los Caídos originalmente se llamaba Día de Condecoración y se observó por primera vez el 30 de mayo de 1868 con la colocación de ofrendas florales sobre las tumbas de los soldados Confederados y de la Unión en el Cementerio Nacional de Arlington. En 1871, el Congreso declaró el Día de Conmemoración de los Caídos como feriado nacional, y se celebra el último lunes de mayo. Las personas rinden homenaje a quienes han sacrificado su vida por nosotros de diferentes maneras. Como personas de fe, debemos recordarlos muy especialmente en nuestras plegarias. El día lunes 30 de mayo a las 11:00 A.M. se celebrará una Misa de conmemoración en el histórico Cementerio de San José. Están todos invitados. 5 Iglesia Católica San José ..................................... 6° Domingo de Pascua ...................................................... 29 mayo 2011 Noticias para la comunidad hispana de la Parroquia San José Esta Semana en la Parroquia San José Domingo—29 mayo 6° Domingo de Pascua Lunes – 30 mayo Dia de Recordación 6 pm—Comité Hispano (La oficina parroquial estará cerrada el día lunes). Campamento de verano de la Iglesia Martes – 31 mayo Visitación de la Santísima Virgen Maria Miércoles – 1 junio San Justino Jueves – 2 junio La Ascensión del Señor 6:30 pm – Misa y Asamblea de la Renovación Carismática Viernes – 3 junio San Carlos Lwanga Y Compañeros Primer Viernes—12:00 Misa (en Inglés) Sábado – 4 junio Domingo—5 junio SVdP-Domingo de Compartir 7° Domingo de Pascua café & donuts Holiday World El viaje anual a Holiday World para celebrar la Solemnidad de San Juan Bautista será el día jueves 23 de junio. Nos reuniremos a las 8:45 a.m. en el parqueadero de atrás de la parroquia y regresaremos a las 9:30 p.m. Para quienes traigan los permisos hasta el día domingo 19 de junio, el costo será de $35 e incluye el transporte en autobús Y la entrada al parque (deben traer dinero para la comida). Para quienes traigan los permisos y el dinero después del 19 de junio, el costo aumentará a $45. El viaje es para todos los jóvenes de escuela secundaria (high school), incluidos los graduados de 8º grado (los lugares estarán disponibles por orden de llegada de los permisos). Holiday World ofrece loción para el sol y refrescos gratuitos. También se encuentran allí todas las atracciones acuáticas de Splashin´ Safari. Recojan sus permisos después de la Misa en la vitrina de vidrio ubicada en la entrada lateral de la parroquia. Fotos de la Primera Comunión Para información sobre las fotos incluidas en los discos que se venderán por $15, contactar a la fotógrafa Dana Adams al 791-7702. Rito de iniciación cristiana para adultos (RCIA) Todas aquellas personas que deseen conocer más acerca de la fe Católica pueden contactar a John McAllister (842-2525). Las clases de iniciación cristiana para adultos comenzarán nuevamente en el mes de agosto. 6 Se realizará del 13 al 17 de junio, de 9:00 a.m. a 12:00 pm. El costo es de $10 por niño, y $25 por 3 o más niños. Está abierta la inscripción para niños que ya han COMPLETADO un año de preescolar hasta niños que INGRESARÁN a 6º grado. Invitamos a los jóvenes y adultos que deseen participar como voluntarios a ponerse en contacto con la oficina parroquial. Necesitaremos maestros y asistentes, y también personas a cargo de los diferentes sectores, como música, manualidades, refrigerios y recreación. Los formularios de inscripción estarán disponibles en la vitrina de vidrio ubicada en el atrio. Deben llenar los formularios y enviarlos por correo o traerlos a la oficina. El tema de este año son las virtudes de Fe, Esperanza y Caridad. Reunión de maestros y voluntarios adultos para el campamento de verano de la parroquia el día martes 7 de junio a la 1:00 pm. † Oración para el Día de la Conmemoración por los Caídos Recuerda, Señor, a los caídos que murieron en campos de guerra, en nubes llameantes, en las multitudes gritando, en las calles que no son más. Que hoy podemos despertar y saludar a este día en paz con la oración agradecida por los que llevan las tormentas que nunca cesan. Recuerda a amigos y extranjeros, y los olvidados ahora, cuyos nombres son conocidos solo por ti, ante cuyo amor nos inclinamos y pedimos que los rodees con la luz de la infinita misericordia. Para que puedan vivir, y nosotros perdonar a los enemigos con los que fueron a luchar. Recuerda, Señor, a los vivos, que llevan el dolor de la pérdida— una muerte ella murió estando junto a su Hijo en la cruz. Recuerda a todos tus hijos, los muertos y los que lloran, y haznos uno bajo el sol donde el amor nunca duerme. St .Joseph’ sSchool Nocheenelest adi odebéi sbol Sábado4dej uni o,@ 7: 05PM vs .Bel oi tSnapper s( Mi nnes ot aTwi ns ) ¡ Ayúdenosar ecaudarf ondospar al aescuel aSt .JosephySanVi cent ede Paúlconl acompr adebol et osespeci al espar aelj uegodel osHotRods! St .JosephRoman Cat hol i cChur ch Fechal í mi t e:r egr esel asór denesal ai gl esi a Cat ól i caHol ySpi r i thast aeldí a27demayo. Par amási nf or maci ón,comuní queseconTom Gaut hi er ,Coor di nadordel osHotRods: Tel éf ono:270. 901 . 21 21 ,ext .21 9.Cor r eoel ect r óni co:t gaut hi er @bghot r ods. com Reg r e s a res t aor d ena :St . Jo s e phCa t h ol i cCh ur c hC/ OBo wl i ngGr e enHo t RodsNi gh t –4 3 4Chur chSt . –Bowl i ngGr e en , KY4 2 1 0 1 Open House and Day at the Ballpark It’s Gasper River Day at the Ballpark!!! On June 5th, come out to Gasper River Catholic Youth Camp and take a tour of the facility. Then, go take in a ball game at Bowling Green Ballpark and watch the Bowling Green Hot Rods (Single A team for the Tampa Bay Rays). Half of all tickets that we sell will go to our Camper Scholarship Fund. Come see the camp and all that it has to offer then spend the afternoon at the ballpark to support a great cause. Tours at camp begin at 11:00 am Have a hot dog on us and hit the ballpark for first pitch at 2:05 pm Bowling Green Hot Rods vs. the Beloit Snappers (farm team for Minnesota Twins) Tickets are only $10 each (box seats) $5 from each ticket we sell will go to the Camper Scholarship Fund First 1,000 Fans receive a free Team Baseball Card Set & after the game kids run the bases! Please contact our office at 270-781-2466 for more information or to purchase tickets for the event. Thanks for helping support Gasper River Catholic Youth Camp & Retreat Center Jornada de puertas abiertas y día en el estadio de béisbol ¡Día de Gasper River en el estadio de béisbol! El 5 de junio los invitamos a conocer el Campamento de Jóvenes Católicos de Gasper River y a visitar nuestras instalaciones. Luego, están invitados a un juego en el Estadio de Béisbol de Bowling Green y a mirar el juego de los Hot Rods de Bowling Green (equipo categoría clase A afiliado a los Tampa Bay Rays). La mitad de los boletos que vendamos se destinarán a nuestro Fondo de Becas para el Campamento. Los invitamos a conocer nuestro campamento y todo lo que éste ofrece y después a pasar la tarde en el estadio de béisbol para apoyar esta importante causa. Las visitas guiadas del campamento comienzan a las 11:00 am Los invitamos con un hot dog y luego iremos al estadio para llegar antes del primer lanzamiento de pelota a las 2:05 pm Bowling Green Hot Rods vs. Beloit Snappers (equipo semillero de los Minnesota Twins) Cada boleto de entrada cuesta sólo $10 (asientos en primeras filas) Por cada boleto de entrada que vendamos, $5 se destinarán al Fondo de Becas para el Campamento Los primeros 1,000 hinchas recibirán de regalo un Juego de Naipes del Equipo de Béisbol y después del juego los niños pueden correr y cruzar las bases. Para más información o para comprar boletos de entrada para este juego, comunicarse con nuestra oficina al 270-781-2466. Gracias por ayudarnos a apoyar al centro de retiro y campamento para jóvenes católicos Gasper River Catholic Youth Camp & Retreat Center. EASTER LILY DONATIONS WERE MADE IN HONOR/MEMORY OF: Barbara Alelunas Florence & Harry Barnes Ruth & Cliffton Barnes Gordon & Marcia Barrett Florence Ann Bemiss Lloyd R. Brown Betty J. Case Clarence Cichy Clara Custer Norman Dewey Selma Dewey Maureen H. Elmer Netta Federico Lorraine Feldman Katy Hall Fleming and Chris Catherine Galante Charles Galante Andrew Gerakas Laura Gerakas Mary Greig Edward & Julia Gutowski Josh Hall Sarah & Bernard Hall Amanda Kay Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Thosmas A. Hermann Sr. Dixie Howell Polly Leibfreid Bertha Little Clarence Little Nat Love Albert McGinty Joseph H. Murphy Evelyn Nerland The Nick Family Steve Papciak The Parker Family Doris Popham Herbert Popham Justice Charles H.Reynolds Carvel & Ethel Sharlow Carvel Sharlow Jr. Leon and Maud Sharlow Bob Shulten Harold & Fannie Simon Katie Simon Teresa & Michael Skinner Anne Spugnardi Carmena Spugnardi Felix Spugnardi Elizabeth Stalford Bill Trotter Aline Wheatley Kenneth Wright OTHER DONORS FOR EASTER FLOWERS: James Bastien Fred & Karen Bolek Matthew Brown Charles & Jane Browning Phyllis Huggins Bobby & Lisa Gilmer Andy & Robin Hudak Wayne & Anne Leonard Philip & Jasmine Leszczewicz Don & Betty McCormick Dr. William & Lou Moore Patty Reynolds Frank Royal John Villarreal John Zinobile † Prayer List: Please remember those for whom parishioners have requested your prayers and those whom you have offered your prayers for in the quiet of your heart: Por favor recuerde esos parroquianos para quien han solicitado sus oraciones: Boonsong Areephant Jeanne Baker Blair Bandy Kevin Bailey Roger Bemiss Rhonda Brown Sr. Elaine Byrne Sara Campbell Carl J.Connde Jerry Fulkerson Jodie Fulkerson Shirley Greenheck Vicki Hale Aaron Haycraft Keller Horton Trudy Huitema Barbara Imel Bob Imel Trish Johnson Sheila Kerns Doris Krause Madeline Lewis Finn Locke Michelle Lockhart Karen Meyers Patti Millea Charlie Moore Elizabeth Mudd Cecilia Muñoz Miguel Muñoz Sandy Neal Rene O’Keefe Nan Pressler Rob and Emily Schulten Hazel Vaught Buffy Watt Doris Webb Gayle Welsh Cheryl Woolridge SAINT JOSEPH CHURCH ENCOURAGES YOU TO PATRONIZE THESE SERVICES ADVERTISED IN OUR BULLETIN Parent-Teacher Store « Where Learning is Child’s Play » 1945 Scottsville Road Bowling Green 270-783-8060 M-F 9-8 Sat 9-6 Sun 1-5 Dr. Todd A. Drexel Obstetrics & Gynecology Graves Gilbert Clinic 201 Park Street Bowling Green (270) 783-3331 email: [email protected] CAMBRIDGE MARKET & CAFÉ Deli, Dining In, Carry Out, and Catering 830 Fairview Ave. B.G. 42101 782-9366 Mike and Robyn Hughes Bluegrass Surgical Associates 1-800-798-6157 842-4239 270-782-8500 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 911 SEARCY WAY (OFF LOVERS LN) BOWLING GREEN, KY 42103 BINGO MONDAY NIGHTS 7:00 P.M. HALL AVAILABLE TO RENT FOR BANQUETS, RECEPTIONS, MEETINGS, ETC. Abortion is Murder Jimmy Diemer 270-781-2234 Spanish Translations & Interpretation Medical, Legal, Education Interpretation Translation of websites and all types of written texts Gabriela Alfaya 270-904-2499 Certified by the American cell 678-523-6497 Translators Association (ATA) [email protected] STEVEN O. THORNTON ATTORNEY AT LAW 1011 LEHMAN AVE OFFICE SUITE 102 (270) 781-6630 BOWLING GREEN, KY 42103 FACSIMILE (270) 781-6680 For pre-arranged burial sites call Tony Meffert • 842-4177 Ray Grudzielanek • 842-3628 Adopt through Catholic Charities Domestic Adoption and International Adoption J.C. Kirby &Son Funeral Chapels & Crematory B.G. Monuments 843-3111/ 842-149 To Place An Advertisement in the Bulletin, contact Jane Brooks in the Church office at 270-842-2525 or [email protected]. Raise money for Saint Joseph Parish at: GOODSEARCH.COM 782-6488 Simply Stated: (Offices in BG, Franklin, Tompkinsville, and Columbia) 910 State St. Bowling Green 42101 merry maids® John & Charlotte Phelps, Parishioners 901 Fairview Avenue / 270-843-4338 996 Wilkerson Trace A-5 (270) 782-5219 Certified Public Accountants Your disaster restoration and cleaning specialists Funeral Home JVP Monument Sales John Lambert Korba, MD FACS Montgomery & Webb C.P.A’s Pete and Marsha Wyzykowski Johnson-VaughnPhelps CASE ELECTRICAL SERVICES LLC Serving South Central Kentucky Jack Case, parishioner [email protected] 270-792-3761 • Service Change • New Appliance Wiring Ceiling Fans • General Electrical Contracting Free Estimates Licensed and Insured 832 Broadway 820 Lovers Lane HELTSLEY PROFESSIONAL EYE CARE Dr. Russell K. Heltsley, III, O.D. 2425 Scottville Rd. Suite 114 (270) 846-2500