Saint Mary`s Santa Maria
Saint Mary`s Santa Maria
Saint Mary’s Catholic Church _________________ Iglesia Católica Santa Maria 600 AVENUE B • STERLING, IL 61081 (815)625–0640 If God clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will he not much more provide for you, O you of little faith? Y si Dios viste así a las flores del campo, que hoy florecen y mañana se echan al fuego, ¿no hará mucho más por ustedes, hombres de poca fe? Prepare! Lent Begins March 9 51st Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Mary’s Church, Sterling, Illinois Office Hours-Staff Monday-Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Phone: 815-625-0640 Parish Pastor: Fr. Don Ahles Parochial Vicar: Fr. Juan Ayala Parish Secretary: Donna Blum Hispanic Secretary: Janie Atilano Pastoral Associate: Jane Olson Business Manager: Marilyn McBride Deacon: John Kellen Deacon: Jim Lopez Deacon: Larry Zitkus St. Mary School/Phone/ (815) 625-2253 Principal: Tom DePasquale Religious Education/Phone/625-6688 Director: Gerry Williamson Secretary: Dianne Williamson Weekend Mass Schedule: English: Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 7:00, 8:30 & 10:00 am Spanish: Sunday 11:30 am St. Mary’s Website Mass Intentions Monday, February 28 8:30 am Linda Harms Tuesday, March 1 7:15 am Mary Dondero 8:30 am Lorene Webb Wednesday, March 2 7:15 am James Bruno 8:30 am Bob Propheter Thursday, March 3 7:15 am Souls in Purgatory 8:30 am Margery Gray Friday, March 4 8:30 am Ed & Dorothy Hanlon Saturday, March 5 8:30 am M/M A.M. Gholson 5:00pm 50th Anniv. Of Juan & Yolanda DeLaFuente Sunday, March 6 7:00 am Concha Walls 8:30 am St. Mary Parishioners 10:00 am Catherine Taylor 11:30 am Felipe DeLeon Lenten Schedule 2011 Lenten Guidelines Abstinence: All persons who have completed their 14th year are bound by the law of abstinence. Fast: All adults are bound by the law of fast from the beginning of their 19th year up to the beginning of their 60th year. Explanation: The law of abstinence forbids the eating of meat and foods prepared with meat or meatproducts. The law of fast allows only one full meal and two lighter meals in the course of a day, and prohibits eating between meals. In the United States, Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fast and abstinence. All other Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence only. Exceptions: Women who are pregnant and persons who are sick are not bound by the law of fast. Stations of the Cross Wednesdays: 2:00 p.m.- in Church, with St. Mary Middle School students 6:15 p.m.- in the Chapel, beginning March 16 with RCIA candidates Fridays: 9:00 a.m.- in the Chapel, following the 8:30 a.m. Mass 2:30 p.m.- in Church, with St. Mary Students of Gr. K-4 6:00 p.m.- in Church, in Spanish You are encouraged to attend any of the above Stations. Weekday & Saturday Masses Masses Held in the Chapel Monday: 8:30a.m. Thursday: 7:15a.m. & 8:30a.m. Tuesday: 7:15a.m. & 8:30a.m. Friday: 8:30 a.m. Wednesday: 7:15a.m. & 8:30a.m. Masses Held in the Church Wednesday: 8:30a.m./due to attendance of St. Mary School students at this Mass Saturday: 8:30a.m. &5:00p.m. Sterling Deanery Communal Penance Services in March March 7: 7:00 p.m., Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Sublette March 23: 7:00 p.m., St. Catherine, Prophetstown March 30: 7:30 p.m., St. Mary, Oregon Altar & Rosary Retreat Will be held on March 8 following the 8:30 a.m. Mass, in the O’Neill room of the Parish Center. Call 815-625-0640 if you plan to order lunch by March 4. Collection Report-Fiscal Year February 20, 2011 Description Weekly Required Amount $15,546.42 Envelope Collection $ 7,555.50 Loose Collection $ 721.09 Children's Collection $ 16.52 Total Collection $ 8,293.11 Over (Short) of Required $( 7,253.31) Description Required Amount Envelope Collection Loose Collection Children's Collection Total Collection Over (Short) of Required Year To Date $513,031.96 $387,754.43 $ 26,824.15 $ 644.75 $415,223.33 $(508,879.73) Members Contributing 257 New Consolidated Loan Total $159,478.87 Observer Bill: $ 0.00 Tithe: Our 8% tithe for February 20 has been given to St. Vincent DePaul Society This week’s 8% tithe and next week’s tithe will be Announced nect week. Liturgical Schedules Lectors Saturday, March 5 5:00 pm Raul Trujillo, Alex Rios Sunday, March 6 7:00 am Dennis DeLanghe 8:30 am Roberta Dillon, Theresa Fay 10:00 am Nancy Gehrke, Judy Valdez Eucharistic Ministers Saturday, March 5 5:00 pm Deacon, Howard Craft, Flora Whitman, Maureen Roberts, Paul Hess Sunday, March 6 7:00 am Lori Downie, Joel Downie, Ann Stroup 8:30 am Deacon, Beth Summers, Patrick Anello, Lorna Anello, Sally Kellen 10:00 am Deacon, Julie Smith, Heather Smith, Steve Randall, Brianna Henson Altar Servers Saturday, March 5 5:00 pm Karter Decker, Kyle Decker, Jesus Velasquez Sunday, March 6 7:00 am Longinos Ambriz 8:30 am Kylie Matera, Quentin Larson, Linea Larson 10:00 am Tomas Valdez, Samantha Valdez, Agustin Tavres Lenten Mission Our Lenten program will be hel at St. Mary Parish Center, starting Mondy, March 14 and continue each Monday during Lent, after the 8:30 a.m. Mass and will conclude about 10:00a.m. The program consists of listening to CD’s by Matthew Kelly, a well-known seaker who has given talks at the Catholic Mens’ Conference in DeKalb and parishes throughout the Diocese. There is no charge. MARCH PARISH ANNIVERSRIES Bob/Kathy Marruffo Mar. 2- 10 yrs Juan/Yolanda DeLaFuente Mar.4- 50 yrs Jamie/Whitney Cervantez Mar.15- 3 yrs Michael/Jeannette McCombs Mar.15-37yr Jose/Erlinda Martinez Mar.20- 40 yrs Alejandro/Gladys Velasco Mar.20- 7 yrs Juan/Josfina Barrientos Mar.23-34 yrs Regino/Letty Gomez Mar.24-38 yrs Scott/Deb Katzenburger Mar.26- 7 yrs Mike/Sue Gerberi Mar.29- 3 yrs Gabriel/Marisa Ocampo Mar.31-21 yrs As your parish family, we extend our sincere congratulations on your anniversary, this month. In the Hospital Our Deacon, Larry Zitkus, is recovering from surgery at the Morrison Hospital Skilled Care Facility. If you would like to send a card, the address is 303 N. Jackson, Morrison, IL 61270 - Room 212. First Communion Parent/Child Enrollment Ceremony & Meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 1, in Bales Hall at 6:00p.m. Reminder information will be mailed to families involved in First Communion this school year. Mass Intentions What is a Mass Intention? A Mass Intention is when you have a Mass said for someone who has passed away or for something that is very important example: wedding anniversary, birthday. Please call or stop by the Parish Office to have a Mass said. Weekday Masses are available as well as some weekend masses for this year. Kindergarten Round-Up St. Mary’s School, Sterling, IL Friday, March 4, 2011 8:30-9:00a.m. Welcome coffee in Burns Hall, (cafeteria) with our Principal Mr. DePasquale 9:00-9:30a.m. Parents and children visit the classroom. We will explain a “typical” day (go through all textbooks, subjects, specials ). 9:30-10:00a.m. Parents will tour the school with Mr. D. The children will stay in the kindergarten room for an activity. 10:00-10:30a.m. REGISTRATIO9 - If you intend to register on this day you will need the following: 1. A certified copy of your child’s birth certificate. (This is from the city clerk’s - Not the hospital copy). If your child is in our Preschool program we have a copy) REGISTATIO9 WILL 9OT BE ACCEPTED WITHOUT THIS: 2. A copy of your child’s baptism certificate. 3. Completed registration form * 4. Completed investment form * 5. Competed Direct Payment form * 6. Registration Fee & Book Fee 7. Physical/Dental Form completed And turned in in before the first day of school. All immunization must be up-to-date. *forms available the day of the roundup. Fish Fry’s during lent Once again the K.C.’s of Our parish will serve their Annual Fish Fry’s, in Bales Hall of the Parish Center. They will begin on Ash Wednesday, March 9 and then continue each Friday during Lent, from 5:00-7:00p.m. For carry-out service cal 815-632-0561. Please Pray For Those who are dealing with an illness that requires hospitalization. 51 Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Teléfonos 626- 5735 / 625- 0640 Página de Internet: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ministros para el fin de semana del 6 de Marzo Lectores: Maria E. Ramirez Ministro de Eucaristia: Juan Castaneda, Elisa Cisneros, Longinos Ambriz, Rocio Velasquez Monaguillos:Karina Huaracha, Lucia Castro, Miguel Huaracha, Acomodadores: .Ventura Morales, Abel Olivas, Raul Sanchez, Martin Sosa ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Normas Para La Cuaresma El ayuno debe ser observado por todos los mayores de 18 años hasta los 60 años de edad. En un día de ayuno, una comida completa es permitida o dos comidas ligeras durante el día. No es permitido comer entres las comidas, pero líquidos, incluyendo leche y jugos si son permitidos. Personas menores de 18 años, enfermas, o mayores de 60 no están obligadas al ayuno. La abstinencia debe ser observada por todos los mayores de 14 años. En días de abstinencia no es permitido comer carne. Nótese que cuando la salud o la habilidad para trabajar puedan ser perjudicadas, la ley no obliga a estas personas. (Mujeres embarazadas y personas enfermas no están obligadas al ayuno y la abstinencia) Miércoles de Ceniza La cuaresma se acerca pronto. La iniciaremos el día 9 de Marzo. El horario de misas para recibir las cenizas será. En Ingles: 8:30a.m.; 12:15p.m.; 5:15p.m. En Español: 7:00p.m. Clases de Preparación Para Bautismo Las platicas serán el 1 de Abril de las 2:00pm a las 4:00pm, en el Centro Parroquial. Por favor de no traer sus niños. Unicamente para los papas y padrinos. Los Bautismos: No Habra bautismos durante la Cuaresma. Presentaciones de niños en la Iglesia No Habra presentaciones durante la Cuaresma. Matrimonios y Quinceañeras: Hacer cita con el sacerdote por lo menos 6 meses antes de la fecha deseada. Favor de no hacer planes antes de tener la fecha confirmada con el sacerdote. Confesiones: Sábados de 4:00 a 4:30 pm, o por cita en la oficina del Padre. Celebremos El Matrimonio Invitación Para Pescado frito Los “Caballeros de Colón” nos invitan a comer el miércoles de Ceniza, 9 de Marzo y los viernes durante de la cuaresma, de 5:00 a 7:00 p.m., en el Centro Parroquial. Pueden ordenar para llevar al 632-0561 de las 5:00-6:30 p.m. Servicios En Español Misas: Si usted quiere ofrecer una misa por alguna persona fallecida o por alguna otra intencion, por favor de pasar al Centro Parroquial y pedirla con Janie o Dona. Matrimonios y Quinceañeras: Hacer cita con el sacerdote por lo menos 6 meses antes de la fecha deseada. Favor de no hacer planes antes de tener la fecha confirmada con el sacerdote. Horario De Oficinas... Nuestro horario nuevo para el centro parroquial comenzara el 8 de Septiembre, de 9:00 a.m.-3:00p.m., lunes a viernes. Quinceañeras:Les recordamos que para el 2011 ya tenemos abierta las fechas si su hija tendra una quinceañera el proximo año. Para que su hija aparte su misa para sus quince años, ella debe de estar bautizada, y haber recibido la primera comunion. CalendaCalen- Calendario Semanal Catecismo Para Marzo Marzo 2 no clases Marzo 9 no clases/Miercoles de Cinisas Marzo 16 clases Marzo 23 no clases Marzo 30 clases Clases De Ingles Se ofrecen classes de ingles, conversación, aprender a leer y escribir. Clases en ingles, Sterling, Martes y Jueves, Centro Parroquial 9-11:30 a.m. Martes y Jueves, Whiteside Career Center, 4:30-7:15p.m. Lunes y Miércoles, Rock Falls Middle School 5:00-7:45 p.m. Adoracion Acompáñenos en la oración al Santísimo Sacramento todos los martes de 9:00 a.m. a 7:00 p.m. en la capilla. dario Semanal Celebremos El Matrimonio El 2011 ha sido designado por los obispos de los Estados Unidos como el año para construir y fortalece los Matrimonios. Como parte de este programa nuestra parroquia quiere reconocer cada mes los aniversarios de bodas en nuestra parroquia, pero para eso necesitamos la siguiente información. Por favor llene la siguiente forma, recórtela y regrésela en la colecta del domingo o en la oficina de la parroquia. ————————————————— 9ombre y Apellidos de los esposos _________________________________ Día, mes y año del matrimonio __________________________________ Dirección Ash Wednesday Liturgical Schedule March 9, 2011 - Masses held in Church Lectors 8:30 am SMS 12:15 pm Mary Edwards, Audrey Dekker 5:15 pm Judy Dirks, Jean McCue 7:00 pm (Spanish) Salmon Ocampo, Eva Gonzalez Eucharistic Ministers 8:30 am SMS 12:15 pm Deacon, Barb Murphy, Sharon McKenna, Gladys Hannan, Jeannie Ramos 5:15 pm Terri Lawrence, Beth Summers, Carol Nieman, Lori Downie, Joel Downie 7:00 pm (Spanish) Ruben Cisneros, Mariana Rosas, Jorge Camacho, Josefina Camacho, Longinos Ambriz Altar Servers 8:30 am SMS 12:15 pm SMS 5:15 pm 7:00 pm (Spanish) Jesus Velasquez, Rafael Sosa, Cedric Escalante Support Our Advertisers Check the ads on this page before you check the yellow pages. Deje que Community State Bank le abra las puertas a la casa de sus sueños Para mas información comunicate con una de nuestras representantes bilingües Cuenta de cheques • Cuenta de ahorros • Certificados de depósito • IRA’s • Prestamos para automóviles • Prestamos para la compra de casa • Y mucho más Locally owned and managed DOES YOUR BUSINESS TAKE CREDIT CARDS? Would you like to SAVE 10-20% on your fees? Ask me about our “Save you money or pay you ALL MAJOR BRANDS IN STOCK MOORE TIRES, INC. 800-242-7642 2411 E. Rt. 30 Rock Falls, IL 61071 815-625-1800 Se habla español ©2011 FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-950-9952 3210 East Lincolnway, Sterling 815-625-4300 1801 1st Ave, Rock Falls 815-625-1110 en contacto contigo Empowering People With Disabilities. (815) 625-7860 Voice (815) 625-7863 TTY $500.00* guarantee” *Terms & conditions apply Call Toby Radcliffe at 1-800-950-9952 ext. 2556 or E-mail: [email protected] WWW.4LPi.COM Se Habla Español ST. 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Sterling, IL 60181 Tel: 815-626-9011 Fax: 815-626-9109 [email protected] 1-800-950-9952 OCTOPUS BRUSHLESS CAR WASH Many Hands to Serve You 1514 W. 4TH STREET STERLING, IL 61081 Mon.-Sat. 8-5:30 Sun. 8am-1pm 407 E. 3rd St. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS - 24 HR. SERVICE 815/625-5949 Call Toby Radcliffe today at ext. 2556 4 W. Third St. • Sterling, IL 61081 Email: [email protected] The Pharmacy That’s All About Your HealthSM (815) 622-5000 Larry L. Ybarra Home of the $15.95 Oil Change Financial Representative 1811 E 4th St, Sterling, IL 61081 815 626 8772 Office Out Our Complete Inventory at 815 625 1238 fax 815 535 1231 cell [email protected] JOEL M. DOWNIE, P.C. Certified Public Accountant & Consultant Joel M. Downie, CPA BRECK LOOS Parishioner Parishioner 907 West Route 30 Rock Falls, IL 61071 (815) 625-8800 LITE 815-626-0864 1408 First Avenue, Rock Falls WHOLESALERS OF ANHEUSER-BUSCH BEERS STERLING NAPA 218 W. 3rd St. Sterling, IL 61081 (815) 625-3300 FAX (815) 625-3479 DIXON NAPA 713 N. Galena Dixon, IL 61021 (815) 284-3301 FAX (815) 288-7754 Heritage Woods CONSTRUCTION 630-896-7220 of Sterling An Affordable Assisted Lifestyle Community for the Older Adult 2205 Oak Grove Ave., Sterling Ph: (815) 625-7045 McCue Tax & Accounting Teresa M. McCue E.A. Owner 302 1st Ave., Suite 510, Sterling, IL 61081 Bus: 622-0308 Res: 626-0755 Parish Member ©2011 AL J. DIETERLE DECORATING Phone 1-815-625-5279 FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-950-9952 WWW.4LPi.COM ST. MARY CHURCH STERLING, IL A 4C 01-0240 02-09-2011 12:56:23