Nurturing a Culture of Relationships
Nurturing a Culture of Relationships
In Partnership with Suffolk County Community College (SCCC) Children’s Learning Center Presents… Nurturing a Culture of Relationships Building Strong Trusted Connections with Infants, Toddlers and Families ______________________________________________ Fomentar una Cultura de Relación Construyendo Conexiones Fuertes y de Confianza con Infantes, Niños y Familias 2016 Annual Conference 2016 Conferencia Anual Saturday, September 10, 2016 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Suffolk County Community College Grant Campus Brentwood, New York The Long Island Infant Toddler Resource Center (LIITRC) is a collaborative project of the Child Care Councils of Nassau and Suffolk funded by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services. Our mission is to support those caring for infants and toddlers by providing resources, assistance on the telephone or at your program, and professional development opportunities. Conference Schedule 8:00 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. Registration and Continental Breakfast 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Keynote Speaker – Kristin Tenney-Blackwell (Training certificate for 1 hour will be awarded) 10:15 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. Workshops Session A (Training certificate for 1.5 hours will be awarded) 12:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m. Lunch will be provided 12:45 p.m. - 2:15 p.m. Workshops Session B (Training certificate for 1.5 hours will be awarded) 2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Workshops Session C (Training certificate for 1.5 hours will be awarded) During each workshop session an option to tour Suffolk County Community College Children’s Learning Center is available (Training Certificates are not offered for the tour) Space limited - a maximum of 40 people per tour DRIVING DIRECTIONS: Suffolk County Community College • Crooked Hill Road • Brentwood, NY 11717-1092 • (631) 851-6700 The Grant Campus, Brentwood: From the east or west take the Long Island Expressway to Exit 53. Follow signs to Wicks Road. Go south ½ mile on Wicks Road to campus entrance on right-hand side. Take right onto to campus. At stop sign, turn left. The Health, Sports & Education Center is the first building on your right. Park in front parking lot inside white lines. Nurturing a Culture of Relationships Building Strong Trusted Connections with Infants, Toddlers and Families This conference is specifically designed to offer child care providers, early care educators and families with the opportunity to learn more about factors that influence infant and toddler development such as physical environments, attachment and bonding, appropriate discipline strategies, literacy and communication, building trusting relationships with families, assisting the child with their individual strengths and challenges, as well as child care providers and families who are knowledgeable about resources and services available throughout their communities. OCFS training topics will be covered as well as CDA topic areas. Keynote Speaker Kristin Tenney-Blackwell, M.A., LLP, IMH-E Kristin Tenney-Blackwell has over seventeen years of experience in infant and early childhood mental health and early childhood education. She is passionate about promoting young children’s social and emotional development in an effort to support resiliency. Kristin has been active in providing consultation and guidance for organizations such as Vanderbilt University, Erikson Institute, ZERO TO THREE, the Devereux Center for Resilient Children, Early Head Start, Head Start and other early childhood programs on issues related to early childhood mental health and school readiness. Her portfolio includes work in national- and state-level early childhood education and mental health initiatives, training, resource development, research, and evaluation of early childhood projects. Kristin has supported national Pyramid Model efforts, including co-authoring the Infant and Toddler modules. She is a national trainer for the Devereux Center for Resilient Children and also co-authored the Devereux Infant and Toddler Strategies Guide. Nurturing a Culture of Relationships Building Strong Trusted Connections with Infants, Toddlers and Families Presentation Details 9:00 - 10:00 a.m.: Keynote – Kristin Tenney-Blackwell, M.A., LLP, IMH-E Nurturing a Culture of Relationship and Reflection Strong connections to trusted adults are essential to infant and toddler development. Together, let’s explore what it means to be relationship ready in our work with diverse infants, toddlers and families. 10:15 - 11:45 a.m.: Workshops - Session A 1A. An Introduction to the Pyramid Model and Challenging Behavior During this interactive session, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the importance of healthy social and emotional development in young children and factors that influence behavior. A variety of activities will help participants understand the Pyramid Model as a framework and how it can be used to promote healthy social and emotional skills in an effort to prevent challenging behavior NYS OCFS Topic: 1 & 3 CDA Subject Area: Social, Communication & Learning Environment Presenter: Kristin Tenney-Blackwell, M.A., LLP, IMH-E 2A. Developing Play and Language in Infants and Toddlers through Daily Routines Discussion will include how to develop appropriate play and language skills in infants and toddlers through daily routines at home and in child care settings. Specific strategies, which can be practiced by child care providers and parents to promote play and language in natural settings, will be provided. Strategies are consistent with Embedded Coaching in Early Intervention. Helpful materials and relevant websites will be shared. Participants will have the opportunity to share experiences and ask questions! NYS OCFS Topic: 1 & 3 CDA Subject Area: Communication & Learning Environment Presenter: Barbara Pirnat, MS, Variety Child Learning Center: Director of Early Intervention 3A. Child Development: Developmental surveillance, screening and referral in early care and learning This workshop will share proven techniques, supports and tools to promote improved practices around developmental screening in child care. The presentation will emphasize the relationship between early screening and referral school readiness and lifelong health as will techniques for improved communication with the medical home and enhanced parent engagement. NYS OCFS Topic: 1 & 4 CDA Subject Area: Program Mgt & Families Presenter: Melissa Passarelli, MA Project Director of Developmental Screening, Docs for Tots 4A. El Desarrollo Socioemocional de Bebes y Niños Pequeños El desarrollo socioemocional es la habilidad de un niño de entender los sentimientos de otros, controlar sus propios sentimientos y conductas, y llevarse bien con los pares. Para que los niños logren las habilidades básicas que ellos necesitan como la cooperación, siguiendo direcciones, demostrando autodominio y como pegar atención provechosa, ellos deben tener las habilidades socioemocionales. El desarrollo socioemocional saludable es vital para el éxito futuro en la escuela y en la vida. La más gran influencia en el desarrollo socioemocional de un niño es la calidad de sus relaciones con sus cuidadores primarios. En este taller vamos a mirar a lo que usted puede hacer para apoyar el desarrollo socioemocional en los niños desde el nacimiento hasta la edad de tres años. NYS OCFS Tópicas: 1 & 3 Meta de CDA: Social, Comunicación La Presentadora: Dinah Torres Castro, Bilingual Family Well-being Educator 5A. El Ambiente y el Impacto en el Desarrollo Socioemocional Materiales, actividades y experiencias forman la base para que los niños comienzan a explorar, conversar y socializar. Planificando con intención hará un ambiente en cual los niños se sienten seguros y que apoya autoestima e independencia. NYS OCFS Tópicas: 1 & 3 Meta de CDA: Ambiente de Aprendizaje La Presentadora: Gillian Kessinger 12:45p.m. - 2:15p.m.: Workshops - Session B 1B. The Effects of Trauma on Young Children and Their Families: Strategies for support Many young children and families have had traumatic experiences. They come into our lives and programs with a variety of needs. This session will include an emphasis on strategies for supporting families of young children and provide an overview for ways to build-in supports which incorporate the lens of trauma. NYS OCFS Topic: 3 & 4 CDA Subject Area: Program Mgt & Communication Presenter: Kristin Tenney-Blackwell, M.A., LLP, IMH-E 2B. But What if I’m Not Happy? Music to help young children understand, express, and manage emotions This workshop will provide early childhood professionals with easy to use songs and music experiences that are designed to give children a way to constructively express a range of emotions. A brief overview will be given on the way young children process and participate in music along with information on how music can support and help express a range of emotions. Participants will learn simple songs and music experiences that are designed to help young children learn to understand and manage emotions in a way that is positive and functional. NYS OCFS Topics: 1 & 3 CDA Subject Area: Social, Self Presenter: Elizabeth K. Schwartz, MA, LCAT, MT-BC, Licensed Creative Arts Therapist/Board Certified Music Therapist 3B Sign Language with Infants and Toddlers This workshop will teach some basic signs & incorporate them into songs. We will also learn signs that can be used for everyday activities. Sign language provides a way for children to communicate who may be non-verbal or difficult to understand. When children cannot communicate, they often experience frustration. Sign language provides communication skills & is fun for the children. NYS OCFS Topics: 3 CDA Subject Area: Communication Presenter: Barbara Wright, M.Ed 4B. Entendiendo las Necesidades Especiales de su Niño Bilingüe y la Cultura de su Familia Este taller proveerá información para familias y proveedores que tienen niños con necesidades especiales o existe la sospecha de un atraso en su desarrollo. Se explicara el proceso de educación especial y como la cultura y nuestro lenguaje pueden influir en el proceso. También se indicara lo que los proveedores necesitan asegurarse que padres entiendan para poder participar efectivamente en el proceso de la educación de sus niños NYS OCFS Tópicas: 4 Meta de CDA: Familias La Presentadora: Yesica Panora, Bilingual Early Childhood Specialist Elizabeth DeFazio-Rodriguez, Bilingual Early Childhood Specialist 5B. Promoviendo el salud Socio-Emocional de infantes y niños de menos de tres años a traves del cuidado Responsivo Este taller explorará la importancia del bienestar socio-emocional de los cuidadores, asi como en infantes y niños pequeños. Vamos a aprender acerca de la teroria de la elasticidad y explorar estrategias para fortalecer la resiliencia de adultos como se refiere a los cuidaldores y familias. NYS OCFS Tópicas: 4 Meta de CDA: Familias La Presentadora: Genine M. Tantao, Especialista de infancia temprana 2:30p.m. - 4:00p.m.: Workshops - Session C 1C. Engaging Children and Families in Early STEAM Learning Let’s discuss some practical ideas to incorporate Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math “STEAM” into your early childhood curriculum and engage families in experiential learning. Learn how your local library can help you support these endeavors. NYS OCFS Topic: 3 & 4 CDA Subject Area: Learning Environment & Families Presenters: Amanda Pendzick & Kristen Todd-Wurm, Youth Services Librarians, Middle Country Library 2C. The Pediatricians Speak: Childhood Immunizations, Autism and Developmental Delays & Optimizing Nutrition and Physical Activity There is great potential for a robust partnership between pediatricians and early childcare professionals. This workshop provides expertise and resources around improving your capacity as child care providers to promote immediate and lifelong health in the children we care for. NYS OCFS Topic: 2 CDA Subject Area: Health Presenters: Renee Bargman, MD, Jack Levine, MD, David Fagan, MD 3C. Let’s Have fun with Music and Movement Music and Movement activities engage children in joyful ways. This workshop includes name songs, lullabies, song books and games to play. Some of the songs will deal with feelings in a playful way. Music helps build a strong self esteem for the children. Bring a recording device! NYS OCFS Topics: 3 CDA Subject Topic: Creative, Social Presenters: Barbara Wright, M.Ed 4C. Creando un Ambiente de Saludos y Despedidas Esta lección hace énfasis en el papel que tienen las horas de llegada y de salida en el fortalecimiento de las relaciones, tanto entre el cuidador infantil y la familia, como entre el cuidador infantil y el niño. Después de repasar los conceptos básicos, los participantes tendrán la oportunidad de practicar los comportamientos positivos, haciendo dramatizaciones y recibiendo comentarios de los demás. NYS OCFS Topicas: 3 & 4 Meta de CDA: Social, Familias La Presentadora: Emily Torres, M.S. Ed., Bilingual Early Childhood Specialist 5C. Estrategias de Juego para Estimular el Desarollo y Aprendizaje en su Niño Este taller proveerá información para familias y proveedoras de cuidado infantil que tienen niños pequeños bajo su cuidado. Como la importancia del juego durante el desarrollo de su niño es muy importante. Hablaremos acerca de estrategias de juego y como inculcar el entusiasmo por la lectura desde pequeño. NYS OCFS Tópicas: 1 & 3 Meta de CDA: Ambiente de Aprendizaje, Cognitivo La Presentadora: Yesica Panora, Bilingual Early Childhood Specialist & Elizabeth DeFazio- Rodriguez, Bilingual Early Childhood Specialist SCCC Children’s Learning Center Tour SCCC Visite el Centro de Guarderia Here is your chance to see campus childcare right in your community! Join the fun as we tour the onsite early childhood center located within walking distance to the conference location. Guided tours will be offered throughout the day. See registration sheet for detailed information. Space is limited; sign up to secure your place. ¡Aquí esta su oportunidad de ver el campus de cuidado de niños en su propia comunidad! Afíliese a la diversión cuando recorremos el centro de infancia localizado dentro de poca distancia cerca del local de conferencia. La visitas con guía serán ofrecidas durante el DIA. Lea la hoja de registración para información para detallada. El espacio es limitado; inscríbanse para asegurar su lugar. NAEYC accredited campus child care center & licensed by NYS Office of Children & Family Services from ages 8 weeks – 5 years old. Enrollment is for students, staff & faculty of Suffolk County Community College. The Center is utilized as a student internship site from the Early Childhood Education Department. NAEYC Centro de Cuido Infantil acreditado y licenciado por la Oficina de Servicio de Niños y Familia del Estado de Nueva York, sirve de las edades de 8 semanas a 5 años de edad. La inscripción es para los estudiantes, el personal y la facultad de Suffolk County Community College. El centro se utiliza como un sitio de prácticas para estudiantes de la Primera Infancia del Departamento de Educación. Reminder If you are selecting to tour SCCC Children’s Learning Center during a workshop session please indicate this as one of your options for that session period. Space is limited to 40 people per tour. Please note training certificates will not be given to tour the child care center. Recordatorio Si elige visitar el centro de Guardería de SCCC durante una sesión de taller indicar por favor esto como una de sus opciones por ese periodo de la sesión. El espacio es limitado a 40 personas por visita. Por favor note que certificados de entrenamiento no serán dado por visitar el centró de Guardería. September 10, 2016 Conference Registration Form Conference Fee: $50/Member $65/Non-Member Registration and Continental Breakfast 8:00 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. Please use one form per registrant. This form may be duplicated. Type or print clearly. Registrations must be received by August 29, 2016 Don’t Be Left Out. Space is limited. Register Today! Name: ________________________________________________ Program/Center: ___________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________Town:_____________________Zip: ___________________ Phone: (____) ___________________________ Email: _________________________________________________________ PLEASE SELECT COURSES YOU WISH TO ATTEND KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: _____ KRISTIN TENNEY-BLACKWELL – 9:00AM – 10:00AM Session A Workshops from 10:15a.m. - 11:45a.m. Please rate your preference by writing (1), (2), and (3) below. ___ 1A – Intro to the Pyramid Model and Challenging Behavior ___ 2A –Developing Play and Language in IT through Routines ___ 3A –Child Development: Developmental screening ___ 4A – El Desarrollo Socioemocional de Bebes y Niños Pequeños ___ 5A - El Ambiente y el Impacto en el Desarrollo Socioemocional ___ 6A – Tour of Kids Cottage Child Care Center Session B Workshops from 12:45p.m. - 2:15p.m. Please rate your preference by writing (1), (2), and (3) below. ___ 1B – The Effects of Trauma on Young Children and Families ___ 2B –Music to Help Children Manage Emotions ___ 3B –Sign Language with Infants and Toddlers ___ 4B –Entendiendo las Necesidades Especiales de su Nino Bilingüe y la Cultura de su Familia ___ 5B - Promoviendo el Salud Socio-Emocional de Infantes y Niños de Menos de Tres Años a Traves del Cuidado Responsivo ___ 6B – Tour of Kids Cottage Child Care Center Session C Workshop from 2:30p.m. - 4:00p.m. Please rate your preference by writing (1), (2), and (3) below. ___ 1C – Engaging Children & Families in the STEAM Learning ___ 4C - Creando un Ambiente de Saludos y Despedidas ___ 2C - The Pediatricians Speak ___ 5C – Estrategias de Juego para Estimular el Desarollo y Aprendizaje en su Niño ___ 3C - Let’s Have Fun with Music and Movement ___ 6C – Tour of Kids Cottage Child Care Center Payment: ________ $50.00/Member (Choose one): Check _____ Cash _____ ________$65.00/Non-Member Money Order______ Charge________specify: Master Card_____ Visa______ Account No.: __________________________________ Exp. Date: _____________ Name of Cardholder: __________________________________ Billing Address of Cardholder: ____________________________________________ Town: _______________________ St: _________ Zip: _______________________ (For Official Use: Authorization Code: ___________________ Date: _____________) PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY YOUR REGISTRATION FORM. Make checks payable to: CHILD CARE COUNCIL OF SUFFOLK, or fax this form with credit card payment information to 631-462-1617 Attn: Colleen Farrell PLEASE MAIL TO: Colleen Farrell, Child Care Council of Suffolk 60 Calvert Avenue, Commack, New York 11725 Any questions? Please contact Colleen Farrell at 631-462-0303 ext. 137, or via email at [email protected] 10 de septiembre de 2016 Formulario de Inscripción Precio de la Conferencia: $50/Miembros $65/Sin Membresía Registración and Desayuno Continental 8:00 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. Utilice un formulario por participante. Este formulario puede ser duplicado. Escribe con letra clara. Las inscripciones deben ser recibidas el 29 de augusto de 2016. No Se Quede Fuera. El espacio es limitado. ¡Regístrese Hoy! Nombre: ______________________________________________Programa/Centro: ___________________________________ Dirección: ___________________________________ Cuidad: ____________________Código Postal: ___________________ Numero de Teléfono: (____) _________________Correo Electrónico: _______________________________________________ Selecciona los Cursos que Desea Asistir PRESENTACIÓN DE APERTURA: PRESENTER’S NAME – 9:00AM – 10:00AM Sesión A Talleres de 10:15a.m. - 11:45a.m. Califique su preferencia por #’s (1), (2), y (3) abajo. ___ 1A –Intro to the Pyramid Model and Challenging Behavior ___ 2A - Developing Play and Language in IT through Routines ___ 3A – Child Development: Developmental screening ___ 4A - El Desarrollo Socioemocional de Bebes y Niños Pequeños ___ 5A - El Ambiente y el Impacto en el Desarrollo Socioemocional ___ 6A – Tour of Kids Cottage Child Care Center Sesión B Talleres de 12:45p.m. - 2:15p.m. Califique su preferencia por #’s (1), (2), y (3) abajo. ___ 1B – The Effects of Trauma on Young Children and Families ___ 2B – Music to Help Children Manage Emotions ___ 3B - Sign Language with Infants and Toddlers ___ 4B - Entendiendo las Necesidades Especiales de su Nino Bilingüe y la Cultura de su Familia ___ 5B - Promoviendo el Salud Socio-Emocional de Infantes y Niños de Menos de Tres Años a Traves del Cuidado Responsivo ___ 6B – Tour of Kids Cottage Child Care Center Sesión C Talleres de 2:30p.m. - 4:00p.m. Califique su preferencia por #’s (1), (2), y (3) abajo. ___ 1C – Engaging Children & Families in the STEAM Learning ___ 4C - Creando un Ambiente de Saludos y Despedidas ___ 2C - The Pediatricians Speak ___ 5C - Estrategias de Juego para Estimular el Desarollo y Aprendizaje en su Niño ___ 3C - Let’s Have Fun with Music and Movement ___ 6C – Tour of Kids Cottage Child Care Center Pago: ________ $50.00/Miembros (Elija Uno): Cheque _____ ________$65.00/Sin Membresía Dinero en efectivo _____ Giro______ Tarjeta de Crédito: ________ Indica: Master Card_____ Visa______ Número de Cuenta.: __________________________ Fecha de Expiración: _____________ Nombre de Persona con Tarjeta: __________________________________ Dirección: ____________________________________________ Cuidad: _____________________ Estado: _________ Código Postal: ______________ (Para uso oficial: Código de Autorización: ________________Fecha: _____________) Pago Debe Acompañar Su Formulario de Inscripción. Haga los cheques a nombre de: CHILD CARE COUNCIL OF SUFFOLK, o manda este formulario por fax con la información de la tarjeta de crédito a 631-462-1617 a la atención de: Colleen Farrell Por Favor Envía por Correo: Colleen Farrell, Child Care Council of Suffolk 60 Calvert Avenue, Commack, New York 11725 ¿Preguntas? Por favor póngase en contacto con Emily Torres al 631-462-0303 ext. 120, o por correo electrónico a [email protected] Dated Material – OPEN Immediately! Abrir Inmediatamente LOW COST TRAINING! $50.00/$65.00 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 20 COMMACK, NY