Memoria en inglés.
Memoria en inglés.
I st International On Advanced Technological Applications In Radiotherapy I Máster Internacional en Master Aplicaciones Tecnológicas Avanzadas en Oncología Radioterápica 1 International Master st In Advanced Technological Applications In Radiotherapy 1st Edition 2009/2010 POSTGRADUATE DEGREE OF THE MURCIA´S UNIVERSITY 1 International Master st In Advanced Technological Applications In Radiotherapy 1st International Master In Advanced Technological Applications In Radiotherapy Index 5 Presentation 7 Objectives 9 Academic Organization 13 Directors 15 Training and planning 23 Teachers 27 Research lines 33 Students 35 Student Testimonies 37 The Master in figures 39 Partners 3 Presentation 4 1st International Master In Advanced Technological Applications In Radiotherapy T echnological capacities and expertise available for cancer treatments and research have advanced rapidly in the recent years. Technology can be used for therapeutic purposes allowing revolutionary cancer treatments with highprecision techniques: intensity modulation, real-time imaging during treatment, high-resolution digital image a guide a treatment, use of stereotactic techniques and design of new protocols combining complementary techniques. This undoubtedly represents a significant milestone for modern medicine. Radiation Oncology is the branch of Oncology that has experienced the greatest technological advances in the recent years, enabling decisive progress in practice and clinical research. In order to, and to comply with the quality criteria established by the legislation in force concerning official university graduates, The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Murcia, the IMO Group Foundation – (Instituto Madrileño de Oncologia - Madrid Institute of Oncology) and the Foundation for Health Research and Training in the Region of Murcia have developed the International Master in Advanced Technological Applications in Radiotherapy. The program intends to offer a post-graduate degree of high quality, responding to two challenges of particular relevance: • Encourage students and junior specialist to specialize in academic and professional education by upgrading their knowledge and practical skills for clinical and therapeutic activities with the latest advances in Radiation Oncology, in a comprehensive vision of its development. • Prepare students for the challenges ahead in clinical practice and research in the field of Modern Radiation Oncology, encouraging the development of their knowledge, dexterity and personal skills; as well as developing knowledge and experience of multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teamwork. 5 Objectives 6 1st International Master In Advanced Technological Applications In Radiotherapy General objectives The goals of the Master are to: 1. Provide a comprehensive approach to current advances in Radiation Oncology. 2. Update the knowledge, improve skills and adquire new professional competence. 3. Develop global and specific operational research projets, of the different areas that the radiation oncologist has to know. 4. Provide complementary training to the specialist’s education, giving them competences to properly execute all professional acts associated with the latest advances in Radiotherapy. Open a global vision oriented to the support based on specific knowledge acquired. Specific objectives The specific objectives are to: 1. Acquire expertise concerning technological innovations beyond those already acquired to obtain the Radiation Therapist M. D. university degree. 2. Open the full spectrum of skills necessary to find solutions to specific problems in clinical practice with special material resources and with technological and organizational models. 3. Gain appropriate skills to perform the profession, to manage, to monitor activities in working sessions and supervised studies, to review activities and, to manage self-performance and that of others. 4. Develop skills relating to multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural dynamics involved in working in teams - under professional and coresponsibility criteria. 7 Academic organization 8 1st International Master In Advanced Technological Applications In Radiotherapy Faculty of medicine – University of Murcia The University of Murcia focuses all its activities in the pursuit of academic and scientific excellence. The hallmarks of this institution could be listed as follows: • University with academic responsibility, with an adaptable, practical and flexible attitude. • Strong support for research and innovation. • Young, dynamic and growing institution. The University is marked by an entrepreneurial and innovating spirit. • A university with social responsibilities. • Modern and efficient university, implementing the most advanced management and information techniques in its activities. • An autonomous and open environment devoted to the creation and transmission of knowledge. • International reputation. University of Murcia. Amongst the core objectives of the University of Murcia are the student’s autonomy and distance-learning. The International Master in Advanced Technological Applications in Radiotherapy is an on-site and online course (comprising) of 62 credits (ECTS - European Credit Transfer System). 9 IMO Group Foundation, Instituto Madrileño de Oncología. The IMO Group Foundation (Instituto Madrileño de Oncología – Madrid Institute of Oncology) is a private non-profit organization serving the society in the fight against cancer. The Foundation’s missions are to provide quality resources in coordination with other institutions and to: • Improve information on cancer prevention. • Collaborate on the difusion of new techniques and treatments. • Contribute to the education of healthcare professionals. • Improve the quality of life of cancer patients and their families. • Encourage and promote scientific research and development. Corporate Headquarters IMO Group. One of the strategic objectives of the IMO Group Foundation is to provide the necessary resources to enhance the continuing education of professionals in the field of modern oncology by organizing training programs to the benefit of specialists (from Spain and around the world). For the development of the Master, the IMO Group Foundation supports students with scholarships and subsidies. All students who have completed this first edition have been awarded with a scholarship by the IMO Group Foundation in order to contribute to the improvement of the existing human potential in the field of Radiation Oncology. IMO Group Foundation has also collaborated, with the 10 radiation oncology units of IMO Group in Spain, to offer professional resources (teachers and tutors), technological infrastructure and cutting-edge techniques in radiation oncology to serve the educational needs of students. 10 1st International Master In Advanced Technological Applications In Radiotherapy Foundation For Education And Health Research In The Region Of Murcia (FFIS). FFIS is an international non-profit foundation, a public entity of the Region of Murcia providing training activities, research and innovation in the healthcare field. Its main purpose is to train and diffuse knowledge and research in the field of healthcare developments, with the following goals: • Managing and encouraging training activities for professionals linked to the healthcare sector. • Production and promotion of studies related to Public Health, Healthcare, Management and Healthcare Management, Healthcare Technology and Biotechnology. • Promotion and development of applied research programs in biomedicine and healthcare sciences. • Promotion of the optimal use of resources for the research, ensuring effectiveness, efficiency and quality as characteristic elements of the healthcare system. • Maintaining collaboration with the University of Murcia through studies and joint research projects as well as specialized trainings with the IMO Group Foundation (training activities, research and organization of scientific meetings). Foundation For Education And Health Research In The Region Of Murcia (FFIS). In the development of the Master, the FFIS offered technical support through its virtual classroom. It has created its own space at which serves as a reference point for students and teachers. 11 Directors 12 1st International Master In Advanced Technological Applications In Radiotherapy The Master’s program reports to the following governing bodies for its organization and development: • Steering Committee, responsible for organizing and implementing the program. Composed of the following members: • Academic Directors: Prof. Joaquín García-Estañ, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine - University of Murcia (Spain); Prof. José Luis Ramón García, Professor of Medical Physics, Faculty of Medicine - University of Murcia (Spain). • Scientific Director: Prof. Felipe A. Calvo, Head of the Oncology Department and Vice Dean of H.G.U. (Hospital General Universitario) Gregorio Marañón, Madrid (Spain), Professor of Radiation Oncology at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain). • Executive Director: Dr. Hugo Marsiglia, IMO Group Medical Director, Chief of the Breast Pathology Unit - Institute Gustav Roussy (I.G.R.), (France). • Coordinating Committee, composed of three coordinators representing the University of Murcia, Foundation for Health Research and Training in the Region of Murcia and the IMO Group Foundation. • Dr. Juan Pedro Serna, Director of the Foundation for Health Research and Training in the Region of Murcia. • Prof. Miguel Angel Fernández-Villacañas Marín, University of Murcia. • Dra. Carmen Yélamos, Managing Director of IMO Group Foundation. • Executive Committee. Composed of: • Dr. César Beltrán: Medical Coordinator of the Madrid Unit of IMO Group. • Prof. Felipe A. Calvo, Scientific Director of International Master in Advanced Technological Applications in Radiotherapy. • Dr. José Miguel Delgado. IMO Group – Instituto Madrileño de Oncologia. • Dr. Javier Jaén. Medical Coordinator of Instituto Oncológico Cartuja, IMO Group. • Dr. Hugo Marsiglia, Executive Director: International Master in Advanced Technological Applications in Radiotherapy. • Dr. José Samblás García. President of IMO Group. • Dr. José Luis Tisaire. Medical Coordinator of Alcázar de San Juan’s Unit - Instituto Oncológico de Castilla La Mancha, IMO Group. • Dra. Carmen Yélamos, Managing Director of IMO Group Foundation. 13 Training and planning 14 T 1st International Master In Advanced Technological Applications In Radiotherapy he Master’s Degree in Advanced Technological Applications in Radiotherapy is presented as a program tailored to the needs of today’s Radiation Therapy specialists. It has been developed as a response to the exponential technological development that has driven the rapid adoption of new technologies and innovative techniques leading transformation of therapeutic procedures. The presentation of the Fist Master was held at the Dean’s office of the University of Murcia on December 1st, 2009 and was also the opening ceremony of the training activities targeted to graduated students in Radiation Oncology. From Left to right: Dr. Joaquín María García-Estañ López, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Murcia., Dr. José Samblás García, President of IMO Group, Dr. Manuel A. Vidal Sanz, Vice Chancellor for Institutional Relations and Health Sciences, University of Murcia; Dr. Juan Pedro Serna Mármol, Director of the Foundation for Health Research and Training in the Region of Murcia. Dr. Hugo Marsiglia, Executive Director: International Master Degree in Advanced Technological Applications in Radiotherapy. IMO Group. During the global forum on oncology entitled “Innovation and Globalization in Radiotherapy: teaching, research and technological development” held in November 2010, the 1st edition of the Master was officially closed. Forum “Innovation and Globalization in Radiotherapy: teaching, research and technological development”, Murcia, November 2010. 15 Over 34 training sessions, 12 working seminars and 8 workshops were held during the Master’s program, allowing the development of cutting-edge radiation techniques for more than 1,200 students. The teaching program was a full-time program based on part-time participation over the 2009/2010 academic year. It was structured in two main blocks: Theoretical Training. The theoretical training was conducted in person and online through the virtual campus of the Master. 34 teaching sessions with nearly 280 lectures have been recorded and are available to students on campus (218:00:00h recorded. / 125:15:00 h. published in the virtual campus) and have been the point of reference and of communication between students and teachers. For the performance of the theoretical training, the program has been structured in three parts: Part I: Clinical and therapeutic aspects (20 sessions). Module I: Review of concepts in Radiation Oncology; Physical, biological and clinical radiotherapy; Toxicities and side effects. Module II: Radiotherapy procedure. Preparing treatment, delimitation of treatment volumes and organs at risk, planning and dosimetric evaluation, optimization and application of treatment. Module III: Special techniques (I): IMRT, IGRT; image-guided IMRT COIL (TomoTherapy), GUIDED RADIOTHERAPY biological targets (BGRT), CyberKnife; Stereotactic radiotherapy, etc. Module IV: Special techniques (II): Introduction to information and the phases of the therapeutic process: from the delimitation of volumes to the application of treatments. Module V: Special techniques (III): Technical Applications: from the 3D conformal radiotherapy to the IMRT as a routine clinical practice, TomoTherapy, IGRT and BGRT, Image Guided Radiotherapy (IGRT) and biological targets (IBRT), adaptive radiation, proton and neutrontherapy. 16 1st International Master In Advanced Technological Applications In Radiotherapy Module VI: Special techniques (IV): Radiosurgery: procedures, clinical applications and new developments, Tomoradiosurgery. Module VII: Special techniques (V): Brachytherapy: High-rate (HDR) and Low Rate (LDR),image-guided brachytherapy, procedures and clinical guidelines. Module VIII: Special techniques (VI): IORT : Intra-Operative Radiation techniques and results. Module IX: Special techniques (VII): Adaptive Radiation, new therapeutic possibilities. Module X: Special techniques (VII): Proton-Hadrontherapy, new therapeutic possibilities. Part II: Clinical applications of radiation therapy (nine sessions). Module XI: Clinical applications and technological development of radiotherapy in cancer according to locations: gynecological cancer, digestive, ORL, breast, prostate, rectum, lung, other locations, and digestive diseases. Pediatric Oncology, metastatic cancer. Part III: Organizational and scientific aspects (six sessions). Module XII: Radiation Oncology Management. Introduction, models and indicators, computerization and continuous improvement, systems of quality management. Module XIII: Therapeutic safety. Proactive methods and risk analysis. Module XIV: Scientific Guide. Clinical practice and interpretation of retrospective studies, randomized trials and meta-analysis, research, publication and presentation of studies. Module XV: Innovation and globalization in Radiation Oncology: Teaching, research and technological development. 17 Practical Training. The practical training is intended to develop the application of students’ knowledge, skills and competencies in the most advanced radiation techniques, meeting the specific targets set. This activity has been developed within the IMO Group network of clinics specialized in cancer treatments. In order to host the practical treaning of this, the IMO Group opens to students of the Master its national and international network of 10 treatment centers that are a benchmark of excellence for patients, medical professionals, public institutions and other private entities. Around 5,000 new patients a year are treated throughout the IMO network centers. Students are integrated into the medical-assistance activities of the various departments and units under the supervision of a tutor responsible for their practical training, monitoring and supervision. Network of Grupo IMO IMO Group, through its Foundation, offers to the Master’s students the support of a qualified team of 170 healthcare professionals (Radiation Oncologists, Neurosurgeons, Radio Physics, Physics, Nurses, Psycho-Oncologists, Radiation Technicians, etc…) and a next-generation technology platform that represents approximately 10% of linear accelerators installed in Spain. 18 1st International Master In Advanced Technological Applications In Radiotherapy Technology Platform of IMO Group In addition to practical training in Radiation Oncology Units, students complete followships in other departments and units of IMO Group in order to obtain in-depth knowledge of specific techniques. Temporary placements are of two types: first contact (short placement of two weeks) and long placement (one to two months according to student’s interest in a particular technique of radiation with high technology). The activity is organized in three types of sessions, according to the following criteria: Clinical Assistance. Students develop clinical activities according to a previously established portfolio of activities under the direction and supervision of a tutor responsible for their monitoring and training. 13 tutors, professionals from IMO Group, have supervised the care provided by students in the Radiation Oncology Units allocated for their socio-health practice, complementary to the theoretical training received. Master students 2009-2010. 19 Clinical sessions. Students develop the presentation, discussion and evaluation of clinical cases during the clinical sessions of each service, as well as during specialized sessions for certain radiation techniques (neurological radiosurgery sessions, Tomotherapy sessions, etc. ).During the Master they have participated to over 50 clinical sessions. Presentation and discussion of clinical cases. Bibliographic sessions. Students develop literature reviews previously approved by the Executive Committee and their respective tutors. Some of the key reviews are: • Critical reading of a scientific Cendales. October 17, 2009. publication, by Dr. Ricardo • Volumes and doses of radiotherapy in localized prostate cancer, by Dr. Franco Schnitman. October 24, 2009. • Carcinogenic effects of ionizing radiation: Risk of second tumors, by Dr. Inmacolatta Marrone.October 31, 2009. • Clinical unit of the image fusion, by Dr. Ricardo Cendales. November 6, 2009. • Hypofractionated radiotherapy for prostate cancer: myth or reality by Dr. Franco Schnitman.November 13, 2009. • Hypofractionation clinical evidence of lung cancer with BRT, by Dr. Inmacolata Marrone. November 26, 2009. • Management of recurrent high grade gliomas, by Dr. Latifa Mesbah. December 4, 2009. • Hypofractionation in breast cancer: Evolution from the Start A and B, by Dr. Ignacio Sisamon. January 8, 2010. 20 1st International Master In Advanced Technological Applications In Radiotherapy To allow students to get in touch with other centres and other technology leaders in Radiation Oncology, students were given the possibility to visit the two following centres: • Oscar Lambret Cyberknife Centre, Lille (France). Training day, team meeting of the Oncology Unit and site visit held on January 27, 2009. Oscar Lambret Cyberknife Centre, Lille (France). • Hadrontherapy National Cancer Centre (CNAO), Pavia (Italy). Training day, team meeting of the Oncology Unit and site visit held on June 16, 2010. Hadrontherapy National Cancer Centre (CNAO), Pavia (Italy). 21 Teachers T he large panel of teachers is comprised of active professionals with extensive professional experience and appropriate communication skills and knowledge transfer. They come from the most diverse backgrounds. The courses feature more than 120 teachers, of which 58 belong to the Oncology departments of the main Spanish hospitals, 30 are experts and representatives of hospitals and international organizations (AIEA, ALATRO, ESO, AROME etc.) and 35 are professionals from the IMO Group network. Among these are Heads of Departments of Radiation Oncology and other related experts. 22 1st International Master In Advanced Technological Applications In Radiotherapy Teachers • Algara, Manuel. Radiation Oncologist. Institute of Radiation Oncology, Hosp. de l´Esperanza i del Mar, Barcelona. • Álvarez González, Ana. Radiation Oncologist. Radiation Oncology Service. H.G.U. Gregorio Marañón, Madrid. • Arranz, José Angel. Medical Oncologist. H.G.U. Gregorio Marañón, Madrid. • Daly-Schvenzer, Nicolas. Scientific Coordinator. Institut Gustave-Roussy (I.G.R.), France. • Delgado, José Miguel. Radiation physicist. Director of Reserch & Devolopment IMO Group. • Escolar Pérez, Pedro Pablo. Radiation Oncologist. Coordinador IOSE (Instituto Oncológico del SurEste) – Regional Unit of Murcia. • Azinovic, Ignacio. Radiation Oncologist. Hosp. San • Escudero, Myriam. Coordinator, Medical Activity. IMO • Acharki, Abdelkader. Radiation Oncologist. Casablanca • Fernández Pascual, Castalia. Radiation Oncologist. • Beltrán García, César. Radiation Oncologist. IMO Group • Ferrer Albiach, Carlos. Cancer Institute Director. Jaime de Torrrevieja, Alicante. (Marruecos). President of “Société Marocaine de Cancérologie” (Moroccan Society of Cancer). Coordinator, Madrid. Oncology Unit, Radiotherapy and Radiosurgery, Madrid. • Ben Tekaya, Karim. Training Centre Director. Cabinet Audit et Formación Afrique – Europe, Tunez (Audit and Training Office Africa-Europe, Tunisia). • Bilbao, Pedro. Radiation Oncologist. Chief Radiation Oncology Service. Hosp. Univ. Cruces, Bilbao. • Blanco, José Antonio. Radiation Oncologist. H.G.U. Gregorio Marañón, Madrid. • Bourhis, Jean. President of European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ESTRO). • Bustos, José Carlos. Neurosurgeon. Neurosurgery Unit, Sanatorio San Francisco de Asís, IMO Group, Madrid. • Britton, Keith. Organizer Meeting Alatro 2010. • Calvo Manuel, Felipe A. Head of Oncology Department Group. Unidad Regional de Toledo. Instituto Oncológico de Castilla La Mancha. Consorcio Hospitalario H.P. Castellón. • Floriano, Alejandro. Radiation physicist. Tomotherapy and Radiotherapy Unit. Clínica La Milagrosa, Madrid. • Fondevilla Soler, Adriana. Radiation Oncologist. IOSE (Instituto Oncológico del SurEste) – Regional Unit of Murcia. • Fossati, P. Radiation Oncologist. CNAO, Pavia, Italia. • Gabriele, Pietro. Institute for Cancer Research and Treatment, Turín, Italia. • García Álvarez, Graciela. Radiation Oncologist. Oncology Unit, Radiotherapy and Radiosurgery Sanatorio San Francisco de Asís, Madrid. • García Cañibano, Tamara. Radiation Oncologist. Regional Unit of Guadalajara – Instituto Oncológico del Henares, Castilla La Mancha. and Vice Dean of the H.G.U. Gregorio Marañón, Madrid. Professor of Radiation Oncology at the University Complutense of Madrid. • García Estévez, Laura. Brest Program Cordinator. • Carrión Galindo, Rafael. Head of Medical Oncology. Oncology Department. Univ. Navarra y Laboratorio Farmacogenómica CIMA (Centro Internacional de Medicina Avanzada), University of Navarra.. Hosp. del Sureste, Arganda del Rey, Madrid. • Casas, Francesc. Radiation Oncologist. H. Cllinic, Barcelona. • Cassinello, Javier. Head of Medical Oncology. H.G.U. Guadalajara. • Chust, Marisa. Clinical Chief. Radiology Service. Hosp. Morales Meseguer y H. Reina Sofía, Murcia. • Coche, Bernard. Radiation Oncologist. Oscar Lambret Centre, Lille (France). • Conde, Antonio. Radiation Oncologist. Hosp. Provincial de Castellón. • Costa, Alberto. Director of European School of Oncology (ESO). Centro Integral Oncológico Clara Campal CIOCC, Madrid. • García Foncillas, Jesús Miguel. Director of Clinical • García García, Rafael. Radiation Oncologist. Cyberknife Unit, Madrid. • García Sabrido, José Luis. General Surgery Chief. H.G.U. Gregorio Marañón, Madrid. • García Saenz, José Angel. Medical Oncologist. H.G.U. Clínico San Carlos, Madrid. Member of GEICAM (Grupo Español de Investigacíon en Cancer de Mama). • Gerbaulet, Alain. Honorary Head of Brachytherapy Unit of I.G.R. Medical College of Paris Hospitals, Francia. • Glaria, Luis. Radiation Oncologist Coordinator. Regional Unit of Toledo y of Talavera de la Reina. Instituto Oncológico de Castilla La Mancha. 23 • Góngora, Francisco. Físico Médico. Director Técnico • Lartigau, Eric. Head of Radiation Oncology. Oscar • González Bayón, Luis. Surgeon. H.G.U. Gregorio • Lazzari, Roberta. Radiation Oncologist. Instituto • González Ferreira, José Antonio. Radiation Oncologist. • López, Ramiro. Head of Archive and Documentation • González Sansegundo, Carmen. Radiation Oncologist. • Maciá i Garau, Miquel. Radiation Oncology Department. • González Suárez, Herminio. Radiation Oncologist. • Mañas, Ana. Radiation Oncologist. Chief Radiation • González, Julio. General Manager Áliad. • Marsiglia, Hugo. Radiation Oncologist. Medical Director Clínica Croasa, Málaga. Marañón, Madrid. Instituto Oncológico Cartuja, Sevilla. H.G.U. Gregorio Marañón de Madrid. Hosp. Gral. de Asturias. • González, Manuel. Radiation Oncologist. Radiotherapy Unit of H.G.U. Gregorio Marañón, Madrid. • Guedea, Ferrán. Head of Radiation Oncology. Prof. Univ. Barcelona. President of SEOR.. • Gutiérrez Díaz, José Ángel. Neurosurgeon. Neurosurgery Unit, Sanatorio San Francisco de Asís, IMO Group, Madrid. • Habrand, Jean Louis. Head of Pediatric Radiotherapy. Lambret Centre, Lille (France). Europeo de Oncología (IEO). Department. H.G.U. Gregorio Marañón, Madrid. Institut Català d’Oncologia (ICO), Barcelona. Oncology Service H.G.U. La Paz, Madrid. IMO Group. Project Director, Institut Gustav Roussy, Francia. • Martín Mateos, Antonio. Head of Service ORL. H.U. Puerta del Mar, Cádiz. Coordinador CASPe Andalucía. • Martínez, Álvaro. Radiation Oncologist. Coorporate Chairman Radiation Oncology, Beaumpmt H. - EEUU. • Mata, Fernando. Radiation physicist. Regional Unit of Radiotherapy, IOSE, Murcia. Institut Gustave-Roussy (I.G.R.), France. Director of Protontherapy Center, Milan. • Matute Martín, Raúl. Radiation Oncologist. Tomotherapy • Hannoun-Levy, Jean Michel. Head of Radiation • Meiriño, Rosa. Radiation Oncologist. Clínica La Luz, Oncology. Instituto Oncológico Antoine Lacassagne, Nice. • Heras Fernando, Inmaculada. Head of section Clinical Area. Head of Transplant Unit Serv. Hematol. Oncologist H.U. Morales Meseguer, Murcia. . • De las Heras, Manuel. Head of Radiation Oncology. H.G.U. Clínico San Carlos, Madrid. • Hervás, Asunción. Radiation Oncologist. Oncology Unit, H.G.U. Ramón y Cajal, Madrid. • Heymann, Steve. Head of Breast Technological Development Project. Institut Gustave-Roussy, Francia. • Isach, Marian. Deputy Managing Director. IMO Group. and Radiotherapy Unit. Clínica La Milagrosa, Madrid. Madrid. • Mínguez, Cristina. Radiation physicist. Tomotherapy and Radiotherapy Unit. Clínica La Milagrosa. Madrid. • Mirabel, Xavier. Radiation Oncologist. Chief of TomoTherapy Unit. Oscar Lambret Centre, Lille (France). • Miragall, Enrique G. Head of Radiation Oncology ERESA (Exploraciones Radiológicas Especiales – Special Radiological Explorations). H.G.U. Valencia y Elche. • Mizoe, J. CNAO Consultant. Pavia, Italia. Medical Director of NIRS. • Moyano, Alfredo. Head of Medical Oncology. H.G.U. Talavera de la Reina, Toledo. • Jaén Olasolo, Javier. Radiation Oncologist Coordinator, • Moreno, Carlos. Head of Service La Mancha Centro, IMO Group - Instituto Oncológico Cartuja, Sevilla. • Jiménez-Herrera, Pablo. Managing Director. IMO Group. • Kuske, Robert. Chief Radiation Oncology. Arizona Breast Cancer Specialists (abcs), Scottsdale, Arizona. • Laconerie, Thomas. Medical Physicist. Oscar Lambret Centre, Lille (France). • Lago, Juan. Chief of Surgery Service. H.U. Virgen de la Arrixaca, Murcia. • Larrea, Luis María. Radiation Oncologist. S.E.R (Sociedad Española de Radiocirugía). Joint-director of the Oncological Radiotherapy. President of Hosp. Nisa Virgen del Consuelo, Castellón. 24 Alcázar de San Juan, Ciudad Real. • Muñoz, Víctor. Head of Radiation Oncology. Hosp. Mexoeiro Vigo, Pontevedra. • Muto, Paolo. Former president of Italian Association of Oncological Radiotherapy (AIRO). • Nagore, Gorka. Radiation Oncologist Coordinator. Instituto Alicantino de Oncología, Sanatorio del Perpetuo Socorro, Alicante. • Navalpotro Yagüe, Begoña. Radiation Oncologist. Radiation Oncology Service. H.G.U. Vall d´Hebrón, Barcelona. • Olivera, Gustavo. Professor of Medical Physics. Wisconsin University. Vice President R+D Tomotherapy Inc. 1st International Master In Advanced Technological Applications In Radiotherapy • Orecchia, Roberto. Scientific Director CNAO, Pavia, • Sastre, Ana. Oncological Pediatric Hematology Service. • Ortega Candil, Aida. Nuclear Medicine Service. H.G.U. • Sastre, Javier. Medical Oncology Service. Instituto • Pascau González-Garzón, Javier. Radiation Oncologist. • Schiappacasse Sofía, Luis. Radiation Oncologist. Italia. Clínico, Madrid. H.G.U. Gregorio Marañón de Madrid. • Polo, Alfredo. Radiation Oncologist. H.G.U. Ramón y Cajal de Madrid. • Prevost, Bernard. Radiation Oncologist. Oscar Lambret Centre, Lille (France). • Puebla, Fernando. Radiation Oncologist. Tomotherapy and Radiotherapy Unit. Clínica La Milagrosa, Madrid. • Ramírez, María Luisa. Medical radioactive facilities. National Security Council. • Ramos Albiac, Mónica. H.G.U. Vall d´Hebrón, Barcelona. H.G.U. La Paz, Madrid. Oncológico H.G.U. San Carlos, Madrid. Tomotherapy and Radiotherapy Unit. Clínica La Milagrosa, Madrid. • Serna Berna, Alfredo. Responsible for Radiation Protection and Radiophysics. Cartagena, Murcia. H.U. Santa Lucía, • Sevillano, David. Radiation physicist. Tomotherapy and Radiotherapy Unit. Clínica La Milagrosa, Madrid. • Somoano, Fernando. Elekta Service Manager, Southern Europe Territory. • Steil, Volker. Medical Physicist. University Medican Center Mannheim. • Ramos, Alfredo. Radiation Oncologist. Head of Radiation • Tisaire Sánchez, José Luis. Radiation Oncologist. • Rodríguez, Concha. Nurse Coordinator IMO Group. • De la Torre, Alejandro. Head of Radiation Oncology Oncology. H.G.U. Ramón y Cajal, Madrid. Vice President SEOR, President of Electo.. TomoTherapy and Radiotherapy Unit. Clínica La Milagrosa, Madrid. • Rodríguez Cordón, Marta. Radiation Oncologist. Consorcio H.P. Castellón. • Rosenblatt, Eduardo. Director of Radiotherapy. International Organization of Nuclear Energy (OIEA – Organization International Energia Atómica). • Rossi, S. Director Técnico. CNAO, Pavia, Italia. • Roth, Berta. Director of Institut Ángel Roffo, Argentina. • Rovirosa, Ángeles. Consultant of Radiation Oncology Service. H.Clinic, Barcelona. • Rubio, Regional Unit Coordinator. Alcázar de San Juan, Ciudad Real – Instituto Oncológico Castilla La Mancha. Service. H.U. Puerta de Hierro, Madrid. • Torzsok, Karla. Radiation physicist. Hosp. of Forcilles, France. Technical Director International Oncology Group (I.O.G). • Trigo, José Manuel. Assistant Medical Oncologist. Hops. Clínico Virgen de La Victoria, Málaga. • Tsoutsou, Paula. Board Secretary. Association of Radioteherapy and Oncology of the Mediterranean Área (AROME). • Tripero, Juana. Radiation Oncologist. Coordinator of Guadalajara Regional Unit – Instituto Oncológico del Henares, Castilla La Mancha. Hosp. • Ureña, Antonio. Radiation physicist. Sevilla Regional • Salinas, Juan. Radiation Oncologist. H.U. Virgen de la • Vázquez, Francisco. Sales and Marketing Manager Spain • Sallabanda Díaz, Kita. Neurosurgeon. Neurosurgery • Villarejo, Marta. Projects and Facilities Director. IMO Carmen. Radiation Sanchinarro, Madrid. Oncologist. Arrixaca, Murcia. Unit, Sanatorio San Francisco de Asís, IMO Group, Madrid. Unit, IMO Group – Instituto Oncológico Cartuja, Sevilla. and Portugal, Nucletron. Group. • Samblás García, José. Neurosurgeon. President of IMO • Vitolo, V. Radiation Oncologist. CNAO, Pavia, Italia. Group & IMO Group Foundation. • Sánchez, Cristina. Radiation physicist. IMO Group. • Yélamos Agua, Psycho-oncologist. Psycho-Oncology Coordinator IMO Group. Director IMO Group Foundation. • Sánchez Luis, Silvia. Radiation Oncologist. Oncology, Radiotherapy and Radiosurgery Unit, Sanatorio San Francisco de Asís, Madrid. • Sancho Garnier, Héléne. Union for International Cancer Control. • Santos Miranda, Juan A. Radiation Oncologist. H.G.U. Gregorio Marañón de Madrid. 25 Research lines 26 1st International Master In Advanced Technological Applications In Radiotherapy Scientific activity Convinced of the importance of scientific progress, research and professional qualifications for the development of Radiation Oncology, within the Master, students are offered the possibility to participate in workshops, research seminars, conferences, etc… In this first edition, students have participated to the following scientific events, all of them integrated into the Master’s training program: • 2nd Workshop on Neuro-Oncology: Multidisciplinary Treatment of Brain Metastases (November 11, 2009). H.G.U. Clínico San Carlos de Madrid and IMO Group – Instituto Madrileño de Oncología. • II Theoretical-Practical Thomotherapy Course (November 27 and 28 2009). IMO Group Foundation and IMO Group – Instituto Madrileño de Oncología, in collaboration with TomoTherapy INC. • 15th Radiotherapy workshop at Oscar Lambret’s center, Lille (France): January 28 and 29 2010. • 6th International Oncology Workshop. Radiation Oncology in the Third Millennium. (May 26-28 2010). H.G.U. Ramón y Cajal of Madrid and Cancer Institut of Gustave-Roussy, France. Workshops and specialized courses have been organized and conducted by specialists aimed at broadening students’ knowledge and improving their management techniques in irradiation dosimetric planning, radiobiology, in bibliography and documentation for quality research for scientific communication. 8 seminars and workshops have been developed by leading experts in the field of: • Definition of volumes and critical organs: contours and precision. Planners. (December 11, 2010). • Radiobiology (December 16, 2010). • Comparative Planning 3D-IMRT, TomoTherapy (January 13, 2010). • Bibliography review, efficient search and publications (January 20, 2010). • Simulation, Navigation, Intraoperative Dosimetry – RADIANCE Project (February 17, 2010). • Volumes and margins of Brachytherapy: (March 3, 2010). 27 • Controversies, clinical situations: Internal breast irradiation, Axillary irradiation, Thorax wall BOOST en CDIS, Radiotherapy after Neoadjuvant chemotherapy, , Radiation Therapy for Seniors. (May 5, 2010). Participation to 12 seminars in which clinical cases have been analyzed, developed in order to investigate the most advanced techniques of radiation by pathologies: • Planning Pet – Scan “Helping” To the Staging (December 2, 2009). • Image Guided Radiation Therapy IGRT/ Biologically Guided Radiation Therapy BGRT (February 3, 2010). • Tomotheray (10 February 2010). • Braquitherapy (March 17, 2010). • Adaptive Radiation (March 17, 2010). • Gynaecologic Cancer (April 14, 2010). • Digestive Cancer (April 21, 2010). • Cancer ENT (April 28, 2010). • Brest Cancer (May 5, 2010). • Rectal Cancer (May 19, 2010). • Prostate Cancer (June 2, 2010). • Metastatic cancer (June 30, 2010). Students also have participated to oral and written presentations and posters in the numerous divulgation activities, organized nationally as well as internationally. The IMO Group Foundation has supported students through financial aid to participate in these investigation events. As a result, these are some of the main participations: • 52 Annual Meeting of ASTRO (American Society for Radiation Oncology), Octuber 31– November 4 2010; San Diego, EEUU. Poster presentation: - Simultaneous integrated boost intensity-modulated radiotherapy in the inoperable locoregionally advanced head and neck cancer – clinical results. M. Dzhugashvili, A. Fondevilla, F. Mata, V. Puchades, D. Ramos, E. González, H. Marsiglia, P. Escolar. 28 1st International Master In Advanced Technological Applications In Radiotherapy • I National Symposium SEOM (Sociedad Española de Oncología Médica – Spanish Society of Medical Oncology); October 27 to 29 2010; Madrid. Posters: - Use of Palliative Radiotherapy in the Hospital La Mancha Centro. J.L. Tisaire, S. Cerezo, P. Sempere, R. Espinosa, A. García, B. Sánchez, R. Morales, C. Forastero, A. Sallabanda. - Pelvic fractures due to insufficiency in patients with pelvic radiation. B. Sánchez, J.J. Cortes, J. González Espinola; A.M. García; R. Espinosa; S. Cerezo; R. Morales; P. Sempere; J.L. Tisaire. • Courses of Palliative Care in Cancer Patient, Hosp. La Mancha Centro. October 19, 2010. Paper: - Palliative radiotherapy. P. Sempere. • 6ª International Conference of ISIORT (International Society of Intraoperative Radiation Therapy); October 14 to 16 2010; Scottsdale, Arizona. - > 10 years follow up after IOET in Early Breast Cancer: Clinical and Radiological Observations. S. Usychkin, F.A. Calvo, M. Santos; J.L. Tisaire, C. Bourgier; R. Beni, H. Marsiglia. • 29th congres of ESTRO(European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology) September 12 to 16 2010. Barcelona, Spain. A total of 11 posters, with the participation of students of the first edition of the Master, were accepted for presentation. - Early report on acute toxicity after IMRT/IGRT with tomotherapy in localized prostate cancer. R. Cendales, F. Schnitmann, L. Schiappacasse, R. Matute, C. Mínguez, D. Sevillano. - Helical tomotherapy in patients with complex shaped meningiomas close to the optic path. L. Schiappacasse, R. Cendales, F. Schnitmann, K. Sallabanda, J. Samblás, R. Matute, D. Sevillano, C. Mínguez. - Long-term outcomes of stereotactic radiosurgery for the treatment of cavernous sinus meningiomas. A series report of 88 consecutives patients. M.A. Santos, F. Calvo, J. Salcedo, K. Sallabanda, H. Marsiglia, J. Samblás. - Short-terms results of IMRT treatment in the inoperable locorregionally advanced head and neck cancer. M. Dzhugashvili. 29 - Integrated boost IMRT for prostate adenocarcinoma at high risk. Preliminary results. A. Fondevilla, M. Dzhughasvili, F. Mata, D. Ramos, V. Puchades, P.P. Escolar. - Tomotherapy in Nasopharynx and paranasal sinuses cancers. I. Marrone. - Radiotherapy stereotactic extracranial with TomoTherapy: results and toxicity. I. Marrone, C. Beltrán. - Tomotherapy for craniospinal irradiation in medulloblastoma paedriatric patients: preliminary results and acute toxicity. R. Matute, I. Marrone. - Tomotherapy in pediatric patients. Initial experiences. R. Matute, L. Mesbah, I. Marrone, F. Puebla, H. Marsiglia. - Preoperative Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy with Simultaneous Integrated Boost (SIB-IMRT) and concurrente fluoropyrimidine in Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer (LARC). J.L. Tisaire, S. Cerezo, C. Moreno, C. Forastero, M. Tejado, R. Morales, B. Sanchez-Gil, A. Garcia-Tapiador, P. Sempere, M. Manzanera. - Dosimetric Parameters associated with the development of acute toxicity in breast irradiation volume using 3DCRT. I. Sisamon, R. Cendales, J.M. Díaz Cobos, P.P. Escolar Pérez, A. Fondevilla, F. Mata, L. Schiappacasse. Posters presented at the 29th ESTRO Congress (European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology). • Eurasian Seminar on Colorectal Cancer (Advanced Course for Specialist), Samara Cancer Center (Russian Federation), August 29-30 2010. Free communication: - Radiotherapy in the combined treatment of colorectal cancer. M. Dzhugashvili. 30 1st International Master In Advanced Technological Applications In Radiotherapy • XV National Congress of Sociedad Española de Neurocirugía. XXVI National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Neurosurgery. La Coruña. May 12 to 14 2010. Communications and posters: - Cavernous angiomas. Current behavior. Our experience. G. López Flores. - Bilateral lesion of the pale medial in adults and children with generalised dystonias. G.. López Flores. - Radiosurgery for tumors of the anterior cranial fossa. G. López Flores. - Skull base Meningiomas. Multimodal management. G. López Flores. - Treatment with radiosurgery in high-grade tumors. K. Sallabanda; T. García; J.C. Bustos; J. Samblás; J.A. Gutiérrez; C. Beltrán; G. García; C. Peraza; G. López Flores y G. Nagore. • XXXIII Meeting of the Castilla La Mancha – Extremadura Association of Urology. Alcázar de San Juan, Ciudad Real, May 15, 2010. Report: - Comparison of dose volume histogram (DHV) and toxicity with intensity modulated radiation therapy of doses (IMRT) vs Prostate brachytherapy with low risk. P. Sempere. • II Congress of Latin-American Association of Radiation Oncological Therapy (Asociación Latinoamericana de Terapia Radiante Oncológica - ALATRO); Cancún, México, November 17 to 20 2009. - Dosimetric comparison between IMRT radiotherapy versus low dose rate of brachytherapy in 125 patients with low prostate cancer risk. Póster: P. Sempere. - Image Guided Radiation Therapy Image Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT) by using Kv Cone Beam CT: State of the art. P. Sempere. Conference in 1st Iberian-American Meeting: Tomotherapy Symposium within the II Congress of ALATRO; Cancún, Mexico, November 18 2009. Highlight the publication of scientific articles Long-term outcomes of stereotactic radiosurgery for cavernous sinus meningiomas Treatment of the prestigious journal J. Int Radiation Oncology Biol Phys conducted by Dr. Mark A. Dos Santos, J. C. Bustos, J. A. Gutiérrez, F. A. Calvo, J. Samblás, H. Marsiglia, K. Sallabanda (in press). 31 Students 32 1st International Master In Advanced Technological Applications In Radiotherapy T he Master targets specialists in Radiation Oncology of different nationalities. 13 students have participated, selected under criteria of merit and ability. Miriam Alicia ARGUELLO Ecuador Inmacolata MARRONE Italy Ledio BREGU Albania Latifa MESBAH Morocco Ricardo CENDALES Colombia Pilar Mª SEMPERE Venezuela Marcos Antonio DOS SANTOS Brazil Ignacio SISAMÓN Argentina Maia DZHUGASHVILI Russia Franco SCHNITMAN Argentina Elvisa KOZMA Albania Sergey USYCHKIN Russia Gerardo LÓPEZ Cuba 33 Students testimonies 34 1st International Master In Advanced Technological Applications In Radiotherapy “First of all thank you for the support and lessons I learned this year. It was useful for me to value myself as a person and to see that I could handle the work and study, despite the fact that all my colleagues are very young, and that I managed to overcome this challenge. I had hard and difficult times, and despite the drawbacks, I am very satisfied. “ Miriam Alicia ARGUELLO “My boss told me about this Masters in Madrid. He told me it was being organized by the IMO Group Foundation and when I got here I saw that it was better than I thought. I think I’ve made much of the opportunity given to me to pursue this Masters. And surely I will do it again and even do the PH.D., if you could please let me know about it.... Ledio BREGU “I came to Spain because I heard that the IMO Group`Foundation was organizing this Master, and I was interested in learning new techniques in radiotherapy. And in that sense, I want to congratulate the organizers of the Master because I consider it one of the best in Europe. Furthermore, I think it is very well organized. “ Maia DZHUGASHVILI “It´s been a very profitable year, considering what we learned, lived and shared in the development of the Master. I have accessed the possibility to know, understand and plan the appropriate technical development of Radiotherapy services in our respective countries. “ Franco SCHNITMAN “It was an excellent experience and very relevant because it allowed me to improve the practice in radiation oncology and to learn the latest technologies in that area. All countries have their own standards of medical care and I think that the possibility to observe a different medical culture has been one of the biggest advantages for me in this training course. The Advanced technologies in medicine can bring benefits to patients, which I was able to verify in one of the IMO Group unit throughout this year. I would like to express my gratitude to the IMO Group Foundation and the rest of the organizers of the Master for this experience and I hope it will be even better in the next edition” Sergey USYCHKIN 35 The Master in figures 36 1st International Master In Advanced Technological Applications In Radiotherapy Academics • Master’s Degree by the University of Murcia. • 62 Credits (ECTS). • 13 Students enrolled in the Master. • 11 Nationalities. • 13 Students with scholarships from the IMO Group Foundation. • 4 Academic, Scientists and Executives Directors. • 1 Coordinating Committee – Representatives of 3 entities. • 1 Executive Committee – 8 Representatives. • 122 National and International teachers. • 8 members of the Administration and Services. Theoretical training • 34 lecture sessions. • 279 conferences. • 13,070 slides. • 4 Days of workshops of scientific focus. • 12 Seminars of Clinical Case Analysis. • 8 Workshops and Monographic Courses Virtual campus (FFIS) • 2,885 visits about Documents - Bibliography lecture sessions. • 764 visits concerning the Generic Activity (Brochures and programs, Contacts, Folder, Message Board). • 502 visits of recorded live sessions. • 218:00:00 hours recorded during training sessions. • 121:00:00 hours of editing and postproduction. • 125:15:00 Hours published in the Virtual Campus 37 Healthcare activity • 12,480 hours of healthcare activity. • 1,080 hours of placements – 18 working days in residence (Tomotherapy Unit of IMO Group at La Milagrosa Clinic). • 360 hours – 18 working days in residence – Placements (Radiotherapy and Radio- surgery Unit of IMO Group at San Francisco de Asís Hospital). • 50 Clinical Sessions Scientific activity • 4 training days with scientific focus integrated into the Master. • 3 Posters displayed at international congresses. • 14 Posters displayed at national conferences • 4 presentations given at national conferences. • 2 Presentations given in workshops in national congresses. • 2 presentations given at international congresses. 38 1st International Master In Advanced Technological Applications In Radiotherapy Partners Sponsored by: collaboration with: 39 Trabajamos al servicio de la sociedad en la lucha contra el cáncer. FUNDACIÓN GRUPO IMO •Ayudamos a los enfermos y a sus familiares ofreciéndoles atención psico-oncológica. •Realizamos campañas de concienciación social. para informar y sensibilizar a la sociedad. •Organizamos actividades dirigidas a mejorar la 40 calidad de vida del paciente.