Crossroads Connection - Crossroads Academy of Kansas City
Crossroads Connection - Crossroads Academy of Kansas City 4/pioA746BT.png 4/pioA746BT.png CrossroadsConnection Septiembre2016 1015CentralStreet,KansasCity,MO64105/ DesdeelescritoriodelaDirectora… PERSONALDESTACADO AllisonBucklew MaestradeEducaciónMedia Elcicloescolar2016-2017nopudocomenzardemejor manera.Losalumnosylosprofesoreshanestado practicandoprocedimientos,conociéndoseycreandouna culturaenfocadaenaltasexpectativasyencumplirlas metas.Hasidoemocionanteveralosalumnostrabajaren equipoparamejorarlacomunidadenelsalóndeclasesy compartirsusconocimientos.Losalumnosyprofesores tambiénseestánpreparandoparalaevaluaciónNWEA,la cualdeterminalabasedeloslogrosdelalumno.Esto prepararáalosalumnosymaestrosparaunañomuy importanteendondelosalumnoscreceránymejoraránsu experienciaatravésdeunaprendizajeintencionaly personalizado.. ¿En dónde creció? Crecí en Kansas City, Missouri. Y fui alumna en St. Theresa’s Academy durante la preparatoria. ¿Cuáles son sus hobbies? Me gusta el kickboxing, pasar tiempo con mi perro y cocinar. ¿Qué disfruta mas sobre trabajar en CAKC? Donde comienzo – la alegría de los alumnos por aprender me ha impresionado y estoy sorprendida por su entusiasmo. Me emociona saber cuanto crecerán los alumnos este año. Ah, y por si fuera poco, ¡tengo a los mejores colegas de la ciudad! Ustedestáinvitadoaacompañarmeelmiércoles,14de Septiembrede8:15-8:45paranuestroMiércolesde Bienvenidamensual.¡NosvemosprontoenCAKC! Mrs.BevLeonard UNVISTAZOASEPTIEMBRE 9/2:Celebracionesdecumpleaños 9/5:Nohayclases–DíadelTrabajo 9/6:Nohayclases–DíadelMaestro 9/14:MiércolesdeBienvenida 9/16:SpiritDay:Losalumnospuedenvestirunacamisetacon ellogodelaescuelaypantalones,shortsofaldasdeuniforme. 9/20:JuntaPAC,5:30pm 9/22:NochedeProfesión:Masinformaciónpróximamente 9/26:JuntadeConsejo,5:00pmenCAKC **TODOSLOSMIERCOLESENSEPTIEMBRELASALIDAESA LAS2:30PM ¿Cuál es su memoria favorita de cuando era alumna? Mi materia favorita era ciencia. Una vez utilizamos el microscopio para ver células de nuestras mejillas y quedé impresionada. ¿Quién es su personaje favorito de un libro y por qué? Katniss Everdeen es uno de mis personajes favoritos porque es una mujer independiente que se puede cuidar a ella misma. NOTICIASSOBREPAC JuntaPAC:Martes,20deseptiembrealas5:30pm Habráguarderíadisponibleparaniñosquenonecesitanayuda parairalbañ[email protected] necesitaguardería. ¡Estependientealasformasdevestimentaenlosfolderscada miércoles! ¡COLECTADECELULARES!NecesitamosiPhonesyAndroidsviejosqueaúnsepuedanconectarawifi. Estonospermitiráexplorarlugaresaloscuálesnopodíamosirantesconrealidadvirtual.Antesdedonarsusteléfonos porfavoreliminelascuentasdeiCloudyGoogle. Paraquelasaplicacionesfuncionen,lossistemasoperativosdebenser: • ElteléfonoAndroidrequierelaversión4.1omayor. • iOSrequierelaversión8.0omayor. CitaCrossroads: Elmejorsentimientoyla tranquilidadquepodemossentir comopadresessaberquenuestros hijosestánenunagranescuela. Nuestrosalumnoslleganacasay dicen:"Hoyfueungrandíayno puedoesperaraqueseamañana." ELSEXTOGRADO…Losalumnosseestánembarcandoenunviajeparacrear autorretratosquecuentensushistorias.Algunosalumnoscrearánretratosdepaisajes mientrasqueotroscrearanautorretratos.Mientraspreparansusobrasdearte,los alumnoshanestudiadoaotrosartistaseintercambiadoideasenclase.Ms.Clayton, nuestramaestrodeartesvisuales,entiendelaimportanciadedejarquelosalumnos compartanenclasequienesson. -LafamiliadeSauleIsaiah SUPERHÉROEDELMES KarenHarrison CrossroadsAcademyquiereenviar uncordialagradecimientoanuestra superhéroedelmes,KarenHarrison. Karenpasatiempoayudandoa nuestrosalumnosenCrossroads Academycuandopuede.Ellanos ayudóasupervisarunodelos puestosdelimonadael31de agosto.Karenanimóalosalumnosa quehablaránconlosclientesyles contarándenuestraescuela.¡Karen logróqueelpuestodelimonada fueratodounéxito!Muchasgracias Karenporeltiempoyesfuerzopara lograrquenuestrasactividadessean perfectas. ¡Oportunidadesparavoluntarios! Nosencantatenerapadresdefamiliaymiembrosdelacomunidadinvolucradoscon laescuela.Unagranmaneradeayudarnosesasistiendoalabibliotecadelcentro connuestrosalumnos.¡IniciesesiónenelPortalVoluntario!Contactea [email protected]ón. ¡DeportesdeotoñoenCAKC! FormasdeVoleibolyBasquetbolseránenviadaspronto.LasligasdeVoleiboliniciaránla 3erasemanadeseptiembreparaniñasde5to,6to,7moy8vo.LasligasdeBasquetbol iniciarandespuésdeAccióndeGraciasparaniñasyniñosde 4to,5to,6to,7mo&8vo. Comiendoalmuerzossaludables AquíenCrossroads,queremosayudaralosalumnoseneldesarrollodehábitos saludables.Enunesfuerzoporfacilitarlaincorporacióndeopcionesmassaludables, losalumnosnopuedentraerTakis/FriturasPicantesorefrescoalaescuela. Esperamostrabajarconlasfamiliasparaayudaralosestudiantesatenerhábitos alimenticiosmassaludables. ¡Nuestrarecaudacióndefondosanualseráelpróximo10de noviembre!Esteeventoseránuestracolectamasgrandedelaño.Nos brindalaoportunidaddeorganizareventoscomoexcursiones, desarrollóprofesionaldemaestros,nuestroprogramadespuésde clasesyalmuerzossaludables.Esperamosjuntar$150,000durante esteeventoatravésdepatrocinios,boletos,subastasyrifas.Nuestro comité,formadomayormenteporpadres,estápuliendolosdetalles. SoñandoGRANDEenKansasCity ¿QUIEREAYUDAR? Elcomiteestájuntandotarjetasderegalo,boletosdeeventosymasparalasubasta.Seesperatenertodoslosobjetosantesdel 15deoctubre.Siustedosutrabajodeseandonaralgúnobjetooboletos,porfavormandeuncorreoa: ¡MANTENGASEINFORMADOPARALAVENTADEBOLETOS! NOSDARÁGUSTOVERLOENNUESTROEVENTOSOÑANDOENGRANDEDECAKCYQUALITYHILL! RECURSOPARAPADRES:Preguntasyrespuestas,normasdecalificaciones ¿Quesonlasnormasdecalificación? Lasnormasdecalificaciónmideneldominiodeaprendizajeoquetanbienentiendenelmaterialenclaselosalumnos. Estánbasadasenunestándarespecíficoelcuallosalumnosnecesitancumplirparacadaniveldecontenido/calificación.Lasmarcasno sonununacomparaciónentreunestudianteyotro,sinounamanerademedirquetanbienseestándesempeñandolosalumnosen cadanivel.Unenfoqueasípermitealospadresyalumnosentenderclaramenteloqueseesperadeellosycomoayudarlosaser exitososenelprogramaeducativo. ¿Cualeselobjetivodelasnormasdecalificación? Elobjetivoprimariodelasnormasdecalificaciónesmejorarloslogrosestudiantiles,centrándoseenlaalineacióncurricularconlos estándaresesenciales.Lasnormasdecalificaciónproveeránunamejorcomunicaciónaalumnos,padres,profesoresyadministradores sobrelosconocimientosdelalumno. ¿Quediferenciashayentrelasnormasdecalificaciónylatradicionalcalificaciónconletras? Lasnormasdecalificaciónnosinformanloqueenrealidadsabenyhanaprendidolosalumnos.Lasnormasdecalificaciónmidelos conocimientosdelalumnoalargoplazo,unniveldedesempeñomasconsistente.Asique,siunalumnosufrealprincipiodelperiodo decalificacionconcontenidonuevo,aprendeyluegodemuestraundesempeñoproficientalfinaldelsemestre.Enelsistemade evalucacióntradicional,eldesempeñodelalumnoenelperiododecalificacionserápromediadoconexámenesaprincipiosde semestreloscualessifueronbajos,afectaranlacalificacionfinal.Enlasnormasdecalificación,asistencia,esfuerzo,hábitosdetrabajo yactitudseránreportadasseparadamenteparapoderreportarelprogresodelalumnodeunamaneramasprecisa. ¿Comosedeterminaeldominioestudiantil? Losprofesoresconsideraráncuidadosamentelosiguienteparadeterminareldominioestudiantil:tareasdiariasescritasuorales independientes;aplicacióndehabilidades;evaluacionesperiódicas(exámenes),tareasdedesempeñoycuestionamientomaestroalumno.Habrádiferentestiposdeevaluacióndisponibles.Losalumnospuedentomarlaevaluacióntantasvecesseannecesarias,para demostrarquedominanlahabilidadoconcepto.Unaretroalimentacióndescriptivayconstantesucederáparaquelosalumnossepan enqueáreasdebenmejorar.Silosalumnosdemuestranquelasevaluacionespasadasyanoreflejansuaprendizaje,esainformación deberáserreemplazadaconnuevainformación. TodosconocemoslaescaladeA-B-C-D-Fy100puntosparacalificar.¿Porquecambiar? Elsistematradicionaldecalificaciónnormalmentemidediferentesfactoresycomparaquetantosabenlosalumnoscomparadoscon otros.Lasnormasdecalificaciónmidenquetanbienseestadesempeñandounalumnoenrelaciónalestándardelgrado,nodesu trabajocomparadoconotrosalumnos.Enelsistemade100puntos,lapreguntaes:¿100%deque?Necesitamoscriteriosparatener masconsistenciaenloquelosalumnossabenypuedenhacer.Cuandoseaplicaunsistemadeporcentaje,puedeserengañoso.Un 100%derespuestascorrectasapreguntasfácilespuedesermuydiferenteaunmenorporcentajeenpreguntascomplicadas.Un sistemadeporcentajenoconsideraladificultaddeltrabajoynosllevaaunsistemaincorrectoenelaprendizajedelalumno.Las calificacionesdebensercorrectasparaqueseanútiles.Elusodeunaescaladecalificaciónesdesigual,asícomoelsistemade porcentaje,esdiferenteaunindicadorcorrectodedominio ¿Recibiráelalumnoalgunascalificacionestradicionales? LosgradosdeKal4norecibiráncalificacionestradicionales.Losporcentajesdeeducaciónmediaseránconvertidosacalificaciones tradicionales.Laescaladeeducaciónmediaseraasí:A=80%-100%estándaresdominados,B=70%-79%estándaresdominados,C= 60%-69%estándaresdominados,I(en)=59%ymenorestándaresdominados.Alfinaldelcicloescolarocuandounalumnosea transferido,todaslas“I”seconvertiránen“D”(40%-59%)oF(39%ymenor). ¿Comopodránestarinformadoslospadressobreelprogresodesushijos? LaescuelautilizaunaplataformadeevaluaciónllamadaMasteryConnectparacomunicaralospadressobrelasnormasdecalificación yelprogresodelalumno.HaytresnivelesdelogrosenMasteryConnect:“Mastery”indicaqueelestudiantehalogradoelestándar independientemente.“NearingMastery”indicaqueelestudianteestadesarrollandounentendimientodelestándar,peroaun necesitainstrucciónyayudaadicional.“Remediation”indicaunentendimientomínimodelestándarporpartedelalumnoyrequiere instrucción,intervenciónyayudaadicional.LospadresyestudiantespuedeniniciarsesiónenMasteryConnectencualquiermomento paraverlosestándaresmencionadosychecarelprogresodelalumno.Cadacuarto,lospadrestendránaccesoalatarjetadereporte desushijos. Lunch September 2016 Turkey Corn Dog served with Baked Beans Pineapple Tidbits Milk 1 10 Hamburger served on a Whole Wheat Bun with French fries Seasoned Carrots 6 Banana Milk Orange Chicken served over Brown Rice Seasoned Peas Mandarin Oranges 12 Milk Cheese Pizza Fresh Mixed Salad Watermelon Milk Beef & Bean Burrito Pears Fiesta Corn Chicken Salad served on Whole Wheat Bread Steamed Broccoli and Cauliflower 20 Tropical Fruit Milk 19 13 Milk Beef Nachos Fiesta Corn Pears Milk 26 Chicken Patty served on a Whole Wheat Bun with Tater Tots Sliced Oranges 27 Peas & Corn Milk Teriyaki Chicken served over Brown Rice Steamed Broccoli Fresh Fruit Milk 2 Whole Wheat Penne served with Marinara Meat Sauce and a Garlic Breadstick Peas & Carrots 7 Tropical Fruit Milk Nacho Burger served on a Whole Wheat Bun Refried Beans Pineapple Tidbits 14 Milk BBQ Chicken served on a Whole Wheat Bun with Farmers Potato Spinach Salad Apple 8 Milk Vegetarian Lasagna Garlic Breadstick Spinach salad Peaches 15 Milk Sloppy Joe served on a Whole Wheat Bun Sliced carrots Apple 21 Milk Chicken Nuggets served with Baked French Fries Peas & Corn Milk Spaghetti and Meatballs Green Salad served with Ranch Dressing Peaches 28 Milk Teriyaki Chicken served over Brown Rice Turkey Corn Dog served with Baked Beans Steamed Broccoli Pineapple Tidbits Milk Fresh Fruit Salad Milk 22 29 Southwest Chicken Salad served over Spanish Rice and Fiesta Corn Romaine Salad 9 Apple Sauce Milk Turkey Dog served with Tater Tots Green Veggie Salad served with Ranch Dressing 16 Apple MilkSticks Fish Baked Tater Tots Pears Milk 23 30 When Your Child is Bullied... page 3 Empathy in a Digital World page 4 Digital Diligence page 5 for Parents & Adult Family Members When Your Child Is Bullied... Penny Bisignano, State Coordinator for Olweus Bullying Prevention Programming in Iowa Supporting Your Child/Youth Bullying can be very difficult for children/youth to report. When they tell you: •Listen, take it seriously, and be supportive. They need your help. •Don’t say, “Just ignore it.” Kids who’ve been bullied did that a long time ago! •Don’t ask, “What are you doing to cause this?” Don’t blame them. •Get the details so you can present information to the school for the inquiry/investigation (see 1,2,3 below). •Let them know it is not their fault! Bullying is about POWER. Kids who bully have power over others. •Help your child/youth identify their strengths, special gifts and ways they can buffer this difficult time. •Make sure your home is a safe and comforting place for your child/youth. •REPORT & make sure the bullying stops. Don’t quit until it stops. Continued on page 2 When Your Child Is Bullied... (con’t) More Steps / Strategies for Reporting Bullying •Contact the school to report what has happened. •Request a safety plan for your child. •You may involve the police if another child/youth has physically assaulted your child or is seriously threatening him or her with bodily injury. •Ask how the event(s) will be investigated. Request communication about the progress and results of the investigation. •If the bullying was about age, race, color, national origin, disability, religion or sex, it may be discriminatory. You may decide to contact your state Civil Rights Commission and/or the Federal Office of Civil Rights. •If the bullying issues are not resolved, you may contact your local superintendent of schools, your school board or the state department of education bullying prevention specialist. At any point in this process you may decide to contact an attorney. Strategies for Reporting Bullying to Schools Keep a detailed diary of what has happened to your child. Make sure you have more than one copy of this documentation. The diary should describe: 1.What happened – who is bullying, what kind of bullying, when and frequency, where it happened. 2.How target is affected – physical, emotional/mental health, attendance, interference with schoolwork, interference with school events, and other things in their life harmed/affected. 3.Other details – like…it happened last year, started again, couldn’t tell until now, online/phone as well, neighborhood issues etc. What Should NOT Happen When Your Child/Youth Reports Being Bullied! •They should NOT be made to feel responsible for the bullying. •They should NOT be made to feel that they should take care of it themselves. •They should NOT be asked to meet with their aggressors “to work it out.” •They should NOT be asked to change their schedule/ plans because of bullying. Resources/References • Cartoon Network – Stop Bullying Speak Up – Parent Tip Sheet • For Schools – What NOT To Do When Bullying Occurs – • Why kids don’t report bullying – Committee for Children Developed by Penny Bisignano – [email protected] 2 5 Ways to Nurture Empathy in a Digital-Driven World Dr. Michele Borba, Parenting Expert In 1966, Newsweek released the first part of their landmark cover story, “The Teen-Agers: A Newsweek Survey of What They’re Really Like,” investigating everything from politics and pop culture to teens’ views of their parents, their future and the world. This week Newsweek released a fifty-year follow up study called “The State of the American Teenager in Numbers: 1966 vs Now.” They set out to discover what’s changed and what’s remained the same for the teen set. Perhaps most fascinating was the seismic shift in “teen gadget ownership.” The gadget categories show just how monumental the change in technology has been for our children. I just pulled a few differences: Teen Gadget Ownership in 1966 Records: Boys 75% Girls 90% Transistor Radio Boys 75% Girls 72% Encyclopedia: Boys 64% Girls 60% Hair Dryer: Boys: 0% Girls 65% Teen Gadget Ownership in 2015 Smartphone: Boys 73% Girls 78% Computer: Boys 55% Girls 78% Bike: Boys 61% Girls 49% Tablet: Boys 48% Girls 51% Reality Check: Childhoods have changed and technology is clearly a part of our children’s lives. But sometimes we miss the big picture: how much our kids are plugging in and (even more important) potentially plugging out of real life. A recent report found that one third of infants are now using Smartphones and/ or Tablets. And the average kid is plugged into digital devices longer than a typical school day and (in most cases), longer than he or she sleeps. But something more is at stake: our children’s empathy and emotional intelligence. As I researched and wrote, UnSelfie: Why Empathetic Kids Succeed in Our All-About-Me World I was struck by staggering statistics that show a forty percent drop in our children’s empathy levels within the last thirty years. And interestingly the biggest dip happened around the year 2000– about the same time computers, tablets, smartphones, and all the rest became central in our children’s lives. Yes, technology is taking giant leaps forward in so many ways as a society, but let’s remember that the cornerstone of humanity is empathy. Empathy is the seeds of compassion, courage, collaboration and all those traits that help our children grow to be good people. The most effective way for our children to learn empathy is always face to face. You don’t learn empathy facing screens. Last week I spoke to parents at Willows Schools at the invitation of Common Sense Media discuss the empathy and technology connection. I offered several parenting tips as to how to nurture children’s empathy especially in today’s plugged-in, digital driven world. I’ve included five evening favorites. Best empathy-building practices are always real and meaningful to children. (Hint: They’re usually unplanned and don’t cost a dime). Take advantage of those spontaneous moments with your children! Here are five ideas to keep our children’s empathy open from UnSelfie. Be an emotion coach Find natural moments to connect face to face to listen, and then validate your child’s feelings and boost emotional literacy. The face is the best tool for developing emotional literacy. Talk feelings Kids need an emotion vocabulary to discuss feelings and guidance to become emotionally literate. Point out feelings in films, books, or real people and use more emotion words. And just keep naturally using more feeling words in your own vocabulary. Set unplugged times Take a digital reality check and stick to your rules so kids have “face time.” Find times that are most convenient for all of your family, and then post them as a reminder. Use literature to nurture moral imagination Reading literary fiction-even for short periods-nurtures empathy and perspective taking ability like The Wednesday Surprise, The Hundred Dresses, The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. (Refer to Common Sense Media. Read as a family, or one on one. Or get two copies (for you and your teen) to read alone, and then discuss together. And always remember to ask: “How would you feel if that happened to you?” Ask “I wonder?” Watch emotionally-charged films together (like Dumbo, Inside Out, E.T.). Teach your kids to ask themselves “I wonder: what does (Benjamin Button, Charlotte, or even Uncle Fred) think/feel/ need?” Encourage them to use same the “I wonder” question whenever they encounter someone new like the woman in line, child on swings, new student, man lying on the street. Technology will continue to advance. Let’s just make sure that our children’s empathy levels do as well. Michele Borba, Ph.D.’s new book, UNSELFIE: Why Empathetic Kids Succeed in Our All-About-Me World is in print June 2016. I’ve spent the last five years researching and writing this book as well as literally flying around the world to find the best ways we can activate our children’s hearts. My goal is to create a conversation that makes us rethink our view of success as exclusively grades, rank and score and includes traits of humanity! It’s filled with common-sense solutions based on the latest science to help us raise compassionate, caring, courageous kids. It’s time to include “empathy” in our parenting and teaching! 3 Digital Diligence Kim Kiritschenko, School Resource Officer, Brownsburg ISD in Indiana Just when we thought our kids were old enough where we no longer had to watch their every move on the playground or at the park, we now have to watch them online. It can be an overwhelming task to monitor their online world where approximately 500 new apps are released every day. How do we know which ones are most popular and which ones they are using? Below, I have comprised a Cliff Note’s version of some of the apps that are the most commonly used as well as ones that are most concerning for parents and law enforcement. Instagram Snapchat Twitter KIK Most popular overall. Users post pictures and followers can leave comments as well as tag friends in photos. Parents should frequently check to see what their child is posting but should also be aware of who their child is following. Some users will offer up narcotics and request that their followers “DM” for more info. Instagram allows “DM” or Direct Messaging between users as well as group messages. Most bullying and drama occurs over DM. Common to see “Exposing” accounts where X rated photos are posted and the person who is in the photo will be named in the comments. These fake accounts are usually only active for a day or two however they gain followers very quickly and can do severe reputation damage. More than just funny filters, overlays and face swaps. Kids love the ability to have fun with selfies and pics with their friends but pay attention to the Snapchat Stories feature. Think of Instagram but with videos. As a School Resource Officer I have seen Snapchat stories that range from videos of kids simply dancing and having fun to smoking marijuana. If you want to get an inside look in to what your child’s friends are doing…watch some Snapchat stories that appear on their timeline. Still popular with high school age kids and tends to host its share of drama. Familiarize yourself with what a Subtweet is (a post that refers to someone else without directly mentioning them) and Twitter Beef (an argument played out on Twitter). Direct messaging allows for side conversations and Twitter does have its share of “Roast Accounts” where an anonymous user sets up an account to insult another person or group. Keep an eye out for local “Confession” accounts as well where students will post about illegal activity, rumors, crushes, teachers and more. Definitely the most concerning app due to the large amount of fake profiles, child exploitation and the ability for users to start up conversations with people they have never met. KIK users have reported receiving automated spam bot messages containing explicit images as well as unwanted requests from strangers requesting pornographic photos. Parents need to closely monitor this app if their child has it. When a child reports being solicited online by a stranger, many times their initial contact can be traced back to meeting on KIK. Social Media is like driving on a busy highway...some people are just simply better drivers than others. Some drivers are more patient, cautious, polite and safe while others don’t care who they put in danger in order to get where they are going. The bottom line is that it is up to us as adults to teach our kids the rules of the road online. Join IBPA for just $25 to support the work being done to reduce bullying and have access to additional resources and connect with others in your region that are dedicated to bullying prevention. This newsletter is published by the International Bullying Prevention Association. IBPA | PO Box 99217 | Troy, MI 48099 | 800-929-0397 | [email protected] Copyright © 2016. All rights reserved. 4