40047 ENERGY TECHNOLOGY Page 1 of 3 COURSE: ENERGY TECHNOLOGY ESTUDIOS: INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING (2nd cycle) CODE: 40047 TYPE: TR CREDITS (hours/week): 6,0 (4) ECTS CREDITS: 4,5 PROFESSOR: Dr. Oriol Pou Ibar LANGUAGE: Catalan or Spanish YEAR: 5th SEMESTER: 2nd PREREQUIREMENTS: Transport phenomena, Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics. PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGES: prerequirements. The corresponding to the mentioned courses in COURSES THAT HAVE TO BE STUDIED SIMULTANEOUSLY: None. COURSE DESCRIPTION: General view of the different technical and economic aspects that determine the provision and efficient use of energy in the industry and of the knowledges and basic tools for energy management in the industrial environment. COURSE OBJECTIVOS: 1. Let the student know the different sources and forms of energy in the market, the energy markets and their order, the technologies and the respective characteristics (a). 2. Give the essential elements for the design of energy systems and procedures of energy management in the industrial environment (e). 3. Transmit the impact and importance of en efficient use of energy in the sustainable development of our society (h). 4. Help to understand the changes appearing with the use and consumption of energy in general in the world, and in particular, in our society (h). 5. Learn to work in groups as an important tool for the professional future (d). CONTENTS: 1. Final energy balances. 2. Sources of primary energy:- Resources and markets: Carbon, gas, Petroleum , nuclear and renewable 3. Cost-profit analysis.- Methods of investment selection. 4. Petroleum industry. Order and infrastructures. 5. Gas industry. Order and infrastructures. 6. Nuclear energy. Fission, fusion and nuclear power plants 7. Renewable energy. 8. Energy distribution and efficiency 9. Cogeneration and energy efficiency. 40047 ENERGY TECHNOLOGY Page 2 of 3 METHODOLOGY: The professor introduces different themes, proposes exercises, problems and practical cases corresponding to the studied issues and the student has to solve them at home. Those exercises are subsequently solved and discussed in class. Classes are completed with the visit to representative energy plants. EVALUATION: The evaluation is carried out according to: A.- Work done at home about a monographic issue proposed by the professor that corresponds to a 20% (d) in the final evaluation. B.- Exam. The exam has a theoretical part that corresponds to a 50% (a, h, e) in the final evaluation and a part of problems and exercises that is also a 30% (e) of the qualification. CRITERIA FOR RESULTS EVALUATION: Objective 1: The student must show basic knowledge about the different types of commercial energies and their relative importance in the fulfillment of energy needs in the society. The student must demonstrate that he has acquired a general knowledge of the performance of energy sectors and of the configuration of basic infrastructures for production, transport, distribution and commercialization of main energy products. Objective 2: The student must be able to analyze and assess different possible solutions to satisfy the energy needs of an industrial activity in order to propose the most appropriate solution. Objective 3 The student must demonstrate that he can understand the importance of a suitable energy management and the impact and social repercussion it may have. Objective 4 He must have the necessary perspective to foresee and adapt to the changing range of technologies and energy markets. ORDINARY BIBLIOGRAPHY: Larry C. Witte, Philip S. Schmidt, David R. Brown. “Industrial Energy Management and Utilization”. Edit.: Hemispher Publishing Corporation. ISBN: 0-89116-322 o Springer-Verlag; ISBN: 3–540-18533. CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS DE LA ENERGÍA.- “Técnicas de conservación Energética en la Industria”. 2tomos. Servicio de Publicaciones del Ministerio de Industria y Energía. 1982. MERINO J.Mª. ”Eficiencia Energética Eléctrica” - Introducción y Auditoría Energética Eléctrica”. Tomo I .Edit.: URMO – CADEM -IBERDROLA.2000. 40047 ENERGY TECHNOLOGY Page 3 of 3 BIBLIOGRAPHY or COMPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: MOLINA,L.A., MOLINA,G., MERINO,J.Mª., GOZÁLEZ,R. ”Manual de Eficiencia Energética Eléctrica en la Industria”.2 tomos. CADEM. Bilbao.1985. Sala Lizarraga, José Mª. “Cogeneración”.- Universidad del País Vasco. 1999. EDF.“Le calcul économique et le système électrique”. Editorial Eyrolles. 1979. Orille Fernández, A. L. ”Centrales Eléctricas”. Tres tomos. ETSEIB- CPDA, Barcelona. 1993. “Enciclopedia de la Energía”. Editorial Marcombo, Barcelona, 1982. Emilio Menéndez Pérez. 2001. “Energías renovables. “Sustentabilidad y creación de empleo”.- Edit. Catarata.- ISBN: 84-8319-115-6. 2001. Josep Enric Llebot. “El canvi climàtic”.- Edit.: Rubes Editorial, S.L. ISBN: 84-393-44538.- 1998. PREPARED BY: Eng. Josep Maria Mias Navés REVISED BY: Dr. Oriol Pou Ibar DATE OF THE LAST REVIEW: April 2012