Geological Conditions
Geological Conditions
PORTO Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 PORTO Project and construction of Underground U de g ou d stations stat o s a and d tu tunnels es (TBM and NATM) in heterogeneous masses for Metro do Porto. António Viana da Fonseca ([email protected]) António Topa Gomes ([email protected]) Jornadas Jornadas“TÚNELES “TÚNELES YY EXCAVACIONES EXCAVACIONES EN EN GRANITO” GRANITO” Abril Abril 2010 2010 1 Metro do Porto Project and construction System of Light Metro of the Metropolitan Area of Porto Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Metro do Porto INDEX The Project Geological Conditions Tunnels: - TBM (sellection and adaptations) and other solutions - Monitoring and Control Tunnels Underground stations: pp or unsupported pp shafts ((arch effects)) - Cut and Cover: active support - Cavern with access shafts (unsupported) and mining by NATM Building Risk Analysis: - Surveying Procedures (limits and alerts; reactions and solutions) Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 2 Metro do Porto And there has been a POPULAR MYTH An underground metro would never be a reality in Porto !!! The granite is impenetrable?... Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Metro do Porto The Project Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 3 Metro do Porto. Routes Reconvertion of more than 50Km of existing lines. Construction of 13 km of surface f new lines. li Construction of 7 Km of tunneling new lines. Construction of 2 Principal Interface Structures. 74 Stations with decks of 70m length and 0,30m height. 11 Underground Stations. 19 Rehabilitation and modernization of existing Surface Stations. 44 New Surface Stations. Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Metro do Porto. Routes 9 8 7 14 6 - Túnel (Tuneladora) E st. Heroísm o E st. 24 de A gosto Trindade (D . Redes p/ Trincheira) M atosinhos - P .I. V ia Rápida p/ V ia M atosinhos - D esvios Redes p P M O Guifões Ram al acesso P M O Guifões M aia (D esvios Redes e P lataform a) 13 6 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Main Undergro ound Stations L eg en d a: Frentes F ren tes de d eObra O b raactiv as Frentes de obra emem Jan/20 01 activas O u t/2001 activas em FEV 2002 12 5 Line S 11 15 Line C 4 10 1 3 2 Tunneling new lines Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 4 Metro do Porto Geological Conditions Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Metro do Porto. Geological Conditions Distribution of Porto Granite Iberian Granites Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 5 Metro do Porto. Geological Conditions Geological complexity of the region Do uro r Rive SZ PT CIZ OMZ 1 2 3 4 5 6 CIZ – Central Iberian Zone; OMZ – Ossa-Morena O M Z Zone; PTSZ – Porto-Tomar Shear Zone; (1) Cenozoic cover deposits; (2) Cambrian – CIZ (Schist and Graywacke Complex); (3) Precambrian metassediments – OMZ; (4) Madalena granite (late orogenic); (5) Ermesinde granite (hybrid sin-tectonic); (6) Porto granite (peraluminous sin-tectonic) Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Metro do Porto. Geological Conditions Prevailling conditions of Porto Granite - “All Weathering Grades“ irregular geometry between weathered and sound rock mass Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 6 Metro do Porto. Geological Conditions Erratic profiles of highly weathered to sound granitic masses Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Metro do Porto. Geotechnical Characterisation Fract. RQD NSPT Geomechanical Group G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 Weathering (W) W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W5/W6 n.a. Fracturation (F) F1-F2 F2-F3 F3-F4 F4-F5 n.a. n.a. n.a. GSI NSPT 65-85 45-65 30-45 15-30 n.a. n.a. > 50 < 50 var. RO OCK G1 G2 G3 G4 Ru (Mpa) 90-150 30-90 10-35 1-15 (kN/m3) 25-27 25-27 23-25 22-24 SOIL Geomechanical classification & characterization G5 G6 G7 NSPT > 50 < 50 variable (kN/m3) 19-21 18-20 18-20 mb 7.45 32 3.2 0.98 0.67 s Ed (GPa) 6.9E-2 35 7 5E-3 7.5E-3 10 7 10.7 7.5E-4 1.0 0 0.4 c’ (Mpa) ’ (°) Ed (GPa) 0.01-0.05 32-36 0.05-0.20 0-0.02 30-34 0.02-0.07 0 27-29 <0.05 Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 7 Metro do Porto. Geotechnical Characterisation Number of boreholes (1st phase): classical (drilled) and DPR (continuous parameter recording) Drilled Boreholes Work Conventional rotary Parameters recording (DPR) Nº Comp.(m) Nº LINE C 122 3522 18 Comp.(m) 592 LINE S 75 2068 11 288 LINE J 10 560 - - Stations Line 'C' 74 1164 - - Stations Line 'S' 117 3004 - - 398 10318 29 880 TOTAL 26,4 m 17,0 m 10,5 m Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Metro do Porto. Geological Conditions vs operation mode Quality of Porto Granite and possible alternative EPB operation modes OPEN N mode e 1. Granitic mass sound or slightly weathered, no weathered material in the discontinuities. Operation mode-TBM 2. Granitic mass with very weathered material in fractures; these fractures may communicate with overlaying parts of completely weathered granite. 4 Very weathered or completely weathered granite 4. with blocks of the rock core. CLOSED D mode 3. Very weathered or completely weathered granite (almost granular soil with little or no cohesion). 5. Mixed conditions with both sound mass and completely weathered granite appearing in the face. In all cases the water table is above the tunnel crown Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 8 Metro do Porto. “Campanhã” Station - Assessment of Geology Line S (underground) g7 g6 g5 g4 g3 g2 g3 g2 Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Metro do Porto. “Campanhã” Station - Assessment of Geology Line C (underground) g7 g6 g5 g4 Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 9 Metro do Porto. Geological Conditions The Geological Model Features in weathered masses of granitic and other igneous rocks. R. Fell et al. 1992 Weathering profile Begonha and Braga, 2002 Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Metro do Porto. Geological Conditions Geology of Porto Granite “All Weathering Grades“ Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 10 Metro do Porto. Geological Conditions Weathered Granite (left) underlaying Sound Granite (right) in Places Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Metro do Porto. Geological Conditions fresh granite weathered granite Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 11 Metro do Porto. Geological Conditions Diverse weathering Multiple solutions Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Metro do Porto. Geological Conditions Multiple solutions Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 12 Metro do Porto. Geological Conditions Mixed solutions Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Metro do Porto. Geological Conditions Same station, North Side versus South Side Unsupported shafts: the importance of water level lowering Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 13 Metro do Porto. Geological Conditions North Side: Preparing the breakthrough of TBM Jet-Grouting Type II South Side Preparing the “intrusion” of the TBM nails of fibreglass Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Tunnels TUNNELING BORING MACHINE “Earth Pressure Balance” Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 14 Metro do Porto. Geological Conditions for TUNNELING Tunneling - assesment of geology Predicted geology for the Heroismo mined station, assessment by Transmetro Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Tunnels. Geological and Geotechnical Conditions Geological mapping at the face Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 15 Metro do Porto. Tunnel geometry Geometry D D D A A D A C C C A C B B F+T MV LV INTERNAL GABARIT MINIMUM CURVES’ RADIOS MAXIMUM SCALES - TBM 1: 7,80 m - Horizontal: 200 m - Scale: - TBM 2: 8,00 m - Vertical: 500 m 140 mm Gabarit: Gabarit taking the vehicule dynamics, Catenarie, Free passage (0.70m), tubes for cables, Via (STEDEF type), Signals, Ilumination… Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Tunnels. TBM - project Project conditions Tunneling internal diameter: 7.8 – 8.0m Lined with a tapered universal ring: 1.4m long and 300mm thick Consisting of : 6+1 pre-cast, reinforced concrete segments The tappered rings allow: a minimum radius of 200m Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 16 Tunnels. TBM (EPB) - Ring Support Supportin rings – a PUZZLE !!! Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Tunnels. TBM (EPB) - Ring Support Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 17 Tunnels. TBM – Earth Pressure Balance (EPB) Project conditions Overburden thickness ranges: 10m – 30m With a minimum value of: 3m – 4m underneath sensitive buildings (more than 2000 buildings in the influence zone) A complex geologic ambient: Weathered Granite Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Metro do Porto. Geological Conditions Porto Weathered Granite Weathered “Granito do Porto“ exhibits a METASTABLE structure,, which can accentuate a potential for collapse, depending on the high porosity and reduced cohesive strength of the loosed/leached residual soil. Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 18 Metro do Porto. TBM - Geological Conditions Porto Weathered Granite Weathered “Granito do Porto“ exhibits a METASTABLE structure,, which can accentuate a potential for collapse, depending on the high porosity and reduced cohesive strength of the loosed/leached residual soil. The water table is located 10-25m above the tunnel, rarely following the shape of the surface topography. Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Metro do Porto. TBM - Geological Conditions Porto Weathered Granite Weathered “Granito Granito do Porto“ Porto exhibits a METASTABLE structure, which can accentuate a potential for collapse, depending on the high porosity and reduced cohesive strength of the loosed/leached residual soil. The water table is located 10-25m above the tunnel, rarely following the shape of the surface topography. ADITIONALLY: a large number of old wells and “minas“ (old and small handmade water tunnels), tunnels) with no register...). register ) The vast number of these elements have modified the hydro-geological characteristics of the ground; so, the water MOVES NOT ONLY IN THE POROUS MEDIUM AND FRACTURES, but ALSO ALONG THESE CHANNELS (MINAS...). Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 19 Tunnels. TBM TUNNELING BORING MACHINE Selection Criteria Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Tunnels. Geology vs Tunneling Boring Machine Geology - Criteria for Selection of TBM (Babendererd et al 2004) Rock Strength Unilat. compr. MPa cohesion Cu KN/m² Face Support Shield > 250 - - - 250 100 Rock - Jointing RQD Distanc e 100 >2m 90 % 90 75 % 2.0 2 0 0.6 m 0.6 0.2 m - behind TBM 100 50 - behind TBM 75 50 % 50 25 - recom. behind TBM 50 0.2 25 % 0.06 m 25 5 - recom. 5 1 <1 Soil Rock Structure Lining Install. recom. required < 25 % Grain size < 0.02 mm < 0.06 mm < 0.06 m Water Ingress Face Support Shield Lining Install. - - - - behind TBM Volume per 30m³ Consequences on unlimited pump capacity unlimited pump capacity - possible behind TBM > 20 l/s pump capacity possibly mech. recom. in TBM area > 10 l/s face support mech. required under shield > 5 l/s face support under shield < 0.06 < 25 % m mech., possibly required EPB/Slurry under shield > 2 l/s methodology < 0.06 < 25 % m under shield > 2 l/s methodology required under shield vary mech., possibly required EPB/Slurry 30 10 recom. required under shield > 30 % mech., possibly required EPB/Slurry under shield > 2 l/s methodology 10 5 recom. required under shield immed. grout. > 20 % < 50 % EPB / Slurry required under shield immed. grout. > 2 l/s methodology 5 1 required required > 10 % < 30 % EPB / Slurry required under shield immed. grout. > 2 l/s methodology < 20 % EPB / Slurry required under shield immed. grout. > 2 l/s methodology > 30 0 - under shield immed. grout. under shield immed. required required grout. > 10 % Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 20 Metro do Porto. TBM - Design Tunneling Design Approach TBM Advance Plan Due to the extreme variability, EPB‘s OPERATED IN CLOSED MODE. Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Tunnels. Geology vs Tunneling Boring Machine Geology Weathered Granite Different Cohesion Different Permeability !... Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 21 Metro do Porto. TBM - Design Tunneling Design Approach TBM Advance Plan Due to extreme variability, the EPB‘s OPERATED IN CLOSED MODE. A special care to avoid any excessive displacements or subsidence due to volume loss ahead, above and behind – implied a PAT (“Plan of Advance of TBM“), which included, in adition to design information, a Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Metro do Porto. TBM - Design Tunneling Design Approach TBM Advance Plan Due to extreme variability, the EPB‘s OPERATED IN CLOSED MODE. A special care to avoid any excessive displacements or subsidence due to volume loss ahead, above and behind – implied a PAT (“Plan of Advance of TBM“), which included, in adition to design information, a “report on the evaluation of the TBM working parameters“, containing the definition of the reference value and the relevant operational range for: Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 22 Metro do Porto. TBM - Design Tunneling Design Approach TBM Advance Plan Due to extreme variability, the EPB‘s OPERATED IN CLOSED MODE. A special care to avoid any excessive displacements or subsidence due to volume loss ahead, above and behind – implied a PAT (“Plan of Advance of TBM“), which included, in adition to design information, a “report on the evaluation of the TBM working parameters“, containing the definition of the reference value and the relevant operational range for: - face support pressure; - apparent density of the muck in the chamber; - weight to be extracted a each ring; - longitudinal grouting pressure and volume; and, - aditional bentonite slurry injection volume and pressure. Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Metro do Porto. TBM - Design Tunneling Design Approach TBM Advance Plan Due to extreme variability, the EPB‘s OPERATED IN CLOSED MODE. A special care to avoid any excessive displacements or subsidence due to volume loss ahead, above and behind – implied a PAT (“Plan of Advance of TBM“), which included, in adition to design information, a “report on the evaluation of the TBM working parameters“, containing the definition of the reference value and the relevant operational range for: - face support pressure; - apparent density of the muck in the chamber; - weight to be extracted a each ring; - longitudinal grouting pressure and volume; and, - aditional bentonite slurry injection volume and pressure. Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 23 Metro do Porto. TBM - Design Tunneling Design Approach TBM Advance Plan Due to extreme variability, the EPB‘s OPERATED IN CLOSED MODE. A special care to avoid any excessive displacements or subsidence due to volume loss ahead, above and behind – implied a PAT (“Plan of Advance of TBM“), which included, in adition to design information, a “report on the evaluation of the TBM working parameters“, containing the definition of the reference value and the relevant operational range for: - face support pressure; - apparent density of the muck in the chamber; - weight to be extracted a each ring; - longitudinal grouting pressure and volume; and, - aditional bentonite slurry injection volume and pressure. Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Metro do Porto. TBM - Design Tunneling Design Approach TBM Advance Plan Due to extreme variability, the EPB‘s OPERATED IN CLOSED MODE. A special care to avoid any excessive displacements or subsidence due to volume loss ahead, above and behind – implied a PAT (“Plan of Advance of TBM“), which included, in adition to design information, a “report on the evaluation of the TBM working parameters“, containing the definition of the reference value and the relevant operational range for: - face support pressure; - apparent density of the muck in the chamber; - weight to be extracted a each ring; - longitudinal grouting pressure and volume; and, - aditional bentonite slurry injection volume and pressure. Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 24 Metro do Porto. TBM - Design Tunneling Design Approach TBM Advance Plan Due to extreme variability, the EPB‘s OPERATED IN CLOSED MODE. A special care to avoid any excessive displacements or subsidence due to volume loss ahead, above and behind – implied a PAT (“Plan of Advance of TBM“), which included, in adition to design information, a “report on the evaluation of the TBM working parameters“, containing the definition of the reference value and the relevant operational range for: - face support pressure; - apparent density of the muck in the chamber; - weight to be extracted a each ring; - longitudinal grouting pressure and volume; and, - aditional bentonite slurry injection volume and pressure. Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Tunnels. TBM – Earth Pressure Balance (EPB) EPB Characteristics Injection of Conditioning Additives into Tool Gap Cutter Head Diam.: 8.74 – 8.94m Max. Tunneling Thrust Force: 70,613 kN Max. Cutterhead Thrust Force: 22,200 kN Max. Cutterhead Torque: 12,900 kN Breakaway Torque: 15,000 kN Total Installed Power: Approx. 4 MW Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 25 Tunnels. Criteria for selection of TBM Selection of TBM Type of Face Support: (1) Pressurized Slurry Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Tunnels. Criteria for selection of TBM Selection of TBM Type of Face Support: (2) Pressurized Earth Paste (EPB) Fill Weathered Granite Working Chamber Additives Cutter Head Screw Conveyer Pressure Cells Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 26 Tunnels. Criteria for selection of TBM Range of Slurry- and EPB- TBM Application Considering Grain-size Distribution Ton Schluff fein Sand mittel grob fein Kies mittel grob fein Steine mittel Blöcke [%] grob 100 1 2 8 90 3 80 4 5 70 6 60 50 40 30 Slurry-TBM drives 1. Lyon 2. Hamburg 3. Grauholztunnel 4. Wesertunnel 5. Zürich, Hermetschloo-Werdhölzli 6. Zürich, Thalwil 7. Portland, Gravel Alluvium 8. Wittenberg (polymer suspension) 20 7 10 0 0,002 0,006 0,02 0,06 0,2 0,63 2 6,3 20 63 100 200 1000 100 90 80 70 60 50 9 40 10 EPB-TBM drives 9. Essen, U-Bahn Los 32/33 10. Milano, Passante Ferroviario 11. Metro Porto 11 30 20 10 0 0,002 0,006 0,02 0,06 0,2 0,63 2 6,3 20 63 100 200 1000 Grain-size [mm] Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Tunnels. Criteria for selection of TBM Slurry limitation High content of fines < 0,06 mm requires expensive separation process EPB limitation High permeability k > 10-³ requires intensive conditioning Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 27 Tunnels. TBM – Earth Pressure Balance (EPB) Monitoring of the EPB machine Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Tunnels. TBM – Earth Pressure Balance (EPB) Control of Excavated Material ( (weight) g ) Reaction procedure : Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 28 Tunnels. TBM (EPB) - Emergency In an emergency situation The responsible engineer is called Unpredictable situation occurs The instructions are implemented O.K.? The excavation proceeds Meanwhile: The foreman is called The supervisor and manager are advised Emergency Procedure Emergency Procedure Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Tunnels. TBM (EPB) - Emergency Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 29 Tunnels. TBM (EPB) – Failure! Two Major Accidents !... Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Tunnels. TBM (EPB) – Failure! The second, in 12 Jan. 2001, was dramatic !... A sink hole was induced after 30m of the passing of the face. A house was swallowed and an old lady was killed !... Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 30 Tunnels. TBM (EPB) – Solution From the F th problem bl to t the solution ! Panel Specialists A. Cardoso (FEUP) S. Babendererde E. Hoek P. Marinos (NTUA) Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Tunnels. TBM (EPB) - Classical The special case of Porto Requirements for Closed Mode Geological Risks Weathered Granite in all stages with variable cohesion and variable permeability Classical EPB- TBM Process Risks - No sensitive control instrumentation - Overcharge of TBM operator for decisions to adapt operation procedure to changed ground conditions Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 31 Tunnels. TBM (EPB) - Classical Classical EPB - TBM Operation mode open mode semi open mode closed mode not clearly defined Criteria ? Muck extraction via belt conveyor Open mode? Muck extraction via screw conveyor Closed mode? Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Tunnels. TBM (EPB) - Classical Classical EPB - TBM Control instrumentation not sensitive enough to react on frequent changes of geotechnical properties in heterogeneous geology. O Operation i Panel P l Process steering by operator without reliable automatism Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 32 Earth Press sures Sensors: (7+2) a and (9+2) Tunnels. TBM (EPBm) - Face Support Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Tunnels. TBM (EPBm) - Face Support Transfer of Support Pressure Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 33 Tunnels. TBM (EPBm) - Modified SPECIAL FEATURES OF EPBM The following modifications were made to the configuration: Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Tunnels. TBM (EPBm) - Modified SPECIAL FEATURES OF EPBM The following modifications were made to the configuration: SET UP OF AN ACTIVE SECONDARY FACE SUPPORT (SFSS): an automatic SYSTEM that pumps bentonite slurry into the excavation chamber, whenever the pressure drops below a preset value; Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 34 Tunnels. TBM (EPBm) - Modified SPECIAL FEATURES OF EPBM The following modifications were made to the configuration: SET UP OF AN ACTIVE SECONDARY FACE SUPPORT (SFSS): an automatic SYSTEM that pumps bentonite slurry into the excavation chamber, whenever the pressure drops below a preset value; INSTALATION OF AN EMERGENCY DOUBLE PISTON PUMP (EDPP) AFTER THE SCREW CONVEY, in order to deal with the liquid muck and uncontrollable support pressure oscillations; Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Tunnels. TBM (EPBm) - Modified SPECIAL FEATURES OF EPBM The following modifications were made to the configuration: SET UP OF AN ACTIVE SECONDARY FACE SUPPORT (SFSS): an automatic SYSTEM that pumps bentonite slurry into the excavation chamber, whenever the pressure drops below a preset value; INSTALATION OF AN EMERGENCY DOUBLE PISTON PUMP (EDPP) AFTER THE SCREW CONVEY, in order to deal with the liquid muck and uncontrollable support pressure oscillations; INSTALATION OF A SECOND BELT SCALE, in order to cross-check results of the first scale; and Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 35 Tunnels. TBM (EPBm) - Modified SIGNIFICANT ADJUSTMENTS TO THE DRIVING SOFTWARE THREE AUTOMATIC ALARM SYSTEMS: Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Tunnels. TBM (EPBm) - Modified SIGNIFICANT ADJUSTMENTS TO THE DRIVING SOFWARE THREE AUTOMATIC ALARM SYSTEMS: 1. EXCEEDING THE EXTRACTED WEIGHT upper pp limit,, automatically stops the advance; Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 36 Tunnels. TBM (EPBm) - Modified SIGNIFICANT ADJUSTMENTS TO THE DRIVING SOFWARE THREE AUTOMATIC ALARM SYSTEMS: 1. EXCEEDING THE EXTRACTED WEIGHT upper pp limit,, automatically stops the advance; 2. EXCEEDING THE FACE SUPPORT PRESSURE lower limit, automatically switches on the SFSS; Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Tunnels. TBM (EPBm) - Modified SIGNIFICANT ADJUSTMENTS TO THE DRIVING SOFWARE THREE AUTOMATIC ALARM SYSTEMS: 1. EXCEEDING THE EXTRACTED WEIGHT upper pp limit,, automatically stops the advance; 2. EXCEEDING THE FACE SUPPORT PRESSURE lower limit, automatically switches on the SFSS; 3. EXCEEDING THE APPARENT DENSITY OF THE MUCK lower limit; AND Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 37 Tunnels. TBM (EPBm) - Modified SIGNIFICANT ADJUSTMENTS TO THE DRIVING SOFWARE THREE AUTOMATIC ALARM SYSTEMS: 1. EXCEEDING THE EXTRACTED WEIGHT upper pp limit,, automatically stops the advance; 2. EXCEEDING THE FACE SUPPORT PRESSURE lower limit, automatically switches on the SFSS; 3. EXCEEDING THE APPARENT DENSITY OF THE MUCK lower limit; AND the KEY POINT is the utilization of CONTINUOUS ANALYSIS OF THE TBM PERFORMANCE (REAL TIME and BACK-ANALYSIS) Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Tunnels. TBM (EPBm) - Face Support The solution for Metro do Porto TBM Additive Face Support System Sensitive crown area prone to unintended pressure drop Additional slurry injection system Drops of predetermined support pressure will be automatically compensated by slurry injection. Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 38 Tunnels. TBM (EPBm) - Face Support The solution for Metro do Porto TBM - EPBM Secondary Face Support System (SFSS) Suspension S spension Container Pressure Control Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Tunnels. TBM – Earth Pressure Balance (EPBm) Earth Pressure es Sensors: (7+2) and d (9+2) Modified operation of the EPBM machine with an Active Secondary Face Support System Scheme from Babendererde, Cardoso, Hoek, Marinos, report to Metro do Porto, 2001 Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 39 Tunnels. TBM – Earth Pressure Balance (EPBm) Porto EPBM Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Tunnels. TBM – Earth Pressure Balance (EPBm) Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 40 Tunnels. TBM – Earth Pressure Balance (EPBm) Combined Tool Arrangement Disks and Shave Bits Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Tunnels. TBM (EPBm) - Face Support Control of the extracted muck weight The TBM incorporates a conveyor belt system for the removal; The Weight was measured by using TWO BELT SCALES P Proved d an accuracy off 3 3-4%; 4% Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 41 Tunnels. TBM (EPBm) - Face Support Control of the extracted muck weight The TBM incorporates a conveyor belt system for the removal; The Weight was measured by using TWO BELT SCALES P Proved d an accuracy off 3 3-4%; 4% HOWEVER, to adjust the reference value and the operation It was NECESSARY TO EXECUTE FREQUENT FACE MAPPING (under pressure by visualization) and to estimate the GROUND IN SITU DENSITY, at least every 15m (horizontal survey); Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Tunnels. TBM (EPBm) - Face Support Control of the extracted muck weight The TBM incorporates a conveyor belt system for the removal; The Weight was measured by using TWO BELT SCALES P Proved d an accuracy off 3 3-4%; 4% HOWEVER, to adjust the reference value and the operation It was NECESSARY TO EXECUTE FREQUENT FACE MAPPING (under pressure by visualization) and to estimate the GROUND IN SITU DENSITY, at least every 15m (horizontal survey); Also necessary to SUBSTRACT the weight of the Also, CONDITIONING AGENTS ADDED during excavation (average 20-30m3 of water with polymer) ! Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 42 Tunnels. TBM (EPBm) - Face Support Control of the extracted muck weight The TBM incorporates a conveyor belt system for the removal; The Weight was measured by using TWO BELT SCALES P Proved d an accuracy off 3 3-4%; 4% HOWEVER, to adjust the reference value and the operation It was NECESSARY TO EXECUTE FREQUENT FACE MAPPING (under pressure by visualization) and to estimate the GROUND IN SITU DENSITY, at least every 15m (horizontal survey); Also necessary to SUBSTRACT the weight of the Also, CONDITIONING AGENTS ADDED during excavation (average 2030m3 of water with polymer) ! ADITIONAL CONDITION: tunnel with very tight curves (R=200m) => the balances were not correctly loaded (<accuracy) Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Tunnels. TBM (EPBm) - Face Support Installation for Conditioning injection Injection of Additives Foam generator Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 43 Tunnels. TBM (EPBm) - Face Support Management of face support pressure As important as the weight control, this PARAMOUNT factor was: Assured by y IMPOSING A MINIMUM EFFECTIVE PRESSURE; ie, the support pressure SHOULD BE TRANSMITTED from the bulkhead to the face VIA SOLID PARTICLE and NOT ONLY through the pore pressure or compressed air. Natural Ground: Clay as Support Medium Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Tunnels. TBM (EPBm) - Face Support Management of face support pressure As important as the weight control, this PARAMOUNT factor was: Assured by IMPOSING A MINIMUM EFFECTIVE PRESSURE; ie, the support pressure SHOULD BE TRANSMITTED from the bulkhead to the face VIA SOLID PARTICLE and NOT ONLY through the pore pressure or compressed air. CONSEQUENCE: CHAMBER MUST ALWAYS BE FULL OF “SOLID” MIXTURE with adequate density (around 14kN/m3) As additional safety measure, THE REFERENCE SUPPORT PRESSURE WAS DEFINED AND MEASURED AT THE TOP OF THE BULKHEAD (1m below the tunnel crown), so that the other pressures were higher Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 44 Tunnels. TBM (EPBm) - Face Support Face with Gravel and Stones - Conditioning is required Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Tunnels. TBM (EPBm) - Face Support Management of face support pressure (cont.) The density of the muck was evaluated systematically by measuring pressures at different bulkhead heights (dividing the difference in pressure by the height between monitoring points). Elements of Face Pressure Even with all this management care instantaneous density figures fluctuated significantly (apparent!!!) Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 45 Tunnels. TBM (EPBm) - Face Support Earth Pressure es Sensors: (7+2) and d (9+2) Control of Support Pressure and extracted muck weight Advance Force Cutter Head Rotation Pressurized Earth Paste Additives Screw Conveyor Rotation Pressure Cells Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Tunnels. TBM (EPBm) - Face Support Conditioning agents Both polymer and foam have proved to work successfully! POLYMERS couldn’t help to reduce the very high tool-wear rate… FOAM greatly reduced the wear rate, BUT required more complex and smoother operation of the screw conveyor. Excessive wear Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 46 Tunnels. TBM (EPBm) - Face Support Effects on Filtration of Different Conditioning Agents Conditioned with: Pressurized earth paste Limited filtration of water Bentonite Slurry 96% water 4% solids Filter cake Deep filtration of slurry Pores blocked by polymer bundle Polymer Slurry 99,8% water 0,2% pseudo solids Foam Forces 91% air transferred grain to grain 8,8% water 0,2% foaming agent (300-600 l air/m3 soil) High filtration of air and water Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Tunnels. TBM (EPBm) - Face Support Earth Paste Conditioned with Foam Proper p Conditioning g Earth Paste when air diffused after TBM stop Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 47 Tunnels. TBM (EPBm) - Modified Face conditions and TBM parameters Analysis of the TBM operational parameters allows the d t ti off ground detection d conditions diti ( i il l tto oilil d (similarly drilling illi or geotechnical investigations campaigns – DPR...). Combination of CUTTER HEAD THRUST, ADVANCE SPEED and DISC WEAR Thanks to frequent face surveys, it was possible to CALIBRATE THE INTERPRETATION PARAMETRICAL ANSWER, to avoid systemathic survey of the face! Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Tunneling (TBM - EPBm) 2 Units working simultaneously Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 48 Tunnels. TBM (EPBm) - Modified It made possible to achieve very good results in TBM ADVANCE RATES AND PRODUCTION TBM operated 24-24h in six-day week, one of which was used to execute cutterhead maintenance under hyperbaric conditions, leading to: 1. Average daily production: 5 rings = 7m; 2. Best day (06/02/2002): 13 rings = 18.2m; 3 3. B t week Best k (7 (7-13 13 October O t b 2002) 2002): 56 rings i = 78 78.4m; 4 4. Best month (August 2003): 180 rings = 252m. VERY POSITIVE AND ABOVE THE USUAL STANDARD! Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Tunnels. TBM (EPBm) – Starting trenches Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 49 Tunneling (TBM - EPBm) 2 TBM Working in Working out Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Tunnels NATM TUNNELS NATM Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 50 Tunnels NATM Tunnel J • 300 m long • C Cross-section ti – 30 m2 • Average Cover – 18 m • Relatively competent materials 0.00 0.00 0.00 Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Tunnels NATM Tunnel J Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 51 Tunnels NATM Tunnel J • Final Lining - Shotcrete Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Tunnels NATM Lapa Tunnel Rehabilitation of na existent tunnel - creation of a 50 cm thickness invert in the zone passing over tunnel J; - contact injection along the entire tunnel in order to guarantee the contact between the support and the ground; - lining recover by water under pressure and adding a thin shotcrete membrane reinforced with a wire mesh or total substitution of the existent g; lining; - Watertighness and drainage of the tunnel, collecting water in the leaking points. Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 52 Tunnels NATM Lapa Tunnel Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Tunnels NATM Lapa Tunnel Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 53 Cut & Cover Excavations CUT & COVER EXCAVATIONS Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Underground stations Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 54 Cut & Cover Stations 24 Agosto Station • Diaphagm walls • Universal solution for the tender phase • Enormous difficulties for the construction Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Cut & Cover Stations 24 Agosto Station Diaphagm Wall Underpinned Diaphagm Wall Berlin type Wall Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 55 Cut & Cover Stations 24 Agosto Station Longitudinal Section Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Cut & Cover Stations 24 Agosto Station Cross Section Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 56 Cut & Cover Stations 24 Agosto Station Cross Section Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Cut & Cover Stations Solutions With Piles • The smaller dimension allowed to pass over different materials • New equipments have a great torque and can easily perforate W4 materials • Initial concern with the water table position: • Initial solutions were watertigh (in the walls) • Drainage during construction Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 57 Cut & Cover Stations Trindade Station Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Cut & Cover Stations Aliados Station Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 58 Cut & Cover Stations Lima Station Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Cut & Cover Stations S. Bento Station Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 59 Cut & Cover Stations Water table lowering during excavation • Settlements due to water table lowering were reduced (historic cyclic and seasonal variations) • There was a significant gain in the soil stiffness and strength • Working conditions were more favourable • In any case, it was impossible to excavate without a bottom protection and guarantying that no water lowering would occur Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Cut & Cover Stations Water table lowering during excavation Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 60 Cut & Cover Stations Sequential Excavation Method Marquês Station Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Cut & Cover Stations Sequential Excavation Method Salgueiros Station Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 61 Cut & Cover Stations Sequential Excavation Method Bolhão Station Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Cut & Cover Stations Sequential Excavation Method Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 62 Cut & Cover Stations Sequential Excavation Method Phase 2 2,0m Phase 1 2,0m Phase 0 Phase 0 Surface preparation, water table lowering and cap beam construction Phase 1 Partial or total excavation of the first ring NF Phase 2 Shotcrete of the first ring Phase 4 2,0m Phase 3 Phase 3 till Final Phase Sucesive excavation of aring ollowed by immediate shotcreting until reaching the bottom of the excavation Last but one Phase Final Phase H=20m Raio Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Cut & Cover Stations Sequential Excavation Method Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 63 Cut & Cover Stations Salgueiros Station Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Cut & Cover Stations Salgueiros Station 79.95 WP 16 WP 15 WP 2 WP 14 WP 3 0.60 WP 1 WP 4 R1 .65 WP 5 25.40 38.27 1.60 Primary lining Final lining WP 13 WP 6 Well Points WP 7 WP 12 WP 10 WP 9 WP 8 0.30 2.00 6.60 WP 11 28.09 2.45 12.02 3.60 0.45 0.60 0.60 Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 64 Cut & Cover stations Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Cut & Cover stations Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 65 Cut & Cover stations Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Cut & Cover stations Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 66 Mining stations MINING STATIONS Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Mining stations Lima Station Marquês Station Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 67 Mining stations Heroísmo Station Faria Guimarães station Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Mining stations Bolhão station Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 68 Mining stations • Drainage during construction • Final design support is “Functionally watertight” • Several excavation phases • Excavation in soil – Lattice girder were adopted • Excavation was performed generally under the protection of an umbrella formed by horizontal jet-grouting • In Faria Guimarães face reinforcement was adopted p Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Mining stations Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 69 Mining stations Heroísmo Station Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Mining stations Faria Guimarães Station Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 70 Mining stations Faria Guimarães Station Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Mining stations Faria Guimarães Station Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 71 Mining stations Heroísmo station Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Mining stations Heroísmo station Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 72 Mining stations Lima station sttion Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Mining stations Lima station Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 73 Mining stations Lima station Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Mining stations Lima station Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 74 Mining stations Marquês station Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Mining stations Bolhão station Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 75 Mining stations Bolhão station Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Mining stations Bolhão station Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 76 Mining stations Bolhão station Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Mining stations Bolhão station Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 77 Mining stations Faria Guimarães station Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Mining stations Faria Guimarães station Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 78 Mining stations Faria Guimarães station Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Mining stations Faria Guimarães station Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 79 Mining stations Faria Guimarães station Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Mining stations 10 mm 20 mm 30 mm 40 mm Faria Guimarães station Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 80 Mining stations TBM information Estação Lima Heroísmo Section (m2) 62,8 62,8 Cover(m) 15 18 Maximum Settlment(mm) 9,3 8,1 Volume loss (%) 0,36 0,36 Inflexion point (m) 9,74 11,24 Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Mining stations NATM excavations Estação Heroísmo Marq ês Marquês Section (m2) 232 182 Cover(m) 13 18 Maximum Settlment(mm) 9,5 19,4 Volume loss (%) 0,32 0,49 Inflexion point (m) 14,7 18,2 Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 81 Mining stations NATM excavations Ajuste de Gauss - Marquês Distância ao eixo túnel (m) -50 50 -40 40 -30 30 -20 20 -10 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 Asssentamento (mm) 0 5 5 5 10 10 10 15 15 15 20 20 20 Medições Ajuste Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 Mining stations NATM excavations Rua de Faria Guimarães/Rua de Fonseca Cardoso - Lado Este Perfil longitudinal de assentamentos (alvos automáticos) 1596 A2.1 1597 15981599 1599 A2.1 A2.1 A1.1 A2.1 1601 A1.1 1601 A2.1 1603 A1.1 1602 A1.1 1602 A2.1 1623 A3.1 1624 A1.1 1625 A1.1 1625 1626 A2.1 A1.1 1628 A1.1 1629 1629 A1.1 A2.1 1681 A1.1 5,0 G l i C Galeria Cais i -5,0 Poço Faria Guimarães Assentamento (mm) -15,0 Poço Fonseca Cardoso -25,0 -35,0 -45,0 -55,0 -65,0 04/02/04 26/05/04 19/07/04 16/02/04 31/05/04 26/07/04 01/03/04 07/06/04 02/08/04 16/03/04 14/06/04 29/03/04 21/06/04 12/04/04 28/06/04 29/04/04 05/07/04 17/05/04 12/07/04 Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 82 Acknowledgments: Metro M t do d Porto P t and d Normetro; N t Prof. Luís Ribeiro e Sousa; Prof. Paul Marinos; Dr. Siegmund Babendererde. Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 OBRIGADO PELA VOSSA ATENÇÃO ! THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION ! António Viana da Fonseca & António Topa Gomes @ FEUP 2010Jornadas “TÚNELES Y EXCAVACIONES EN GRANITO” Abril 2010 83