Greetings Families! - Northfield Public Schools
Greetings Families! - Northfield Public Schools
Greetings Families! Parent Survey This year’s parent survey can be found online at: May 2014Gazette David Craft, Principal 507.645.3500 Attendance Line 507.645.3506 Please take the time to affirm the good work of our faculty and staff as well to let us know what we can do differentlyJ Last year’s parent input regarding a parental desire for GVP children to show more respect toward one another has been taken seriously. The following list shows our response to the input we received from parents on last year’s survey 1. Teachers supervise recess in order to maintain positive relationships that have already been cultivated in the classroom. 2. Greenvale Park is currently in the final stages of planning for the implementation of Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) systems. We will roll out the program slowly and will fully implement by fall, 2014. 3. We have purchased a software program to progress monitor social, emotional, and behavioral growth. 4. We have shored up a consistent set of expectations for each area of the building and created an expectation matrix for easy reference. 5. We have developed an incident report that has a standardized checklist to create a consistent application of fix its and bottom lines across classrooms. 6. Katie Arnold is visiting each classroom once a month and sharing an object lesson on the current character trait. Katie has also trained a number of Peer Mediators and we are ready to begin the volunteer Peer Mediation Clinic! Students will be allowed to sign up to have a conflict mediated. The clinic will be available twice a month and will be held during recess time. We will be following the co-mediation model, so two peer mediators will work together at a time. In addition, Katie will be present at the mediations. Spring Assessments are Currently Underway! The Reading and Math MCAs were completed last week! Fifth Grade Science MCA’s will be completed soon! The Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) and our Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) will be administered in May. I am attaching the Northfield Assessment Schedule for 2013-2014. The remainder of the year will look like this for testing at GVP: DIBELS grades K‐‐5 May 1‐‐30 MAP spring math and reading all grades May 5‐‐23 MAP spring language grades 2‐‐5 May 5‐‐23 Please be sure to encourage your children to get enough sleep the night before each of these testing experiences. Proper nutrition on the day of the test will also give your child the opportunity to be at their best. As much as possible, we ask that families plan around these test dates for appointments for their children so as not to interrupt testing times. If you have any further questions about the assessments we will be administering this spring please feel free to call: Diane Torbenson for the Reading MCA; Heather Ryden for the Math MCA; and Roger Jenni/Northfield Public Schools Assessment Coordinator for the MAP or MCA. (Mr. Craft’s letter continued on page 2) (Mr. Craft’s letter continued from page 1) Kindergarten registration is open! If you have a child who will be starting Kindergarten next fall, please come in and complete the registration forms as soon as possible. To make arrangements to have the registration completed, please stop at the school office Monday – Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., or call the office at 507-645-3500. If you have any questions regarding whether or not your child is ready for Kindergarten, please call me at 507-645-3502. The registration forms can also be found online at: Kwik Trip Cards Remember - Most everyone travels by car and the Greenvale Park PTO is selling Kwik Trip gift cards. If parents buy a $20 or $50 Kwik Trip Card from the PTO for gasoline or any Kwik Trip items, 10% of the card comes back to Greenvale Park! Kwik Trip cards can be purchased in the front office at Greenvale Park. Greenvale Park Yearbooks There will be extra yearbooks for sale upon arrival in May; the cost at that time will be $13. Next GVP PTO meeting is on Monday, May 12th at 4 p.m. in the Media Center. Come join us! Parking Lot Thank you to all the great families for making our parking lot safe! YOU make GVP a safer place. You might be interested in knowing that between 50 and 55 cars leave the parking lot every day between 3:15 and 3:25 p.m. We are considering making the parking lot safer and more welcoming by moving the drop off and pick up zone to the front door starting next year. What do you think about that? I’ve placed a survey question in the parent survey on SurveyMonkey in order to seek your input. Let me know your thoughts. Stuff The district is not responsible for articles students bring to Greenvale Park. Parents need to discourage children from bringing valuable and/or breakable items to school e.g. Pokemon cards, electronic devices, iPods, iPads, phones, Nintendo DS etc. Some children have one-hour bus rides and it is reasonable for them to bring along some of these items to keep entertained. If families have to send these items to school, children should bring them to the front office at the beginning of the day for safekeeping. Skateboards, roller blades, roller shoes, scooters, etc. are NOT allowed as they raise safety issues. Saludos familias: Encuesta para padres y madres La encuesta de este año la pueden encontrar en Internet en: Por favor dediquen un tiempo para decirnos lo que hacemos bien los maestros y el personal así como déjennos saber lo que podríamos hacer de una forma diferente☺ La encuesta del año pasado resaltó el que las familias deseaban que los niños de GVP mostraran más respeto los unos por los otros y eso es algo que nos hemos tomado muy en serio. La siguiente lista muestra nuestra respuesta a la información que recibimos de los padres y madres en la encuesta del año pasado ☺ 1. Los maestros supervisan la hora del recreo para mantener las relaciones positivas que ya existen en el salón de clases. 2. Greenvale Park está en los pasos finales de planificar sistemas de apoyo e intervención para un comportamiento positivo (PBIS). Vamos a desarrollar el programa despacio hasta llegar a su desarrollo total en el otoño de 2014. 3. Hemos comprado un programa de software para medir las mejorías sociales, emocionales y de comportamiento. 4. Hemos creado una serie de expectativas para cada área de la escuela y creado una matriz/tabla con las expectativas para que sirva como referencia de fácil acceso. 5. Hemos desarrollado un sistema de informe de incidentes que tiene una lista estándar para conseguir un sistema consistente para las situaciones que hay que arreglar (fix it) y las situaciones al límite (bottom line) en todos los salones de clases. (Mr. Craft’s letter continued on page 3) 2 (Mr. Craft’s letter continued from page 2) Katie Arnold visita cada salón de clases una vez al mes y comparte con la clase una lección relacionada con el rasgo de personalidad del mes. Katie también ha entrenado a varios mediadores entre colegas y ¡estamos preparados para empezar con la clínica de voluntarios mediadores entre colegas! Los estudiantes van a poder apuntarse para que sus colegas los ayuden a resolver los conflictos mediante la mediación. La clínica estará disponible dos veces al mes y se hará durante el recreo. Vamos a seguir un modelo de co-mediación, así que dos mediadores trabajarán juntos cada vez. Además, Katie va a estar presente durante las mediaciones. ¡Ya estamos haciendo los exámenes de la primavera! ¡La semana pasada hicimos los MCAs de lectura y matemáticas! ¡El MCA de ciencias para quinto grado lo vamos a terminar dentro de poco! El examen de medidas del progreso académico (MAP) y nuestros indicadores dinámicos del conocimiento básico de alfabetización temprana (DIBELS) se harán en mayo. Les adjunto el horario de las evaluaciones en Nortfield para 2013-2014. El resto del año en GVP será como sigue: DIBELS grados K-5 Del 1 al 30 de mayo MAP de primavera de matemáticas y lectura para todos los grados del 5 al 23 de mayo MAP de primavera de lenguaje para los grados 2‐‐5 del 5 al 23 de mayo Por favor, asegúrense de que sus hijos duermen suficiente la noche antes de un examen. Comer bien el día del examen también les da a los niños la oportunidad de hacerlo lo mejor que pueden. Siempre que sea posible les pedimos que hagan citas y planes familiares en días que no haya examen para no interrumpir los días de los exámenes. Si tienen más preguntas sobre los exámenes que vamos a hacer en primavera, por favor, no duden en ponerse en contacto con Diane Torbenson para el MCA de lectura; Heather Ryden para el MCA de matemáticas; y Roger Jenni/Coordinador de los exámenes de las escuelas públicas de Northfield para los MAP o los MCA. ¡La inscripción para Kindergarten ya la pueden hacer! Si tienen un hijo/a que va a empezar Kindergarten el próximo otoño, por favor, vengan y rellenen los formularios de inscripción lo antes posible. Para ayuda para rellenar la inscripción por favor, pasen por la oficina de la escuela de lunes a viernes de 7:00 a.m. a 4:00 p.m., o llamen a la oficina al 507-645-3500. Si tienen preguntas sobre si su hijo o hija están preparados para Kindergarten, por favor, llamen al 507-645-3502. Los formularios de inscripción también se pueden encontrar en Internet en: Tarjetas de Kwik Trip Recuerden – casi todos viajan en coche y el PTO de Greenvale Park vende las tarjetas de regalo de Kwik Trip. Si los padres y madres compran $20, $50, o $100 dólares en tarjetas de Kwik Trip Card del PTO para comprar gasolina, el 10% de la tarjeta se lo dan a Greenvale Park. Las tarjetas de Kwik Trip se pueden comprar en la oficina principal de Greenvale Park. Anuarios del año en Greenvale Park (Yearbooks) Habrá anuarios extra en venta cuando lleguen en mayo, el coste de los anuarios será de $13 dólares. La siguiente reunión del PTO de GVP será el lunes 12 de mayo a las 4 p.m en el Media Center. ¡Vengan a la reunión! Estacionamiento Me gustaría darles las gracias a todas las familias que siguen las normas del estacionamiento de la escuela. USTEDES hacen que GVP sea un lugar más seguro. Les puede interesar saber que entre las 3:15 pm y las 3:25 pm entre 50 y 55 coches salen de nuestro estacionamiento cada día. Estamos pensando hacer el estacionamiento más seguro y que sirva mejor para dar la bienvenida a los visitantes haciendo que la zona de dejar y recoger a los niños sea en la puerta del frente a partir del año que viene. ¿Qué piensan de esta idea? En la encuesta para padres y madres en SurveyMonkey he incluido una pregunta para saber qué opinan. Déjenme saber qué piensan. Cosas El distrito no es responsable de las cosas que los estudiantes traen a la escuela. Las familias deben evitar que los niños traigan cosas de valor o que se pueden romper a la escuela, por ejemplo, Pokemon cards, aparatos electrónicos como iPods, iPads, telé(Mr. Craft’s letter continued on page 4) 3 (Mr. Craft’s letter continued from page 3) fons, Nintendo DS etc. Algunos niños tienen una hora de viaje en autobús y es razonable que quieran tener algo para entretenerse en el camino. Si las familias tienen que enviar esos aparatos a la escuela, déjenlos en la oficina principal al comienzo del día escolar para que estén guardados y protegidos hasta el final del día. Los monopatines, patines, zapatos con ruedas, scooters, etc. NO están permitidos ya que pueden causar accidentes. Orchestra news...Natalie Kruger I can’t believe it is already May! We are quickly approaching our last concerts for the year. It is extremely important for students to arrive on time for morning rehearsals so we can make the most of our time. We need rehearsals to start on time, so please help your child arrive a few minutes early for unpacking and tuning. Solo contest: Forms are being handed out this week. They are due back by Wednesday, May 14th. Late registrations will not be accepted. The contest will take place on Monday, May 19th at Bridgewater Elementary. I will be sending notes home on May 15th with your child's time slot. Thursday, May 29th: Elementary and Middle School Orchestra concert. 7:00 pm in the Middle School Auditorium. The winners of the solo competition will be announced during the concert. 5th Grade Orchestra Members: Please arrive at the Middle School by 6:20 pm for tuning and a quick rehearsal with the Bridgewater and Greenvale Park students in the BAND ROOM. 4th Grade Orchestra Members: Please arrive at the Middle School by 6:30 pm for tuning and a quick rehearsal with the Bridgewater and Greenvale Park students in the BAND ROOM. Band News...Roger Jenni Please plan to attend one of these special End of the Year Band Events!! That's right - the Northfield Fifth Grade Band is giving its annual Tour in Northfield this year!! That means that all of the students at Greenvale Park, Sibley and Bridgewater will get to see the Band at its very best - after one full year of practicing and playing together. Students, we will come to your school, march around your school twice and then play a concert for you of songs you that will like! Parents, you may come to any one of the performances listed below. We also will need some help moving equipment and corralling the kids during lunch break - it will be fun!! We hope to see all of you at one of our three concerts that day. Thanks for all of your support in getting your child to early rehearsals - all year long. It's been a great year for Band!! Fifth Grade Band Northfield Day: Tuesday, June 3, 2014 7:15 - 8:10 8:10 8:30 8:45 - 9:10 9:15 9:30 10:00 - 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 12:45 1:00-1:30 1:45 1:45 2:10 Rehearsal at Bridgewater Elementary Load buses and travel to GVP Arrive at GVP, unload March around Greenvale Elementary and play a Concert Load equipment and buses Arrive at Sibley School, set up for performance March around Sibley Elementary and play a Concert Load equipment and buses Arrive at Bridgewater Elementary, set up for performance Lunch (outdoor picnic if good weather), games, hiking & relaxing at Bridgewater All groups gather for marching March around Bridgewater and play a concert GVP, SIB, PCCS & SD Band students board buses and travel back to their school BW Band students help clean instruments & flags and pack them away All Band students should be back in their classrooms 4 Save the Date (and your stuff) Greenvale Park families will be taking part in the “Goods for Good” garage sale weekend on Friday, May 16th and Saturday, May 17th, also referred to as “The Great Northfield Rummage Raid for Charity”. There will be Goods for Good sales throughout Northfield that weekend. Those garage sales will be donating all or a portion of the sale proceeds to a charity. Greenvale Park families have decided to join in the garage sale fun to benefit students at Greenvale Park and will include a Bake Sale. Beginning May 5th items for sale can begin to be dropped off at Emmaus Church on Lincoln Parkway in preparation for the sale. The Greenvale Park Goods for Good Committee will be sending home periodic information with Greenvale Park students regarding the upcoming sale, drop off times for items, and volunteer opportunities to help with drop off times, sale preparation, sale days and clean up and the Bake Sale in connection with the Garage Sale Weekend. If you have questions or would like to volunteer your time, please call the Greenvale Park office at 507-645-3500 or e-mail the GVP Goods for Good Committee Chair Sarah Plank at [email protected] REMEMBER – SAVE THE DATE (& your stuff) Thank you from the GVP Goods for Good Committee! KidVentures...Nicole Miner … There’s still time to register your child for SummerVentures, an exciting day camp program for children entering grades 1-7. For kids entering grades 5, 6 and 7, we have TweenVentures, designed especially for older youth. We will again be offering our extremely popular Field Trip Fridays. Field trips are based on a first come first serve *June 27th Field Trip is already full, so if you are interested in other June field trips, get those forms turned in soon! SummerVentures has many enrollment options to choose from. Families can register for one day or all summer! Registration forms may be found in the KidVentures room or online. ( Also, as our year is coming to an end, just a reminder that our last day of KidVentures is Friday, June 6th. We will be closing at 4:00 pm that day. Information about KidVentures is available by calling Mary Hansen at 507.664.3750, Greenvale Park KidVentures at 507.645.3532, or by asking your KidVentures Site Leaders. 5th Grade Celebration Volunteers June 5th 1:15-3:15 4th Grade parent volunteers are needed to help set up, serve cake, and clean up for the 5th grade end of the year celebration. If you are able to help with this volunteer opportunity, please contact Laura Berdahl, Volunteer Coordinator/Parent Liaison, Email: [email protected] 5 Three Rivers Head Start Three Rivers Head Start is now taking applications for the 2014-2015 program year. Head Start is a comprehensive, family-centered preschool program focusing on child development and kindergarten readiness. The program serves families with children who are 3 or 4 years old through the preschool classrooms and through home visits. There is no charge for families, though they need to meet income eligibility requirements. Head Start may also serve children who are professionally diagnosed with disabilities. Three Rivers Head Start serves families in Goodhue, Wabasha, and Rice Counties. If you are interested in applying, please call: 1-800-277-8418 Ext. 156 ************ Three Rivers Head Start está aceptando aplicaciones hoy para el año escolar del 2014-2015. Head Start es un programa preescolar integral centrado en la familia y en la preparación de desarrollo y preparación para el kínder. El programa proporciona servicios a las familias con niños de 3 o 4 años de edad a través de los salones preescolares y a través de las visitas en casa. No hay ningún costo para las familias, aunque necesitan cumplir con los requisitos de elegibilidad de ingresos. Head Start también puede servir a los niños que son diagnosticados profesionalmente con discapacidades. Three Rivers Head Start proporciona servicios a las familias de los condados de Goodhue, Wabasha, y Rice. Si está interesado en aplicar, favor de hablar al: 1-800-277-8418 Ext. 156 Butterfly Mimic If you have noticed a small black and red-orange bird fluttering through the sumac at the Greenvale Lone Oak Nature Area (GLONA), you may be seeing an American Redstart, Setophaga ruticilla. It is a member of the warbler family of birds and quite common. I have seen it in GLONA as well as at Hauberg Woods and Nerstrand Big Woods. They like to live near deciduous woods with shrubs nearby and water nearby. The male is very colorful, with black on its back, patches of red-orange on its sides, wing, and tail, with a white belly. It has black bristle-like feathers around its beak. The female is olive brown with yellow patches on its sides, wing, and tail with a white belly. It is very active while feeding, darting back and forth like a butterfly. It fans its tail and holds it open and droops its wings. The tiny birds eat insects, seeds, and occasionally will eat berries. They build a cup shaped nest of grasses, bark, and spider’s silk. Look in the crotch of a small tree or shrub for its nest. Their eggs are whitish with brown marks. It often makes a call that sounds like, “chip.” In the fall, the tiny birds will migrate all the way to Mexico, Central America, and South America. They arrive back in our area about mid-May. You can provide for the American Redstart, by having an understory of native shrubs as well as upper story trees. Do not use chemicals, so they will have lots of insects to eat. You can find information about the American Redstart in most Bird field guides and at on your computer. Northfield Prairie Partners has many fascinating wildlife programs planned for the spring and summer. On May 8, Nancy Braker will do “Wildflowers at the Carleton College Arboretum starting at 6:00 pm. On May 9-10, the Back to Nature Garage/Plant Sale, our fundraiser, will be at 414 Manitou Street. Nancy Schumacher will do “Monarch Butterflies” starting at 6:00 pm at the outdoor classroom at Greenvale. On July 10, we will visit a home garden at 1612 Maple Street, “Home Garden Visit: Prairie, Wildflowers & Traditional by Carolyn Sanford and Chuck Carlin. Finish the summer with Dan Hudson’s program “Understory Trees,” at Hauberg Woods City Park on Thye Parkway. The programs are free and open to the public. We especially like to have children with their parents attending the programs. Arlene Kjar, Past President and present Membership Chairman of Northfield Prairie Partners a Wild Ones Chapter. 6 News from the kitchen...Cece Green, Child Nutrition Manager As we get closer to the end of the year, please bring your students lunch account to a zero balance. All balances move with your student to the next school year. Please look for the Free and Reduced application to come the first week of August. This application needs to be FILLED OUT EVERY YEAR. To reduce the amount of confusion in the fall, please fill out this application and send it in ASAP in the month of August. Once again it has been my pleasure serving you students breakfast and lunch for this school year!! Summer is a great time for outside activities. You will need to fuel your students body with good food so they can play all day!!! Try this wrap for a lunch or snack. 1 Whole Wheat tortilla 2 slices of turkey and 1 slice of ham. 1 slice of Havarti Mix mustard with a little raspberry preserve. This makes a sweet spread.. Spread the raspberry and mustard mixture on the tortilla, place meat and cheese on the bread and top with you favorite vegetables. This is yummy and portable :-) As always, if you have any questions please call 507-645-3509 and ask for Cece. Have a great SUMMER!!!!!!!!! Safety Patrol...Donna Hall Safety Patrol is now in the process of recruiting members for fifth grade safety patrol duty for the school year 2014-2015. Students who are interested in participating as fifth graders picked up a form to be completed and signed by the student and parent. This form needs to be returned to Mrs. Hall, Safety Patrol Advisor, by Wednesday, May 7th. The selection of captains for the 2014-2015 Safety Patrol Team will take place during May and the Co-Captains for next school year will then be announced at the end of year celebration for the safety patrol members. Watch for those details coming home soon with your safety patrol student. Safety patrol families have been invited to help the Greenvale Park Families Goods for Good Garage Sale, either by helping out with sale day, preparation or clean up, and/or by donating baked goods for the bake sale that will be part of the weekend as well. These invitation forms went home on Friday, April 25th with all safety patrol members. The GVP Families Goods for Good Committee appreciates any and all help your schedule will allow. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mrs. Hall at the Greenvale Park Office, 645-3501. News from our Nurse...Julie Ochs Welcome spring, along with this comes allergies. The Web MD website has some good information on a variety of allergies and what triggers allergies in our bodies. This is worth taking a look at. Parents of fifth graders, if there are changes in your student's health condition that is no longer an issue or anything that is new please let me know so it can be updated for middle school. This summer is a good time to update immunizations. Reminder to pick up any medicine your student may have here at school, at the end of the year. Any questions feel free to call. 7 Community Services in May 2014 Summer registration for 2014 is now open! For more information or to register for any Community Services programs, please visit us online at (follow the Community Services link), call 507-664-3649, or at our office on the first floor of the Northfield Community Resource Center at 1651 Jefferson Parkway, Northfield. Scholarships are available for all programs Activities in May Soccer Skills Now Grades 1-5; Greenvale Park Soccer Fields; M-F, May 5-9; 3:20-4:20 p.m. $25 Discovery Kids! Open Studio Grades K-5; Greenvale Park Art Room, Th, May 15-29; 3:25-4:25 p.m. $49 Summer is right around the corner and we have some great youth recreation programs and camps including tennis, soccer, volleyball, summer track and lacrosse. Favorites such as Superkids, Skyhawks Mini-Hawk Camp, Wiggle and Giggle and GO FAR will be offered again this summer. An Eagle Bluff Trip for incoming 7th graders, as well as various outdoor activity programs is available to older teens including an introduction to archery, trap shooting, fishing, as well as ultimate frisbee, disc golf, fencing and cheerleading camps. Community Services also has many youth enrichment camps and programs this summer including American Red Cross Babysitter’s Certification courses, Project Runway, LEGO® Robotics, GEMS (Girls in Engineering, Math and Science) and Magic Camps. For music-lovers we have Beginner Guitar as well as Bluegrass and Irish Fiddling classes. Camps for younger children include Yucky Science, Despicable Me, Fun with Seuss, Eric Carle Creations and Princess Camp. Watch Me Draw art camps are also always a favorite including themes such as: Glitter Girls, Claydazzle on Canvas, Jurassic Park 3-D Dino-rama and Tangled Up in Art as well as a brand new “My Best Selfie” Photo Art project for middle school girls. Our Aquatics program will also run American Red Cross Swim lessons, levels 1 through 6; as well as the Aqua Babies, Aqua Tots and Starfish swim programs for younger children. Special Events for your Calendar Friday, May 30th: End of Year Celebration Friday, May 30th: Building Wide Meeting Thursday, June 5th: 1:30pm 5th Grade Celebration Friday, June 6th: Last day of School; 2-hr early dismissal Save the Date for GVP’s End of the Year Celebration! The GVP End of the Year Building Wide Celebration is coming Friday, May 30th! An afternoon of celebrating with our school community for students, teachers, and parents! We are planning an outdoor field day, picnic lunches, and an extended building wide meeting in the afternoon on Friday, May 30th. All parents are invited to attend! Many details need to be worked out and we will let you know the specifics as soon as possible! 8 Why everyone should read over the summer! Reading over the summer prevents “summer reading loss.” Encourages reading to become a lifelong habit Reluctant readers can be drawn in by the activities Some researchers estimate 50-67% of the achievement gap, for children living in poverty and for children of color, is the result of summer learning loss. ¨ And it being summer, the program can just be enjoyable and provide an opportunity for family time. ¨ It’s fun! ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ The 2014 Northfield Public Library’s summer reading program begins the week of June 9th and goes through the end of August. The programs take place at the library and are free. MONDAYS 5-7 pm Monday Fundays games, crafts & fun for middle school age kids. Created by the SUPER PAGE volunteers. TUESDAYS 10 am-11 Infant Lapsit WEDNESDAYS THURSDAYS 9:30 am Toddler Rhyme Time I 10:30 Toddler Rhyme Time II For caregivers and children 24 months to 2 years, We read books together, learn songs, fingerplays and fun movement. 10 am Preschool Stories & Craft time! For kids from age 3 to 5. We’ll read fun picture books and create a related craft. Noon-3 Caregivers and parents have fun read- FIZZ BOOM READ ing, learning fingerplays and songs for EXPLORATOIUM For kids going into 1st through 5th little ones 4 months to 24 months grades. Every week we will have different stations for you to explore sci1pm-2 Fizz Boom ence and books! Kindergarten Read! Special time just for kids who will be starting kindergarten this fall. We will “practice” for school. Booker, the book bus opens at 6:30 The shows begin at 7 pm, Weekly family friendly, fun and entertaining shows at parks in Northfield! June 11-July 30 Books and Stars! Check at or call 507.645.1804 11:30 FIZZ BOOM READ reward lunch! 12:30 pm to 2:30 Lego time! Come and use the library’s Lego collection to create the weekly creative challenge! Pick up a reading record at the library beginning June 2nd. Kids from “read to me” to high school are invited to participate! We also will have a FAMILY Reading record!