St. Therese -
St. Therese -
C O N G R E G A T I O N O F St.Therese 213 E. Wisconsin Avenue • Appleton, WI 54911 -4875 PARROQUIA DE SANTA TERESITA April 27, 2014 Divine Mercy Sunday “Padre Bill” “The Blessing is for Us” “La Bendición es para Nosotros” El Evangelio de San Juan nos presenta hoy a Jesús entregando a sus discípulos el Espíritu Santo. Jesús los saluda con el saludo de los judíos “Shalóm” …un saludo de paz. Les muestra sus heridas y son comisionados ….…con el poder del Espíritu Santo son enviados a continuar la misión de Jesús. Pero, uno de ellos está ausente; y, al regresar al grupo, Tomás tiene dificultad creyendo los que los demás le cuentan. Esa duda es borrado cuando Jesús regresa el próximo domingo, e invita a Tomás a tocar sus heridas. Para Juan, y para nosotros, el momento importante es esta narración no es el recibir el Espíritu Santo, no la crisis de fe de Tomás. El momento importante es cuando Jesús ofrece su bendición a nosotros: “Dichosos los que creen sin haber visto.” Esta bendición es para nosotros. Que sigamos celebrando nuestra fe pascual y las bendiciones que nos trae, y esas bendiciones que debemos estar llevando al mundo que nos rodee. Today’s Gospel of St. John presents the narrative of the Jesus bestowing the Holy Spirit upon his disciples. Jesus greets them with the Jewish greeting “Shalom” ..a greeting of peace. They are shown his wounds and they are commissioned …….empowered with the Holy Spirit that are sent to continue his mission. But, one of them was missing; and, upon his return, Thomas has a hard time believing what the others are telling him. That doubt is erased when Jesus returns on the following Sunday, and he invites Thomas to touch his wounds. For John, and for us, the important moment in this narrative is not the bestowing of the Holy Spirit or Thomas’s crisis of disbelief. The important moment is when Jesus offers his blessing on us: “Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.” The blessing is for us. May we continue to celebrate our Easter faith and the blessings it brings to us, and WHAT WE BELIEVE (this article explains one aspect of our Catholic Faith) The Real Presence The risen Lord is present in the preaching of the Word, in the assembly of the faithful who make up his Mystical body, in the administration of all the sacraments, in the person of the one who is administering the sacraments. But the Church recognizes a very special presence of the risen Lord in the consecrated bread and wine of the Eucharist. It calls this presence “the real presence.” What makes it more “real” than the other ways in which Christ is present to his Church? The substance, or the essence of the bread and wine are changed into the Body and Blood of Christ. The appearances of the bread and wine remain the same before and after their consecration. We can use our senses to identify the look, feel, taste, smell of bread. But our senses cannot see, feel, taste or smell the underlying substance or essence of the bread, the “bread-ness”of it. After the consecration the “bread-ness” is no longer there. The appearances remain the same. Our senses cannot perceive any difference. But the “bread-ness” the substance or essence of bread, is gone. What we experience with our senses is the eating of bread; what we receive is the presence of the risen Christ. It’s the real sacramental presence of this risen Lord. -copyright by author SPIRITUAL ADOPTION A MESSAGE FROM YOUR BABY Please pray daily for your spiritually adopted baby and the baby’s mother and father. ADOPCIÓN ESPIRITUAL UN MENSAJE DE SU BEBÉ Por favor recuerde de rezar diariamente pro su bebé espiritualmente Adoptado y para la madre y el padre del bebé. Actividades Ministerio Hispano Actividades los Sábados: 1. Grupo de Oración a las 6:30 pm. Grupo de la Divina Misericordia. Se reúne los viernes a las 7 pm en el Salón de la familia. Adoración al Santísimo. Jueves 1 de Mayo. A las 5 pm Adoración, a las 6 pm Oración al Santísimo por la Divina Misericordia y a las 7 pm. Misa en Español. Venga a adorar a Nuestro Señor. Evento por el Día de las Madres. Domingo 11 de Mayo después de Misa de 11 am en el Centro de Actividades. Venga a cantar, a bailar, a comer y celebrar a la Mujer que nos amó antes de conocernos. Fondo Regresando a Casa: Inscríbase en este programa que funciona como una ayuda adicional para que si algún miembro de su familia fallece. Cooperación inicial de $20 y llenar la aplicación. Grupo Amor y Servicio. Recuperación contra las adicciones. Reuniones Martes y Jueves a las 7 pm. Llame a Javier C. al 920843-7614 Ministerio Sta. Elizabeth. Oración con las familias que pasen una situación difícil en partos. Llame Reyna García al 920-268-5797. Pastoral de Cuidado. Si usted sabe de algún miembro de la iglesia que desee visitas o recibir el Sacramento de la Eucaristía en su hogar o casa de asistencia. Llame a la Señora Martha Franco al 920-277-1658 Sacramentos, Like eventos y fotos, vaya a: “Sow, Nourish and Reap” Seminar The Cross and Crown Prayer Group is sponsoring a Growth Seminar in May. We are a Catholic Charismatic Prayer Group but all are welcome to join us. May 5 – Julianne Stanz, Director of Diocesan Evangelization May 12—Deacon Chuck Agnew, St. Pius Business Administer May 19—Fr. Wm. Van Dynhoven, Associate Pastor at St. Pius 7:PM to 8:30 PM. St. Paul’s Catholic Church, 410 Wallace St., Combined Locks. Lower level & elevator accessible. Free Will Offering. Social to follow. SAINT THERESE RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM Wednesday, April 30, 2014 Final Class @ 6:00 pm with Mass in church @ 6:30 pm. Families are welcome! St. Therese Mother’s Day Rose Sale Sale to support “Wisconsin Right to Life”. Red Roses will be for sale after all Masses on May 10th & 11th. Cost: $2 each or 6 for $10. Día de las Madres / venta de rosas Mayo 10 y 11 Esta venta apoya actividades en “defensa de la vida” en Wisconsin. Una rosa por $2.00 / 6 por $10.00 Mass with Anointing St. Katharine Drexel Parish will celebrate a Mass with anointing on Tuesday, May 6, 2014 at St. Francis Church in Hollandtown at 2:00 pm. (433 County Road CE, Kaukauna) Everyone is welcome. St. Francis Church is handicapped accessible. Matthew Kelly Coming to the Fox Valley A dynamic speaker on Catholicism, Matthew Kelly, will be in our area on Sat., July 26, 2014, at St. Pius X Church in Appleton, from 9:00am-1:30pm. No lunch will be served, but refreshments will be available. The registration fee is $39, which includes the program, a pen, Mass journal and CD. Registration will take place on-line at Dynamic Catholic’s website, O " cho días después, estaban reunidos los discípulos a puerta cerrada y Tomás estaba con ellos. Jesús se presentó de nuevo en medio de ellos y les dijo: "La paz esté con ustedes". Luego le dijo a Tomás: "Aquí están mis manos; acerca tu dedo. Trae acá tu mano, métela en mi costado y no sigas dudando, sino cree". - Jn 20, 26-27 Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD. Leccionario I © 1976 Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano. Put your finger here and see my hands, and bring your hand and put it into my side, and do not be unbelieving, but believe." Thomas answered and said to him, "My Lord and my God!" Jesus said to him, "Have you come to believe because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed." - Jn 20:27b-29 Stewardship / Colecta “How shall I make a return to the Lord for all the good He has done for me?” 04/20/14 Collection / Colecta .................................$7,417.55 YTD / Año ................................................................. $248,229.85 Budgeted / Presupuestado .................................. $254,423.40 Bishop’s Appeal............................................................ $16,187.00 Holy Land ........................................................................$1,236.25 St. Vincent de Paul is looking for ways to replenish their funds after a harsh winter and all the requests for financial assistance they are receiving. They are planning a toy sale and children's clothing sale in June and July. Our parish will have a collection box in the back entrance for gently used children's clothing during the month of May. Thank you so much, not only for this, but also for all you do to help us out, either by being volunteers on the committee, volunteer at the store or even shop at the store. Attention St. Therese Parishioners There are weekday and weekend masses available for your loved ones intentions for Year 2014. Please call the office for booking your mass. Intentions offering is $10.00 a mass. BULLETIN SPONSORS The support of our advertising sponsors make this weekend bulletin possible. Please support our sponsors, and thank them for advertising with Saint Therese Parish. The Week Ahead / Esta Semana Monday, 4/28 7:00 pm ....................................... Grupo Amor y Servicio / CC Tuesday, 4/29 8:00 am Mass ...............................................Eileen Albertson Wednesday, 4/30 8:00 am Mass ........................... Community of St. Therese 8 am-4 pm ............................ Rummage Sale Set-up / School 6-7:10 pm ................................. REP Mass / School & Church Thursday, 5/1 8:00 am Mass .... Living Members of the Recker Family 6 am-4 pm............................................ Rummage Sale / School 8:30 am............................................................... Bible Study / CR 5:00 .........................................................Divinia Miseriocordia 6:00................................................................................. Hora Santa 7:00 pm ......................................................................................Misa 7:00 pm ....................................... Grupo Amor y Servicio / CC Friday, 5/2 8:00 am Mass ..................................Mary Elizabeth Hurley ........................................... (Spiritual & Physical Wellbeing) 8 am-11 am ........................................... Rummage Sale / School 7:00 pm .............................................. Divina Misericordia / FR Saturday, 5/3 4:00 pm Mass.................... Tom & Pat Lison (for Health) ..............................................................................Nelson Baptism 4:30 pm .............. St. Therese Confirmation @ St. Bernard’s 5:00 pm .....Rosario por la Paz y Justicia a los inmigrantes 5:30 pm Misa................................................................................. 6:30 pm ........................................... Grupo de Oración / Iglesia Sunday, 5/4 9:00 am Mass ................................................. Chick Maloney 10:00 am ......................................................................... RCIA / CR 11:00 am Misa ................................................................................. ...........................................................................................Bautismo 7:00 pm Misa ................................................................................ St. Therese Ladies “RUMMAGE SALE” *****Volunteers Needed***** Minister Schedule / Horario para los Ministros 5 / 3 & 4, 2014 4:00 pm L C S U Laura B. / Mary W. Bert W. / Rose A. / Ed K. / Barb H. Molly B. / Carl J. Eleanor / Sue / Therese / Kathy / Larry 9:00 am L C S U Jackie C. / Jeff S. Tony A. / Kathy S. / Roger D. / Melody R. Dayne S. / Ava S. / Fiona S. Greg / Dave / Tom / Roman / Kennedy 5:30 pm L Guadalupe A. / Gonzalo A. / Mayra B. C Miguel / Ernesto / Eulalia / Carmen / Veronica 11:00 am L Manuela M. / Dora W. / Eva R. C Juana / Ernesto / Ramona / Jovita / Eulalia Wed., April 30th Set-up 8 am (Volunteers lunch @ noon) Thurs., May 1st “SALE” 6am-4pm (Volunteers lunch @ 12) Fri., May 2nd “SALE” 8 am-11 am 1/2 Price on items and Bag of Clothing $3.00 (Pack up 11-noon) We need help with set-up, lunch refreshment donations, help with sales during the event, and packing up of items not sold by 11 am Friday. Call Dorothy Mach, 687-4084, if interested in volunteering Many Hands make Great Success! We are accepting items for the Spring Rummage Sale. Please bring your gently used or new treasures to the Parish Center Office. No T’V’s, computers, baby furniture, file cabinets, desks, exercise equipment, organs, medicines. Also, no items ripped, stained, torn, has pet hair, musty odor, or broken parts. *************************** Si usted tiene cosas para donarnos, se lo vamos a agradecer. Traíagalas a la oficina, por favor.