July_2016 - Down Syndrome Partnership of North Texas
July_2016 - Down Syndrome Partnership of North Texas
2016 NORTH TEXAS BUDDY WALK Down Syndrome Partnership of North Texas July 2016 DSPNT is gearing up for the 2016 North Texas Buddy Walk on October 15, 2016 at the UTA Intramural Fields! We are excited to announce that this year’s Buddy Walk Chair is Kristy Webb, who joined the DSPNT Board of Directors in January. We’re looking for people to join the Buddy Walk committee to make this year’s walk the best yet! Do you have a passion for event planning, marketing, or just want to help make a difference? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, this is the committee for you! We’re announcing details about our Team Captain Kick Off webinar very soon. Until then you can start setting up your In This Issue We Need You To Join The Buddy Walk Committee! Hispanic Outreach Meeting DSPNT Swim Party A Look Back On An Exciting June Thriving With Down Syndrome Fall Conference the committee! You can e-mail Calendar us at [email protected] or 2016 North Texas Buddy Walk Save The Date team here http:// ntbw.ezeventsolutions.com/ page/Home Let us know if you have any questions or would like to join call our office at 817-390-2970. 1 Monthly Hispanic Outreach Meetings By: Liliana Dominguez-Rueda DSPNT ANNUAL SWIM PARTY! The Hispanic Outreach Group is happy to announce that we have been holding meetings every six weeks. We choose in advance different subjects for each meeting, and we focus to keep our meetings dynamic and in an environment of respect and privacy. Moms who have come a long way with young adults with DS that are thriving and are now self-advocates have shared their experiences. For our next meeting on July the 26th, we invited “The Life Planning for Families of Special Needs” from the Texas Life Planning Group, and they will give a review in Spanish about the most important aspects of preparing the life planning for our kids future. We are excited about this tremendous opportunity for our Spanish-speaking families. The meeting will be held at the Northside Community Center at 1100 NW 18th Street 76164 from 6:30 pm—8:30 pm. El Grupo de alcance de Familias Hispanas ( Hispanic Outreach) se complace en anunciar que estamos haciendo reuniones cada 6 semanas. Para estas reunions escogemos con anticipacion los diferentes temas de interes entre las Mamas del grupo de los cuales se hablaran en la reunion y nos enfocamos en estos temas buscando mantener siempre un ambiente de Privacidad y respeto al grupo y a la dinamica del mismo. Promovemos la participacion activa de las Mamas del grupo, porque todas tienen algo importante que aportar . Y contamos con la Fortuna de tener en el grupo Mamas de jovenes adultos con Sindrome de Down que estan teniendo exito y nos han compartido sus experiencias. En nuestra proxima reunion que se llevara acabo el 26 de Julio invitamos a el grupo de "Planeando el futuro, para Familias con hijos con necesidades Especiales" ( “The Life Planning for Families of Special Needs” from the Texas Life Planning Group" ). Quienes nos daran una breve platica sobre los temas basicos e importantes a considerar en la preparacion de los planes de vida para nuestros hijos con necesidades especiales cuando lleguen a sue dad adulta y como las regulaciones del Gobierno pueden afectar si no se toman las acciones adecuadas. Estamos muy contentos de poder ofrecer esta gran oportunidad a nuestras Familias de Habla Hispana. Si esta interesado por favor confirme al telefono o correo electronico abajo mencionado. Liliana Dominguez Summer is officially here, which means it’s time for the annual DSPNT Swim Party! This year’s festivities are taking place on July 16, 2016 at the newly renovated Chisholm Aquatics Center in Hurst. Come join DSPNT families for some fun in the sun from 7—9 pm. We are excited to announce that Austin’s Underdawgs will be providing dinner this year along with Steel City Pops for dessert! Be on the lookout for your invitations soon! Please RSVP no later than July 8th to [email protected]. This event is open to DSPNT families. If you have any questions, please call our office at 817-390-2970. Looking Back on Exciting June! June was an exciting and busy month for DSPNT! On June 6th we held the Our Special Heroes Golf Classic at Texas Star Golf Course. It was the perfect day for a golf tournament! We were joined by over 100 golfers who came out to support DSPNT. The golf tournament raised over $30,000 which allows DSPNT to honor it’s commitment to hold iCan Bike Camp each Summer. A very special thank you to our sponsors and golfers for helping us have such a special day! The very next week we held our iCan Bike Camp that taught 35 individuals with varying intellectual disabilities to ride a standard two wheel bicycle. This program couldn't be possible without the dedication of over 100 amazing volunteers who run alongside campers. Save the date of June 5, 2017 for the Our Special Heroes Golf Classic, and stay tuned for the announcement of our 2017 iCan Bike Camp! Thriving With Down Syndrome DSPNT Hosts Second Annual Education Conference The Down Syndrome Partnership of North Texas is hosting our second annual Thriving With Down Syndrome Fall Conference on September 23rd and 24th. We need you to help us spread the word with your child’s doctors, therapists, and educators. TWDS offers something for everyone. We’ll cover everything from toilet training to post secondary adult options, with everything in between. This year’s keynote speaker is Dr. Brian Chicoine. Dr. Chicoine is the medical director of the Adult Down Syndrome Center of Lutheran General Hospital outside of Chicago. He cofounded the center in 1992 and has served thousands of adults with Down syndrome since its inception. Dr. Chicoine has co-authored two books with Dr. Dennis McGuire, Mental Wellness in Adults with Down Syndrome: A Guide to Emotional and Behavioral Strengths and Challenges and The Guide to Good Health for Teens and Adults with Down Syndrome. Dr. Chicoine is a frequent speaker at conferences around the U.S. and abroad regarding his work and expertise. On Friday, September 23rd we will have Dr. Chicoine speak to medical professionals about medical needs in individuals with Down syndrome at TBD location. Saturday, September 24th, TWDS will be for parents and educators at Legacy Church of Christ in North Richland Hills, Texas. Please click the links below and share this information with everyone involved in the medical and educational well-being of your child. Letter For Medical Professionals Letter For Educators If you have any questions, please contact our office at (817) 390-2970. 4 July 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 DSPNT Swim Party 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Gymboree Playdate His panic Outreach Meeting Northside Community Center 6:30 pm 31 5 Contact Us Give us a call for more information about our services & programs. Down Syndrome Partnership of North Texas (817) 390-2970 [email protected] Visit us on the web at www.dspnt.com
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