Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority Offers Consumer Tips in


Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority Offers Consumer Tips in
April 9, 2012
Contact: Laurene M. Baker
Patient Safety Authority
(717) 346-1092
Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority Offers Consumer Tips in Spanish
Ten tips are offered on topics ranging from falls to pregnancy and the effects of xrays
HARRISBURG: The Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority has translated
consumer tips for Spanish-speaking patients and their families to mark the beginning of
Healthcare Patient Advocacy Week, April 9-15.
“The Authority strongly supports patient advocacy and encouraging patients and
their families to actively participate in their healthcare to reduce the risk of medical
errors,” Mike Doering, executive director of the Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority
said. “To further encourage patient and family participation, the Authority develops
consumer tips based upon data from Pennsylvania healthcare facilities.
“Authority data shows that when patients ask questions and participate more in
their healthcare they can prevent medical errors,” Doering added. “Our data also shows
that language barriers can place patients more at risk. These tips are meant to help close
that gap a bit more.”
Doering said the 10 tips translated into Spanish include:
How to Reduce Your Risk of Falling
(Cómo Reducir los Riesgos de Sufrir Caídas)
How You Can Help Prevent Medication Errors
(Cómo Puede Ayudar a Prevenir Errores de Medicación)
What You Can Do to Prevent Wrong Site Surgery
(Lo Que Puede Hacer Para Prevenir que se Realicen Cirugías en
Zonas Equivocadas)
MRSA and Other Healthcare-Associated Infections
(SARM y Otras Infecciones Relacionadas a la Atención Sanitaria)
Why You Should Get the Flu Vaccine
(Por qué Debe Recibir la Vacuna Contra la Gripe)
Help Your Doctor Diagnose You Correctly
(Ayude a Que su Médico le Brinde un Diagnóstico Correcto)
What You Need to Know About Insulin
(Lo que Debe Saber Acerca de la Insulina)
What You Should Know If You Are Receiving Dialysis
(Lo Que Debe Saber si se Realiza Diálisis)
Pregnancy and Diagnostic X-Rays: What You Should Know
(Embarazo y Radiografías de Diagnóstico: Lo Que Debe Saber)
Do You Have Obstructive Sleep Apnea?
(¿Padece de Apnea Obstructiva del Sueño?)
The Authority’s consumer tips in English and Spanish are available for print on
its website at under “Patients and Consumers.”