Francisco Bengoetxea Arrieta Experience
Francisco Bengoetxea Arrieta Experience
Francisco Bengoetxea Arrieta Partner Real Estate and Urban Planning [email protected] +34 91 576 19 00 Experience Francisco is a partner in the Real Estate and Urban Development Department of the Madrid office. He joined the Firm as a partner in 2011 after having practised at Uría Menéndez, in the Real Estate, Environment and Planning Department since 2002. Previously Francisco worked at the architecture firm of Ezquiaga Arquitectura Sociedad y Territorio, SL, directed by José María Ezquiaga Domínguez, Professor of the Escuela de Arquitectura de Madrid, where he advised on the environmental and urban aspects of the drafting of territorial and urban zoning documents and projects for subdividing and expropriation. His work has focused mainly on urban development, real estate, environmental, government/public sector law and litigation, advising private and public sector clients in a wide range of matters including the processing of documents for urban development zoning and management; participation in proceedings to safeguard the legality of urban development; drafting contractual documentation to acquire land on which to construct residential, commercial, office and logistics projects; and drafting due diligence reports. In addition, he has broad experience in developing legal reports about environmental subjects and advising on government/public sector issues related to the environmental laws (permits and authorisations, environmental impact evaluation, plans and programmes evaluation, environmental aspects of territorial and urban zoning documents, etc.). Francisco also leads contentious-administrative appeals in matters of sanctions, expropriations, authorisations, permits, orders to shut down and against urban development planning and management documents, together with the legal defense in governmental and judicial proceedings regarding the environmental issues about installation and opening of classified activities, the infringement of environmental protection law and environmental liability litigation. Almagro, 16-18 28010 Madrid T +34 91 576 19 00 F +34 91 575 86 78 Caravel•la La Niña, 12, 5ª planta 08017 Barcelona T +34 93 494 74 82 F +34 93 419 62 90 Education Law Degree, University of the Basque Country, 1999. Diploma in Urban Development, Escuela Vasca de Estudios Territoriales y Urbanos, 2000. Masters Degree in Territorial and Urban Development Policy, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 2001. Magister in Environmental Law, Instituto Universitario de Ciencias Ambientales, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2013. Teaching Professor in: Master's Programme in Sustainable Urban Development and Urban Policies. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Master's Degree in Urban Development and Territory Planning from CEU Business School. Master's Degree in International Law from the Instituto Superior de Derecho y Economía. Honorary Professor of Government/Public Sector Law, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2010). Francisco regularly participates as a speaker in legal seminars and conferences related to his professional expertise. Languages English Publications The Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court endorse the valuation scheme of the Land Act. Expropriation valuation of land deemed suitable for building and general supra-municipal systems for creating cities. In: Diario La Ley No. 8,472, 03-02-2015. The Constitutional Court establishes the foundations of the future of land market. In: Expansion, 02-022014. The owner of land for development that renounces to engage in urban transformation will be expropriated at rural land value (clarification to the third transitional provision of the Spanish Land Law)]. Diario La Ley nº 8.138, 2013. Almagro, 16-18 28010 Madrid T +34 91 576 19 00 F +34 91 575 86 78 Caravel•la La Niña, 12, 5ª planta 08017 Barcelona T +34 93 494 74 82 F +34 93 419 62 90 “Who pays the pending development”. Cinco Días, 2013. “Urban development and environmental effects of the Constitutional Court judgement, of 13 December 2012, finding unconstitutional and void the Eighth Additional Rule of Legislative Decree 1/2005, 10 June, which approves the Murcia Land Consolidated Act”. Revista de Derecho Urbanístico y Medio Ambiente nº 284, 2013. The Higher Court of Madrid supports the first significant budgetary provision of the City Council of Madrid. Revista de Derecho Urbanístico y Medioambiente, 2012. The myth of land valuation under the Land Law. Expansión, 2012. Release from the public domain and sale of public administration buildings and their occupation via lease by the Spanish State. Diario La Ley, 2011. The sufficiency of water resources and effects on new urban development. Circular de Urbanismo de Uría Menéndez, 2011. Effects of Catalonian high court case law on the installation of wind farms and photovoltaic plants on land deemed unsuitable for building. Revista de Derecho Urbanístico y Medioambiente, 2010. The execution of renewable energy projects in rural areas of the Canary Islands. Co-authored with Jesús Sedano and Ruyman Torres. El Consultor de los Ayuntamientos y de los Juzgados, 2010. The new Andalusian regulations on urban development. El País, 2010. A study of recent case law in urban planning. Revista de Derecho Urbanístico y Medioambiente, 2009. Aeronautical easements and their inclusion in territorial and urban development zoning regulations. Co-authored with Antonio Gómez Cid. El Consultor de los Ayuntamientos y de los Juzgados, 2009. New features in cancellations of urban development permits. El País, 2009. Regulation of loss-making residential developments. In: Manual sobre Derecho Urbanístico de Cataluña. Several authors. Madrid: La Ley, 2009. A study of recent case law in urban planning. Revista de Derecho Urbanístico y Medioambiente, 2008. Real estate valuation criteria for certain financial purposes. Circular de Urbanismo de Uría Menéndez, 2008. Affiliations Biscay Bar Association (Ilustre Colegio de Abogados del Señorío de Vizcaya). Urban Land Institute (ULI). Almagro, 16-18 28010 Madrid T +34 91 576 19 00 F +34 91 575 86 78 Caravel•la La Niña, 12, 5ª planta 08017 Barcelona T +34 93 494 74 82 F +34 93 419 62 90