PARKING ASSESSMENT SUBCOMMITTEE A subcommittee of the: AD HOC PARKING DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MONDAY, MAY 16, 2016 9:00 A.M. ROOM 205 151 MARTIN ST., BIRMINGHAM, MI (This meeting will begin at approximately 9:00 AM, immediately following the Ad Hoc Parking Development Committee meeting scheduled for 8:00 AM.) A. Roll Call B. Introductions C. Review of Previous Parking Assessments D. Preliminary Outline of Factors for New Assessment District E. Meeting Open for Matters Not on the Agenda F. Adjournment Notice: Due to building security, public entrance during non-business hours is through the Police Department, Pierce St. Entrance only. Individuals with disabilities requiring assistance to enter the building should request aid via intercom system at the parking lot entrance gate on Henrietta St. Persons with disabilities that may require assistance for effective participation in this public meeting should contact the City Clerk’s Office at the number (248) 530-1880, or (248) 644-5115 (for the hearing impaired) at least one day before the meeting to request help in mobility, visual, hearing, or other assistance. Las personas con incapacidad que requieren algún tipo de ayuda para la participación en esta sesión pública deben ponerse en contacto con la oficina del escribano de la ciudad en el número (248) 530-1800 o al (248) 644-5115 (para las personas con incapacidad auditiva) por lo menos un dia antes de la reunió para solicitar ayuda a la movilidad, visual, auditiva, o de otras asistencias. (Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964). N. Old Woodward Year Built Est. Total Cost Construction Cost Number of Parking Spaces Number of Monthly Permits Issued Monthly Parking Rate Date Bond Sale Approved by Commission Amount bonded % of total cost assessed Total assessment Deferred assessment $ $ $ $ 1966 1,174,800 1,016,600 745 900 $55 3/14/1966 1,500,000 10% 117,480 Pierce $ $ $ $ 1968 1,924,500 1,543,900 706 550 $65 1/8/1968 1,565,000 10% 192,450 Park $ $ $ $ 1974 2,078,375 $ 1,754,350 $ 811 813 $60 6/14/1973 2,000,000 $ 40% 831,350 $ Peabody 1984 3,680,000 2,743,000 437 386 $65 6/6/1983 2,700,000 40% 1,472,000 Chester $ $ $ $ $ 1989 11,475,261 9,870,000 880 1081 $45 9/15/1988 10,000,000 15% 1,586,828 134,965