SFC News - San Francisco Community School


SFC News - San Francisco Community School
SFC News
Starting in April, Tacolicious will give 15 percent of
its Monday proceeds to SF Community School! This
means lunch and dinner. It’s a great chance for a
happy hour or dinner with family and friends. It’s also
a perfect time to bring in the kids. The Tacolicious
kids menu is $7 for an agua fresca, beans and rice, a
choice of taco, and a sundae. There’s something for
everyone, but particularly SF Community! SFC staff
will be making our way there on Mondays as well. I
hope to see you there! Thank you to Sara and Joe
(Moss and Silas’ family for organizing this great
fundraising opportunity. Tacolicious is located at 741
Valencia St (at 18th).
You may have noticed that the garden is looking
fabulous! Thanks to Lindsey, our garden educator,
family volunteers, and all the students in the garden
program who have done such a fantastic job taking
care of the garden at SFC. Unfortunately there have
been numerous acts of destruction in the gardenpicking of plants, trampling of flowerbeds, moving of
fence and rocks, etc. Please speak with your child
about the importance of taking care of our SFC
community by steering clear of the garden during
morning, drop off and recess.
There is an important School Site Council Meeting
this Thursday at 6pm in room 205. We will be
deciding on the district budget for next year and
brainstorming around the school’s balanced
scorecard/vision for 2012-2013. All are invited and
encouraged- especially if it’s your first time coming!
Strong Community
* Spring Break: NO SCHOOL Mar 26-30th.
* Thursday, April 12, 6pm: Community
Conversation about Restorative Practices
Strong Individuals
We support students to be strong individuals
through the following classroom and school
2/3 students are wrapping up their nutrition and
digestive system project. Ask your child about the
bodies they created and what they have learned
about nutrition, food sources and the digestive
4th grade students are launching the
electromagnetic car project. Thank you to all the
generous donations to Ms. Zapata’s Donors Choose
grant to secure the materials to enhance this
incredible project.
5/6: Adrian Sleder has done a fantastic job teaching
5/6 humanities this winter. She has made strong
connections with students, held high expectations
for learning, and approached each lesson with
enthusiasm. We are so happy to welcome Robin
after spring break and grateful to Adrian for her
hard work at 5/6 humanities.
Strong Minds and Hearts
Thank you in advance to all the families who are
soliciting donation for the SFC auction. Please turn
in any donation forms (attached to newsletter) to
Susann Muer or to Ivy in the office. For questions,
please email Susann – [email protected] or
call 415-239-5057. We need to solicit many more
donations over the next two weeks to make this
auction a reality! That means we need your help!
All funds for the auction will go towards core
programs like garden, projects, and PE.
Tacolicious (Mission District) is donating
15% of its Monday proceeds to a
neighborhood public school every
month. Come in for lunch or dinner,
and the education is on us.
Tacolicious • 741 Valencia St. (at 18th) • tacolicioussf.com
Digging up the News
San Francisco Community School Garden
Vol 2
What’s new in the Garden?
As spring approaches
in the garden, the sun
rises higher in the sky,
the veggies in the
green house are almost
ready to plant out, and
the strawberries are
in full bloom. We have
been having fun
learning how to make
compost, and
exploring beneficial
insects such as worms
rolly pollys and lady
bugs. The 6th grade
helped to install our
first potato tower and
helped design our
garden bulletin board.
Thanks to Sloat Garden
Center’s “Growing Up
Green” gift card the 4th
grade was able to put
in two beds of kale,
broccoli, cauliflower
and marigolds. We are
now studying plant life
cycles, plant parts and
will soon be
exploring plant
reproduction and
adaptations. So much
is changing in our
garden ecosystem,
we encourage you to
come on by and enjoy
the beauty!
Upcoming Events
Hayes Valley Farm Field Trip
Thursday , March 22nd
The 2nd and 3rd grade classes will be taking a trip
to Hayes Valley Farm. The kids will be touring the
farm and harvesting vegetables to prepare
local and healthy food for their parents as part of
their nutrition project.
Pancake Breakfast February 11th
The pancake breakfast was a success!
Kids had fun making their own
garden badges and many families
got to take home seed balls to plant
in their own gardens. We raised $100
for our garden program and were able to use that
money to buy some new plants! Thanks so much for
everyone who came over to join in on the fun.
Garden Fun Day
Saturday March 3rd
On our last Funday the weather was perfect! We built
three new flower beds, planted native plants and
fertilized our fruit trees. Thanks so much to the
families who came out to support.
Garden Fun Day and Potluck Lunch
Sat, April 7th, 9am-2pm
Come join other SFC families in the garden the first
Saturday of every month . Get your hands in the
dirt doing activities like
weeding, planting, flipping compost,
harvesting and more. Drop in for an hour or stay
till the end. You can always look forward to the cob
oven being fired up for garden pizzas!
Help Support the Garden
We are still in need of fundraising support to allow for
garden to continue year after year. This can include
research for grants and reaching out to the
community for support . Help our garden grow!
Interested in getting more involved with the
garden? Do you have comments or suggestions?
Please contact: Lindsey Whited- Garden Coordinator
email: [email protected]
Desenterrar las Noticias
San Francisco Community School Garden
Vol 2
¿Qué hay de nuevo en el Jardín?
A medida se acerca la
primavera en el jardín,
el sol sube más alto en
el cielo, las plantas en
el invernadero están
casi listas para sembrar
y las fresas están floreando. Nos estamos
divirtiendo aprendiendo
a cómo preparar abono
y explorar insectos con
beneficios tales como las
lombrices y mariquitas.
El 6to grado ayudó a
instalar nuestra primera
torre de papa y ayudó a
diseñar nuestra pizarra
de anuncios del jardín.
Visítelo la próxima vez
que entre por la entrada
principal. Gracias a la tarjeta de regalo por parte
de Sloat Garden Center’s
“Growing Up Green”, el
4to grado pudo sembrar
dos secciones de col,
brócoli, coliflor y caléndula. Ahora estamos
estudiando ciclos de vida
de las plantas, partes
de las plantas y pronto
estaremos explorando
la reproducción y adaptación de las plantas.
Tanto ha estado cambiando en el ecosistema de
nuestro jardín, les invitamos a pasar y disfrutar
de lo que tenemos.
Próximos Eventos
Paseo a Hayes Valley Farm
Jueves 22 de Marzo
Las clases de 2do y 3er grado estarán yendo en un
paseo a Hayes Valley Farm. Los niños tendrán un tour
de la granja y sembrarán vegetales para preparar una
comida saludable y local para sus padres como parte de
sus trabajos de nutrición.
Día de Diversión en el Jardín y Almuerzo ‘Potluck’
Sábado 7 de Abril, 9am-2pm
Acompañe a otras familias de SFC en el jardín el primer
sábado de cada mes. Ponga sus manos sobre la tierra
haciendo actividades tales como sembrar, arrancar malas hierbas, recoger frutos, trabajar el compostaje y más.
Pase y quédese por una hora o quédese hasta el final.
Siempre tenga en cuenta que encendemos el horno
para pizzas de jardín!
Desayuno de Pancakes
11 de Febrero
El desayuno de pancakes fue un
éxito! Los niños se divirtieron haciendo sus propias insignias del jardín
y muchas familias pudieron llevarse
semillas para sembrar en sus propios jardines! Muchas
Todavía necesitamos apoyo con la recaudación de fongracias a todos que vinieron a divertirse.
dos para permitir que el jardín continúe funcionando
Día de Diversión en el Jardín
año con año. Esto puede incluir investigar posibilidades
Sábado 3 de Marzo
de obtener fondos y salir a la comunidad para pedir
En nuestro último día de diversión, Funday, el clima
estaba perfecto! Construimos tres camas para flores, ¿Está interesado/a en involucrarse con el
sembramos plantas nativas y fertilizamos nuestros
jardín? ¿Tiene comentarios o sugerencias?
árboles frutales. Muchas gracias a todas las familias
Por favor contactar a: Lindsey Whited- Coordinadora del
que vinieron a apoyar.
Ayude a Apoyar el Jardín
e-mail: [email protected]
Noticias de SFC
Empezando en abril, el restaurante Tacolicious dará
15 por ciento de sus procedimientos cada lunes a la
escuela SF Community! Esto incluye el almuerzo y
la cena. Es buena oportunidad para bocadillos ó una
cena con la familia ó los amigos. Es perfecto para
traer a los niños. El menu de Tacolicious para niños
es $7 por un agua fresca, arroz y frijoles, un taco, y un
helado. ¡Hay algo para todos, pero especialmente para
a escuela SF Community! El personal de la escuela
van los lunes también. ¡Espero verlos allá! Gracias a
Sara y Joe (la familia de Moss y Silas) por organizar
esta oportunidad. Tacolicious está ubicado en 741
Valencia St (con la calle 18).
Individuos Fuertes
Apoyamos a los estudiantes a ser individuos fuertes a
través de estas actividades escolares y en las aulas:
Grados 2/3 Los alumnos están terminando su
proyecto sobre la nutrición y el sistema digestivo.
¡Pregunte a su hijo sobre los cuerpos que crearon y
lo que han aprendido sobre la nutrición, los fuentes
de la comida y el sistema digestivo!
Grado 4 Los alumnos están empezando su proyecto
de los carros electromagnéticos. Gracias para todas
las donaciones generosas al proyecto de Donors
Choose de Ms. Zapata para recaudar los materiales
para cumplir con este proyecto increíble.
¡Tal vez haya notado que el jardín se ve fabuloso!
Gracias a Lindsey, educadora del jardín, los
voluntarios familiares, y todos los alumnos en el
programa del jardín que han hecho un trabajo
fantástico cuidando al jardín. Desafortunadamente
han habido actos numerosos de la destrucción en el
jardín - agarrando plantas, pisando a las flores,
moviendo la cerca y las piedras, etc. Por favor hable
con su hijo sobre la importancia de cuidar a la
comunidad escolar y de evitar a molestar el jardín en
la mañana y durante el recreo.
Grados 5/6: Adrian Sleder ha hecho un trabajo
fantástico enseñando la humanidades para grados
5/6 este invierno. Ha hecho conexiones fuertes con
los alumnos, mantenido expectativas altas para el
aprendizaje, y hacía cada lección con entusiasmo.
Estamos muy contentos a brindar la bienvenida a
Robin después de las vacaciones y agradecidos a
Adrian para su trabajo duro con las humanidades.
Hay una reunión del Concilio del Sitio Escolar este
jueves at 6pm en salón 205. Vamos a decidir el
presupuesto del próximo año y hablar sobre los
Objetivos para 2012-13. ¡Todos están invitados!
Gracias en adelante a todas las familias que están
solicitando donaciones para la subasta de SFC. Por
favor entregue los formularios (incluidos con el
noticiero) a Susann Muer ó a Ivy en a oficina. Si
tiene preguntas, por favor comuníquese con Susann
– [email protected] ó 415-239-5057. ¡Se
necesita solicitar muchas mas donaciones en las
próximas dos semanas para llevar acabo la subasta!
Todos los fondos para la subasta irán a programas
como el jardín, los proyectos y la educación física.
Comunidad Fuerte
* Vacaciones de Primavera: NO HAY ESCUELA
el 26-30 de marzo.
* Jueves, 12 de abril, 6pm: Conversación
Comunitaria sobre las Prácticas Restaurativas
Mentes y Corazones Fuertes
Celebramos a los alumnos, familias ó personal
San Francisco Community Alternative School
125 Excelsior Ave. San Francisco, California 94112
Annual Silent Auction and Night Out
March 5, 2012
Dear Business Owner,
On behalf of the parents and families at San Francisco Community School, we would like to thank you for your
generosity in supporting our school community. We hope that you will partner with us at our 8th Annual Silent
Auction and Night Out, which is scheduled for April 28, 2012.
San Francisco Community is a kindergarten through eighth grade, public school located in the Excelsior
neighborhood. Our families reflect the diverse community of San Francisco by bringing together children from a
wide range of ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds. As a small- by-design school, we are committed to
eliminating the persistent achievement gap and ensuring that all children are provided the tools they need to
succeed both academically and socially.
This year San Francisco Community School is faced with the challenge of raising over $110,000 to preserve and
support our small class size, innovative project-based learning approach, physical education, and science and
outdoor education programs including garden and camping. All of these programs make our school special and are
greatly valued by our small community of families. However, drastic state and local education cuts are making it
increasingly difficult for us to provide our students with these unique and rich learning opportunities.
We are writing to request an in-kind donation or gift certificate to be included in this fundraising endeavor. The
auction will feature an array of merchandise and gift certificates for goods and services donated by local businesses
and restaurants from all over the Bay Area. Last year over 200 people attended the auction and purchased items.
It’s a great way to support your community and some of its most important assets - our youth. You may even gain
some new customers!
Please send your tax deductible contribution to:
SF Community School Auction Committee
Attn: Susann Muer
125 Excelsior Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94112
Phone: 415-239-5057
Thank you for your consideration and support, with your help we can make certain that San Francisco’s children
receive the quality education that they deserve.
SFC Fundraising Committee
San Francisco Community School’s non-profit organization, Project OLE is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization,
Federal Tax ID # 94-3379867. Your gift is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
SF COMMUNITY SILENT AUCTION 2012 SFC’s annual silent auction will be held on Saturday, April 28th. We are still working on the location and also would like to set up an online auction, depending on the auction items. This is SFC’s biggest fundraiser and, in light of another year of budget cuts, we need YOUR help to make the auction a success. Our goal this year is $10,000.00 or more. The money will be used towards additional staff, supplies, and experiences such as garden and field trips. To help to reach our fundraising goals, we require EVERY family to donate or solicit 2‐3 items for the auction. HOW WILL YOU HELP: ‐
DONATIONS!!! Ask your local retailers/restaurants/shops/services to help support our school – you support them. Especially restaurant gift cards are extremely popular. ACTIVITY: Host an activity like a dinner party, bake a cake, music/dance classes, nature walk, dog walking services, art project, kids movie night etc. ITEMS: Donate your unused or lightly used items: jewelry, artwork, toys, electronics, unwanted gifts. SERVICES: Donate your services such as gardening help, carpentry, photography, web design etc. HEALTH/WELNESS/FITNESS: Acupuncture treatment, massage therapy, hair and nail appointments etc. TICKETS/ATTRACTIONS: Donate tickets for an event, museum, tour. TRAVEL: Donate a weekend getaway if you have frequent flyer miles or a vacation home. Please hand this form and your donations to Ivy in the office or send to
Susann Muer, 5020 Mission Street #4, SF, CA 94112
For questions, please email Susann – [email protected] or call 415-239-5057
All donations for the online auction have to be received by March 27th! All items for the live auction have to be received by Friday, April 20th! Auction donation forms for businesses will be send out this week! Your Name
Phone Number
Thank you for your support!
The Auction Committee – SF Community School