SP Bulletin 120615.pub
SP Bulletin 120615.pub
FAITH FORMATION / CATEQUESIS CLASSES 10:15̶11:30 AM SUNDAYS Sacrament information: Información del Sacramento: The diocese of Raleigh now requires 2 years of confirmation preparation. If you wish to be confirmed you must begin coming to Confirmation year 1 classes in the fall and will receive the sacrament in 2017. For those wishing to receive 1st communion. You must have come to classes this past year. First communion is for Second grade or 7-8 years or older. If you wish to receive this sacrament this coming May 2016 contact the office. La diosesis de Raleigh require 2 años de preparación para confirmació. Si desean confirmarse para el 2017 tiene que venir a clases todos los Domingos.Los que desean recibir la primera comunión el 2016, tienen que haber tomado clases el año que pasó. Primera comunión es para niños de segundo grado o de 7-8 años. Si desea recibir este sacramento comunicarse con la oficina. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS / PARISH ACTIVITIES Business meeting Social meeting Reunión de Negocios Reunión Social 1st Monday of the month 7:15 PM 3rd Monday of the month 7:15 PM er 1 Lunes de cada mes a las 7:15pm 3er Jueves de cada mes a las 7:15pm ST. BERNADETTE PRAYER LIST PRAY FOR / RECEMOS POR: Priests & Sisters, Robert Nicolazzo, Ann Hoff, Diane Philyaw, Luis Madrigal, Jack McDonnell, Herb Brinkman (Lisa Kennedyʼs father) Len Zbonick, Theresa Clemente (mother of Valerie Carrigan), Rosario Gentile, Vidalina Matos Medina , & Toñito Reyes. Also remember in prayer, our benefactors, vocations to religious life, priesthood, lay ministry. We pray for our police, firefighters, EMTs and those in the military. Pray for peace Iglesia Católica Saint Bernadette Catholic Church 804 West D Street Butner, NC 27509 Very Reverend Marcos León, V.E. [email protected] Mailing address: 311 11th St. Butner, NC 27509 [email protected] Lyn Shaner-Trutt Parish Secretary Emergency number 919-770-4200 Facebook: Iglesia St. Bernadette Catholic Church 919-575-4537 Confessions/Confesiones Saturdays/Sábados 4:00 to 4:45 Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas Monday/Lunes̶6:30 PM Tuesday/Martes̶9 AM Wednesday/Miércoles̶No Mass Thursday/Jueves̶6:30 PM Friday/Viernes-12 Noon/Mediodía First Friday/1er Viernes 5:30̶6:15PM̶Adoration (English) This space is reserved for advertisements to help defer the cost of the paper to print this bulletin each week. Ads cost $180 per year or $50 per quarter. Please contact the parish office if you would like to help out both our church and your business by publishing your advertisement here. Este espacio está reservado para los anuncios para ayudar a diferir el costo del papel para imprimir este boletín cada semana. Anuncios cuestan $180 por año ó $50 por trimestre. Por favor, póngase en contacto con la oficina parroquial si usted desea ayudar tanto nuestra iglesia y su negocio mediante la publicación de su anuncio aquí. December 5/6, 2015 6:30 PM̶Mass/Misa Saturday/Sábado̶5:00 PM Sunday/Domingo̶Mass 9 AM Domingo Santa Misa 12:00 PM MISSION STATEMENT Saint Berna- Misión La Parroquia de St. Bernadette es una dette Parish is an ethnically diverse, wel- comunidad Étnicamente diversa que da la coming community of Christians. We bienvenida a los Cristianos. Nosotros comparti- share the good news of Jesus Christ with mos la Buena Nueva de Jesucristo con las per- the people we serve as we strive to grow sonas que servimos y nos esforzamos en cre- more fully as a community in the tradi- cer mas como una comunidad dentro de las tions of the Catholic faith. tradiciones de la fe Católica. VISION STATEMENT Recognizing our rich historical heritage, we embrace the future with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Visión Reconociendo nuestra rica herencia histórica, nosotros abrazamos el futuro con el asesoramiento del Espíritu Santo. LITURGICAL MINISTERS Saturday, Dec 12̶5 PM Reader̶Jo Ann Carr Sunday, Dec 13̶9 AM MINISTROS DE LA LITURGIA Saturday, Dec 19̶5 PM Reader̶Tim Romocki Sunday, Dec 20̶9 AM Reader̶Denise Goss Reader̶Jack McDonnell Eucharistic Ministers: Eucharistic Ministers: Dale Hissem Larry Green Mary Ellen Hissem Paula Green Harry Trutt Tom Carey Altar Servers: Altar Servers: Liam Buskirk Isabelle Snyder Wyatt Martin Rebecca Snyder Ushers: Ushers: Barbara Paro TR Buskirk Napoleon Manley Laura Buskirk Sunday, Dec 13̶NOON This Weekendʼs Vigil Candle Vela Perpetua de esta Semana Familia Basilio Velásquez FOOD PANTRY COLLECTION Sunday, Dec 20 NOON Next Weekend Vigil Candle Vela Perpetua Próxima Semana Halie Carroll̶Birthday (Bill & Barb Paro) Pray an Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be for these members of St. Bernadette on Dec 13̶The Conrad Family designated days. Budget Year̶2015-2016 $94,500 Needed: Monthly $7,875̶Weekly $1,817 Hymnals̶Total Cost $2,148 November 28/29 Offertory/ Ofrenda̶$2,014 New Hymnals̶$208 December 8 ̶ Feast (Fiesta) of the Immaculate Conception Masses 9 AM and 6 PM (English) 7 PM misa en Español December 10 ̶ Advent Reconciliation Service (Confesiones) 7 PM December 12 ̶ Feast (Fiesta) of the Lady of Guadalupe 9 AM First Reconciliation for First Communicants Confesiones para candidatos a primera comunión December 13 ̶ Last day for Faith Formation classes for 2015 Last day for Giving Tree donations Last day for Christmas flower donations Última clase de formación de fe del 2015 Último día de donación para el árbol de regalos. Último día de donación de flores para el altar. December 16 ̶ Parish Christmas party featuring Santa Claus Fiesta de navidad con Santa December 24 ̶ Christmas Eve / Noche Buena 4 PM̶childrenʼs Mass w/live nativity (English) 6:30 PM̶Choir (English) 7 PM̶Family Mass (English) 11:30 PM̶Coro (Español) Media noche̶misa (Español) December 25 ̶ Christmas Day / Navidad 9 AM̶Mass (English) ST. BERNADETTE CARE MINISTRY / MINISTERIO DE CUIDADO DE SAN BERNADETTE This new ministry is being developed to offer prayers and any needed assistance for parish members in need of help during a family crisis. If you or someone you know who may be experiencing a difficult time and might benefit from parish help, please contact: Este ministerio es para ofrecer oraciones y cualquier asistencia a familias de nuestra parroquia en necesidad de ayuda durante una crisis familiar. Si usted o algún conocido esta pasando por un momento difícil y puede beneficiarse de nuestro servicio favor de comunicarse con: Paula Green 919-528-7227 or 919-801-5145 or [email protected] Dec 6̶The Kennady Family Dec 20̶The Paro Family UPCOMING SCHEDULE / ITINERARIO Ora por las familias de la parroquial de St. Bernadette, de acuerdo a los días asignados. 12/6̶The Tahop Family 12/7̶The Tapia Family 12/8̶The Tapia-Bautista Family 12/9̶The Taylor Families 12/10̶The Tehandon-Gembe Family 12/11̶The Tejada Family 12/12̶The Thompson Family GIVING TREE Please help make Christmas special for the individuals at RHA Group Homes in our area. Please take a name off the tree. Return on or before December 13. Thank you for your continued support. SOCIAL MINISTRIES +FOOD PANTRY: Open: Tues 1:30-3:00 Wed 5:00-6:00 We are desperate for food donations for the Pantry. At this time we need canned vegetables (not green beans), crackers, peanut butter and canned meats. $ donations are also needed. Can be sent to BCC address below. Back Pack Program Donations can be made to purchase food for this program. Cost of food packs for this program is $4.00 per week. This is tax deductible. Please make your check out to Butner Church Council, indicate Backpack Program. Send to Cecil Hudgins, Treasurer, BCC , 103 E G Street, Butner, NC 27509