107 san pedro road colma, ca 94014
107 san pedro road colma, ca 94014
WELCOME TO Holy Angels Church YtÅ|Äç Éy Yt|à{ f{tÜ|Çz g|Åx? gtÄxÇà? tÇw gÜxtáâÜx hÇt YtÅ|Ä|t wx Yx VÉÅÑtÜà|xÇwÉ g|xÅÑÉ? gtÄxÇàÉ ç gxáÉÜÉ 107 SAN PEDRO ROAD COLMA, CA 94014 Devotions Pastoral Staff Rev. Manuel Curso, Pastor Rev. Manuel (Jun) Igrobay, Jr., Parochial Vicar Msgr. John R. Pernia, Priest In Residence Rev. Mr. Juan Ruiz, Permanent Deacon Rev. Mr. Lerny Prudenciado, Permanent Deacon Rosary Daily After 7:30AM Mass Our Lady of Perpetual Help (OLPH)Mondays After 5:45 PM Mass Marian Congregation & Rosary Wednesdays 7:00PM (Spanish) Adoration of the First Friday After 7:30AM Mass Blessed Sacrament until the 5:45 PM Mass Sacred Heart/Devotion First Friday After 5:45PM Mass Music Coordinators Margaret Anne Kerns Tito Rangasajo Laura Reyes Rudy Valeros, Sr. Saturday………….3:30-4:15PM (or by appointment with a priest) Telephone Numbers Rectory (Parish Office) ..…………….…..…….…....(650) 755-0478 Confessions/Reconciliation OFFICE HOURS: MON-FRI 8:00AM–12PM, 1:00PM–5PM; Educational Staff Sr. Leonarda Montealto, OP, School Principal School….…………………………………………...…(650) 755-0220 School of Religion (CCD)…………………………... (650) 992-5539 Deacon Lerny Prudenciado …………………….…..(650) 758-3480 Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)…………….…..(650) 758-3480 Support Staff Saturday .............................7:30AM, 4:30PM (SUNDAY VIGIL) Sunday................................7:00AM, 8:30AM, 10:00AM (Español), 11:30AM, 1:00PM & 4:30PM Weekdays…...7:30AM, 5:45PM Sr. Anita Torres, PBVM, Coordinator, School of Religion (CCD) and Confirmation Lawanda York CCD Computer Support Masses Nymia Tolentino, Bookkeeper Lawanda York, Secretary Lynne Horan, Secretary/Receptionist Magdalena Turcios, Housekeeper Roger Turcios, Maintenance Organizations Parish Council Filipino-American Club (FIL-AM) 12:30PM Italian Catholic Federation (ICF) Knights of Columbus (K of C - Council 10948) Legion of Mary Charismatic Prayer Group St. Vincent de Paul Society Teen/Youth Groups Latin Youth Group Holy Angels Youth Ministry 4th Wednesday 3rd Sunday 7:30PM 2nd & 4th Monday 7:30PM 2nd Sunday 6:00PM & 1st Monday 6:30PM Every Sunday 9:30AM Every Thursday 7:30PM 1st & 3rd Thursday 7:00PM Every Friday Every Saturday 7:00PM 10:30AM First Friday & Holy Days of Obligation………………..7:30AM, 5:45PM Baptism: Pre-Baptismal preparation is necessary. Call the rectory two months in advance to register and to make an interview appointment. Marriage: Arrangements must be made with a Priest or Deacon at least six months prior to the wedding date. Sacraments for the Sick: Call the parish office when you know of a parishioner who is ill. A priest will administer the Anointing of the Sick when necessary; if the parishioner is unable to come to Mass contact the rectory at 650-755-0478. www.holyangelschurchcolma.com Page 2 Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Sept. 26, 2010 Keep the commandment without stain or reproach until the appearance of our Lord Jesus Christ. — 1 Timothy 6:14 FEAST OF HOLY ANGELS The Feast of Holy Angels is less than two weeks away. Please mark your calendar for the following festivities as we celebrate the feast of our Guardian Angels: Thursday, September 30, 2010 – Theme of the day is “Faith”. We will start with Holy Mass at 6:30 pm and as we stand firm in our faith, let us lift up our petitions to God…. Following the Mass, we will kick-off our festivities with a Game Night featuring Bingo, Mahjong, and variety of playing card games. A modest entrance fee for this funfilled evening is $10.00. Snacks and Refreshments will be served and prizes will be awarded to all the top winners of the night for each game. Friday, October 1, 2010 – Theme of the day is “Hope”. We will start with Holy Mass at 6:30 pm and ask God for His healing touch that we may be healed spiritually, emotionally and physically…. Following the Mass will be a Dinner Dance. Tickets are now available for $15.00 for adults and $7.00 for children 12 years old and under. This is another promising fun-filled evening. Saturday, October 2, 2010 – Theme of the day is “Love”. We will start our daytime activities at 10:00 am – 2:00 pm, “Our Festival”. This 4-hour period is packed with different activities that will entertain the entire family, i.e., Multicultural program (song and dance), games, and opportunities to try some Filipino, Italian, Mexican food and much more. We will end this day with Holy Mass at 4:30 pm focusing on the first fruit of the Holy Spirit, which is LOVE. Sunday, October 3, 2010 – We will end the feast of Holy Angels celebration with Holy Mass at 1:00 pm and a procession after the Mass. At 2:00 pm we will have our Raffle Drawing. Please make sure that you return all your raffle tickets by then. Please try to participate and support the above festivities and be part of the community building spirit. All proceeds for all these events will go directly to the church. We hope to see you in one or more of the events! FATHER DOMING’S INSTALLATION Father Domingo Orimaco will be formally installed as our new pastor on Saturday, October 9, 2010 at the 11:00 am Mass with Bishop Robert Mc Elroy presiding. All are invited to a reception following the Mass. Our Lady of Mercy Parish I Elmwood Drive Daly City Find the hero in you. Give blood three times a year. Holy Angels Knights of Columbus is sponsoring a Blood Drive on Sunday, October 10, 2010 from 9:30 am to 2:00 pm in the Parish Hall. Contact: Leo Garcia 415-694-9229 or Francisco Hernandez 650-994-5451 HEALTH FAIR—OCTOBER 17, 2010 The Holy Angels Fil-Am Club in collaboration with the Golden Gate Lions Club and other participating Lions Clubs will be sponsoring a HEALTH FAIR starting after the 10:00AM, 11:30AM and 1:00PM masses. Available doctors and nurses will be checking blood pressure, glucose levels, giving flu shots for adults and children, doing dental exams, and health education. Please come to the parish hall and avail yourself of these medical services. lt’s FREE !! Please turn in your Raffle Ticket Stubs as soon as possible. Our Holy Angels Fiesta is rapidly approaching. You can place them in the collection baskets, drop them in the Rectory mailbox, or mail them to us. Thank you. SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: St. Vincent de Paul Tuesday: St. Wenceslaus; St. Lawrence Ruiz and His Companions Wednesday: Sts. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, Archangels Thursday: St. Jerome Friday: St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus; First Friday Saturday: The Guardian Angels; First Saturday DID YOU KNOW? An Autumn Message About Child Protection Autumn means back to school for children and back to work for those who have been on vacation. Amidst the hustle and bustle of this season, let us all keep sight of the importance of keeping our children and young people safe from danger. Committees to safeguard children have been established in parishes throughout the archdiocese. These committees help ensure that all children and youth experience safe environments in all parish activities and events. For more information, call: Barbara Elordi, Victim Assistance Coordinator 415.614.5504 (private, secure line) or [email protected] CYCLE C—BULLETIN 44 Page 3 As a parish community we welcome into our faith through the Sacrament of Baptism Julyssa Gomez, Owen Moreno, Yoshira Rojas In Gratitude for a Lifetime of Service Last weekend, our parish took up a special collection to support our Priests’ Retirement Fund. I am happy to report that we have already raised $3,333.00 to date. The Priests’ Retirement Fund supports the retired priests of the Archdiocese of San Francisco. It provides the supplemental resources they would need for medical insurance beyond Medicare and financial assistance needed for extended care, when the need arises. If you have already made a gift to the In Gratitude...for a Lifetime of Service collection, please know how much our parish truly appreciates your support. If you were unable to make a gift last weekend, you may still do so. If you need another envelope, or did not receive one, envelopes are available at the church entrances. Please place in collection basket or mail slot in rectory. For those who would like to make a donation to the San Bruno fire victims through Catholic Charities CYO, click here to make a donation. You may designate your gift to the San Bruno Fire Relief Fund or Catholic Charities CYO Counseling Services as appropriate. If you are interested in volunteering through Catholic Charities CYO please contact Liz Rodriguez at 415-972-1297. Any other inquiries should be directed to 415-972-1200. Congratulations to Maureen O'Connor, President of Holy Angels’ St. Vincent de Paul Conference Maureen is the recipient of the St. Vincent de Paul Ozanam Service Medallion. She was nominated by the members of our Conference for her outstanding contribution of time and talent for the twenty years she has been a member of our parish SVDP Conference. . .TRANSFORMING GRIEF is a day of spiritual retreat for those who are grieving the death of a loved one. Presenter, Barbara Elordi, on Saturday, October 2nd, from 9:30 am — 2:30 pm at St. Robert’s in San Bruno. Call Barbara 415-614-5506 to register. On October 10 Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Fulton and Katherine, Redwood City, is sponsoring an evening of education, prayer, discernment and discussion on the death penalty in Cavanaugh Hall (large hall) from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. The evening will feature a short film, “The Empty Chair: Death Penalty Yes or No,” followed by facilitated small group discussions. Light refreshments will be served. Please join us. For more information, contact Susan Swope at 650-474-2628, [email protected]. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord . . . Alfredo Mosqueda, Carmen Leiva, Genevieve Donohue . . . and let perpetual light shine upon them. MASS INTENTIONS Mon., 9/27 7:30 Lourdes Cabiling 5:45 Souls in Purgatory Tues., 9/28 7:30 Jaime Sumortin 40th day death anniversary 5:45 Filomena Narido Wed., 9/29 7:30 1. Rollie & Anna Bono 2. Helen Scurlock 1st death anniversary 5:45 1. George Lapizar, Jr. 2. Living & deceased members/Victoria Family 3. Thanksgiving/Josefina Masangya Thurs.,9/30 7:30 Bernardo Salvador, Sr. death anniversary 6:30 Christine Espinoza The Petitions in our Prayer Baskets Fri., 10/1 7:30 1. Mary Nora Clark 2. Thanksgiving/Jack and Jan McCloskey 50th Wedding Anniversary 6:30 Intentions/H. A. Parishioners in need of Healing Sat., 10/2 7:30 Orlando, Irene, Angelo & Yolanda Disperati 4:30 1. Elia & Rosendo Gomez 2. Marilyn Perez 3. Vera Monteleone 1st month death anniversary 4. Living & Deceased Benefactors of Holy Angels Sun., 10/3 7:00 Souls in Purgatory 8:30 1. Juan H. Reyes 2. Thanksgiving/Jack and Jan McCloskey 10:00 1. Cristina Ortiz death anniversary 2. Domingo Barba death anniversary 11:30 Terri Lagomarsino 1:00 Rupert Lagleva 4:30 1. Thanksgiving/ Sister Rosario 2. Souls in Purgatory September 18 - September 19 The first collection amounted to $6,930.50 and the second collection for the Priests’ Retirement Fund amounted to $3,333.00. The sin of the rich man in today’s parable was not that he was rich, but that he failed to share his wealth with the beggar at his gate. He knew Lazarus, perhaps walked by him every time he came in or out, but did nothing to relieve his suffering. Is there a Lazarus in my life? What am I doing to help? 2010 Assessment: $63,600.00 Raised to Date: $44,371.00* Percentage of Goal: 70% Pledges to Date: 95 *Includes second collections Thank you to everyone who has made their pledge to the AAA! Pledge envelopes can be found at the church entrances if you did not receive one in the mail. Page 4 Proyecto Rachel de la Arquidiosis Ministerio de Post Aborto estará ofreciendo un retiro para mujeres Hispanas, que tuviernon aborto y buscan reconciliación sacramental y sanación emocional. Este retiro será Octubre 15-17, Viernes, Sábado y Domingo, en la Iglesia St. Finn Barr, San Francisco, CA. Sera non-residencial y será de abierto para que las personas puedan regresar a casa cada noche. La Esperanza de rachel es un programa que ha ayudado a muchas mujeres a enconrrar paz espiritual y reconciliación. Las sesiones serán en español y facilitada por dos personas hispanas sensible, con las oportunidad de reflexionary experimentar la misericordia de Dios. El retiro terminara con el sacramento de reconciliación y misa de Sanación. La cuota será de $45.00 dóoares. Para mas información y reservación llame a Vilma Merios al 414-5856434/415-860-5637 o Maria A. Molina, MSW al 415-572-7546. LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS OBSERVANCIAS Domingo: Vigésimo sexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Lunes: San Vicente de Paúl Martes: San Lorenzo Ruiz y compañeros; San Wenceslao Miércoles: Los Arcángeles Miguel, Gabriel y Rafael Jueves: San Jerónimo Viernes: Santa Teresita del Niño Jesús; Primer viernes Sábado: Los Ángeles Custodios; Primer sábado TALENTOSOS Y ENERGÉTICOS El infierno está lleno de talentosos, pero el cielo está lleno de gente con energía. —Sta. Juan Francisca de Chantal RESCATE Unas lluvias muydensas provocaron inundaciones y forzó a un hombre a subirse al techo de su casa. Vi-nieron algunos en un bote de remos y le dijeron: “Ven y sube”. El hombre contestó: “No, tengo fe y Dios me salvará”. Así es que remando se alejaron. Vino después una lancha motora. “Súbete”, le dijo el que manejaba. “No, tengo fe y Dios me salvará”. La lancha aceleró y se alejó. El agua tocaba ya los bordes del techo mientras que el hombre oraba para ser salvado. Llegó un helicóptero y el piloto le gritó que le iba a bajar una soga. “No, tengo fe y Dios me salvará”. El helicóptero se marchó y el hombre siguió rezando desesperadamente. Las aguas subieron más y en medio de co-rrientes violentas el hombre se ahogó. Ya en el cielo se fue ante Dios y le dijo: Tuve fe en ti, oré para que me salvaras y no hiciste nada. ¿Por qué?” Dios lo miró perplejamente y le contestó: “Te envié dos lanchas y un helicóptero. ¿Qué más esperabas?” Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. RECTORIA DE LA PARROQUIA Page 5 Padre Manuel (Jun) Igrobay, Jr.……..(650) 755-0478 x107 Preparación Prematrimonial & Bautizos COMUNIDAD LATINA DE HOLY ANGELS Reunión primer domingo de cada mes después de misa Presidente: Mauricio Vega ……...……….. (650) 758-5910 Vice-Presidente: John Jiménez………………... (650) 355-0497 Secretaria: Ana Maria Jiménez.…………. (650) 355-0497 CONGREGACIÓN MARIANA Francisco Hernández………………………………(650) 994-5451 Federico Tobar…………………………………...…(650) 756-5537 Miércoles 7:00 p.m. Rezo del Rosario en la Capilla de la Iglesia. 1er. Miércoles de cada mes HORA SANTA GRUPO DE INTERCESIÓN Arcelia Gómez……………………………...………(650) 755-8685 Alejandrina Gomez…………………………………(650) 992-0990 Oración intercediendo por los enfermes, necesidades de la Parroquia y sus miembros……………...Jueves: 7:00 p.m. en la Sala de San Miguel GRUPO DE ORACIÓN ¨CRISTO FUENTE DE LUZ” Sábado 7:00 p.m. en la Capilla de la Iglesia. Oración por enfermos, necesidades, alabanza y acción de Gracias a DIOS, con testimonios para crecer en nuestra FE. GRUPO DE JOVENES “CRISTO VIVE CON LA JUVENTUD” Rodolfo Castro…………………………………...…(650) 992-4762 Karin Santizo………………………………………..(650 271-1979 Fortalecer la FE de los jóvenes, Oración y compartir en comunidad………………...Reunión cada Viernes a las 7:00 p.m. CORO JUVENIL HISPANO Patricia Moran………………………………………(650) 994-0140 Teresa Morales………………………………….….(650) 583-4502 Hector Prado………………………………...….Animación Musical Ensayos, cada Viernes 6:30 p.m. en Sala de Niños Pequiños ESCUELITA INFANTIL DOMINICAL Corina Trujillo…………………………………...….(I650) 757-0853 Cada 2o. y 4o. Domingo del mes. HERMANDAD “NUESTRO SEÑOR DE ESQUIPULAS” Julio Locón……..…………………………………...(415) 412-1288 HERMANDAD “DIVINO SALVADOR DEL MUNDO” Mauricio Vega………………………………………(650) 758-5910 HERMANDAD “LA PURISIMA” Vilma Alvarez……………………………………….(650) 755-8859 HERMANDAD “GUADALUPANA” Junta Directiva………………………………Interim Coordinators