anuary 25, 2015 - Saint Thomas Aquinas Cathedral
anuary 25, 2015 - Saint Thomas Aquinas Cathedral
SAINT THOMAS AQUINAS CATHEDRAL 310 WEST 2ND STREET, RENO, NV 89503 Most Rev Randolph R. Calvo JCD DD, Bishop of Reno FROM THE RECTOR’S DESK January 25, 2015 Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ. May the Lord give you all His Peace. I want to thank everyone involved in last Saturday’s Welcome Potluck. May Almighty God bless all of you. The large number of people present which included many old friends and new ones has given me a lot of joy as I begin this new ministry among you. Fr Jacob Carazo, OFM Conv Rector Fr Paul Fazio, O F M C o n v Parochial Vicar Fr Tom Hamilton, O F M C o n v Franciscan community Robert Dangel, Joseph Bell, Deacons As many of you are aware, Bishop Randolph Calvo has convoked the Second Diocesan Synod for December 3-5. The Church has a tradi on of calling a Synod periodically for the purpose of assis ng the Bishop in a special assembly to examine the concerns of the local church. Besides the Bishop, par cipants will include Priests, Deacons, Religious serving in the Diocese, & laity, several of whom have already been elected as delegates for our parish community. However, the input of as many people as possible is crucial for a posi ve outcome. THE CATHEDRAL WILL HOST TWO LISTENING SESSIONS IN RIGHINI HALL ON SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8TH Parish Office Hours & 5:00 PM IN SPANISH Monday: 1:30—4:00 PM 10:45 AM IN ENGLISH Tuesday, Wednesday & Thurs: In prepara on for this important moment in the life of the Dio8:30-Noon & 1:30-4:00 PM Friday: 8:30-Noon cese of Reno, let us con nuously invoke the Holy Spirit to guide S Rocío Grady Parish Secretary Deacon Richard Ramm Administrator for Temporalities Jack Hallsted Bookstore Manager Diane-107, Mary Ann-108 Bookkeeping all of the par cipants as we carefully review our history, our ministries, and our lives as Catholics in Northern Nevada. The theme of the Synod is TOGETHER WHERE THE SPIRIT LEADS. Let us pray that the Spirit will enlighten and guide us to the Synod’s goals for the future of our Church in the Diocese of Reno. For further informa on including statements from Bishop Calvo in prepara on for this Synod visit: May the Lord give you all His Peace, fr. Jacob Carazo, OFM Conv Rector 775/329-2571 775/329-2824 775/329-3011 Budget News Date January 4, 2015 January 11 January 18 January 25 February 1 1st Collec on $8,624 $6,227 $7,364 $ $ 2nd Collec on $2,346 $2,327 $ 2nd Collec on To Benefit Payment to Loan No 2nd Collec on Catholic Relief Services No 2nd Collec on Long Term Repairs FRIARS’ PANTRY The Pantry is in need of: Cereal, chili, Sloppy Joe mix, Hamburger and Tuna helper, spaghe sauce, noodles/pasta, jam/jelly, and condiments, personal care items (when traveling save the small shampoos and condi ons). Thank you for your con nuing generosity. Please bring in your dona ons any day to the Sacristy or Bookstore, or on Thursdays the Pantry between 9:00 AM-Noon or call Gail at 359-4330 to make arrangements. Pantry is located at 434 Washington St, Ste. D, Reno. Look for the Friar in the window. PILGRIMAGE TO SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA—SEPT 5-15, 2015 Fr Tom Czeck OFM Conv will be leading a pilgrimage to San ago de Compostela, one of the oldest pilgrimages in Europe. $4,449 from San Francisco, add $450 for an op onal 2 day pretour of Madrid on September 3-6. Land only $2,999. FRIENDS FOR LIFE DINNER—FEBRUARY 27 Tickets on sale at the Reno Events Center Wayne Cockfield, Vice president for Medical Ethics of Na onal Right to Life Commi ee, will address the growing threat of euthanasia and assisted suicide na onally and here in Nevada where a bill will be introduced in the 2015 Legisla ve session. Help support pro-life educa on in Northern NV by purchasing a table for 10/$1,000; 8/$600 or individual tickets for $75 each. Please call Maureen Klippenstein at 750-2782 or register online at Register at CATHOLIC PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS GROUP Please join us on Thursday, February 12, from 7:00AM-8:30AM at the Silver Legacy as we welcome re red California Court of Appeal Jus ce Joanne Parilli. Hear her story of “Living on the Edge – The Growing Edge.” For addi onal informa on and to make reserva ons visit The breakfast is only $22 for members and $25 for non-members. Clergy and religious are free! CASA DE VIDA Is seeking volunteers to assist in Wanda’s Closet, a free clothing store for children’s clothing, diapers, formula and equipment! Volunteers are needed to assist in stocking, sor ng and hanging clothing & working with the general public. Volunteers are also needed on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays to pick up dona ons as needed. Ques ons? Please contact Paula at 329-1070 or [email protected] Prayer for our Diocesan Synod God, our Father, You have called us by baptism to be faithful members of your Church. Send the Holy Spirit to guide the work of the Second Synod of the Diocese of Reno. Inspire us to bring new life to the mission of your Church here in northern Nevada. Through the work of our Synod, may we follow where the Holy Spirit leads, to become instrumentals of hope for the world In spreading the Good news to people far and wide. With the example and help of Mary our Mother who gathered with the disciples in the upper room, may we listen to the promptings of the Spirit. Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful, and kindle in them the fire of your love. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen If you choose to participate in the Listening Sessions, these are the three questions you will be answering: 1. 2. What is the Holy Spirit calling us to do to accomplish our mission? God has called His people to reach out to all. What tools do we need to accomplish this? 3. What strengths do we have in our culturally and geographically unique diocese to carry out our mission? MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, January 24, 2015 7:30 5:00 † James E. Walker † Dorothy Nolan Caracappa 9:30 Parishioners, especially † † Gloria & Michael Garcia Marian LaVoy † Link Piazzo Maria Ibarra † † Hilaria & Guillermo Ibarra JANUARY 2015 Saturday, January 31 8:30 AM First Holy Communion Classes Tuesday, January 27 Sunday, January 25—III Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:15 PM Confir mation & Continuing Education Classes 7:30 † Charles Grifall 6:30 PM RCIA 11:30A 5:00 7:00 Monday, January 26—Saints Timothy and Titus 7:00 12:10 † Budd Jacob Fr. Tom Hamilton OFM Conv—Birthday Wednesday, January 28 6:30 PM Grupo de Oración Carismático Thursday, January 29 3:00 PM Divine Chaplet of Mer cy 5:30 PM Vesper s / Confessions 6:30 PM Benediction FEBRUARY Tuesday, February 3 Blessing of the throats at daily Masses Tuesday, January 27—Saint Angela Merici 7:00 12:10 Holy Souls in Purgatory † Bergi a Axtman Wednesday, January 28—St Thomas Aquinas Saturday, February 7, 14, 21, 28 8:30 AM First Holy Communion Classes Thursday, January 29—Weekday Tuesday, February 3, 10, 17, 24 5:15 PM Confirma on & Con nuing Educa on Classes 6:30 PM RCIA 7:00 12:10 Wednesday, February 4, 11, 18, 25 6:30 PM Grupo de Oración Carismá co 7:00 12:10 Deacon Joseph Bell † George McElroy Ed Korphage † Romana Sudla Jimenez Friday, January 30—Weekday 7:00 12:10 Staff at St. Thomas Aquinas Cathedral Robert Knievel Saturday, January 31 7:30 5:00 Friars at St. Thomas Aquinas Cathedral † Margaret Skaggs & Son Archie Readings for the Week Mon: Tues: Wed: Thurs: Fri: Sat: Sun: 2Tm1:1-8; Ti 1:1-5; Ps 96:1-3, 7-10; Mk 3:22-30 Heb 10:1-10; Ps 40:2-8a, 10, 11; Mk 3:31-35 Heb 10:11-18; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 4:1-20 Heb 10:19-25; Ps 24:1-6; Mk 4:21-25 Heb10:32-39; Ps 37:3-6, 23-24, 39-40; Mk 4:26-34 Heb 11:1-2, 8-19; Lk 1:69-75; Mk 4:35-41 Dt18:15-20; Ps 95:1-9; 1Cor 7:32-35; Mk1:21-28 Father Jacob Carazo OFM Conv will be installed as the Rector of Saint Thomas Aquinas Cathedral by the Most Rev Randolph Calvo, at the 11:30AM Mass, Sunday, February 1st. A reception will follow after Mass in Righini Hall. All are welcome. Please RSVP by leaving a message at 329-2571 Ext 108 with your name & number of people attending. FROM THE DESK OF DEACON RICHARD RETREAT FOR MEN THANK YOU. Our Lady of the Snows Men’s Retreat Speaker: Fr. Jim Clark, Ph.D. Open to all men in the Diocese Theme: How Do Men Pray? Saturday, February 7 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. refreshments 8:00-9:00 AM lunch included OLS Parish Center-1200 So. Arlington Ave. Fee: $10 Call the OLS office at 323-6894 to register or for more information. Father Jacob’s welcoming pot luck was a success, and as usual, when we ask for God’s guidance we usually receive it in abundance. The food kept pouring in and all of it was very good Father and I enjoyed the turnout and love the community spirit that comes from it. I want to thank everyone who brought food, and especially the Stewardship Committee for organizing the evening. Joke Brian walked over to the Priest after Mass, “You know Father, I am really stuck in a quandary I would like to attend Mass next week but I just can’t miss the big game next Sunday, it’s just out of the question.” “Oh Brian Brian” said the Priest putting his arm around Brian, “don’t you know? That’s what recorders are for.” Brian’s face lit up “you mean I could record your sermon?” The Catholic Service Appeal for 2015 video is now on YouTube. Please follow the links below to watch the videos. The video will give you an idea on how important the CSA campaign has become. YOUR LEADERS RCIA: Deacon Joe Bell CCD: Tammie Sheely SENIOR MINISTRY: Ed Kolesar STEWARDSHIP: Barbara Land FOOD PANTRY: Gail Scalzi Entrada Cristo nos da la libertad, Cristo nos da la salvación. Cristo nos da la esperanza, Cristo nos da la salvación. Cuando luche por la Paz y la Verdad la encontraré. Cuando cargue con la Cruz de Los demás, me salvaré. Dame señor tu palabra, oye señor mi oración. Salmo Señor instrúyeme en tus sendas. Ofertorio Recibe oh Señor, las ofrendas que hoy ponemos ante Ti Gran Dios. Recibe oh Señor, toda nuestra oración. Toma nuestros corazones que ofrecemos a Ti, Transforma nuestra ofrenda en el Cuerpo y Sangre de Jesús. Dios Padre creador, te doy gracias por la vida que nos das en Cristo, Salvador y Rey. Comunión Tú has venido a la orilla, no has buscado ni a sabios ni a ricos. Tan sólo quieres que yo te siga. Señor, me has mirado a los ojos, sonriendo has dicho mi nombre. En la arena he dejado mi barca; junto a Ti buscaré otro mar. Tú sabes bien lo que tengo, en mi barca no hay oro ni plata, tan sólo redes y mi trabajo. Tú necesitas mis manos, mi cansancio que a otros descanse, amor que quiera seguir amando. Tú, pescador de otros mares, ansia eterna de almas que esperan. Amigo bueno que así me llamas. Final Tomado de la mano con Jesús yo voy le sigo como oveja. Que encontró al pastor, tomado de la mano con Jesús yo voy a donde Él va. Si Jesús me dice amigo deja todo y ven conmigo. Yo mi mano pongo en la suya y voy con Él. Oración por nuestro Sínodo Diocesano Padre nuestro, Tú nos has llamado por nuestro bautismo a ser fieles miembros de tu Iglesia. Envía el Espíritu Santo a guiar nuestro trabajo del Segundo Sínodo de la Diócesis de Reno. Inspíranos a traer nueva vida a la misión de tu Iglesia aquí en el norte de Nevada. Por medio del trabajo de nuestro Sínodo ayúdanos a ir a donde el Espíritu Santo nos conduzca, que podamos ser instrumentos de esperanza para el mundo anunciando la Buena Nueva a toda la gente. Con el ejemplo y ayuda de María nuestra Madre quien se reunió con los discípulos en el Cenáculo, ayúdanos a escuchar la llamada del Espíritu Santo. Ven, Espíritu Santo llena los corazones de tus fieles y enciende en ellos el fuego de tu amor. Te lo pedimos por Jesucristo nuestro Señor. Amen; offi[email protected] for homilies, Bible study & cateche cs. S M W M C M B A D B F M ’ P Saturday 5:00PM, Sunday 7:30AM, 9:30AM, 11:30AM, 5:00PM 7:00PM (Misa en español) 7:00AM & 12:10PM (Monday-Friday); 7:30AM (Saturday) Saturday 3:00PM; & Thursday 5:45PM Contact Parish Office. Contact Parish Office. Parents must be ac ve, registered parishioners for at least six months prior to se ng date. Contact Parish Office Thursday 3:00PM Thursday 6:30PM Located at 434 Washington Street, Suite D, Reno. 329-2571 Ext. 111. Distribu on on: 3rd Friday and 3rd & 4th Saturday of the month from 11AM-1PM. Non perishable dona ons may be delivered to the Gi Shop, Sacristy or Parish Office. Toni deSalvo It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of Toni deSalvo. An Ecumenical Service will be held here at the Cathedral on February 7th at 11:AM. Condolences may be sent to: 3259 Barbara Cir, Reno, NV 89503. Let us pray for…/Oremos por… US servicemen & women, & Shannan Fraser, Anthony Hansen, Andres Davila-Vasquez, Cassidy Robbins, Nicholas Azarm, Frederick, Billie Batek, Linda Gill, Margie Herndon, Ava Fernandez, Kathryn Gasper, Debbie Griffith, Caruso Family, Eric Knight, Jovita Mendoza, Chris Janoski, Tovi Hilbish, Cindy Volk, Gregoria & Armando Zumaya, Anne Marie Breese, Mary Beaubriand, Joe Miner, Mina Dibitonto, Martin Chagolla, Margarita Aguirre, Douglas Todd, Janet Fleming, Blanca Gonzalez, Ben Koepsell, Michelle Thompson, Dora Steiner, Ana Maria Chaidez, Josh Floyd, Jesus Alvarez-Rodriguez, Vinny Cecere, James Czeck, Ann Dvorak, Mike Edmond, Jack Murphy, Patch Wolfe, Dawn Harris, Antonia Ibarra, Dennis Gribbin, Sayra Gutierrez, Louie & Vangie Elordieta, Nikos Theologitis, Margaret Marshall, Juan & Guadalupe Cabrales, Monet Rodriguez, Steven Vogel, Shari Ann Burton, Martin Brandtner, Aaron Spangenthal, Anna Buchanan, Dawn Hanson, Rick Slaughter, Fr Chris Dietz OFM Conv, Carl Came, Ryan McGrail, Barbara Crose, Kenneth Dean, Heidi Gibson, Harlyne & Bob Caruso, Steve Tucker, Tim Bauer, Jack Crawford, Linda Kelley, Lawrence Reeder, Sarah & Clare & Monica Munns, Kristen Monibi, Maureen Flynn. † Toni DeSalvo † Terri Alff