ESTABLISHED 1956 ESTABLISHED 1960 A wonderfully diverse Catholic community, we joyfully worship God, celebrate fellowship and care for our neighbor. 370 SW 3rd St. Boca Raton FL 33432 561.392.0007 561.392.0074 Fax • • • wWw.stjoan.org Msgr. Michael D. McGraw Pastor Fr. Wesler Hilaire Parochial Vicar Fr. Dominic Toan-Tran Parochial Vicar Deacon Bill Watzek • • • Msgr. Steven Bosso Assisting Fr. Michael Driscoll Assisting Fr. Alfredo Hernandez Assisting Fr. Norman Schwartz Assisting Fr. Carlo DiNatale-Tarasi Assisting • • • • • Deacon Michael Zatarga Deacon Sam J. Barbaro Parish Office Hours Monday - Thursday 8:30am to 6:00pm Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm Saturday 9:30am to 2:00pm in the Gift Shop 561.393.0006 • School Office Hours 561.392.7974 561.368.6671 Fax Monday - Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm • Mass Schedules Saturday Vigil: 4:30pm, 6:30pm (Spanish) Sunday: 7:30am, 9:15am, 10:45am, 12:15pm & 5:00pm Monday-Friday: 6:45am & 8:15am Saturday mornings: 8:15am Eve of Holy Days: 6:00pm Holy Days: 6:45am, 8:15am, 9:15am, & 12:15pm Holidays: Only one Mass at 9:00am DOES YOUR FAITH GROW DAY BY DAY? I have met many people who have told me that they have very little faith or told me that they are not very religious. Indeed, I think most people have far more faith than they give themselves credit for. In today’s gospel, we are given the unusual image of something as tiny as a mustard seed, which is about the size of the tip of a pencil. Jesus tells His Apostles and also us, that if our faith were even as big as a mustard seed we would say to this mulberry tree, “be uprooted and planted in the sea," and it would obey us. So my dear brothers and sisters, there are two ways to look at this. First we could say, if it only takes faith the size of a mustard seed to uproot the mulberry tree and plant in the sea, I must have very little faith at all, since I could never do anything that spectacular. Another way to look at it is to say that with very little faith you can do an awful lot. Indeed, faith is a gracious gift from God. So most of us do have faith and that faith grows as our relationship with God grows. Sometimes we tell to each other about the Lord ‘testing our faith’ when we find ourselves going through a crisis. But by ‘testing’ I believe what is meant is that God is stretching our faith to full capacity. It is not so much a test to see if we are up to standard, but rather a time of growth. As St. Paul tells us, “God is faithful and will not let you be tried beyond your strength; but with the trial he will also provide a way out, so that you may be able to bear it” (1 Corinthians 10:13). God knows what we are capable of and He is all the time helping us to reach our full potential. After the crucifixion of Jesus the Apostles hid themselves away in a room because they were afraid. It was only after they received the gift of the Spirit that they were transformed and began preaching fearlessly. They had to grow too and I am sure that as their life went on their faith continued to grow. No doubt their faith was very different at the end of their lives than it was when they were with Jesus. Definitely, they had a life time of trying to serve God and seeing many extraordinary things. Faith grows gradually but it does grow. How about us, does our faith grow day by day? Father Dominic Toan-Tran Baptisms Sunday (English): 1:30pm 3rd Saturday (Spanish): 12 noon Confessions Saturday: 3:15 - 4pm & 5:30 - 6:15pm OCTOBER 2, 2016 YOUR WELCOMING CATHOLIC COMMUNITY INOCTOBER DOWNTOWN RATON 2 • ST. BOCA JOAN OF ARC • 1 OCTOBER 2 MASSES FOR THE WEEK OF OCTOBER 3, 2016 We extend a warm WELCOME to all newcomers and visitors! If you are a new member of our St. Joan of Arc Parish Family or are visiting us for the first time, be sure to stop-by our Parish Office. There, a member of our parish leadership team will be happy to inform you about our parish life, ministries, organizations, and service opportunities. We look forward to meeting you! Our Sunday Liturgy is the very heart of life here at St. Joan of Arc, the source and summit of all we do. We gather in prayer, in service, to praise, and to give thanks. We are pleased that you have come to St. Joan of Arc and hope that you will soon call this faith community your home. All are welcome at St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church & School! Last week the following families registered in our Parish: Mr. & Mrs. John Kivlehan Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Zeoli Ms. Taylor Young Mr. Daniel Flynn Mrs. Martha Cirorelli & Mr. Tim Mirenda ...That our hosts cost us approximately $400 per month?? In this weekly section we will illustrate a few examples of ways in which St. Joan of Arc stewards the resources that have been budgeted for operational expenses. In other words, the cost to "do" church. As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace. 1 PETER 4:10 MONDAY – October 3 6:45am Curtiss William Harter, Jr. by Miriam Luz Harter Gerie Cherubin by Paula Donayri 8:15am Robert Anderson by Ray & Katie Stack Shirley Warner by Joann Unks TUESDAY – October 4 6:45am Curtiss William Harter, Jr. by Miriam Luz Harter Tulyann Mueller by Jack Mueller 8:15am Romis Evan by Daughter & Family Jim Nold by Marty & Pat Conaghan WEDNESDAY – October 5 6:45am Curtiss William Harter, Jr. by Miriam Luz Harter Benedict Gambino by Caroline Roberts & Lani Hiponia 8:15am John Beulow by Irene Frere Tita Alfaro Bodewig by Claudia Pardo THURSDAY – October 6 6:45am Curtiss William Harter, Jr. by Miriam Luz Harter Rafael Baez by Esmeralda, Oscar & Magegce Baez 8:15am Joanne Gentile by Marina & John Gawlinski Genevieve Skap by Michelle Primiano FRIDAY – October 7 6:45am Curtiss William Harter, Jr. by Miriam Luz Harter Noel McMahon by The McDonald Family 8:15am Vera Porfiri by James & Patricia Frigo Marion C. LeBel by Lilian mcGaharan SATURDAY – October 8 8:15am Scott Mangone by The Parents Yvello Seballos by Marilou Salvant 4:30pm Victor Longhi by Anna & Tom McKenna Dr. Ernest J. Visco by Rosejean Visco 6:30pm Alberto Rincon by Wife & Daughter Alberto Martinengo by Patty Delaney & Family SUNDAY – October 9 7:30am Al Hodges by St. Elizabeth Circle Justine Stabile by Colleen, Mark, Peter & Ryan 9:15am Daniel Edwards by Joan Edwards Pat Haake by Mark & Eileen Duffy 10:45am Daniel Hegarty by His Mother Vera Porfiri by The Higgins Family 12:15pm Pablo Zamora by Nubia Zamora Mary Elizabeth Steffen by Alice Chirichella 5:00pm Tom Draur by Leslie & Frank DiMarco Frederick Gautzsch by Paddy & Terry Stecz BULLETIN EDITOR: PATTY DELANEY Please email Bulletin material to: [email protected] *We reserve the right to edit and publish such materials at our discretion. 2 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • OCTOBER 2 PASTOR’S MESSAGE CHRISTIAN POLITICAL RESPONSIBILITY: THE VOTING MACHINES ARE READY. ARE WE? Whenever there is an important national election, much attention is given to the voting equipment, security and careful processing of the election results. It is very uplifting to know that unlike other parts of the world, we do not have to worry about stuffed ballot boxes and unethical ballot counting. We know that we can trust the election process and also that we have a national history of accepting results, seeing them as the will of the people and peacefully implementing them. We are a most successful democratic republic and in that sense really are ‘an example for the world.’ An issue that is more important than the voting process, however, is our preparation to participate in it. The Roman Catholic Church in the United States under the leadership of our Bishops steadfastly refrains from any sort of partisan politics. For that neutral stance on political parties and candidates, our Church is sometimes criticized, even by members of our Catholic Community. I happen to be fully supportive of this position because I respect the intelligence and the ability of our citizenry to be educated and committed to the best interests of our country. Long gone are the days when church leaders told people who to vote for because they needed help with making a decision. By way of contrast with telling people who to vote for, however, our Church leadership at the same time has a serious responsibility to remind us of the spiritual and ethical implications of national policy decisions and priorities. For Catholic Christians, the context of political involvement and policy making is one of faith, prayer, Scripture, conscience, education and the two thousand year history of social issues and positions of our Church (Papal encyclicals and official Church teachings on various issues: war and peace, ecology, capital punishment, respect life, economy, terrorism etc.) All of these authoritative teachings help to educate our consciences and clarify complex moral priorities in their relationship to faith and morals. Most recently, in our country, additional issues of : racism, violence, role of police and policing, drug abuse and drug related deaths, climate concerns, outsourcing of traditional jobs to low wage paying countries, differences in wages between women and men, differences of views on the size and scope of government, international affairs and policies, and the skyrocketing costs of health insurance and pharmaceuticals all hold a prominent place in our political environment and discussions. It is really a necessity for us to educate ourselves as to these complex issues so that we might exercise our right to vote in the most informed manner possible. All of the above is just another way of saying that citizens in a democratic republic have to work very hard to successfully exercise our self-governance. For people of faith, I would like to offer the following additional observations in summary: • We need to pray about the important issues facing us as a nation and request Divine guidance • We need to actively engage our consciences and our sense of right and wrong because political decisions have ethical consequences • We need to engage in polite political discourse in order to clarify and better understand differing points of view • We need, above all, to actually "get out there and vote" since the biggest enemy of a democratic republic is citizen apathy • We need to re-double our faith and trust in God that the American "Holy Experiment" might continue to inspire the world with hope and good example May God bless our beloved America and ever keep us as "The land of the Free and the Home of the Brave" ! - Msgr. Michael D. McGraw OCTOBER 2 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • 3 WEEKLY TREASURE The Weekly Offertory Collection for September 24/25 totaled $18,216. 623 envelope users contributed $14,122 and non envelope users contributed $4,094. The Care Ministry Collection totaled $3,480. PARISH DIRECTORY ANNULMENTS Deacon Bill Watzek 561-952-2828 by appointment only BAPTISMAL ARRANGEMENTS 561-392-0007 (English) Baptism class for parents 1st Thurs. each month, 7pm. 561-392-0007 Constanza Preble (Spanish) Baptism class for parents 3rd Tues. each month, 7pm. 561-392-0007 CARE MINISTRY 561-962-6000 CATHOLIC CHARITIES COUNSELING CENTER Maria T. Isava MA, LCSW 561-215-0208 COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR Patty Delaney, 561-952-2868 DEVELOPMENT & STEWARDSHIP DIRECTOR Wendy Horton, 561-952 2838 Special Projects: Diane Salerno 561-952-2848 FAITH FORMATION MINISTRY Parish Catechetical Leader Rosa Davidson, 561-952-2870 Administrative Assistant Ailen Ponce, 561-952-2872 PARISH MINISTRIES & ACTIVITIES Andrea Lewin 561-952-2852 [email protected] FINANCE & HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR Patricia Suau, 561-952-2806 USHERS MINISTRY Javier Palomo, 561-445-1782 MULTICULTURAL MINISTRY DIRECTOR Constanza Preble, 561-392-0007 HOMEBOUND/PASTORAL VISITATION Fr. Wesler Hilaire, 561-392-0007 MUSIC MINISTRY DIRECTOR Douglas Byers, 561-952-2856 PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY Deacon Bill Watzek, 561-952-2828 PHYSICAL PLANT DIRECTOR Paul Micelli, 561-392-0007 SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Mrs. Caroline Roberts, 561-392-7974 RELIGIOUS GIFT SHOP Laura Watzek, 561-393-0006 Hours: Mon. - Wed. 7:30am to 4:30pm Closed Thursdays Fri. 7:30am to 3:30pm Sat. 9am to 5:30pm Sun. 9am to 1:30pm SACRAMENTS Anointing of the Sick and Elderly: First Saturday of the month following the 8:15am Mass. Please call the Parish Office to request a priest if you are a patient at Boca Regional Hospital. LETTER FROM BISHOP GERALD M. BARBARITO Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ: This weekend of October 1st and 2nd marks Respect Life Sunday, the beginning of Respect Life Month as well as the renewal of the Respect Life Program which will continue through September 2017. This year's theme is Moved by Mercy, so fitting during this Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, as a reminder that the life of each and every one of us is a gift of the love and mercy of God and that the respect we show to the life of every person is an extension of that same love and mercy. Very prevalent in our world today are many horrific acts showing base disrespect for human life. Terrorism, violence, prejudice, discrimination and religious persecution are among them. Bullying, which can lead to dire consequences, is another manifestation of disrespect for life. However, in our society it is also alarming that the same disrespect for life manifests itself in acts which are considered justified, legalized and even excused as acts of mercy, such as abortion, assisted suicide, euthanasia, the death penalty and embryonic stem cell research. We are coming to a significant election within our nation. Many difficult and challenging decisions are before us this year. In this election, there is no question that the protection of life, from the moment of conception until natural death, is the priority which must be kept above all others. The matter of abortion is a threshold issue and cannot be considered as one among many. Pope Francis put this very well in addressing the leaders of Poland on his visit there for World Youth Day when he stated: "It is the responsibility of the State, the Church and society to accompany and concretely help all those who find themselves in serious difficulty, so that a child will never be seen as a burden but as a gift, and those who are most vulnerable and poor will never be abandoned." Respect for life at every stage must never be subject to the criteria of political correctness. This is crucial in the matter of abortion. As we enter into Respect Life Month, let us continue to join our hearts in mercy and prayer in support of the respect for life which is so needed in our troubled world today. Thank you for being men and women of mercy and faith and of letting life be the supreme priority. SISTERS OF MERCY Sr. Josephine, Sr. Kathleen 561-392-7974 October is also the month dedicated to our Blessed Mother, Mary, who above all stands as a witness to life. We turn to her in a special way. WEDDING MINISTRY DIRECTOR Rosario Gonzales, 561-952-2854 6 Months notice required for marriages Sincerely yours in Christ, HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY Cecilia Chinchilla, 561-952-2858 Mike Piranio, 561-952-2858 4 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • OCTOBER 2 With every prayerful wish, I am Most Reverend Gerald M. Barbarito Bishop of Palm Beach PART III THE MASS SERIES “I WANT TO KNOW MORE!” There is another case that is also important. Sometimes the Eucharist is not only reserved in the Tabernacle, but is visibly Present and Exposed for adoration in the Monstrance on the altar. The General Instructions to the Roman Missal state that "genuflecting on one knee is sufficient." Our Lord isn't "more Present" in the Monstrance than He is during the Mass. I too was raised with the former custom of going down on BOTH knees when Our Lord is exposed, and you aren't doing anything wrong by doing so, it is not forbidden. It's history stemmed from the desire of the faithful to show added and profound respect for Our Lord exposed in the Monstrance. With the Liturgical changes of Vatican II, the Church Fathers' intention was to reiterate that Jesus is JUST as Present Sacramentally in the Eucharist during the Holy Mass, as well as when It is Reserved in the Tabernacle. Personally, I find it edifying whenever I see someone showing some form of love and respect toward the Most Blessed Sacrament. Do know though that a "double-knee-genuflection" is no longer mandatory, and we shouldn't correct anyone who genuflects on one knee. (see Good Pope John XXIII's comment from last week about being "more Catholic than the Pope...") Additionally, perhaps someone has a physical limitation that prevents him/her from genuflecting? We're there to adore and worship Our Blessed Lord anyway; not to monitor other folk's genuflections, right!? The directives suggest that we use the right-knee when genuflecting. The historical tradition of using one's right knee is the same as the reason we use our right hand to make the sign of the cross. The Latin word for "Right"=Dexter; the Latin word for "Left"=Sinister. When I was growing up the left-handed kids received a lot of teasing because of it; not to mention "special attention" from the "Penmanship Nun" Sister John Clare, S.C. (rumor had it that she herself was a 'convert' from 'left-handedism') Yes, another unanswered question of mine that must wait for the next Life... There are those (such as myself) who cannot genuflect on their right knee and must use the left knee. This is perfectly acceptable. (I took a direct hit to the right knee-cap while playing hockey in College and it split in half when I hit the ice The "chicken-wire" holding it together doesn't like when I try and genuflect on my right knee, even thirty-years later.) Wherever she is...I just know Sister John Clare is watching! Kneeling is the proper posture when praying in the Presence of the Eucharist either before or after Mass, or during Eucharistic adoration. If you are praying in the Presence of the Eucharist for long periods of time, kneeling may become uncomfortable, so sitting is not only appropriate but necessary, and it's ok too. Never feel that you are being less reverent by sitting down. St. Ignatius Loyola used to lay down on his back while praying! He told his Jesuit confreres that he could "pray better this way." (If you do lay down in the pews folks, do keep your shoes off of the cushions though, and be alert too, so that no one accidentally comes along and sits down on you, we don't want anyone hurt!) (To Be Continued...) -Fr. David Downey OCTOBER 2 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • 5 FAITH FORMATION & RELIGIOUS EDUCATION ROSA DAVIDSON, Parish Catechetical Leader 2016 561-952-2870 [email protected] AILEN PONCE, Administrative Assistant 561-952-2872 | [email protected] Education Office Hours PLEASE Religious Mon., Tues, Thurs.: 9:00am - 5:00pm NOTE Wednesday: 9:00am - 6:30pm NEW Friday: 9:00am - 12:00pm Saturday: CLOSED HOURS Sunday: 8:30am – 12:30pm (closed during 10:45am Mass) By Appointment REHEARSAL FOR 9:30 AM MASS will be at the Church on October 10th at 6:00 PM. REHEARSAL FOR 1:00 PM MASS will be at the Church on October 10th at 7:15 PM. CONFIRMATION DAY OCTOBER 15, 2016: PRE-BAPTISMAL PREPARATION SCHEDULE The following dates are scheduled for the Pre-Baptismal classes for 2016-2017 Classes are given on the 1st Thursday of every month. Please call the main office to register before attending. Classes are in Conference Room A from 7:00pm - 8:30pm. CONFIRMATION 2016 REHEARSAL: 9:30 AM MASS – Please be at Mercy Center no later than 9:00 AM. 2016 Oct. 6 Nov. 3 Dec. 4 1:00 PM MASS – Please be at Mercy Center no later than 12:30 PM. CONFIRMATION 2017 (CONFIRMATION YEAR 2) PARENT and SPONSOR Meeting: Monday, October 24th at 7:00-8:30 PM in the Church CONFIRMATION 2017 AND 2018 (CONFIRMATION YEARS 1 & 2) SERVICE PROJECT: You(th) vs. Hunger Packing Day, Saturday, October 29th DIOCESAN SCHOOL OF CHRISTIAN FORMATION 2016-2017 - CYCLE II ST. JOAN OF ARC CATHOLIC CHURCH – TUESDAYS - 7:00P.M. TO 9:00 P.M. – ROOM 6B Make plans to spend a couple of hours for six weeks learning about your faith in a more systematic and profound way. The Diocesan School of Christian Formation which is offered in our parish began in late August. Invite a friend! 2016 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 2016-2017 SUNDAY RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES: 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM WEDNESDAY RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES: 5:00 PM - 6:15 PM NEXT HOMESCHOOL GROUP MEETING: October 18th at 5:00 PM in Conference Room A Please refer to the Calendar Handbook for important dates and check your emails for important announcements. 6 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • OCTOBER 2 2017 COURSE 1: VATICAN II Aug. 23, 30 • Sept. 6, 13, 20, 27 COURSE 3: LITURGY AND SACRAMENTS Jan. 10, 17, 24 • Feb. 7, 14, COURSE 2: ECCLESIOLOGY Oct. 11, 18, 25 • Nov. 1, 8, 15 COURSE 4: CHRISTIAN MORALITY Feb 28 • March 7, 14, 21, 28 • April. 4 SUNDAY BIBLE STUDY Study the Gospel of St. John at 9:15am in Conference Room B. Religious Education Parents are welcomed and encouraged to join the Sunday Bible Study group while their children are in class. FROM THE SJA DIRECTOR OF MARRIAGE MINISTRY WEDDED BLISS “TIPS” • Laugh! Have fun with each other always! You are each other’s best friends for life, make it fun! Keep a “DATE NIGHT." Be each other’s “girlfriend” and “boyfriend. • Say, “I love you” everyday! (Many times is better!) • Be happy! Look for the Good in each other and in each Day. Bring JOY into your lives. •Communicate your wants, needs and disappointments in fair, honest and loving tones. (Think of how carefully you would communicate with your boss and be at least as nice as that.) •Make the conscious effort to smile, embrace and warmly greet when you first see each other at the end of each work day! (Make life together, sooo pleasant, yet so strong, that no one or anything can compete with the goodness and love found in your home relationship! •Have Humility! Be willing to say, “I’m sorry” and be willing to forgive each other, and accept their peace offering, no matter how hurt or disappointed you may be (None of us are perfect and each one will need forgiveness over and over…) •Be “grudge-free”! No matter how great the temptation, don’t hold onto grudges! Remember, no good comes from that!)Talk out any and all hurts, disappointments etc. and then put them behind you and go forward with sweetness, joy and love in your hearts, each day anew! •Be kind, loving, charitable, attentive, affectionate, and listen to the concerns of your spouse. Let them know, daily, how much you appreciate all their efforts whether it’s at work or at home. A little appreciation goes a long ways! •Say Grace at meals and at least a couple prayers together before bed. (preferably the Rosary as requested by our Blessed Mother at Fatima, Lourdes and through St. Dominic, it is a powerful prayer, with promises of many blessings to your family life!) •Remember the good Lord is the one who has given you all that you are and have, from the breath you take each time you inhale, to the ability to walk, talk, smile, laugh and be able to have children! (There is no “true happiness” without Him.) Rosario Gonzales SJA Director of Marriage Ministry CONFIRMATION RETREAT 2016 The St Joan of Arc Confirmation Class of 2016 participated in a day long retreat lead by the wonderful group EPIC- Empowering People in Christ. The group combined catechesis, fellowship, praise and worship and FUN that the confirmandi really enjoyed. Many thanks to EPIC and all the catechists as this confirmation group is prepared to be Soldiers for Christ. Pray for them and the future of our church on their confirmation day! OCTOBER 2 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • 7 8 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • OCTOBER 2 OCTOBER 2 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • 9 A PRAYER SERVICE OF HONOR AT OUR LADY OF MERCY CENTER October 13th, 2016 - 7:00 pm Please join us in Song, Prayer, and Thanksgiving, as we pay tribute to St. Joan of Arc’s Our Lady of Mercy Center Light refreshments following immediately after in the Gazebo RSVP by October 7 to Wendy Horton 561-952-2838 10 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • OCTOBER 2 WIN A SEVEN DAY/SIX NIGHT TRIP TO MAGNIFICENT ROME, ITALY! SJA Annual All Souls Day Memorial Mass COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED MASS will be held on Wednesday, November 2, at 7:00pm in the Church. Experience the beauty of Italy in the winter, spring or fall. This trip includes airfare in coach class for two persons and 6 nights accommodations at a four star rated hotel in Rome, Italy. (Hotel will be determined at time of booking.) Also included, are two tickets to the Sistine Chapel & Vatican Museum in Vatican City, Rome. Raffle Tickets on Sale in the Religious Gift Shop, Special Projects, and at The School & Parish Office. Drawing of the winning raffle ticket will take place at The Polo Club in Boca Raton at 10pm on Friday, December 9, 2016. Winner need not be present. 1 for $50 3 for $100 The Mass is celebrated every year in loving memory of all those who have passed away or have been buried since last November 1st. You are invited to bring a framed photo of your loved one who has passed; which will be placed on the steps of the Sanctuary. Due to the potential number of families attending, we must limit the photos to ONE picture only and no larger than 8x10" please. Everyone who has passed away this last year will have their name read during the Mass. If you are a parishioner who has had a loved one pass away out of town and would like to participate, please call Cheri Popik at 561-809-6868 as soon as possible with your loved one's name and date of death. You are more than welcome to invite family members or friends to attend this Mass with you. OCTOBER 2 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • 11 Bereavement M I N I S T RY HARVESTING OUR TEARS AND JOYFUL AGAIN A Journey through grief and a way to find the Joy of living again. HARVESTING OUR TEARS An 8 week structured grief support program designed to guide people during their process of mourning the loss of a loved one. Starting Monday, September 19 through Monday, November 7, from 7:00-8:30pm. Call to Register. ALL SOULS DAY On November 2, the commemoration of all the faithful departed, “All Soul’s Day.” There will be a beautiful Mass in the Church at 7:00pm. JOYFUL AGAIN A spiritual weekend program for widowed men and women to help them resolve the normal grief they feel and begin to live again. Participants gather to view videos, reflect, share, and support one another in the healing process. Saturday, November 12 from 8:30am-6:30pm - All meals included. Sunday, November 13 from 8:30am-2:30pm (includes the 12:15pm Mass) - All meals included. FOR MORE INFORMATION & REGISTRATION PLEASE CALL Marjorie O’Sullivan 561-395-6029 or Constanza Preble 561-392-0007 12 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • OCTOBER 2 VOCATIONS AWARENESS WEEKEND NOVEMBER 11-13, 2016 & MARCH 10-12, 2017 “Do not be afraid of what God asks of you! It is worth saying yes to God! In Him we find our joy! - Pope Francis CONSIDER PRIESTHOOD WHAT HAPPENS AT THE VOCATIONS AWARENESS WEEKEND? PRAYERS...Seminarians sharing their vocation story GREAT FOOD & FUN...Time to relax and meet St. John College SEMINARIANS...Time to talk to the Director of Vocations There is no cost to attend the weekend “Come and See” Diocese of Palm Beach Office of Vocations and Seminarians Fr. Brian Lehnert, Vocations Director Phone: 561-775-9552 Email: [email protected] Facebook: pbvocations Twitter: vocationspb PRAY FOR THE SICK Amumazgui, Nicholas Anasaii, Violet Arcau, Georgina Babione Jr., Robert Baker, Jimmy Barone, Lydia Bauchman, Maureen Bobbitt, Joann Bondi, Barbara Boronat, Consuelo Brown, Dottie Brown, Nancy Bruzzo, Tamara Buffone, Peter Bugueiro, Maritza Ciarletta, Dylan Costine, Greg Cozme, Valeria Cunningham, Beverly Cushing, Dorothy Dague, William Deacon Darbyshire, Colin Dattolicco, Josefina De La Quintana, Carmen De La Torre, Eugenia Dent, Karen Descanio, Laura Dunn, Morgan Durand, Raul Salazar Enck, Mary Faragler, Trudy Farrell, Amanda Ferrari, Roseanna Fisher, Grace Fishter, Robert Fran Fritas, Marcel Galindo, Erika Gardner, Marie Garvey, Claire Giguere, Theresa Greenwald, Carol Gesner, Carmela Golden, Dorothy Goldstein, Carlotta Gonsalves, Pat Grasso, Vincent Grimont, Tim Harris, Cameron Hazard, Howard Hershberger, Paul Hevert, Elizabeth Hill, Ceri Hill, Kristen Hill, Marissa Hoch, Richard Hollerbach, Nancy Jacobs, Katherine James, Marias Keegan, Bill Kenny, Pauline Kersan, Kim Kolesar, Donald Kuchina, John Largia, Elda Laudato, Frances Labbad, Kira Levin, Steve Linzer, Rylee Loesch, Dolores Lopez, Carlos Luczyszyn, Michael Lugo, Miguel Lynch, Elizabeth Lynn, Adele Macher, Peca Mancini, Teresa Margolis, Robert Marrocco, Linda Martinez, Eridania McPhillips, Daminica Mealo, Patsy Merizalde, Manolito Micozzi, Joe Miret, Emilio Mochler, Marie Mochler, Michael Moore, Greg Morgan, Todd Morrow, Marjorie Muir, James Nemeth, Kimberly Nofe, Dianne Ordonez, Nelly Peloso, Margaret Peguero, Brittany Petho, Ellen Petito, Joseph Picinich, Antonio Pfistner, Paul Portelli, Enza Power, Theresia Quillard, Millie Ratto, Michelle Robert, Barbara Rubenberg Family Saffran, Dorothy Salcedo, Maria San Martin, Gloria Santos, Rosa Maria Sastri, Lorenzo Searle, Linda S. Segler, Charly Soihet, Sissi Springs, Steve St. Germaine, Robert A. St. Juste, Margie Szlyk, Edward Timoney, John Tweel, Jim Valleti, Fran Vetto, Regina Vetto, Robert Wilhem, Pat Winograd, Elsa Zaborowski, Barbara Zumaeta, Mery ALTAR Do you want a special remembrance for a loved one, living or deceased? BREAD You can donate Altar Bread for a week of Masses by calling Karen Tringali, 561-752-0014. In remembrance of beloved wife and mother, Jean Manno by Her Family BAPTISMS Sept. 22 - Ryland Beane WEDDINGS Ariel Zully Calvo and Thomas Crosby, Jr. (October 8 - 2pm) DECEASED Marie Blanda TO LEAVE A LEGACY FOR ST. JOAN OF ARC STEP 1 Gather your information about your assets, including retirement funds, bank accounts and real property. STEP 2 Choose the type of bequest you’d like to make. 1. Unrestricted bequest. This is a donation to be used for St. Joan of Arc general funds. This donation would be used where it is most needed. 2. Restricted bequest. This donation specifies how the money is to be used. (This could be restricted to go into the endowment, a specific ministry, or the building fund.) OVERSEAS IN THE US ARMED FORCES: Staff. Sgt. Douglas, PVT 1st Class Brendan Nestor. Sgt. Maj. John Hermeling, Capt. Christopher Allen & PFC Lee E. Palmer; David Schuler, Lance Corp. A bequest can be made in a number of ways: • A specific dollar amount. • Specific assets, such as securities, real estate, or tangible property. • Retirement account assets, consisting of any benefits remaining in your retirement plan. • A residuary bequest, St. Joan of Arc receives all or a percentage of your estate after all other obligations are met. • An existing will or trust can be easily amended to include a gift to St. Joan of Arc without rewriting the entire document. Your attorney can prepare a simple document, called a codicil, which adds a new bequest while reaffirming the terms of your will. Similarly, an attorney can prepare an amendment to a revocable trust to add St. Joan of Arc. STEP 3 Meet with your estate planning attorney. Would you like to donate flowers to decorate the altar on the weekend masses? If you need to create a will or just update your existing document, you’ll want to get advice from your estate planning attorney. An attorney can advise you as to the best way to structure your will in order to take care of your loved ones first and then your charitable interests while assuring the best tax benefits. As a charitable, not-for-profit all bequests to St. Joan of Arc are fully deductible for estate tax purposes. STEP 4 Contact us. If you would like to donate flowers to decorate our altar, please call Patty Delaney, (561)952-2868 or email her at [email protected] (Flowers can be donated in memory of a loved one, birthdays or for any special occassion.) We acknowledge and welcome donors into our Arc Angel Society. Members are invited to special member events and receive special mailings. (We also recognize and respect the wishes of anyone that wishes to remain anonymous.) Please contact Wendy Horton in the Development Office at (561) 952-2838 or [email protected]. OCTOBER 2 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • 13 LECTOR PROGRAM & TRAINING October 26 at 6:30pm - Our Lady of Mercy Center - PROGRAM INCLUDES: - Theology of proclaiming the Word - Practical and procedural items Training is for returning lectors, and an invitation to any individual interested in joining the team. - Contact information - Workbook For more information contact Laura Watzek at 561-393-0006 Volunteer to help and be part of this exciting event to pack nutritional meals for impoverished children in developing countries. Anyone from 7th grade to college is encouraged to participate. ST. JOAN OF ARC 4TH ANNUAL YOU(TH) VS. HUNGER FOOD PACKING EVENT SAVE THE DATE OCTOBER 29, 2016 For more information Email Cecilia for more info: [email protected] AROUND OUR DIOCESE Events at Our Lady of Florida Spiritual Center 2016 1300 US Highway 1, North Palm Beach, FL. Phone: 561.626.1300 | Website: www.ourladyofflorida.org Day of Reflection Date: November 2 Time: 10:00am-2.30pm Presenter: Fr. Patrick Daugherty, C.P. "From the Table to the Cross" Cost: $30 Reservations Required Silent Retreat for Men & Women - Theme: Reflecting Christ Date: November 11-13 Cost: $195 , $50 Deposit Registration Required Day of Reflection Date: December 7 Time: 10:00am-2:30pm Cost: $30 Reservations Required The ministry of the Good Shepherd is looking for a volunteer Graphic Designer to make a few Newsletters per year. For more details please call Betty at 561-391-4426 God, Love and Holy Relationships Date: October 10 Time: 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM Location: St. Joan of Arc, Boca Raton Calling all men and women ages 18 to 40+ to join us for a 5-week group study about God, Love and Relationships based on Pope Saint John Paul II's Theology of the Body. Join us in the Ministry House for Food, Fellowship & Study. Contact: 561-376-9495 14 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • OCTOBER 2 Women's Evening of Enrichment Date: October 13 Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Location: St. Vincent Ferrer Church, Delray Beach This night offers participants the opportunity to deepen their relationship with God and their sisters in Christ. The event is free. Light snacks and refreshments will be served. Contact: 561-665-8566 Workshops For Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Sessions offered simultaneously in English and Spanish Date: Saturday, October 15 Time: 9:15am-11:45am Please pre-register by Thursday, October 13 Location: Ascension Parish, Boca Raton: 7250 N. Federal Hwy. Boca Raton, 33487 Topics include: salvation history, sacramental theology, history of the Eucharist origin and development of the Mass, principles of good liturgy, spirituality, ministry to the sick, and up-to-date information on rubrics for Extraordinary Ministers. Would you like to make a difference in your community, the country, or the world? Do you want to serve those in need and work for social justice? Check out RESPONSE 2017, a free guide listing nearly 200 faith-based volunteer programs and thousands of opportunities. Volunteers serve full-time for periods of one week to one year or more across the United States and in more than 100 countries worldwide. Summer and school break opportunities are also available. Our volunteers are from all walks of life - from high school to senior citizens and every stage in between. Positions are available for both single and married volunteers, including those with children. Contact Catholic Volunteer Network to receive your free copies of RESPONSE 2017. Call 800-543-5046 or email [email protected]. You can also search RESPONSE 2017 online at www.catholicvolunteernetwork.org MINISTERIO MULTICULTURAL Misa en español todos los Sábados a las 6:30pm. Confesiones todos los Sábados a las 5:30pm en la capilla. DIRECTORA DEL MINISTERIO: Constanza Preble 561-392-0007 | [email protected] Padre Wesler Hilaire capellán del Ministerio Multicultural, habla inglés, español, francés y creole. Atiende todas las necesidades pastorales de la comunidad Multicultural. Para consulta llame a 561-392-0007 | [email protected] Padre Alfredo Hernández es miembro de la facultad del Seminario Regional San Vicente de Paul en Boynton Beach, sirviendo como Decano de Formación pastoral y Director de Liturgia. El Padre José Crucet nació en Cuba. Antes de ser ordenado sacerdote practico tres años su profesión de Doctor en Medicina. Trabajo en las parroquias de Santa Juliana y Holy Name de la diócesis de Palm Beach, hoy trabaja en la Catedral de San Ignacio. Rev. Oscar Alonso, Sch.P. es religioso escolapio. Ha enseñado en las escuelas de los Padres Escolapios desde 1968. Actualmente es profesor del Colegio Cardinal Gibbons en Fort Lauderdale, FL y enseña en el programa de formación y preparación para el Diaconado Permanente de la Arquidiocesis de Miami. El Padre Alonso estudió en la “Catholic University” en Washington, DC donde obtuvo su Maestría en Teología. EL MES DE OCTUBRE ES EL MES NACIONAL DE RESPETO A LA VIDA PARA QUE EL MAL TRIUNFE SOLO ES NECESARIO QUE LOS BUENOS NO HAGAN NADA Este fin de semana en Santa Juana de Arco nos unimos a las demostraciones en todo el pais por la defensa de la vida: El “Baby Shower” y la “Caminata por la Vida.” GRACIAS POR LOS OBSEQUIOS PARA BIRTHLINE. Birthline es un Programa que promueve la santidad de la vida y ofrece servicios gratis a las mamas encintas. En el centro de Birthline las mamas reciben consejería y cuidados gratis que incluyen: Ecografías y test de embarazo. Cuidados pre natales. Educación en pro de la vida. Alternativas al aborto. Clases para padres. Educación de la fertilidad. Layette para el bebe y mucho más. 561-278-0880 XXVII Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario, Ciclo C. San Lucas 17, 5-10: Aumentar la fe ¡Señor, auméntanos la fe! ¡Qué estupenda jaculatoria para que se la repitamos al Señor muchas veces! Y junto a la petición, el ejercicio frecuente de esta virtud: cuando nos encontremos en alguna necesidad, en el peligro, cuando nos veamos débiles, ante el dolor, en las dificultades del apostolado, cuando parece que las almas no responden... cuando nos encontremos delante del Sagrario. Mañana domingo 2 de Octubre haremos una caminata pacifica saliendo de SJA a la 1:30 caminando pacíficamente hasta SanBorn Park donde escucharemos a algunos oradores en favor de la vida. Puedes unirte a este acto que es una obra de misericordia. ¡Te esperamos¡ OCTOBER 2 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • 15 Este fin de semana el jubileo de la Misericordia honra a María, “Madre de la Misericordia”. El Papa Francisco dice que la vida de María moldeo la vida de Jesús, que es “la misericordia – hecha – carne”. El Papa nos recomienda que recemos con frecuencia la oración “La Salve” pidiéndole que nos mire con “esos ojos misericordiosos” para que podamos ser dignos de contempla r el rostro de Jesús y ver a Jesús en nuestro prójimo para servir con misericordia y amor incondicional. ACTIVIDADES EN ESPAÑOL CALENDARIO LA MISERICORDIA DE DIOS • Bautismos Sábado 15 de Octubre al mediodía llamar al 561-392-0007 para información. ¿Cómo estamos viviendo estos últimos meses del año Jubilar? Reflexionemos cada día esta semana: • Clases de Catecismo y Confirmación para adultos: información con Constanza. Domingo: Clemente y Compasivo es el Señor … (Salmo 145:8) ¿Me enojo con facilidad, soy amable con los demás? • Clase Pre Bautismal martes 18 de Octubre a las 7:00pm Lunes: Sed Misericordiosos así como el Padre es misericordioso. (Lucas6;36-37) ¿Qué puedo hacer para ser una persona que deje de juzgar y sepa perdonar aunque sea difícil? • Grupo de oración Todos los jueves a las 7:00 pm en la Casa Hispana. • Rosario por las vocaciones Sacerdotales los miércoles en la Capilla a las 9:30am. • Clases de Inglés. Todos los Miércoles en la Casa Hispana 561-289-7846 para información. Martes: Bienaventurados los misericordiosos, pues ellos recibirán misericordia. (Mateo 5:7) ¿Soy capaz de ser misericordioso sin esperar algún reconocimiento? Miércoles: Acuérdate, oh Señor de tu compasión y de tus misericordias que son eternas. (Salmo 25) ¿Dios me está llamando a ser misericordioso también conmigo mismo, se perdonarme a mi mismo? • Grupo Santa Ana próxima reunión el 26 de Octubre Jueves: Den gracias al Dios del cielo, porque para siempre es su misericordia. (Salmo 136) ¿ Me acuerdo de alabar a Dios del cielo por el don gratuito de misericordia que se me mostro? • Clases de Biblia: Padre Oscar Alonso Próxima clase el 31 de Octubre lugar a ser anunciado. Viernes: Ten piedad de mi oh Dios conforme a tu misericordia; conforme a lo inmenso de tu compasión, borra mis transgresiones. (Salmo 51). ¿ Hay algún pecado en mi vida que yo sienta que no se puede perdonar, creo en la inmensa compasión de Dios? • Fiesta Internacional de las Familias domingo 23 de Octubre • Navidad en el Parque SanBorn Lunes 28 de Noviembre 6:00pm -8:00pm Sábado: Pero Dios que es rico en misericordia por causa del gran amor con que nos amó, aun cuando estábamos muertos en nuestros delitos, nos dio vida juntamente con Cristo. (Efesios 2). ¿Cómo fue que la misericordia Divina me levanto de mis pecados? • Fiesta de la Virgen de Guadalupe Lunes 12 de Diciembre 6:30pm Procesión, 7:00pm Santa Misa, 8:00 – 10:00pm Recepción. • Concierto de Navidad el 14 de Diciembre • “La Belle será anunciada la fecha MINISTROS EXTRAORDINARIOS DE LA EUCARISTIA DE OCTUBRE 1 DE OCTUBRE: AURORA CORTEZ, LUIS CHAVEZ, CARMEN BRUCKNER NORA FASCE, GEORGINA GRACIA, JOSEFINA BOLLA, REBECA VERA 8 DE OCTUBRE: MARIA DE LOS A. ANGULO, JEANNETTE CORDOVA, FERNANDO CORDOVA,RACHEL LICCIARDINO, NELCY SUA, CARMER BRUCKNER, LUIS CHAVEZ 15 DE OCTUBRE: BENITO FERNANDEZ, TERESITA REOYO, RACHEL LICCIARDINO, JOSEFINA BOLLA, JEANNETTE CORDOVA, FERNANDO CORDOVA, AURORA CORTEZ 2 DE OCTUBRE: NORA FASCE, LUIS CHAVEZ, GEORGINA GRACIA. MARIA DE LOS A. ANGULO, BENITO FERNANDEZ, TERESITA REOYO, CARMEN BRUCKNER 29 DE OCTUBRE NELCY SUA, REBECA VERA, LUIS CHAVEZ, RACHEL LICCIARDINO, JEANNETTE Ministerio Extraordinario de la Eucaristia y Grupo de Oración : Fernando Cordova 561-573-0194. Proclamadores de la Palabra: Rosis Suarez. 561-665-1725. Ujieres y monaguillos Constanza 561-859-4666. 16 • ST. JOAN OF ARC • OCTOBER 2
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