Serie documentos de trabajo - Centro de Estudios Económicos
Serie documentos de trabajo - Centro de Estudios Económicos
Serie documentos de trabajo THE MEXICAN AUTOMOTIVE EXPORT GROWTH: FAVORABLE FACTORS, OBSTACLES AND POLICY REQUIREMENTS Alfonso Mercado and Taeko Taniura DOCUMENTO DE TRABAJO Núm. IX - 1990 1 THB MEXICAN AUTOMOTIVE EXPORT GROWTH: FAVORABLE FACTORS, OBSTACLES AND POLICY REQUIREMENTS Alfonso Mercado and Taeko Taniura Centro de Estudios Econ6micos El Colegio de Mexico October, 1990 Introduction The Mexican automotive industry is under a great technological and economical transformation, and some aspects of this change have been recently studied. 1/ In particular, the new export-oriented development is an important transformation. Automotive exports have observed a sharp growth during the last 10 years. This performance is expectation and requirements are studied obstacles identified. in are this paper. examined A survey was and The firms' specific conducted at export policy the end of 1989 purposes. This survey included six vehicle producers part manufacturers. They e xported the equivalent to for these and 12 auto 72% and 83%, respectively, of the total exports in these branches. 2/ 1 / See, for instance, K. Unger, 1990 and 1 987; A. Mercado, 1990; J. Can'ill o, 199 0 ; F. Za pata, T. Hos hino an d L. Hanor.o, 1990; Booz-Allen & Hami lton Inc., 1937; H. sha~ken with S . Herzer,beL'g, 1987; C . Zarr.brano, 1937 ; t1, Bennet, 1986; M, Davila - Fl o res , U85; and P. Jombois, 1:135. Four Cilr assembler s an d two trailer prodllcers (o ne of t h em is producing also buses) a re included. These firms exported 2059 million dollars in all, during 1988,' which represents 72% of total exports made by automobile assemblers (according to Banco de Mexico and INEGI). Co n ~ ernlng the 12 surveyed auto p~rt firms, they exported in total near 390 million dollars in 1988, which represents 83% of total exports of the main auto part exporters listed by Expansi6n. , I ~, • 2 1. The Export Performance The exports of vehicles and components increased from very low amounts in 1977 (12,000 vehicles and 120 millions of dollars of engines and auto parts) to almost 200,000 vehicles and 2.2 billions of dollars of engines and auto parts in 1989. The export growth is solid, after a period of highly unstable growth rate in the late 70s and most of the 80s. Firstly, the auto parts export observed a big increment in 1977-1979; then, engine exports grew sharply at the beginning of the 80s, and later, vehicles were the most dynamic export. (see table 1 and fig. 1.) Automotive exports manufactures export represented 20% Automotive on average. increasing Vehicles, of manufactures export exports Consequently, are have the grew traditional more more engines in 1983 has than and auto parts and 29% dynamically deficit rapidly than been in 1989. imports. eliminated, resulting now a trade surplus with an export/import ratio of 1.8. (See table 2.) The complete passenger ca r is the ma in export product. The engine is also a major product . Trucks and buses are exported only in very small amount. • 3 FIGURE 1 Mexico's Automotive Exports 1977-1989 Ind ex 100 .' 80 Decree ana local cr isis 60 40 I Decree i .. -. " ..,._.. 20 / 0 1977 78 ~nnual , .j - .jJ ---'! - 'J 1980 81 82 83 84 35 86 87 88 Grow th Rat. ('II) 400 300 200 r I 100 - 100 '--- - ' 1978 ,9 'so I ..Sou rce : Tabla 1. :1 '.'enlcles ~3 -s- Engines '3 5 -3 7 ... ,. ';utO P.rts I '- -------------.1. 1989 4 Table 1 Automotive Exports by Product, Motor Vehicles 1977 ~ 1989 Engines Auto Parts Years Units I Millions of Dollars GR I GR Millions of Dollars , I GR 1977 1978 1979 11743 2582 8 24756 6 13 13 119.9 - 4.2 82.5 86.2 50.1 6 6 4 4.5 - 41. 9 37.6 182.3 244.7 4 21 28 384.8 34.2 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 18245 14428 15819 22456 33635 9 7 8 11 17 - 26.3 - 20.9 9.6 41.2 49.8 29.9 60.4 212.7 394.8 449.8 2 4 16 29 33 - 40.3 102 . 0 252.2 85.6 13 . 9 265.9 288.0 237.9 250.7 451. 0 31 34 28 29 52 8.7 17.7 - 7.7 5.4 79.9 1985 58423 30 1986 72429 37 1987 163073 83 1988 173147 88 1989 196999 100 73.7 24.0 125.1 6.2 13 . 8 1039.7 1152.7. 1290.9 1371.9 1366.3 76 84 94 100 100 131.1 10.9 12.0 6.3 - 0.4 434.3 570.1 655.1 658.7 859.6 51 66 76 77 100 - 3.7 31.3 14.9 0.5 30.5 I: Index; GR: Growth Rate (%). Sources: a) Vebjc les. Period 1977 -84 : AMIA, 1986 (table VI-3); period 1985-88: AMIA, 1989 and 1990. b) Eng; nes. Year 1977: SPP, 1981 (table .III.36 ); period 1978-84: AMIA, 1986, table XI-2; period 1985-89: Comercio Exterior, several issues. c) Auto parts. periods 1977 - 79 and 1986-89 : Comercio Exterior, several issues; period 1980-85: INEGI , 1986. Table 2 Mexico : Export of Vehicles, Engines and Auto Parts in 1989 Products Share in Manufactures Export ( %) Exports (Mill ions of dollars ) 12. 0 10.5 6.6 1 567 1 366 860 10.0 8.0 0.5 . 29 .1 3 793 1.8 Vehicles Engines Auto parts Total Source: .c.o.~io ~terior, BANCOMEXT, June . 1990, Export / Import Ratio "Sumario Estadistico", • 5 Mexican production of cars started assembly of imported national manufacture CKD in thE' thirties with ("completely of auto parts knocked was down" initiated kits). in the the The 1940s, under an imports substituting policy. Exports started slowly in the sixties, grown but expanded rapidly, vehicles and sharply specially in just the in the late 1980s. 1980s. Exports Nearly 200 have 000 140 000 engines were exported in 1989. Also the firms export margin as to total sales increased from around 0 .20 (except for GM which export margin was 0.53 in 1985) to around 0.50 (except for Nissan, which export margin decreased from 0.20 to 0.03, consequence of its growing domestic sales). had a high export margin, sales, of engines lower margins. export exported a 30% to 40% of total and 51% Nissan lower margin GM and Ford more than 50%. GM exported 59% of total and particularly exported exported 100% 'In 1988, as a of vehicles. exported in 1988. sales, 80% of engines production. 18% Nissan of total Ford and VW had sales. VW But in 1989 it exported between including complete car ~ engines a nd spare parts (complete car had an export margin of 40%). The bigger exporters (particularly the producers of passenger cars) have reached surplus in their foreign trade balance, dur ing the second part of the 80's, resulting with an export / import rati o quite higher than 1, ranging from 1.7 to almost 3. Assembling firms export mainly to the US, Chile and Cana da . Exports have been highly and increasingly c o ncentrated in these countries, ' absorbing 92% o f the Mexican expol·ts of vehicles 3 in 1987, and 94% in 1989 . But the main client by far is the US, whi ch 6 received 83% of exported vehicles in 1989. Firms sell also to Latin America and Japan. Mexico is exporting auto parts heavily to the u~ market, although some exports go to France, canada, Taiwan, Spain, India and some south American countries. 2. Fayorable Factors Exports of vehicles have grown as a result of the combination o,f the export promotion sectorial policy, the TNCs restructurinq strategy and the domestic market chanqes. Auto part exports started' as a consequence of local demand contraction in 1982-1985. The ~ growth rate of these exports was particularly high those years. The domestic stimulating recession exports, combined was specially the new with TNCs global changes in product mix and government intervention, decree. However, so important in 1989-1990, to increase other factors strategy, li ke the 1983 the role o f domestic demand is n o t exports. Both fOl-eign demand and local production are increasing, stimulating exports . a Decrees with an Export Qri ent e d Strate~ The automobile sectori al policy implemented with decrees is a major factor explaining the dynamic export performance. Vehicle exports were middle of the seventies, less than 10, 000 uni ts per ye ar by the but after the 1977 decree, there was a n 7 important increment (from 11,700 to 25,800 units in 1977 and 1978) . This change was c oncentrated in augmented three times its exports, to about 18,000 units in 1978 . engine exports to increase, plants for export . In exports, and latter, in big amount. Volkswagen (VW) exports. VW from around 5,000 units in 1977 The 1977 automobile decree forced too. Firms decided to invest in engine 1982 GM and Chrysler began heavy engine in 1984, Ford, VW "and Nissan began to export In 1985 Renault started to export heavily too, from a new plant . The sectorial public policy and changes in TNCs world strategies caused big changes in engines exports, specially in 1982 and 1985, when these exports grew from 60 'million dollars million dollars in 1981-1982 I to 213 and from 450 million dollars to 1040 •• million dollars in 1984 - 1985. (See figure 1 and table 1.) The decree in 1983 production efficiency was explicitly designed and more deficit . The local demand exports so to to induce eliminate for vehicles collapsed, a more trade as a result the Mexican external debt crisis and a generalized recession. of The local content requirement was reduced to a minimum 30%, if 80% of production were exported. If 56% of production were exported, local content should be 56%. This reduction in local content became a stimulus to export . In 1984, export. Chrysler, Latter, in automobile exports GM and Nissan 1987, were: Ford Ford Nissan 10.9%, Dina and VW 0 . 6% . being 83% its share in total s tarted ini liated 38.3%, to increase exports . Chrysler, The 29 . 1%, their share " i n GM 21.1 %, In 1983 VW was the main exporter, automobile exports . This share 8 declined to 45% in 1984, because other companies increased their exports. In 1985 VW reduced strongly its export and this low level. continued for years. The export. 1983 The· decree de c ree pushed tried local to producers eliminate introduced liberalization measures, a of auto trade parts deficit to and by reducing the local content requirement for high exporters . This induced a local demand decline for local components, which was already low because of the general recession. export. Under They faced domestic market some these conditions, a strong competition share. advantages the Mexican producers of and a decline had to in their But those which succeeded exporting took the liberalization procurement of raw materials, process, like easier as well as easier and cheaper import · of technologies and machinery. In part because of this, they could be more competi t :i ve in foreign markets . .'J/ The new deccee, published in December 1989, provides new rules for producing vehicles and components. It brings a complete freedom to firms are to produce allowed surplus. to The mlnimum Previously, th ".. (exporting 80 % ':' r integration. any number of product lines and models. import 1983 Th ,'~e trade deficit. ti 0W more new value vehicles according added now decree of the changes •• are is allowed only production) under 30% the the They to their trade for every firm. high to have condition exporters . so low local of avqiding there is no special stimulus to export in terms .'J/ M. Bennet, : . 36, and Booz-Allen & Hamilton Inc., 1987, agree on the importanc e of government intervention. K. Unger is more skeptical, but ;' ~cognizes an influence of the 1983 decree on the auto parts expo,',::. 9 of lower producers local may content easily requirement change for high from exporters. exporting to Vehicle supplying the domestic market, depending on markets situation. The decree implies a liberali~ation of the traditionally protected local market ~ the point of view of the firms, liberali~ation From will help them for an easier procurement of raw materials and equipment (with higher quality and cheaper price) . They expect their competitiveness will improve. h The jmportance of TNCs glohal strategies All passenger car firms . are·lOO% foreign owned by TNCs. There are 100% national private and joint-venture firms amonq producers of trailers . Only one car producer is trying to export not only to~ other firms in the same TNC, but also to independent clients,. However, the main channel is precisely the same TNC . The strategy and contacts of the TNC is considered the most important factor to export, quali ty requirements, after fulfilling according to the firms the price managers. and the The local subsidiaries have access to foreign technology in the same TNC and they pay for technical assistance. They take advantage of the world-wide sales network and generally take a low price to export inside the TNC. Moreover, western TNCs Mexican exports strategies were during the favored by 1980s . substantially restructure their world production, the They change of decided to as a response to 10 and selected Mexico as an export base . J/ the Japanese challenge, Investment in Mexican plants was oriented to reduce global costs, to i ncorporate Japanese ideas on work organization and automation, and us . to take advantage of the close geographical location to the ' ~I Since almost organization, all these the price exports policy of are realized inside local subsidiaries markedly from that of independent producers. between export and domestic - produced by subsidiaries by independent firms. taxes in Mexico, market is That in passenger cars trailers big price difference determining differs The price difference big but almost null in the TNC is due a high domestic price. -produced to high At the same •, time, tax saving in exports and big orders of export to the same , me (transfer price, low profits) give as a result a lower export price. Two out of three car producers expect this price difference will tend to reduce because of the new liberalization policy, But the other firm stated that the difference will continue if the high domestic taxes remain. The auto parts exporters have various types of ownership. Most of them are j oint-venture firms. In this sample, there are six joint-ventures, four 100% national and two 100% foreign firms . The main e x porter is a foreign firm; the second main e xporter is a joint- venture, and , the third main exporter is national owned, The " JI This strategy change took place in what western executives used to refer as the "after Japan" Herzenberg, 1987 (page 45) . ~I ~. period, See also A. Mercado, 1990, See H. Shaiken wi th S. II share of TNCs in the ownership of auto part firms or less) most (~ither in 100% favor the export. The linkage with TNCs is considered the important executives, favorable after requirements. factor satisfying Automotive TNCs to the US I making Mexico one of their supply base, higher quality standards, by quality, the in export the interviewed price Canada and time and Europe are requirinq components with low production costs and quick delivery time. C Changes Two in the QomestiC Market important export changes historical market transformations. have ' been associated From 1979 to 1982, to the domestic demand grew strongly, because of the oil boom in Mexico, and this caused a decline in the automobile exports. Years later, in 1983, the domestic demand collapsed crisis. As a resul t the producers " decided local exports. of this, More recently, Ii.! and the industry entered in in combination with the 1983 decree, to increase systematically the local demand is recovering, their but firms are exporting as a response mainly to a growing foreign demand (an d to expansions of their production capacities). Market changes have been particularly decisive f o r the export o"f auto parts . Most o f 1982, the beginning increasingly exporting the main exporters started t o export a f t!?,. of the sinc~ recession in Mexico ar: d have bee n then. Those components exported bef ore fI./ This was cor:sc.:i,"red the b i gg-?st ,-::e,·,·'ll1d Booz - Allen ~ Ham i lt on Inc., 1987, and A. fall in M~ rcado , the "'Io rld . 19 00. .> -" 12 1982 were old technology based, like brake parts, leaf springs and chassis. Exports of engines and engine components started in 1984. , They started to export mostly because of market reasons, rel,ated to the decline of the domestic demand and catching market opportunities in the us and South America. However, to export, a contracted local demand is not any more the reason but the higher foreign demand. This change was observed by interviewed executives. The recent increasing trends in imports and exports confirm that the local demand has recuperated at a high rate and, at the same time, the auto parts import exports are increasing. grew in 200% and export In 1986-1989, grew in 50%, according to the f.omercjo Exterior data. d. Productivity and Capa;ity Utilization Big productivity differences would differences not be so are found big taking among into firms. account These different product-mix across producers. But the evidence gives an approximate picture. Differences in productivity differences in scale and technology. may be explained by It is observed that the firm with the highest productivity reaches the highest amount of export . So this suggests that heavy exports are based on high productiv i ty levels. Assembling plants oriented to export have the highest rate o E' capacity utilization, whereas assembling domestic market observe lower rate. had an increasing usage plants oriented to the The Eirst type of plants hav e rate in 1985-1999, but other (few) of the 13 second type have had a declining rate. Heavy investment was carried out in the first years of the 1980s and in 1988 - 1989. consisted in modernizing facilities by Investment introducing flexible automation (computer aided manufacturing). e Export promotion pol;cies Fav o rable General The general export promotion policy (EPP), consistinq of a set of fiscal, financial and direct-promotion instruments to encourage Mexican exports, important if decrees and According to it is favorable to automotive firms, is compared the international with the impact of but is not very the sectorial restructuring decided by the TNCs . the main exporters, the most helpful EPP instrument has been the temporary import programs for exporters (PITEX), which is fiscal saving of tariffs. If PITEX has been the most important fiscal incentive used by these firms, is the income the second one is the "draw-back", deduction of expenses abroad ( in and the third one promoting sales) from t ax. credit supported by BANCOMEXT is the most important financial instrument. However this importance is low if it is c ompared to PITEX . The executives o f auto-parts firms co nsidered that been a lack of favorable tariff agreements between there ha s government s concerning components. Despite these e x port policy instruments play a secondary for the growth of exports, according to the firms point of view, they give a favorable influence on the price. 14 Table 3 Utilization of the Most Important Export Promotion Policy Instruments , 1989 ~/ Instrume n t Auto Parts PITEX Export Cred.1.t Drawback VAT Reimbur5ement Other instruments ~/ Motor Vehicles YES YES NO YES NO YES YES YES NO NO YES means very important. NO means not very important. f. The Product t·ri x in the Auto Parts Industry Engine components and engines the most import "" t range of are exported, reinforcements, gears,' axles, and engines, products. like leaf springs, chassis, transmissions, wheels, shafts, brake (see table 4.) Except for some engine components these They are auto parts exported from Mexico . But also a big compon~nts parts and bodies . (both gasoline and diesel) auto parts o\ re exported are based conventional, on l o cal old-technology advantages ' of cheap labour and cheap raw material. only there are few e xceptional case s of based new-technol o ~ y products as the e ngines assembled by Renault (with h : qh automation and a lot of imported parts), and the engine parts As to ma '~0 by CIFUNSA and NEMAK. old- ~ ~c hnology auto parts, dir ec t export i s bigger thao _ indirect expor t . But as t o new-technology compooents, the situati o n is the opposice . This means tha t foreign market direct export up to now, ~ han is smaller than indirect export . conventiooal components have the i ndirect channel a bigger to e xport through l ocal 15 c lients, whereas the new aut o parts have a s maller mark et abroad as compared wi th the domest ic seem reached to have a mar ket. Some c onventional c ompetitiveness on the auto basis of pa rts the e mpl oyment of ch eap labo ur and the use of fixe d te chno l o gie s . ' 1 1 Table 4 Main Aut o part Expo rts in Mexico , 1981 -1 988 (M i llion dollars) Spare Auto PartsJlI Year 198 1 19 8 2 19 8 3 1 98 4 19 8 5 1986 1987 1988 165 131 180 27 0 241 374 444 454 397 1988.PI Leaf.!:: I spring Engine components111 22 27. 41 47 50 81 98 98 108 To tal o f selected aut o parts 20 5 1 87 255 364 339 4 66 588 60 1 55 8 18 29 34 47 48 11 46 49 53 ~ / "Par t e s s u eltas para autom6viles" . 111 " Partes 0 pie z a s para motores" . .el "Mue l l e s y su s hojas para aut om6viles " . p i Pre li minary d ata . Sourc e ; Comer cio Ex ter io r, " Sumari o Es t adisti c o , " s everal issues. g . s iz e and Cap acity Util ' :: ath n in t he dJ.\t Q Pa rt s Indu st ry Export er s ha ve been lnves ting, increa s ing t hei r p l an t s iz e and improving the produ c t qu a l i ty. operating in a high ~ apacity The y hav e us age , [~ a c he d a nd sca l e e co nomi es , p r odu c i ng at c heaper 1 1 K. Unge r , 198 7 , ,o ;.: p La : n" cos t adv a n t .l<;-=., c f c:>l1ve nt i ona l aut ') pa rt s a nd c r-i tici::e s · firms ;J assl v i t y [ -:ga 1- j ing !l ew a,l t o pal-t s. Bo oz - Al le n " Hamilt on Inc., 19-37 , QbS e l-Ve ad v ant a ge s f " r- l oca l a u t l) par-t:s ma de o f a l um illlLl;n nc c oo per- . 16 production c o sts. The size of exporting plants is diversified. For instance, a sma ll engine plant has a production c apacity of 5,000 . units / year and anot h er one has a capacity of 800,000 engines/year. Regardin g the manufacture of heads, one plant has a capacity o f 14,00 0 heads/year, heads/year. The big export volumes are conr.entrated in the large and medium size plants 5), (see while another one has installed table 2.5 million usually utilizing a high proportion of installed capacity. Some of them produce small lots of components, the domestic market. Except but these one small exporter, expansions in are for all exporters interviewed invested heavily in 1988-1989 . Most of them have been increasingly utilizing their installed capacity. Table 5 Export Performance of 11 Auto Parts Producers by Size, 1988 Size (labor) Firms Export Performance A. ~lU;!Ql:t 50 49 1 B. - 100 20 19 maI:9in (:J; 100 to 1 000 l ill 1 2 a l/: all.1e (l:l111iQD pes~ 3 - 30 31 - 100 101 - 400 1 001 to 5 000 5 001 to 15 000 4 1 a a 2 1 3 2 2 a a Elj;~QI:t ~/ Export for 2 1 a to total sales. 1 17 h. Local Adyantages in wages a nd tabor in the Terminal In..d.llil.L:.:l The terminal firms reported a low wage proportion to total cost, as between 10% to 13% in 1988. This is a relatively low rate, if it is compared with local auto part firms, where the proportion was between 7% and 23% . The trend in job opportunities is upwards, increasing gradually from 1985 to 1988. 3. Obstacles (Firms Point of View) The main obstacles for these exports refer particularly to. inefficiencies of the domestic inputs industry, the product quality and the local infrastructure facilities. The interviewed executives in the terminal firms pOinted out the following obstacles importance order): i ) Input problems ( high price, lower quality, bad delivery time). ii) Transport deficiencies, specially by land, to the ports. iii) strict requirements in quality standards, and offi c ial pri c es i n other c ountries. iv) Product quality. v) High import tariffs in vi) Delivery time . oth~r c ountries. ( in 18 The local expor t ers number one the of nat ional auto parts i n puts iden t ify a s t heir prob le m .i ndustry too , in t erms of high' prices , l ow quality and s hortage . A second obstacle is referred to pressures on associated product directly price to and c osts, quality. A third delivery diff icul ty time and is quality requirements abroad . The fi r st two elements are affected mainly by the local inputs supply. other problem the protection abroad (tarif fs government support firms). Some c onstraints c ompanies to technological auto to that part c atch as well as a lack o f ( this there were exports. up according the o ther to two important These refer to rapid innovation bad domest i c infrastruc ture i n communi c ation and instability low man a gement new e xporters difficulties pri c es and tr ade), and licences) s tated Mexican oc curring abroad, transport , t o t he - but not so important- is in e conomic pol i c y ( regarding decrees, ' bad reput a t ion of Mexic an man u factures abro ad, s kills, l anguage b arr iers a nd pro t ec t i on in bi g fore i gn markets o f mili tary ve h icles and e quipme n t due t o security r easons , The main obstac l e s ref e r to d omes tic factors , Fo r e i gn f acto r s a re not considered a s ve ry i mp o rtan t 2) , ob stacle s (tabl e 6 a nd f i g, 19 Ta,ble 6 Main Obstacles to Automotive Exports, 1989 Obstacles Inputs (scarcity, price, quality) "Other's" Taxes abroad ( tariff) Costs Price Prote c tion abroad ( li :.: ensing) High auality requirements Delivery time Quality (own) Lack o f government support . Auto Parts Motor Vehicles 100 45 b / 55 55 74 60 100 s;/ 53 27 27 45 52 55 71 27 67 47 53 13 27 ~/ Every firm gave several answers, ordered by importance. The most _ impor t dnt answer had 10 points, the second important answer had 8 , and so on. The resulting figures were indexed. b/ Three firm s o ut of twelve stressed a bad infrastructure to export fr e ,'l Mexico (transport and c ommunication), bad reputation of Mexican auto parts and technological constraints to follow rapid innovation. (O ~lt o f six) referred to the c riti c al political and econom i :~ situation in Latin America ( which co uld be a major expo r~ market) , transport i nfrastru c ture inefficiency, and labor Ul: ion problems in ports . >:./ Three firm ,. • 20 FIGURE 2 Obstacles to Ex port Input s Others Price Quali t y Required Own Qualit y Ta r if fs Timi ng COS t S licenCing Lack Gov SU PPor t I) 40 20 60 60 Wei ght80 Answers g Sour ce: Su r vey Auto Parts o Ve rllCles 100 I 120 21 4. Most of Export Expectatipn by Firms (1990-1992) the exporting firms perceive a positive climate to export. Executives state that there are more favorable factors now than before and that there are more positive conditions than obstacles for export . This perception is consistent with the export performance these firms had. They expect growing exports, Consequently, they are optimistic. mainly for reasons related to trends in foreign demand for their components. Only few are more cautious, expecting constant a constant foreign level demand (on in their account exports of the due excess capacity in the US auto industry, the main market), to an expected growing domestic market. to of expected installed in combination' (Table 7 and fig. 3.) Table 7 Firms Perception about Exp~rts Cli mate (Answers Index a /) Perception Improving climate III worse climate s;1 Optimistic Expectati on >11 Prudent Expectation .dl ~I Auto Parts Motor Vehicles 10 0 10 100 100 33 100 20 33 The index base (100) corresponds to the most fr - quent answer in each industrial branch. 121 This refers to eithe~ more f avorable factors now than befor e or more favorable factors than ob stacles. s:.1 This refers to either less favorable factors now than before or more obstacles than favorable factors . dl This refers to the period 1990-1992. optimisti c exe cutives expect a growing export. Prudent executives expect a constant export. 22 FIGURE 3 Export Climate Perceived by Firms and Expectatives Weighted An$wers 120 lOa 80 60 40 20 o Auto Par IS Ve h icles _ Improvi ng Climato D OClimlSlic E )(Oeci8 t _ Worsening C l lma!!:) _ Prud ent Ex DeC l e! IVeS So urce ; Sur \jey 23 5. Government policy has changed over time. Policy Requirements has induced automotive At early eighties, exports. This role government pushed local producers to export by a decree in 1983. But from 1985 on, has been a more elaborated export promotion policy. Host there of the auto part exporters have taken advantage of import tariff savings (PITEX) and preferential export credits (BANCOMEXT), particularly. The 1989 decree brings some trade liberalization and continues with the export promotion. What policy modifications are to be suggested to consolidate the Mexican export capability? Taking as a starting point the so good export performance, government policy, stimulated by transformations in in TNCs strategies and in specific markets, it is pertinent to explore policy answers in three directions : j) Th e ·~ ey e '1 include not complete, exports . o pme nt o nly of an fis c al well-organized For example, radically improved. required too. the Ax p o r t and p ro IDot i Qo financial i nstruments, infrastructure transport s y ste m. to and This has but also efficiently system a support to be Faster c ust om clearance o f imp o rted inputs is The c ust om pro cedure migh t s tore to is re al i ze at the plant, as is already done in ver y few cases. jjl Tr ade efforts to libera li;; ati o n . improve Trade efficiency liberalization and quality, generated a higher competitiveness abroad. has induced l oc a l which in turn has The 1989 decree brings 24 some liberalizat'.on, but this could be extended. The limits to liberalization al: e the need of reciprocity in other countries where Mexico is trading. jii) Towards supply of a .. more input s is iompetitiye stressed by the major problem which limits strong fight in the i npllts world industry. automotive market makes national executives their export capability. auto The more as a The on-going necessary to induce big impro v ements in the local industry of basic inputs, like steel, aluminium , cooper and synthetic materials. 25 Bibliography AMIA, 1986, La ; ndustria alltomotrj z de Mex; co en ci tras, Mexico, D.F., Asociaci6n Mexicana de la Industria Automotriz, A.C. AMIA, 1989 and 1990, Boletin, num. 277 and 289, January . Bennet, M., 1986, .~P... u...b,:"l....i ....c~P",o ......l ...i ....c..>:y-::-... a .. n .. d--'I....n...d....I~!s...t...r...... j ... a ...l--"D...,e:;.:v><.Je...l'"'o....p..,mws;e...n....t~:_.... T.... h... e Case of the Mexican Auto Parts Indllstry, Westview press, Boulder and London. BOOZ - Allen & Hamil ton Inc., 1987, General Vis ion of the Auto Parts Restructuring Program, Final Report, Mexico, D.F . , INFOTEC. Carr i 11 0 , J ., 1990 , ...L...aL-nu.ulole~v~a--'e"-r ....... a-'d"'e'--..J.I....aL-1",,'n~dlol\J.j.!.il.sJ.tJ..r..J.i""a'-:-aa.u~t""oj)Jm""o"'t...r....i..z'--"'e"'n MeXico, Tijuana, B.C . N., Mexico, El Colegio de ta Frontera Norte. Davila - Flores, M., 1985, !'El .complejo automovilistico de Ramos Arizpe", Comercio Exterior, Mexico, D. F . , Banco Nacional de Comercio Exterior, vol . 35, num. 11, pp. 1085-1089, November. Dombois, R., 1985, La producci6n automotriz y el Mercado de ~ trabaio en lIn Dais en desarrollo: un estudio sobre la industria automotriz mexicana, Berlin, International Institute for comparative Social Research, Labor Policy. Flores, c., 1987, "Evoluci6n de la industria Automotriz en Mexico", in Various Authors, La Industrj a Alltomotrj z, Vol XV, Memoria del I Seminario Latinoamericano de Reconvers i6n Industrial, Mexico, D. F, Fondo de Cultura Econ6mica . INEGI, 1986, La industria automotriz en MeXICO 19BO - 19B5, Mexico, D.F. Mercado, A., 19BB, "Motor Vehicles, Motor s and Autoparts" , in Urquidi, V.L.; Giner, F . ; Mercado, A. and Taniura, T . , Expo rt promotion of Manll fa c tures in Mexi co (c hapter 5) , Joint Research Programme Series No . 71, To kyo, Institute of Developing Economies. Mercado, A., 1990, .LA t e cnol o gia asistida po r co mput a d o ra en Mexi co y sus implicaci o ne s laborales ",du c ati y as, . c hapt e r 3: "Tecnicas asistidas por computado ['a y e mpleo e n la industria automotriz mexi c ana , " PariS, Inter n ati o nal Institute for Educational Plann i ng. SECOFI, 19B3, "Decreto para la [,acionaliza c i 6 n de la industri a automotriz", Di a r;o Official, Mexi c o, P.F., Secretaria de comercio y Foment o Industrial, September 15 . 26 SECOFI, 1989, "Decreto para el fomento y Iilodernil!:acion de la industria automotriz" , Djario Official, Mexico, i).F., December' 11. Shaiken, H. with Herzenberg, S., 1987, Automation and Global Product! on. Automobile Engine Product} on in Mexico . the United states and Canada, San Diego, Center for US-Mexican Studies " University of california, Monograph Series 26 . SPP, 1981, La industria automotr1~ en Mexico, Secretaria de Programaci6n y Presupuesto. Mexico, D. F. , unger, K., 1987, "Industria Automotril!:: Mexico bajo el Cambio Tecnologico", Foro Internacjpnal, Vol. XXVIII, NUM. 1, julsep., El Colegio de Mexico, Mexico, D. F. Unger, K., 1990, Las exportaciones mexicanas ante Ja reestructuracion industriaJ1nternadpnal I.a eyideocia de las indus trias quimj ca y automotri~, chapter IV: "Las veotaj as competitivas de las exportaciones mexicanas: informaci6n proporcionada por las empresas," Mexico, D. F . , El colegio de Mexico y Fondo de Cultura Economica. zambrano, C., 1987, liLa industria Mexicana de autopartes : Su s i tuac ion y proceso de reconvers i6n", in Various Authors, .La Indll",tri a Automptr1z Vol XV, Memoria de I Seminario . Latinoamericano de Reconversion Industrial, Mexico, D.F, Fondo ' de Cultura Economica. Zapata, F.; Hoshino, T. and Hanono, L., 1990, Industrial Restructuring in Mexi c o -The Case o f Autp Parts-, Joint Research Programme Series No. 84, Tokyo, Iosti tute of Developing Economies . 1 SERlE DOCUMENTOS DE TRABAJO The following working papers from recent years are still available upon request from; Rocio Contreras, centro de Documentacion, Centro de Estudios Economicos, E1 Colegio de Mexico, A.C., camino al Ajusco #20, C.P. 01000 Mexico, D.F. 85/1 Bhaduri, Amit. "The race in arms; its mathematical commonsense". 85/11 Garber, Peter M. and Vittorio U. Grilli. "The belmont Morgan syndicate as an optimal investment banking contract". 85/111 Ros, Jaime. "Trade, growth and the pattern of specialization". 85/IV Nadal, Alejandro. "El sistema de precios de produccion y la teoria clasica del mercado" . 85 / V Alberro, Jose Luis. "Values a nd prices in joint production: dis coveri ng inn erproductivities" . 8 5/VI Urquij 0 Hernandez, Luis Al fredo de. "Las placticas de ajuste en el sector externo; analisis de un modele computable de equilibrio general para la economia mexicana", 8S/VII Castaneda Sabido, Ale jandro 1. "La propos icion de i nefectividad de la nueva macroeconomla clasica un estudi o c ritico". 8S/VIII ' Alba, Enrique d e y Ricardo samaniego, "Estimacl on de la demand~ de gasolinas y diesel y e1 impacto de sus precios sobre los ingresos del s ectol- publi co ". 2 8S/IX Alba, Enrique de y Yolanda Mendoza"Disaggregation and forecasting: A bayesian analysis" 86/1 Blanco, Herminio. "The term structure of the futures exchange rates for a fixed exchange rate system: the mexican case". 86/II Ize, Alain and G. Ortiz."Fiscal rigidities, public debt and capital flight". 86/III Alberro, Jos~. "La dinimica de los precios relativos en un ambiente inflacionario". 86/IV Bucay, Nisso . "wage rigidity and the firm alternative approaches". 86/V Alberro, Jos6 y Jorge cambiaso."Caracteristicas del ajuste de la economia mexicana. 87/1 Alberro, Jos~, Jos~ C6rdoba and Eytan Sheshinsky "On measures of dispersion of relative prices under inflation". 87/II Alberro, Jos6, Herminio Blanco and Peter Garber "The effects of terminating the mexican two-tiered exchange rate system". 87/III Fernandez, Oscar y Nora Lustig. "Estrategias de crecimiento, sustituci6n de importaciones y balanza de pagos en un modele de crecimiento multisectorial". 87 / IV Tornell, Aaron. "Insulating properties o f dual exchange rates : a new-classical model" . 87/V Villarreal, Roberto."EI manejo de la deuda externa de M6xico en la d6cada 1978-1987" 87/VI Mercado, Alfonso. "Automatizaci6n asistida par computadora y desarrollo industrial en Mexico. El usa de las maquinasherramienta de control numerico computarizado". 87/VII Garcia Alba, Pascual. "Un enfoque para medir la concentraci6n industrial y su aplicaci6n al caso de Mexico". •• 3 87/VIII Villarreal, Robert I. "Investment and financing interactions at the firm's lev 8 ~: an econometric simultaneous equation approach". 87/IX Lustlg, Nora. "M~xico: size and impact of non transfer expenditures: 1920-1985" . 87/X -Lust : g, Nora. "Del estructuralismo al neoe s tructuralismo: la busqueda de un paradigma heterodoxo" 88/1 Guer r ero, Victor M. "Obtenci6n de pron6sticos 6ptimos, sujetos a rest r icciones, con modelos arima". 88/11 Lust~g, Nora. "Stabilization and adjustment in post 1982,Mexico:are there signs of expert-led growth? 88/111 Yunez, Antonio. "Theories of the exploited pea~antry; a critical review". 88/IV UngE~, 88/V Gar~ia Rocha, Adalberto, Aurora G6mez y Miguel Szequely. "Estrutura de la desigualdad en M~xico". S8/VI Hart, Michael. "Dispute settlement and the Canada- united states free trade agr e.: ment" . 88/VII Per ez Motta, Eduardo, Evelyn Greenwell y Gabr1ela Quezada . "participaci6n de la muj ~ r casada en e1 mercado labora1 del Area urb ~n a en Mexico: un anA1isis econ6mico de su r e laci6n con la divisi6n sexual del tra nijo dentro de la estructura fa miliar". 88/VIII Ba l ~ let, Alvaro. "An anal/sis of direct ta:;.) ': ion o n mexican taxpayer s; a mi cr~ simulations approach" 88/IX Bai: . ~e t, Kurt y Luz C. Saldafia, "Las economias de e sc ala y de alcance en las exportaciones mex ~~ anas mAs dinAmicas". Alvaro y Arlette Cisneros. "La iO";,,:si6n extranjera directa e n e l sector de ~ I~rv icios en M~xico". •, 4 88/X Baillet, Alvaro. "La evolucion de los ingresos del sector pUblico". 8S/XI Kehoe, Timothy. "A general equilibrium analysis of the indirect tax reform in Spain" . 88/XII F~rnadez, 88/XIII FernAndez, Oscar . "Valores y precios en produccion anAlisis de comportamientos destructivos ocultos". 89/1 Unger, Kurt and Luz Saldana. "MNC, global strategies and technical change: implications for industrializing countries" 89/II Cuddington, John and .Carlos urzua. "Primary commodity prices: a time-series analysis of trends and cycles". 89/III urzQa, Carlos M. "Tests for multivariate normality of observations and residuals". S9/IV Crane, Randall. "Tax-price specification and the demand for local public goods". 89/V Crane, Randall. "A note on hedonic prices in cost/ benefit analysis". 90/1 Ize, Alain. "Trade liberalization, s tabilization, and growth: some notes on t he mexican experience". gO/II Sandoval Musi, Alfredo "Constru c ti on o f new monetary aggregates: the cas e of Mexico". 90/III FernAndez, oscar . " Algunas notas sobre los modelos de Kalecki del ciclo economico" . 90/IV sobarzo, Horacio E. "A consolidated social accounting matrix f o r input- o utput an alysis" . 90/V Urzu a, Carlos M. " El d~ficit del secto r publico y la politica fiscal e n Mexico, 1980 - 1989. gO/VI Romero, Jose "Desarrollos recientes en la teoria eco nomi ca de la union aduanera". Oscar and Nora Lustig. "Optimal allocation of investment and the role of import substitution". •, , 5 90/VII Garcia Rocha, Adalberto. "Note on mexican economic development and income distribution". gO/VIII Garcia Rocha, Adalberto. "Distributive effects of financial policies in Mexico". 90/IX Mercado, Alfonso and Taeko Taniura "The mexican automotive export growth: favorable factors, obstacles and policy requirements". •