St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church
St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church
ST. JOAN OF ARC CATHOLIC CHURCH & SCHOOL As a diverse Catholic community, we joyfully worship God, celebrate fellowship and care for our neighbor with steadfast faith, confident hope and passionate love. ALIVE IN THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST! 370 SW 3rd St. • Boca Raton • FL 33432 561.392.0007 • 561.392.0074 Fax Msgr. Michael D. McGraw • Pastor Fr. Jimmy B. Hababag • Parochial Vicar Fr. Tomasz Bochnak • Parochial Vicar Fr. Vincent Byaruhanga • In Residence Fr. Carlo DiNatale-Tarasi • Assisting Deacon Bill Watzek Deacon Michael Zatarga Deacon Sam J. Barbaro Deacon Matthew Busch • Transitional Deacon Parish Office Hours Monday-Thursday 8:30am to 7:30pm Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm Saturday 9:30am to 2:30pm School Office Hours 561.392.7974 • 561.368.6671 Fax Monday-Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm Mass Schedules Saturday Vigil: 4:30pm, 6:30pm(Spanish) Sunday: 7:00am, 8:00am, 9:15am, 10:45am, 12:15pm & 5:00pm Monday-Friday: 6:45am & 8:15am Saturday mornings: 8:15am Eve of Holy Days: 6:00pm Holy Days: 6:45am, 8:15am, 9:15am, & 12:15pm Holidays: Only one Mass at 9:00am The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus World Population – 7 billion World Hunger: • 870 million people do not have enough to eat — more than the populations of USA and the European Union combined. • 98% of the world's undernourished people live in developing countries. • Two-thirds of the world's hungry live in just 7 countries: Bangladesh, China, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia and Pakistan. • Where is hunger the worst? – Asia and the Pacific: 578 million – Sub-Saharan Africa: 239 million – Latin America and the Caribbean: 53 million (right on our doorstep) • 1.4 billion people in developing countries live on $1.25 a day or less. • Rural areas account for three out of every four people living on less than $1.25 a day. • 22,000 children die each day due to conditions of poverty. What precisely does it mean to be a Christian and have wealth? Baptisms Sunday (English): 1:30pm 1st Saturday (Bilingual): 12 noon 3rd Saturday (Spanish): 12 noon Deacon Michael Zatarga Confessions Saturday: 3:15-4pm & 5:30-6:15pm Like us on SEPTEMBER 29, 2013 YOUR CATHOLIC COMMUNITY IN DOWNTOWN BOCA RATON PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS Father, you call each one of us by name and ask us to follow you. Diocese of Palm Beach Office of Vocations Inspire us as we grow to know you, and open our hearts to hear your call. INDEX PG. 8 - New Altar Server Schedule - Rose Garden Club - Mommy and Me - Joyful Again! - Sunday Readings PG. 4 - Wish List - Weekly Treasure - Parish Directory PG. 9 - 40 days for life - A fall Spiritual Reading and Reflection for women - Homebound Parishioners - National Life Chain PG. 5 - Annual Dinner & Auction PG. 6 - 5th Annual Parishwide Baby Shower - Pet Blessings - News from St. Joan of Arc School PG. 7 - SJA International Festival - Buy your Raffle Tickets now! PG 10 - Important information About our Boca Florida Atlantic University - A Morning of Training and Sharing - The GoodNews People at SJA PG 11 - Religious Education PG 12 - Pray for the Sick - Overseas in the US Armed Forces - The Arc-Angel Society - Altar flowers donation PG. 13 - S.J.A. Ministries & Support PG. 14 - Around our Diocese PG. 15-16 - Ministerio Hispano Dear Parishioners & Friends, When coming to Mass, please note that additional Parking is available across the street at Temple Beth El. Thank you very much. BULLETIN EDITOR: PATTY DELANEY 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time Bless your Church by raising up dedicated leaders from our families and friends in the Diocese of Palm Beach, who will generously serve your people as sisters, brothers, deacons, and priests. We ask this in the name of Jesus, Our Lord. Amen. PG. 3 - Pastor´s Message: The Power of Personal Example: Pope Francis September 29, 2013 *Please email Bulletin materials to: [email protected] *We reserve the right to edit and publish such materials at our discretion 2 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l SEPTEMBER 29 MASSES FOR THE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5 6:45am Alfonso Liguori 8:15am Alfonso Liguori Susan DiMucci by The Kennedy Family 8:15am St. Joan of Arc Parishioners 4:30pm Mary Chidichino by Michael & Ida Cirillo Victor Longhi by Ann & Tom McKenna 6:30pm Raul Rodriguez by Wife, Children & Grandchildren Matilde Borja by Mercedes Escobar TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1 6:45am Kathy Gulino by Frank & Leslie DiMarco Joanne Porter by Marty 8:15am George Ziegler by Teresa Doyle Moira Pershyn by Your Dear Friends WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2 6:45am Tom Kennedy by The Christ Child Society 8:15am Anna Ferrante by Rose & Frank Loricchio Sloane Staszko by Jennifer Mulhall THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3 6:45am St. Joan of Arc Parishioners 8:15am Kathleen Austin by The Sclafani Family Lolita M. Fensholt by The Mann Family FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4 6:45am St. Joan of Arc Parishioners 8:15am Pope Francis by St. Joan of Arc Parishioners SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6 7:00am Theresa Porpora by The Family Carol Young by Kelly Homston 8:00am Nicholas Michael Peragine by The Salerno Family Scott Mangone by The Parents 9:15am Helena Skoczylas by Janna Danko Dennis DeMuth by Larry & Sandy Dahman 10:45am St. Joan of Arc Parishioners Carmelina Prioriello by Mario & Eliabeth 12:15pm Jim McCasland by The Smith Family Maria DeMarco by Sara Lena Sciortino 5:00pm Jose Carlos Lenz by M. Leissle & M. Dantes-Sanchez Jimmy Harzell by The Paules Family PASTOR´S MESSAGE THE POWER OF PERSONAL EXAMPLE: POPE FRANCIS T he personal example and the frank and challenging messages of our new Holy Father have generated a lot of media splash. By living and teaching in a way that is the polar opposite of most "celebrities", in an ironic way, Pope Francis has grabbed the world stage. It is very instructive for us to consider his form of exercising papal authority and why it is so compelling. First of all, Pope Francis has chosen to continue as Pope to live a simple life (rooms in a Vatican hotel, plain garb without pretension, driving his own used car, pressing palms in St. Peter's Square and kissing babies). The power of such example cannot be overestimated. It has already brought people back to the Faith because of the integrity of the witnessing. Equally important is the way that Pope Francis speaks from the heart and without the overly theological jargon so often used in papal statements. I am particularly appreciative as theologian trained in historical and spiritual theology to see the Holy Father's efforts to keep all of the teachings of our Faith in an orderly and prioritized balance. This is the genius of the Catholic Tradition throughout the centuries. Pope Francis reminds us frequently that at the heart of the Gospel is Jesus' respect and love for each person. He would meet people where they were and show them how valuable and loved they are in God's eyes. The inestimable worth and dignity of each person is the central truth never to be forgotten. Of course, Jesus also invited and challenged people to grow spiritually and to achieve the personal freedom necessary to respond to the Word and Will of God. He would challenge the sinner to be converted and to embrace a new, free way of life. He would not, however, demean or disrespect the person. This is a good truth for us to always remember. Another way of describing the approach of Pope Francis is to pay attention to the distinctions between Catholic dogma, morality, liturgy (the first theology), community, spirituality and charity. All of these are important elements of an integral Catholic Faith. They always exist in a prioritized unity and coherent whole. In each period of Christian life, one or the other of them may receive enhanced attention but not to the exclusion of the others. What underlies them all and serves as the foundational truth is that we are created, loved and sustained by the creative Love of God. We are each of great value and are meant to live in community that is already in some real sense the Kingdom of God. We are called to further this Kingdom of God according to our gifts. We all have a role to play. No one should be made to feel outside the sphere and reality of God's marvelous and all forgiving love. Both by word and example, Pope Francis is inviting us to re-experience the freedom and liberation of being "Children of God" and to share this "Good News" with a world so in need of its joy and hope. - Msgr. Michael D. McGraw SEPTEMBER 29 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l 3 WEEKLY TREASURE ANNULMENTS MUSIC MINISTRY Deacon Bill Watzek 561-952-2828 Douglas Byers, 561-952-2856 by appt. only. Director of Liturgical Music BAPTISMAL ARRANGEMENTS 561-392-0007 PARISH MANAGER Vincent Castellano. (English) Baptism class Patricia Suau, 561-392-0007, ext. 2806 for parents 1st Thurs. each month, 7 pm. PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY 561-392-0007 Deacon Bill Watzek 561-952-2828 Constanza Preble (Spanish) Baptism class for RELIGIOUS ARTICLES STORE parents 3rd Tues. each month, 7 pm. Teresa Vogt, 561-393-0006. 561-392-0007 Hours: Mon - Wed, 9:00 am to 4:30 pm. CARE MINISTRY 561-962-6000 Sat. - 9 am to 6:00 pm, & Sun. 9 am to 1:30 pm. COUNSELING CENTER SACRAMENTS (Catholic Charities Satellite Office at SJA) Anointing of the Sick and Elderly: First Maria T. Isava MA, LCSW - 561-215-0208 Conseling Director Saturday of the month following the 8:15am Fanny B. Ramos, IMH - 561-777-6407 COUNSELING CENTER (Private Practice) Pamela Diane Sigda, Ph. D. - 561-706-2277 COMMUNICATIONS MINISTRY Patty Delaney, 561-952-2868 LIFE LONG FAITH FORMATION MINISTRY Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Constanza Preble, 561-620-6280 Vincent Castellano, 561-952-2870 Religious Education Vincent Castellano, 561-952-2870 Office, 561-391-4345 Fax: 561-962-6002. FAMILY LIFE MINISTRY Tessie O’Dea, 561-952-2852 HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY Katherine Leach, 561-952-2858 HISPANIC MINISTRY Constanza Preble, 561-859-4666 The Weekly Offertory Collection for September 21/22, 2013 totaled $21,424.00. 768 envelope users contributed $18,061.00 and non envelope users contributed $3,363.00. MONTHLY SUPPORT TO ST . JOAN OF ARC CARE MINISTRY The Care Ministry Collection for February was $3,515.00. WishList S T. J O A N O F A R C C H U R C H & S C H O O L 1. Underwriters for the Annual St. Joan of Arc Christmas Concert. 1. Tuition (full or partial) for a needy child for 2013-2014 2. Hurricane Protection system for all Stained Glass areas of the Church Mass. Please call the Parish Office to 3. Underwrite Religious Education Classes for a Needy Child. request a priest if you are a patient at Partial or complete donations may be made for any item To donate an item call Wendy Horton, 561-952-2838 Boca Regional Hospital. SACRISTAN Teresa M. Vogt 561-952-2808 SCHOOL PRINCIPAL/SISTERS OF MERCY Sr. Ellen Murphy R.S.M., 561-392-7974 Sr. Josephine Sullivan R.S.M. Sr. Kathleen Sweeney R.S.M. As you all know, implementation of Our Journey Forward Strategic Plan has gradually started. This implementation of our Plan will require the collaboration of many parishioners with the Seven Goal Champion Teams. In this bulletin you will notice a Journey Forward Goal number next to every event, task or program that points-out a pertinence to one of St. Joan of Arc’s Goals: Sr. DeLourdes O’Mahony R.S.M. GROW IN LOVE SPREAD THE GOSPEL SJA DEVELOPMENT MINISTRY GROW IN SERVICE GROW OUR RESOURCES Wendy Horton, 561-952-2838 GROW IN FAITH GROW OUR SCHOOL Diane Salerno, 561-952-2848 GROW THE CHURCH (Special Projects) USHERS MINISTRY Ken Meldonian 561-620-4884 Dennis Jordan 561-395-8329 WEDDING PREPARATION Rosario Gonzales, 561-952-2854 1 year notice required for marriages HOMEBOUND/PASTORAL VISITATION Fr. Tomasz Bochnak, 561-392-0007 ext. 2824 4 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l SEPTEMBER 29 Please consider your role in working with Ministry Leaders, parish staff and many of your fellow parishioners to create a future that will be energized by the Holy Spirit and responsive to God's will. Emails indicating interest in volunteering should be sent to: [email protected] WOULD YOU LIKE TO CONTRIBUTE BY CREDIT CARD? Forms are available at the back of the church or in the Parish Office. You can earn frequent flyer miles on your contributions to St. Joan of Arc. We now accept most mayor credit cards: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2013 MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW FOR THIS ENTERTAINING ALASKAN-STYLE EVENING St. Joan of Arc’s Annual Dinner and Auction promises to be a fun and colorful event! Cocktails Entertainment Silent & Live Auctions Dinner by Hugh’s Catering Raffles & more! RESERVATIONS, SPONSORSHIPS & DONATIONS ACCEPTED NOW! Purchase your reservation in the Bookstore, Special Projects & Parish Offices or please call (561) 952-2848, or online visit Standing L – R: Victoria Farrington, Fr. Tomasz Bochnak, Co-Chairpersons: Irene & Jay Mack, Sandra & Jim Mantey, Msgr. Michael McGraw, Sr. Josephine Sullivan, Fr. Jimmy Hababag Kneeling L – R: Lisa Olearczyk, Patty Delaney, Patricia Suau, Wendy Horton, Diane Salerno, Jan Manasek Front Row: Foxsy Fox, Chilling Seal & Beary Frosty Bear SEPTEMBER 29 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l 5 PET BLESSINGS AT ST. JOAN OF ARC 5TH ANNUAL PARISHWIDE BABY SHOWER The St. Joan baby shower will once again benefit Birthline/Lifeline, a Pregnancy Care Center under the auspices of Catholic Charities Diocese of Palm Beach. Help us support the new born babies and their young mothers who are watched over and cared for by the wonderful people at Birthline. The gifts we bring are given with love to celebrate these new young lives. The Baby Shower will take place in the St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church the weekend of OCTOBER 26-27 AT ALL THE MASSES. The unwrapped gifts are to be placed on the alter steps prior to and after the Masses. THIS THURSDAY Volunteers will be at all masses to assist you. Items needed are: Onesies size 3-6 mo., 6-9 mo., 12 mo; sleepers all sizes; new born sleepers all sizes; new born diapers; #4 and #5 diapers; wipes (smaller packages); lotions; shampoo; plastic 8 oz. baby bottles Help us to make this year’s baby shower bigger and better than past years. All are invited to bring your loved pet to our Annual St. Joan of Arc Pet Blessing Day. This custom is conducted in remembrance of St. Francis of Assisi's love for all creatures on his Feast Day, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3 AT 6:30pm in the Gazebo and side garden (behind Mercy Center). Msgr. McGraw and our priests will be there to welcome you and bless your beloved pets. We will have drinks & snacks for your pets. Believe In Our Faith, Believe In Our Children NEWS FROM ST. JOAN OF ARC SCHOOL 7ZR1HZ)XQGVWR6XSSRUWDQG6HFXUH2XU6FKRRO·V)XWXUH The Guardian Angel Tuition Assistance Fund and The School Legacy Endowment Fund These funds were created to give donors the opportunity to enhance and enrich the legacy of Faith Formation through the strong foundation that a Catholic Education provides. Guardian Angel Tuition Assistance Fund School Legacy Endowment Fund Donations to the St. Joan of Arc Guardian Angel Fund will help assist students currently enrolled in St. Joan of Arc Catholic School. Donations to the Endowment assist the school now and in the future. The donations are invested and the income from these investments is used to insure the long term viability of St. Joan of Arc Catholic School. Gifts to the Endowment fund have no minimum requirement and can be in the form of cash, stocks, annuities or any other tangible asset. The Endowment income is targeted for use in one of the following areas Tuition Assistance Fund: Donors are able to make a contribution of any amount with the knowledge that they are helping a child at St. Joan of Arc. This assistance is targeted for existing students whose families have had a substantial change in their financial status since enrolling the student in the school. These funds are used within 36 months of the donation. Scholarship Fund: Donors can contribute to either a need based or academically based scholarship. Academically based scholarships would be awarded to students for excellence in specific programs such as Math, Science, Sports or the Arts. The gifts can be established for as many years as the donor would like and the principal amount of the gift will be used as directed. Targeted Support Fund: A donation to the Targeted Support Fund allows donors to select how they would like their gift used. Donors may support programs such as Arts, Athletics, English, Language, Math, Science, and Technology. The gifts can be used for direct support such as musical instruments or lab equipment as well as traditional scholarships. The Holy Spirit Fund: As Stewards of the school, it is imperative that the parish maintain adequate investments to insure that the school will be passed to each future generation alive and healthy. This will require us to make ongoing investments in its faculty, its programs and in its infrastructure. Additionally, we must make sure that the cost of a Catholic Education at SJA remains affordable to the people of our parish community. Income from this fund will be used in a way that is consistent with these objectives. Name_______________________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip_____________________________________________________ Phone___________________________________E-mail_____________________________________ Fund you would have selected: ___ Tuition Assistance ___ Scholarship ___ Targeted Support ___ The Holy Spirit Fund Amount: $ ____________________ Please contact Wendy Horton in the Development Office by phone at 561-952-2838 or by e-mail to [email protected], if you have any questions or wish to make a donation for any of these funds. 6 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l SEPTEMBER 29 th St Joan of Arc’s 5 Annual SAVE THE DATE INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL Sunday, October 20 Mercy Center 1:15pm. $ 5.00 Donation 3 years & under Free Name: .............................................................................................. Phone: ................................... Country: ............................................ Name of Dish: ................................................................................... Join our parish family for an afternoon of friendship and learn about the many cultures that make Saint Joan of Arc such a great and faith strong community. We would like to feature all the countries that make this parish. Bring your favored tasty dish and represent your heritage. Please drop this stub at the Parish Office, the Gift Shop. Questions? 561 952 2860 – 561 859 4666 – 561 952 2852 SEPTEMBER 29 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l 7 PRAY FOR PEACE IN THE WORLD All are invited to join a prayer group for 'Peace in the World' who meets every Sunday to pray the Rosary in the Chapel at 6:20am, before the 7:00am Mass The NEW ALTAR SERVER SCHEDULE starting the weekend of Oct 5 and 6 is available now. You can pick it up from the sacristy or from the Parish Office. ROSE GARDEN CLUB JOYFUL AGAIN! The Rose Garden Club needs volunteers to help revive the SJA Rose Garden. We meet the First and Third Thursday of the month at 4:30pm in the Rose Garden. Please bring clippers & gloves. For more information please call Wendy at 561-952-2838 Is a two day program for widowed men and women who want to resolve the grief they feel inside and begin to live with more strength and joy. The next program will be held at St. Joan of Arc Saturday, November 2 and Sunday November 3 For more details call Marjorie O'Sullivan 561-395-6029 or Pat Brehm 561 368 6883 mommy &me TUESDAYS 10 am-1 pm “The Ark” located at 319 SW 3rd Street Boca Raton (across the street from St Joan of Arc parking lot) You are invited to a playgroup for mothers and their children. All ages and faiths welcome! Every Tuesday from 10 am to 1 pm this group will meet at the Ark or a specified location to allow our children to interact and explore together. Take a look at our upcoming schedule; we would love to see you there! OCT. 1 - The ARK Oct. 8 - Patch Reef Park 2000 West Yamato Road Meet at Pirates Cove Playground SUNDAY READINGS SEP 29 (26th Sunday in Ordinary Time) Amos 6:1a,4-7; 1Tim 6:11-16 Lk 16:19-21 OCT 6 (27th Sunday in Ordinary Time) Hab 1:2-3,2:2-4; 2Tim1:6-8,13-14 Lk 17:5-10 OCT. 15 - The ARK OCT. 22 - Sugar Sand Park Science Explorium 300 S. Military Trail, Boca Raton New Exhibit: Spin! The Science of Rotation (Spin is an exciting exhibit that explores the fun and science of objects that rotate.) OCT. 29 - Halloween Party at The ARK Kids come in costume and go trick or treating More details to come Please contact Amanda Roccapriore Herrera for more details at [email protected] or 561-859-8684 8 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l SEPTEMBER 29 PREPARE MINISTRY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Are you and your spouse looking for a way that you can give time to the Church and do it together? Do you believe in the value of the sacrament of matrimony, and would you like to help engaged couples prepare for it? If so, please consider joining the PREPARE MINISTRY. This is a great way to give a small amount of time in return for truly great rewards. For more information, please contact Michael and Maria Morejon at 561-212-3924 40 days for life is a focused pro-life campaign of prayer, fasting and peaceful vigil to end abortion. Since 2007 we have had 12 coordinated 40 days Life Campaigns in 501cities which resulted in 7,536 lives spared from abortion, 83 abortion workers quitting their Jobs and 39 abortion facilities completley shut down. This year the 40 days campaign for life began on September 25 to November 3. We will gather at the Presidential’s Women Center in WPB from Monday to Saturday from 7:00am to 6:00pm and from 3:00pm to 5:00pm on Sundays.We are in need of people to come and pray with us. For information please contact Joan Wildermann at 561-338-3017 or at [email protected] Additional information: A FALL SPIRITUAL READING AND REFLECTION FOR WOMEN The entire Rule of St. Benedict is centered on Christ and the Christian life. That’s why everyone—not just monks and nuns—can benefit from following it. Benedict added nothing new to Christian doctrine. He preached gospel values applied in an orderly fashion to everyday life. His way of living is similar to that of the early Christians who are described in the Acts of the Apostles. They devoted themselves to holding all things in common, breaking bread together, and praising the Lord. Benedict is focused on Christ in prayer,work, and in familial relationships. WE WILL MEET EVERY Monday from 4:00pm to 5:00 pm At Casa Hispanic starting October 7,2013 we will be studying A Blessed Lite Benedictine Guidelines for those who long for the good days. Copies are available at the bookstore. For more information please contact: Margorie O’Sullivan at 561-395-6029, Cassie Krejewski 561-416-9831 or Vince Castellano in the Faith Formation Office 561-952-2870 NATIONAL Are you a homebound or would you have time to visit one of our HOMEBOUND PARISHIONERS? Many of our families who help found St. Joan of Arc are now ill and homebound and unable to attend functions at our Church. What a blessing it would be to have good stewards who would offer time to visit these good stewards who have invested their time, talent and treasure in our Parish. They assisted in forming ministries and have served our Parish well. Now it is time to show our appreciation of their efforts to build up St Joan of Arc Parish. If you are homebound (or know one), and would like a visit from one of our parishioners or if you would be able to give a couple of hours each month to brighten the life of one who is homebound, please call St. Joan of Arc Church and you will be contacted." The SJA Knights of Columbus and Columbiettes and the SJA Respect Life and Public Advocacy Ministries announce and ask for your participation. Sunday, October 6, 2013 2:00pm – Life Chain begins at St. Joan of Arc Church front parking lot All will walk to Sandborn Park This is a peaceful demonstration of Support for Life in our country from conception to natural death. We will have police escort. At the Sandborn Park there will be speakers, music, and prayer. We need your participation more than ever. Fr. Tomasz Bochnak, SJA Parochial Vicar, SJA Knights of Columbus Chaplain Joseph Kabbas, SJA KoC Grand Knight , Chairman Public Advocacy, Co-Chairperson Respect Life Constanza Preble, Facilitator of SJA Respect Life and SJA Public Advocacy Ministries Terry Picinich, President of SJA Columbiettes, Co-Chairperson of Respect Life Jose Hernandez, SJA KoC Chancellor, Respect Life SEPTEMBER 29 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l 9 IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT OUR BOCA FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY Do you know someone who is going to FAU in Boca this year? Be sure to let them know that they are invited to live-out their faith on campus by becoming part of the Catholic Campus Ministry. Sunday Mass: At 6:00pm in the Nations Multipurpose Room (Student Housing Office Building # 46) followed by pizza and fellowship. All are welcome! Daily Mass: Tues., Wed. & Thurs 12 noon in Live Oak Taizé (Ecumenical) Prayer Service: Wed. 7:00pm next door to the Newman Lounge l ALL SJA LECTORS ARE INVITED TO A MORNING OF TRAINING AND SHARING As we proclaim God’s Word Let’s come together and build an Esprit de Corps in our Ministry Saturday October 26, 2013 10:00 am to 12:00 pm Mercy Center THE GOODNEWS PEOPLE AT SJA - Explore the heart of the Catholic Church’s teaching, experience and witness in response to the gospel call to love God and love our neighbor. - Tap into and unleash the hope, power and possibilities found in a faithful commitment to be “good news to the poor” (Luke 4:18). - Empower the parish to be a sign of God’s hope-filled presence and activity in the world. GoodNewsPeople is a fourteen-session program (seven sessions in the fall sand seven sessions in the spring) designed for small groups (10 groups of 10 participants). The program is a dynamic process engaging sacred scripture, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, readings and reflections, and Church teaching. The purpose of the program is to communicate hope, love, and possibilities found in a faithful commitment to be "Good News" in the world today. This program is for: Young Adults • Newly Married • Parents with Young Children • Working Professionals • Active Retired • Widows and Widowers • New Parishioners • And more To sign up please contact: Elena Garcia 561-360-3327 or email at [email protected] or Vincent Castellano Director of Life Long Faith Formation and religious education at 561-952-2870 or email: [email protected]. 10 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l SEPTEMBER 29 Fall sessions will be held every Wednesday from October 2 through November 13. Time: Afternoon sessions: 4:45 to 6:00pm. Evening sessions: 7:00 to 8:30pm. Place: Immaculata Center 2013-2014 ST. JOAN OF ARC CATHOLIC CHURCH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION SCHOOL YEAR I am here to work with every parent and child to help them develop a strong life long Faith Foundation. - Vincent Castellano, ST. JOAN OF ARC'S DIRECTOR OF LIFE LONG FAITH FORMATION HOME SCHOOLING is offered to any child who is unable to meet any of the times in the schedule for various extenuating reasons. In order to be in this program you must contact Vincent Castellano directly to schedule an appointment and set up a monthly schedule. RCIA--FOR ADULTS The RCIA program is a journey of Faith, designed for those adults who wish to become members of the Catholic Faith Community. The journey includes: CATECHUMENS Those of you who wish to celebrate the sacrament of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. CANDIDATES Those of you who wish to celebrate one or more sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and/or Confirmation. St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church prides itself in quality Faith Formation for our children. We will not turn any child away. Registration for the new school year is now under way for Religious Education. Please feel free to stop by the Religious Education Office Monday through Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm. The program runs from September 15, 2013 until May 11, 2014. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CALENDAR SEPTEMBER SUN 29 Classes (9:15am - 10:30am) PK4-8th grade MON 30 Confirmation Rehearsal 6:00pm – 7:00pm (Last names A-M) 7:15pm – 8:15pm (Last names N-Z) All Confirmation candidates 1. CONFIRMATION: All Candidates MUST attend the retreat. 2. CONFIRMATION: All Candidates and sponsors MUST attend the rehearsal. A complete calendar for the school year will be available after August 1, 2013. It will be important to follow our calendar for dates of classes, parent sessions, rehearsals, special events and reception of Sacraments. Classes meet from PreKindergarten-4 years old to Grade 8 on Sundays from 9:15am to 10:30am and on Wednesdays from 4:45pm to 6:00pm. SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION 2013-2014 Our Sacramental Preparation Sessions are held on Sunday mornings, 9:15am – 10:30am starting in September through May. We ask that participants and their families be active, registered parishioners, and attend Mass on a weekly basis. PREPARATION TIME: First Reconciliation/First Communion is 2 years, (Grades 1 and 2) Confirmation Class is also 2 years, (Grades 7 and 8). We offer classes for children in first and second grades and seventh and eight grades, both in English and Spanish. A copy of the Baptismal Certificate is required when registering your child. The Religious Education Office is open from 9am to 5pm, Mon. – Fri. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Vincent Castellano, Director of Religious Education & Lifelong Faith Formation at 561-952-2870. If your child is less than 7 years old, parents are required and godparents are encouraged to attend Baptism Preparation Classes the first Thursday of the month from 7:00pm to 8:15pm in the Rose & Pat Procacci Bldg. in Conference Room A. Baptisms are celebrated Sundays at 1:30pm. For further information or to register please contact the Parish Office at 561-392-0007 or Vincent Castellano the Director of Lifelong Faith Formation at 561-952-2870. Our next Baptism Preparation Classes in 2013 will be on October 3, November 7 and December 5. RCIA--FOR CHILDREN Catechetical classes are done individually for children 7 and up to be prepared for the reception of the sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion and Confirmation at the Easter Vigil. This schedule is adapted to meet everyone's needs. NO ONE SHOULD BE WITHOUT RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION. WE WILL NOT TURN ANY CHILD OR FAMILY AWAY. OFFICE HOURS FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR (September 15, 2013 to May 11, 2014) Monday , Tuesday, Thursday 9:00am to 5:00pm. Wednesday 10:00am to 6:00pm (When there is no class on Wednesday the office hours are 9am to 5pm) Friday’s 9:00am to 2:00pm. Sunday’s 9:00am to 12:00 noon (when there is no class on Sunday the office will be closed. The office will then be open on Fridays from 9:00am to 5:00pm.) For more information call: Vincent Castellano directly by calling at 561-952-2870 or email: [email protected]. SEPTEMBER 29 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l 11 PRAY FOR THE SICK BAPTISMS We welcome the newest members of St Joan of Arc Parish and offer our congratulations to the parents of the newly baptized. Piper Maria O’Brien Yahir Molina Luis ALTAR BREAD September Amantia, Ro Ayala, Angelina Calkin,Tristin (6 Yrs. Old) Cacace, Vincent Conaghan, Patrick De Ledgard, Ana De La Rosa, Mathew Teresa Marrou Freundt Feerguson-Byrne, Ashley Fiorito, Josephine Gereke, Dorothy Gonzales, Ernest Horn, Amy Holmes, Mary Imbrigiotta, Marlene Jorgensen, Bob Kassing, Robert Kartheiser, Karen Kenny, Pauline M. Kolcun, Laverne Lippy, Jim Maloney, Jim Manno, Jean Martinez, Mauro Marturet, Maria Claudia Marrou, Ana Teresa Miller, Rochelle Morena (3yrs. old) Morgan, Todd McCarthy, Mary McCormick, John Navarro, Hanna (14 yrs. old) Nguyen, Christopher Pacheco, Licha Pershyn, Moira Pike, Stephen Ridge, Teresa Risko, Greg Roberts, Tyler Rodriguez, Mary Ann Roesslein, Mike Roker, Justin Santiesteban, Lilian Santacroce, Elsa Sagaria, Joyce Sevillano, Carlos Schley, Megan Strazzulla, Joseph Tousignant, Helen Trzeciak, Max WOULD YOU LIKE TO DONATE FLOWERS TO DECORATE THE ALTAR ON THE WEEKEND MASSES? You can do this to celebrate special dates, (birthdays, anniversaries etc.), you can also donate them in memory of someone or to celebrate your family, or your business or simply to decorate the Lord's table. Your name would be printed here on the week you choose to donate the flower arrangement/s. If interested, please call Patty Delaney at (561)952-2868 or email [email protected] This week’s altar flowers: provided complimentary by BOCA BY DESIGN. A floral & décor company servicing south Florida for all of your floral and event needs 561-447-5444 10% discount to SJA parishioners should you state prior to ordering that you were referred by St Joan of Arc. 12 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l SEPTEMBER 29 Do you want a special remembrance for a loved one, living or deceased? You can donate Altar Bread for a week of Masses by calling Karen Tringali, 561-752-0014. September 28: In loving memory of my beloved husband Walter Gesner by his wife Mel DECEASED Josephine Agosta Irene J. Fidura "We loved them in life; let us not abandon them in death until we have seen them safely into the House of the Lord." - ST. AMBROSE Overseas in The US Armed Forces: Afghanistan: Staff. Sgt. Douglas Stott, PVT 1st Class Brendan Nestor. Jason Fry Master Sgt. Marines; Afghanistan Michelle Martin LCDR; CW2 Justin Meyer, Blackhawk Pilot, Marne Charlie Co. Operation "DUSTOFF - Dedicated Unhesitating Service To Our Fighting Forces." Cardinal Gibbons Class of 1998. Iraq: Sgt. Maj. John Hermeling, Capt. Christopher Allen & PFC Lee E. Palmer; David Schuler, Lance Corp., Marines. Germany: Benjamin Creed, PVT. Okinowa: SA William Fix Jr. Djibouti, Africa: Rev. John Gayton, member of the Navy Chaplain Corps Spain: Lance Corporal Brett R. Bryant When you consider your estate plans, remember your spiritual Family Truly your parish has been a part of your faith development, a member of your family. Consider becoming a member of The Arc Angel Society as a way of guaranteeing the health of your spiritual family long into the future. Please consider a bequest as part of your plans to benefit your parish. Through your estate, your membership in our extended community of faith will continue in perpetuity. Your attorney, or financial advisor can advise you on the tax benefits and other considerations you will want to think about as you consider your estate plans. A number of valuable and attractive benefits will accompany your membership. These include special masses and mailings designed especially for Society members. For more information, please contact Wendy Horton at 561.952-2838. S.J.A. MINISTRIES & SUPPORT SERVICES PRAY THE ROSARY Join us every morning, 6:15am in the Chapel, to pray for our Pope, Bishop, Priests, Deacons, and Religious, and for vocations. Join us every morning after the 8:15am Mass in the Chapel to pray to end abortion. SCRIPTURE STUDY Sunday Morning from 9:15am to 10:30 am. in Conf. Room B. Thursday Morning Scripture Study 9:00am at the Casa Hispana (corner of 3rd Ave and 4 th St.) ST. JOAN OF ARC KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS! We are a part of this great dynamic Catholic International Organization. Call Joe Kabbas, G.K.: 561-299-8921. ST. JOAN OF ARC COLUMBIETTES are the Knights of Columbus Auxiliary of dedicated Catholic women. Please join us as United We Stand to embark on this fresh new year in building a strong bond in our parish. For details call Terri Picinich, 561-901-7312. MOMMY & ME Weekly get together Every Tuesday between 10:00am and 1:00pm. Come and go as you please. We bring snacks/lunch for the little ones and ourselves. At The Ark - every other week. Please contact Amanda Roccapriore - Herrera at 561-859-8684 or [email protected] for information. JOIN THE SJA COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN (CCW) St. Joan of Arc Council of Catholic Women (CCW) is a dynamic group of women who support, empower and educate its members in spirituality, leadership and service. We are an affiliate of the National Council of Catholic Women. Our Circle Meetings are smaller groups that meet once a month. St. Ana Circle 4th Wednesday at 8am. St. Clare Circle 3rd Wednesday at 1pm. St. Elizabeth Circle lst Friday at 1pm. Sts Martha & Mary Circle 3rd Thursday at 7pm. St. Monica Circle 4th Monday at 2pm. St. Therese of Lisieux 3rd Tuesday at 8am. We have an interesting calendar of events. Please join us, make new friends, as we are Women Making a difference. For more information call Miriam Gaynor, 561-395-5615 SJA RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY Join us to pray the rosary at the Planned Parenthood site at 8177 Glades Rd., West Boca. We meet in front of the shopping center at 9:45am on Fridays. For information call Terri at 561-901-7312 or Mary Jane at 561-961-4900. PREGNANT? KNOW YOUR OPTIONS, CALL 800-395-HELP ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Join us every Tuesday, 5-9pm and Friday, 9am to 9pm in the Chapel. Divine Mercy Chaplet prayed on Fridays at 3:00pm, and the Rosary on Fridays at 8:30pm. KNIT/CROCHET SOCIAL All are invited to join us on the 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month at 10:30am in the at the Casa Hispana (corner of 3rd Ave and 4 th St.). Beginners to experts are needed to make prayer shawls and projects for preemies, kids and our troops. Call Claire at 445-4802 or Dottie at 395-2681 for more information. SJA DAD’S CLUB Every Monday in Mercy Center at Drop off - 7:45am All dads in the Parish welcome. P.O.P.S. Parents of Prayer & Service meet every Thursday during the school year, 7:45am to 8:15am in the Convent Chapel. Please join us. ALLELUIA CLUB Is a meeting of Parishioners 50 + More information please call Tessie O’Dea at 561-952-2852 SJA SCHOOL ALUMNI: We invite you to register on our St. Joan of Arc website as an alumnus if you haven't already done so at [email protected] SHARED CARE Each Wednesday at Temple Beth El, 9:30am to 2:30pm. Bring your loved one so you may have some respite care, or come and volunteer and have fun with us! This is a combined effort between Temple Beth El, St. Joan of Arc and The First Presbyterian Church. For more info call Tessie O’Dea at 561-952-2852. THE SJA PUBLIC ADVOCACY COMMITTEE is requesting the current members and any other parishioners who wish to join, to send their email/phone number (whichever you wish) to Joseph Kabbas, Chairman of Public Advocacy. Joined with Public Advocacy is Respect Life. If you are a member or wish to be part of these two ministries, please forward your e-mail / phone number to Joseph Kabbas Chairman e-mail [email protected] phone 561-299-8921 fax 561-362-7134 AA (ALCOHOLIC ANONYMOUS) Meets at St. Joan of Arc Saturdays, 10am in Immaculata Center, Mondays, 7:00pm, Art Room, and Wednesdays 7:00pm in Immaculata Center. NA (NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS) Meets at St. Joan of Arc Fridays at 7 pm, in Immaculata Center. More information call: 276-4581 KOINONIA GATHERING 2nd Sunday of each month at 10:30am Immaculata Center. For info call Tessie O’Dea at 561-952-2852 JOYFUL AGAIN For more information please call Marjorie O’Sullivan 561-395-6029. SUNDAY TV MASS FOR THE HOMEBOUND Each week at 9:30am on WPXP TV, Channel 8, Mass for the Homebound can be seen. For a copy of the Sunday Missal, call the Diocesan Office of Communications at 561-775-9529. HOMEBOUND MINISTRY Call us if you or someone you know is no longer able to attend Mass. Our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion visit the elderly & infirmed Parishioners. Call 561-952-2828 UPGRADE YOUR CLOSET! THE ST. JOAN OF ARC USHERS WANT YOU!!! Are you tired of your wardrobe and deciding what to wear to Mass each week? Let us dress you! We are a ministry of over 60 men and women that provide each mass with the hospitality & services to make all parishioners and guests feel welcome. We would like to tell you about this great ministry and how getting involved provides a service to St. Joan and a blessing for you. And you’ll be one of the best dressed people at Mass! Call Ken Meldonian 561-620-4884 or Dennis Jordan 561-395-8329. Find your purpose... feed your soul. Embark upon a 10-week Journey of Discovery and Transformation that is life-changing! For details contact. Tessie O'Dea 561-952-2852 or Martha Nicolli at [email protected] SEPTEMBER 29 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l 13 EVENTS AT OUR LADY OF FLORIDA SPIRITUAL CENTER, (1300 US Highway One, North Palm Beach. 561-626-1300) Oct 2 – Day of Reflection. Presenter. Fr. Paul Wierichs, C.P. “The New Evangelization” 10:00am – 2:30pm. Reservations required. Nov. 1-3 – Co-Ed Silent Weekend Retreat with theme: “The Love of God is Ingenious” Led by Retreat Team. Deposit & registrations required. Nov. 6 – Day of Reflection. Presenter: fr. Damian Towey, C.P. “Grieving for our Loves Ones: A Christian Meditation” 10:00 – 2:30pm. Reservations required. MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR BIG LUMEN CHRISTI CELEBRATION! This year the Diocese of Palm Beach will celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Lumen Christi Gala. This gala is the Bishop's annual dinner dance held in December and benefits Catholic School Education. This year's event will be held on December 14, 2013, at The Breakers Palm Beach. Tickets are $350.00 per person or $3,500.00 per table of ten. If you have not attended in the past and would like to join us for this festive evening with Bishop Barbarito, please e-mail your name and address to [email protected] and we will be sure to send you an invitation. You may also call us at 561-775-9520 for further details. S. PALM BEACH COUNTY CHAPTER OF NATIONAL PARKINSON FOUNDATION will be having it's annual moving day walk at FAU Football Stadium on Nov. 10, 2013. You can show your support through and look for team: Jack's friends & family ROSARY SERVICE HELD EVERY MONTH Catholic Charities Office of Respect Life conducts a Rosary Service the first Saturday of each month at 9 a.m. outside the Presidential Women's Center in West Palm Beach. The center is located at 100 Northpoint Parkway, just off 45th St and Village Blvd. Please join us across the street from the abortion center as we peacefully pray. For information, call the Respect Life Office at 561-775-9565. LEARN MORE ABOUT THE PERMANENT DIACONATE PROGRAM If you would like to learn more about becoming a Permanent Deacon for the Diocese of Palm Beach, please plan to attend a special evening of information at St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary. The evening will open with Vespers, followed by a presentation and tour of the seminary. If you are between 35 and 55 years of age, married, a widower, or 14 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l SEPTEMBER 29 single and feel the Lord is calling you to this special ministry of service, then join us on Wednesday, October 23, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. If you plan to attend please contact Lynn Powell in the Office of Permanent Deacons. 561-775-9540. SPECIAL NEEDS FUN FAIR OUR LADY OF LOURDES PARISH Saturday, October 26th from 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM Sponsored by Office of Catechetical Leadership, Youth and Young Adult Ministry Formation and the Diocese of Palm Beach. Bring your Family and Special Needs Friends, BBQ provided and prepared by Our Lady of Lourdes K of C Council #11241 RSVP to Rosemary D'Annunzio at 561-483-2440 X1429 RESPECT LIFE WEEKEND PRAYER CHAINS PLANNED FOR THE FIRST WEEKEND IN OCTOBER Pro-life prayer chains are planned for the first weekend in October at various parishes and locations within the five-county area of the Diocese of Palm Beach in observance of Respect Life Sunday which occurs on Sunday, October 6. Respect Life Sunday is the first Sunday of October in which Catholics celebrate life and participate in pro-life events. It is also part of Respect Life Month designated as such by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops to encourage all to reflect during the entire month in a special way on the respect for and the dignity of all life. For more location information, times and contact information, please visit our Events Calendar section on the diocesan website. You may also call Catholic Charities Respect Life Office at 561-360-3330. RECOGNIZING GRANDPARENTS FAR AND NEAR Grandparents Pilgrimage Mass celebrated by Most Reverend Gerald M. Barbarito, Bishop of Palm Beach. Saturday, October 12, 2013 at 3:30pm. Rosary at 4:30pm Vigil Mass. Cathedral of St. Ignatius Loyola recepcion follows. Ministerio Hispano MISA EN ESPAÑOL TODOS LOS SABADOS A LAS 6:30PM “Nuestro principal apostolado como cristianos consiste en crear en el mundo un ambiente de auténtica caridad” NATIONAL El 6 de octubre Domingo está dedicado al respeto por la Vida. Es un evento a nivel nacional, este fin de semana en toda el país se harán demostraciones pacificas en pro de la vida. Nuestra libertad está siendo metódicamente coartada, nuestras convicciones religiosas ignoradas, nos encaminamos a un estado completamente laico. No puedo enfatizar más la importancia de unirnos en esta demostración pacifica que haremos el domingo 6 de octubre saliendo a las 2:00pm de Santa Juana de Arco en caravana hacia Sandborn Park en el downtown Boca Raton. Por favor anote su grupo, familia, amigos: enviando un email con el número de participantes a: [email protected], así podemos tener un número aproximado de personas para informar a la guardia policial que nos acompañara y porque repartiremos camisetas para usar durante la caminata. En el parque nos encontraremos con fieles de otras iglesias vecinas para escuchar oradores, rezar y cantar. Muy agradecidos Joseph Kabbas, GRAND KNIGHT, CO -CHAIRMAN RESPECT LIFE AND CHAIR OF PUBLIC ADVOCACY Terry Picinich, PRESIDENT, COLUMBIETTES, CO-CHAIR OF RESPECT LIFE CADENA POR LA VIDA Domingo 6 de Octubre de 2013 a las 2:00pm nos reunimos en el estacionamiento de SJA Necesitamos de su participación hoy más que nunca. !DEFENDAMOS LA VIDA! XXVI Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario, Ciclo C. San Lucas 16, 19-31 DESPRENDIMIENTO. COMPARTIR CON LOS DEMAS LO QUE EL SEÑOR PONE EN NUESTRAS MANOS Cuando se vive con el corazón puesto en los bienes materiales es muy difícil ver las necesidades de los demás, y se hace también cada vez más costoso ver a Dios. El rico de la parábola «fue condenado porque no ayudó a otro hombre. Porque ni siquiera cayó en la cuenta de Lázaro, de la persona que se sentaba en su portal y ansiaba las migajas de su mesa». Y todos debemos dar mucho y enseñar a otros a que sean generosos. JUAN PABLO II, Homilía en el Yankee Stadium, Nueva York 2-X-1979 Los cristianos no podemos cruzarnos de brazos ante esa ola de materialismo que parece envolverlo todo y que deja agostada la capacidad para lo sobrenatural; y mucho menos dejarnos atrapar por ese sentido de la vida que solo ve el aspecto rentable de cada circunstancia, negocio o puesto de trabajo. «La solidaridad es una exigencia directa de la fraternidad humana y sobrenatural», que nos llevará en primer lugar a vivir personalmente la pobreza que Jesús declaró bienaventurada, aquella que «está hecha de desprendimiento, de confianza en Dios, de sobriedad y disposición a compartir con los demás, de sentido de justicia, de hambre del reino de los cielos, de disponibilidad a escuchar la palabra de Dios y a guardarla en el corazón (cfr. Libertatis conscientia, 66). “Distinta es la pobreza que oprime a multitud de hermanos nuestros en el mundo y les impide su desarrollo integral como personas. Ante esta pobreza, que es carencia y privación, la Iglesia levanta su voz convocando y suscitando la solidaridad de todos para debelarla»Juan Pablo II, Homilía, México 7-V-1990.. Hemos de ver hermanos en quienes nos rodean, hermanos necesitados con quienes compartimos el inmenso tesoro de la fe que hemos recibido, la alegría, la amistad, los bienes económicos. No podemos quedar indiferentes al contemplar este mundo nuestro, donde tantos padecen necesidad de pan, de cultura..., de fe. Para Información sobre los sacramentos, clases de preparación para bautismo, etc. Entrar en nuestra página web: o pedir información en la parroquia con María, Rosario o Alba 561-392-0007. Para pedir una intención en las misas para difuntos o enfermos dirigirse a la oficina parroquial en las horas de oficina. Esta semana rezamos por el alma de: Bertila Suarez, Roberto y Amelia Donayre “En el año de la fe, he aqui un resumen de nuestra vida en la fe: llevemos la Verdad con Amor y Obras a nuestros hermanos en Cristo”. SEPTEMBER 29 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l 15 MINISTERIO HISPANO AVISOS PARROQUIALES “Los obispos de los Estados Unidos, reconociendo el valor del sacrificio espiritual y corporal en la vida de la Iglesia animan a todos los fieles a hacer ayuno y abstinencia todos los viernes por la intención de la protección de la vida, el matrimonio, y la libertad religiosa.” SAVE THE DATE St Joan of Arc’s $ to 5 FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL Octubre, Domingo 20 en el Mercy Center 1:15pm. 5.00 Donation 3 years & under Free Completa la siguiente información y entregalo a la Nombre: ............................................................................................. Parroquia, Colegio, Libreria o en la Casa Hispana. Telefono: ...................................... País: ............................................ Preguntas? 561-952-2860 – 561-859-4666 – 561-952-2852 Nombre del Plato: ............................................................................... Damos la bienvenida a nuestros NUEVOS BAUTIZADOS en el mes de Septiembre: Yamir Molina, Luis CALENDARIO DE OCTUBRE 9/30 Ensayo para la Confirmación 10/4 Retiro para Señoras con el Padre Emilio Sotomayor 10/5 Confirmaciones 10/6 Cadena por la Vida 10/12 Peregrinación de los Abuelos n RETIRO PARA SEÑORAS promovido por las Damas del Circulo de Santa Ana, dirigido por el Padre Emilio Sotomayor, Viernes 4 de octubre de 8 a 2:30 Tema: ¿Porque soy Iglesia? Para más información llame a Luz Uribe 561-706-8558 o envíe un email : [email protected] n SEXTA CAMINATA ANUAL BIRTHLINE/LIFELINE Noche de Alabanza y Adoración por el niño no nacido Sábado 5 de Octubre de 2013. Emmanuel Catholic Church 15700 Military Trail Delray Beach. 5:30pm Misa, 6:30pm Caminata, 7:30pm Pizza y Premios. n CONFIRMACIONES EN SANTA JUANA DE ARCO EL SABADO 5 DE OCTUBRE El obispo Gerald Barbarito confirmara en Santa Juana de Arco el sábado 5 de octubre de 2013. Rezamos por los integrantes de la comunidad hispana que se prepararon para ser confirmados en la fe: Carolina Rodriguez, Cynthia Schialer, Esteban Gutierrez, Melissa Leal, Herman Rodriguez,Juan Rozo. Para las CLASES DE INSTRUCCIÓN SOBRE EL SACRAMENTO DE LA CONFIRMACIÓN EN ESPAÑOL Y RICA Llame a Constanza al 561-859-4666 las clases son Lunes: de 7:00pm a 8:30:00pm, también tenemos horarios disponibles según sus necesidades. n El GRUPO DE ORACIÓN SANTA JUANA DE ARCO continúa reuniéndose los Jueves a las 7:00pm en la Casa Hispana lo esperamos. n Durante este año de la Fe y la Nueva Evangelización celebremos la presencia de los abuelos en la vida familiar: Te invitamos a la MISA DE PEREGRINACIÓN DE LOS ABUELOS. Unámonos al Obispo Barbarito a celebrar la Misa para honrar los abuelos en su papel de “Puente entre las generaciones”. Cuando: Sábado 12 de octubre 2013 a las 3:30 pm Santo Rosario y la Santa Misa a las 4:30 pm. Dónde: En la catedral de San Ignacio de Loyola, PBG. Habrá una recepción después de la Misa (Patrocinado por la oficina de Matrimonio y Vida familiar en colaboración con la oficina de Pastoral Hispana. Información 561-775-9544 n PROGRAMA DE INICIACIÓN CRISTIANA PARA ADULTOS RICA Para los niños mayores de 7 años y adultos que desean recibir el Sacramento del Bautismo, las clases de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos comienzan en Septiembre. Información con Constanza al 561-859-4666 n GRUPO DE ORACIÓN PADRE PIO continúa reuniéndose todos los jueves a las 9:00am de la mañana llame en su nuevo local la casita blanca “The ARK” sobre la calle 3 (SW) número 319 llame a Anabela para más información; 561-283-9366. SERVICIOS OFRECIDOS PARA LA COMUNIDAD n Las CLASES DE INGLÉS se reúnen todos los Miércoles por la mañana y por la tarde llame al 561-212-9868 para registrarse y recibir más información. n PRÓXIMAS CLASES DE PREPARACIÓN para la ciudadanía los lunes 23 de Septiembre, y 1, 15 y 29 de Octubre a las 11:00am en la Casa Hispana (para más información: 954-818-5032. n Dinámica para la COMUNICACIÓN EN EL MATRIMONIO, Llame para anotarse: 561-859-4666. n CLASES DE COMPUTACION. Conocimientos básicos de las computadoras, aprender a escribir cartas, documentos o resumenes; guardar archivos o fotografias, enviar correos electrónicos o navegar por la internet. No necesita tener conocimiento alguno. Las clases serán todos los Sábados. Llame para registrarse: 561-929-9005. Directorio Director: Constanza Preble 561-859-4666 - 561-620-6280 - Ministerio Extraordinario de la Eucaristía: Sr. y Sra. Córdova 561-573-0194 Servidores del Altar: Patricia Jaramillo 561-674-4852 - Proclamadores de la Palabra: Gisela Delgado 561-952-2860 Clases de Inglés: 561- 289-7846 - Ministerio de la Liturgia de la Palabra: Gisella Delgado: 561-809-2873 16 l ST. JOAN OF ARC l SEPTEMBER 29