2016 Catholic Service Appeal Parish Procedural Guide


2016 Catholic Service Appeal Parish Procedural Guide
2016 Catholic Service Appeal
Parish Procedural Guide
Table of Contents
Message from Bishop Joseph Kopacz ...................................................... 1
Timeline ................................................................................................. 2
Calendar ................................................................................................ 3
Bulletin Announcements & Prayers of the Faithful .................................. 6
Hispanic Bulletin Announcements & Prayers of the Faithful .................... 9
Suggested Homily .................................................................................. 12
Suggested Homily Points ...................................................................... 14
Bishop’s Audio Message ....................................................................... 15
Suggested Pledge Card Script ............................................................. 17
Statistics ............................................................................................... 18
Fed X Instructions ................................................................................ 21
Secretary/Bookkeeper/Money Counter Instructions ............................. 22
Contact Information .............................................................................. 23
Dear Priests, Lay Ecclesial Ministers and Pastoral Ministers:
It is time for us to begin planning for the 2016 Catholic Service Appeal. It is hard to believe
that a year has come and gone. In the year ahead, the Jubilee of Mercy, we have chosen to stay with the
theme, Called To Serve, because indeed we are servants of God’s mercy. In February, we will hear the
gospel of Jesus calling His first disciples who gave up everything and followed him. Jesus has called each
of us to serve in our parishes, diocese and the broader church. Together as a diocese, we live out the
gospel message to serve our brothers and sisters in Christ and to share our faith with all those whom we
encounter. Pope Francis is asking each of us to serve one another through mercy. In the Bull of Indiction
of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy he says, “…everyone may work together to build a brighter future.
How much I desire that the year will be steeped in mercy…”
As you know we reached our 2015 goal. I would like to thank each of you for your efforts because it
was your support and encouragement that inspired your parishioners to give so generously. Indeed, it was
a robust effort that is allowing the diocese to support our mission and ministries.
When I received the call to become the Bishop of Jackson, I was called by God to serve. By virtue
of our faith and baptism, we are all called by God to serve His people for we are all Jesus in disguise,
members of his Body, the Church. I am confident that you will find all of the accompanying Appeal
materials to be helpful in order to promote an inspiring message.
I thank you for your support and I am grateful for all of the service you do within your parish and our
diocese. Your leadership will help to make the 2016 Catholic Service Appeal a success.
Sincerely yours in the Lord,
Joseph R. Kopacz
Bishop of Jackson
January 4
Hang the Catholic Service Appeal poster January 4 - March 4
January 25 – 31
Insert bulletin announcement and prayers of the faithful #1(see page 6 or CD)
February 1 - 7
Insert bulletin announcement and prayers of the faithful #2(see page 6 or CD)
Play Bishop’s Audio Message (page 15)
February 6-7
Catholic Service Appeal Commitment Sunday
Use Homily Points (page 14) or enclosed Homily (page 12)
After Homily pass out the CSA pledge envelopes (please give parishioners time to fill out the
pledge envelope. You can use the pastor pledge card script (page 17) to walk parishioners
through the pledge card.
Statistics are on (page 18). These can be incorporated into your homily or when going
through the pledge card.
February 8
Send CSA pledge envelopes to the Chancery Office in the Fed X envelope
Please review the secretary/bookkeeper instructions (page 22)
Jackson parishes please deliver your CSA envelope to the Chancery Office
February 8 - 14
Insert bulletin announcement and prayers of the faithful #3 (see page 7 or CD)
February 15 - 21
Insert bulletin announcement and prayers of the faithful #4 (see page 7 or CD)
February 22 - 28
Insert bulletin announcement and prayers of the faithful #5 (see page 7 - 8 or CD)
February 29 – March 6
Insert bulletin announcement and prayers of the faithful #6 (see page 8 or CD)
All Bulletin Announcements and Prayers of the Faithful are in a word document on the enclosed
CD located in the front of the parish guide book.
January 31 Weekend
 Bulletin Announcement Insert #1
Next week is the annual Catholic Service Appeal weekend. The theme is Called To Serve.
Next week Fr. (Insert Name) will lead us through the in-pew pledge card. For those who have
not made a pledge by mail will be asked to fill out a pledge card and place it in the second
collection. While on Earth Jesus never stopped serving others and He asked us to continue in
His footsteps. Your pledge to the CSA is a way to serve Jesus and others. Thank you for your
generous support. For more on information about the Appeal or to donate online please visit
 Prayer of the Faithful #1
That we may respond generously to the 2015 Catholic Services Appeal as we are Called To
Serve … we pray to the Lord ...
 Place pledge envelopes and pens in pews
 Bulletin Announcement Insert #2
This weekend we are asking all parishioners of the diocese to consider a gift to the CSA. Every
gift no matter the size is vital to the success of the CSA. The CSA gives us the opportunity to
act together as a diocesan family by helping those in need. Every gift, regardless of the size, is
important to the success of the CSA. Our goal this year is to get 100% participation. Every gift
does make a difference. Our theme is Called To Serve. Jesus askes us to serve others humbly
and unselfishly. For more on information about the Appeal or to donate online please visit
 Prayer of the Faithful #2
That the Catholic Service Appeal may be successful here at (insert parish), and that our
response may reflect our commitment to our Diocesan ministries and to serve our brothers and
sisters in need; We pray to the Lord…
February 14 Weekend
 Bulletin Announcement Insert #3
Our annual Catholic Service Appeal is well underway. Thank you to all those who have made a
commitment. Each and every person’s gift is important. It is not too late to send in your pledge,
please join us in supporting the programs and services of the Diocese. Please join us in
supporting the ministries of our diocese. For more on information about the Appeal or to donate
online please visit www.jacksondiocese.org.
 Prayer of the Faithful #3
We give thanks for the generosity of the people from (Parish name) who have contributed
to the Catholic Service Appeal, which helps serve the ministries and charitable works of our
Diocesan family; we pray to the Lord…
February 21 Weekend
 Bulletin Announcement Insert #4
Your gift to the CSA supports the education of our seminarians, promotes the lifelong formation
and education for Catholics involved in youth and adult ministry, helps those served by Catholic
Charities, and other important ministries of our diocese. God calls each of us in a special way to
Serve Him and others. These needs of our diocesan ministries are real. Your generosity in
prayer and through your sacrificial gift, make it possible to provide these services, and more
importantly, to bring the message of the Gospel to all people. To date (insert parish) has raised
(insert $ amount from our website). For more on information about the Appeal or to donate
online please visit www.jacksondiocese.org.
 Prayer of the Faithful #4
That we, the members of (insert parish), may unite in service to the Lord to support the
educational, spiritual, pastoral and charitable works of our diocese with generous gifts; we pray
to the Lord…
February 28 Weekend
 Bulletin Announcement Insert #5
Countless lives are touched by every contribution to the Catholic Service Appeal. (Insert Parish
Name) has raised (insert parish amount from website) and our goal is (insert goal amount from
website). We ask that God grant us a renewed sense of responsibility for the work of our parish,
diocese and the church throughout the world. For more on information about the Appeal or to
donate online please visit www.jacksondiocese.org.
 Prayer of the Faithful #5
That our people here at (insert parish) will act as Jesus and touch the lives of others with
compassion. Let us share the many blessings that God has bestowed on us and give
generously to the Catholic Service Appeal; we pray to the Lord…
March 6 Weekend
 Bulletin Announcement Insert #6
We thank all those at (insert parish) who have generously responded to the annual Catholic
Service Appeal. We ask those who have not sent in your pledge to please consider a gift. Each
of us is called to respond in faith, knowing and trusting that God recognizes your willingness to
live out the message of the Gospel. To date (insert parish) has raised (insert amount from
website). For more on information about the Appeal or to donate online please visit
 Prayer of the Faithful #6
As we have received many blessings from the Lord, no matter how large or small, may we find it
in our hearts to be charitable and to serve those in need by supporting the Catholic Service
Appeal; we pray to the Lord…
Todos los anuncios para el boletín y oraciones de los fieles están en un documento de Word en el
CD adjunto ubicado al frente de la guía de la parroquia.
Fin de semana del 31 de enero
 Anuncio para el boletín adjunto #1
La próxima semana será el fin de semana de la Campaña Anual para los Servicios Católicos
(CSA). El tema es Llamado para Servir. La próxima semana el Padre (inserte el nombre) nos
guiará a través de la tarjeta de compromiso insertada en las bancas. Para aquellos que no la
hayan llenado por correo se les pedirá que llenen una tarjeta de compromiso y la depositen en
la segunda colecta. Mientras Jesús estuvo en la tierra, nunca dejó de servir a otros y él nos
pidió seguir sus pasos. Su compromiso a la CSA es una manera de servir a Jesús y a los
demás. Gracias por su generoso apoyo. Para más información acerca de la Campaña o para
donar a través del sitio Web, visite la página, www.jacksondiocese.org
 Oración de los Fieles #1
Que podamos responder generosamente a la Campaña para los Servicios Católicos del 2015
así como hemos sido Llamados para Servir;… Roguemos al Señor…
Fin de semana del 7 de febrero- Fin de Semana de la Campaña para los
Servicios Católicos
 Coloque los sobres de compromiso y plumas en las bancas
 Anuncios para el Boletín adjunto #2
Este fin de semana estamos pidiendo a todos los feligreses de la diócesis el considerar un
regalo a la Campaña para los Servicios Católicos (CSA). Cada regalo sin importar el tamaño es
vital para el éxito de la CSA. La CSA nos da la oportunidad de actuar juntos como familia
diocesana para ayudar a los necesitados. Cada regalo, independientemente del tamaño, es
importante para el éxito de la CSA. Nuestro objetivo este año es conseguir el 100% de
participación. Cada regalo hace una diferencia. Nuestro tema es Llamado para Servir. Jesús
nos invita a servir a los demás con humildad y sin egoísmo. Para más información acerca de la
Campaña o para donar a través de sitio Web, visite la página, www.jacksondiocese.org
 Oración de los Fieles #2
Que la Campaña para los Servicios Católicos pueda ser exitosa aquí en (Inserte el nombre de
la parroquia), y que nuestra respuesta pueda reflejar nuestro compromiso con nuestros
ministerios diocesanos y servir a nuestros hermanos y hermanas en necesidad;…Roguemos al
Fin de Semana del 14 de febrero
 Anuncio para el boletín adjunto #3
Nuestra Campaña Anual para los Servicios Católicos está en marcha. Gracias a todos aquellos
que han hecho un compromiso. Cada uno de los regalos es importante. No es demasiado
tarde para enviar su compromiso, por favor únase a nosotros en apoyar a los programas y
servicios de la diócesis. Por favor únase a nosotros en apoyar de los ministerios de nuestra
diócesis. Para más información acerca de la Campaña o para donar a través del sitio Web,
visite la página,
 Oración de los Fieles #3
Damos gracias por la generosidad de la gente de (inserte nombre de la parroquia) que ha
contribuido a la Campaña para los Servicios Católicos, que ayuda a servir a los ministerios y
obras de caridad de nuestra familia diocesana;…Roguemos al Señor...
Fin de Semana del 21 de febrero
 Anuncios para el boletín adjunto #4
Su regalo a la Campaña para los Servicios Católicos (CSA) apoya la formación de nuestros
seminaristas, promueve la formación permanente y la educación para los católicos involucrados
en el Ministerios para jóvenes y adultos, ayuda a aquellos servidos por las Caridades Católicas
y otros ministerios importantes de nuestra diócesis. Dios llama a cada uno de nosotros de una
manera especial para servirle a él y a los demás. Estas necesidades de nuestros ministerios
diocesanos son reales. Su generosidad en la oración y a través del sacrificio de su donación,
hacen posible proporcionar estos servicios y más importante aún, para llevar el mensaje del
Evangelio a todas las personas. A la fecha (inserte el nombre de la parroquia) ha generado
(escriba la cantidad de $ de nuestro sitio web). Para más información acerca de la Campaña o
para donar a través del sitio Web, visite la página,
 Prayer of the Faithful #4
Que nosotros, los miembros de (inserte el nombre de la parroquia), podamos unir en el servicio
al Señor para apoyar a la educación, los trabajos espirituales, pastorales y caritativos de
nuestra diócesis con los generosos regalos;…Roguemos al Señor...
Fin de Semana del 28 de Febrero
 Anuncios para el boletín adjunto #5
Son incontables las vidas han sido tocadas por cada contribución a la Campaña para los
Servicios Católicos. (Inserte el nombre de parroquia) ha recaudado (Inserte la cantidad de la
parroquia del sitio Web) y nuestro objetivo es (inserte la meta de la cantidad del sitio web).
Pedimos que Dios nos conceda un renovado sentido de responsabilidad por el trabajo de
nuestra parroquia, de la diócesis y la iglesia alrededor de todo el mundo. Para más información
acerca de la Campaña o para donar a través del sitio Web, visite la página,
 Oración de los Fieles #5
Que nuestra gente aquí en (Inserte el nombre de la parroquia) actúe como Jesús y toque las
vidas de los demás con compasión. Permítenos compartir las muchas bendiciones que Dios
nos ha regalado y generosamente a la Campaña para los Servicios Católicos;…Roguemos al
Fin de Semana del 6 de Marzo
 Anuncios para el boletín adjunto #6
Agradecemos a todos aquellos (Inserte nombre de la parroquia) que han respondido
generosamente a la Campaña Anual para los Servicios Católicos. Le pedimos a aquellos que
no han enviado su donativo por favor consideren un regalo. Cada uno de nosotros está llamado
a responder en fe, sabiendo y confiando que Dios reconoce su deseo de vivir el mensaje del
Evangelio. A la fecha (Inserte el nombre de la parroquia) ha recaudado (Inserte cantidad de
sitio Web). Para más información acerca de la Campaña o para donar a través de sitio Web,
visite la página,
 Oración de los Fieles #6
Así como hemos recibido muchas bendiciones del Señor, no importa cuán grandes o pequeñas,
podamos encontrar en nuestros corazones ser caritativos y servir a los necesitados mediante el
apoyo a la Campaña para los Servicios Católicos;…Roguemos al Señor...
God is Never Outdone in Generosity
Those words were spoken almost 20 years ago by a beloved priest in a large
Catholic parish near Chicago during a fundraising appeal to benefit our Jackson
At age 68, and against all odds, this pastor had helped to transform a faltering
church into a thriving, growing parish. Once it became financially stable, they began
to send yearly donations to small mission dioceses. We were among the first to be
Just before his 75 birthday and impending retirement, a priest from our diocese
traveled to this church to offer thanks for their years of support. He described the
vast area that comprises the Jackson Diocese; the many counties that have only
one Catholic Church, and some counties that have none. He highlighted the
exemplary ministry of Catholic Charites, the religious sisters who devoted their lives
to Catholic schools, how the Dominican sisters have welcomed poor people to the
Tutwiler Clinic and the many churches that were trying to respond to the Hispanic
families that have enriched our parishes.
Some parishioners had expressions of disbelief as he described the working
conditions among migrant farm workers or the fact that many of our children are the
only Catholics in their entire rural schools, and that almost half the priests in this
diocese travel to small mission churches each weekend.
The second collection was held after Communion. As the pastor waited at the steps
of the altar, he seemed lost in thought. He then turned and walked back to the
lectern and said, “My friends, in all my years of ministry, I know that God is never
outdone in generosity.
We can double our donation, can’t we?”
He stood there for what seemed to be minutes, but was only about five seconds.
The church was utterly silent. A few coughs punctuated the stillness followed by
some barely audible laughs. Several people in the center pews whispered and
seemed to hold an impromptu caucus, and then they began to applaud, modestly
and respectfully. This grew and became more rhythmic, the organist began an
accompaniment with strong base notes accented by a few “Amen” crescendos. It
went on for well over a minute.
He was right: God is never outdone in generosity.
The Catholic Service Appeal is vital to our Diocese, our Church and especially to the
poor whom God has entrusted to us. There is detailed information available on-line.
I will not mention all the ways that this special appeal benefits so many families,
agencies, and missions. Please, look at the website for yourself.
Instead, I will ask you the same question that the beloved pastor asked: “We can
double our donation, can’t we?” There are, perhaps, instinctive and valid reasons to
say, “No.” That is how the disciples felt when Jesus asked them to throw their nets
one more time.
Yet today, in this Mass and in faith in Jesus Christ, I will ask you to say, “I can, and I
will, double the amount that I gave last year.”
It may involve some sacrifice. That is all the more reason to do so. Most of us know
that by every measure, we are generously blessed.
Pray for guidance. Make this an offering of gratitude—to God—to benefit His children,
His people and to help our diocese continue to cast the nets of compassion and
Below are some homily points. Use these points and remind parishioners that they are Called To Serve
through the annual Catholic Service Appeal.
The readings this week point to the encounter with God
First Reading: Isaiah describes his vision and the call from the Lord. We should all listen to God’s
call for us.
2. Response Psalm: A song of thanks to God who saves us.
3. Second Reading: St. Paul eludes to his encounter or his conversion. He is left with a sense of
4. Gospel: Peter has an encounter Jesus. He is asked to lower his nets to haul in a huge catch where
previously there were no fish. The fishermen (Simon, James and John) answer Jesus’ call and
leave their fishing boats to follow Him.
5. Remind: We all encounter Jesus in our lives and he asks each of us to listen to his call and to
serve. We pray that we too will surrender and respond in faith with our hearts and lives, “Here I am,
Lord. Send me.”
6. Remind: The CSA gives us the opportunity to answer His call and to serve others. There are
statistics on page 12 that can be incorporated. When we support the CSA we are:
a. Educating our seminarians
b. Supporting our Clergy and Retired Priests
c. Lifting up our youth in our Campus Ministry programs
d. Helping those served by Catholic Charities
e. Promote life-long formation for our youth and adult Catholics in Faith Formation &
Evangelization Ministries
Lend support to our Mission Parishes & Schools
7. Remind them that everyone’s support is important no matter what level their gift.
8. Remind them that one parish alone cannot support these ministries, but together as 50,000
Catholics we can accomplish our mission
9. Indicate that you along with Bishop Kopacz are asking for their support; and let them know that you
too give to the annual Appeal.
10. After your homily use the pastor script to help parishioners fill out the pledge cards. If your second
collection will be later in the Mass, please let them know the pledge cards will be collected later.
This is to be played the weekend of January 31
(You may read this if you do not want to play the audio message)
My dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Thank you for allowing me to spend time with you today. Over the past two years I have come to
know and love the people of this diocese that Pope Francis has called me to serve. Many of you
have received your letter asking you to consider a gift to this year’s Catholic Service Appeal. Our
theme is Called to Serve. In next week’s gospel you will hear Jesus called Simon Peter to follow
him and be His disciple. Peter left everything and followed Him. Jesus also calls each of us to
serve and to follow him. As each of us answers this call I hope that it instills a sense of pride in
you. As we all look around and see the many accomplishments of our parishes, diocese and the
larger church I hope that you are Proud To Be Catholic.
The annual Catholic Service Appeal brings all of our Catholic families together. It is through the
appeal that we each have the opportunity to support the important ministries of our great diocese.
Each of these ministries should inspire a sense of pride in each of you. As Catholics we are part
of a universal Church lead by Pope Francis. He has inspired so many to serve others. In this
Jubilee of Mercy he has asked each of us, “to gaze more attentively to mercy so that we may
become a more effective sign of the Father’s action in our lives.”
The Catholic Service Appeal gives us the chance to show our mercy for others and to share the
message of Jesus, to serve others just as he did. Your generosity supports the services and
ministries of our diocese. Work that no parish alone could accomplish.
So over the next week please remember the ten seminarians that we are educating to become the
future priests of our diocese. Consider the fourteen retired priests that continue to serve us. Keep
in mind the many young and adult Catholics who are in life-long formation through our Lay
Formational, Black, Hispanic and Campus Ministry programs. Remember that each of us are
called to evangelize. We see your evangelization actions and words throughout our MS Catholic
publications. Keep in mind the children who attend our Catholic schools and those Catholics that
attend our smaller mission parishes. Pray for the many people who are provided help through
Catholic Charities. Support the men and women who receive spiritual guidance in our prison
ministry programs.
It is my wish that we have 100% participation throughout our diocese. So I humbly ask you to take
the next week and prayerfully consider your gift, remembering the blessings that God has
bestowed on you. I am asking you to be Proud to be Catholic. Every gift makes a difference. You
make a difference.
On behalf of the many people that will benefit from your generosity, I thank you in advance. All of
these ministries are important to our diocese. We are all being called to serve. Will you answer
this call like Peter?
Sincerely Yours In Christ,
Bishop Joseph Kopacz
February 6 - 7, 2015
Use script below to walk parishioners through the pledge card
Put your pledge card in the basket first to show your support
 Good morning. Today, we are conducting the annual Catholic Service Appeal
that asks all Catholic families of our diocese to make a financial commitment to
support the shared ministries of the Diocese of Jackson.
 As your Pastor, I want to thank all of you who have given to the Catholic Service
Appeal in the past years. I can assure you that the funds you gave are deeply
appreciated by the parishes, schools, and other ministries who are served by our
Diocese. We are asking every family in our parish to contribute their prayers and
financial support to the Catholic Service Appeal effort.
 Each of us are called to share his or her gifts in support of the Church. The
Catholic Service Appeal is a way for you to share your blessings and show
support for the central ministries of our Catholic faith in our Diocese. It is an
effective way to support the shared ministries that take place outside of our
parish boundaries. We must first support our parish and then the shared
ministries of our Diocese.
 (Have the pledge cards passed out or at the end of pews to be passed down)
(Make sure you have a pledge envelope and pen)
 So, I ask one member of each household to take the pledge envelope, please fill
it out and place it in the collection.
 On behalf of Bishop Kopacz and myself, I thank you for your contribution to the
Catholic Service Appeal. May God bless you for everything you do to build up
this parish and the Church throughout the Diocese of Jackson. Thank you for
serving others.
You can use these statistics in your homily or as you ask parishioners to fill out their pledge card.
Seminarian Education - $120,000
10 seminarians are currently in formation
2 seminarians will be ordained this year
Formation for each seminarian costs an average of $40,000 per year
Seminarian enrollment is rising across the U.S. and hopefully will bear fruit in Jackson
Catholic Charities - $380,000
Offices in Jackson, Cleveland, Greenwood Natchez and Vardaman
The Jackson domestic violence shelter served 133 women and children and the Natchez domestic
violence shelter served 120 women and children
Adoption helped find 9 forever homes for babies
51 Youth participated in March for Life
Parish Health Ministry worked with parishes to implement cancer awareness programs
Black Catholic Ministry - $37,000
Sponsored the annual Martin Luther King celebration
Provides ongoing leadership training for parish councils and parish leaders through regional and local
Offers parishes community building activities through Days of Reflection and other faith significant
activity support to parishes throughout the Diocese, serving over 1800 parishioners and community
Lay Formational Ministry - $37,000
250 Level 1 Catechists Certification
151 Level II Theology
40 participated in Pastoral Ministry Workshop
4 participated in Spring Hill College
32 participated in Loyola Institute Ministry Extension
Campus Ministry - $50,000
Over 3,500 students attend universities and colleges in our diocese including Mississippi State, Ole
Miss, Millsap’s, Delta State, and Jackson State. Our outreach in the past few years has included
establishing campus ministries at Northwest Community College, East Central Community College and
Mississippi College.
Over 75 college students attended the Campus Ministry retreat
Retired Priests / Clergy Assistance- $100,000
14 retired diocesan priests
6 of the 14 continue to help out substituting for priests who are ill or on vacation
3 priests still serving over 80
10 priests eligible for retirement still serving full time in parishes
29.4% of our non-retired priests are eligible for retirement
Hispanic Ministry - $37,000
Work with 28 Hispanic parishes throughout the diocese in Evangelization, Formation with adults and
Trained over 120 participants in the SEPI program (Southeast Pastoral Institute)
Offer leadership and liturgical workshops to parishes
Supports the MFCC (Christian Family Movement) program which is working with over 50 families in
both Jackson and Tupelo helping them to form small faith communities supporting Catholic family life
and vocations.
Offer the Diocesan Encuentro retreat/workshop
Support other diocesan offices to provide services to the Hispanic community
Family Ministry - $47,500
Work with couples for marriage preparation and remarriage preparation
Work with families for grief support and divorce support
Offer Natural Family Planning
Communication - $10,000
Radio messages
Satellite news network around the state
Printing and postage for MS Catholic
Spanish bundles to parishes with Masses in Spanish
Camera equipment
Software to help design the paper
Prison Ministry - $15,000
Provides counseling and spiritual guidance to the incarcerated in Parchment
Offers Bible study classes 80 hours per month
Provides Mass every other Saturday
Christmas and Easter meal celebrations with prisoners
Supply religious materials and Bibles to prisoners
Mission Parishes / Mission Schools - $70,000
Support for mission parishes and schools allows them to continue to offer ministries to the people
served. Without this support many would have to close and Catholic would not have a place to worship
and parents would have to consider alternate schools that do not offer the quality education they are
currently receiving.
Religious Education and Sacramental prep classes
Salaries for LEM’s
Maintenance and operational expenses
Property Insurance
Hispanic Outreach like English classes
After school programs, tutoring, tuition assistance and other school expenses
Senior feeding programs
Secretaries/Bookkeepers/Money Counter
Please make sure posters are hung the week of January 4, 2016.
Please make sure pens and pledge envelopes are in the church
Please make sure the Bishop’s CD audio and CD player are ready in the church. The audio will be
played the weekend of January 31st. The week before we do the in pew pledge cards.
Please do not open pledge envelopes. Simply enclose in Fed X envelope. We want to make sure that
a gift acknowledgement comes from our office.
Loose Cash – place in Fed X envelope or you can cut a check from your parish
Loose Checks – Please do not deposit. Place in Fed X envelope. We need to know who made the
pledge so we can acknowledge the gift and we don’t want to send them the 2nd or 3rd ask if they have
If a check is made out to your parish please do not deposit. Place in the Fed X envelope. Our bank will
deposit these checks.
1. Keep all envelopes sealed.
2. Put all loose checks and money in one or more pledge envelopes and mark as ‘parish loose gifts’. You
do not have to count the checks or loose cash.
3. No parish processing is needed.
4. If a check is made out to your parish, please send it to our office. The bank will deposit the check.
Key Contacts
Stewardship & Development Office
Rebecca Harris
Pam McFarland
Phone #
Email Address
[email protected]
[email protected]
The Department of Stewardship and Development along with Bishop Kopacz would like to thank all those
who help to make the Catholic Service Appeal possible throughout the diocese. Each of you play a
significant role in the success of the Appeal. We hope that you find this guidebook helpful. Please
remember that your Service Appeal supply bag contains other important pieces. In there you will find
pledge cards and pens, the Appeal poster, the Bishop’s audio message and this year we have included a
disk that contains all of the Bulletin Announcements and Prayers of the Faithful. Please note that the
Bulletin Announcements and Prayers of the Faithful will be sent out each week through the Diocesan
weekly email.
Direct Mailings
There are (3) three different mailings to parishioners. (Note: Parishioners who pledge early in the
campaign will not receive subsequent mailings).
1. First Mailing (Week of January 4) – Parishioners will receive a personalized letter from the Bishop,
brochure and pledge envelope.
2. Second Mailing (Week of March 10) - Parishioners who haven’t responded will be sent a second
request for support from the Bishop.
3. Third Mailing (Week of May 16) – Parishioners who haven’t responded will be sent a third request
asking for their support.
The Office of Stewardship and Development
Pam McFarland, Christopher Luke, and Rebecca Harris
We are here to Serve You!