The Redemptorists


The Redemptorists
Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
From the Rector
Very Rev. Joseph Tizio, C.Ss.R.
This Monday, August 29th is the feast of the Passion of St. John the Baptist.
It provides us with a rich opportunity to reflect on what it means to be a
true follower of Jesus Christ. As you know, King Herod took Herodias, his
brother’s wife, as his own and John with great integrity and courage told
King Herod that what he did was wrong and sinful. Of course, John was
imprisoned and Herodias was determined to have John killed to be silenced forever. While John
infuriated Herod, Herod also feared John and knew that he was a man of great courage and integrity. Somehow, despite his lack of faith, Herod knew that John was a man of God, someone filled
with God’s Spirit. The story ultimately ends with Herod reluctantly ordering John to be beheaded.
John spoke the truth to a powerful king and the king’s lover, he did not try to hide the truth, he
did not compromise the truth, he did not try to keep peace with Herod and Herodias. He simply
spoke the truth and paid for it with his life.
On the day of our baptism we were anointed with an oil called chrism and that anointing made
us prophets. It means that like John the Baptist, we are supposed to live and proclaim the truth of
the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It means that sometimes we may lose friends, sometimes we will make
people angry, sometimes people will hurt us as a form of revenge but it also means that we will be
living our discipleship with integrity. So often when we see injustice, someone being hurt and mistreated, we look the other way. We think that it is none of our business, we do not want to make
anyone upset and so we do nothing and say nothing. John the Baptist makes us uncomfortable
because he challenges us to speak up, to get involved, and live our faith. Maybe we can listen to
him, accept the challenge, and follow his example.
August 28, 2016
Staffed by
The Redemptorists
Weekday Masses
7:00am and 12:10pm
Saturday Masses
8:00am and 12:10pm
Vigil: 4:00pm, 7:00pm (Haitian)
Sunday Masses
9:00am,12:30pm, 5:00pm
11:00am (Spanish)
Sacrament of Penance
Monday-Saturday at 11:50am
Saturday 3:30pm
Wednesday Novena Service
12:10pm, 5:30pm, 6:30pm (Spanish)
Exposition of the
Blessed Sacrament
Wednesday 8:00am to 5:00pm
Friday 8:00am to Noon
Aug 27
Purgatorian Society
Basilica Benefactors
Shrine Members Living and Deceased
+Margarida Stanton In Thanksgiving
Aug 28
Flore Jean
+Milagros Santiago
William Negron
Purgatorian Society
Aug 29
Aug 30
Aug 31
Sep 01
Sep 02
Sep 03
Purgatorian Society
Marie Anne Pierre
Shrine Members Living and Deceased
Action of Grace
+Carmela Brise
Jude Rema
Dora Luz Acevedo
Shrine Members Living and Deceased
TV Novena Donors
Basilica Benefactors
Purgatorian Society
Purgatorian Society
Shrine Members Living and Deceased
En Español
Este lunes 29, agosto es la fiesta de la Pasión de San Juan Bautista. Nos proporciona una rica oportunidad para reflexionar
sobre lo que significa ser un verdadero seguidor de Jesucristo.
Como saben, el rey Herodes se Herodías, mujer de su hermano,
como su propio y John con gran integridad y coraje le dijo al rey
Herodes que lo que hizo estaba mal y de pecado. Por supuesto,
Juan fue encarcelado y Herodías se determinó que tenía John
mató a ser silenciado para siempre. Mientras que Juan enfureció a Herodes, Herodes temía a Juan, y también sabía que era
un hombre de gran valor e integridad. De alguna manera, a
pesar de su falta de fe, Herodes sabía que Juan era un hombre de Dios, alguien lleno del Espíritu de Dios. La historia termina en última instancia con Herodes ordena a regañadientes
John a ser decapitado. John dijo la verdad a un rey poderoso y
amante del rey, él no trató de ocultar la verdad, que no comprometa la verdad, él no trató de mantener la paz con Herodes y
Herodías. Él simplemente habló la verdad y lo pagó con su vida.
En el día de nuestro bautismo fuimos ungidos con el crisma de
aceite y que se llama unción nos profética. Esto significa que
como Juan el Bautista, se supone que debemos vivir y proclamar la verdad del Evangelio de Jesucristo. Esto significa que
a veces podemos perder amigos, a veces vamos a hacer que
la gente enojada, a veces la gente nos harán daño como una
forma de venganza, pero también significa que vamos a vivir
nuestro discipulado con integridad. A menudo, cuando vemos la injusticia, alguien está herido y maltratado, miramos
hacia otro lado. Pensamos que es asunto nuestro, nosotros no
queremos hacer cualquier persona molesta y así no hacemos
nada y no decir nada. Juan Bautista nos incomoda porque
nos desafía a hablar, a participar, y vivir nuestra fe. Tal vez podamos escuchar a él, aceptar el reto, y seguir su ejemplo.
2017 Mass Intentions
Remember a deceased loved one or pray for an intention
through a High Mass request to be said as part of our daily and
Sunday Masses. Intentions may be booked on a first come, first
serve basis for 2017 by calling or visiting the Rectory Office.
High Mass stipends are $15.
Second Collection Next Weekend
Next week’s second collection supports The Catholic University
of America (CUA) and its scholarship fund for needy students.
CUA, located in Washington, D.C., is the national university of the
Catholic Church. For more information, please visit
Weekly Collection
For Weekend of August 7, 2016
Total Mass Offertory
We have a difficult time with the concept of giving without expecting
something in return. Even when we give to charity we often want
something in return – a raffle ticket, a dinner, or a chance to play golf.
Yet, as Christian stewards we need to remember that the true reward
for our giving awaits us in heaven.
Back to School Raffle
We have started selling raffle tickets for our Back to School Raffle this weekend. The proceeds from the raffle will help support the
music ministry here. The first prize is $1,000 with other prizes of $200 and $100. Please consider taking some extra tickets to sell to
your family and friends so we can make this raffle a great success!
Religious Education Classes
The Basilica will begin religious education classes for children ages 6 to 16 beginning on Sunday, September 18, 2016. Classes are
scheduled on Sundays from 10-11:00am September through April. The cost is $50 per child. For more information or to register for
classes, please come to the Rectory Office. Payment is due at the time of registration along with a copy of the Baptism certificate.
RCIA: Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
Do you know of anyone 18 years of age and older who has never been baptized or is interested in becoming a Catholic? We will
soon be starting our program for adults seeking to enter the Catholic Church. We need you to invite people to become part of our
parish community. If you know of anyone, please invite them to stop by the rectory and leave us their contact information; they are
also welcome to speak with Frs. Dabney or Tizio.
25th and 50th Wedding Anniversary Mass at the Cathedral
His Eminence , Sean Cardinal O’Malley, OFM invites all couples celebrating their 25th or 50th wedding anniversary in 2016 to the
Silver and Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross. The Mass will be celebrated on September 25th at
11:30am and will include a renewal of vows. Family members and friends are welcome to attend. For more information and to register, visit Please register by September 2nd to have your name included in the
printed list of anniversary couples. A formal invitation and more information will be mailed to each registered couple in September.
Automated Giving with ParishPay
In lieu of weekly collections, the ParishPay program will withdraw a once a month contribution from your checking, savings, or credit
card. There is no cost to partipcate in the program. To sign up, please visit the Rectory Office or register online:
Parish Assembly
The Parish Assembly is coming! We are planning a Parish Assembly on Sunday October 16th; our dream is to gather all our parishioners together in one place so we can plan for the future. The Pastoral Council has begun to plan for the assembly by forming three
committees. Members of the council will be seeking parishioners to serve on the various committees; if you are asked to serve,
please do so, we will need everyone’s help to make the assembly a success.
New Parking Regulations
The St. Alphonsus Street parking lot located behind the former funeral home across the street is now being monitored by the new
owner of the property during weekdays. Parishioners will continue to be able to park at the lot to attend Mass at the Basilica on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 6:30am-8:00am and 11:30am-1:00pm. On Wednesdays, you may park in the lot for Novena times:
6:30am-8:00am, 11:00am-3:00pm and 4:30pm-7:30pm. Parking will also be available for special liturgical events and funerals as
scheduled. Weekends are open for parking at any time. For any other purposes other than Mass, like meeting with a priest or visiting
the office, you must park in the designated “Visitor”spot or you will be towed. Parking in the small lot next to the church during the
week is for visitors of the church only, violators will be towed at the owners expense.
Test Prep for Catholic High School Entrance Exam
Saint Joseph Prepatory High School in Boston, a co-ed Catholic, independent school will offer a five session Test Prep for the Catholic
High School Entrance Test (HSPT) in the fall for students who seek to maximize performance for admission and scholarship opportunities. Entrance testing in the Archdiocese is scheduled for Oct. 29, Nov. 5, Nov. 11, and Dec. 3 and will be offered at Saint Joe’s.
Registration Forms for both offerings are available on the website, For more information, please contact
Kevin Faherty, Assistant Director of Admission, at 617-254-8383, X 1109 or [email protected]
Middle and High School Admissions Fair
Boston College High School will be hosting a Middle and High School Admissions fair on Sunday, September 11th from12pm-2pm
at 150 Morrissey Blvd. in Dorchester. With more than 40 schools attending, parents and students can explore academics, athletics,
arts and extracurriculars all under one roof. Register today:
Rifa Para el Regreso a la Escuela
Los fondos monetarios de la Rifa ayudarán para apoyar el ministerio de la Música aquí en la Basílica. El primer premio es de
$1,000 con otros premios de $200 y $100. Por favor, considere
en ayudar a vender la rifa y así conseguir un ingreso extra para
su familia y así hacer este sorteo un gran éxito.
Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos (RICA)
¿Sabe usted de cualquier persona de 18 años de edad y
mayores que nunca ha sido bautizado o está interesado en
convertirse en un católico? Pronto comenzaremos nuestro
programa para adultos que buscan entrar en la Iglesia Católica,
necesitamos invitar a la gente a ser parte de nuestra comunidad parroquial. Si usted sabe de alguien, por favor, invitarlos
a pasar por la casa parroquial y nos deje su información de
Programa de Educación Religiosa
Por favor, si tienne niños mayores de 7 años, quienes necesiten ser bautizados o recibir la Primera Comunión, esos
niños deben ser registrados para el Programa de Educación
Religiosa en la Oficina Parroquial. Las clases comenzarán en
septiembre 2016. Apurensen! Traígan sus niños a conocer
de Dios.
Equipos Médicos Buscados
El Pais de Colombia en Sur América tiene necesidad de conseguir Equipos Médicos, como: Sillias de Ruedas Bastones,
Muletas, Leche Ensure, Caminadores, etc para proveer a los
Ancianos y Enfermos de dicho pias. Comuniques con la oficina
parroquial si pueden “donar” algún equipo medico. No donaciones de dinero.
Día de Los Abuelos
El domingo 11 de septiembre sera el Día de Los Abuelos. Por
tal motivo la misa hispana de las 11am será ofrecida y dedicada
a los Abuelos. Después de dicha misa habrá un compartir en el
Centro Parroquial.
Asamblea Parroquial
Por favor marque la fecha para nuestra Asamblea Parroquial
que se lleva a cabo el domingo 16 de octubre a las 2:00 p.m.
en el Centro Parroquial. Necesitamos que todos nuestros feligreses se unan y ayuden para planificar el futuro de nuestra
parroquia. Si desea formar parte de uno de los comités de
planificación (finanzas, el ministerio y la evangelización) por
favor sepamos. ¡Juntos somos la iglesia y cuando trabajamos
juntos, el Espíritu de Jesús es más poderosamente presente!
Novena Hispana a la Virgen del Perpetuo Socorro
Lo invitamos a unirse a nosotros cada miércoles por la noche a
las 6:30pm en la capilla de la casa parroquial semanalmente a la
novena en español a la Vírgen del Perpetuo Socorro.
Bible Class in French/Creole
Every Second Tuesday at 8:00pm
Mes frères et soeurs. On ne peut donner ce qu’on n’a pas. Tout
chrétien, doit connaitre la parole de Dieu. Donc, il est important
de se mettre à l’écoute, et à l’étude de la parole de Dieu, pour
pouvoir partager avec les autres, combien Dieu nous aime.
Dans le souci de répondre mieux à notre vocation chrétienne,
nous avons un cours biblique chaque deuxième Mardi du mois
à 8:00 PM.
« Frèm ak sèm yo, nou pa ka bay sa nou pa genyen, donk antan
ke kretyen, nou dwe, konnen Paròl Granmèt la. Se sak fè nou
gen you kou labib, chak dezyèm Madi, a 8:00 PM. »
Haitian Mass Every Saturday at 7:00pm
Frèm ak sèm yo, Bondye, avèk Manman Pèpetyèl toujou la pou
li pran swen nou, pou li ban nou nouriti kap kenbe nou solid nan
lafwa. Se sak fè Granmèt la toujou mete, sevitè pou sèvi nou.
Pou nou ka jwen nouriti spirityèl sa, chak Samdi a 7 pm, nap gen
lamès an kreyòl, nan Legliz Pèpetyèl la. Nou tout, ayisyen yo,
nou se pitit Manman Pèpetyèl, vini, pou nou selebre lafwa nou,
nan lang manman nou.
Haitian Choir meets Thursdays at 7:00pm
Tout moun ki ta renmen fè pati , koral ayisyen, ki chante lamès,
ayisyen, chak samdi a 7 PM lan. Nou ka vin rankontre ak lòt
manb yo. Se chak Jedi a 7 pm, nou fè repetisyon. Pa ezite vini,
pou nou vin chante pou bondye, paske chante se priye 2 fwa.
Haitian Prayer Group meets first Saturday at 5:00pm
“Zanmi Manman Pèpetyèl yo”, ap toujou rankontre chak premye
samdi, a 5 h PM pou rive 6h45 PM, nan mizik room lan. Nou konte sou prezans tout manb yo, pou nou kontinye viv karis nou ki
bati sou twa wòch dife. “ lapriye, fòmasyon, ak fratènite”
Walk for the Poor 2016
Our parish chapter of the St. Vincent DePaul Society will hold
the annual Friends of the Poor Walk on Saturday, October 8,
2016. This event is part of a national program that provides
funding for local Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) Conferences. Funds raised from these events remain local, allowing local SVdP Conferences to provide emergency assistance to those
in need, regardless of race, origin, religion, or gender. The walk
is 5.2 miles beginning and ending at the Basilica. Sign up forms
are available at the back of the church and you can register online:
Celebrate the life of a loved one, living or deceased, by having their name printed on the Friends of the Poor 2016 Walk
T-Shirt. Please see any St. Vincent DePaul member after Mass or
complete a form at the back of the church and submit it to the
Rectory Office with a $50 donation. The deadline is September
15, 2016.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Mission Grammar School is an urban, college prep
Catholic School dedicated to reaching individual excellence in a faith-based
community rooted in Gospel values. The strength of a school is in its community. Families, the administration, faculty, staff, and scholars work in partnership to
accomplish and strengthen academic and social success. Mission Grammar is
accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC).
Register Today!
Registration is open for the 2016-17 school year with financial aid reserved
for new children. Call us today at 617-442-2660 or visit our website at!
Let us help make a Catholic Education Possible for YOU!
Financial Aid: over 75% of our families receive scholarships
FREE Breakfast and Lunch Daily
Childcare Vouchers are accepted
La matrícula está abierta para el año escolar 2016-17 con la ayuda financiera
reservada para nuevos niños. Llámenos al 617-442-2660 o visite nuestro sitio
Web en!
Vamos a ayudar a hacer una Educación Católica posible para USTED: La ayuda financiera: Más del 75% de nuestras familias reciben becas
Desayuno y almuerzo GRATIS todos los días
Vales para el cuidado de los niños son aceptados
Did you Know?
ASHOKA Changemaker School
Last year Mission Grammar was selected to join the Ashoka changemaker
school network. This is a national community of leading elementary schools
that serve as models for cultivating the skills of empathy, teamwork, leadership,
and problem-solving skills (changemaker skills) in students. Schools in the network share best practices with each other and benefit from opportunities to
collaborate with other schools, connect with Ashoka’s partners and more.
Peace First Showcase School
Peace First is a national nonprofit organization that exists to create the next
generation of peacemakers. Last year Peace First invited three long-standing
partner schools to serve as Showcase Schools that model how peacemaking
can be taught and learned to nurture scholar’s courage, compassion, and ability
to collaborate while building peaceful school climates.
First Friday Holy Hour and Healing Service
Begining Friday, September 2nd and every first Friday of the month
following, a Holy Hour with exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will
begin after the 12:10pm daily Mass. Father Robert Lennon, C.Ss.R. will
also lead a Healing Service at the end of the Holy Hour. Please join us this
Friday and mark your calendar for future services:
Friday, October 7, 2016
Friday, November 4, 2016
Friday, December 2, 2016
1545 Tremont Street • Boston, MA 02120
Very Rev. Joseph Tizio, C.Ss.R.
Parochial Vicars
Rev. Robert Lennon, C.Ss.R.
Rev. Francis Sullivan, C.Ss.R.
Rev. John Furey, C.Ss.R.
Rev. John Lavin, C.Ss.R.
Rev. Philip Dabney, C.Ss.R.
Rev. Pierre Desruisseaux, C.Ss.R.
Director of Students
Rev. Denis Sweeney, C.Ss.R.
Religious Education Coordinator
Br. Michael Cunningham, C.Ss.R.
Healing and Restoration Ministry
Office: 617-442-2008
Prayer Line: 617-442-3938
Society of St. Vincent DePaul
Office: 347-776-0371
E-mail: [email protected]
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Prayer Groups
English - Mondays, 6:30pm in Parish Center
Spanish - Mondays, 7:00pm in the Church
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Mission Grammar School
94 St. Alphonsus Street • 617-442-2660
Principal: Mrs. Ali Dutson