MOORS AND CHRISTIANS BENIDORM 2016 THURSDAY 29th of SEPTEMBER At 23:00 h. INFORMAL PARADE (“ENTRAETA DE FILAES”). Itinerary: Paseo Colón, Paseo de la Carretera, Martínez Alejos and Gambo street, to finish at the CASTLE at Plaza de la Hispanidad. FRIDAY 30th of SEPTEMBER BEACH INVASION 21:30 h. Gathering of the Christian and Moor troops at Playa de Levante (between Valencia street and Bilbao street) and battle between the two sides. SATURDAY 1st of OCTOBER 10:30 h. REVEILLE (“DIANA”). ITINERARY: Plaza Neptuno, Av. Almendros, Paseo de la Carretera, Martínez Alejos, Gambo street, to finish at the CASTLE at Hispanidad Square. At 20:00 h. SPECTACULAR PARADE OF MOORS AND CHRISTIANS, around the main streets of our town., starting at Tomás Ortuño/ Ondulada streets. ITINERARY: Tomás Ortuño, Venus, Ruzafa, Martínez Alejos, Gambo street and Plaza de la Hispanidad. SUNDAY 2ndof OCTOBER At 12:00 h. THE PEACE PARLEY, at Gambo street, near the Castle, between the Prince of Kairuán and the Governor of the Castle so, once it is finished, the Tunisian Prince and his troops will leave. At 12:30 h. GREAT FLOWER OFFERING to Saint James, at San jaime Church. ITINERARY: Hispanidad Square, Gambo, Martínez Alejos, Paseo de la Carretera, Santa Faz, Mal Pas and Plaza de San Jaime. At 20:00 h. FLOATS PARADE (RETRETA FESTERA). ITINERARY: Tomás Ortuño, Venus, Ruzafa, Martínez Alejos,Gambo and Plaza de laHispanidad. NOTE: The mentioned timetables are established as starting hours, and they could be changed by the Association, if it is necessary.