St. Paul`s Catholic Church
St. Paul`s Catholic Church
St. Paul’s Catholic Church Office: 1515 8th Street South, Nampa, ID 83651 Church: 510 W. Roosevelt, Nampa, ID 83686 Tel: 466-7031 Fax: 466-7203 September 25, 2016 26 Ordinary Sunday / 26 Domingo Ordinario Though our Lord Jesus Christ was rich, he became poor, so that by his poverty you might become rich. Cristo Jesús por ustedes se hizo pobre, siendo rico, para hacerlos ricos con su pobreza. MASS SCHEDULE / HORARIO DE MISAS Monday / Lunes: Saturday / Sábado: 8:00 AM, English 5:00 PM English, Nampa 7:00PM Spanish, Nampa Tuesday / Martes: 7:30 PM Español, Melba 8:00 AM English 7:00PM Español Sunday / Domingo: 9:30 AM English, Nampa Wednesday / Miercoles: 9:30 AM English, Melba 8:00 AM English, Hospital 12:00 PM Español, Nampa 6:00 PM Español, Iglesia 5:00 PM English, Nampa 7:00 PM Español, Nampa Thursday / Jueves: 8:00 AM , English 7:00 PM, Español Friday / Viernes: 8:15 AM English, Old Church GENERAL INFORMATION / INFORMACION GENERAL SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION INFORMACION SACRAMENTAL Confessions / Confesiones Wednesdays / Miercoles 5:00-6:00 PM Saturdays / Sábados 3:30-4:30 PM Sunday LAST WEEK COLLECTION Sept.25 9:30am Nampa: Fr. George Brenan † 9:30am Melba: 12:00pm Nampa: Mario Vela † 5:00pm Nampa: Pro-Populo 7:00pm Nampa: Fr. Marcos Sanchez Monday Sept.26 8:00am Nampa: In Thanksgiving Tuesday Sept.27 8:00am Nampa: Danny Combs † 7:00pm Nampa: Felix Hernandez † Wednesday Sept.28 8:00am Nampa: St. Raphael the Archangel 6:00pm Nampa: Karla Cruz Thursday Sept.29 8:00am Nampa: Marisela Linan Friday Sept.30 8:00am Nampa: CWL members Saturday Oct. 1 5:00pm Nampa: Augustina Charles † 7:00pm Nampa: Luis Henry Farero 7:30pm Melba: St. Paul’s / San Pablo PARISH COUNCILS AND GROUPS CONSEJOS PARROQUIALES Y GRUPOS Baptisms / Bautismos 1st & 3rd Saturday of month 9:30 AM 1er y 3er Sábado del mes 10:30 AM en Español. Marriages / Matrimonios Contact the Parish Office at least 4 months prior to wedding. Contactar a la oficina parroquial por lo menos 4 meses antes de la boda. Anointing of the Sick / Unción de los Enfermos Any time. Contact the priests at the Parish Office A cualquier hora. Contacte a los sacerdotes de la parroquia Quinceañeras Segundo sábado del mes, 10:00 AM. Christian Initiation for Non Catholics (RCIA) Interested in becoming Catholic or learning more about your faith? Contact Deacon Mike 466-7031 COLECTA DE LA SEMANA ANTERIOR Envelopes & Loose Collection / Sobres y dinero efectivo Date 9/18/16 Offertory YTD Phase II Actual $ 12,255.00 $ 147,403.00 $ 5,451.00 Projected $ 12,250.00 $143,840.00 Children’s Collection……………. $ 474.00 Colecta de los Niños St. Joseph’s / San Jose Envelopes & Loose Collection $ 933.00 Bldg: $110.00 Sobres y dinero efectivo Pastoral Council, St. Paul’s:……….. Nancy Harmon Pastoral Council, St. Joseph’s:……. Chan Cabalo Parish Finance Council:……………. Kurt Batey St. Paul’s School Board:…………….Kris Davis Mt. Calvary Cemetery Board:……….Ted Rush Comite Latino:………………………...Fr. Carlos Rosero Perpetual Adoration Coordinator :… Chris Johnson Homebound…………………………..Judy Kimbrough Vocations Committee:……………….Judy Kimbrough Knights of Columbus:………………..Romel Reyna Catholic Daughters of America:…….Kathy Paulin Jr. Catholic Daughters of America:.. Mary Ann VandeBrake Catholic Women’s League:…………Vickie Holbrook Saint Vincent de Paul Society:……..Maureen Coon PARISH TEAM / EQUIPO PASTORAL Pastor: Parochial Vicar: Retired Priest: Deacon: Deacon: Youth Ministry : Children Religious Ed.: Ministry & Volunteer Director: Development Director: School Principal: Business Manager: Financial Controller: Administrative Secretary: Receptionist: Father Caleb Vogel Father Carlos Rosero Father William Taylor Michael Collins Jose Luis Granados Laura Reeping Marisela Linan Mari De Leon Sheri Boicourt Scott Coulter Morrie Berriochoa Gina Urquidi Carol Amador Jessica Ibarra Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Stewardship: What Legacy Are You Going to Leave? An Estate Planning Seminar “For you know neither the day nor the hour.” (MaƩ 25:13) Father Caleb Vogel will speak on the Church’s teaching on crema on, life support and end-of life issues every Catholic should know. A funeral home, financial planner and estate planning a orney will be available to answer your ques ons. St. Paul’s Church, Nampa Invites you to a end on The presenta on includes informa on on: Durable Powers of A orney Thurs., Oct. 20, 2016 10 am - 12 noon or 6 -8 pm Preparing A Will Please RSVP to the Parish Distribu ng Your Estate Health Care Direc ves Guardianship Issues Leaving a Catholic Legacy 466-7031 or email Sheri at [email protected] Persons of all ages with estates of all sizes will benefit. Presented by: PARISH NEWS ST. PAUL’S RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY Would you like to be a part of St. Paul's Respect Life Ministry? Meetings are the third Monday of the month at 7:00p.m in library at the parish office. Anyone who wishes to participate is welcome. For more information see or contact Kevin Stadther or Lori Chaplin: [email protected]. Rachel’s Vineyard Post Abortion Healing Weekend Retreat If you have been wounded by the act of abortion or someone dear to you has struggled with the spiritual and emotional aftermath of abortion, experience the healing love of Jesus Christ on a Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat on November 4-6, 2016 at Nazareth Retreat Center in Boise, sponsored by Holy Apostle Church. Participation is strictly confidential and offers a beautiful opportunity to experience God’s love, forgiveness, and compassion. For more information, contact Gerry & Susan (208)938-9797 [email protected] or Cindy (208) 571-2736 or visit . Space is limited and beginning to fill already. PRE– BAPTISMAL CLASS The pre-baptismal class is scheduled for October 18 at 7pm in the church. The class is for parents and godparents that wish to baptize during the next months. Mother Mary Thrice Admirable and Victress of Schoenstatt Shrine Our parish is blessed to have this Shrine of Mary to bless our families. MTA is the abbreviation for the title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother Thrice Admirable, Queen and Victress of Schoenstatt. Her picture is a picture of grace which is sent out from her shrine at Schoenstatt Germany to bring graces and blessings of renewal, taking care of the needs of all those she encounters, just as she did in the house of her cousin Elizabeth. Most of us cannot easily travel to the great pilgrimage places. Therefore, if you wish to have this shrine of Mary to bless your homes and families for a few days, please contact Genny Miller at 249-8882 for further details. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Attention all members of the Knights of Columbus! As a friendly reminder, please note our monthly meetings in your calendars: 1st Wednesday of each month: Business Meeting 3rd Wednesday: of each month: Social Meeting 4th Monday of each month: 4th Degree Meeting JESUIT SPEAKER SERIES On Monday, Sept 26, at 7pm join Fr. Tom Weston, S.J. for his presentation on "The Spirituality of the 12 Steps: A Practical Way of Preceding for Those Who Are Compulsive, Out of Step, and Edgy." This presentation will take place at St. Paul's Catholic Student Center at Boise State University. The event is free and all are welcome! A wine and cheese reception will follow. Please call (208) 343-2128 or email [email protected] for more information. What is spiritual direction? First what it is not: it is not giving advice, fixing problems or inexpensive psychotherapy. The intention of spiritual direction is to form a relationship with a friend; a friend who listens and does not judge. It is a covenanted relationship which gives total attention to the person sitting in the other chair as he or she navigates a Holy journey. The real director is the Holy Spirit who helps guide the listener to ask the question, “So, where is God in your life?” Spiritual direction offers, together with the Holy Spirit, opportunity to explore your special relationship with a very loving God. please call the parish office for info 466-7031. page 4 Many adult Catholics who are active in their faith have nonetheless never been confirmed. During this Year of Mercy, Bishop Peter is delegating to pastors and administrators the general faculty to confirm all adult Catholics seeking the Sacrament on the Feast of Christ the King on Sun., November 20. This allows adult Catholics to be confirmed without undergoing the lengthy process more appropriate to catechumens or teens. If you are an adult Catholic who was never confirmed and would like to receive that sacrament on either of those dates, contact your pastor for instructions and join your parish community in celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation with your pastor! Adults who may have impediments to confirmation (e.g., marriage irregularities), should seek confirmation on the second date, Christ the King, so that they have time to address these issues, if able to do so. RCIA The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults will begin on Wednesdays at 7:00 P.M. We will meet at Old St. Paul's. If you would like to become Catholic or know someone who would, please join us. The classes are open to all. Call Deacon Mike at 466-7031 for more information. New this Week LIVING ROSARY Living Rosary on Saturday, October 22, 2016, at 8:00 p.m, directly after a 7:00 p.m. bilingual Mass, there will be a Living Rosary sponsored by Saint Paul’s Respect Life Ministry. For the Living Rosary, people holding candles represent each bead of the Rosary. As the prayer is recited, the candle will be lit by our priest or an altar server. Directly following the Living Rosary, there will be dessert and wine. 40 DAYS FOR LIFE Since 40 Days For Life began its peaceful prayer vigils outside Planned Parenthoods throughout the United States, over 11,000 babies and their moms have been saved from abortion. Campaign starts September 28th and runs though November 6th. For more information call Emily Naugle 208-484-3499 or visit EUCHARISTIC MINITER AND LECTOR TRAINING The next training for Extraordinary Eucharistic ministers and Lectors will be September 27th from 5:30-7 pm at the church. This training is for new ministers as well as a refresher course for current ministers. SALT & LIGHT RADIO FALL PLEDGE DRIVE The Salt & Light Radio Fall Pledge Drive “For His Glory” will be October 26-28th! This is an exciting 12-hour daily broadcast where Catholics around Southern Idaho take to the microphones and talk about everything from their personal faith journeys to upcoming community events. Meanwhile, we raise funds to keep Catholic radio alive in Idaho! Can you be a part of this important effort by volunteering an hour or two at the Pledge Drive? Greeters, bloggers, prayer warriors, food, and phone bank volunteers are needed. If you can help, sign up at m/kgem or call 658-4491. For more information or for a current program schedule, visit BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS The Blessing of the Animals on Sunday, Oct. 2 at 3 PM at St. Paul's Church Plaza. JCDA will be sponsoring the event. There will be a special blessing for pets and their owners. Dog and human treats will be available. St. Paul’s Catholic Church Page 5 Rosary Rally 2016 Please join us on Oct. 6th at 9:00am for the 2016 Rosary Rally. We will start at St. Paul’s School and walk to the Albertson’s location on the corner of 7th St. and 12th Ave. St. Paul’s students are to be wearing their school uniform or mass dress. If your schedule allows , please join us to support our church and school community in prayer. If you have any questions about this event, please contact the school for more info at 208-467-3601. Children and Youth Ministry You may register at the parish office during the week or contact Marisela Linan at 466-7031 or by email : [email protected] Religious Education for children of pre-K (age four) through 6th grade who do not attend Catholic schools. including Baptism and First Holy Communion Classes will start on these different dates: Sunday, September 18th 10:30-11:30am, Monday, September 26th 6-7pm, Wednesday September 28th 5-6pm Classes are held at St. Paul’s School Fees $30/child, 2nd year of 1st Communion $50/child PARISH NEWS VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Prayer Shawl Ministry- An exciting new ministry is beginning. The Prayer Shawl ministry will hold an informational meeting on September 29th in the conference room of the church at 6:30 p.m. Monthly gatherings will include prayer, creating beautiful shawls, share conversations and enjoy the company of friendly, caring , talented individuals. You can support this ministry by volunteering to make shawls or by providing donations of yarn. All those wanting to share their knitting or crocheting skills are invited please feel free to invite your friends and neighbors to join you. OREANA All are invited to celebrate mass Our Lady Queen of Heaven in Oreana on October 22 at 10:00am. EUCHARIST FOR THE HOMEBOUND If you or a loved one is unable to attend Mass because of illness or incapacity to travel and would like to have a Eucharistic minister bring the Eucharist to you at home or in the hospital or nursing facility, please notify the parish office or call Judy Kimbrough at 2495511. We will be happy to make arrangements with you. Spanish speaking is available. SAVE THE DATE!!! Mark your calendars now for the Capstone Missions 9th Annual Fall Fiesta on October 1, 2016. We are changing locations this year and will be at the Zion's Bank building in downtown Boise! The evening will be filled with great food, entertainment, and live and silent auctions. All proceeds benefit Capstone Missions and will help us build a better future for Tijuana, Mexico’s orphans and poor. Tickets and more information can be found on our website at If you are interested in making a donation or donating an auction item, contact Jaime Ephraim at 208.996.0101 or [email protected]. SAVE THE DATE If you are a catechist involved in religious or adult ed, youth and young adult ministry, home school or a school teacher at a Catholic or public school, registrations are open for the Catholic Educators’ Conference in Boise Oct. 6-8. To register, go to or click on the link at the diocesan Web site at Please join us for Bishop Peter’s vision for ongoing leadership development in Idaho. RETROUVAILLE Marriage Saving Program – the Weekend Phase – During the weekend phase of the Retrouvaille program a series of presentations are given by a team of three couples and a priest. The team presents a technique of communication that enables you to take a good look at most areas of your relationship. For confidential information about or to register for the program call 1-800-470-2230 or visit Text to join video: h ps:// page 6 ADORATION St. Paul’s has a beautiful adoration chapel. All parishioners are encouraged to come and spend time in the presence of our Lord. Open hours are: Sunday at 1am, 2am and 3am; Monday at 12am, 1am, 2am, and 3am; Tuesday at 1am and 2am; Wednesday at 12am; Thursday at 12am, 1am, 2am and 3am; Friday at 2am and 4am; and Saturday at 1am.Please call Chris Johnson at 467-0332 if any of these hours will work for you. MEN’S CONTEMPLATION Men ages 16 and up are invited to the Men’s Contemplation in Action Retreat at the Nazareth Retreat Center, Boise, ID where you offer work on projects as you are spiritually nourished by Fr Mark Uhlenkott, parochial vicar at Our Lady of the Valley, Caldwell and John Hitchman, Spanish Instructor, St Mary’s Boise as they present ‘Lord Have Mercy’ in everyday life. Men register for one to three days and come and leave as they are called by other responsibilities. We ask each for 6 to 8 hours of labor and prayer. In return meals, lodging, and hospitality are offered at no charge. Reg. form and more info at AYUSA GLOBAL YOUTH EXCHANGE Ayusa Global Youth Exchange is a non-profit high school exchange organization. Tong is 17 yr old student from Thailand who will be attending Columbia High school. He is in a temporary home in Nampa and is eagerly awaiting to find his permanent host family for the year. Tong is described to be curious, positive and respectful, and also appreciative which makes him a joy to be around. Maximilian is a 16 yr old student from Germany who also is eagerly looking for a permanent host family. He is already here and is attending Idaho Arts Charter school. He is described to have a indescribable aura of energy that would be a joy to have around. If you are able to welcome either one of these students in your home for the rest of the school year please contact Ricki Sanchez at 208 757 0055 or [email protected] PRIESTS ON RETREAT The annual priest retreat is September 27-29 and our priests will be in attendance. There will not be daily Mass on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, nor will there be confessions Wednesday evening. There will be regular Masses and confessions on the weekend. NATIONAL FATIMA ROSARY RALLY 15,000 Rosary Rallies all over the USA will be held on Oct.15 at noon. That is the 99 Anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, Portugal. We will pray the rosary at Nampa City Hall. Following the rosary, lunch at Old St. Paul's will be provided by Nampa Funeral Home. There will also be many other Rosary Rallies in the Treasure Valley on that day. Please join us here in Nampa. Bring a lawn chair, your rosary, and then have lunch with us. Dress for the weather. For further info:Maureen at 249-7611. PTO COOKBOOK St. Paul's PTO is putting together a parish cookbook. They would love your favorite recipes, along with old pictures and memories that you have of our church and school. Flyers are in the back of the church. Recipes are due Oct. 1st so we can have the cookbooks ready for Christmas! Questions and submissions can be made to Nicole Collins @ (509)432-4133 or [email protected] NOTICIAS EN ESPAÑOL page 7 GRUPO DE ORACION Y APOYO PARA MUJERES Mande un texto para ver el video: h ps:// Muchos católicos adultos que están activos en su fe nunca han sido confirmados. Durante este Año de la Misericordia, el Obispo Peter está delegando a los párrocos y administradores la facultad general de confirmar a todos los católicos que están buscando el Sacramento el 20 de noviembre, Fiesta de Cristo Rey. Esto permitirá que los católicos adultos sean confirmados sin tener que pasar el largo proceso más apropiado para los catecúmenos o adolescentes. Si usted es un adulto católico que nunca ha sido confirmado y le gustaría recibir este sacramento en cualquiera de esas dos fechas, comuníquese con su párroco para las instrucciones y únase a su comunidad parroquial en la celebración del Sacramento de Confirmación. Los adultos que tengan algún impedimento para la confirmación (ejemplo: irregularidades en el matrimonio,) deberán buscar la confirmación en la segunda fecha, Cristo Rey, para que puedan tener tiempo de solucionar estos asuntos, si son capaces de hacerlo. ENCUENTRO MATRIMONIAL MUNDIAL Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial Los invita a vivir una experiencia católica, privada y personal entre esposo y esposa donde se nos enseña una nueva tecnica de comunicación.. proximo fin de semana : Noviembre 18,19 y 20 del 2016 para Mas información llamar a : Francisco y Angelica Molina 208-800-9236 o Alberto y Mercedes Aguirre 208-890-7983 GRUPO DE ORACION Todos están invitados al grupo de oración todos los miércoles después de la misa de 6pm. ESCUELA DE SAN PABLO La Escuela de San Pablo estará ofreciendo canastas de frutas y verduras por tan solo $12. Para ordenar su canasta favor de comunicarse con Kathy: [email protected] ADORACION Todos estamos invitados a pasar una hora con nuestro Señor en el Sacramento. Las horas disponibles son: Domingos a la 1am, 2am y3am ; Lunes a la 12am, 1am, 2am y 3am; Martes a las 1am y 2am; Miércoles a las 12am; Jueves a las 12am, 1am, 2am y 3am; Viernes a las 2am y 4am; Sábados a las 1am . Favor de comunicarse con Chris Johnson al 467-0332 si le gustaría reservar un de estas horas. Les invitamos a todas las mujeres de esta comunidad, a ser parte de una maravillosa experiencia de oración por nuestros esposos, hijos y comunidad. todos los miércoles 10 am en la oficina 1515 8th Street South, Nampa Idaho 83651. mayor información María Villalobos 208-571-6560. El Señor tiene un nuevo Camino en tu vida y tu Matrimonio. ROSARIO ANTES DE MISA Empezando la primera semana de agosto, estaremos orando el Rosario Bíblico media hora antes de cada Misa del domingo. El Obispo Pedro pidió que nuestra diócesis recoja nuestros rosarios y oremos con mucho fervor por nuestra iglesia y nuestro mundo. El Obispo Pedro ha consagrado nuestra diócesis al Inmaculado Corazón de María , y quiere que nosotras oraciones aumenten a Dios por la conversión de los corazones. "Dadme un ejército diciendo el Rosario, y conquistará el mundo." – Papa Pius IX NUEVA MISA EN ESPAÑOL Empezando el 3 de Septiembre se agregara una nueva misa a los horarios a las 7pm. Todos los Sábados después de la misa de 5:00pm habrá misa en Español a las 7:00pm. ESTACIONAMIENTO DE LA IGLESIA Hay partes del estacionamiento que se han pintado ROJO . Favor de no estacionarse en estas áreas. Esto se hizo para que los vehículos de emergencia puedan asistir en casos de emergencia. CLASES PRE– BAUTISMALES Padres y padrinos que desean bautizar próximamente están invitados a participar en las clases pre bautismales el día 11 de Octubre a las 7:00pm en la Iglesia. RETIRO PARA LOS PADRES El retiro anual para los sacerdotes será de 27-29 de septiembre. Los Padres Vogel y Rosero estarán participando en dicho retiro. No habrá misa el Martes, Miércoles y Jueves, tampoco habrá confesiones el Miércoles. Habrá misas y confesiones como de costumbre durante el fin de semana. SEGUNDA COLECTA Habrá una segunda colecta el primer fin de semana de cada mes para la campaña de Estamos Creciendo para Servir. BENDICION DE LAS MASCOTAS La bendición de las mascotas será el 2 de Octubre a las 3pm en la plaza de San Pablo. JCDA esta patrocinando el evento. Adver ser of the Week Can –Ada Security ,Inc. 454-9198 Please support these vendors who make our bulle n possible. Please tell these adver tisers you saw them on your Sunday Bulletin Vic’s Family Pharmacy Locally owned & operated You are in Caring Hands PERFECT A1R HEATING A/C “Full Service Pharmacy” Custom Compounding Now in 2 locations in Nampa St. Paul Parishioners Owner: John Yraguen Pork or Beef 100% Satisfaction Guarantee 922-4837 • 761-5645 (Habla Español) Dr. Patrick Niland COURT OUR LADY OF VICTORY 2016 Mercedes-Benz GLA NO. 1348 Orthodontics for Children & Adults Nampa Caldwell 467-5259 454-3377 CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAS 466-8511 1 GO B I N07 12 05 ST MEETINGS Tuesday of Month - 7:00 PM NAMPA BINGO at the Columbian Center 2900 E. Railroad St, Nampa TUES, WED, THURS, FRI @ 6 PM SUNDAY @ 1 PM & 6 PM • WED & THURS Speedball @ 3:30 PM 16 29 56 69 95 20 75 2 80 83 5 5 4 77 12 99 08 15 20 465-7522 | Inc. Starting at $32,500 See for details Sec: Debi Timmons - Asst: Rod Timmons Pedro Garcia & Hijos Handyman Appliances • Electrical • Plumbing Concrete Work • Auto Mechanic Carpentry • Yard cleaning & hauling Now Doing House Cleaning 919-9275 Mercedes-Benz of Boise 3C’s GLOBAL ENTERPRISES 24/7 Red Carpet Service CHRIS T. GEMPLER • Cell & Home Phone • Long Distance • TV & Internet (208) 571-3313 WWW.SPLITSHOT.ACNDIRECT.COM Drain & Sewer | Repairs & Service Water Heaters & Softeners Gas Piping | Excavation CatholicMatch Idaho A1 • Bonded Courier CAN.-ADA SECURITY, INC. • Security Consultants Licensed • Bonded • Insured • Building Lock-Up • Auto Dealerships Professionally Trained Employees 24 Hour Service • Short Term Contracts • Uniformed Officers Free Estimates • Radio Equipped Cars • Government Contracts Serving the Treasure Valley • Hand Held Radios • Armed & Unarmed Officers Commercial • Industrial Security Consultants Nampa - Caldwell 454-9198 Boise 357-5517 KEEP US IN MIND FOR YOUR SAFE KEEPING Quality Cleaning Services PLUMBING 376.7473 Grab some SAVE 20% * Summer Goodness any order of $29+ Code: CATH2016 Expires: 12/31/2016 Made and Delivered Fresh Daily! 208-214-3601 Window Cleaning Construction Cleaning Junk Removal Deacon Brian Flowers Catholic Owned and Operated Plumbing service and remodels: leaks, waterheaters, fixtures, drain stoppages, etc. Restoration: Flood, Fires, Smoke, Mold Parishioner and Proud parent of Sacred Heart Students Boise 208.377.0113 Eagle 208.938.5825 1504 2nd Street Support Nampa Vets Open 7 Days a week All You Can Eat Lunch Buffet Thur: 11am - 3pm Fri: 11am - 2pm Sun: 10am - 3pm 482 W. Main St., Kuna (208) 922-5169 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 2014 208.643.4147 ® PANCAKE FEED $5.00 October 8th 7am - 1pm 466-1101 Carniceria-Taqueria - Abbarrotes Butcher Shop-Deli-Grocery Items *Cannot be combined with any other offer. Restrictions may apply. See store for details. Edible , Edible Arrangements , the Fruit Basket Logo, and other marks mentioned herein are registered trademarks of Edible Arrangements, LLC. © 2016 Edible Arrangements, LLC. All rights reserved. ® 208.971.2379 135 Lonestar Rd Nampa Doosan. Bobcat. Kioti. 2108 Caldwell Blvd, Ste 109 Nampa, ID 83651 83 N Midland Blvd Nampa • 467-7300 | Caring for you Cuidando a usted y and those you love sus seres queridos Se habla español • MEETINGS 1st & 3rd Wednesday 4th Degree 4th Monday All at 7:00 P.M. FREE Medical equipment to loan to anyone needing it; walkers, canes, wheel chairs, beds, lifts, etc. etc. Call to see what we have. H.E.L.P CENTER Thurs 1-4 and Sat. 10-2 (208) 461-9248 3530 Franklin Road, 3530 E.(1E.Franklin Road,Meridian Meridian Block East of Eagle Rd) (1 Block East ofSunday: EagleNoon Rd) - 6 Mon-Sat: 10am-9pm • 855-2700 Mon-Sat: 10am-9pm Sunday: Noon • 855-2700 -6 For Advertising Call Sheila Miller 800-616-4138. Habla Español Jaime Oviedo 509-388-6362 059 - CPI, P.O. Box 81026, Seattle, WA 98108-1026 - For Advertising call Sheila Miller 800-616-4138 12 Ave Road- 465-7000 Dallan Woods- 442-1000 th ©CPI 376.7473 24/7 Red Carpet Service 442-8171 | 415 12th Ave S.