December 13, 2015 - St. Therese Catholic Church
December 13, 2015 - St. Therese Catholic Church
WelcometoSt.ThereseCatholic Church 217BrawleySchoolRoad,Mooresville,NC28117-9103 AnIgnatianparishstaffedbypriestsoftheMaryland ProvinceoftheSocietyofJesus(TheJesuits)since1970. December13,2015 Pastor Rev.VincentC.Curtin,S.J. MassTimes SaturdayVigil 5:30pm SundayMassTimes 7:30am,9:00am,10:30am (SundayNurseryat9:00amand 10:30amMasses)12:00noon, 2:30pm(MisaenEspanol), 5:30pm DailyMass 9:00amMondaythroughFriday andFirstSaturdays(DayChapel) Reconciliation 4:00pm-5:00pmonSaturdaysor byappointment EucharisticExpositionand Adoration FirstFridayofeachmonth 9:45am-4:45pmwithBenediction at4:45pm Rosary 7:00pmMondays(DayChapel) 6:30pmTuesdays(DayChapel) BulletinDeadline 4:30pmThursdayforthenext weekendbulletin.Allitems subjecttoapprovalandediting. SubmittoLisaCash, [email protected] FaithFormationOf iceHours 704-664-7762 Openduringclasstimes: Sunday:8:30am-12:00pm; 3:00pm-5:15pm& 6:30pm-8:30pm Tuesday:5:00pm-7:00pm Wednesday:4:00pm-6:00pm Closed:FridayandSaturday Foradditionalopenhours, LittleWayPreschool pleasecalltheFaith 980-444-2305 Monday-Friday:7:30am-1:30pm FormationOf icebeforeyou comeby. ParishOf iceHours 704-664-3992 Monday-Friday:8:00am-12:00 pm&12:30pm-4:30pm 704-664-3992Fax:704-660-6321 E-mail:of [email protected] WelcometoSt.ThereseCatholicChurch! Thankyouforbeingherewithus! TheparishionersofSt.Theresewelcomeour visitors.Pleaseintroduceyourselvestoyour neighbors.Yourpresenceisveryimportanttous, asisyoursupport. Registration Everyhouseholdisinvitedtoregister.Formsare availableintheParishOf iceoronourwebsite. AccordingtoDiocesanpolicy,parishregistrationis requiredforFaithFormation,allSacraments, ministries,andschoolvouchers.MOVING?Please notifytheParishOf ice! CommunionoftheSick PleasenotifytheParishOf iceifyouwant communionbroughttothehome,hospitalor nursinghome.Hospitalsdonotnotifythechurch thatyouarethereexceptatyourdirectrequest. AnointingoftheSick PleasenotifytheParishOf ice ofthosewhoarehomeboundor inhospitals,ornursinghomes, especiallywhenseriouslyill. Marriage AccordingtoDiocesanpolicy, registeredcouplesmustbegin marriagepreparationatleastSIX MONTHSpriortothedesired weddingdate.Pleasecallthe ParishOf iceforanappointment. BaptismofInfantsandChildrenthrough Grade1 AtleastSIXWEEKSbeforethe anticipateddateofBaptism, parentsmustcontacttheParish Of icetoarrangeforrequired baptismalpreparation.Contact: ChristineLealat704-664-3992. BaptismforChildrenGrades3through7 Allchildrenintheabovegradesarepreparedfor the irstSacramentsofInitiationthroughtheRiteof ChristianInitiationofChildren.Contact:Dave ConklinintheFaithFormationOf ice704-6647762. AdultSacramentsofInitiation Alladults(age17andolder)whowish tobebaptized,con irmedand/or receiveFirstEucharistareprepared throughtheRiteofChristianInitiation ofAdults.Thisisalsotheprocessfornon-Catholics tocomeintofullcommunionwiththeCatholic Church.Contact:DeaconJohnSims704-662-0714. ParishOf ice704-664-3992 Pastor/Párroco Rev.VincentC.Curtin,S.J.,ext.102 [email protected] ParochialVicars/Vicarios Rev.DominicTotaro,S.J.,ext.225 [email protected] Rev.DonaldM.Ward,S.J.,ext.107 [email protected] InResidence Rev.FrancisX.Reese,S.J.,ext205 [email protected] Deacons/Diácono Rev.Mr.JohnSims [email protected] Rev.Mr.MylesDecker Rev.Mr.RobertKratchman(retired) Rev.Mr.JoeSanten(retired) ParishManager MelindaDrury,ext.101 [email protected] LatinoCoordinator LeydaCarrillo,ext.114 [email protected] Ministry Communications Coordinator LisaCash,ext.105 [email protected] MusicMinistry Director PhilHaigler,ext.106 [email protected] LiturgyCoordinator RosemaryHyman,ext.315 [email protected] Of iceAssistant/ FacilitiesScheduler ChristineLeal,ext.100 [email protected] PastoralCouncil BillStreiff,President [email protected] BobLinden,VicePresident TinaForce,Secretary MariaBoaze DavidDeselem AdministrativeAssistant ElaineRunski,ext.301 [email protected] MaintenanceManager WesleyWeaver,ext.104 [email protected] FaithFormation/ FormacióndeFe: 704-664-7762 Director CarmenSanJuan,ext.109 AssistantDirector DaveConklin,ext.108 Of iceAssistant DarleneMcClure,ext.110 LittleWayPreschool: 704-664-7762 PreschoolDirector DaynaAuten,ext.318 AmyMichelone TracyNeumann KarenNeyland RonToney JudyWagner RickWagner FinanceCouncilChair RickFabrize, [email protected] THIRDSUNDAYOFADVENTDECEMBER13,2015 WORSHIP & PRAYER Homebound InYourPrayers Pleaserememberour Prayer Requests PeggyBachand,Jan Balmat,Michelle Bischoff,Barbara Cahill,SteveCoyne, Dutch Detchemendy,JDGibbs,Beverly Hedrick,MarilynnHouck,Beatrice Hynson,RosemaryKeeley,Dolores Licari,BillMichalak,JackMoreau, CindyPowell,RonRegula,Rose Regula,JimRichart,MaureenRossi, AngelaSchelter,JohnVorlicek. Ifyouhaveanychangestothe PrayerRequestlist,please contactChristineLealat 704-664-3992,ext.100or [email protected]. homeboundinyourprayers:At home:WilliamCote,Rosalind Doehm,PatsyFreeze,Julianne& ScottJarvis,AngelaLeuci,Mark Marchese,JeanneMcDonnell, CharlesMemrick,DeanNash, ClaradillaPineda,RitaSabella,Mary Strup,CharlesWilliams,Stach Wisniewski.AutumnCare:Betty MarkovichBrianCenter:Roberto Argente,CynthiaFerrer,Gregory Ramirez,HattieWalker,Joan Waltman.Carillon:BettyBunyan, MarieFields,MilaMaldjain,Mitzi Moody,PatrickNaso,JeriVollaro. Churchill:FrankArland,Cecilia Blouin,Toni&JimCastiglione, CorinneCordillo,MichaelDopilka, MaryJaneFarrell,HelenHolmes, LornaJosefchuk,TrudyKeller, ReginaKilcarr,JeanLoeshen,Ruth Martins,HelenMastrianni,Johanna McCloskey,JeanMueller,Lillian Pingel,EllySchenne,EvalineSeyk, IngaShealy.CrownColony: RosemaryLeonetta,LindaTurner. Genesis:JoanBrennan,Lorraine Cardillo,LeonaDreiling,Barbara Jedrey,LeliaLeon,MargaretLovine, FrancisMariea,TerryNagel,Jim Strup,PatriciaVance.Huntersville Oaks:CarolOsmer.Statesville Place:IreneNemeth.Summit Place:PatAikenhead,Bill Bonsignore,NickieCeraldi,Frank DeBerardinis,ConnieFerraro,Lee Floyd,MaryKozar,ElainePanuski, BeverlyWisbon,YvetteWynn.The Pines:FlorenceChandler, CharlotteFerrero,LeeKuras,Ann Rudolph. Ifyouhaveanychangestothe HomeboundList,pleasecontact RosemaryHymanat 704-664-3992,ext.315or [email protected] PRAYERSFOROURTROOPS! READINGSFORSUNDAY, DECEMBER20,2015 FourthSundayofAdvent 1stReading-Micah5:1-4a ResponsorialPsalm-Psalm80 2ndReading-Hebrews10:5-10 Gospel-Luke1:39-45 DECEMBER InDecember,theHolyFather asksustopraythatallmay experiencethemercyofGod, whonevertiresofforgiving,and thatfamilies,especiallythose whosuffer,may indinthebirth ofJesusasignofcertainhope. Pleaserememberourmilitarypersonnelinyour prayers: MadisonAhlers,Dave Berczek,JarylBurjoss, JanineCampbell(USS Pickney),CristaCampos, GarrettCarnes,Douglas Cestari(Afghan),John Cevasco,StevenFotiadis, KodyGarrison,Matthew Geremia,JeffreyGuild (Afghan),CourtneyHanna, GregoryHanna,Richard Hedges,NicholasHemm (Japan),MaryKatherine Hesler,RyanHoward (Afghan),AndrewKenny (AirForce),Christopher Kolakowski(Okinawa), JeremyLacey,Matthew Laxton,RachelLaxton, AdamLivingston,Andres Molestina,CarlosMolestina, JustusT.Neumann(Ft. Greely,AK),John Nickolopakos,Stephen Nilsson,EduardoJ.Sanchez (Afghan),RyanSmith (Okinowa),DanielSpaulding (Iraq),ErikTarnacki, DominicWagner,Donovan Wagner,JohnWhite,Billy Wyatt(Quantico). Pleasehelpuskeepour prayerlistuptodate.Let usknowifsomeonein yourfamilyisdeployed overseas,injured,or returnshome. The Ignatian Corner! TheYearofMercy MercyhasbeenastrongemphasisofPope Francis.HehasrecentlydeclaredaHolyYearof Mercy,duringwhichhecallsallCatholicsto“be merciful,justasyourFatherismerciful.”(Lk.6:36). ThisJubileeYearistobecelebratedfromDec.8, 2015,theFeastoftheImmaculateConception,to Nov.20,2016,theFeastofChristtheKing.Francisis alsoaddinganothertitleforJesus,“thelivingfaceof themercyoftheFather.” WhatisMERCY?MytrustWebster’sNew WorldDictionary(1994ed.)hassixentries:1.A refrainingfromharmingorpunishingoffenders, enemies,personsinone’spower,etc.;kindnessin excessofwhatmaybeexpectedordemandedby fairness;forbearanceandcompassion.2. imprisonmentratherthanthedeathpenalty imposedonthosefoundguiltyofcapitalcrimes;3.a dispositiontoforgive,pity,orbekind;4.thepower toforgiveorbekind;clemency;5.kindor compassionatetreatment;reliefofsuffering;6.a fortunatething,thingtobegratefulfor;blessing.I seePopeFrancisasstrivingtopromoteandpractice allsixofthesede initions. IsFrancissimplylenient?NO.Leniency indicatesthatthepersonistooeasyonapersonor personswhodeservesharshorseverepunishment. Francisdesirestoemphasize:“ItismercyIwantand notsacri ice.”(Cf.Matt.9:13andHos.6:6);andto emphasizethatGod’smercyisaboveallhisworks. (Cf.Ps.145:9andmultipleotherpassagesfromthe entireBible.) Manyrighteouspeopletakepartinreligious practices,yettheirheartsdonotseektoknowGod, loveGod,orlistentoGod’svoiceinprayer.Asa result,theypracticemeaninglessrituals.(Cf.Jesus’ quotationofIs.29:13inMatt.15:8-9.)Godis concernedmoreabouttherelationshipoffriendship withusthanaboutthethingswedoinGod’sname. ThisisthereligiousformalismwhichIsaiahrails againstinIs.1:2-26,andwhichJesusdenouncesin Matt.23:1-36. InhisinterviewwithFr.AntonioSpadaro,S.J., irstpublishedSept.13,2013inLaCiviltaCattolica, PopeFrancisstates:“Iseeclearlythatthethingthe churchneedsmosttodayistheabilitytoheal woundsandtowarmtheheartsofthefaithful;it needsnearness,proximity.Iseethechurchasa ield hospitalafterbattle.Itisuselesstoaskaseriously injuredpersonifhehashighcholesterolandabout thelevelofhisbloodsugars!Youhavetohealhis wounds.Thenwecantalkabouteverythingelse. Healthewounds,healthewounds....Andyouhaveto startfromthegroundup….” “HowarewetreatingthepeopleofGod?I dreamofachurchthatisamotherandshepherdess. Thechurch’sministersmustbemerciful,take responsibilityforthepeopleandaccompanythem likethegoodSamaritan,whowashes,cleansand raisesuphisneighbor.ThisispureGospel.Godis greaterthansin.Thestructuralandorganizational reformsaresecondary—thatis,theycome afterward.The irstreformmustbetheattitude.The ministersoftheGospelmustbepeoplewhocan warmtheheartsofthepeople,whowalkthroughthe darknightwiththem,whoknowhowtodialogue andtodescendthemselvesintotheirpeople’snight, intothedarkness,butwithoutgettinglost.The peopleofGodwantpastors,notclergyactinglike bureaucratsorgovernmentof icials.Thebishops, particularly,mustbeabletosupportthemovements ofGodamongtheirpeoplewithpatience,sothatno oneisleftbehind.Buttheymustalsobeableto accompanythe lockthathasa lairfor indingnew paths.” “Insteadofbeingjustachurchthatwelcomes andreceivesbykeepingthedoorsopen,letustry alsotobeachurchthat indsnewroads,thatisable tostepoutsideitselfandgotothosewhodonot attendMass,tothosewhohavequitorare indifferent.Theoneswhoquitsometimesdoitfor reasonsthat,ifproperlyunderstoodandassessed, canleadtoareturn.Butthattakesaudacityand courage.” Again,Iwouldliketoconcludewithmyown experienceintheSacramentofReconciliation. PenitentsaremovedbyGodtocomeandseekGod’s forgiveness.Ordinarily,theyareunawarethatGodis givingthemthegracetocometoapriest;Godis moredesirousofgrantingforgivenessthanthe penitentsareofseekingandacceptingGod’s forgiveness.Burdensareremovedfromtheir shouldersand,especially,fromtheirhearts;they leavetheconfessionalinamazementthatGodhas notonlyforgivenalloftheirsinsbutthatGodno longerrememberstheirsins.(Is.43:25;Ex.16:63) WhenweexperienceGod’sgraciousmercy,itmakes itmucheasierforustoextendmercyto“thosewho havetrespassedagainstus.” (Fr.Dominic) PARISH SPIRITUAL LIFE RCIAInquiry Thursday,December17that7:00PM CatholicPrayer IgnatianPrayer PresentedbyFr.Dominic AdventPenance Service Monday,Dec.14th at7pmintheDay Chapel AdventMeditationService Tuesday,Dec.15that7pmintheDay Chapel Fr.Frankwouldliketoshareanonlineresource withtheParish."TheWednesdayWord"isa resourcetoencounterChristbyprayerfully preparingfortheSundayMass.Theresourcescan befoundonlineathttp:// ThelinkisalsoonourwebsiteontheSpirituality resourcesareusedextensivelythroughoutthe DiocesesofEnglandandWales.Themainhome page,www.wednesdayword.orgincludeslinksto sectionsforParents,Schools,andParishes. StarttheNewYearKnowingandUsingYourStrengths: RegisterfortheLivingYourStrengthsSeries When:Saturday,January23and30from1:00p.m.-3:00p.m. Registrationdeadline:Friday,January15 Exploreandfocusin-depthonyourGod-givenstrengths.Useareliableandwell validatedon-linesurveyandparticipateinaprogramthatwillhelpyou: -identifyandlearnmoreaboutyourstrengths -investigatehowtodevelopandgrowyourstrengths - indwaystobetteruseyourstrengthsforfamily,church, communityandwork SimplyregisterATLEASTTWOWEEKSINADVANCEOFSTARTUPandpurchasethe bookLivingYourStrengthswhichincludesaccesstotheon-linesurveyfor$14. MakecheckouttoRosemaryKeeley. Contact:RosemaryKeeley,704-896-1441,[email protected] ChristmasEveandChristmas DayMassSchedule ChristmasEve, Thursday,Dec.24th 4pmMass(Church) 4pmMass(DayChapel) 6pmMass(Church) 8pmMass(Church) MidnightMass(Church) ChristmasDay, Friday,Dec.25th 10:30amMass(Church) 12pmMass(Church) 2:30pmMass(SpanishMassin Church) PrayerService-Friday,December 18that12Noon JoinusonFriday,December18th forourmonthlyPrayerServicein theDayChapelat12Noon.Allare welcometocomeandpraywithus foranyonedealingwithillnessand fortheircaregivers. DeepestSympathy ToDebSapanaroand familyonthedeathofher husband,Michael Sapanaro. Sat12/12 Intention 5:30PM Parishioners Sun12/13 Intention 7:30AM JohnTrontell+ BobMargolis+ 9:00AM SteveNantz+ EilisaBurnostro+ 10:30AM VicciSharonRecckio+ AlSalerno+ 12:00PM Deceasedmembersof DoyleFamily 5:30PM NilsaMaldonado+ HonoraLynch+ Mon12/14 Intention 9:00AM MattBeuley+ BobHonohan+ Tues12/15 Intention 9:00AM Ashley&Matthew(SpInt) Wed12/16 Intention 9:00AM LorenzoCarraccio+ SharonAlmaraz+ Thurs Intention 12/17 9:00AM AngelaEllacri+ CarmenLannutti+ Fri12/18 Intention 9:00AM FamilyinPurgatory PatrickHennessy+ Sat12/19 Intention 5:30PM ThomasG.Lacon+ LucilleBarslow+ Sun12/20 Intention 7:30AM Parishioners 9:00AM KennethRogerVitty,Jr.+ ArtTakes+ 10:30AM DanConstantino+ JohnVincentPiraino+ RequestedBy RequestedBy Family Family Family Family FedorkoFamily LouisLouis Family FaithFormation RequestedBy Barbara&BobBeuley Helmut&HelgaBracke RequestedBy MagnusonFamily RequestedBy Family AnnaMarie&AlanStopko RequestedBy Family LarrySama RequestedBy DeselemFamily RequestedBy Wife&Son Family RequestedBy Mom&Family PatriciaStaggers Heidi&JerryDoyle RichardPiraino 12:00PM Deceasedmembersof MorabitoFamily 5:30PM ClaireBaiamonte+ Family CynthiaBaiamonte+ Family STEWARDSHIP...SharingTime,Talent&Treasure StewardshipThought STEWARDSHIPOFTREASURE OFFERTORYTHROUGHNOVEMBER29,2015 "Whoeverhastwocloaks shouldsharewiththe personwhohasnone.And whoeverhasfoodshould dolikewise."(Luke3:11) Over/ (Under) $11,406 $11,000 $406 $24,627 $25,000 ($373) $565,456 $573,000 ($7,544) Actual Monthly AutoDraft 29-Nov YTD(7/1/15-11/29/15) Budget ActiveFamilies3,797asof11/30/15 ThankYouforYourGenerosity LeaveaLegacy MassAttendance Christisborn,theworldrejoices,andtheangels sing!Markthisjoyousoccasioningratitudewith alegacygifttoourparish. November29,2015 5:30Sat 7:30 9:00 10:30 401 206 493 551 12:00 2:30 5:30 Total 373 174 327 2525 OUTREACH Jelly WhiteRice 2ndCollection-Weekendof December12th/13th SupportElderlyReligious Agingreligiousneedyourhelp.IntheUnited Statestoday,therearemorethan33,000senior Catholicsisters,brothers,andreligiousorder priests.Thesereligiousworkedtirelesslyin Catholicschools,hospitals,andagencies,usually forlittletonopay.Asaresult,manyreligious communitieslackadequatesavingsforretirement andeldercare.Yourgifttotoday’scollectionfor theRetirementFundforReligioushelpsprovide medications,nursingcare,andmore.Pleasebe generous. (Foodcanbedroppedoffontheblack rollingcartsintheNarthexoftheChurch oryoumaycontinuetodropdonationsoff inthecartsinthehallwayofthe Administrationbuilding) PleaseRemember: ∗Noopenedorfreshfood ∗Checkexpirationdates-expired foodmustbethrownaway FoodPantryisopenMondays from10:00amto11:30am ThepantryisclosedonchurchHoly Days&allFederalholidays. St. Therese Catholic Church Report to Parishioners June 2015 PARISH STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES & CASH FLOWS Operating Revenue Offertory Unrestricted Donations & Other Support Religious Formation Fees Day Care/Preschool Tuition and Fees Other Fees and Misc Income 2014/15 Actual 2014/15 Budget 2015/16 Budget Total Operating Revenue 1,345,473 49,127 65,732 104,746 9,678 1,574,756 1,300,000 33,000 64,000 102,000 10,200 1,509,200 1,500,000 60,000 67,000 122,820 3,960 1,753,780 Total Operating Expenses 255,759 187,538 28,726 21,702 96,284 3,609 302,281 166,805 263,574 1,326,278 260,737 212,915 33,000 24,000 101,461 6,950 340,419 168,938 265,252 1,413,672 265,512 227,909 34,000 27,250 110,844 8,725 369,895 181,900 269,131 1,495,166 Net Operating Activity 248,478 95,528 258,614 Capital Activity New Church Pledge Receipts Forward in Faith, Hope, and Love Campaign Revenue Expenditure of Restricted Donations, Capitalized Interest Expense Net Capital Activity, excluding dept principal pmts 375,721 28,262 173,079 (5,915) 571,147 10,000 15,000 (45,800) (35,800) (45,929) (30,929) Endowment Earnings, Net of Income Spent (2,664) 12,000 5,000 Restricted Donations (other than Capital) Received Expended Net Restricted Activity (other than capital) 58,680 174,079 (115,399) - - - - Total Surplus (Deficit) Before Depreciation 701,562 71,728 232,685 Total Surplus (Deficit) After Depreciation 701,562 71,728 232,685 Operating Expenses Ministry & Liturgy Religious Formation Charity/Outreach School Subsidy Preschool Program Expenses Other Parish Program Expenses Facilities Expenses Diocesan Assessments General & Administrative Expenses Other Sources and Uses of Cash: (Increase)Decrease - Equipment/Facilities (Increase)Decrease - Endowment Accounts Increase(Decrease) - Debt Principal Increase/Decrease - Current Assets and Liabilities Increase(Decrease) - Custodial Obligations & Unearned Income (Increase)Decrease - Savings/Reserve Balances Total increase(decrease) in Checking Accounts (4,423,063) 2,664 1,137,288 (826,215) 15,632 2,724,320 (667,812) Report to Parishioners continued on next page. PARISH STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION Assets Checking Account Balances - Operating Checking Account Balances - Other Savings Accounts - Operating Reserves Endowment Accounts Receivables and other Current Assets Property, Plant and Equipment Total Assets Beginning of Fiscal Year July 1, 2014 104,391 963,543 2,789,819 136,145 43,469 9,264,363 13,301,730 End of Fiscal Year June 30, 2015 352,082 48,040 65,501 133,481 52,776 13,687,426 14,339,306 858,919 10,993 20,315 890,227 12,411,503 42,013 21,929 1,137,288 25,012 1,226,242 13,113,064 13,301,730 14,339,306 Liabilities and Net Assets Liabilities Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses Custodial Obligations Note Payable Other Liabilities Total Liabilities Net Assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets If you have any questions, please email Melinda Drury, Parish Manager, at [email protected]. Thank you! COMMUNITY AttentionallCatholicWomen! Fr.DonWardtospeakattheCharlotte Women’sGroupMorningofRe lection PleasejointheCharlotteCatholicWomen'sGroup foraMorningRe lectiononMonday,December 14thatSt.VincentdePaulChurch.FatherDon Wardwillbetheguestspeaker. Massisat9:00a.m.followedbyfellowship,with snacksandbeverages.Fr.Donwillstarthistalkon God'smercyat10:30a.m.intheActivityCenter. ToRSVPfortheDecember14thCCWGMorning Re lection,goto: ccwg-december-morning-re lection-tickets18085010754 SavetheDate CharlotteCatholicMen’sConference Saturday,February27th,2016 SaintMatthew’sCatholicChurch PresentationonEndofLifeCareand Treatment ChristtheKingCatholicHigh Schoolispleasedtoannounce thatFatherTadPacholczyk, DirectoroftheNational CatholicBioethicsCenterin Philadelphia,willdeliverthe keynoteaddressforitsannual BridgeWeekprogram.Fr.Tad, NeurosciencefromYale University,willdiscussthe careandtreatmentforpatientsattheendoflife onTuesdayevening,January5th,2016at6:30 PM.ThetalkisfundedbytheMecklenburgArea CatholicsSchoolsEducationalFoundation,and thepubliciscordiallyinvited.ChristtheKingis locatedat2011CrusaderWay,Huntersville,NC 28078.Pleasecalltheschoolforfurther informationat704-799-4400. WEEKLYSCHEDULE Sunday,December13 8:30AM FFLabyrinth 9:00AM FaithFormationClasses 10:30AM FaithFormationClasses 1:00PM FFSpan1stCommPrep 4:00PM FaithFormationClasses 4:00PM FFLight 4:00PM KofCSquires 4:00PM SanctuaryPraiseBand 6:30PM Con irmationMeal 7:00PM Con irmationClasses 7:00PM FFConfParentMtg 7:00PM YouthMinistry Monday,December14 9:00AM LittleWayPreschool 12:00PM FFLabyrinth 7:00PM ADVENTPENANCESERVICE 7:00PM FibromyalgiaSupportGroup 7:00PM IgnatianBookClub Tuesday,December15 9:00AM LittleWayPreschool 4:00PM FFLabyrinth 6:00PM FaithFormationClasses 7:00PM AdventMeditationService 7:00PM IgnatianLatinoPrayer Wednesday,December16 9:00AM LittleWayPreschool 10:00AM Journey 11:00AM FFLabyrinth 11:00AM LWPChristmasProgram 5:00PM FaithFormationClasses 6:00PM GirlScouts-Blattner 6:00PM GirlsMiddleSchoolGroup 7:00PM AdultBibleStudy 7:00PM AdultEdwithFr.Don 8:00PM NewBeginnings Thursday,December17 9:00AM FFLabyrinth 9:00AM LittleWayPreschool 9:30AM IgnatianSpiritualDirection 9:30AM LuminousRosary 10:00AM Women'sBibleStudy 5:00PM LatinoMusicMinistry 7:00PM FinanceCouncil 7:00PM RCIAMeetings Friday,December18 9:00AM LittleWayPreschool 12:00PM FFLabyrinth 12:00PM MonthlyPrayerService 1:00PM BridgeClub MPR PLCClassrooms PLCClassrooms 202,203,205,107,110 PLCClassrooms Room14 Room15 Church MPR&Kitchen PLCClassrooms MPR FamilyRoom PreschoolRooms MPR DayChapel Library Room202-203 PreschoolRooms MPR PLCClassrooms DayChapel Room16 PreschoolRooms Room16 MPR DayChapel&Family Room PLCClassrooms Room107 Room14 Room16 Room202-203 FamilyRoom MPR PreschoolRooms Room14 DayChapel Room204 DayChapel Room15 FamilyRoom,14/16, 202/203,107/110 PreschoolRooms MPR DayChapel Room17 Saturday,December19 2:00PM LatinoBaptismPrepClass Room110 Sunday,December20 8:00AM MOSTCoffee&Donuts 8:30AM FFLabyrinth 1:15PM Baptisms 4:00PM LatinoBaptismPrepClass 4:00PM SanctuaryPraiseBand FamilyRoom MPR Church Room110-PLC Church Walking the Labyrinth “Life is about the Journey, not the Destination” YOU ARE INVITED to walk the Labyrinth WalkingtheLabyrinthisathree-foldpath 1. Release:TheJourneyIn Metaphorically,thisrelatestothejourneyinto ourselves. 2. Receive:TheCenter Thereachingofsomeunderstandingoftheself, others,ortheworld. 3. Return:TheJourneyOut Thejourneyoutofthelabyrinthsymbolizesthe returnjourneybackintotheworld,complete withtheunderstandingacquiredintheprevious stages. TheFourthStage:Re lection Theendofthewalkisnot theendofthejourney. Whetherjournaling, drawing,painting,orusing someotherformofcreative integration,re lectingupon yourexperienceis important. TheLabyrinthwillbeopeninthe ParishLifeCenter: Monday,December14th-noon-8:00pm Tuesday,December15th-4:00pm-7:00pm Wednesday,December16th-11:00am-6:30pm Thursday,December17th-9:00am-1:00pm Friday,December18th-noon-6:00pm Sunday,December20th-8:30am-2pm FAITHFORMATION704-664-7762 FaithFormationCalendar Weekof: 12/13 Classesasscheduled 12/13 SPANISH-Special1stComPrep1pm 12/13 Special1stCommPrep3:30pm 12/13 Con irmParentMeeting–7pm 12/16 AdultEd–7pm 12/20 NOCLASSES(ChristmasBreak) 12/27 NOCLASSES(ChristmasBreak) 1/3 Classesasscheduled 1/3 TogetherinFaith–3:30pm 1/6 AdultEd–7pm 1/9 1stCommRetreat-9am 1/9 1stCommRetreatSpanish-1pm TheFaithFormationOf iceisopenduringthe followingclasstimes: Sunday:8:30am-12:00pm;3:00pm-5:15pm& 6:30pm-8:30pm Tuesday:5:00pm-7:00pm Wednesday:4:00pm-6:00pm Closed:FridayandSaturday Foradditionalopenhours,pleasecalltheFaith FormationOf iceat704-664-7762beforeyou comeby.Thankyou! Areyouafunperson?Areyou creative?Weneedyourhelp! Cometoour VacationBibleSchool planningmeeting! Wednesday,January13 10:00AM–or–6:30PM Rm202oftheParishLifeCenter. Wewouldliketoplanandproduce ourownVBSandwecoulduse assistancewithmakingitfun. ContactDaveConklinwith questions. ThirdWeekofAdvent DuringAdvent,preparationsforChristmasand thenumerousend-of-yearstressesatworkand schooloftencolludetonarrowourfocuson ourselvesandourimmediatetasksathand.With allofthecommercialismofourmodernworld,it easytoforgetaboutthetruemeaningofthe season.Intheseasonleadinguptothecelebration ofthebirthofourSavior,itisimportanttorecall thatJosephandMarywereinessencepoor refugees,cutofffromtheirlivelihoodand homeland,forcedto leethemonstrositiesofan inhumanegovernmentandbecome"displaced people"inordertogivetheirunbornchild,our Savior,achancetosurvive.Howaboutdonating moneytoanyoneofthecharitableorganizations inthenameofyourfamilymembersandfriends insteadofbuyingthemsomethingtheyreallydo notneed? Misas en Español Todos los Domingos a las 2:30 p.m. Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento. El viernes 5 de Febrero del 2015. Todos los primeros viernes del mes, de 9:30 am—4:45 pm tendremos adoración eucarística. El primer viernes de Enero, tendremos la misa de Solemnidad de Maria la Madre de Dios. Por esa razón nuestra adoración al santísimo será en Febrero. Confesiones: Todos los domingos a las 2:00 p.m. Usted puede llamar para hacer una cita. Clases de Bautismos: Todos los tercer fines de semanas tendremos clases de bautismo. La duración de la clase es de 2 horas, la asistencia es requerida padres y padrinos. La próxima clase será el Sábado 19 de Diciembre de 2:00 - 4:00 pm y el Domingo 20 de Diciembre de 4:00 a 6:00 pm. Por favor llamar a la Iglesia para registrarse en la clase. Atención Padres: No niños en las clase. Quinceañeras: Las personas que quieran organizar 15 años tienen que ser miembros de la iglesia, por un periodo de 6 meses luego llamar a la iglesia, para hacer una cita con el coordinador de la iglesia Matrimonios: Clases pre matrimoniales, favor avisar con seis meses de anticipación. Primeras Comuniones y Confirmaciones: Llamar a Carmen San Juan al 704-664-7762. Grupo Ignaciano: El grupo de oración Ignaciana abres sus puerta nuevamente todos los martes a partir de las 7:00 pm. Los esperamos !!! 13 de Diciembre 2015 3ro. De Adviento El evangelio de hoy provee un proyecto detallado para la buena administración de los bienes de Dios: “ Que el que tenga dos abrigos, de uno al que no tiene. El que tenga comida debe hacer lo mismo .” Asistencia de Alimentos: nuestro servicio de ayuda de alimentos será distribuida, Lunes 10:00 am– 11:30 am. Si usted necesita asistencia en otros horarios, por favor diríjase a las Misiones cristianas. Nuestra Virgen de Guadalupe: Agradecimiento Especial : El tesoro de la iglesia esta en la generosidad de todos los voluntarios que hicieron posible que nuevamente celebráramos la Virgen de Guadalupe en nuestra parroquia. Gracias a la coordinadora del Evento Alicia Martinez y al ejercito de voluntarios que decoraron , cocinaron y alimentaron a mas de 900 personas el día de ayer sábado 12 de Diciembre. Gracias a todos por su apoyo incondicional, que Dios y la Virgen Santísima les múltiple en salud y prosperidad el próximo año 2016 y siempre. English as a Second Language : Descanso en el invierno para las clases de Ingles desde el 23 de Noviembre hasta el 9 de Enero. Las clases comienzan el 10 de Enero, por favor verifique con su profesor antes de venir . Semana de la Campaña: Los religiosos y religiosas ancianos necesitan de la ayuda de ustedes. En los Estados Unidos hay hoy día más de 33,000 religiosas, religiosos y sacerdotes de ordenes religiosas ya ancianos. Ellos trabajaron sin descanso en escuelas, hospitales y agencias de servicio social católicos, muchas veces con poco o ningún salario. Como resultado muchas comunidades religiosas ahora carecen de fondos para su jubilación y cuidado geriátrico. Su donativo hoy al Fondo para la jubilación de Religiosos ayuda con las recetas medicas, cuidados de enfermería y mas. Sean generosos Servicio de Confesión: Lunes 14 de Diciembre a las 7:00pm Horarios de misas 24 de Diciembre 4:00 pm Iglesia Padre Dominico 4:00 pm Capilla Padre Vicente 6:00 pm Iglesia Padre Donald Ward 8:00 pm Iglesia Padre Francisco Misas del 25 de Diciembre: 12:00 am Iglesia Padre Donald Ward (Misa de Gallo) 10:30 am Iglesia Padre Vicente 12:00 pm Iglesia Padre Dominico 2:30 pm Iglesia Padre Donald (en español) Misa el 31 de Diciembre : 9:00 am y a las 5:30 pm. Misa Obligatoria el 1 de Enero 2016: Maria Madre de Dios 9:00 am, 12:00 pm y a las 2:30 pm Para más información, llamar a Leyda Carrillo a 704-664-3992 Extensión 114, fax 704-660-6321 “La Esquina Ignaciana” Cada año, en este momento de Adviento, la iglesia centra su atención a la persona de Juan Bautista para ayudar a los fieles que entendamos mejor el misterio que pronto celebraremos. Juan, cuya vocación única es ir delante de Jesús para que su camino se prepare. Juan, por cuyo testimonio anticipa la acción y las enseñanzas de su Señor. Juan, cuya humildad siempre destaca a la persona de Jesús y que nunca llama la atención hacia sí mismo. La iglesia nos ofrece aquel ejemplo de Juan hoy para que más plenamente podamos entrar en el espíritu de la fiesta del nacimiento de Jesús. La gente estaba en gran expectativa, y se preguntaba si tal vez Juan sería el Mesías; pero Juan les dijo a todos: “Yo, en verdad, los bautizo con agua; pero viene uno que los bautizará con el Espíritu Santo y con fuego. Él es más poderoso que yo, que ni siquiera merezco desatarle la correa de sus sandalias.” Todavía todos nosotros recordamos la visita de Francisco a nuestro país. Entre todos los acontecimientos y todas las charlas y homilías, lo que es más memorable a muchos de nosotros fue la humildad del peregrino. Todo estaba enfocado en el Señor. Francisco nos recordó, una y otra vez, que la razón de todo su ministerio es que Cristo sea proclamado. Como Juan, el Santo Padre repitió muchas veces que él no mereció desatarle la correa de sus sandalias. El que tenga dos trajes, dele uno al que no tiene ninguno; y el que tenga comida, compártala con el que no la tiene. No cobren más de lo que deben cobrar. No le quiten nada a nadie, ni con amenazas ni acusándolo de algo que no haya hecho; y confórmense con su sueldo. Los consejos que Juan dio a los que vinieron a pedirle bautismo se hicieron eco de lo que iba a enseñar su modelo. Francisco, que se ocupó de muchísimos temas y problemas del mundo moderno, siempre tenía la misma actitud de Juan y de Jesús, - generosidad, honestidad, y una gentileza no violenta. La constancia del Papa nos hizo pensar bíblicamente, a volver a nuestras raíces de la fe y de nuevo afirmar nuestra fidelidad a los principios evangélicos que aprendimos en nuestros primeros encuentros con el Señor Jesús. De este modo, y con otros muchos consejos, Juan anunciaba la buena noticia a la gente. La atracción de Juan que experimentaron los que lo escucharon fue la claridad, la sencillez, y la sinceridad de su mensaje. Lo que causó tanta gente a alabar y ratificar tanto el mensaje de Francisco como al hombre mismo fue la misma frescura de expresión, la misma espontaneidad con todas las personas encontradas en sus viajes a Nueva York, Filadelfia y Washington, la misma constancia entre lo que dijo y su comportamiento diario. En Francisco, realmente encontramos a un nuevo Juan el Bautista que quiere mostrarnos un camino seguro de seguir a nuestro Hermano y a nuestro Dios. La visita del Papa es una memoria ahora pero una memoria que puede estimularnos en nuestra preparación para la celebración de la Navidad. Dios se hizo carne para que podamos vivir alegremente nuestras vidas humanas y compartir nuestra esperanza en la aventura humana con un mundo que desesperadamente necesita sentir aquella esperanza. Con su espíritu humilde, con su testimonio honesto, con su contento de ser el precursor de la buena nueva de la salvación Juan se está presentado litúrgicamente durante estos días para animarnos en nuestros deseos de seguir a Jesús, nacido de nuevo en Belén. En Francisco tenemos el símbolo concreto que nuestra fe bíblica se pueda vivir y que la misma salvación se pueda gustar en nuestras vidas de cada día. P. Donald Ward,SJ When It Matters Most, Count On US! If you or a love one needs care at home, you can count on us to be there. 704.201.8303 • Skilled Nursing Care for Children and Adults at Home • Non Medical Assistance Medicaid Cap-C, Private Duty Nursing, VA Benefits and Private Pay WE ACCEPT LONG TERM CARE INSURANCE! Available 24/7 Kelly Goddard Broker, REALTOR® NOTARY SERVICES ENGLISH SPANISH TRANSLATOR LENI B. ATKINS 10% OFF for Parishioners Catholic Owned Parishioners Mobile 704-677-5940 [email protected] • Medical translation • Car titles • Affidavits • Marriage & birth/wills • Dependent changes • Travel letters for children • Immigration [email protected] Parishioner & Do Military Spouse cum 704-500-7199 en Statesville tat ion Mobile Notary JAPANESE RESTAURANT Hibachi Grill ✦ Teppanyaki Japanese Style ✦ Catering Take-out ✦ Vietnamese Dishes ✦ Noodles ✦ Pho ✦ Banh Mi Childrens Menu Also! All Day on Wednesdays ... Mention You Saw This Ad and We Donate 10% of Profits to Saint Therese PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP 704.799.2122 ........... 14 years at this location 335 W. Plaza Dr., Ste BB ✦ Mooresville, NC 28117 (behind Applebee’s and near Walmart) $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH Jim Engel, CEO & PRESIDENT ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made St. Mark’s Parishioner Bank Near. Go Far. 704-439-4343 TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Now with 7 locations to serve you! Cornelius Is Lake Norman’s Davidson Community Bank! Mooresville Huntersville SouthPark Aquesta 704-658-0505 704-799-9767 649 Brawley School Rd., Mooresville, NC 539 E. Plaza Dr., Mooresville, NC Hours: Monday-Saturday 11am-9pm • Sunday 12 noon-9pm 15% OFF TOTAL BILL $6.99 for Buffet Mention this bulletin. Not combined with other offers. $8.99 for Sushi Buffet Monday-Saturday 11-3 • Sunday 12-3 DRS RICHARD & DONNA OLSEN AND LAURA TAYLOR ARE NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT TODAY! At OLSEN GENERAL DENTISTRY WE CARE. THE DOCTORS WELCOME YOU TO THEIR PRACTICE WHERE LIFE IS ALWAYS BETTER WITH A SMILE Dentistry for Children and Adults CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT NOW (704) 662-9111 367 Williamson Road, Suite 103, Mooresville, NC 28117 Conveniently located in the LakeGate Dental Building near the corner of Brawley School and Williamson Rds. across from the “Human Bean” DR. LAURA is a Cantor and Long Time Parishioner. The Famous Toastery of Mooresville WHERE EVERY SERVER IS YOUR SERVER Mention the Bulletin and Get 10% Off EVERTHING IS FRESH: OMELETS • SALADS LEFT COAST BLT • FRESH FRUIT • EGGS BENEDICT CORNED BEEF HASH • FRANNIES CHOCOLATE Company & Group Parties | Wine Dinners | Weddings Locally Owned & Operated 704-696-8436 ~ 7am-3pm [email protected] 134 Mooresville Commons Way, Mooresville, NC 28117 361950 St Therese Church (C) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 Susan Robertson, Broker/REALTOR® Active Parishioner since 1989 704-451-3443 cell/text [email protected] 119 Williamson Road 19600 W. Catawba Ave. Cornelius, NC 28031 Serving the Lake Norman area Each Office Independently Owned and Operated 10% OFF MECHANICAL SERVICE EXCLUDING TIRES PARISHIONER OWNED Jason Horton Owner/Parishioner 704-662-0744 Myrtle Beach Rental The Lake’s Most Affordable Cremation & Funeral Service Provider with Unparalleled Service 3 bedrooms 2½ bath condo Oceanside/Oceanview Parishioner 704-500-4530 Info go to: FUNERAL HOME & CREMATION SOCIETY Email: [email protected] Jonathan Malone St. Therese Parishioner 9115 Harris Corners Pky. Ste 250 Charlotte, NC 28269 (704) 488-0916 mobile [email protected] For Immediate Need or Pre-Planning Serving Four Legged Family Members as low as $1045 per couple Too CLINT INGRAM Brian or Sally, coordinators an Official Funeral Director Travel Agency Historic Downtown Mooresville • (704) 663-3939 St. Therese Parishioner 860.399.1785 of AOS-USA 627 Gum Street, Mooresville, NC 28115 • Regina M. Mahoney, PLLC Jean-Claude Hyppolite, M.D. Wolfgang E. Lohrmann, M.D. Attorney at Law Wills and Estate Planning A St. Therese Parishioner Se Habla Español Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting [email protected] Parishioners (704) 437-7058 KIDNEY CARE, P.C. Hypertension • Diabetes • Dialysis 2603 Davie Ave. Statesville 124 Professional Dr. Mooresville 704 873-6515 704 662-8500 Parishioner ALLERGY & ASTHMA CENTER OF LAKE NORMAN Board Certified Allergists Christina J. Collura, DO Jonathan R. Romeo, DO Julia Parkhurst, MS, PA-C MOTHER-IN-LAW APT FOR RENT Situated on Mallard Head Golf Course, 3 miles east of St. Therese. Parishioners Private entrance, 2B, 2B sunny apt with own patio, fireplace, all appliances, all utilities including cable for $780/mo 15940-C Northcross Dr, Huntersville 704-655-1466 311 Williamson Rd, Mooresville 704-746-9889 361950 St Therese Church (B) One or two year lease preferred. Dogs or cats allowed. References required. Parishioner 704.662.9233 Your ad could be in this space! For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 Cortes Home Services Juan Cortes - Parishioner 704-937-5033 [email protected] One Call Gets It All Electrical • Air Condition • Wood Floor • Tile Painter • Gutter Cleaner • Pressure Washer • Lawn Mowing PAM LARIMER, CRS Cell: 704-677-5108 [email protected] FOR ALL YOUR PROPERTY NEEDS BUYERS • SELLERS • INVESTORS • RENTERS Broker • Realtor • Parishioner 660-3540 (704) Drs. Mark & Cindy (Parishioners) 䊳 Gentle Care From a Friendly Team 䊴 Patricia Lisun Broker/Realtor Each Office is Independently Owned & Operated Amy’s Home Cleaning LLC We will clean your home like it’s our own. Bonded and insured FREE Estimates • 704-677-2347 Parishioner St. Therese Parishioner Since 1999 STOCKS ■ BONDS ■ CDs MUTUAL FUNDS ■ IRAs Timothy P. Portelance, AAMS Financial Advisor/Parishioner Westfield Center Suite 106 125 E. Plaza Drive Mooresville, NC 28115 (704) 664-1918 Top 2% Nationwide for 17 Years Certified Residential Specialist Relocation Certified “Buying or Selling a Home is one of the Most Important Decisions You Will Make in a Lifetime... Choosing the Right Agent is the 1st Step to Your Success!” Member SIPC Gregory B. Hall, MD, FACS Board Certified American Board of Surgery Fellow American College of Surgeons Parishioner General • Vascular • Colorectal • Breast & Cancer Surgery Endoscopy • Colonoscopy • Laparoscopic • Hernia • Reflux Abdominal Pain • Skin Cancers • Proctology • Office Surgery OPEN SUNDAY Noon-9 PM 704-696-BOYS (2697) Direct: 704-604-6024 Email: [email protected] There will be a donation to St.Therese, from each closed home, committed to the "Just Moved" Group MORRISON PLANTATION 119-A Marketplace Ave. • Mooresville Carol Ann Bettini Parishioner since 1996 Professional Realtor ® 704.607.9088 Mobile 634 River Hwy. Mooresville, NC 28117 [email protected] Let me sell your house fast & at the best price! 704-664-1115 [email protected] *Monthly Maintenance *Full Lawn Service *Spring & Fall Clean Up *Aerating, Seeding, Fertilizing *Landscaping, Design & Installation *Trimming, Pruning, Transplanting Parishioner Parishioner since 1996 Over 125 Homes Sold & Families Served in 2015 Dan Jones Home Selling Team Guaranteed Sold Every Time! Looking for Great Deals: Owner / Broker Parishioners 704.345.8084 [email protected] 361950 St Therese Church (A) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240