Editora e Imprenta Maval SpA.


Editora e Imprenta Maval SpA.
PEFC – Promoviendo el Manejo Forestal Sustentable
Licencia de Uso del Logo PEFC Este documento es entregado a Editora e Imprenta Maval SpA. La Corporación Cer4orChile, en nombre de PEFC Council, entrega a esta empresa la Licencia de Uso del Logo PEFC en su calidad de poseedora de un cer<ficado válido de Cadena de Custodia (CdC) CERTFOR/PEFC, emi<do por Sai Global Cer<fica<on el 3 de Diciembre de 2015, La vigencia de esta licencia está asociada a la vigencia del cer<ficado de CdC. SA-­‐PEFC/COC-­‐002720 El número de Licencia es PEFC/24-­‐31-­‐3400 André Laroze Secretario Ejecu<vo Cer4orChile PEFC Na<onal Governing Body PEFC Council is an Interna<onal framework for the mutual recogni<on of forest cer<fica<on schemes Detailed informa<on are available at the PEFC Council www.pefc.org PEFC – Promo<ng Sustainable Forest Management PEFC Logo Usage Licence es entregado a Este documento Editora e Imprenta Maval SpA. Cer4orChile Forest Cer<fica<on Corpora<on, on behalf of PEFC Council, has granted this company a PEFC Logo Usage Licence, as an awner of a valid CERTFOR/PEFC Chain of Custody (CoC) cer<ficate, issued by Soil Associa<on Woodmark, on December 3rd of 2015, This licence has the same validity of the CoC cer<ficate SA-­‐PEFC/COC-­‐002720 The licence number is PEFC/24-­‐31-­‐3400 André Laroze Execu<ve Secretary Cer4orChile PEFC Na<onal Governing Body PEFC Council is an Interna<onal framework for the mutual recogni<on of forest cer<fica<on schemes Detailed informa<on are available at the PEFC Council www.pefc.org